The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 01, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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The failure of Bishop Potter's tem
perance saloon has not halted the work
of that eminent divine in "behalf of a
3arge number of people whoso opportu
nities for recreation in any form are
decidedly restricted. Bishop Potter ljas
always been somewhat radical in his
views on religion, and in many of -his
acts and utterances shows that he has
strayed afar from - the old "hell-flre-and-damnatlon"
theory of Christianity.
At the same time none of these depart
ures from the old-line religion have
weakened his. hold on the masses. The
bishop's subway saloon was a failure,
tout a similar fate has overtaken many
a previous attempt to better mankind.
The Potter saloon was established to
provide the city toiler of moderate or
poor circumstances with a place to
meet, rest and exchange ideas and
views with his fellow-man.
The rich members of Bishop Potter's
church, of course, had their private
clubs and societies, and a good' many
of them found recreation around the
Waldorf-Astoria and other similar loaf
ing places forever barred from the poor
toiler. The Inability of the poor but re
spectable toiler to gratify his desire for
a social glass without the necessity of
going to low groggeries or gin mills in
the submerged district did not change
his inclinations, and the principle that
inspired the establishment of the re
spectable saloon in the subway was a
good one. The bishop seems animated
with a similar principle In his protest
against the attempt to restore the old
New England Sunday by the enforce
ment of the blue laws. These ancient
methods of Inflicting mental torture at
tained their highest degree of public
approval at a time rwheh in some 'of
the strongholds of New England relig
ion the burning of witches was deemed
a necessity.
In deference to a changing public
sentiment, the burning of witches was
abandoned many years ago, but some
of the other features which tended to
make religion irksome hav.e lingered
along and become component parts of
some of the blue laws which are bet
ter by their non-enforcement The en
vironment of the original observers of
the New England Sabbath was so rad
ically different from that in which the
people of the present day are living that
the old method of observing It is value
Jess as a criterion for the present-day
observers. The purling brooks, the
shaded forest or the sounding surf
anight have appealed powerfully to our
2Cew England ancestors after their six
days of labor, but with scalp-taking
Indians enjoying all of these natural
beauties, theorlginal settlers were
cooped up in the stockade and had no
Dther form of diversion than prayer
and preaching.
Knowledge of science, art and litera
ture had not then reached a stage
Wlrere they were fruitful themes of dis
cussion; and the minds of the people,
Jike their physical efforts, were restrict
ed and narrowed by the environment
It was only In such a cramped environ
ment that the mind of man could be
distorted Into the belief that the hang
ing of witches was a necessity for the
good of the community, and it was only
in such an environment that some of
the blue laws which still cumber the
Btatute-books could be conceived.
The Potter Sunday as outlinefd by the
bishop is a day of rest and recreation
for the tired toller whose Inclinations
after a week of hard work may lead to
the sermons In trees and running
brooks instead of those which are read
from pulpits built by the hand of man.
There are thousands and hundreds of
thousands of people with whom the
struggle for bread is not so strenuous
as to prohibit them from enjoying such
diversions on other days than Sunday
but it is not exslusively for this class
that Bishop Potter appeals for a. more
liberal Sabbath day. His appeal for
an abrogation of the old blue Ia-ws. of
the New England -Sunday will be more
successful than his subway saloon, and
even that progressive project had mer
its that appealed to all liberal-minded
Oyster Bay always rises nobly to its
responsibilities as the home of an Amer
ican President "Whenever the Presi-.
dent goes to Oyster Bay the village
turns out en masse to meet him; when
he .leaves Oyster Bay, friends, neigh
bors; children, everybody goes down to
the station to see him off. The Presi
dent has had a strenuous vacation, but
lie wanted it, deserved it, and got it
Between his Colorado bear hunt his
dive in the submarine boat his cross
country horseback rides, and his excur
sions with the Roosevelt boys, he has
had a lot of fun. He is going to have
more fun of an entirely different kind
in "Washington this "Winter. The Pan
ama Canal, the railroad rate question,
Santo Domingo and Nicaragua, the
stand-patters and the grafters will be
tween them keep the President very
busy; and that's when he enjoys him
self most The only thing the Presi
dent -will have missed during the whole
year Is the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion; and that is not his fault nor
Every day at the Exposition has been
Portland day, for the people of Portland
have at all times had a special and pro
found interest In the success of the great
enterprise. They merely took occasion
yesterday to give the world an oppor
tunity to measure the Portland spirit
The weather was not altogether auspi
cious; nevertheless, everybody who
could go went to the Fair. The Fair
management called on Portland to
show Its mettle; and "Portland respond
ed. The day was a greater triumph, all
things considered, than Chicago day at
the "World's Fair, or St Louis day at
the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
It was Portland day, but Portland
people are not alone responsible for the
magnificent results. The people of the
Willamette Valley and Eastern Oregon,
and of the whole Columbia Basin, came
in swarms. They came to demonstrate
that they are In the fullest, accord with
Portland in all things that pertain to
the development and welfare of the Ex
position. Portland helped to make
noteworthy occasions of Salem day, Al
bany day. Hood River day, Astoria day,
Seattle day, Tacoma day, and all other
days during the whoe course of the
Fair. Therefore the people of these
places, being neighbors and friends, re
ciprocated. And, above all, they gave
to Portland Itself complete evidence
that the people of the country at large
are satisfied with Portland and Its re
lations to the Exposition and to them.
