The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 08, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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The Meier &b Frank Store
Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order Second Floor
Custom Drapery Work Our Specialty Lowest Prices
'Willamette" Sewing Machines $15.00 to $35.00 Ea.
Sole Portland Agents for Famous "La Grecarie" Corsets
Beautiful New Millinery
The Millinery Section is very in
viting these early October days
Never before has .Portland seen
such striking headgear The most
elaborate display ever attempted by
any store orf the Coast Hats for
evening service and dress occa
sionsHats for street wear Large
hats anci smalt hats trom tne tore
d most Paris, London and New York
m swjjr . i "r ' 1 V artists Every new shape and trim-
ming In colors everything desirable is represented Gun
metal, greens, helio, light and dark blues, pinks, melon
tints, etc. All this and a great deal more may the store
visit tell you, for what can types do to show the real
beauty of a hat? Millinery Department, Second Floor
New Veils $1.05
300 Chiffon Veils ,in all colors,
black, -white, lavender, res
eda, navy, light blue, brown
and modes: 3-yard lengths;
regular $1.25 values, on sale
at low price of, eacjh.,$1.05
New Dress Trimmings are
demanding attention.
New Velyet Bans in all the
leading shades.
New Braid' Trimmings in
Alice blue' and purple.
New Pompadour effects in
graj's iind "blues. . -
Beautiful new fancy Trim
mings in all grades.
Book News
The latest fiction, $1.08 copy.
"A Servant of the Public," by
Anthony Hope, copy. $1.08
' 'Rebecca Mary," by Annie
Donnell, copy $1.08
"The Gambler," copy. $1.08
"Nedra," copy $1.08
"Plum Tree," copy ....$1.08
"Walking Delegate". .$1.08
"The Wogglebug Book," by
Prank Baum 60
"Peck's Bad Boy Abroad, "jra
sale, for - copy 75
"Tell It to Me,"ltendalL19
Men's $ 1 .25 Underwear 92c Garment
Men's extra quality natural wool
Underwear, shirts and drawers,
medium weight, well made;
drawers have fine sateen facing,
shkts faced with silk; all sizes;
the very best .$1.25 Winter iui
derwe,ar on sale Tues
day at, garment .-7C'
$1.00 NECKWEAR. 50c
New large. English Squares, in
dots, figures and swivel effects,
light &nd dark patterns; regu
lar $1.00 values, for 50
Men's new plaited (5olf Shirts,
Pall .styles, latest patterns, cuffs
tolnatch; regular $1.50 values,
in all sizes; your choice. ..95d
Stamped Cushion Covers, floral do
signs and conventional pat- q
terns. Special ,. 1"C
Hemstitched Linen Squares, on--
IS, 24. 30 In. Special at JC
12-inch Dollies with finished, border,
on natural color linen, stamped In
various designs. -Great O-C
value at C
G-inoh Doilies, same as above. Q
Regular 25c value- for "C
Agents for Carlson-Curriers em
broidery silks. Second Floor.
Seal and walrus leather Hand Bags.
. In blade, brown and tan. fitted
with coin purse and card case.
Regular 51.50 and $1.75 q-i no
value for, each pl.&7
Alligatdr and walrus leather Hand
Bags, blue, green, brown, black
and tan C5c, 76c values 43c
Silk girdle Belts In all colors, with
or without buckles, .sizes
22 to 3C inches. 75c value. . . .4jC.
?5c Flannel Waistings 44c Yard
Sale extraordinary for one week of 5000 yards new Win
ter Waistings A great special
purchase from a large New
York jobbing hotise enables us
to offer mercerized flannels,
basketweave flannels, flannels
with embroidered dots, gran
ite cloths and plaids in the very
best designs and colorings for
waists, children's dresses, ki
monos, etc., etc. Every yard
in the lot regular 75 c value
Your choice for one
s3 week at, yard
Sale commences Tuesday morning Store closed tomorrow
Free Embroidery Lessons 2d Floor
Commencing Tuesday, Mrs. Arthur William Grover, a -well-known
Eastern embroiderywork teacher, will give free lessons on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from 9 to 12 A. M. and 2 to
5 P. M. Sirs.. Grover teaches the very latest feiethods and comes
to us very highly recommended hy prominent New York and Chi
cago houses. For particulars regarding classes inquire at the
Art Goods department, Second Floor. .
