38 THE SUOTAX OEEGOXIAN, PORTIAOT, OCTOBER 1, 1905. AINTMIERTO FAMOUS STOCK OowPAFrakes oScappoost wjJI) J)j owq effort - 5mcejsfiilly earned a Jcie&cc. sjTfiZE TWO YZAROZD pHOROUGHBRBD catOe -will not I grow lor a poor man" is an old saying1 that Is familiar among: fetockmen, but I am satisfied that saying is a myth. A rich man can raise fine jstock, of course, because he has plenty of money at his command, but he depends on some one man to oversee his farm, and If he makes a mistake in selecting his foreman, the results are very apt to fall far short of hlg expectations. "A poor man takes charge of the work himself. If he has not had experience in the business he will make many fatal mistakes that will not only be discourag ing, but expensive, but he has one advant age, though, and that is his gain in ex perience as he goes along. Before many, years. If he sticks to his work, ho can turn his mistakes into profit, and once he gets on top of the heap, he is sure of his footing, for he knows Just where he Is at." Philip Austin Frakes, proprietor of the Lakeside stock farm, located on Willam ette Slough, near Scappoose, 20 miles northwest of Portland, who made the foregoing statement, certainly knows whereof he speaks, as he has become a successful breeder of registered Holsteln cattle, and has succeeded in carrying away a number of first prizes at the Lewis and Clark, livestock show in com petition with some, of the best herds in' the United States. He began his career as a breeder 22 years ago, practically without money. He was then 26 years of age. His wife had Inherited 170 acres of bottom land, now part of the big stock farm, and he moved with his little family from a farm he had rented In Washington County to the new place, then covered with timber knd absolutely unimproved, and began his chosen work. Today he owns 450 acres of land, 103 head of thoroughbred Holsteln ttle, either registered or eligible to reg istration, and his entire holdings are val ued at about $25,000. He is satisfied with what he has accomplished, and when seen one evening last week in the big shed at the Exposition after he had been awarded his prizes, he was the picture of content ment. It was no easy task to get him to talk about his career as a stockbreed er, as he is reserved and modest when it comes to publicity, but once he got 'warmed up to the subject his story fairly flowed from him. From the start he was assisted by his wife, and he gives her great credit for her part in his success. Making a Start. "The undertaking was not an easy one, but I did not realize this until I had got fairly started," said Mr. Frakes, con tinuing his story. "I left my rented farm in Washington County with 13 old, scrub, kicking cows, and a heart full of hope and settled on the new place. I was then fairly launched in the dairy business, and I began to look forward to the time when I could improve my stock and begin as a breeder. This was in 1882. "The dairy cow is a poor man's best friend, and I soon found tuis out. The Eecond year I invested $800 in new stock, increasing my herd of cows to SO. My wife and I sold 5000 pounds of butter that year. "Things progressed slowly until 1SSS. I did not have even a graded cow on my place, let alone a registered "critter. I had put in five years of hard work, with no startling results, and I began to real ize that dairying would be a falluro un less i got some better cattle. In the. Fall of that year I attended the Portland Fat Stock Show and bought a little registered Holsteln .bull calf about three feet high for $235. With this little animal I returned to my farm. I did not have a clear idea of what I was going to do, but I knew that some day, if the calf lived, all of my cow.s would not be scrub animals. "This was really the beginning of the Lakeview Stock Farm. In 1890 I found myself the possessor of J2Z. head of heifer calves, and I can tell you they looked good to me. 1 watched over them ten derly, was careful of their feed and raised them with as much attention as I now do thoroughbreds. Those animals would compare now with my blooded stock much in the same way as my scrub cows compared to them. Improving His Herd. "Along in 1892, 1 think it was, I attended the Oregon State Fair, at Salem, and there bought two registered cows. By that time I had again awakened to the fact that If I was going to be a breeder of flno cattle I would have to get out of the grade class and break into the regis tered class. All this time I was making and selling butter and disposing of veal In the Portland market, and of course was making money. To realize my ambi tion to raise thoroughbred cattle I had happily selected dairy stock, for without this class of cattle I would have made a. miserable failure for lack of money. I was lucky in not becoming hazy at the start and selecting beef cattle. "At this time I owned the only regis tered hull in Oregon. This was the ani mal I purchased at Portland, and he was from a breeding farm in New York state. The two cows I Just mentioned also came from the East. I decided to buy another bull and sent to Minnesota to a well kqgwn breeder for one, paying $150 for another little animal about three feet high and handed over $7 in express charges