THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTIAND, OCTOBER 1, 1905. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE ORECONIANS TELEPHONES. Countlng-Rocm ..................Main 67 Managing Editor.... Main G3S Sunday Editor.... ....Main C235 City Editor Mala 1M Society Editor Main 6235 Compotlnc-Room Main GSS Superintendent Building Bed 2S20 East Side Office East 61 AMUSEMENTS. BELASCO THEATER (14th and Washing ton) Matinee at 2:15 and evening: at 8:15, "W. M. Collier's comedy success, "On the Quiet" BAKER THEATER (Third and Tamhlll) Matinee at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15, Sam Devcro's Own Extravaganza Company, EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison) Matinee at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15, "On the Bridge at Midnight." GRAND THEATER (Park and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous a-audevllte. 2:30, 7:30, 0 P. M. THE OAKS" (on the O. W. P. & Rj Co.'s line) From 0 A. II. to 12 P. M." New Grange Organization. Perma nent organization of the masters and deputies of the Granges, Patrons of Hus. bandry, of Multnomah County, was per fected yesterday at the hall of Gresham Grange. Nearly a.11 the Granges of Mult nomah County were represented. J. J. Johnson, of Evening Star Grange, who originated the idea of the organization, called the meeting to order, when a con stitution was adopted. The object of the organization, as set forth in the consti tution, is for the general betterment of the farmers' order in Multnomah County, by getting the masters and deputies in closer touch with each other. Masters in office and past masters for the proceeding year, and both county and state deputies are eligible to membership. The follow ing officers were elected for the first year: President. J. J. Johnson, of Even ing Star Grange; vice-president, H. W. Snashall, of Pleasant "Valley Grange; sec retary, E. Li. Thorp, of Rockwood Grange; treasurer, Miss F. A. Roberts, of Gresh am Grange. The next meeting will take place in the office of J. J. Johnson at Portland, thereafter every three months. It is expected that the organization will be extended to other countries. It Is en tirely, independent of any other branch of Grange work. Unitarian Woman's 1 Alliance. Next Wednesday the literary meeting of the alliance will be held, after the Summer adjournment. Mrs. W. P. Olds has kind ly promised to give some of her personal experiences and observations of a recent trip to the Yellowstone Park and the Yo femlte "Valley; her talk will be freely Illustrated. Mrs. Olds has a valuable col lection of photographs, many of which were taken by herself. She has given a careful and detailed study of her subject, and those who are able to attend will feel that the afternoon has been profit ably as well as Interestingly spent. The ladies of the alliance extend a cordial in vitation to friends and strangers alike to be present. A short business meeting will be called at 2 o'clock, while the pro gramme will begin at 2:30. Dam Interferes With Hatchert. The days of the salmon hatcheries on the Clackamas seem to tbe numbered. Oper ations with Spring salmon on the Clacka mas River, says Field Superintendent Wlsner, have not succeeded this season. The dam put in by tho O. W. P. at Caza 3ero kept the fish from going to the Upper -Clackamas hatchery, where the Spring salmon "eggs are taken. Only a few, about 100, got up to the dam, but there was no Tesult. Nearly all these flsh died and no eggs were obtained. The Clackamas hatcheries will likely have to be abandoned. Stars and Stripes Causes Enthusi asm. P. B. SInnott, who lives, at 378 Ross street. Has Just returned from an ex tended trip to Ireland, where he visited Ihe scenes of his childhood. Most of his lme was spent at Wexford, Ireland. The aiost enjoyable day of his visit was spjent R'hen in the presence of 100,000 patriots assembled to commemorate the spirit of 38. Mr. Sinnott unfolded the stars and stripes, when the great crowd greeted he American flagwHh cheers. In that rreat crowd there were man)' Amerlcan tovlng Irish. , To Build a Plank Road. At . a jneet '.ng of the people of Sprlngwater road district Saturday a 5rmill tax was voted, 'he funds to be used in building a plank -oad between Springwater and Estacada. Five mills will not yield enough to build :hc road, and the county will be asked "o assist. The amount will be small, but :he road Is needed. Funeral of P. J. Cult. The funeral of P. J. Culy, aged SiTears, took place at 3resham Friday. He was a native of England and had lived in this country 16 years. He is survived by the follow ing children: J. A. -Culy, Drain. Or.; D. J. Culy, Alvlna Culy and Mrs. Clara An derson, Gresham. Trolley Trips, Todat on O. W. P. To Oregon City, Canemah Park and Gresham. 