$HE SUNDAY 0KEG0XIA2C, PORTLAND, OCTOBER S, 1905. GUBEWH1TE PLftGUE Von Behring Discovers .New Method of Cure. SUCCEEDS WITH ANIMALS Scientist Who Found Cure for Diph theria Learns 2Iov to Cure Tu berculosisSure of Ef fect on Humans. PARIS. Oct. 7. At "the closing of the International Tuberculosis Convention to day. Professor von Behring made a state ment relative to- his new curative prlnc!- pie for tuberculosis. Professor Behring s statement attracted much attention. Dis tinguished medical men from many coun tries occupied the platform and filled the salon of the Grand Palace. The professor said: In the course of the last two yearn I rec ognized with certainty the jexlutence of a curative principle completely different from the anti-toxin principle. This new curative principle playB an initial role in th opera tion of the immunity derived from my bovo acrine, which has proved effective ' against animal tuberculosis during tho past four years. This curative principle reposes upon the impregnation of the living cells of tho erganism. with a substance originating from tubercuse virus, -which substance I designate T C" Professor von Behring then gave a lengthy technical description of how "T. C." was introduced into the cellular or-, ganism and said it had already given marked results in the treatmont x)t ani mals. He expressed the confident belief that his researched would permit similar curative results in humans. He added that he was unable to say how soon posi tive results would be obtainable, but he; felt as certain that these results would be attained as when he llrst announced his discovery of .a new method of treat ing diphtheria. It was decided to hold the next con gress In Washington In 190S. The American delegates were interested listeners to the statements, later they were asked whether the present state of medical science hole out the hope of a permanent cure.jof tuberculosis. Dr. Law rence Flick, of Philadelphia, said: The present state of medical science holds .out a good prospect of a permanent cure for tuberculosis when this disease is taken in Its early stages. This, however, is not through a specific remedy, but by proper alienation and open-air life, with exercise duly restricted. If tne present knowledge concerning the means of preventing tuber culosis was generally applied, it is safe to say that tuberculosis would be stamped put of civilized countries within a few years. MAKES AXlSIAIiS IMMUNE. Von pchrlng Will XowTry His Cure on Human Beings. NEW YORK, Oct. 7. Whatever may be the practical value of. Dr. von Bea ring's new treatment of tuberculosis, tho Matin'a announcement of his discovery lias created a sensation, both in sci entific circles and with the general public, says a cable dispatch to the Herald from Paris. Dr. von Behring com plains that the Matin has not correct ly interpreted his declarations.. "The exact facts' itrd;"ho .says, "that' I have been stUdyiiig Vpr'tC .long lime a new method of. -veafine- tuberculos sis, and think I have broken fresh ground. There are certain animals which contract this malady with great fatality and have hitherto proved re fractory to all attempts at vaccina tion. I have finally succeeded In ren dering them immune as regards the bacillus, and probably can even cure them when the disease is "fully devel oped in them "Experiments on mankind have not yet been made, but there ls groundor, f blowing being totally different from those explored up to tills present.