If this manifestation of good will and
friendliness had been the only result of
Portland day, it would have been suffi
cient The Exposition has in many ways
been a marvel. It satisfies every one
that sees it It has been so well ad
vertised that it has brought more .peo
ple to the Northwest than any one
imagined possible. And it has been so
well managed that it will, according to
President Goode's statement have a
handsome surplus when the gates close.
"Who could ask more?
On the surface. It seems that the cam
paign in Ohio is ever protection and
free trade. The Republican leaders
want it so. Senator Foraker is leading
the fight for the standpatters. Chair
man Dick says the issue is the tariff.
The Democratic leaders say the tariff
is threadbare, and the real question is
the Republican bosses. They are mak
ing a tremendous onslaught on the Re
publican machine by their charges of
bossismvand ring leadership.
But the result does not depend on
what the people have to say about the
tariff, on the one hand, or the bosses, on
the other. The chief issue is local op
tion. It is clearly set forth by a Co
lumbus correspondent of the New York
Sun; who says:
The campaign made by the Anti-Saloon
League has resulted in a large defection from
Governor Herrlck In tht Republican ranks.
The church conferences have by resolution de
clared against him. and the Protestant clergy
of the state are almost solid against him.
On the other hand, the liberal element of the
state has been forced to hte support. Hany
of the clergy have been so violent In their at
tacks on Governor Herrlck that "there Is now
a reaction in hla favor. Many Republicans
who regret Governor Herrick's action on the
residence local option bill, and whp were dis
posed to vote against him. are now declaring,
that-t'hey wUl not follow the radical temper
ance reformers into the Democratic camp.
Some of the broader minded of the clergy are
beginning to take the same view.
The prohibition question is in politics
In Ohio just as it is, or will be. In Ore
gon. It overshadows everything else
there. The Democrats have joined
hands with the Prohibitionists to beat
the Republican ticket; but they decline
to acknowledge It because they fear
losses from the saloon vote. The Re
publicans insist that National Issues
are at stake, so that they may avoid an
dpen stand on prohibition. The Prohi
bitionists make no secret of what they..
want and purpose to do, If they can,
and that Is to defeat the Republican
The" death of George Macdonald
Scotchman, preacher, poet novelist a
few days ago was the passing of the
last of a school of writers and thinkers
who, for their own generation at least,
mingled the useful and the sweet In
admirable proportions through their
works. This Is the estimate of the NeW
York Evening Post, and ft Is one in
which readers of the old school will
heartily coincide.
Macdonald was, at his passing, SI
years old five years younger than
Charles Klngsley. He wasa product
and representative of the sarrie general
movement which sought to sugar-coat
religion with fiction and thus make it
palatable. Klngsley .was the more
forceful, since with him Christianity
was "muscular"; with Macdonald It was
milder, though still "manly." Their
novels and those of their followers were
"safe"; the pulpit welcomed them; the
critics found them good art; they might
lie unabashed on the most, pious and
cultured parlor table. Thefr tinge of
unorthodoxy did not frighten away
readers, but rather added a touch of
piquancy to their pleasure.
As a man, Macdonald fras so unques
tionably moral, and the quality of his
humanity was so high, that the good
Evangelicals of the day in which his
pen and brain were the most active
were not shocked when he Indicated
his belief In a paradise for animals by
asking: "Should dogs come into
The dominant impression left by the
novels of this, good, and in the best
sense great man, is their essentia!-!
moral nobility. His novels, "David El
ginbrod" and "The Elect Lady," are
wholesome stories of pure, human men
and women. "With villains and mean
natufes he was inexpert in dealing. He
could not understand, hence could not
depict, their characters.
On the other hand, he was peculiarly
fitted to understand children, and his
stories of child life were true to nature
and full of beauty in their fine sym
pathy for the moods of a child.