to have him shipped to Portland. He was just 10 months old. "Now, all this time my neighbors had "been eyeing me suspiciously, and when the new bull calf arrived they threw up their hands and declared I was a fool or had gone stark mad'. " 'A fool and his money are soon part ed,' was the way some of them sized me up, and others vowed I had got beyond all limits of control and that my family should have mo looked after. "It wouldn't do for mo to say I was not annoyed, for I was: but I said noth ing and just pegged away, believing I knew what I was doing and that I would jj ' e come out at the big end of the horn at the proper time. My sales of young stock began to increase, and I was making money until along came the panic of 1893. "Well, you probably know what trying times those were. There were many gloomy periods, in which I fancied I could see ray stock farm slipping from my grasp. I had spent a lot of money on the place, as the land had to be cleared for grazing purposes, and the cost of clearing was about $70 an acre. The flood season in June and July compelled me to move my cattle from the bottoms to higher ground, and to do this I was forced to rent land. I struggled along until the next year, when the big flood occurred. destroying my house and sheds and plac ing me in an embarrassing position, in deed. I had $1500 in the bank, borrowed $500 and started in to rebuild and to put in feed for the Winter. "In 1895 I found myself with 67 cows. some registered, but the majority graded animals. That year we made 11,000 pounds of butter on our farm by hand. The cream was separated with a hand separ ator and the butter churned In old-fashioned hand churns. To cap the climax, both butter and veal declined in price until the former was selling at 10 cents a pound and the latter at 2, cents a pound. I sold the butter, but determined to raise the calves, believing I would be the gainer in the end, and I was right in my decision. "Holsteln cattle are ideal dairy ani mals, and the bottom lands of. Oregon, where the big overflows take place, are the ideal localities for them to thrive. They are native of Holland, and the con ditions are similar to thoxo 'in Holland, the land of the big dikes. The cattle must be driven to higher land during the flood season, however, and as I was renting this land and paying a good price for It, I decided, in 1895, to buy some high land. Here is where I again went Into debt, and when I got through buying land and. making other improvements I found my self $2000 In the hole. I added seven more registered cows and made rapid progress. unUl 1599. "In this year I began to see that I was getting along toward the top of the lad dersort of sat up and took notice, as you chaps say In these days. I bought my champion bull, Lundc Oregon Dekol. which has Just carried, everything before him at this show, and considered myself a sure-enough breeder. "Like a good many other men before me, I climbed, up so high In my own estimation that only a tumble could bring me to earth again. The tumble was waiting for me. I was destined to take the fall at the Oregon State Fair in 1901, when I entered the show ring for the first time. I took a few minor prizes there, but, my, I felt sorry for myself and. went home with my little bunch of cattle with a well-defined conviction that the stock business was not what It was cracked up to be. After returning home. we had a family conference, and I decided to go to Now York and buy some more registered cows. This I did, again going in debt. Really Learning, Cattle. "From this time on I began' learning more about breeding cattle. The stock I owned when I attended the first fair looked flno to me until after I had com pared them with cattle I saw at the show. I then became aware that my sense- of judging animals was sadly undeveloped. I Immediately started In to learn more. A bad point hero and there In an animal began to stand out more prominently to my eye, and at last I learned what to look for In the attempt to get a perfect animals or one as near perfect as possi ble. I learned to take special care of the calves In the way of feeding and In other ways looking after them, with good results. I feel that I have made a suc cess, but years of patient toll have been required to bring this about. I was handicapped from the start by lack of experience and money. But as I said In the outset of this story, a rich man Is not the only person who can make a success of breeding fine cattle; a poor man can make a success, too, especially If he con fines his breeding to that of dairy cat tle." Since Mr. Frakes made his first bow In the show ring he has visited all of the Oregon State Fairs as well a3 the Wash- Z(fflZ ORZ607rJZEXOZ - Ington State Fair at North Yakima, car rying off first prizes every time. The average value of his 105 thorough bred Holsteln cattle Is $90, or nearly $10. 