October Sale of Lace Curtains
The October Curtain Sale continues to
offer the greatest bargains of the year in
all styles and grades. The entire stock is
marked at decided reductions from the
regular selling prices.
All Nottingham Curtains reduced.
Real Arabian Lace Curtains, worth up
to $7.50 pair, at reduced prices.
All Cable Net and Novelty-Weave Lace
Curtains, values up to $5.00 pair, are
offered at greatly reduced prices.
All Brussels Lace Curtains" at decidedly
low prices during this great sale.
Corded Arabian Lace Curtains at very
low prices. An opportunity to save money.
Ciuny and Soutache Curtains reduced.
The Meier Frank Store
Will Be Closed All Day Tomorrow
f3Z-r j--v Tomorrow being d holiday this store will be closed throughout
PfcP ' the entire day Your shopping, to be satisfactory, must be put
g feMfe rcfl Tuesday, at which time we will be prepared to serve you
SBBj promptly and carefully with, just the merchandise you want at
and Winter Stocks are now at their best An
IIW Tli" international exhibit of everything new and desirable in wearing
apparel for women, men and .children, as well as everything in household effects Every
item on this pige is for Tuesday's selling Remember we are closed tomorrow Monday
Portland's Greatest Display of
Tailored Suits at $ 1 8.00 to $75.00
The extent of our showing of women'?. Tailored Suits is the talk of
the town Hundreds of them, thousands of them in every good
fashion, material and shade Etons, medium length jackets and
three-quarter tight-fitting styles in broadcloths, cheviots, serges
and mannish mixtures Plain tailored and fancv in nnmi
red, green, grays, black, brown, navy blue, reseda and fancy mix
tures Every attractive fashion being shown by the leading New
York houses We can please everyone; we can fit everyone It's
to your advantage to put off garment buying until Tuesday, so you
can see the great display being made by Portland's leading Cloak
and Suit Store, at prices ranging from $18.00 to $75 .00 each
Raincoats $ 1 0.00 Up to $ 60.00
T.n,e, onbr complete .stock of Raincoats in the city. Some stores gave out
a -tip" early in the season that Raincoats had seen their dav. Judging
n'tbe demand wc arc having for them, they bought according to their
"tip." We are selling more of them than ever before. Raincoats will al
ways be popular in Oregon, and you will find here everv good stvle at
prices ranging all the way from $10 up to $60.
Netfv-Box and Empire Coats in mixtures and tan Coverts.
Immense stock of new Walking Skirts at all prices.
Our Fur Department is ready with everything new in Fur Neckpieces.
3 Great Lots Corset Cover Embroideries
5000 j-ards of beautiful new-Corset Cover Embroideries
designs -in great assortment The best values for the
40-cent values, yard 25 i 65-cent values, yard
4o-mch cream and white figured nets for waists,
evening gowns, trimming, etc, very pretiiest pat
terns; values up to $3.50 a yard,-on CQ
sale at this low price, yard .??
Imitation Torchon Laces aud Insertions great
v variety of patterns; values to Se, : .
-yard on sale at this low price
All Linen Machine Torchon Lacerf. and Insertions;
regular lU-cent values on sale Tuesday at CL.
this low price, yard.
on sale Tuesdav at m-eatlv reduced nrir: T);nt;nct
money to be found in the city.
. ..; 4rfC 85-cent values, yard 63
18-inch Black Allover Laces, Venise and Figured-
Xets very best designs.
1.25 values jn sale for, yard. 83
$2.50 values on sale for, yard. $1.89
?3.50 values on sal for, yard $2.67
Magnificent display of new Lace and Spangled
Robes very latest effects in unequaled assortment
all prices. " New Dress Trimmings, new Embroi
deries, new Chiffons, new Laces.
Tempting Values in Muslin Underwear
2000 pairs of "Women's fine Muslin, Nainsook and Cambric Drawers,
full sizes -with wide flounces trimmed in fine Valenciennes laces,
Torchon laces and insertions, wide embroidery and clusters of fine
tucks; the -greatest values of the year at
$ 1 .50 and $ 1 .75 Drawers ...... 89c Pair
$ 1 .00 and $ 1 .25 Drawers 63c Pair
50c and 60c Drawers 38c Pair
Great special lot of Corset Covers, trimmed in Val. laces, Torchon
laces, insertions and headings; Nainsooks and Cambrics; sizes 34
and 36 onh'; most of them are slightly mussed from o
handling, 50c and 75c values, on sale for low price of
Women's French hand-made Chemise, beautifully embroidered, with
and without eyelets, drawn with ribbons, all sizes
$5.00 Values. ..$3.59 Each $6.00 Values. ..$3.73 Each
"Women's hand-made, hand-embroidered Gowns, high a Qt
and low-neck styles, long or short sleeves, reg. $7 val.