The impulse given to manly or "mus
cular" Christianity by the teachings
and writings of men of whose class
George Macdonald was the last to pass
away is still ' powerful in the church-
but" their literary skill perished with
them. Like Jane Austen, they gavea.
molding touch to the. life and sentiment
of their time. Their work. In its sim
plicity its wholesomeness. Its following
after Nature, has a restful quality that
abides with the reader.
"Whether the love of pleasure stimu
lates one to more vigorous exertion
than the dread of pain was a question
dear to. old-fashioned debating clubs.
In the youth of Benjamin Franklin and
for a hundred years afterward these
clubs were to young men and boys what
football and cigarettes are now. The
charm of the question lay In Its having
no answer. On the affirmative side, as
well as the negative, rolled a boundless
ocean of facts and arguments, and if
tonight one party, in the opinion of the
honorable judges, had dipped the more
copious buckets, next week the same
happy fortune might befall the other.
Thus defeat was never Irretrievable
and victory never decisive, and the
fadeless Interest of agame of chance
overhung the debate. f
There are survivals In rural parts of
these debating clubs, so foreign to the
tastes of the modern schoolboy, just as
In college now and then one still comes
across a youth, -who takes an interest
In things Intellectual; and In these clubs
the same old questions are discussed
with the same futility as of yore. If a
young man, wearying of a controversy
which can never end, should emerge
from the secluded hamlets where such
arguments are still carried on and seek
for an answer to the question about the
love of pleasure and the dread of pain
In the facts of our American life, asking
himself, as he observes what goes on,
which of the two passions influences us
most he must remain In doubt as much
as ever, perhaps. And perhaps again
he need not In our' mad race across
the little tract of time which Provi
dence has divided to this "generation,
are we really urged in less degree by
the dread of pain than by the desire for
pleasure? It almost seems that one
might victoriously argue upon the neg
ative If the Judges were fair. Our ca
reer Is a wild one; nobody can deny
that It gives us no time to become
thinkers, poets or scientists; sunshine
and flowers, Spring and Summer, rush
by in a blur; we cannot stop to weigh
and compare values; there is no paus
ing to discriminate between illusion and
reality; there is no pausing to live.
We can only gallop, gallop, gallop.
"Ride as though you were dying." But
what are we riding for?
Pleasure Is a rosy-cheeked damsel,
not too well thought of by sour philoso
phers, who Is said to fly perpetually
from him who pursues; but none who
observes our American life honestly
and carefully can say that In our In
sane race from the cradle to the grave
we are chasing sensual Pleasure. The
story of the marrleti-j-ouple In high so
ciety who lived on flint soup 353 days
In the year to feast their aristocratic
friends the other two, is true to our
nature and typical of what we ar.e all
doing in our degree. "We are reaching
for something just a little beyond us.
The farmer apes his salaried brother
who lives in the city. The salaried
brother apes his friends who Jiavc
Incpmes a little larger. They race with
the smaller aristocrats who pay sal
aries instead of earning them.' The
small aristocrats race with the big ones.
The boy on the farm will be a lawyer
and the girl a school teacher. The law
yer must become a capitalist or a
United States Senator. The Senator
must marry hlSj daughter to a Duke.
"We can answer, therefore, the question
What are we riding for? We are rid
ing, In fact, to catch the man, or
woman, ahead of us. And what is he
riding for? To tumble Into his grave.
There is finality for you. But in all
that there Is no sensual pleasure. To
be continually straining with all one's
energy for something which Is forever
just out of reach Is not enjoyment The
ancients numbered it among the tor
tures of the damned. The punishment
of Tantalus was to stand up to the chin
in water which he could never drink,
and iQng eternally for fruit hanging a
little beyond his grasp; and the life we
live of perpetual striving for what we
cannot attain amounts to this, and
nothing more.
In saying this one feels a sense of un
orthodoxy, as if, intact he were con
tradicting all the answers in'the cate
chism of democracy. The first ques
tion in that catechism, at least as we
have adapted it Is, "What Is the first
duty of man?" And the answer, "To
rise so high in the world that he can
despise his father's calHng." And the
first and sole duty of parents, as taught
in this catechism. Is to make their chil
dren better than themselves; not better
men and women; do not make the mis
take of thinking that Js the meaning of
the precept; and not better craftsmen
In whatever kind or degree; but better
socially. The duty of the parent to his
children, In American acceptation, is to
train them to a higher standard of com
fort and expense than their fathers' and
to place them where they can look
down upon some, if not all, of their
neighbors who once could look down
upon them. We thus see that it was
not quite accurate to say a moment
ago that we. are all galloping to catch
the man ahead. What we really wish
Is to get beyond him, and then, as we
speed away, look back with' a pitying
and patronizing sneer. There is noth
ing your true democrat so much enjoys
as to be "socially superior to somebody
else and to make that other feel his in
feriority. Herein lies the secret of the
servant problem, if one had time to dis
cuss It. The mistress of the house Is
so eager to rub the maid's servile con
dition into the raw spots of her con
sciousness that the whole tribe of do
mestic workers has rebelled, and gone
Into other vocations.
