The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 01, 1905, PART FOUR, Page 42, Image 42

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x-HE woman whose daughter Is be-
I tween the ages of 12 and 17 has an i
enviable task this Fall In the selec-j.
tlon of a wardrobe for this young miss. 1
Never has there been such a fascinating
array of charmingly youthful coats and
irocks for the girl In her teens.
Simplicity and extreme ornateness lend
themselves with equally fetching effect
to her budding freshness and wistful at
tractiveness, so that all the dainty quill
ings and rufflings and ruchinss which the
mother is regretfully forced to pass over
because of the "fussy" look that they
give an older person, adorn In profusion
the frocks and blouses of the young
daughter. At the same time plain tailored
effects with stitched bands and myriad
buttons, especially In outer garments,
give her as smart an appearance as her
stiffly-corseted mamma.
Coats for Winter wear show but little
variations from the heavy, comfortable
cloth Jackets of last year. -The girl
whose mother keeps her dressed In the
tip of fashion undoubtedly will have a
"broadcloth wrap cut on Emolre lines
and trimmed with velvet and cloth-covered
buttons. Exclusive colorings will
also appear In this modish cloak. A
deep shade of ruby red is a decided
favorite and one young girl with a par
ticularly rosy complexion and dark hair
has an Empire coat for best wear. In
the new shade of purple.
The majority of schoolgirls, however,
are not so fortunate, and one warm,
serviceable coat, does duty for the entire
season. Its selection is a matter of de
hate. The mother reasonlrg from a prac
tical standpoint, prefers the three-quarter
coat and it is certainly wonderfully
girlish and a great protection on blus
tering, snowy days.
Noteworthy among the new models are
the smart rough .mixed cloths strapped
lengthwise with stitched bands of the
material finished in tabs and large,
handsome buttons. Tan covert coats in
three-quarter length are likewise tre
mendously popular. One decidedly smart
example had the collar -and wide lapels
covered nearly to the edges with black
velvet, showing a gold bumble bee em
broidered in each corner. Applications
of gold braid and brass buttons . are a
striking feature of many coats for the
26-year-old girl and help to make the
long garments more to her liking.
Nevertheless, all the military trim
mings in creation have not the fascina
tion for this fastidious young person of
fered by the loose, bell-shaped jacket
which reaches half-way to the knees,
and has an embroidered insignia on tho
left arm. "All the best-dressed girls
wgar one," is the plea to her mother,
and as a consequence this style of gar
ment continues to enjoy its tremendous
vogue of the past two years. It un
doubtedly gives a young miss the uni
formed appearance so much in favor
-wjth the up-to-date schoolgirl. A pair
of mannish gloves and a trim walking-
I hat complete a sensible and practical I mode as the school coat r mentioned i -
hat complete a sensible and practical
outfit for "Winter wear.
Only a few weeks more and the wopl
dress must take the place of wash
frocks. This is to be a season above
all others when plaids and checks will
be favorites for growing children. The
new materials are simply Irresistible In
their superbly colored backgrounds,
crossed and recrossed by harmoniously
blending stripes. Royal blue or a rich
scarlet constitutes the principal color
In the most stunning of these patterns.
By all odds the most popular model
for plaid materials is-the three-flounce
skirt with plaited waist, opening at the
neck to display a tucked chemisette of
lawn. Pipings in the same, color as one
of the cross stripes, edge the flounces,
or a tiny collar and belt o -velvet and
velvet-covered buttons form the only
In the same unpretentious but effective
All Kinds
THE secret of making a meat course
the most appetizing portion of a din
ner is to serve something sweet in con
nection with it. The German custom is
to eat very rich compotes of fruits with
roasts, etc, but these aro quite too sweet
for the American palate. In fritters the
American "housewife will find a more than
satisfactory substitute. The -sweetness of
the sauce or filling blends with the bat
ter and loses entirely any sickening taste.
The following receipts for fritters lend
themselves temptingly to "Winter bills of
Apple Fritters. Core, pare And cut some
Arm apples crosswise into slices a third
of an, inch thick. With a biscuit-cutter
stamp them into cakes of uniform ilze.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar and a little
lemon Juice. Cover with a napkin and
when they have stood for half an hour,
drain. In the meantime make a batter
by mixing and sifting together a cupful
of flour, a pinch of salt and a table
spoonful of sugar. Beat well the yolks of
two eggs, add half a cupful of milk and
stir gradually Into the flour. Beat thor
oughly before all the liquid is added, as
it is difficult to whip a thin batter smooth.