-' TRAGEDY OF DIRTY KNIFE German Husband's Practical Lesson to Wife in Cleanliness. BERLIN, Oct. 7. (Special.) A trag edy growing out of an unusual cause, which in itself teaches a lesson to housewives not to be slovenly In car ing for their homes unless prepared to meet the wrath which their neglect Of household duties is ant tn rnue n fastidious husbands, is now attracting Bumv attention nere. in this instance a dirty knife was the cause of the trag edy, as well as the implement by which death -was dealt out to the offender as the punishment- the angry husband. A glassworker, named Robert Her zog:, complained that his wife did not keep the house clean and frequently took the woman to task on this account. Her reply was that, if she were not compelled to work all day in a fac tory, she would have time to devote to the neglected household duties. Fre quent quarrels on the subject of clean liness resulted and after one alterca tion the wife left the husband, but re turned after a brief absence. On the occasion of her last visit she sat down to sunner with hir hncton.i and his brother. Herzog discovered that uv mux ocen given r. dirty knife and demanded another. The wife brought a second knife, but it too proved to be j dirty. Herzog threw the knife at the I woman and the point stuck in the I breast. Herzog quickly summoned a doctor, hut she died shortly after. The uubutLna was arrested. OBJECT TO FRANCHISE TAX (Continued From Page 1.) against the $50,000 assessment on the East Side, on the ground that th fmnohun i jnot remunerative enough to warrant a iriuicnise tax. I r I'lMiucin ji me Portland Gas Company, is- out of the nencc nis views ypon the franchise assessments could "not be Ahttrincu iao Inlght Joseph N. Teal, a -director, in the I corporation, wnen asKjm why the East Portland Gas Company had protested against tne. tax or S50.000 On Its frjinohtoi while the West Side comnanv had nnt r-t. ipiica mat ne nad not seen the protest. am icit sale in saying that if Mr. Adams bad made one it was hnsod unrxi tilth. stantial reasons, as it hn.s niwnv hiun the policy of the comoraUnn to nav to iust share of taxes, and' he was suro the Protest WOUld 'not havu honn -nv.int- for sound reasons. He thought it likely I hat perhaps some errcr haA rmmrm Ihe estimates on. the valuation of the East fnae irancmse, and no: Jn that of the Vest Side, and in view of the fact that rir. bigier nas naa to contend with sev- rrai uiousana amerent nssonsmonto f i arious- sorts, an error of this kind was Eomeimng tnat could, naturally be expect d According to Mr. TmlI? Am w Fide franchise Is much more Vaiimhio w tccount of denser population, while on lie East Side the houses are scattered, nd, while the franchise may cover a reat deal more" territory, its lntHn.ir. alue is not the same. He Insisted that the comnanv hoi nnt rotested with the idea of evading its Just proportion of taxes, and did not be lieve the .matter would be taken into tho courts, his opinion being that the Board of Equalization would recognize the Jus tice of the gas company's contentions without the necessity of resorting to liti gation. They Have Not Protested. Representatives of the Portland General Electric Company, the Oregon Water Power & Bailwav Comnanv and the Pa cific States Telephone & Telegraph Com pany said that their compalnes probably would not resist the franchise tax. P. V. Holman, chief legal counsel for the Portland General Electric Company, de clared that, bo far as ho knew, there was no disposition on the part of his company to fight tho assessment of 5200,000 on its franchise. They had not filed any protest with the Board of Equalization, and he did not think any legal steps would be taken in the matter. Joseph H. Thatcher, division manager of the Pacific States Telephone Company, when asked if the company had protested the assessment of $200,000 on Its franchise, replied that it had not, although It had filed a protest with the Board of Equaliza tion against the personal property assess ment. He said that all the issues Involved by the franchise tax had been referred to the executive board of the corporaV-on, in San Francisco, and he could not say what action would be taken in the matter, al though he felt quite positive that his com pany would set up no contest In court. ''We pay anything that is presented to us" in the way of taxes without any kick whatever," remarked William H. Hurl burt, president of the Oregon Water Power & Hallway Company, when ques tioned upon the Bubject