The pleasure of despising the friends
and companions of one's youth Is real
and It Is lasting. What the German
poet said of other pleasure, that It Is
gone ere It begins, cannot be said
of this. The Joy of "not knowing" the
girl who used to go to spelling school
with you lasts during the whole trip on
the boat or train where one happens to
run across her,, or during the whole
period of the afternoon tea, where by
some strange chance she has intruded.
Schopenhauer could never have taught
his sad dogma that the highest purpose
of life is to extinguish the will to live
if he had ever experienced the pleasure
of glaring with cola irrecognltion Into
the face of a former friend. Our Amer
ican caste system differs from that of
HIndoostan not In having the lines less
stralghtly drawn, but In that there Is a
way to cross them.
II has been said that this generation
of mankind dreads physical pain and
even discomfort more than any other
evil. It is certain that our abhorrence
of bodily suffering savors of degener
acy. The pain, of a spanking is, worse
for a schoolboy, we holdV than any;
nrnouhT"of the vice which It would pre
vent. A dozen smart lashes "on the
back degrade a man more than the
shame of imprisonment Injury to the
body has come to signify with us the
worst of Ignominy; which can only
mean that we hold the body to be the
noblest part of" the. man, if not the
whole of him. Otherwise, why Is It that
we are so tender of the schoolboy's
hide and so careless of what used to be
called his soul? However this may be,
there Is one kind of mental pain which
we all feel to be worse than any
amount of bodily suffering, and that Is
the pain of being behind somebody else
In the mad gallop of life. To the gods
Who we think may help us to get ahead
we offer up soul and body, the peace of
contentment and the Joy of friendship,
the comfort of home and the blessed
ness of love.
Which, then. Influences us most, the
love of pleasure or the dread of pain?
When so many newcomers are seek
ing farms, and price are rising every
where, this is a very hard question for
many farmers In Oregon to answer. So
many there are In doubt that It be
comes a master of almost general Inter
est to suggeslhow It may be settled one
way or the other. Some men will not
stop to think, but, given a chance to
sell the farm ata profit It will go, and
the rolling stone "will take yet another
turn. But to most of- us, to cut the
roots which we and .our families have
set Into the soil on vhlch we live Is a
serious thing indeed.
Suppose, then, that an offer is made
of more money than we either gave
for the farm, or at which it stands In
our private estimate, shall It be ac
cepted? The first rtiing to settle, is
what the farm stands for to us and
ours. Is it merely so many acres of
land, such and such buildings and
fences, so much young orchard or hop
yard, an Investment of so much money
which we can turn over and add to if
the chance comes? That Is a matter-of-fact
standpoint But when rising
values are taken Into account and also
the certainty that even outside of the
rise that one farm shares with all oth
ers, the particular farm has so much
land to be cleared, so much old pasture
to be broken up and cultivated, so
many old buildings and fences to be re
newed, then a year or two's persever
ance will show a heavy percentage of
profit on labor and money so invested.
Hardly a farm In Western Oregon, at
any rate, but comes within that list
It may be that the farm Is too large
for the capital of the owner. Posslbly
the labor and money Involved In im
proving the whole farm to the full may
be too much for him. In that case It
will be wise, from every side, to sell off
to the proposing buyer all that cannot
be completely worked. But, whether we
admit it to ourselves or not, there are
other things to think of before weTmakc
up our minds to sell out ,The farm
and the home are one. In owning It we
have satisfied the universal passion for
a piece of this world's surface for our
own! But In Oregon there Is more by
far. Our farms arc not mere legal sub
divisions of a square mile of land.
Hardly one but has a beauty of its own.
To describe is impossible to suggest,
even, takes too long. Hill and valley,
woodland md fertile pasture, distant
mountains and near-by streams, fruit
ful trees and flowers homes, alrbf
them. Most of us take all this for
granted: It occurs not to us that the fa
miliar sights and dally surroundings
enter into the texture of our lives. In
two ways, though, we may be con
vinced. Strangers see with new and
unaccustomed eyes what we pass by
unnoticed. So from them we may learn.
And, If we do decide to go, and leave to
others that which, through slow years,
we have made our own, how the old
farm will ehine on us as we turn our
backward looks.
