4(5 TOE SUNDAY OREGOyiA PORTIAND, OCTOBER 1, 1905, Isobel's Seat-Mate at Miss Van Wyck's Pioneer Sugar-Makers of the Forest THE ldeaof school was very pleasant j to Isobol. In the first place she was i to be In Miss Van "Wyck's room, and Miss "Van Wyck "was by all odds the sweetest teacher In school, as every girl admitted. In the second' place, she was tired of vacation. She was tired of the piazza of the hotel where they had spent the Sum mer. She was weary of clean white clothes and carefully brushed hair and people every minute. Her ideal of Sum mer was different,, but her mother liked fashionable places, so, of course, there were no sweaters and camping and knock ing about. Her own room and her bookcase full of books were most Inviting nnd her plain school frock felt more comfortable than anything she liad put on for months. The morning was crisp and cool, and the sunshine was very bright. She enjoyed the walk to school and she enjoyed the first glimpse of the girls standing on the stone doorstep. Every one was so glad to see every ono else, and they chattered like sparrows. 4 "Did you have a good time?" "Per- j fectly fine." "Where did you go?" and j then came an answering tide of names of places and talks of golf and swimming and paddling. There were only a few new girls en 1ered, for Miss Damon's school was not l irge and the children who began in the primary grade were pretty sure to stay through until they went to boarding school or college. Miss Damon called them into the assembly-room and gave them a nice little talk and a welcome and then they sang some songs and went hack to their re spective rooms. When Isobel's desk was given to her, she found to her great disappointment that her seat mate was a new girl. She and Martha Chester had expected to sit together, of course, and Martha's face looked like a thundercloud when she found herself sitting with Mary Arthur, whom she did not like. Martha motioned to Isobel to go and make a fuss right away, but Isobel saw that Miss Van Wyck was busy and con fused with the things to be done, and she decided to wait until later to ask to be reseated. She whispered this across to Martha, who agreed sullenly and settled down to her books. Isobel's seat mate was a curious little girl. She wore a plain black dress with white cuffs and collar. Her face was thin and very white In contrast to the tanned faces around her. She evidently had not had a vacation. At recess time Isobel spoke to her. Her name was Jean Stewart. She said she had recently come to the city. She lived in an apartment a few blocks from the school with her mother and uncle. Isobel could see that Jean was timid and she could also see. that she was not the kind of girl who would bo very popular. The Strange Sea Ride of the High Priest THE Jf&KSL CH RJ BWK AJu) fUD CASE ONE day as Paao, the High Pr.lcst, was sitting under the bread fruit tree In front of his hut on Samoa, watching the long Pacific rollers break In white thunder on the sleepy beach, a Japanese sailor came along in rags. Paao beckoned to him and asked what had brought. him to such a plight, and the Japanese sailor told him that he had been 7..' A ww.twt v.. ...v. 4, (VI1U u tsiru 1 forced to live on the beach while waiting for a ship that might be willing to hire him as a sailor. Paao Immediately took the stranger into his hut and -brought forth food and drink. Then he gave him the best cloth ing that ho had. Thus they lived together in, comfort, till at last a ship' arrived and the Japanese sailor found employment-on It. . Before Jie went away he said to Paao: "Come thou with me to the sea. I am minded to catch a turtle." Paao fol lowed, wonderlngly. The Japanese and the High Priest pad dled to sea in Paao's beautiful high prowed canoe, . till they spied a floating, black spot in the blue water head. Then the Japanese silently dived, without even making a splash, and sped with swift strokes, .but as noiselessly as a shadow through the ocean, till he was close to the sleeping turtle. He dived again and came up under' the monster, seizing it by the hind flipper. Then the Japanese sprang on Its back and held fast to the upper part of the shell around the crea ture's neck. Off It went, paddling straight down into the deep sea like a jrroat bird soaring. , Paao watched from his canoe and saw 'e strange horse and its rider go down, ('own. down, Into the clear blue water, till icy wore more than 50 feet below the sur fi.o. and at last they glimmered out of '.gat in the vague depths. He had given i !) all hope of seeing his companion again when the big 'turtle came rising toward' the surface as fast as it had gone down, nd the next moment the Japanese was shaking the water out of his hair, while the turtle lay, utterly wearied and spent, on the surface. Soon it was lifted into the boat, and the Japanese addressed it, saying: . "I have conquered