000 for the lot. About ten years ago. when he owned 112 head of graded and registered cattle, principally the former, their average value was about $30. So It will be seen that there has been a decided Increase In valuo and In quality during the decade. He gradually disposed of his scrub cattle, and three years ago got rid of the last animal of this class. He alms to keep not less than 50 registered cows on his farm for dairy purposes, and last year he sold 5000 gallons of cream In Portland. Herd Takes Prizes. Associated with P. A. Frakes In the conduct of the dairy breeding farm Is G. E. Frakes, son of the founder, and the two give their undivided attention and best effort to the prize-winning herd that has attracted much attention at the Lewis and Clark livestock show the past fort night. Included In the illustrations on this pas are four of the best specimens of the Holsteln breed to be found on the Pacific Coast. Sir Mechthllde Jewel (32.732) cele brated his third birthday at the Exposi tion showr being entered in tho 2-year-old class of animals under 3. This Is a hand some, well-proportioned white bull, weight 2000 pounds, and took first prize In his class and the reserve champion prize. Lunde Oregon De Kol (25.563). 6 years old. a beautifully marked animal, took the first prize, champion and grand cham pionship awards, the latter calling for a gold medal. In tho aged class of bull?. This animal weighs 2600 pounds and was second In weight of all tho bulls exhibited of every breed. He is kept in good breed ing flesh and if In fat stock condition would easily tip the beam at 3300 and pos sibly more. Among the cows. Virgo Beauty 4th's De Kol (65,876), to be 3 years old November 21, took fourth prize as a 2-year-old. ThH animal Is really a very fine cow. but of rather small size. She was given first place in the livestock show of the Loui siana Purchase Exposition. Chloe Mechthllde (49.537). 7 years old. was first In the aged class, also receiving championship and grand championship award. This beautifully marked cow weighs 1300 pounds and. has the official A. K. O. record of 512 pounds of milk in seven days and 23& pounds of churned butter. These bulls and cows shown In accompanying Illustrations are fair ex amples of the others seen in the herd. "Oregon dairymen are beginning to ap preciate the value of this breed. It Is peculiarly adapted to this climate, and to our conditions," said Mr.. Frakea. . Vale of the Breed. "If a general-purpose breed Is one that Is equally valuable for each and every leading purpose for which cattle are used, it Is not such a breed. This breed excels In milk production. It Is superior for veal production and valuable for beef production. If this combination of quali ties defines a general-purpose breed It is such a breed. For generations the natu ral conditions under which these cattle have been developed have been most fa vorable for this combination of qualities. Looking upon one of Us model cows, the broad loin and rump seems Just the plac for the growth of the finest quality of beef and the fit support of a capacious udder. The straight quarters and well rounded body cannot detract from milk production. Her calves are large at birth and they grow and fatten with great ra pidity. In Holland and Belgium this com bination of qualities and uses Is universal, "Quantity of production and persistency of milking during long periods are well known characteristics of this breed. Drop ping her first calf at about 2 years old. an average cow of this breed. It well fed and cared for, will produce from 5000 to 6000 pounds of milk In ten months, and she will Increase this production each and every year, until at 5 years old she will give from 7000 to 9000 pounds. The qual ity of this milk will range from 3 to -4 per cent fat and from 9 to 10 per cent solids not fat. If fed to tho extent of their ability to digest and assimilate food the majority of these cows will exceed this production. Before tho Introduction of this breed, from 3500 to 4000 pounds per annum were regarded as extreme high averages for the cows in this country We think It Is safe to affirm that the In troduction of this breed has raised, di rectly or Indirectly, the average produc tion of American cows from 1500 to 2000 pounds." THE BELLIGERENCE OF BETTY BY LOUISE LEXINGTON TOM, Dick and Harry, and the twins, Betty and Bob, were awaiting the arrival of a cousin who was to make her home with them now that she was left motherless. Her father had written that he feared she had forgotten what home life was like, having traveled about with them so long while in search of health for the mother, and he hoped she might be treated exactly like one of tho family. "Well, I hope she'll like such a big fam ily of boys," laughed Bob, as he tossed, one at a time, all the couch pillows at PBetty. "And I hopo the big family of boys will like her," echoed mother anxiously. Betty wore her red mop of hair cropped close, and growing up as she was with four boisterous brothers was bound to be more or less torn boyish In tastes and man ners. Her mother eagerly welcomed the new sister for Betty's sake, and knew that the liberal allowance her father had made for her care would soften many financial creaks in the household ma chinery. "I wonder if she's pretty mused" Harry. "All the more welcome if she Is," Bob assured him. "What we have always lacked in this family is beauty," and he dodged the pillows that came back, at bim Betty threw like a straight and true .boy. "Oh, won't It be Just bully to have a sister," she exclaimed breathlessly. "I wonder