Try as we may,, we cannot hold the
farm as the mere factory for so much
beef and mutton, so much butter and
fruit Nature, will be too strong for us,
and all will find out. It may be too late,
the strength of the ties between the
family and their farm home.
t Granted this and what follows? First,
that our first question cannot be an
swered by merely holding un a monev
Iproflt to decide It Second, that -the
1 . . . ...
juubur wv, una our pons ana aaugnters,
live on the farm the more Interests In
It and its improvement will gather
round us. Purposes will be ever in
course of fulfillment and each will be
attached to some part, some side, of the
old homestead.
If this be sentiment it Is sentiment
nearly allied to patriotism. In all ages.
In all countries, the love for the land
has Inspired high thoughts and the
mightiest deeds. '
. Professor Nathaniel Butler, of the
University of Chicago, spoke at the
closing session of the twentieth annual
convention of the Brotherhood of St
Andrew recenUyuoon "Education as a
Factor In AmerlcanNtfanhood.' In the
course of his lecture R&v declared that
the term "self-made man" had come to
be a fallacy, and added:
Efficient manhood, the manhood that ought
to be offered to the world, no longer cornea
home-made. In this time of competition the
world Is willing to pay the highest price for
the efficient man. Jest as for superior articles
of commercial use.
There Is a basis of fact In this esti
mate that will be recognized even by
"self-made" men who take time from
their strenuous life to look thoughtfully
about them. Times change and" people
change. The conditions of labor and
the implements of labor are esientlally
different from what thes were when
Abraham Lincoln made the deck of a
flat boat, and a maul and wedge, stepping-stones
to the Presidency of the
United States; or when a ferryboat and
a laborer's boarding-house were -the
foundations of the Vanderbllt fortune.
The self-made man's success Is due
only to unusual ability combined with
unusual physical endurance. It may be
doubted, indeedT if it was ever due to
anything else. The man who boasts
'that he Is of this class may well be
humble in the face of these facts and
grateful to Nature for the equipment
that made hi self -makings possible.
This Is, to be sure, an era of oppor
tunity; but the opportunity. Is for the
-young man who Is prepared by the
equipment of the technical. Industrial
or professional school to meet and close
with It Competition Is sharp; the de
mand for energy Is not greater, than the
demand for skilL The one Is born Into
a man; the other Is an acquisitl6n.
We are yet close to the period in our
own pioneer era wherein a man could
hew his way Into prominence and for
tune with an .ax. wielded, sturdily dur
ing the long vacation period of his at-
LLertdance upon the poorly equipped vil
lage school. 'Of the young men who
even then failed. In the effort, and with
bodies broken by privation -"went to
V -
early graves, or with spirits broken by
long waiting for higher opportunity
sunk Into mediocrity or. oblivion, the
world takes little note. It Is only of
those that through unusual ability,
made themselves names and places In
the world of finance, of politics or of
business, who have been heard from. Of
the vast number equal In endeavor,
equal perhaps In ambition, but short In
mental ability and physical endurance,
nothing has been heard. lacking equip
ment as a complement to their ordi
nary ability and earnest Endeavor, they
f a lied to rise above the dead level of
commonplace existence "failed and
saddened, knowing It."
Out of these conditions the term
"self-made men" arose; these condi
tions made the self-made man a possi
bility now and then a. striking reality.
But the era In which they prevailed Is
largely of the past; that which remains
of lc4s on the wane. Efficiency In deal
ing with the problems of modern life
must be cultivated. It can no longer
be manufactured. It Is not In a narrow
sense "home-made." The wider life of
the university and the technical school
Is necessary to produce "efficient man
hood, the manhood that ought to
be offered to the world." Bare
handed endeavor cannot hew its
way unaided through the great laby
rinths of competition to the highest
places in the Industrial and mechanical
professions. Hence, as Professor Butler
has it, the term "self-made man" has
come to be a mere fallacy in the world
of modern endeavor.
At the opening of the school year Is
an appropriate time for students at
our institutions of higher education to
ask themselves whether they are col
lege men and college women or college
boys and college girls. In other words,
have they reached that period In their
lives where play has ceased to be the
chief object of their endeavors and
their activities merit the name of work?
Is college- life merely an opportunity
for greater social enjoyment in the
lighter sense of the term or Is It a
season of earnest effort for the devel
opment of those qualities which make
useful men and women ? Does absence
from home and close friends for sev
eral months constitute a license for de
parture from those straight paths of
conduct which have been followed In
the past or does It Impose upon the
student the necessity of exercising the
greater care In the formation of habits
and the choice of companions?