you in fair fight, and taken you prisoner in your own element, with nothing to help me except my bare hands. Now you are mine. If I let you go, will you promise to obey the command which I shall lay on you?" The turtle turned . its hawk-like head toward its captor and opened its jaws wide three times. "It is well," said the sailor. "Tills is my benefactor, Paao. Look upon him." The turtle turned Its head and looked at the High Priest. "If he be lost in the sea, swim with him and guide nlm to the land," said the Japanese. Then he took out his knife and carved a sign on the big turtle, after which he put It back Into the water. A few weeks after the sailor had de parted Paao came upon a bonlto leaping madly, among the sharp pinnacles of a. coral "reefta little way from shore. He eaw-lhat a great shark was chasing "Been away for the Summer?" Isobel asKed Jean Isobrl was sorry, for it was not pleasant to be at Miss Damon's and have the glrl3 slight you.. Martha pulled Isobol into a corner to him and. without hesitating a moment, be waded out and lifted the big silvery fish from the water. "Be not frightened, oh aku." said he. SSnA her moufh opened Wder vnd vsnder. fcQhcn a. mischievous cry On -The orvce. "I shall carry you to the lagoon and there set you free." The fish looked at Paao and lay still. When he was placed Into the water he remained motionless for a time, looking fixedly at the priest. Thenhe vanished. Not long afterward Paao saved a beau tiful red opelu from the -attacks of an octopus, and carried It to the same lagoon. About a year later the good High .Priest's brother, who was a great war chief, became angry at Paao because he refused to pray for the death of all his enemies and even sheltered some of them when they were wounded. So he sent his warriors down from the mountains to kill Paao. Paao was warned in time and leaped into his canoe and sped out to sea. When the morning came he was far out of sight of land, but on the horizon he could see the great fleet of war canoes that his brother had sent In chase, so he paddled on. That night a terrible storm arose. The wind was so great that Paao. exhausted as he was from his flight, could hardly keep the prow of his canoe headed into the waves. He labored until he could not move the paddle any more, and then a great wave twisted it out of his hand and he drew a long breath to prepare for the struggle'in the sea, for a bigger wave talk over their affairs. She said Miss Van Wyck would have to change their seats or she would go straight to Miss Damon. still was racing straight at him with Its crest foaming and all around and behind' It were other waves roaring. It seemed the end. That very moment there was a smart Jerk on his canoe and Instantly It headed Into the huge wave and rode it as If It had been guided by a padaie in strong hands. Paao looked andaw that a big fish had hold of the canbe and was pull ing It. It was aku. the bonlto. But the waves were getting bigger and bigger, and Paao felt certain that before long they would smash hli canoo 1 they did not overturn It. Already the seams were beginning to open 'frAm the strain ing. Just then a beautlfm" red fish rose to the surface. It was) the opelu. lie swam around and around, the canbe so fast that Paao got dizzy. Every wave that dashed toward them was caught by the opelu. He would stiffen out his great body and the wave would break harmless ly against his gorgeous red sides. SJ they traveled all night and when morning broke they were far out In mid- The Sad Fate I 1 that funny thing a man's head?" Ping was a young and Ignorant mos quito, just emerged from the wiggler stage, which had been spent happily and uneventfully in a near-by pool. The one unpleasant circumstance that she had to look back upon was a taste of petroleum, which had been placed in the otherwise lovely and stagnant bit of water. The fact that Ping was Just hatching Into her present state was all that saved her from an untimely death. As It was, there was a bad taste In her mouth as the dried her wings and flew away. In her haste she bunted straight Into Mrs. Sing. They exchanged compliments, and Mrs. Sing told Ping of a place near by where they could crawl through a hole In a netting and get a good square meal. They waited till a rough noise came from the corner of the room where they lay hidden. "What's that?" asked Ping. "That's a man. He's snoring. Now la our time." Wing and wing they flew and perched together on the edge of a pillow. "Where does the noire come from?" asked "Ping. "From that cavern Just below the mountain in the middle of his face." "Does man always look like that?" ' "No. Sometimes the cavern Is closed." "What is It for, anyway?" "I think he eats with It. and sometimes I've seen him put one end of a stick Into it and set Are to the other. "Then a lot of disagreeable smoke comes out, and you have to