25 cents; Boring, Eagle Creek and Estacada, 50 cents round trip. Cars leave First and Alder streets for Oregon City on the odd hour and every 40 mln utess; for Estacada, 7:30, 9:30, 11:30, 1:30. 8:40, 5:44. 7:1B. " Roam Streuts After Hours. P. J. De laney and William Winans were arrested early yesterday morning by Patrolmen Anderson arid O'Brien, of the North End squad. A charge of roaming the streets after hours was placed against the men, but Delaney may have to face a more serious charge. Fall Presbttert Meeting. Meeting of Fall Presbyterj' will be held in tho Forbes Prcsbybterian Church, Albina, Oc tober 9. At that time arrangements will be completed for installing Rev. Alfred Herforth as pastor of Bethany German Presbyterian Church. Dental College Opens. The annual session of the North Pacific Dental Col lege begins October 2. Tho last day for entrance is October 12. For information address the dean, Dr. Herbert C. Miller, corner Fifteenth and Couch streets. ' Will Erect a Sawmill. W. C. Fran cis, who this week purchased water front property in St. Johns of George W. Cone, will erect a sawmill. Its dimensions will be larger than the one destroyed hy fire 60 it is announced. Will Relieve East Morrison Street. The East Washington-street embank ment Is being planked between Union avenue and .East Water street It will take some of the heavy travel from East Morrison street. On the O. W. P. through Multnomah and Clackamas Counties, 100-mile trolley trip for JLOO. Train leaves First and Al der streets daily except Sunday, at 9:40 A. M. and returns 4:00 P. M. Magnificent Sight from the Lewis and Clark Observatory you can see Mount Rainier, over 100 miles from Portland. Come and see the sight of your life. Take Portland Heights car. Lents' New Schoolhoube. Opening of the Lents School is delayed on account of the unfinished condition of the school house. A six-room annex is being built with an assembly hall. Oregon Citt River Trips. A delightful way to spenda few hours on the river. Leaves Taylor street Sunday, 11:30, 3:30 P. M.; returns 1:30, 5:30 P.' M. Round trip 25c - F. E. Beach & Co., the Pioneer Paint Co., agents for Berry Bros.' varnishes, Jap-a-lac, window glass and glazing. 135 First street, Miss E. O. Gardner 111 open her school of shorthand and typewriting, Monday, Oct. 2, 629-MarQuam. Day and evening. Miss Call, grammar, high school branches; children's morning class. Phone East 2700. Fuiixished flat of five rooms. Inquire at 141 1st st. Phone Main 1SS2 or East 174. For special announcement of Chinese festival see display ad., this page. Establishment Max. 314 The Dekum. Mr. Max has returned from Paris. First-class waistdraper wanted. 314 The Dekum. C C. Newcastle, dentist 412 Mohawk bk. For Rent, Duck Lake. 734 E.N Madison. Children's Home Portland Dat. Through the thoughtful courtesy pf Ben selling, me ennaren of the home, in South Portland, were able to visit the Exposition yesterday afternoon and even ing. Mr. Cooper, of the Portland Con solidated 'Street Railway Company, fur nished transportation, and happy Indeed were the recipients of the occasion as they marched off with luncheon In hand to the lively time of a tinhorn brigade, the horns being a gift from Mr. Selling. To Preach at St. Mart6. Rev. Edwin O'Hara, late of St. Paul Seminars', "will preach this evening at St. Mary's Ca thedral, corner Fifteenth and -Davis. Father O'Hara will speak on "Christ and His Divine Mission." This will be the second in the sermon series now Ueing given by the cathedral fathers for the benefit of inquiring non-Catholics. Ves pers will be sung by the cathedral choir. Services will begin at 7:30 P. "M. Travelers Fail to Meet. The meeting of the Oregon and Washington branch of the Travelers' Protective Association, which was called for last .evening in the American Inn, was not held. A few of the members, including President Ransom and Secretary Tlchner, were present at the appointed hour and decided to post pone the session, as all were anxious to witness the sham battle on Guild's Lake. Her Father Is Missc'o.