Add one tablespoonful of melted butter
or olive oil, beat well and stand aside Xor
an hour. "When ready to use told in the
whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth.
If the batter is not sufficiently thick to
coat completely the slices of-apple, mix
In a little more flour. Dip each piece of
apple in the mixture and fry to a golden
brown in very hot fat. Llft-out with a
skimmer and, dry on paper in an open
oven until all are fried. Sprinkle with
powdered sugar and serve with a melted
sugar sauce.
Celery Fritters. Put half a-pint of cold
water Into a saucepan with an. ounce of
butter, and as soon as It ome to a boll
mode as the school coat r zncntibned
above, are the one-piece suits of serge
and flannel with embroidered crest - on
yoke and- sleeves, for wear in- the' school
room. Shepherd checks in black and
white, brown and white, green and
white, etc, are particularly suited to
girlish beauty, and they alio give an
appearance of immaculatt neatness.
Exceptionally trim is a one-piece frock
of black and white check built with
two very wide box plaits extending
frgro the neck to the bottom of the
skirt, both in front and back and under
each arm. A slightly balloon shirt
sleeve has 'the upper piece tucked it
the wrist into a deep cuff. Two.rows of
narrow red braid trim a shaped ylotlr col
lar, and a black patent leather belt
hangs loosely' about the waist? Flags
and anchor are embroidered in.- red silk
between the two plaits on tie frpnt,
and a red "anchor ornaments oni sleeve.
of Toothsome Fritters
stir in by degrees four ounces of flour.
Continue to stir until a thick paste is
formed. Allow this to cook five minutes
while still stirring. Remove from tbe fire
and when the mixture has cooled & little
add three eggs, beating one into it before
adding another. Season with salt, whlto
pepper and nutmeg and stir in two ounces
of grated American cheese. Havo ready
some pieces of cooked celery an inch long,
which have been sprinkled with grated
cheese. Make small balls of the cheese
paste and place a piece of celery in tho
center of each. Dip the balls Into beaten
egg, cover with very fine breadcrumbs
mixed with an equal portion of grated
cheese, and fry In boiling fat. Servo with
a wine or melted sugar sauce.
Apricot "Fritters. After soaking- fee re
quired number of apricots, stew them in
sweetened water and when cooked (drain
off the syrup. Put them in a soupjpjaie
and sprinkle with powdered sugar- nd
lemon Juice, or, if desired, a wlncgiksjgful
of brandy. These should stand fortabput
two hours. Put the yolks of tW efcgs
into a basin and mix them well with tVo
tablespoonfuls of salad oil and a pinch V
salt. Stir Jn-by degrees four ouncei of
flour which has been thoroughly all ted.
"When a perfectly smooth paste Is formed
pour in slowly, stirring all the time with
a wooden spoon, half a cup of lukewarm
water. Beat the batter for 10 or lS min
utes, cover the basin with a cloth and
allow it to stand for two hours. Just be
fore using the batter pour in the wine, in
which the apricots ire soaked or one tea
spoonful of vanlla and the stiffly beaten
whites 'of the two eggs. Dry tho apricots
on a cloth and dip in the batter. Fry in
boiling fat and serve with a sauce flavored
with wine.
- Rice Fritters. To a cupful and a half
of cold cooked rice add a tablespoonful
of sugar, the yolks of two eggs, a cvpfui
HlllTlj X
Remarkably jaunty is a flannel cos
tume in cinnamon brown. A scantily
gathered skirt Is finished around the j
bottom by lx bias bands of the ma
terial, eaoa two Inches wide. These aro
stitched one above the other and reach
half way to the knee. Narrow flutings
of surnh silk are gathered on the outer
edges- of the two joined bands at the
top and tho two atthe bottom. In simi
of milk and sufficient, flour to mako a
thick drop batter. Add a- tcaspoonful of
baking powder with the last portion or
flour, and lastly fold in the stiffly beaten
whites of the eggs. Fry as usual' and
serve with maple syrup.
Banana Fritters. Remove the skin from
four bananas, scrape them and slice into
thin round pieces. Sprinkle wjth- a-llttjo
powdered sugar and a tablespoonful - of
lemon juice, and stand aside while mak
ing the batter. Mix and. sift together a
cupful of flour, a pinch of salt, one table
spoonful of sugar and a rounding table
spoonful of baking powder. Beat the
yolk of an egg with half a cupful -of-milk,
stir gradually into the dry 'ingre
dients and lastly fold in the stiffly beaten
white of the egg. Add the bananas, drop
by the spoonful and fry In deep fat
These are especially delicious when served
with- currant Jelly sauce.