These are questions which each stu
dent must answer for himself or her
self. Student life begins at-that age
when boys and gjrls should lose most
of their childhood ways and acquire
the manners and habits of men and
women. Whether they undergo this
transformation depends chiefly upon
themselves, but also in a large degree
upon the Instructors under whose Influ
ence they come. To each Individual Is
left primarily the task of shaping his
own character, though the example, ad
vice and wisely directed assistance of
professors and friends may go far
toward determining the choice the stu
dent shall make. When the commence
ment season Is over and the years of
preparation have merged Into the years
of productive work, personal habits.
Ideals and ethical principles will have
been formed and standards of future
action largely fixed.
It Is easy to take life as a huge joke.
There seems to be nothing seriously
wrong with missing as many classes as
the rules of the school will permit and
studying a lesson as little as possible
without failing to pass the examina
tions. Using pony translations and get
ting more advanced students to explain
problems that close study should unfold
Is perhaps admitted not to be entirely
"fair." but It Is not placed upon the
same basis with theft or falsehood.
Minor violations of rules of the school
are a disgrace if found out. but not
wrong otherwise. These are the views
many young people take of their work
in college, and their views of life are
framed accordingly. The wrong they
do Is not an offense against their In
structors nor in its most Important as
pect an injury to the Institution, though
each school must be Judged largely by
the conduct and work of Its students.
The deep-fixed and lasting injury re
sulting from careless and slovenly work
Is that which leaves Its scar upon the
character of the Individual and Impairs
his power for effective effort In" the
great occupation of getting on In the
Going to school is a matter of busi
ness, and should be looked upon by stu
dents from that standpoint Is It
worth while? Will it pay? Is it the
best I can get out of my time and la
bor? These are queslons young men
and women should ask and answer hon
estly and fully when making a choice
of opportunities. How canNI get the
largest return for the. tuition and col
lege expenses I pay? How can I make
my Instructor give the largest return
for his salary? How can I stop little
leaks of time? These are other ques
tions as Important to the student as
similar questions are to every manager
of a business enterprise, great or small.
Industry, integrity, perseverance, are
qualities of supreme importance In the
world of affairs, and these qualities
young men and young women must de
velop In the days of their college life If
they would be ready to fill desirable
places In high callings. The man who
shirks, the man who cheats, the man
who gives up at the first failure! Is
doomed-to remain at the foot of the lad
der of achievement
The annual report of the Civil Ser
vice Commission will be ready for the
public printer early In October. It wilt
show In detail to what enormous pro
portions the civil service system has
attained and give In exact figures the
number in the great standing army of
Government employes.
It is learned in advance of the publi
cation of this" report that 50,000 appli
cations were filed by men and women
seeking Government positions under
civil service rules between January 1
and June 30 of tlje present year. Of
this number, about -(5,000 took the pre
scribed examinations, a large propor
tion of whom are now on the '"waiting"
Statistics show that something like 10
per cent of those who file applications
fall to report for examination. Of
those who pasF, about 35 per cent re
ceive appointments within the waiting
period. The army of men and women
who applied for Government Jobs last
year through the medium of civil ser
vice and took the examinations num
bered 120.000. Of these, lOO.Oub passed
and 4S00 were appointed. Contrary to
the popular belief) the persons' receiv
ing appointment under civil service and
protectedrin their positrons by'lts.rules
and regulations are not superannuated
politicians or political and industrial
driftwood seeking safe harbor, but for
the most part are vigorous, competent
men and women well able t& earn the
salaries they receive. The average age
of those appointed last year was 28
A standing' army, the ranks of which
are steadily Increasing, Is this army of
Government employes, protected from
the spoils system In politics by civil
service rules. In the early days of the
system there were, comparatively
speaking, but few positions In the clas
sified service; now there are few places
excepted from the competitive class.
While on its face the method pursued
is open and fair, it Is obvious tha? those
who understand Its possibilities and are
familiar with its ways, and means have
little difficulty in placing or retaining
favorites In office under its cloak. Still,
it is but fair to assume that the sys
tem Is reasonably just In Its operations
and that it is at least an improvement
upon the old spoils system that made
no pretense of fitness .for official ap--pointment
outside of the party line. A
peculiarity of this great standing
army Is that It has relatively few de
serters and that If perchance one of
Its members takes leave, no attempt is
made to recover and return him to the
There Is o refuge for the miserable
fathers In New York City, earning from
53000 to $15,000 a year, who, because
they are fathers, are driven Into the
street by landlords whose houses shall
not be desecrated at the hands and feet
of 'healthy, happy children. Let them
come to Oregon. If their vocations call
for city environment, Portland is the
pjace they are "looking for. Here the
father can acquire a comfortable home
for what his rent costs him In New
York and in like scattered payments.