-iMrs. Bcrnlce Casey, of Marshalltown, la., is anxious to receive Information concerning tho whereabouts of her father. Dr. G. Max well. When last heard from he was in Leadville. Colo., on his way to Portland. Anyone who can furnish this information is asked to communicate with F. Hi Lewis, care of The Oregonlan. Archbishop to Confer Sacrament. The archbishop will this morning confer the sacrament of confirmation on a num ber of candidates for this sacrament at the late mass at 10:30 o'clock. During this mass a mission given by the eloquent and zealous missionary. Rev. Joseph Chapoton, of the Redemptlonlst Order, will be opened. Sisters of Merct Need Financial Aid. The Sisters of Mercy ' of Portland have issued a statement showing their need of donations for the support of the Mercy Home, which they maintain at Sixteenth and Couch streets. They are purchasing the property where tho home is located and need funds to pay the In stallments as they fall due. Arrested as a Pickpocket. Vlncenclo, an Italian unable to speak English, was arrested on the Trail at the Lewis and Clark Exposition last night by Deputy Sheriff Mordn while making an effort to pick pockets. "Vlncenclo did not succeed In getting anything, but was taken to the County Jail to prevent further attempts. Michigan Society will hold its next regular "meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. 24. Launches for torpedo-boat destroyer. Merrill's boathouso. N. side Morrison St. MAKE TROUBLE ON TRAIL Youths Create Disturbance and Fight With Guards. Young hoodlums created several small sized riots on the Trail At the Lewis and Clark Exposition last night, attacking the guards and creating disturbances in gen eral. It seemed as though every boy in Portland, ranging all the way from 15 to 19 years of age, was on the Trail last night blowing horns In the ears and throwing paper in the eyes of the older visitors' to the amusement street. The boys were unruly in the extreme, and when cautioned by the guards became insolent Time and again they insulted the officers and dared them to make an arrest. Once or twice the guards arrested one of the boys, immediately to be be sieged by a mob of youngsters, who would overpower tho officers. Then there would be a free-for-all fist fight, as the guards did not use their bayonets, which thev always carry with them while on duty. The detectives at the Fair had to assist the guards, driving the boys away by using their blackjacks. One young man was dealt a blow upon the forehead which rendered him unconscious for more than an hour, but he finally recovered and was allowed to go home. At about 11 o'clock therewere jso .many fights going on at the Trail that the guards and detectives formed a line and cleared the street Nearly all of the young men were driven from the grounds Four boys were placed under arrest for creating disturbances, but they were re leased at midnight Tho guards would not have had any trouble last night in keep ing order except for the enormous crowds. TO THE TAVERN TODAY Sunday Is the one day of the week at least when we all want the best meals that our means will permit There Is con sequently Just one place In Portland to patronize on Sundays as well as other days, andlhe majority of the people of Portland are coming to see it that way. Its breakfasts, luncheons, dinners "and after-theater suppers arc as fine as any to be had In the United States. Its craw fish and other special dishes aro tho envy of all other cafes and grills, and its serv ice Is well-nigh perfect A splendid con cert orchestra gives daily and nightly programmes. It Is opposite the OregotUan building. Ladles' Annex, 309 Alder street CORSETS. Tho "Gossard" and "IT Irresistible." Another shipment of those high grade models recently demonstrated here by Miss Brewster, of New York, has arrived. "They lace In front" Portland Cloak & Suit Manufacturing Co., Mrs. M. U. Zeittuchs, 386 Washing ton street, between West Park and Tenth streets. "Wanted at Pasadena. ABERDEEN. Wash., Sept 39, (Special.) Do You Need . Plated Silverware? - We have found that some of the old makes of silver-plated knives, forks and spoons can no longer be relied upon. Tho reputation they made years ago is all that sells the goods, and after a short period of use they give out For this reason we now have all our plated flat wear made for us. with a stipulated amount of silver on each piece. It Is stamped plainly -Jaeger Bros." and we know positively that it Is the best on the market 9 7K tor one n nickel 1 liver knives and