For this sauce boll a cupful of sugar
and a third of a cupful of water to a
thick syrup. Add one-third of a glass of
beaten currant Jelly and boll up well.
Take from the Are. add the juice of a
lemon, strain through a fine sieve and
Jenny Lind Fritters. Mako a batter of
two eggs beaten very light, ono cup of
milk, one cup of flour, one tcaspoonful
of baking powder, and one tcaspoonful of
melted butter. Have ready tart apples
cut in quarters. If the eggs are large,
add more flour. . as the Latter must be
quite stiff to cling to the apple. Dust
the apples with "sugar, dip in batter and
drop in hot fat. Serve sprinkled with
powdered sugar. .
Orange Fritters. Peel two oranges and
slice in thin pieces. Dip in a batter made
from one cupful of flour, a rounding tca
spoonful of butter, a tablespoonful of
sugar, a pinch pf salt; the yolk of one egg
and half a cupful of milk. Fry In hot fat
lar fashion narrow bands of the ma
terial are stitched' around the neck ,of
the blouse and extend down the front
to the waistline. Three ruffle3 of silk
emerge one at the end of the other,
from the outer edge of the stitched
bands, while a much "narrower ruffle
trims the Inner edge and partly covers
a vest showing a line of small gilt but
tons. "Wide bands trimmed with but-
and serve with powdered sugar-or the fol-.
lowing sauce: Beat the yolks of two eggs
with half a cupful of sugar. Add ' the
grated rind and Juice of half a lemon, two
tablespoonf uls of sherry .or two teaspoon
fuls of vanilla, and cook over hot water.
Stir vigorously-until itthlckcns and cover
with the whites of the egg3 beaten stiff.
Serve at once.
Corn Fritters. 3tew one. can of corn,
strain off the juice and press the kernels
through a colander. To this meat add
one-half pint of milk, one level tcaspoon
ful of salt and a saltspoonfulof pepper.
Add the yolks of three eggs and one pint
of pastry flour sifted with a rounding tea
spoonful of baking powder. Mix thor
oughly and fold In the beaten whites of
the eggs. Drop by spoonfuls Into ex
tremely hot fat and when sufficiently
drained serve with maple syrup.
Chocolate Fritters. Make the fritters
from one cupful of flour, a pinch of salt,
a tablespoonful of flour, two eggs and
one tablespoonful of melted butter. Fill
each fritter with the following mixture:
Mix and sift together one-fourth of a
cup of flour, half a cup of sugar and a
pinch of salt. Add half an ounce of grated
chocolate and gradually a cupful of hot
milk. Cook over hot water for IS min
utes, stirring constantly until the mixture
thickens. Flavor with vanlla. Serve the
fritters with the following sauce:
Stem and wash In cold water one-fourth
of a cupful of Sultanas. Add one-fourth
of a cupful each of chopped citron and
blanched almonds, one-fourth of a cupful
of sugar and a cupful of water. Heat
slowly to the boiling point. Add one tea
spoonful of cornstarch, dissolved in a lit
tle cold water and cook for Ave minutest.
Flavor with vanlla and serve hot.
Iilve Slillincry.
London Chronicle.
A woman who was cycling near "Bex
hill felt something strike her head, and
found that a sparrow. In his flight
across the road had Impaled Itself on
rfer hatpin, which was protruding about
two inches. The bird died from Its
tons and edged with fluting3 terminate
the thret-quarter sleeves.
Separate flannel or poplin blouses in
plain colors show many silk quillings
and. are worn with plaid suspended
skirt, or vice versa, a plaid waist com
pletes a one-color suspender costume.
The most fetching of these waists
have silk or tiny brass buttons setting
off stitched bands of the material. A
charming example of old rose flannel
is laid in pin tucks from bust line
nearly to tho waist. Coarse- cream lace
forms a V at the neck and over the
shoulders, coming down in points on
either side cf the middle V. Stitched
bands trimmed with a central row of
the tiniest round gilt buttons, and fin
ished on tho outer edge with a narrow
ruffle of flannel, outline each of the
lace Vs, and also extend In three lines
from top to bottom of- full elbow
sleeves. Cream lace fashions tight-
Grotesque m Bnc-a-Brac
7V S A reaction from' the delicate Louis
i and Mario Antoinette household
decorations of last season, the market Is
now rampant with a bric-a-brac gro
tesque n ess that suggests Alice In Won
derland as an inspiration. Perhaps also
America's Interest In Japanese successes
may account for the craze of copying the
decorations peculiar to the little yellow
man of the East. And it must be con
fessed that the Chinese Influences domi
nate In bric-a-brac of this sort, for it is
Infinitely more grotesque, almost enter
taining in Its ugliness, than the purer and
more chaste Japanese patterns.