if she Is up with us in her studies. Bobbins." "I wonder if she'll tell me stories." put in Tommy, the 5-year-old- baby of the family. "And help me with my prpbjems," added Dick, whoso bugaboo was -mathematics. . Then they heard, father's step on the veranda and all flew to welcome the siran ger. The words Batty had planned, to" .say, "however, almost died upon . her lips, for Bobby's smothered exclamation caused a sudden pain at her heart. "Oh glorious!" Ethel Warning was really a most beau tiful little girL She had deep blue eyes, that looked almost black, fringed as they were by the longest of dark lashes. -She had a lovely complexion, and the most wonderful hair, which hung In long gold en curls. And to her natural charms was. added a sweet seriousness jpf manner that made her all the more lovely. . But tlie Jealous pang, which Betty had felt was not lessened by the manner In which all four brothers hung "upon Ethel's slightest word, as she, sat before the, fire and told of her varied experiences. She was very tired, however, and soon fol lowed mother upstairs, and Bobby ex claimed excitedly: "Isn't she great. Bet? We'll show the Portland girls next Monday. Gee, those eyes! They look as If they had been rubbed in with an Inky finger!" This from Bob Betty's Bob and Betty stifled a sudden longing to scream. Nine-year-old Harold added Impulsively: "But oh, those dandy curls! I feel as If I could eat them all up!" Betty smiled at the funny speech, but Bobby straightway plunged her Into dis tress again: "I guess, after all. It's the curls that does tho business," he remarked In his boy fashion. "She says she knows heaps of stories for Dick and me real stories!" This from Tommy. Betty saw as In a vision all her erst while queenly sway In the homo slipping from her own grasp Into the pretty slen der hands of this little stranger. She pictured herself supplanted at school, at parties, at play, and told herself that her own freckled, good-natured face would simply act as a foil for the beautiful one. Suddenly sho burst forth: "I don't think her at all pretty, not In the least bit!" Betty did not understand that a jealous person Is neither generous nor courageous, nor fine, and so could not reason about It. But she did know that the remark was not true, and had sprung from feelings such as she had never before experienced, and it puzzled her as much as it did Bobby, who exclaimed In amazement: "Not think her pretty! Why, Bet, she's a Jolly angel! She's nice and sociable to a feller, too, and not stuck up, which shows she's the real thing all right. Father says she might have posed for Coreggio. Let's look him up In the en cyclopedia, will you?" "I don't want to. I'm tired of an gels," she snappSl out. and they might have quarreled had not mother returned Just then. Bobby appealed to her. "She certainly Is beautiful," answered mother, "but what Is better, she appears as good and sweet as she Is beautiful. She Is hungry for a mother, that I know. Poor little, dear!" Betty looked so miserable by now that mother, thinking she was tired out with the excitement, sent her to' bed also, cau tioning her to not awaken Ethel. "Mother, too!" sighed the poor little girl, as she tiptoed upstairs. "But, oh, Bobbins, if they had only left me your' Betty stood and looked at he"r cousin as. she lay fast asleep In the pretty white bed beside her own, and then it seemed to her that countless little furies had seized her In their grasp, for sho suddenly snatched up a pair of tiny sharp scissors, and, without a thought of the conse quences, began clipping the curls right and left, until they lay In a shimmering heap at her feet As she stood moodily gaz ing down upon them, her cousin opened her big eyes wonderlngly, and Betty, overcome with remorse, burled her face In the bed and cried penitently, "Oh, how could I? They were so pretty! How could I!" Ethel, slowly realizing what had happened, added her wall to Betty's: "Oh, how could you?" Then, with her face still hidden, all the pitiful story came out; how Betty had loved her before she had seen her the new sister; how she had helped prepare for her and had given up half her own room. Then, when she had come, how it seemed to Betty that the place right fully her own had been usurped all at once, and Bobby's allegiance. If not trans ferred, at least divided. 'Twas that which hurt most," grieved Betty. "Bobbins be longs to me. and I should be just that un happy If If and he said It was the curls that did the business," she at last Jerked out between sobs. "I understand." came the answer. "Now, don't you worry about the curls, Betty dear. See, I'm cutting off the ones you missed. I only liked them be cause mamma " but here the brave little girl broke down and sobbejl, too. Betty put her arms around her and called her self all the harsh names she could think of by way of comfort. "I'll tell everybody how horrid mean I've been," she de clared. "I want them to fairly hate me, just as I hate myself." When mamma came to call them In the morning, she found both little girls fast asleep In one bed, and the long, pret ty curls lying on the dressing table. At her exclamation, Ethel said slmpty: "Please' don't scold, auntie. I want to look like Betty. