The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 01, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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readings In case such action was found ' !' ' " Jfe ' ' 'V ' ' V ' ?wS
Tho departure" of the visitors was also y.' '-'; i. . ' 'iil'"'"" Jfcp,-". :TmjJBEa 1 ,Y
marked by an absence of much conges- iS Vv'lK. ' . . ;V mm' Sk , jK jfiE&K3R I . rtv
Br' iP HBm Bm "te&'i" -"Pri
$f ft P -jr.- M -a, 'U'-'Wl
1 "Portland Points the Way," Decorations at Main Entrance. .
2 Great Crowd on the Bridge of Nations.
3 A Jostling Throng Arrived and Departed Every Minute on the Streetcars.
(Continued From Page 1.)
as they were discovered, the air was
filled with the sound of shore batteries
and ships guns bursting Into action,
while rockets lit up the sky and threw
the entire scene Into high relief against
the hills. The attacking fleet gave answer
to the challdnge and In a momont a pall
pf battle smoke hid the conflict under a
curtain through which the rockets
ploughed dull red streaks. A moment
more and the forts, flred by tho enemies'
shells, flared up and turned the smoke
Into a crimson fog, through which the
Spanish torpedo-boats could be seen
slinking like shadows after the battle
ships. As the two fleets closed in combat the
magazines of the forts were reached by
the flames and vast columns of smoke
were sent rolling skyward to settle again
over the water, shutting away from the
sight all evidence of the circling fleet,
which continued to pour broadside after
broadElde into the disabled battlements
until their guns died away one by one
into submissive silence. As a spectacular
production that was realistic, the battle
on the lake, was something not seen be
fore during the course of the Exposition.
After the Spaniards had been reduced
to quiet the tide turned once more to the
trail, where in a very few minutes stand-ing-room
grew to a premium and noise
'reigned supreme. The people poured into
the Trail at the lower end and forced
those above out and up the hill towards
the gates, where the turnstiles at the
-exits began to buzz continuously and the
perspiring ppllcemen labored earnestly to
make passage for the long lines of street
cars, which were filled with homegolng
merrymakers, before they could come
within a block of their stopping places.
The evening at tho Exposition was a
great success. The crowd was there for
fun and took and gave the necessary
jostling and buffeting In perfect good na
ture. The Exposition guards strove
nobly to assist the people In handling
themselves and the street-cars took care
of the people easily and quickly. The
evening throughout was a pleasure and
a perfect and overwhelming success.
admitted to the gates without the
slightest confusion or difficulty. Now
and then a crowd would start to as
semble before the gates, but It would
soon molt away, tho turnstilenlcecpors
working with remarkable rapidity.
. At about noon the crowds showed
faint signs of diminishing, and during
tho next hour dropped off considerably.
But the lull "was only of short duration,
and by 1:30 o'clock the visitors were
coming as fast as ever.' Again the
cars were crowded and the sidewalks
By 5 o'clock in the afternoon the at
tendance had dropped off almost com
pletely and It did not start again In any
force until about 7 o'clock at night, when
the belated visitors began to arrive. Con
sidering all, the night attendance was
10 A. M. Gates open. -
12 M. Exhibit buildings
3 P. M. Grand concert by the Ellery
Royal Italian band, Gray Baulevanl
bandstand. (If -weather Is bad the con
cert -Rill be given in Festival Hall,
6 P. M. Exhibit building close.
7 P. M. Special grand concert, nacred
and operatic rvlcettons. by the Ellery
Royal Italian band; Festival Hall, Au
ditorium. 8 P. M. Grand electrical illumina
tion. 11:30 P. M. Gates clorc. Trail closes,
grounds dark.
Further information may be obtained
from tbo Official Dally Programme.
light in comparison with that of the
morning and afternoon. The crowds
were the largest between the hours of
9:20 o'clock and 12 o'clock In the morn
ing. The Exposition management could have
handled . even more than 100,000 visitors.