Within the city limits we can house
half a million people and guarantee to
every family at least 50 by 100 feet of
level ground. The strong probability Is
that the children will be healthier here
than in New York, and, living nearer
to Nature In her most benign mood,
they will develop into finer men and
women. In Portland It Is not held to be
criminal or unfashionable to have chil
dren. Even in pretentious boarding
houses they are not altogether tabooed.
No local philanthropist has as yet of
fered a premium for babies: It Isn't
necessary. Portland Is dally paying
out big money to physicians for bring
ing them, and the Maternity Hospital
Is running overtime. We may have our
faults, but race suicide Isn't one of
The Oregonlan has no expectation
that the State University and the Nor
mal Schools will be consolidated and
located at Portland. It suggested sev
eral days since that such consolidation
and re-locatlon would be the best thing
for the schools; but the people of Ore
gon have a way of refusing to do the
best thing for their educational institu
tions, and will continue so to do. no
doubt However, Portland has a large
population, and would contribute many
students to a state university If It were
here; but parents who desire that their
children have something more than a
common school training do not, as a
rule, send them to Eugene or Mon
mouth. The private Institutions or col
leges In other states get them. Mean
while taxpayers here are paying, and
have paid for years, a large proportion
of the expense of all the state schools,
and have benefited little from them.
The "gossips "again have Miss Roose
velt engaged to be married to Mr.
Longworth. who Is a Representative 'In
Congress, and who has money and good
looks. If they keep at It long enough,
no'doubt the match-makers will finally
hit It; but no one can tell anything
about a maid's way with a man, or
what man. Meanwhile we are follow
ing with profound interest and appre
ciation the travels and adventures of
our Alice In Wonderland.
Homesickness, the haunting specter
of the homeloving people of Finland,
caused a wanderer from that far-away
land to commit suicide in Aberdeen,
Wash., a few days ago. Any one who
has felt the depression that Is a feature
of this grievous malady of the spirit
and what stranger In a strange land
has not? will sympathize with this son
of the Far North In the feeling that
made life not seem worth the living.
The scheme of the two Oregon men
who were $10,000 apart on a business
deal and whd agreed to shake the dice
for the difference, may not be strictly
ethical, but It brought Tesults. Besides,
anybody who consents to live In a town
that was named by flipping a penny
has no right to complain.
Reports that Mr. .Harrlman had re
turned from Japan were Incorrect. He
Is In Korea, a nation whose splendid
railroad facilities reminds hlra much
of Oregon's. Otherwise, he begs to as
sure Mr. Hill, guest of honor at Mon
day's banquet, that it Is with great re
get, etc.
The "gentlemen's agreement" has ex
pired by. limitation, says Mr. Hill; and
It cuts no figure, anyway. In the north
bank railroad. Evidently, Mr. Hill
thinks that this Is a free country and,
when he makes up his mind to build to
Portland, no gentleman will try to stop
The battleship Mississippi was chris
tened by Miss Moneys We suppose the
Mississippi preachers will agree that
the occasion Is Inopportune to say any
thing about tainted money; but they can
take it out on the champagne bottle.
Portland aimed at 100,000 and hit
83.003. That is two-thirds of the total
population of Portland. Chicago had
about one-half its population at the
World's Fair on Chicago day. We
never sleep.
The Kansas. City Star advocates the
election of one Philip F. Campbell as
Senator Burton's successor. But they'll
have to talk to Burton about It He's
still In the Senate at least, he's not- yet
in Jail.
The two Oregon millionaires who
threw dice for the $10,000 and a drink
each at a hotel bar, were no -pikers.
Twenty-five cents of It was cash.
Called upon -for a solution of Lon
don's latest railroad murderv Sir Conan
Doyle, alias Sherlock Holmes, declined.
Sherlock Is dead.
It would have been a great day to
take the census.
, Forecaster Beals couldn't help. it.
He "Won the Medal.
"What Is the population of this
town?" inquired the stranger.
"Well. I guess it may be something
like 1400," replied the citizen of the
Eastern Oregon town.
"Here's your medal." said the stran
ger, pinning a magnificent gold badge
upon the citizen's coat.
"I don't understand," the puzzled na
tive said; ''what are you giving me
this medal for?"
"Because it's yours. You have won
it fairly. You are the lucky man. Just
go over to the jeweler's shop ana have
your name engraved upon it."
"Look here! What's the Joke?" ask
ed the native.
"No joke at all. That medal, cost me
$40. Am I going to pay $40 just to
play a joke? Not I."
"But please explain."
