The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 08, 1905, PART TWO, Page 15, Image 15

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Old Sailor Tells How He, Too,
Took Uj3 Land for Pot
ter and Jones.
Ira Wade Again Connected With the
Land-Fraud Case by Witness
Whom Ho Asked to Bo
Ready to Testify.
It developed yesterday, during the trial
of Jones. Potter and Wade, that John L.
Wells, their agent, -who doubled in an
act that might be called "An Old Soldier's
Method of Frenzied. Finance," not only
trafficked in old soldiers, but extended
his endeavors to old Bailors as well. One
witness was not a soldier, but a sailor
a sailor with an alias and he explained
his alias by saying that when he enlisted
in 1861 and went aboard the Portsmouth,
the landlord gave his name as Thomas
Johnson, while his real name was Henry
Johnson is an Englishman, and still
talks with an accent. He had taken up
a h'omestead on WelUr persuasion. His
story of how he came to take up the
homestead did not differ from that of
other witnesses who had taken up claims.
Like the Test, he was hazy Jn his recollec
tion, and confessed that a sailor knew
nothing about land. His job was to know
about water and navigation. Johnson
aid so when District Attorney Heney
pressed him concerning- the answers- he
made In filing his final papers; and when
he swore that the land he took up was
best for gracing purposes.
"HI'm a sailor, not a landsman," he
said, "and Hi don't linow much about
land. My right name's Yoemans, and, Jf
you please, HI would like to explain how
HI comes to 'ave a halias, for there is
some as thinks h'ts dishonest to 'ave a
halias. When HI shipped aboard, the
Portsmouth In '61, my landlord gave my
name as Johnson. When HI went aboard
and they called 'Johnson' HI did not an
swer. They culled It a couple of times.
an' Hi says my name'F not Johnson, but
Yoemans, an' the man says, 'Johnson, you
gets seven days on the black list,' an' HI
jot the seven days. My discharge papers
I Is made out Thomas Johnson, alias Henry
Wells Got Him to Do It.
The explanation was accepted, and a
smothered laugh broke the monotony of
the afternoon's proceedings. This entry-.
man, like the rest, had been approached
by Wells, and had gone to the Siletz In-
Idian Reservation and filed upon a home
stead. He 'Testified that he had made
three -visits to his homestead. On the oc
casion of his second visit, he said, ho did
I not stop at the same cabin that he had
on his former visit It was the same old
I story of Jones paying all the expenses of
the trip, - lendin- him J200 and taking a.
(mortgage on the claim. In some of the
questions asjved by the Government when
git comes to getting the final papers, the
name of Mrs. Johnson was used, and the
witness swore emphatically that she had
never been on the land, and could not
have been because at the time she was
quite ill. Witness denied having answered
many of the questions which are credited
to him In the final papers, and those he
Is credited with having answered when
he was witness for other entrymen.
The other witnesses heard during the
day were: Miss Ethel Parish of Toledo;
C. H. Els worth, also of Toledo; H. L..
Sisler. Lorenzo J. Morse, Louis Paquet
an George J. West. West was one of
the old soldier entrymen who slipped
away from Jones and Potter, for after
getting his claim he sold it to R. B. Mon
tague, of Albany. From the testimony of
several of the witnesses. It seems that
there were many contests, and in some
Instances the contestant was one Dan
Clark, who. It Is said, was connected with
.Montague. Montague, It seems, knew that
Jones and Potter were getting the soldier
entrymen to take up the lands, and he
had his agents out amongthe entrymen
offering to buy their claims. His Induce
ments were about the same, and it is said
that he was able to get about five of the
claims originally Intended for Jones and
Potter. It was Montague's scheme, so It
Is alleged, to wait until the Jones-Potter
entrymen had been located on their home
steads, and had made application for their
final papers, and then overbid Jones and
Potter"' for the land. It is also said that
In some instances when Montague found
he could not get the land, contests were
made at his Instigation.
The testimony of Miss Parish and C. R.