XAND. "There was an Immense crowd," mM
Mayor Lane, and. his voice chuckled
over the telephone as he ad"ded, "and it
was as happy as it was Immense. The
day was a creat success and Portland
owed It to itself to make it so. I
was very glad to see such appreciation
and effort on the part of the people
of the city to 'make the day the great
est and beet in the history of the
Exposition, which. In ray opinion, was
Portland Skattcrs AH Records aft Fairs
la Proportion to Popula
tion . City.
In SDite of a gigantic effort, the
evasive 100,000 mark still remains un
touched at the Lewis and Clark Expo
sitlon, the attendance yesterday being
85,133. It was nbt because of lack of
civic pride or loyalty to the Exposition
that the six figures were not reached,
but it was because Portland attempted
to do something that was almost im
possible. It was learned last night
that the total paid admissions to date
was 1,350,000.
As it was, Portland has shattered all
records in the way of attendance at
expositions on home city days. Con
sidering the population of tho city, the
surrounding- districts .and the size of
the Fair, the attendance yesterday has
never been approached at any exposi
tion ever held in the world.
It is not very often that people get
up at an early hour to attend exposi
tions, but nevertheless when the gates
opened at 7 o'clock yesterday morning
at the Fair, visitors began 'to flock
into the gates. It is true that there
were not many people at the gates
when they opened, hut hy 8 o'clock
they commenced to arrive very rap
Idly. Gradually and steadily the crowds
gathered before the gates, and by 9:50
o'clock they were flocking to the
grounds by the thousands. Street cars
were packed and jammed when they
arrived at the Fair to discharge their
cargoes of human freight, and all- the
streets leading to the entrances were
crowded with the eager peoplo who
were hurrying to Join In the celebra--tion
of Portland day. -
But as rapidly as the thousands of
visitors alighted from the street cars,
or arrived hy other means, they were
provided they came In a steady stream
as they did yesterday. The ticket sellers
did not have any trouble at all, there be
ing no congestion at the ticket booths
as there was on the opening day. It has
been estimated that about 20,000 persons
had tickets before they arrived at the
Exposition. If there had been any con
gestion at the gates yesterday the exit
stiles would have been converted. Into
gates, the management having men In
readiness In case such action was found
to be necessary.
Tho departure of the visitors was also
marked by an absence of much conges
tion, the people having very little trou
bfe in getting home. Thousands left the
grounds late In" the afternoon, but the
rush did not come until after the fire
works and the sham naval battle. About j
9:3 o'clock the streets within a radius
of Ave or six blocks of the main entrance ,
wero filled with a -surging mass of
humanity, and the street cars were
crowded until they could hold no more
long before the Fair was reached. But
so numerous were the street cars that
the Immense crowd was sadly depleted by
10 o'clock. Very few of tho visitors had
to ivalt more than half an hour before
they, could secure seats or standing room
In the cars.
As near as can be ascertained vory lit
tle repeating was done at the Exposition I
yesterday, and nearly every visitor who
passd through the gates represented a
paid admission. There were cases, how
ever, of Portland business men paying
their way into the Fair again and again
so as to help swoll the paid admissions.
The Inspectors tell of one prominent
Portland dentist who paid his way Into
the Exposition eleven times in succes
sion. Practically all the employes of the
Fair bought at least one ticket jester
day, and many of them paid their way
every time they went through the gates.
The 25 cent rate was not In effect last
night, 50 cents being charged for admission.
Concert by EHery and Administration
Bandit and an Excellent Mnslcale
In the Oregon Building.
Surely there was music in the air; for
everybody yesterday at the Exposition.
There were several rouslcalcs at the dif
ferent state buildings and concerts ga
lore by Ellery's Royal Italian, the United
States Artillery and Administration
It seemed that a steady stream of
people wended Its way toward the Ore
gon building to listen to a muslcale par
ticipated in by Miss Beatrice Mai tin an.
dramatic soprano, of New York, and
Miss Bernice Fleming Holland, planlstc.
