V V i PAGES 13 TO 24 PART TWO VOL. XXIV. POBTIiAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 1905. NO. 41. UPMAN. WOLFE & CO. Store Closed Monday Holiday On Tuesday Among Other Bargains We Will Offer 15,000 Yards of Corset Cover Embroidery and Flouncing Embroidery in Swiss Nainsook and Cambric Real Values , 50c to $2.50 yd. at 25c Yard WHERE BED TAPE RULES SUPM Keep Commission- Is? Finding Miich-Wasted Labor in Departments. MANY-OLD HNCQMRETENTS Problem Is What -to 'Do With Worn- Out Clerks and to Give Young: v Ones Promotlon-Llloiv-to EndlFavorlttsm OREGONLVN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Oct. 5. A half-hour talk with a member of the Keep investigating com mission is enough to convince any roan that there is going to be a general shake up in tl-e departmental service In Wash ington when President Roosevelt Is in formed of the manner in which oublic business is transacted at the Natl jno.1 capital. Just how the President will set about mak'ng reforms remains to be seen; he may deal with all the depig ments simultaneously, or he may lae them up one by one, as the Keep com mission concludes Its investigation. But it may be ic down as an assured ftu-t that there i going to be a marked le fofm in many of the, departments; many changes in positions, a shifting of respon sibility and a reorganization of ihoe bu reaus whlcn are now mismanaged. The K;ap nvestlgation is not going through the oepartments looking for frauds: it is studying the methods of va rious divls.)3s and finding out nw tl.e service can be improved If in the course of its investigation, the commission should come acs fraud, it will, of course, re port it, but it is not searching for cor ruption -o much as it is- laxity in admin istration i aJd general incompetence of clerks ani officials. Two mo whs ago tlie. commission awnt to every bureau chief In the .Govern ment ervi:e l.i "Washington a 'lull set of .questions-to 'e answered. Thcs? quojs tlons call for all sorts of information ns to the manner ol handling the- business of. the office aCiressed, but the reply to .the written inqilry will nqt-end.'the Investi gation. It will merely ..give, tic commis sion a f JuJaUon on which to prjb-s fur ther, and on which to compare tee work of various bureaus in the same uopart ment. Minr replies' have already been received, ?nd, as was to be anticipated, they indljito a deplorable conditlan In some -parts of the service. Chiefs Often Incompetent. A great deal of the trouble in the Gov ernment" service will be traced to heads of bureaus and chiefs of divisions who are unfitted for the duties they have as sumed. In other words, much of the dif ficulty in the way of good managsment of the Government service is due. to the incompet-iiice of the men in high purees Some complaint is due because of inef ficient clerks, but a rehabilitation oi the corps of hurcau chlels and chiefs of di visions will g5 a long way towards im proving the service. In -every department the work Is di vided among various bureaus, and the work of each bureau Is divided up among several divisions. It is said on good au thority that the Interior Department wlU come in for a more .severe arraignment than any other, so it is taken to illustrate. Under the Secretary are the General Land Office, Indian Office, Pension Office, Pat ent Office and Geological Survey, in addi tion to several Independent divisions re sponsible directly to the Secretary, and maintained in an advisory capacity. Bach of the big bureaus has Its divisions, as in the Land Office,, the divisions on for estry, mineral claims, accounts, contests, swamp lands, railroads, public auveys. etc. Each deals, only with a particular line, and each is in charge of a man sup posed to be a specialist in that line. Sometimes in the Land Office, as In other bureaus, these division . chiefs are not specialists, .have no especial fitness to conduct the business of their division, and. In many instances, chiefs who have the legal apd the practical knowledge have no executive ability, and are unable to get good work out of the clerks and as sistants assigned to them. There are many such cases, , and the commission 4s endeavoring to find them. Example of Wasted Time. As an example, a chief of division in the Land Office only a few days ago handed to the Commissioner a 90-page typewritten opinion which he had pre pared in a case referred' to his division. He'probably devoted the better part of a month to the preparation of the opinion, and it must have occupied a stenographer a week or more running It off on the machine. Yet the whole decision was In direct conflict with a binding decision of the Department of Justice on the self same Question., a decision which the Land Office could not override, If it wanted