"Certainly." replied the stranger. "I
have been traveling- through your sec
tion of country for months. When I
inquire as to the population of one of
your towns I always find- that the man
who answers my question multiplies
the real population by two. So I went
up to Portland and had this medal
made. See the word Truth engraved
on its face?"
. "Yes."
"Well, I got this medal to present to
the first mun who told the truth about
his town's population. Ten other men
have told, me that this town' has not
leas than 3000 people. You win. Con
gratulations." An Order of Rattlesnakes.
Recently a Portland firm that deals
In fish and game received from a man
in an Idaho town this startling order:
"Gentlemen Please ship me at once.
C. O. D., one dozen live rattlesnakes.
Must be good biters."
Not having as many llvo rattle
snakes on hand as the order called for.
the firm could not make the shipment;
but a letter was sent to the Idaho man.
Inquiring as to why he wanted the rati
tiers. Here is an excerpt from the let
ter received in reply:
"Three months ago I swore off from
drinking whisky. I was determined to
quit, so I took a solemn oath never to
drink another glass of whisky unless
I should be bitten by a rattlesnake and
need the liquor as an antidote. Rat
tlesnakes arc mighty scarce In this
part of the country. I have been out
hunting for rattlers every day thU
month, but have found none. Now, I
am a man of my word. I do not In
tend to violate my oath. Surely you
can get some rattlesnakes for me.
Never mind the cost; I'll pay it. Please
ship at once. Tills is important."
Things We Do Not Need.
A house as costly as the leading citi
zen's residence.
A $700 piano just because Mrs. Mc
Dough has one.
Sixteen suits of clothing and a dozen
extra vesU
Marble-topped furniture .In a four
room residence with a plank walk to the
front gate.
Five-dollar carriage rides on a '$14-a-wcek
After the Livestock Show.
The animal show is over.
And the anlmules have gone
Back, to the fields of clover.
To munch from dawn to -dawnt
Thajiorses gaily prancing
And tfie ponies cutely sweet, -
No more are they advancing.
For the bugle sounds retreat
The mule that took the cookie
(Or the ribbon) goes away,;
Let's take one last long. look he
For us no more wlH bray.
The cow as fine as silk or
As satin, she departs
To be a patient milker 1 '
And furnish cream for tarts.r
The sheep that, wild and woolly?
Misrepresents the West,
Goes back to pasture, fully
As famous as the rest.
The goat that gaily gambols'
Before the crowd and fills
Our souls with awe. now ambles
Upon his native hills. s
We're sad to see them leave us
These anlmules so fine;
It surely doth bereave us,
Wherefore we weep and pine.
But I could give them all up
Without a walling note,
Tf only I coufd call up
That mastodontlc shoat!
"As Clean as a Chinaman."
New York Sun.
Next time you are In Chinatown notice
the finger nails of the Inhabitants. You
will be surprised possibly to find that
they are generally as clean and bright as
though they had Just come from the
As are his finger nails so Is the rest of
the Chinaman's- body. It Is one of the
queer contradictions about this contradic
tory people that although their houses
are usually surrounded-by a fringe of dirt
and although they don't take to modern
sanitation a, bit they are very cleanly In
their personal habits.
Tha dally bath la an institution. A
bathtub Is jiot necessary. Your Chinaman
manages "very well with a few cupfuls of
water and a, wash-rag.
He completes his toilet by polishing his
long nails, and every day or so he visits
the barber, who shaves not only the
scanty hair on his face, but the surface
of his head and the Inside of his ears. If
he can afford It the Chinaman puts on a
clean blouse every day or two. It is no
accident that these people arc a nation of
laundrymen. It comes to them naturally.
Last Summer a bunch of university stu
dents took a Summer job on a big Cali
fornia ranch. The regular hands had a
good deal of fun over their habits of per
sonal cleanliness.
"Theyla. regular d n Chinamen," said
the hands. "Always washing themselves."
People Livinjr Longer Now
National Advertiser.
Dr. W. H. Washburn, of Milwaukee.
Wis., who has a fad for gathering sta
tistics, is reported as saying, in a re
cent newspaper interview, that "peo
ple are living longer now, and, in con
sequence, doctors are getting poorer."
He asserts that here is not a phy
sician In general practice in Milwau
kee who Is receiving within one thou
sand dollars of what he received as
Income in 1385. The average length
ening of life in the last ten years, he
snld. has been four years. In Milwau
kee alone $300,000 less was paid for
doctors' bills in 1902 than was paid" in
1892, and there were 150 more phy
sicians to share the money. On the
basts of this lengthening of life. Dr.
Washburn said, the annual saving to
the people of the United States yearly
In doctors' bills Is $80,000,000.