It was Miss M cltman's first appearance
In this city as a concert singer, and she
more than fulfilled the promises told In
adranco as to her fine vocaf gifts. The
possessor of a clear, telling voice, charm
ing presence and artistic temperament.
she Is one of the favorite singers of the
entire Exposition season, and these have
been many. Miss Beatrice Fleming Hol
land's piano selections pleased by her
cultivated technique, tonal color, and sat
isfying expression. Both artists met
with a gratifying reception from the
crowd present, the applause belnr quite
heart. Miss Maltman's . accompaniste
was Mrs. Helen Loesch. of San Francisco,
who played with flno taste and skill. The
selections included:
"Irish Love Song" (Margaret Ruthven
Lang) and "The Dawn" CGuy de Hardelot),
Mln Beatrice Maltinari; "Midsummer Night'
Dream. Paraphrase' (Sidney Smith) and
"Idllle" (Theodore Buck), Miss Beatrice Flem
ing Holland; "Sing Me to Sleep" (Greene),
Miss MaUaaa.
De- Caprlo and the Administration
Band also had their admirers and the
concerts were well attended. The fea
tures of the morning concert were the
splendid renditions of Suppe's "Morning.
Noon, and Night," and Herbert's "Sing
ing Girl." At the afternoon concert, the
fine features were Hall's "Wedding of the
Winds." and the Meyerbeer number. De
Caprio's baritone solo was executed In
admirable style.
Crowds paid homage to Ellery's great
band, great Jn every sense of the word,
and Signor Ferruro won many pleasant
and well-deserved compliments by his
sane, original method of direction. He
Is an inspiration to his musicians, so dif
ferent from the wooden men who too
often try to conduct bands. In rhythm,
accent, color and beauty of finales, the
band Is superb, and there are very few
anywhere to equal Its work. From a
musical point of view, its orchestration
will be Interesting: Two flutes and piccolo,
two oboes, one E flat clarinet, 12 B flat
clarinets, five saxaphones, two E flat alto
clarinets, two B flat bass clarinets, four
trumpets, two fluegel horns, two solo
J trombones, two baritones, three French
I' horns, three altos, three trombones for
accompaniments, four bass tubas, one
bass drum, one kettle drum, one timpani.
The finer features of the programmes
were Puccini's "La Bohcme" and
Dvorak's "Slavic Iance."
The concerts by the United States Ar
tillery Band were also well attended,
and much Interest and appreciation weie
shown in the work of this admirable
musical organization. There were also
other smaller musical events, but the
sightseer could not conveniently be in
two places at once. Yes. It was a great
time for music. The sparrows hovering
about the fountains, trees and roofs wero
Aeronaut Beachey Describe Figure S
About the Tower of the Gov
ernment Bulletin?.
Like everything clso at the Lewis
and Clark Exposition, the City of Port
land, Captain T. S. Baldwin's airship,
gave two entirely successful and satis
factory exhibitions yesterday. Under
the guidance of Lincoln Beachey, tho
18-year-old boy aeronaut, the airship
aroso In the air twice during the day
once in the morning and once In tho
afternoon returning both times to. the
starting point Captain Baldwin Is
greatly pleased over the two flights of
yesterday, as he was particularly anx- nel Irons. The troops came to Portland
iou3 that the airship should make a by boat from Vancouver, arriving at the
good showing on Portland day. J Exposition about noon.
The first flight was made about 11 Immediately following their arrival, the
o'clock in the morning-. When released troops gave a full-dress parade Jn the
the airship rose gracefully In the air plaza, near the main entranceHp the Ex
to a height of about 153 feet, and then , position. When in line the double ranks
Beachey neaded tho aerial craft in a i of the soldiers stretched from the For
northerly direction. He passed beyond ' estry building to Vic Agricultural bulld
the Exposition grounds, returning: to Ing. Here they performed the different
describe a figure 8 about the towers ! evolutions, ending by passing In review
of tho Government building. He was , before Colonel Irons, led by the rcgi
so low at one time that the towers of ' mental band.