to. That, chief of division, had he been com petent, must have known of the ruling of the Department of 'Justice. The commis sion can conclude only that he was ignor ant, and v therefore incapable, or was opinionated and' obstina'tc, and equally in capable. Meanwhile, i,wben that, .'opinion was in preparation, all other business of the division was set' aside, routine work fell behind and trouble resulted. But that is only a sample: it is not typical of .Land Office chiefs, but Illustrates -one reason why the Govcrnmeat service is far from satisfactory. Friction and Jealousy. Aside from incompetence, there is fric tion between bureaus; there is duplica tion of work; two or more divisions or two or more bureaus may take Identical action on various .cases, entailing need less expenditure of time and Aioney. There are jealousies among subordinate offi cials, in tne acparuaeate, -wsoca lead to trouble, and'Jn. the Interior Department this Is particularly noticeable. All of these things are going to be ferreted out by the commission, as soon as It has studied-, the. written reports from all the various bureaus. Time and-' again, the assertion has been that, if the work of the Govern ment departments in Washington could be, turned 'over to men who have made a success m running big commercial establishments, ; the entire business could be . transacted in less time, at much less cost and with two-thirds the force of employes now carried on the Government payrolls, and the com mission is going to testify to the cor rectness of this assertion., A commer cial house would not have men in re sponsible positions who were riot com petent to fill them, 'nor would a com mercial house employ a person who was unable to render the service required, np .matter how -unimportant. Problem of Worn-Out Clerks This brings up the question ofpld, worn-put t clerks, a problem that, has perplexed every cabinet officer in late years and a problem thud is growing more and more momentous as time goes by. Many an old 'soldier, who rendered gallant seryjee in the Civil; War, is holding- a Government office in Washington, and many a widow whose husband gave his life to his country is similarly employed. At this day a. great proportion of these .old clerks are" Incapacitated because of their .age; they are feeble and unable to perform the clerical duties to which they have applied themselves, for the past 20, 30 or 40 years. What Is to be done with them? To dismiss them would, in most cases, be-to turn them out" on the world penniless and with out means of supporting themselves for their remaining years. -Moreover, any such move would probably meet with public disapproval. Yet every old, incapacitated clerk Is holding a desk that ought to be filled by some person capable of giving a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. There Is a vast army .of worn-out clerks who have rendered service In neither the Army or Navy, nor are the widows of vet erans. These people obtained Govern ment clerkships years ago, and gradu ally worked their way up until they received fair salaries. As they have grown old their capacity for work has declined, and today they are drawing salaries altogether "out of proportion to the -service rendered. It has been proposed, that a pension list -be -created to take care of clerks who grow old in the departmental service, but Congress won't listen to the proposition; it believes the clerks, during thelr years of activity, should lay aside enough to care for them in their old age. Another plan much talked of Is to assess every clerk certain percentage of his or her month ly. salary, and turn tho assessments into a pension fund for the' benefit of old clerks who. might then be retired. But the young clerks and the. saving clerks object, justly, and this plan has not been adopted. Demotion and Promotion. But the commission has got to pro vide some remedy -'for the old-clerk problem, in order that 'there rimy, tie a more equitable distribution of sal aries and a better performance ofduty. Tho present system cannot continue; it retards business; It is unjust to com petent. clerks of younger years. The only other remedy, apparently, is to provide in the Government's service a scale of demotions to correspond to the scale of promotions. Clerks, as they" become more and more competent, are promoted from time to time; why not, therefore, as they decline in compe tency, let them down by degrees, al ways keeping their salary commen surate with their capacity for work? There is much unimportant work that cquld be performed by clerks in ad vanced years, work that is now done by young men and women. It might better be turned over to the old em ployes, giving the young ones a chance to rise to those pjaces where the de mands are