forks. They are solid all yZi I U the way through anJ can't wear out They are Just the thing for hard usage and look llkfc silver. Kd buys a dozen of our standard plated knives and forks. They are tUiuU splendid wearing and Just the thins for a medium-priced article. C fin Payn for one dozen of our extra swell knives and forks. These are UiUU sectional plate. That Is. they have extra plating where the wear Is, and are the best thing to be had. We can't Speak too. highly of them and our guarantee Is unlimited. fc1fl finbu'8 a en knives and forks In the beautiful French gray V I UiUU designs. Hollow handles and scimitar blades. They are better than many solid silver sets and art very pretty. The finish is exquisite Borry spoons and odd pieces to match. "S jeweleSis OPTICIANS JAEGER BROS. 290 MORRISON STREET, NEAR FIFTH The Heard Suction Eyeglass A boon to a long-suffering, vision afflicted public This new eyeglass will fit any nose, is comfortable, convenient, simple, durable and the most economical. We guarantee to replace any one of them within tw0 years with an entirely new mounting, in case of breakage. Exclusively- controlled by MWfACTURlNG-CPTKUJtS' PS3TLAM0i0R& 2S4 WasklBKtes Street, Between Feurth aad Fifth. CHILDREN'S and MISSES' SPECIAL VALUES HEAD WEAR! BECKER'S, Third and Salmon Sts. 65 Tarns and Caps in all-wool -cloth, also patent leather. S'5 Felt Hats, soft or stiff, ready to wear, large assortment. fX.25 Excellent quality soft felt ribbon trimmed; long streamers. 1.90 Felt "Napoleon" and "Continental" shapes; silk-cord and pom pon trim. v $2.25 Large assortment from our own trimming-room no two alike. Excellent values. C Tessler was arrested here today on a telegram from Pasadena, Cal. He is 45 years old. The charge against him Is not known. An offlccr Is on his way here to take him back. WHERE jp DINE. All the delicacies of the peason at the Portland Restaurant fine, prlvato apartments for parlies. Open all nlgat SOS Washington, near Fifth. The Manhattan Buffet Restaurant O Sixth street serves a genuine S-oourse French dinner 5 to 9A French chef. 75c Watch the Omaha grow. 6S Sixth street and eat the best French .dinner you ate for Kte. Wine. THE EMPIRE. Finest chicken dinner. 192 3d St Gcmilno French dinner, with wine, 50c at 93 Fifth street, near Stark. THE CLIFF HOUSE. The Cliff House will give a grand open ing Saturday Sept SO. which will surpass nil former efforts. The Cliff House, which is about one and a. half miles from tho American Inn. on the Llnnton road, south and only 14 miles outside of the city lim its, has for this special occasion made extraordinary efforts to please Its patrons. There is a buffet that Is stocked with choicest wines, llauorsand cigars; there Is music galore, there is tho finest view of the great Lewis and ClaTk Fair as It flashes out Its beauties, and the manage ment extends a cordial invitation to all their friends. An elegant collation will bo Berved. We have secured the services of the best chef on the Coast Telephone Main 225. Rath & Sandys, Proprietors. ESCAPERN0NG WINE y The finest product of the scappcrnong, the native North Carolina grape. A de licious, refreshing white wine. Moderate ly sweet a ladles' wine. W. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co.. Inc. distributors. SEWED SOLES, 75 CENTS. Goodyear machine Better than band work. Best material used. Schwind & Bauer, 2G9 Tamhlll, between Third and Fourth Gould Building to Xios Angeles. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept SO. A special dispatch to the Examiner from Los An geles" says: George Gould Is already building his line from San Francisco to Los Angeles, Free School of Domestic Science Opens in Our Store Tuesday.Oct. 3d, Promptly at 2:30 P. M. We have secured the services of Mrs. Bertha Haffncr, principal of the Indian Cooking School, to give us a four weeks' course of lectures on cooking and modern kitchen furnishing. Mrs. Haffner has lec tured in the principal cities of the East, secured one grand prize and two gold medaLs at the St Louis Exposition for her work. Every woman of intelligence Is in terested In learning newer and better ways of managing her household, espe cially the kitchen, and how to save time, strength and money. Mrs. Haffner fully discusses this subject and gives practical lessons In how to do things. Every one Is invited to attend the lec ture. There will be plenty of chairs. Come and bring your visiting friends. Come promptly on time, spend a pleasant and profitable afternoon. Remember the day and the hour. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3d, 2:30 P. M. Cordially Youn, Honeyman Hardware Co. which will form a portion of his Western Pacific system. Whore his efforts are to be seen Is In the construction of the Bakcrsficld & Ventura Railway, now being built from Oxnard in the direction of this city. The line Is supposed to be for an electric road, but is being constructed with heavy steel, of standard gauge, so that It can easily-' be operated as a steam road. It wasrumored that Henry T. Oxnard was 'behind this enterprise, but Xhls has been officially denied. From an, authoritative source, the state ment comes that tho road Is a part of George Gould's plan practically to dupli cate tbe Southern "Pacific system in California. night of Boom Companies. OIiTMPIA, Wash., Sept 30. Special.) A legal fight between two corporations over the booming privileges in the North River, Pacific County, was decided by the 9uprcme Court today In favor of the XI comcn Boom Company. The North Shore Boom & Driving Company Is restrained from constructing booming works on ter ritory previously appropriated by the NI- comen Company, but not actually put to U9C The Supremo Court holds'that .a boom- WE SELl PRIESTLEY'S CRAVENETTE RAINCOATS AND NO OTHERS Because no other brands are the real thing. We have Craven ekes in all shades and pat terns, and qualities are accord ing to price. They are all wa terproof. Prices : $10,-$12.50, $15 and Up to $30 TOMORROW IS FAMOUS DAY FAMOUS CLOTHING COMPANY Cor. Morrison and Second Stvttis THE GREATEST CLOTHIN.G HOUSE IN THE NORTHWEST Ttfen's Stiff-bosom shirts in pretty, light patterns, coat style with two pairs of cuffs $1.50 Neckwear, iri-. descent or two toned effects, abroad shades in . heavy silks . 50c 3 en s Jfat lit ear Before you buy your new Hat you should ask to be shown the peer of all $3.00 Hats, the !$rook A rare selection of nobby styles An Exact Representation Above we present an exact lilceness of one of the many exclusive suit styles we are showing for Fall and Winter. ' Double-breasted three-button sack, long-cut coat with slightly conforming back. The shoulders, collar and lapels are beautifully and artistically modeled. We are showing these Suits in new and novel weaves, plain colors and ex tremely swell mixtures. Our Overcoat and Cravenette assortment is as select and complete as that of our suits. A wide range of the "frock coat" styles. Hen's Suits . $10 to $35 Oyercoats $10 to $55 Cravenettes $10 to $35 f,h?1'PAn,C flfifflinrf Careful attention has been jiven our children' department and it is villi Ul ull u vlU I lull t now complete in every detail. Special values in school suits, overcoats iti(ittiii6itiaiiiit(tet(tit(t(ii(teii(i9iiii( 9 O ft c o O e o a 9 m a o o asaao Ing company, as a quasi publloservico cor poration, may anticipate future necessi ties and may for that purpose hold ter ritory not In actual use to the exclu sion of other companies. Its rights under Its plats filed In the office of tho Sec retary 6f State arc analogous to the rights of railway companies In filing1 right-of-way plats. The decision. Is a reversal of the lower court. 5 A DDnMIMPMT rITT7i:M rM KVDVDTniTC" Large Suras Paid to Auditor. VANCOUVER. Wash., Sept. 30. (Spe cial.) The official business of the County Auditor's office of this county this month show? a larger sum collected than' any month In the history of the office. The total sum collected was ST01.10, of which there were paid to the game and protec tion fund on account of hunters licenses, 5219; to tha County -Clerk on account of marriage licenses, 543; leaving a total bal ance earned by the Auditor's office of U39.10. Thero was a total of 2S6 entries In the fee-book, representing that maiiy dlfferent Instruments handled by tho office. Of this amount there were 191 hunters licenses. S s s "I consider the 'Invisible' Bifocal Lenses sold by Walter Reedthe Optician, "iioth useful and ornamental and a blessing to those who wear double-lens glasses. In nearly 20 years spectacle wearing eyewear has given equal satisfaction." me x WALTER REED PIANO-MAKING PIANO -PLAYING PIANO-SELLING Have been my occupations from childhood up. Don't you think that I ought to know a little more about Pianos than the averago dealer and salesman? Don't you think that ray knowledge of a Piano can bo of some benefit to you in case vou wish to buy? I have a fine line to select from, just look them over. My services are at your disposal. 