get out of the way or you'll be choked." "Where's that square meal you promised me?" queried hungry Ping. "Silly Ping!" laughed Mrs. Sing. "Don't you know that right under the man's skin flows the most delicious bev erage? You've only to poke your bill through." "Let's1 go to work. I never had a square i the Klichcrj, losktnqf- Wht sbculd Vie ate 1her but' Ttie Cookmo AhaJ T Orjed-'whato iz L spy-? Dot, com" - aJon like small Isobel said he preferred to wait until tomorrow at least before making a fuss, for Miss Van Wyck had so many -things to attend to. At that Martha flounced off and joined the group of girls, who were opening- their lunches over In one corner of the school room. "Come on, Isobel. hustle," they called, "the food'll be gone quick, 'cause It's terribly good." Jean was sitting alone In her scat, eat ing her little luncheon daintily. There was something very lonesome about her look and attitude. tsobel went to her desk, pulled out her box of luncheon, laid It upon tho desk where the girls were eating. Picking out & sandwich, she returned to her seat and sat beside Jean. The girls gasped. What did Isobel mean? But. then. Isobel always was doing crazy things. She'd get over It. "Been away for the Summer?" Isobel asked Jean. "No," was the reply, "we've been at home all Summer. Mamma hoped to send me. but she couldn't manage It. My father died last Spring and mother has to be very careful. And she did want me to come here to school, and that costs a good deal, you know." Isobel did not know. She had never thought of Its being a special privilege to attend Miss Damon's. It was Just nat uralwhat all the. girls did. "Wasn't It hot In town?" Inquired Iso bel. "Sometimes, very." replied Jean, "but we always had plenty to do, and you forget when youtre working and then I had plenty of books from the library for the times I wasrft busy." "Oh. don't you like' to read!" cried Iso bel, enthusiastically. Jean's face lighted up as Isobel had not before seen IL "I don't know what I should ever do If I couldn't." she said. "You can Just live Inside a book, can't you?" "I hardly got a chance all Summer," said Isobel, ruefully, "there was so much going -on. Every time I started, some one would interrupt or mamma would want me to dress up or something. I gueps you bad a betternlme than I did." "Except occasionally." Jean said so berly. "What does your mother do?" Inquired Isobel. "She makes shirtwaists." the girl an swered simply. "She docs It very well." Isobel was silent What would the girls say? What would they do? A dress maker's daughter In Miss Damon's school! Recess was over. Lessons came and went, but Isobel's mind was busier with something outside than Inside her new lesson books. After school Martha came to her. "Will you come and see Miss Van "Wyck now?" she demanded. "No," said Isobel quietly. "Isobel Strickland!" cried Martha. "I don't believe you're going: to do anything about it." "No. I'm not," replied Isobel. "I like Jean Stewart, and I'm going to sll with her." For a whole week Martha Chester would not speak to Isobel. But Jean would, and Jean proved to be very good com pany. And Isobel had other reasons, too. The girls began .to treat Jean quite politely. Pacific Aku was still pulling strongly and opelu ""was breaking the waves with out tiring; but Paao saw that they did not know' where to go. He knew that they were heading farther and. farther out to sea and he feared, that he would soon die from starvation and thirst. But as soon as jLhe sun rose a great hawk-like head appeared In the sea and a turtle came alongside and began to guide the course of the bonlto. The moment the bonlto and the opelu knew that they had a guide they dashed after him as fast as the wind till the canoe actually leaped from the water at times. Before sunset they- were nearing some beautiful islands and soon the canoe was-safe andxsound In a great lagoon. The Islands to which the faithful turtle had brought the High Priest were the Hawaiian Islands, and he built a temple there and became a very famous man. about whom the Hawalians tell stories to this day.4 And ever since then the aku and the opelu have been worshipped as gods In the Hawaiian Islands by the peo ple who aro now our fellow-Americans. And the Japanese fishermen there still release turtles taken In the nets after they have Inscribed their signs on them, because they believe that turtles so treat ed will guide them back to land If they should be lost out at sea,. of Greedy Ping meal In my life. Where is the best spot to begin?" "His cheek right there above the patch of bristles is the nicest," said Mrs. Sing. "Buit It's the most dangerous. There's a good quiet spot behind that round at rangement Just back of bis cheek. Sh! Don't sing so loud If you go there! He hears with that. Go quietly." But Ping was so happy at the prospect of a supper that she could not