heavy. Several members of the commission are favorable to this idea; it may be recommended to the President. It would at least take the Infirm clerks from places where they now obstruct business; it would be wprth a trial. This -old-clerk problem Is the most perplexing puzzle the com mission iscalled upon to .solve. Favoritism Still Exists. But there is another thing the com mission wants to know about; that is the manner of making promotions in various departments. A great deal Is heard about civil service reform and the futility of political pulL In most departments that talk is Lll nonsense. Political pull Is getting promotions for clerks today almost an readily as It did in the old spoils days; civil service reform as it is practiced protects em-, ployes from dismissal without cause, and that is about.all. This condition of affairs is in violation of law; It is contrary to the wish of the President, and it Is apt to stop when the commis sion gets' through. Some of the most interesting disclosures are apt .to be those showing how ineffectual the Civil Service Commission has been, and how readily the "man with the pull" or the "woman with a pull" has distanced more competent clerks in the struggle for promotions. The commission has undertaken a big Job. but Is going to the bottom, and the personnel of the commission and Its work in the Government Print ing Office are ample assurance that the work will bo well and thoroughly done. SPIRITS CAN'T "FIND HIM All Efforts to 'Locate Peter Ander son Are in Tain. ' MILWAUKEE. -Oct 7. Although nearly the entire population of Ladysmlth, Wis., has been engaged In an organized search for 20 days and despite that every means to discover his whereabouts have been resorted o. even to employing blood bounds, and' consulting clairvoyants, the mystery of the disappearance of Peter .Anderson, the Rusk County farmer, who went but hunting three weeks , ago and never returned, remains -unsolved. Anton Anderson, brother of the missing fanaer. returned Iro'm Ladysmlth today and re- HARRY MURPHY PORTRAYS FRANK C BAKER AS AN APOSTLE OF PEACE If. the loom of time should roll back 50 years, we would stand In the presence of two. events that had little enough in common then, but which have since matched themselves together m the wonderful design of that fabric called History. The public prints of Portland chronicled, in the year two births, one the G. O. P. of Oregon, the other that of Frank C. Baker, who. it is paid, is destined to be the savior of that party. For the Republican party of Oregon these departed years are records of discord and strife; hidden In their dusky depths, silent and forgotten, crumbling away under time's corroding finger. He political machines, whose buzz, to conquering hosts, was music, once hosts that, like the machines they served, are only useful now to decorate memory's landscape. Chieftains have come and gone. Faction has followed upon faction; issue upon Issue. The ac claims of yesterday have been succeeded by the anathemas of today. The huzzahs of victory have sunk into groans of defeat. Reputations have expired before the fetid 'breath of scandal. Leaders have perished beneath the onrush Ing feet of their followers. The van of triumph has given way to the yawning doors of the penitentiary: the man tle of leadership to convict stripes. Hopes blighted, hearts" broken, woe, curses and ruin. This and much more In the kaleidoscope of SO years and all because man Is ambitious. Chairman Baker says that the day of dissension is done, that the bloody schism is about to close the gentle tap of Peace is at the door. But, Is It? Can hatred, be converted Into love, ambition Into humility and renunciation can the essential of human nature be altered? Perhaps when the effulgent rays of the .dawning mlllenium glorify the earth. From herding sheep on the verdant, undulating slopes of Umatilla County to presiding over the Republican State Central Committee, Is a far cry. but Mr. Baker has made that Journey. The foregoing glittering gems of rhet oric and a few facts concerning the personality of that gentleman are the result of an Interview had with him yesterday. The man who has assumed the cyclopean task of bringing order out of chaos was born in Portland, but has lived, at various times, all over the state, and has held many positions of distinction. To recite his biography In Oregon Is like carrying coals to Newcastle. A word on the characteristics of this latest apostle of peace. Baker Is 6 feet tall, has light brown hair, gray eyes, a firm jaw. high nose, and a face lined with deep perpen dicular seams that owe their existence to a predilection for smiling. When earnest in discussion, a wealth of vehe ment gestures. Jerks of head, contraction of facial muscle, thumps on