of the assessment of $25,000 levied by tho County Assessor on the corporation's1 franchise, against which no protest had qeen filed. "We are forced to do so, like everybody else. We cannot help ourselves, and have no Inten tion whatever of frying to get out of it." BDYS ELOPE IN A STORM FRAIL CRAFT , IS FORTUNATELY BLOWN ASHORE. Six 1m tke Party That Left tbe Par catal School ob Mercer Islaad oh Puxet SeuHd. SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 7. (Special.) Six bo-s, the eldest 14, and the ring leader 13, escaped from the parental school on Mercer Island and mde their way to the mainland between Thursday night .and Friday morning. Four were recaptured and taken back tonight. Tommy Earl, the ringleader, and O. Thorpe, aged 13, are still at large. ,: The boys got out of their dormitory, crept downstairs, forced a window and escaped to the ground. They broke open the school boathouso and stole a boat, launching it about 10 o'clock. Seven hours later they had landed nt Taylor's mill, several miles distant on the main land. The tempeBt of early Friday morn ing, which wrecked thfeo pleasure launches, scattered 16 others along the beach; demolished one boathouse, . sent another adrift and tore hundreds of small boats from their fastenings, broke over Lake Washington at 12:30 A. M. The rowboat in which tho six youthful fugitives wero drifting was caught in this storm arfd fortunately blown ashore. Two of the boys had been committed frbm the Juvenile Court but three weeks ago; one was sent back ten weeks-after breaking his parole and all have Viarj xjharacters The four recap tured 3t6dav are:. Phil WJttenborn, 14; John CnriStiah. 13; Virgil McColby, 14; Abner Masters, 14. AT THE HOTELS. The rortland Miss M. Fleming. A. Greer, Dallas; C. Clay. Washington. D. C.; W. -Glaum, New York; Mrs. T. Spalding. Chi cago; Miss Foster. Oakland, Cat; R. F. Blanchard. A. D. Boggs, New Tork; H. H. Hurtburt, Levlston, Idaho; E. 11. Rand, Cin cinnati, O.; S. M. Magld, Boston; J. R. Schuster and wife, Des Moines; Mrs. P. Thelss and daughter. Medford; E. J. Smith. Chicago; J. W. Finnegan, Oakland. CaL; T. Breen. Montana; Mrs. P. A. O'Farrell. Mrs. Gllshimer and maid, New York; Mrs. S. Crowder. Spokane; Miss L. Robert. J. C. Ooode, Baker City; W. P. Blgelow, Balti more. Md.; E. Dalsower, Chicago; L. E. I'axton and wife. Louisville, Ky.; E. D. Blrkoltz and wife. Orange, N. J.; A. E. Smith and wife. New York; 8. J. Carroll, Dallas. Tex.; A. E. Mason, Boston; D. E. Hill. E. Terlume. Syracuse, N. Y.; J. M. Pool. Connecticut; W. H. Held and wife, Augusta. Me.; Mrs. C. S. Button. New York; E. F. StarK. Chicago; L. E. Whitely and wife. Owensboro; J. A. Woods and wife. San Francisco; E. S. Ludlow, Chicago: W. H. Davis. San Francisco; F. Dickson, R. IL Thayer, San Rafael; M. A. Moore, WaiU Walla; Mrs. Eversole, Beanie; Mrs. C. M. Weatherwax, Aberdeen; C. W. Myers, Chi cago; E. B. Dana, C. Von Preston. New York; Mrs. J. Bruce and daughter. Ala bama; J. G. Beck, C. A. Stern and wife, San Francisco; P. S. Mitchell, Fort Dodge; F. P. Winchester and- wife. C Domini ck, San Francisco; V. Schloss. A. Kolner, New York: W. A. Newton, F. T. Field. Chicago; A Vilbols, L. Robson, New York; S. Boukof sky. E. D. l'ersls. J. H. Batchelor and wife, S. G. Atkinson. San Francisco; W. B. Llp plngwcll and wife, Mrs. M. S. LlpplngweiL Chicago; R. Von Ronln.-Chemnltr; E. C. Travis. H. W. L. Gardiner, San Francisco; J. E. Enyart, Miss H. Enyart, Medford. Or.; Mrs. G. R. Allen, Yokohama; E. L. Fanning. C. Edwards. .New York; A A. Greer and wife. Miss B. Greer. Dallas. The Oregon C. H. Ludcrman. -Spokane; R. D. Merrill. Seattle; G. GUleopie. San Fran cisco; C. H. McWilllams, Waterloo; M. Lobe, New York; D. D. Dorn, Jamestown; W. J. Girkerson, St. Paul; A. C. Whitney. Belling, ham; H. H. WiHsle and wife. Parker; Mrs. P. Stafford, Parker: G. F- Bllfer, R. H. Moul ton, A. D. Arper. Seattle; J. H. Dunlap, Cas cade Locks; G. F. Murphy, Bralnerd; Mrs. P. Poison, 'Minnie