he structure were, above the frame- ', Thousands, of people saw the parade and
work. Beachey then returned to the gave the soldiers a tremendous ovation,
starting point, landing without diffl-! After passing in review, the soldiers
culty. ! marched to. the Government Island, where
The flight in the afternoon was slm- j they were guests of the Exposition at din
llar in rouny respects to the one made ' The officers were given a luncheon
in the morning. Tho airship circled ; at the American Inn by the Exposition
about the Government building nnd the !, management. Both the officers and the
Trail, returning without mishap. At j n:en were greatly pleased with their re-
both flirrhts Beachey was not in the cepuon at me rair.
air more than 20 minutes. The sched
ulcd flight to Vancouver and return was
abandoned at the last moment, as Cap
tain Baldwin was rather apprehensive
of the weather, a heavy bank of clouds
rolling up from the north. Practically
all the visitors to the Exposition yes
terday saw Beachey make the two
They marched out of the Exposition
grounds about 5 o'clock In the afternoon,
on the return trip to Vancouver Barracks.
Portland Day at Fair 3fakcs Down
Town look Strange.
The people who strolled the down-town
streets yesterday and failed to go to the
Exposition grounds to help make up the
1CO.0CO crowd, looked lonesome. The busi
ness streets were almost deserted, and It
was hard to believe, to look up one block
and down another, that It was Saturday
afternoon in Portland, unless one called
to mind the fact that It was Portland day
at the Fair, and none who could help it
were supposed to remain absent from the
celebration. Quite a. number of saloons
on tho principal thoroughfares were
closed fronTT o'clock until 5 o'clock, and
some cigar-dealers also locked their doors :
during the afternoon. The principal retail j An Immense crowd assembled about the
stores, with a few exceptions, were closed main gates, and bid farewell to the sol
the entire day; also the banks. City Hall, 1 dlers by cheering and waving bandker
Courthouse and other public offices. The j chiefs.
matinees at the theaters were, however, j in addition to the parade of the troops
well patronized. The street-cars, after i from Vancouver, another parado of. the
the vast crowds had been conveyed to 1 cities and states was pulled off at about
the Fair grounds, were also deserted, but ! 3 o'clock In the afternoon. It consisted
between 6 and 7 o clock In the evening, 0f the Administration Band, a platoon of
G. W. Allen, president of the Portland
Board of Trade. Is another man whose
day at the Exposition aroused added
enthuslaren for Portland and admiration
for the people.
"There was a. magnificent spirit shown
yesterday In response to the call of tho
Exposition to make Portland day the
greatest and most successful In the his
tory of the Exposition." he eald. "The
patriotism of the people la commend
able. The crowd vu Immense and
Jolly and good t natured. Tho success
of the day and Its attendance was
more than up to my expectation, as
the -weather was not good at flrst, but
even the weather was kinder than ex
pected by moet people. The day was
certainly a great success, and the pec
pie of Portland are to be congratulated
at the showing made."
when part of the crowd commenced to
return, there was soon a lino of street
cars on Washington, " Morrison and Third
streets, having the appearance of long, jPAXESE
business streets presented a more ani
mated appearance, but the lack of large
numbers was still plainly noticeable.
the Centennial Guard, several decorated
automobiles and three or four floats.
Vancouver Sends Xcarly the Whole
Hardly enough j oldlers were left at the
Vancouver Barra :ks yesterday to guard
the post, nearly5 the whole Fourteenth
United States Infantry and two batteries
of the Mountain Artillery Corps coming
to the Lewis and Clark Exposition, where
they were one of the features of Portland
day. Altogether there were about 80O men
and officers, under the command of Colo-
Exhlbltlon of Pyrotechnics Is a Com
plete Success.
Japanese day fireworks delighted the
visitors at the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion yesterday afternoon. Lakevlew Ter
race and the Bridge of All Nations were
black with -spectators at 4 o'clock in the
afternoon, when the fireworks began.
The display consisted of bombs, which,
when they exploded high in the air, emit
ted paper bags, which were so shaped and
colored as to resemble persons, animals,
snakes, sea serpents, etc A good deal of
merriment ensued among the spectators
in catching, the paper bags when they
floated within reach. They were taken
I home as souvenirs of Portland day at tha
I Exposition.