furniture and lunges at the atmosphere cause his auditor to quake with terror, but render the speaker's words at once forceful and unmistakable. I thoughtlessly asked him what were the prospects for peace. By an energetic attack on a table which was unfortu nate enough to be convenient, he demonstrated that peace was Inevitable. I asked. Frank I was calling him Frank by that time what he expected to realize on his investment of labor In the cause bf harmony. He answered that there wasn't a thing In Oregon that he wanted. I wonder if he wants something outside of Oregon. Can Frank C. Baker bring about this "consummation devoutly to be wished" ? Well, he -herded sheep. HARRY MURPHY. norted that he had given up hope atraln seelnr his brother alive. Mr. An derson spent two weeks searching through the woods for his lost brother, and his experience of the hardships and perils of the wilderness convinceu. mm that- his brother could only havo come out alive by a miracle. DOWIE CAN'T BE DOWNED m r Says He Is Cured of Paralysis and Will Visit Mexico. CHICAGO, Oct. ".In & letter in to day's Leaves of Healing. John Alex ander Dowle, head of the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church in Zion, de clares he has recovered from his re cent attack of paralysis and has again started on his Invasion o'f Mexico. Mrs. Emmons Sheds Tears. SACRAMENTO. CaL. Oct. 7 The argu ments the Emmons inai were Degun today by Charles T. Jones, associate coun sel for the prosecution. During his "ad dress, which had not been concluded at the time of the adjournment. Mrs. Em mons broke down and shed" tears for the first time In public since the trial began! Tower Will "VisIfCarnegle. BERLIN, Oct- 7. Embassador Cower starts for England today, where he will join Mrs. Tower. They will W the guests 'for several 4cys of Aadrew .CaraegJe at gklbo Castle! SlTBnlH KILLS AUTOISTS HURLS PEOPLE HUNDRED FEET IN THE AIR. Went Grade-CroMlajc' Accident la Years Occurs la Con necticut.. . MIDDLETOWN. Conn., Oct. 7. One of the wrst grade-crossing accidents that has ever happened in this vicinity occurred at Cobalt this "evening, when the Fitchburg Express, on the Air Line, which leaves this city at 5:41, struck the -30-horsepower automobile of Walter J. Cowles; of Hartford, at Taylor's Crossing, Just this side' of Ca balt Station, killing Richard Gooding Cowles, the 5-year-ofd son of Mr. Cowles, and fatally injuring Mrs. Cowles. Mrs. L. A. Keagy, a sister of Mrs. Cowles, was also Injured, her right arm being- broken and her body cut and bruised. She will probably re Arthur Franz. Jumped from the 'front seat and escaped uninjured. His wife and son and Mrs. Keagy were In the tonneau. The express,, which was trav eling at a high rate of speed, struck the automobile squarely, carrying It 100 feet beyond the crossing, and crushed It Into a mass of wreckage. Mrs. Cowles, Mrs- Keagy and the .boy weraTearricd witbr the automobile 'and vV ,l " tv. burled In the debris. The son was taken out with a fractured skull. His head was crushed In by a portion of the machine. Mrs. Cowles was also pinned down in the wreckage and her skull fractured. Mrs. Keagy, who was on the side of the locomotive, escaped with less serious Injuries. LEWIS UNDER SUSPICION Big Note Given People's Bank Disap pears From Assets. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 7. In the Circuit Court at Clayton today Attorney-General Had ley made the declaration to Judge Mc Ilhenny that the note of B. C. Lewis for $146,375. given for a loan by the People' f United States Bank to Lewis, president of the bank, had disappeared, and asked the court to issue an order to Receiver Fred Essen, of the bank, requiring him to bring suit against Lewis and his associates, who Indorsed the note, to recover It. ' New Head of Dominican Order. WASHINGTON. Oct. 7.-'ery Rev. L. Kearney, of Zanesville. O., today was re-elected provincial of the Dominican Order in this . Jurisdiction, which In eludes practically all of the United States. British Imports and Exports. LONDON. Oct. 7. The September statement of the Board of Trade shows an Increase of J13.293.0W in imports and JIT, lBKOSe-m pjfoorw." " -' LION IS PREPARED TO TALK TO BEAR Russia and Britain May Settle All Their Old Quar- rels Soon. MAY OPEN THE BOSPHORUS Negotiations to Be Hcsumcd Will Se cure India's Safety and May Let Russinn Fleet Enter the Mediterranean. LONDON. Oct. 7. The negotiations re specting their spheres of Influence In Afghanistan -nendlnir between Great Brit ain and Rus3la when the Russo-Japanese war broke out will te resumeo. snouia Russia be willing, of which there seems in he no doubt. The British government is anxious that questions which caused uneasiness In the past should again be the subject of friendly discussions, ureat