Elsworth was In connection with Ira
Wade. Miss Parish worked at the Toledo
Hotel, and Mr. Elsworth Is the owner of
the hotel. Both testified that Wade called
at the hotel about the middle of last
month and requested to sec the hotel reg
ister containing the names of the many
entrymen that Jones and Potter had sent
to Toledo. There have been some changes
In the addresses given by some of the en
trymen, but no attempt yesterday was
made to show by whom the changes were
made. Mr. Elsworth said on the stand
that Wade had called his attention to
one of the changes. On cross-examination.
Elsworth testified that Wade had
said to him at the time he was examining
the register that he (Wade) might want
the witness to appear in court, and asked
him If he would come In case he was tele
graphed for. The witness said he had
Transfer of Claims.
H. L. Sisler was the man to whom Jones
transferred several of the claims.' Some
time ago, to the satisfaction of District
Attorney Heney, It was shown that Eis
ler's connection with the transaction was
an innocent act of friendship. Tho wit
ness said Jones had called at his home
one evening, and asked him to consent to
having a number of the homesteads which
had been taken up by the soldier entry
men placed In his name and his -wife's
name. The records of Lincoln County
were produced in court to prove the trans
fers had been made. Tho witness testified
that the property had been transferred to
him without consideration.
It Is expected that Senator Fulton will
take the stand on Monday. He will be
called upon to explain numerous letters
whjch he wrote to the Department of the
Interior In behalf of the claims In which
Jones was Interested, and which were
held up by the department. In addition
to the testimony of Senator Fulton, the
Government has a host of.other .witnesses
yet to take the stand, and, in conse
quence, the trial will occupy at least an
other week, and perhaps more.
Costly thy habit as thy .purse can buy, but notrex- ?
pressed'in fancy.; Hch, notrgauTIy, for the-apparel rot;
proclaims -the man. Shakespeare. ; Jw f
Printers Respect Contract.
MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Oct 7. The presi
dent of the Typographical Union of this
city has assured the employing printers
of Milwaukee that the printers will strict
ly live up to their contract with the em
ployers, which does not expire until 1907.
California Reformers-Are Not of One Mtnd
Disruption Threatened Over Attempt to Inject State
Politics Into San Francisco Republican League.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 5. Spe-
:Ial Correspondence.) The Republican
eague, phlch was formed for the" pur-
jose of ridding the city of the Schmitz
regime, has come dangerously near belngJ
rrecked this week on the rocks of fac
tional strife. It Is generally believed that
Lhe danger Is now past, but nevertheless
restless feeling prevails. Th trouble
Iras caused by the attempt to inject state
MDlltlcs Into the organization. Men who
Ivere willing to put personal ambition
tride for the good of thes city were unwill
ing to relinquish any shadow of power
lor the good of the state. The reform
lovemen.t, although well started, has not
leached that stage of development In
San Francisco, where it can be applied
o state affairs. The next few months
lay solve the problem.
There Is "no hitch in the movement to
Jlect John S. Partridge Mayor. The trou
ble came when the reform league at-
?mpted to effect a permanent organiza
tion which should have control in state
Soli tics as- well as in municipal affairs.
he clash came between Postmaster Ar-
lur G. Fisk and Fairfax Wheelan.
Itfheelan has been recognized as the
sader of the movement for municipal
norm. Naturally he desired to have as
lie permanent head of the league a man
ho was devoted exclusively to the cause
If Partridge.
Fisk. however, has ambitions of his
vn, and, while willing to do all he can
ir Partridge, desires to make use of the
lague for bis own ends. He has been
reused of being very close to Southern
Pacific Interests and has his eye oh the
governorship. He figures that Tvjth both
le railroad ana the league behind him
will have no trouble In securing the
jmlnalion for Governor next year, and
matters now stand in California a
imlnatlon would be equal to an election.