keep from singing. "Whack! Ping had barely time to dodge a great flat thing that nearly crushed her. She scuttled out through a crack In It and flew trembling- to Mrs. Sing. '"My. what an escape!" gasped Ping. "Do you call that place safer "Safest of any unless you light on the flipper he hit you with. But you must learn to keep still." "That mountain just above his cavern looks good. I'm simply starving." "For your life, don't go there! He'd havo you in a twinkling. Try under his chin and don't sing If you have any sense at alL" Ping stole quietly up. Mrs. Sing lighting softly beside Ping, and the glorious feast began. "Don't take too much or you'll be sorry," whispered the wise Mrs. Sing. But Ping did not hear. Deeply she drove her pointed bill. "Oh, how delicious!" she sighed. "Come. Ping! No more," said Mrs. Sing. But Ping wa3 not to be cut off from her first draught at the springs of life. "Come, come! It'll be too late." But foolish Ping staid, and Mrs. Sing flew away. When Ping's thirst was quenched she could not fly. She crawled off on a pillow to rest. When morning broke she was still there. The man woke up arid she was still there. Then the man saw her. "A-ha!" said he. "You little glutton! I have you." Whackl And greedy Ping was no more. 10 Norfc- - " 1 jw.' THEY CAME UPON A BAFT FLOATING DOWN THE STREAM. ' Chapter X. IT WAS about an hour before the In dians In their canoes came paddling slowly back. A part of them searched one bank and a part the other. Sam was of the party searching the bank against which the children were hiding. He talked the Indian language, and they could not understand him, but they could hear that he was very angry and wanted to get them In his power again. Ha had , told his story over and over again, and while some of the Indians laughed at him for being tied up by two children, others were anxious to help him recapture them and sharo in the reward. Will and Sadie gave up all hope as the canoes stopped to Inspect their place of hiding. It was very dark under the overhanging limbs, but the Indian has almost as good sight at night as a wild animal. Nothing prevented discovery except an alarm raised by tho party on the other side of tho river. What It was about the children could not say. but as soon The Story of DICK SPENCER lived In a town near a great gorge, through which there ran a 'river full of rapids so fierce that no man had ever been able to devise a boat that couM live In the swlrL As a result, whenever people wanted to cross from one side of the gorge to the other they had to go many miles around by way of a ford far above, near the head of the river. Much time, was wasted In this way, and at last the town authorities sent to a firm of engineers and gave Vhem a contract to build, a fine steel bridge across the place. Within a few months the steel gird ers and beams were unloaded at the edge of the gorge, and then men came to erect the bridge. But they had hardly begun before the stopped again, for they realized suddenly that, while their plans provided for everything that was necessary to build a bridge, they had not devised a way to get the first beam across, The gorge was nearly half a mllo wide, and thero was no beam or plank long enough in tne whole world, of course, to lay across the chasm so that men could begin to work. Dick's father was the Mayor of the town, and when he went down to the river to see the engineers they told him their trouble. "You see." said they, "we thought that It would be easy enough to carry a wire cable across the river In a boat: but now we find that no boat ever made could live for a moment In these terrible rapids. The gorge Is far too wide to throw, or even shoot, some thing across, and we hardly know what to do." Tho engineers spent some days exam ining the shores on both sides, but they found that the rapids were bad for so great a distance that there was no place where they could try to get a cable.across with any prospects of suc cess. After consultation they said to Dick's father: "We wish that you would let us have the best kite-flyer among the boys of the town. We may be able to do what was done at the Niagara gorge, where, the engineers got the flrst cable across by flying a kite from one bank to the other, and then by means of the Tclte string they hauled a heavier .string over, and so on, until they got a string heavy enough to haul a rope over, and then the rope pulled the first wire cable across." Dick, who held the hdnor of being the best kite-flyer, hurried home . and re turned with, his biggest kite; but though he flew it with all his skill. It wa Impossible to get the kite over the gorge. "Whichever way tho wind blew, there was an eddy over tho rapids that drove the kite back every time. The engineers were unwilling to give up, and they encouraged Dick to Tceep it up for a whole day. But then they had to confess