E. Poison, Master Harold Poison, Seattle; CX Howland. Dartmouth; N. D. A. Clarke. Lynn; T. Newmann and wife, Mrs. Churchill, Mrs. Downing. Belllngham; W. F. Stevenson and -wife, MonUcello; Mm Fan nie Sample. Miss .Bertha Sample, Chicago; G. F. Stone, Seattle: C. W. Stone, Warren; F. L. Perry, Toronto; E. H. Banker. J. SB. Ren kcr. Chicago; F. J. Claxton, San. Francisco; S. W. Robb. Seattle; S. Jones, E. Wlnnery, Victoria; F. M. Baum, Seattle; C. W. Laldley, Fernlee; E. O. Whitney, E. S. Goodwin, wife .and two children, Seattle; Mra. B. Goodwin, Mrs. J. B. Watson, San Francisco; J. S. Murphy and wife. Mlnot; W. R. Mills, Syra cuse; L. W. Grt-er, Chattanooga; A. Haielton. G. W. Foot. New York; B. W. Mcintosh, G. James. San Francisco; J. Hlckson, New Mexico; G. W. Larenson, New York; L. R. Wayt and wife. Sac City; J. F. Reddy, Med ford; G. H. Kery. Cedar Rapids; F. L. John son. Beaumont; J. A. Selby and wife. Oak hud; E. A. Brown, Centralla; A. M. McKll lop, B. Johnson. Seattle; W. E. Amann. San Francisco; H. E. Stevens, B. F. Smith, Se attle: G. C H. Corllfls and wife: J. H. Leh man. F. H. Lehman. "Canton; G. E.'Lockwood! J. E. Brlnker. Seattle; Mrs. H. J. Holland, Belllngham; G. A. Simpson, Detroit; B7. It Tajbot. Boston. The Perklas C H. McSparran. Verdigris, w. J. Hughes. G. W. Shattuck.. --Winona; T..F. Bassett, Grant; L E. Burgew, Chicago; C. J. Elliott. Walker; A. G. Alexander. 'Se attle; Mrs. J. M. Downing, Hoqulam: O. -V. AUaback and olster, Seattle; I F. Yoakum W. Shcpard, Jennie Sletorth. Sadie Sleforth, Dallas; G. P.- Sadworth. Washington: W.L. Water? and wife. Seattle; L. LaxUr, Poca tello; J. H. Lennon. C. Lennon, San Fran cbsco; R. Shull. Myrtle Point; Mrs. N. Brad ley, Miss Flo Livingston, Mis Cora Spangle, Dayton j Lewis F. Wilson and wife. Corvallls: R. B. Wilson, city; J. snsparrow and wife,. Sioux City; Miss Parson Xcndort; H. L. Moody, Spokane; F. W. McAleer. Boston; F. E. Brooke. J. W. Brooke, Ashby; o. S. Grcen Jeaf, Springfield; J. A. Brrne. Arlington; L. E. Darrow and wife, Medford: W. Green, De Moines: H. A. Munroe, Tonopah; W Wood. Bay City; L. R. Wayt and wife. Sioux City;- M. M. Sutley, Monte Vista; J. Cru sen, Uodl; C E. O. Tyson. Walla Walla; J. H. " Coaley and wife. G. H. Paul and wife. Buffalo; Amanda Wlttse. Bremerton; T. B. Hunt. Pony; F. H. Langdon. Denver; Mra. J. Peterson and son. Mra. W. Davidson; R. a Kenney. Victoria; M. G. Longley, Denver; E. W Hebard. Yoncalla; F. Sandatrom, Nome; J. F. Barthoidus. W. Bartholdus, Astoria; Ade line McDonald, Winnipeg; Mrs. A. McDonald. Selkirk; Mm. P. McConnell. Cran brook: A. H. Fowler, W. W. Denny, T. F. Hlnton. G. A. Lleeer. Omaha; T. D. McConnell, Cran brook; Mrs. J. R. Cooper, J. Cooper, L Cooper. Independence; Mrs. O. "B. Eites. Mlsa Pearl Estes Astoria; Dr. Klaabeth HalC Mrs. R. B. Hall, Cartbase; Dr. 8. Sargent, Tacoeaa. Epilepsy or Fits PERMANENTLY CURED By the remarkable dtsoerery oi emlaeat specialist, this awful malady is perma nently banished from the yatm. FREE, A FULL U-OUNCE I0TTLE It would amaze many people when they read ot fatal and distressing accidents, to know how many of these are due to Epilepsy or Fits. Only a few week ago Phlladel- JOHN CHOUTEAU. phla papers told of the case of a young man of that city who fell from a pier at Atlantic City and was drowned. Spectators supposed it to be a case of suicide, but at the Inquest the fact was brought out that tbe victim was subject to Epileptic Fits, and it was undoubtedly one of these attacks that had caused him to fall to his death. Tbe suc cess of a dramatic performance was marred not long ago ''because the leading lady was seized with an epileptic fit during the play. John Chouteau, a well-known cowboy, of Vlnlta, L T., has probably furnished the most tbrUUng experience on record. In the Spring of 168(1 while on his pony, he sud denly gave a piercing yell and fell, his feet still In the stirrups. At once his startleg pony started to run, but another cowboy made a magnificent throw of his lasso, caught