Britain has already taken steps to tnis end. Xn nfHHitl nf thi Forelen Office Informed th Associated Press that it was rather. prematnre to speak of the negotiations, but he intimated that the government had taken the initiative In looking to a re anmntlon of the exchange of views. The government had always hoped, the official added, that the negotiations would be re sumed, and realized that the present was the most opportune time, as the peoples of the two countries recognized that It was to their mutual benefit tnat tne ques tion in dispute be amicably settled. The negotiations which are about to be resumed have particular reference to Af ghanistan, where each desires that the other government guarantee not to ex tend Its sphere of mnuence. Russia nas shown a-desire to reach an understand ing nv eurblntr the acCTesslve policies of her border Governors. This has created a good Impression in Great Britain. Respecting the report that Great Britain U tifllllnir to recoenlze Russia's SDOcial nrivllpees In South Turkey In return for Russian assurance of nonaggresslve pollcy on the Indian frontier, the Associated. Prpss was clven to understand that the mipstlnn has not been discussed officially. It Is possible, however, that Great Britain Is waiting for such a suggestion to come from Russia, when, it might receive fa vorable consideration. 'Great Britain's pol icy in regard to Constantinople Is dom inated by considerations for tne security of the highway to India. With thesafety of India guaranteed by tho Anglo-Japanese treaty and an understanding with Russia, there will be no reason to rear the presence of Russia on the Bosphorus. Great Britain has also to offer In ex change for the further security of her Indian possessions her support in obtain ing free commercial access to the Persian gulf- PANA3IA AT PEACE CONGRESS Little Nation Swells Up at Recogni tion by Czar. I PANAMA. Oct. 7. (Special.) The new est of the world's republics, as well as ot the nations of the Western world, is prov ing that it is possessed of a spirit ot nroKress and a desire to make itseit knerm In the domain of world events that Is worthy ot emulation by some of Its sister states. Little Panama will maKe her first appearance on the International stage at the next peucc congress at The Hague. In the invitation extended by the czar, Panama was recognized. The fact that the little nation has an important canal now in course of construction to its-credit may account for the Invitation. Be the cause whatever it Is. Panama Is glorying In the fact and Is determined to make the most of its opportunity. President Amador I disposed to accept the invitation and there Is little doubt that, when the congress assembles, a representative of the Republic of Panama will answer to the roil call of the national EARIi WANTS TO FIGHT DUEIi Challenge to Associate Causes Laugh ter Among County Councillors. LONDON. Oct. 7. A sensational scene occurred at the meeting of the Norfolk County Council today. The Earl of Klm berlay (son of the distinguished Liberal statesman of that name, who held many Cabinet offices), a member ot the Coun cil, accused a fellow member named Sap well of underhand methods and chal lenged him to take a train for France, where, he said, "We can fight It out under proper conditions." The challenge was received with laugh ter and treated as a Joke by other mem bers of the Council. After the meeting had closed the Earl renewed his challenge and Sapwell proposed to fight In a room of a nearby hotel. The Earl Insisted that they must fight abroad and said that, if Sapwell refused, he was a coward. At this point, the other members of the Council Interfered and later the Incident was declared closed. American Singer's Throat Weak. PARIS. Oct. 8. (Special.) Jane Noria, the American prima donna at the Opera here, and daughter of Dr. Ludwig, of SL Louis. Is 111 with an afTection of the throat. It Is feared that an operation will be necessary. Her managers have postponed the presentation of creations- in which she was to appear during the com ing season. Russian Emigrants May Come Now. HAMBURG. Oct. 7. The. Senate has abolished the order of . September 13. which prohibited the transportation of Rusj-lan emigrants through Hamburg, but the six-day quarantine order remains In force. Wilfley Taken Back to Denver. KANSAS CITYJ. Oct. 7. (Special.) Charles B. Wilfley, the former Denver bank president charged by a grand jury Ih that city with the Illegal disposition of securities of the Denver Savings Bank, was taken to Denver today by a Deputy Sheriff. He says that he will return to Kansas City as soon as he gives bond. Baron. Ferdinand Von Rlchthofen. BERLIN, Oct- 7. Baron Ferdinand von Rlchthofen. the distinguished geographer, died today, aged 63 years.