:1 1 i f? X TJ i 7 ?i .1 -I t -
pecuu lot ox jcau c uuurnsis, wnue ana arao, ages JL to
10 years; 50c values, on sale for the low price of, each. . . .
$1.00 Silk Shirtwaist Suitings 79c Yard
2500 yards of the best $1.00 Silk Suitings go on sale
Tuesday morning at 79c yard; immense assort
ment of neat figured effects for waists and suits,
and all the desirable colorings for your choosing.
Great value at this low price, 7Q
yard....,-. -C
Handsome Fane' Moire Silks" for waists and shirt
waist suits, complete line of colors; regular $1.50
grade on sale at this low price,
1500 yards of fancy velvet in 1-toJ-yard pieces,
suitable for waists and trimming purposes, best
patterns; your choice of entire lot at 52
Immense new lines of Plaid Dress Goods just re
ceived bv express, yery latest designs and color
combinations for waists, suits and skirts. Three
grades for choosing 75$, $1.00 and $1.25
yard New Black Dress Goods New Colored Suits
in the latest weaves.
Men's and Young Men's Clothing 2d Floor
There's a 25 per cent saving on every article' you buy in our men's clothing
store, when compared with what equal style and quality cost you at the ex-
clusive clothing establishment Stock is complete in every detail Suits, Ov
ercoats, Kain coats, Trousers. Dress Suits, Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, Etc.
Men's extra fine grade "black unfinished "Worsted Suits, .in single or double-breasted
styles; hand-felled collars, hand-made buttonholes ; Hart, Scnaftner a)) CA
& Marx's best make; grand values at $1S.00X $20.00 and . . .
Men's Tuxedo and Full-Dress Suits from the best maker in the country; beautiful
materials; best linings and perfect fitting at $2500 to $37.50 suit.
Priestley's Cravenette Raincoats for Men and Young Men; plain and fan&y weaves
and -colorings; every Coat guaranteed. Prices from $12.50 to $27.50.
New Fancy Vests, very latest fashions, up to $7.50 each. .
Yoting Men's Suits $ 1 1 .80
Young Men's fine all-wool Suits in fancjf "Worsteds and dark mixed Tweeds and
Cheviots, double or single-breasted coats ages 14 to 20 years; regu
lar $13.50 and $15.00 values, on sale for the low price of
Young Men's Raincoats. in dark fancy Worsteds, ages 15 fo 20 years;
$15.00 to $16.50 values,; on sale at this remarkably low-price
The Meier (3b Frank Store
Principal Agents for Butterick "Patterns Complete Stock
November Delineator Now on Sale at 15c Cents a Copy
Sole Portland Agents "Ostermoor" Mattresses 3d Floor
"Peninsular" Stoves and Ranges in the Basement
Sale of 500 Silk Petticoats
$8.50 Values $4.85 Each
For Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday we offer the entire
stock of $8.50 Silk Petticoats of
well-known Boston mannfactur-
v w
S jUu in tne lot. accordion ttleated
ruffle Two rows of ruching in
the very best colors White,
light and dark gray, red, garnet,
sage green, dark .green, purple,
tan, navy and black Made of
splendid quality silk, good full
width Every skirt regular
$8.50 value Choice, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Q C
Thursday at tpfrOJ
Mail orders Promptly filled
Three Bargains in Fine Portieres
Lot 150 pairs of double-faced Tapestry Portieres, all popular
colorings, 50 inches wide by three yards long; flj A A
wonderful values at this low price, pair y""
Lot 2 Heavy double-faced Tapestry Portieres, two-tone effects ;
three yards long, 50 inches wide; very best pat- fl AQ
terns; regular $5.00 values, on sale for, pair psJZs
Lot 3 Heavy mercerized Portieres, light and dark -colorings,
three yards long, 50 inches wide; very handsome A qo
Portieres, $6.75 values, Itor the low priee of, pair.-.Pl-'
' Custom Shade and Drapery "Work our specialty. Best ma
terials and workmanship. Lowest prices guaranteed.