13S SIXTH STREET, OKEGONIAN IIUII.DIXO. We do crown and brld peworte without pais. Our 18 years expertenca In plato worle enables cs to St you; mouth comfortably. Dr. W. A. Wis baa found a af way to extract teeta absolutely without pain. Dr. T. p. 'Wis la na expert at sold fllllnj and crown and bridsework. Extracting frti wben piatas or bridges ar oeieztsL. WISE BROS., Dentists ratline Eulldlnr. cor. Third and Wash. Sts. Open evenings till 9 o'clock. Sundays from 8 to 12. Or Main 2020. EDOC.vnONAI- t . i 1 ' "DR. TV. A. WISE. 1 - UK. T. x WTSX. A. W. MEYER 74 SIXTH STREET, NEAR OAK STEINVVAY PIANOS GRAND AND UPRIGHT. A. B. CHASE PIANOS TOUCH. TONE ACTION AND "WORK MANSHIP ARE UNEXCELLED. ESTEY PIANOS ONLY ONE GRADE THE HIGHEST. EMERSON PIANOS ESTABLISHED l&O-MORE THAN S2.0CO STARR PIANOS NOTED FOR PERFECTION IN TONE. TOUCH AND DURABILITY. RICHMOND PIANOS From a musical standpoint, tha Richmond ritno Is universally noted and commended for its artistic excellence. Tbe above piano for sale at right prices and on easy terms at DUNDORE PIANO CO. 233 WASHINGTON ST. ME k TRIP THROUGH CUM And sec the Festival under direction of our guides. Refreshments In Chinese restaurant and handsome souvenir booklet, alt for 73 cents. On account of special event two trips wltl be made nightly. 7 and 9 o'clock, from 140 Second Street. PORTLAND CHINATOWN" GUIDE CO., SEID BACK. JR.. "MGR. '1NSTBUC110N t"! HOME STUDY. HOUSTON SCHOOL Cannon Hill, Spokane, Wash. y .incorporated oouraing ana uay scnooi xor i'Doys above age of eight. New buildings on atmosphere especially beneficial to tho.-to from Coast region. Teachers college gradu ates. Careful supervision and preparation HI 131 2.00 3.00 S.00 5.00 7.50 forcpHege or business. Address ""EDGAR F. STRONG. 1'IUNi CII'AL. gchwab Printing Co. ir WORK. XZjS0KA3LK pxices STXEEX A School for Employed Men Xhlrtr Teachers Fortr Different Subjects. Fall Term Begins Monday, Sept. 25, 1003. CLASS. Algebra .....$3.00 American Government 2.00 Architectural drawing 0.00 Arithmetic- Bookkeeping - .V: Bookkeeping (Espert Accounting). Carpentry rk.mlitrv ........................ Civil Service Classes iper moamj Commercial Law 0J Electricity -0 Electrical Laboratory - 3.00 Engineering. Mathematics 3.00 English Grammar....' 2.00 Forestry ; Freehand Drawing 7.00 Geography - 3.00 Geometry 3-"JJ German 4.00 Interior Decorating i.OO Insurance 5.00 Machino Design 4.00 Mandolin. Guitar ., 3.00 Manual Training 5.00 Mechanical Drawing 3.00 Mechanics 3.00 f Mineralogy - u- Mining Methods and Macnlnery 3.00 Penmanship 2.00 Plumbings 7.00 Public Speaking 5.00 Reading and Spelling 2.00 Rhetoric . 3.00 Sign Painting .. 5.00 Shorthand .,i - 4.00 : Spanish 4-00 j Steam Engineering.. 5.00 ! Trigonometry - - 3.00 Typewriting 4.00 I Vocal Music 2.50 j "Wood "Carving 5.00 ! St. Mary's Academy THE DALLES, OREGON Boarding school for pins. Forty-second year opens September 5. 1905. Remarkabls record for health and successful educa tional work. Finely equipped bullAIng, ex tenslvo lawns. Full courses In English, music, art and languages. TILE MISSES RODNEY X.essons in English. French, piano, vocal music (German method), history, literature, history of art. No. 128 X. 22d Strert. TEETH TTFTH Workmgboys' Night School Students showing proficiency are assisted in ending positions. Educational meraberriilp $ 3.00 per year Full membership 12.00 per year Call at Association Building, cor. 4 th and Tamhlll sts., for particulars. , These are the only dentists In Portland who know and use the American system of pain less dentistry. FILLINGS ... .50c, 75c and $1.00 GOLD CROWNS. 22k.... $5.00 BRIDGE WORK. 22k ?5.00 FULL SET NATURAL TEETH 5.00 Boston Painless Dentists 231V& Morrison St- Opp. Meier & Frank arid Postofflce. HOUR5-R:30 A. M. to 3 P. M. Sunday, 8:30" A. M. to 12:30 P. 2L CURIOS. Antiquities, Bought aid Sold. Iwhan Stone Knives Relics, Carvings and Idolt .n Ivory, Stone. Bronze, etc. War Clabi. Spear Bow INDIAN tST0HE AB20W AMD SPEAK POINTS Uj:1- I. Mats, Skulls of all Nations HEADS and H0KJJS of Animals, War Medals. r yY P"?1?"" od Urcs, Ancient Fknt Ouns and Patois. Coins, Shields. Antique Silver and Armor, Shells. Send for Photos. Wholesale Dealer Nathan Joseph, 604 SlerchantSLS.RCai HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES Complete stock, moderate prices. Mall orders aoUcltetl. Catalcguo free. WOODAKD, CLARKE A CO, Portland. Or.