Animals, which, have replaced Jardi
nieres and statues In the reception halls
and even libraries. Impress the unltlated
with the belief that they have soemhow
stumbled into tho nursry. They are as
terrible and wonderfully - made as the
leading characters in Alice's now famous
Imagine walking into a modern apartment-house-
hall to face a lank cat of
blue porcelain whose fur is flecked not
with irregular spots, but with vivid
yellow fleur-de-lis, and whose eyes are
a green more startling than any feline
eyes which ever glared at you in the
midnight watches.
Rubber plants, palms, real and artifi
cial, have given place to these fantastic
creatures ironx the animal world, and a
prima favorite with the bachelor man or
girl is & huge watchdog plainly suffering
from the malady known as "the morning
after." His body is a commonplace mere
gray and white porcelain, but the hand
kerchief which presumably alleviates the
after effects of too many cocktails Is a
brilliant bandana tied at a most belliger
ent angle.
A dining-room with a High wainscoting
fitting cuffs, and a button-trimmed
band of flannel conceuls the front
opening of the waist.
No wardrobe is complete for tho girl
In her teens this season unless It con
tains a dress-up frock In 'one of the
smart plaid silks. Quillings of silk In
plain colors adorn these best dresses,
and some of them show motifs of silk
surrounded by gatherings of white or
cream Valenciennes lace.
In daintiest, most girlish effect Is a
blouse belonging to a silk frock of this
sort. Two-Inch boulllones of silk ex
tend down either side of the front of
the valat to within several Inches of
the waistline. They are surrounded by
frills of narrow lace and are fastened
at the lower edge by a pliid silk co
carde lace-trimmed. Short puff sleeves
end in similar sill: boulliones, and a
tucking of silk brings them over the
elbow, where a double frill of lace is
held in place by a twist of liberty
satin ribbon. This ribbon also forms a
scarf about a round neck, surrounded
by a flat collar of lace.
Another favorite manner of finishing
the sleeves is a puff to the elbow and
tight-fitting cuffs composed of three
bands of the material. Quillings ot
plain silk trim th'e upper edge of each
band. On ono charming model tho
quillings also edge the bands of jewel
embroidery which set off the collar
and front of the blouse, and a button
trlmmcd fold that conceals the open
ing. The skirt of this exceedingly pretty
bodice shows a wide stripe of the silk
Just below the knees. This Is cut In
waving lines and edged with quillings.
Bands of Jewel embroidery cross the
narrowing portions of the silk strlpo
shows what might bo termed a crustacean
menagerie. Everything from oysters to
starfish, sand crabs to lobsters In vlvid
hued porcelain, run around the ledge
which tops the wainscoting, and the ef
fect Is at least more unique than the reg
ulation plate rack with its priceless collec
tion of porcelain from many land3.
The new steins show realistic owls, a
not Inappropriate drinking cup for those
with convivial inclinations. Open-mouthed
frogs and fishes that can win plaudits
from an admiring audience by the way
they stand on their tails are among the
new designs for vases and matchholders.
Impossible dragons In beaten brass and
brilliantly colored porcelain form the ba
sis for lamps. "With these a distinctly
Oriental shade must be used, prcferably
the Geisha painted in most fantastic and
grotesque designs.
A weird hatrack. suitable for a small
establishment, shows an ugly Japanese
Juggler upholding a writhing snake, tho
hooks jutting out from tho folds In the
snake's body. Queer East Indian figures
that seem to be creeping out of the very
wall swing from one hand a night lamp
or an electrolier.
For early euchre parties, bridge whist,
etc, there are no mora-acceptable prizes
than the queer animals which have been
drawn from every country on the globe,
wrought in every possible colored crock
ery. Tiny dromedaries, giraffes and even
hippopotami have fantastic leering eyes
that make them peculiarly fitted for the
Saved Times and Trouble.
"I understand "White Is lazy?"
"Lazy is no name for it. "When wo
went on that yachting trip he was too
lazy to eat dinner; Just took Jt and threw
It overboard to save time and trouble."
Houston Post.