BThe election for a" permanent head for
be league was held this week and re
filled In a deadlock. Daniel A. Ryan,
ineeians candidate, and William H.
ivis, FIsk's candidate, each secured 43
tes. Cooler head? at once saw the dan-
rr to the reform movement with such
Ictlonal strife among the members and
sgge&ted that the permanent organlza-
m be delayed until after the municipal
jetton In November. This was approved
both sides and so the matter stands
present. The rival factions are resting
the battle for contro; In state matters.
it have agreed to pull together to save
e city In the November election.
7he state has been treated to an
era bouffe performance this week
regard to charges of graft at the
fet session of the legislature. For
perai weeks there had been talk of
hcandal in connection with the prlze-
iht bill, which was defeated after a
rsre party of San Francisco sports
nt to Sacramento with a plentiful
iply of coin. The District Attorncy
Sacramento County has been search-
for tangible evidence on which to
he an action. No names were men-
Ined and every one supposed to know
runner about the matter kept the
fence of the grave.
great sensation w;is caused, there-
le. when Assembivman Vavtt
tcheltree, of .jPalo Alto, announced
other day that he had indlsnutabl
Idence that money had been passed
connection with the bill. He stated
H he proposed to expose the whole
lite, which, he asserted, would cause
fensauon grater than tho state had
tr known before. Accordlnirlv ev-
one .was primed for the explosion
llch it was believed MItcheltree was
ut to cause.
fowever. the Assemblyman wns thn
It to take fright when he saw what
ubbub he had kicked up. and Instead
laying- hare the great scandal, has
gieniea nimseirwun small talk. In
the meantime, the grand jury is at
work In an effort to learn if there is
any fire where so much smoke has Issued.
Charles M. Schwab Is due hero this
week, and he will come with -large
plans for the Improvement of the Union
Iron Works, which he controls. He has
stated that he Intends to make the
plant second In size to none in the
United States. The additions will not
only be In the way of greater facilities
for constructing ships, but it Is the in
tention to devote a large section of the
plant to the construction of mining
machinery. Schwab is heavily Inter
ested in mines in Tonopah and Gold
.fleld and believes that there is a great
future in store for those camps. It Is
highly possible that several of the new
ships of the Russian navy will be built
at the Union Iron Works. It is known
that Schwab has secured contracts
from the Czar for a number of ves
sels, and they could be built with ad
vantage on tho Pacific Coast.
The University of California Is soon to
have one of the ilnest Egyptian collec
tions In the world. Dr. George A. Rcisner
has been in the land of the Pharoahs for
the past five years, gathering together'
specimens And relics which tell of the
vanished civilization. These specimens
are now being shipped to the university,
and already the first 300 cases of the great
couecuon nave arrived. Thee collection
Is the gift of Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, who
has defrayed the expense of Dr. Rcisner
In Egypt Moreover. Mrs. Hearst gave
instructions to Dr. Rcisner to purchase
any valuable relics he might find tor sale
In Egypt.
The greater part of the collection, how
ever, has been obtained through excava
tions carried on under the direction of Dr.
Reisner. Besides the usual array of vases
coffins, boats and old household utensils,
there Is a painting In the collection which
ts regarded as the most valuable of all
the specimens. It Is the portrait of a
very beautiful woman with a Greek face,
and Is wrought on the top of the coffin,
in which was found the woman's body.
It is artistically done, and is not In keep
ing with the Egyptian style of painting.
It Is believed that It Is Grecian work
which In some manner found its way Into
A wide gulf at the pres'ent moment sep-,
arates the faculty and student body at
Stanford University. -The trouble has
grown out of disturbancese In Enclna
Hall, the large men's dormitory. Two stu
dents have been dropped from the rolls,
and the faculty Is conducting an investi
gation to determine what punishment
should be dealt out to the other offend
ers. It seems there has been rioting In
the dormitory, of which the faculty did
not approve.
It began with tho introduction of the
fag system, the older students forcing the
freshmen to wait on them. The new
comers, were compelled to shine the shoes
and run the errands of the upper class
men. When a freshman refused to per
form th&-task assigned to him, he Vis
imersed in the bathtub, his tormentors
not stopping to Temove the victim's
clothes. The faculty watched, but said
nothing. One night the students tired of
playing with the freshmen, and turned
their attention to the watchman.