the pony and saved Chouteau's lit. The latter has been warned not to ride, as he had suffered from epileptic attacks since infancy, sometimes having three or four a week. Directly after the accident a friend Induced Chouteau to take Dr. Fred E. Grant's cure for Epllepry. Under date of August 2S. 1303. Chouteau writes: "I have never had an attack since. I weighed 140 pounds when I began the treatment, now I weigh in my shirt sleeves ISO pounds, am stout and healthy, sleep well and eat .all I can get." Chouteau is permanently cured. Dr. Grant is a renowned physician ot Kan cas City. Mo., who has made a life study ot the causes and cures of Epilepsy 'or Fits. The result is a remedy, a purely vegetable compound, which he emphatically states wilt surely and permanently -cure fits In all their forms, no matter what their cause. To con vince everyone of this fact, he asks every person in the United States suffering with Epilepsy or Fits to send their name and ad dress to Dr. Pred E. Grant, SSL New Ridge building, Kansas City. Mo., and receive free a large bottle of this wonderful remedy, not a sample bottle, but a large, full 10-oz. bottle. Miss Cameron. Pendleton; C .E. Tegler and wlfe, Nevada City. The St. Charlefc W. Dlcner. Kalama; B F. Cox, Independence: XL Kressin; F. B. Wal ker, Goldendale; L. Evans, Latourell Falls; C O. Morrill, wife and daughter, Cathlamet; O. Erf ck son. Qulncy; S. J. Arnold, Vancou ver: J. R. Bennett, Kalama; J. Scales. Wash ougal; J. Fleming, Washington; J. C Con way, Seattle; Mrs. A, Malm, Rainier; C A. Sun, T. A. Ellsworth. Grant; B. P. Sim mons, Carey; H. Button, Prairie Depot; B. H. Lois, Tiff an; S. Gles. Carey: J. E. Krich ter. St Paul; J. Donaldson. Tillamook; C. Leblanc, Astoria; G. Archibald. Goble; J. W. Murdock. Richmond; Mrs. G. R. Wllehat, The Dalles; S. Lutheran, McMlnnvllle; W. Deavers and wife, O. Pearson; R. L. Carter. F. Haley. Dallas; G. E. S trope. C M. S dim el ten; R. Groth, B. Groth, Dundee; L N. Durland, F. H. Down and wife. Mrs. J. P. Davie. T. N. Nelson and wife, T. EL King and wife. G. A. Taggart and wife; S. D. Newell. Grant's Pass; C. J. Ames and wife. Columbus; A. Gary. Waahougal; C T. Wng and wife. Cat rolton; F. D. Lindslay, Mra. A. Llnalay. Seaside; D .Freelan, Dundee; J. AVclp. The Dalles; Pearl Irwin; A. F. Walker. BuUer; J. D. Sufert and wife. Seaside; J. Tottan; V. M. Delner and wife; P. Stuhr and wife. Hood River; L. G. Pike and wife. Newberr; Mae Watnon. Seattle; J. R. Lahzls, Tbe Dalles; T. C Baker. Albany; O. L. Smith. Newbrrg. G. A. Wlshman. D. Parker: D. H. Miller and wife. Gales Creek; E. D. Van Lobcnuells, Oak land; A. D. Hall, J. Arnot, Coos Bay; C. F. Laming. Salem; F. A. Cunningham, E. Cun ningham. Epringwater; J. L Barr. Carrol ton; J. K. Brines. L. Tonegren. G. Lochead H. Lochead. Buckley; H. Murphy, Grass Valley; C. McBrlde; C. Moesey, Salem; C Nlohobon, Mill City; G. T. Brlte, Vancouver; H. Smith gall, Marshfield; A. J. Russell, -Corbett. The Esmond W. L. Lautes, Condon; W. H. Dryer, Portland; A C. Beeson, Mayrille; W. B. McClay. L. V. Moon. Moro, Or.; F. O. Keliy, Warrenton; Andrew Ducheney, M. C. O. Morrel and family, Skamokawa; George Eaton. Washington; A. C. Hallet, Portland; Mrs. L. Q. Turk and family, Aberdeen; F. Fnrrell and wiff. Albany; Guit Andersen and wife. Castle Rock; H. Goodfellow. John Brown, Salem, Or.; Peter Jones, Dawson, Or.; L. E.- Garrett. La Center. Wash.; Mrs. F. G. Tabor, Guy Tabor, Ridgefield; J. Bren ner. Ruby. Brenner. Ruth Brenner, Thomas Larson. H. M. Wright, P. Hansen, Astoria; Ignace de Vlller. city; William Reed. Ska mokawa; J. H. Wesly and wife, Albany; T. C. Streator, Olympla; S. F, Renne. Creswell; George A. Sumner, The Dalles; C. W. Boy lor. A. F. Walling. Salem; L. S. MaddrelL San Francisco; I. S. Howell, Douglas. Alas ka.; J. F. Mornalen and wife. Tacoma; G. W. Bradley and wife, Oregon; John Bur goyfie. New Era; Arthur E. Burns, O. Ding man. fJ. Wlie. G. C Jackson. Goldendale: R. Elliott. John. Hunt. Cathlamet;' R. L. MIIK Boston; W. L. Walker, California; T. R. Young and tAmlly. Independence; Jeare Mey ers. Ilwaco, Wash.; John McKuren, Jewell. Or.; W. E. Levering. South Bend. Wash.; Claud Wallace. Otto Ballhorn. Woodland. John H. Gouraf, Albany; M. Piper and wife. Greenslde; Robert R. Atkln. Minneapolis; F. Mason and wife. McMlnmille; A. G. New some. Ellvortdn; J. B. Kennedy and wife, Woodburn Miss Clara Irwin, Forest Grove; L M. McClodd, Albanj. Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma. American plan. Rates, $3 and up. Hotel DoBBClly, Tacoma, Washington. European plan. Rates 73 cents to $2.20 per day. Free 'bca. THE VALTTB OF 0HAB00 AL. Few Tcople Know How Useful It Xb la Pre servina; Health and Beauty. Nearly everybody knows that tihar coal is the safest and most efficient dis infectant and . purifier in nature, but few realize its value when taken Into the human system for the same cleans ing purpose. Charcoal is a remedy that the more you take of It the better;-it is not a drug at all, but simply absorbs the gases and impurities always present In the stomach and intestines and car ries them out of the system. Charcoal sweetens the breath 'after smoking, drinking or after eating on ions and other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and im proves the complexion; it whitens the teeth and further acts as a natifral and eminently safe cathartic. It absorbs -the injurious gases which collect in the stomach and bowels; it disinfects tho mouth and throat from the poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal in one form or another, but probably tho best charcoal and tho most for the mbney is In Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges; they are composed of the. finest powdered willow charcoal and other - harmless antiseptics In tablet form, or rather In tho form of large, pleasant-tasting lozenges, the charcoal being mixed with honey., The daily" use of these lozenges will soon tell in a much improved condition of the general health, better complex ion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and the beauty of It is that no possible harm can result from their continued use, but on the contrary,, great benefit. A Buffalo physician, in speaking of the benefits of 'charcoal, says: "I ad vise Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges to' all ' patients suffering from gas In stom ach and bowels, and to clear the .com plexion and purify the breath, mouth and throat: I also "believe the, liver is greatly benefited by the daily use of them; they cost but 5 cents a bfex at drugstores, and. . although In some sense . a. patent prepara tion, yet I believe I get more and better charcoal In Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges than in any of tke ordinary charcoal tablets."- r Special Sale Handsome Chiffoniers : MONDAY- TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Extreme necessity of sp'ace for new pieces has compelled us to reduce our line of Chiffoniers. Be ginning Monday, and continuing for three days, we have selected from this particular line of Bedroom Furniture 12 handsome patterns in Mahogany, Golden Oak and Maple. These pieces comprise many of our prettiest designs, and the prices at which we have marked them during the three days' sale will no doubt he a convincing item in the selection of a handsome bedroom piece. This special sale line- is now shown in one of our windows. Mahogany finished Chiffo nier, hand polished, fancy "beveled mirror and carved frame and sup ports. Has swell top drawer and shaped legs. Trimmings of solid brass. Just like cut. Eegular price 25.00. Special , $16.75 Hand-polished, quarter-sawed golden oak Chiffonier with, shapely beveled mirror; has swell front and fancy legs. Drawers fitted QIC 7 C with solid brass trimmings; regular price 22.50; special. . $ 0li 0 Perfectly finished, quarter-sawed golden oak Chiffonier, without mirror; has swell-top drawer, solid brass trimmings and fancy Q "jr legs; regular price $25.00; special n ! Ul I 0 Pretty Chiffonier in quarter-sawed golden oak, hand-polished; has bow front, solid brass trimmings and fancy legs; pretty and QQQ OC - fancy beveled mirror; regular price 35.00; special wZuiZO Mahogany Chiffonier, handsomely polished; has shapely beveled mirror, carved frame and supports, swell top drawer, curved legs AQQ AP and solid brass trimmings; regular price 35.00; special. ..jl Z9 Handsome Mahogany Chiffonier, hand-polished; has shapely beveled mir ror and carved supports; fitted with solid brass trim- OC mings; fancy curved legs; regular price 35.00; special.. Jaunty Hand-polished, quarter-sawed golden oak Chiffonier with shapely beveled mirror; has swell front, shaped legs and is fitted with solid Aft I p ft brass trimmings; regular price 37.00; special wZtiOU Chiffonier in quarter-sawed golden oak; has fancy beveled mirror and carved frame and supports, curved legs and swell front; AATf r ft trimmings of solid brass; regular price 41.00; special jg i uU Mahogany Chiffonier, handsomely finished; has shapely beveled mirror and f ancy, frame ; swell front, fitted with solid brass trim- $ Q Q C ft mings, fancy shaped legs; regular price 40.00 ; special U I u U Chiffonier in polished birdseye maple, fancy beveled mirror and carved frame and supports; has fancy legs, swell front and trim mings of solid brass; regular price 42.50; special $28.5 Chiffonier in quarter sawed golden oak, hand polished with beveled oval mirror and fancy legs. Has swell top drawer and solid bras3 trimmings. Just like cut. Eegular price 27.00. Special 18.00 ORIENTAL cm CORNE Value Complete . $65.00 Special . . . . $30.00 SPECIAL TERMS : $5.00 DOWN AND $1.00 PER WEEK We will erect in your home, complete, this de sign, or your choice of three others this artistic cozy corner at the above special price. In this corner the hangings will be composed of genuine hand- - worked East India goods and goods in Oriental ef fects. Cushioned seat, three sofa pillows, a fancy ornamental lamp and ornaments complete this cor- . ner. In our window is now displayed this corner, carried out in one of these designs. This offer will last throughout the week. At all times is our showing of Carpet patterns and styles bright and up-to-date. Comprising none but the .product of the most reliable Carpet manufacturers, we make the assertion that a better selected and extensive line is hard to find. In All-Wiltons, Axminsters, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels and In grains, the patterns embrace many new effects in floral, Oriental and conventional designs 'and color ings. 'Durability and economy in price, as well as most complete workmanship in sewing, laying and lin ing, are persuasive items in this department of floor-coverings. HODGE'S SANITARY FIBER CARPETS AND RUGS In these modern reversible and hygienic floor fabrics is shown effective patterns and colorings. Made up in' two ways, half -wool and half -fiber and all-fiber, they are adapted to almost every room in the home. Perfectly odorless and pliable, these economical floor coverings are sewed, laid and lined like an ordinary Carpet. Rugs in all sizes. 'LINOLEUMS An extensive and artistic line of Inlaid and Printed Linoleums. Especially artistic are the newly imported patterns in carpet and wood imitations. In Printed Linoleums our stock offers a variety of patterns for satisfactory selection. " In this department, on our second floor, we have spared no pains to complete this stock. Of every thing needed in the completion of the bedroom we can satisfy your every need. Cotton and Wool Blan kets in all weights, grades and colors. Silkoline covered Comforts, filled with sanitary cotton. Eiderdown Comforts, in silk and satine coverings. Colored and white Spreads, in 'all sizes, with or without fringe. Sheetings and Pillow-Cases in first-grade linen. Sanitary Bolster Bolls, in all colors. All grades of Pil lows in art tickings and sanitary fillings. Back's Heaters Bissell's Sweepers