Oct. Sale Boys' Clothing
Little Boys' Bussian Suits, with white Eton
collar; made in all-wool Serges, Cheviots and
Tweeds; brown, gray, navy, plaids and mix
tures; ages. 22 to 5 years; -regit- Q2T
lar $6-$6.50 val., for a few days. .M J
Little Boys' Overcoats and Reefers, in all the
very latest styles; grays, blues, tans, cheeks,
and mixtures; this season's very best styles;
ages 2 to 8 years; best values fi2
at each, from $12.50 to
Boys'' all-wool 2-piece double-breasted Suits,
well made; trousers have extension waist
band; good, serviceable mixtures in browns,
grays, plaicfo checks cind fancies;
ages 7 to 15, year; great value. . P
Boys' Rubber Coats and Capes, dull finish, pure
rubber, ages7 to 16 yeafs, for $2.00
Boys' Waists; Blouses, Separate Trousers,
Raincoats, etc., etc., at very lowest prices.
Tuesday Specials in Wash Goods
50c mercerized Poplins, in plain colors, all the lead- ' sr
ing shades; great special value t, yard
Heavy Cotton Suiting, regular 20c grade, for, yard 12p
Galatea Cloth, in all the best patterns and colors, great
special values for a few days at this, low price, yard.
New fancy Figured Nets for evening dresses; very best
designs and colorings; regular 50c value, for, yard...
New White Waistings in embroidered dots and figured
Muslins; extraordinary value for one week at, yard...
Bargains in Women's Neckwear
Taffeta. Silk Windsor Ties, eyelet-embroidered
ends, and Rajah Silks with embroidered Flan- -s.
nel desians: chamDaene, blue, black white and
red; regular 65c and 75c values, each 47 C St&iilP?
and Linen Slot Turnovers. 25c to 50c 1 f
Whito Tjinfin Tiwn Turnovers. liomstitrhpfl and V-
small scalloDed borders, varietv of new 1 o
"Keiser" Tailored Stocks, stitched tabs made of mSfHT
Changeable Taffeta Silks, best colors, QO- M'illll!
$1.25 and $1.50 values, on sale for "OC g?,
niL. iT j -in -n. -i tt i IB
me xyron uouar, coiiar oi wnue venise lace
and sheer linen, Hardanger cutwork, 12 to 14r
inch; regular 50c and 65c values, for 44p
New Crepe de Chine- and Tulle Boas for evening
wear; fancy white ribbon ends, lavender, pink,
white and light blue, each.. $3.50 to $4.00
Outside Door Mats at Special Prices
A. steel or cocoa Mat outside your door will save many hours house
work. Prices thut Interest you follow. Cocoa mats in all sizes at greatly
reduced prices. Third Floor. Take Elevators.
14x21 tBcfee. Regular 9 -56 value, oa iale tor 37e
18x27 "ache, llcjralar 9 ralue, oa sale for .....I ."56e
18x36 iBchcit. llesnlar 91.00 value, oa ale for ;. 63e
S0x.13 lacfaen. Regular 915 value, oa ale for . .c
Best galvanized steel Mats; never rust; roll up
19x24 lacaex. IleKHlar 917 value, oa sale for, each s SO
18x39 laches. Regvlar 925 value, oh sale for, each '.'.I'. "$KT3
30x38 laches. Regular 925 value, oa sale for, each !!I!l"IlSl!s2
Sale of Rogers' "1847" Silverware
A-Ajy. "1847 ' Tea Spoons, set of six,
v. 2V V- ..... J
"1.QJ.7 T)nccoT-f Snnnnc enf
Uy&tZfW six, for low price of.$1.6S
ill7YSW "1S47" Table Snnnns spt. nf
six, for low price of.$1.9S
"1847" Medium Forks, set of
n- six, ioriow price oi.ja.ATi
l "1847M Nutcracks for the lo7 price of, each. .43c
"1847" Cream Ladles, $1.00 value, for 79?
"1847" Bon-Bon Spoons, $1.00 value, for 79p
Handsome Nickel Chafing Dishes, fancy cover, best
i i m n nn rni.. . c?rr qq
uiuuci , reuiuai -piw.uu uuic, ucaua v ab.qi .o
Candlesticks for 19 Candle Shades for 12p
Shade Holders , 8 Candles, all colors 3
"Lindsay" Incandescent Gas Lights, in all styles; the '"Lindsay"
gives more light and reduces the gas bills, and they cost less
than any light on the market. See them in the Basement.
. f