The watchman at best Is not a popular
man at Stanford, and he had made him
self still more undesirable by being a
talebearer to the faculty. So the watch- j
man was locked in his room, and then i
the students proceeded to throw chairs '
over the transom. This continued until
me watenman was so effectually burled
that he spent the night Under the .pile of
furniture. It was at this point that the
faculty took action against the lenders In
tho dlsturbancee.
Much of a Man's Success
In life depends upon his personal
appearance and his appearance in
the clothes he wears.
The Best-Dressed Men
You Meet Wear NicolPs Made-to-Order
Fabric, Fit and Finish
Unequaled even by houses that
charge you a third more. Our well
kown cash methods enable us to give
you values no other house can offer.
No trouble to show goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
Garments to order in a day if required.
Samples mailed Garments expressed.
PostmHHter-GcBeral Order Exclude
Wholesale Bidding: ad Bene
fits Small Contractors
As the result or Instructions which
have been Issued by Postmaster-Gen
eral Cortelyou. mailcarrlers upon star
routes in the West will have an op
portunity to close contracts -with the
Government at u figure that will allow
them to make a reasonable profit upon
their services, Jt Is stated upon good
authority that at present not 10 per
cent of the mall routes upon the Pa
cific Coast are operated without loss.
Tho order which Is expected to remedy
this condition provides that all bidders
for contracts to carry mall must live
contiguous to the routes upon which
bids are made, and If awarded the con
tract, must carry the mall themselves
or give It their direct supervision.
Up to four years ago the Postal De
partment awarded contracts for "West
ern mall routes to the lowest bidder,
without regard to his place of resi
dence, and permitted him to sublet
them If ho so desired. As a result, pro
fessional maJl contractors sprang up,
living mostly In Kentucky and Mis
souri. These men bid upon contracts,
not onlyIn their own states, but also
In tho "West. Not knowing anything of
"Western conditions, they often took
contracts at a figure that would not
permit the routes to be operated with
profit. The routes were always .sub
let to anyone who would take them,
and as the pay was extremely low;
poor service resulted.
"When the bids were received four
years ago it was Intended that no one
was allowed to compete who did not
live In the vicinity of the route upon
which ho bid. This requirement, how
ever, was not enforced so strictly a?
will be the later rule, and this, added
to the . fact that the ruling was not
generally known, resulted In contracts
belngagain taken at a low price.
Bids which are now- being received
on the bidding opened September 15
and to close about December 1 are upon
contracts extending through the next
four years. The new ruling which re
quircs the bidders to perform the work
themselves or have direct supervision
of it. will confine the bidding to the
people who live along the routes. "With
the professional contractor eliminated,
there will- be less competition, and the
contracts will probably be awarded at
a figure that will give the carrier
reasonable wagen and at the same time
enable him to slve efficient, service to
the GovernriSenL At any rate, what
ever profit-there may be In the' work
will jro to the mnn who does It, Instead
or oeing divided with a wholesale non
resident contractor.
Epithets and a Trim Ankle Fail to
Jnr Justice.
Barincr her ankta hofV. ii.)i
Held In the Justice Court yMrday morn
ing. Mrs. Elizabeth Hammflr, who had
caused the arrest nf Aito-neVnhn
charce of assault and hnttM-r h
"bruise to the court and to witnesses In
me nopes that Zahn. who Is a neighbor
of the Hammakcrs. would be compelled
to pay a fine.