that the kite plan would not work, and they sat down to figure out some, other plan. "We are sorry,"- they said Anally to tho town authorities, "but we aro afraid tha,t the only way to erect the brlJge will be to dam the river up near Its mouth and make a false chan nel for it, so that we can work In the gorge: but this will cos a great deal of money more than the bridge it self." That night at supper Dick's father said that he was much worried. "The town needs the bridge very badly. In deed," said he, "and we all lose a great deal of time and money because we have none. But the building of that dam is going to cost more than $50,000. and that means that wc will have to increase taxes heavily and keep them up for a good many years to come. The town council Is to meet tomorrow, and I hardly know what to ay to them. It seems too bad that we should have to spend 550,000 Just because we can't get a line across tho gorge." The next morning Dick went Ash ing for bass in the gorge. About Itlm lay the steel for the bridge, but there was no workmen and everything lay In apparently hopeless inaction. Dick climbed out on a rock where the cur rent swirled green and hungry, and cast his minnow Into the whirl. The bass did not blt'o. and gradually he allowed his line to run out farther and farther Into the current Suddenly as they called out, all the canoes went paddling that way. They were not yet across the river when Will said: "Now is our chance! Help me to pull the canoe through the limbs and we will paddle down stream as fast as we can." They made the lisht canoe fairly fly along until they had gone a good five miles and their arms ached. Then they slowed up a Httlo and the girl asked: "What do you suppose the Indians on the other side found to make them call out and fire two or three rifles?" "In searching under the trees they may have found a panther," replied Will. "The beast may have even jumped down into a canoe and attacked the paddlers. It was something like that or they would not have raised such an alarm. But for that we should be captives In their vil lage by now." "Are we to keep on all night?" "No. We will go about Ave miles fur ther and then land on the other shore. You can get a few hours sleep while I keep watch, and when morning comes I wilt kill some game and we will make a breakfast." An hour later, as they paddled leisure ly along the shore, they came upon a Dick Spencer's Lucky Idea "HE TLEY IT WITH he noticed that after it had gone about a "hundred feet, an eddy, would seize the bait and pull It straight toward a rock that showed above the worst part of the rapids in the very middle of the river. He tried it again and again. Then he reeled In hurriedly and ran home. Soon he was back again In the gorge with a long reel of braided line and a great piece of wood, to which ho had affixed a score of old fishhooks. He threw It Into the current and played the line out swiftly until" the wood lodged against the rock In the middle of the rapids. The he made his end of the line fast to a tree ffnd scrambled up the cliffs and hurried around to the ford three miles above. He camo down to the rapids again opposite to where he had been standing. Here he tossed cut another piece of wood similar to the flrst and let It run with the current. After repeating Jt half, a dozen times, a swlri took It against the very rock where the flrst piece of wood lay Iodged; and by clever manipulation of his line he succeeded at last in floating Fat Ghosts in "I KNOW a real true ghost story about this house," said Uncle Jim to Amy and Dora, as they passed a very pretty house standing some distance from the road. "Tell us, tell us," cried both the' children as they sat down among the fragrant leaves at uncle's feet. "Well, a family once lived In that nice house only a short time before they were sure that they heard strange-noises In a chamber which they seldom used. One said It sounded like a person walking back and forth as it he had some great trouble and could not sleeo. Another said It was like the sound of one person fol lowing another In the dark ready to spring on him and kill him. A third was sure that she heard a scuffle as if a robber had made a leap on his victim. But In the morning when they went up to the room there was not a thing to show that any person, had been there. "Didn't they go up In the night and look?" asked Amy. "No, they moved out. But the second family that heard the strange noises went up In the night. They heard a Aund like someone hurrying out of the room. But when the door of the cham ber was flung open there was no human being In sight. That seemed very strange to them, as the noises which they had heard were quite distinct. Well, that family also moved out In haste. "Then a 'third family moved Into the good-sized creek entering the river. Up this they paddled for half a mile, and when tho