Zahn. who Ik a Hollander, nnd a
bv Mr. and Mrs. "HammnVoT- na
Dutch." "was -accused h- th nininfifr
hurling a brick at her because her hus
band cqntlnually killed pigeons In Zahn's
yard with a bean blower,- thus causing
anger to rise In the breast of Zahn. J
The Hammakers have been tenants In a
house belonging to Zahn. Trouble be
tween the landlord and the Hammakers
Is said, to have followed immediately af
ter they moved In. Zahn testified that the
Hammakers were troublesome and that
Mr. Hammaker and. his brother-in-law
were In the habit of killing his pigeons,
which had become much attached to him,
and had made themselves disagreeable
to the neighborhood In general. Not only
did Hammaker kill pigeons with the
bean blower in the rented yard, but he
even procured persons to drive the pig
eons within range after they had been
frightened away.
Losing his temper because of repeated
encroachments on his rights as an owner
of pigeons, Zahn is said to have attacked
Hammaker with a shovel. In the melee
which followed Mrs. Hammaker inter
fered and when Zahn hurled a brick In
the direction of Hammaker it missed its
mark, striking Mrs. Hammaker on the
ankle and causing sore pain, as well as
anguish to her feelings. The case against
Zahn was dismissed by Judge Reid. and
both sides were admonished to live In
Do Business Witli
Ease and Comfort
To Transact Business With Ease anrf Comfort,
the First Requisites of an Office Man Should
Be a Well-Built and Perfectly-Appointed Desk
and Correctly - Adjusted Office Chair. We
-"Have -Both in Great Variety.
We are continually making additions to our line of Office iDesks
the celebrated Michigan make. Roll-top, Flat-top, Combination
Typewriter and Standing styles, in plain oak, quarter-sawed, wax
filled and hand polished. Prices range from
$22.50 to $i50.00
We realise that in selling Desks we are "dealing with a critical trade.
Business people from the very nature of their, work are exacting, demanding
thoroughly practical Desks.of superior construction at closely-figured prices.
Nevertheless, we have no fearof an unfavorable verdict from the most
severely critical "business man who investigates our desks and prices. v
We huy in large quantities direct from the factories, ship in carloads
lots, and in this way effect-savings which enable us to give the greatest
amount of quality for the least money.
Call any time, whether you wish to purchase or not, and we'll gladly,
go into the merits of our desks in detail. It costs nothing and may do both,
of us good.
All Kinds of Office Furniture
A Little Down, a Little at a Time
I. Qevurtz & Sons
173-5 First St. 219-227 Yamhill St.
Lewis and Clark
A Gold Medal
For the Manufacture
of Fine
A Gold Meda
For the Manufacture
of "Woodlark"
A Gold Medal
For the Manufacture
of Native
Woodafd, Clarke
6 Co.
Manufacturing Chemists
Fourth and Washington Sts.
Williamson Asks Xcw Trial.
Attorneys Bennett and Wilson, In
behalf of Representative Williamson.
Dr. Van Gesner and Marlon R. Big-fts.
yesterday filed with the Cleric of the
United States Circuit Court motions
for a new trial and arrest of Judgment
in behlf of their clients. The papers
were mailed on Friday, the day set for
their appearance, but did not reach the
Clerk's office until yesterday morning.
The motions are made for each defend
ant separately. They are-very brief
and formal. District Attorney Heney
said yesterday that he did not believe
the motions would be heard until after
the Jones-Potter case was concluded.
Keep the liver and kidneys in - order.
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the remedy to
regulate these organs.
W treat and cur aoadreds rerr
saosth who niter from Pelvis a4
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Varicocele. Stricture, titemaea,
KMsey and Bladder Affect Jena, Vital
Vea.kBesi, Nmem leellHe, Ispe
teacy. TectutBl LeMea and all mac
lone train of ijrnjpiom and trouble
which arU from youthful errors or
other exceMez.
"W have a new spedfle treatsneat far
Geaerrhoc which Is prompt, sure. aaXa
and palnleaa.
Sj-pklUa and alt bleed talats tern ccr
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Varicocele. lljrdroeeJe. riles. Beetal
Clcen and Caseera we cura eSecta
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Consultation and examination Irrtl
Write tor ej-mpiomT fclaak and book'ti
rou cannot calL
Ofnca Honrs: S A. 11 is I F. n.;
Sunday, 10 to 12.
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