water grew too shallow to float them the canoe was tied to the bank Sadie was so tired and hungry that she was asleep in Ave minutes. Y"i -ks more rugged, and he tlso felt that It was for him to keep watch ri-nd se that no danger came to her. He never closed his eyes throughout the night, though ev erything was quiet and he had reason r hope that the Indians had given up tho chase. He was in the woods as soon as dav had fairly come, and he had scarcely looked around him when he saw a fat turkey roosting on a limb and brought her" down. Then he made a small fire and had some of the meat cooked when Sadie woke up. When they came to talk about go.ng on Will said: "I have been thinking It over, and r be lieve It Is safest to hide here during the day and start out after dark. There are probably other Indian villages on t ,e river, and If we are seep, passing we shall be pursued." It was settled that they make no mv during that day. The canoe was hau'ed out of the creek and concealed in the brush, and the children slept much during the day. When it had come dark th-y dropped down the creek to the river an:l resumed their journey. Twice during the night they passed vil lages and Indian dogs barked at them, but no canoes put out. It was Just at daylight, and when they were looking for a place to hide for the day, that ttcy came upon a raft floating down tha stream, and on the raft were five white men. They called out to the canoe as scon as seeing- It. and a few minutes mra Will and his sister were among frlenis It was timber the men were rafting, and Grand Rapids was only 20 miles aw Tho newspapers had told that the chil dren had been lost from the sugar bush Everybody was pretty certain that fit Indian Sam knew all about it. and EO mei had turned out and hunted for him fir a week, without success. Will and Sad!- therefore got a very warm welcome wrn they reached Grand Rapids, and they were such objects of curiosity that ecr one had to seo them and shake ha-. .3 with them. They were a hundred miles from K -.- and in those days there were no r.V roads In thaf part of Michigan. A hT they had remained in Grand Rapids a week they were placed In charge of mi'Z riders and stage coach drivers and te in sters. and after five days they rcic 4 their own village and home, to b talk about and pointed out for many yt vs after. This is the end of my story, and If j have been Interested in following I ' may write you a still better one s .1 day. , (THE END.) A IX HI3 SKILL. the two together, so that their man." hooks became interlocked. Then he secured the ond of the Una to a tree, just as he had secured t a first lien on the other bank, and ther was the solution of the problem tntt had baffled the engineers! When he hurried to the briiii builders and told them what he !. succeeded In doing, they lost no ti r.e in fastening a heavy cord to the 1 I-' and this was pulled across withoj mishap. Then another cord was pull 1 across and this In turn pulled a Hg'-t rope through the rapids. Before evealr the engineers had pulled the first wire cable across and with this stretched over the gorge It was easy enough to carry others back and forth and tJ begin the work of building the bridge. They gave Dick a handsome present and the two gave him $100. But better than that was the fact that the chie? engineer offered him a position, ad today Dick Spencer la, building bridges in the Northwest where he often has to use his ingenuity In overcoming prob lems as simple and yet as difficult as that of the gorge In his native town. Hatinted House house." continued Uncle Jim. "and the neighbors told them about the ghost. But they only laughed. As soon as they heard the noise in the chamber they listened a3 hard as they could. And they did not think that It sounded llko a man who couldn't sleep, or like a chain trailing on the floor, or like anything the others had told about. And the more, they listened the more they agreed. "So the very next night Mr. AInsl-e took the pistol and hid in the room as soon as dark. Hi3 wife was listening be low. "As soon as the strange nolso came she heard her husband take some quick steps to the corner of the room, and then laugh: "Come up with a light and see tho ghosts. ."She laughed merrily, too, when she opened the chamber door. There In the middle of the room were two fat wood chucks, who seemed vastly surprised at their situation. "Mr. Ainslle stood before a large pic ture which leaned against one corner of the room. It was found that behind this was the hole by which the 'ghosts' had crawled Into the room. They had climbed up a large tree and gnawed a hole through the cornice of the house, and had had merry times playing ghost." "How people must have laughed," said the children. "Indeed they did," said uncle. "And these two last onces were glad that they had agreed 'In their Ideas, and they ars living there" now."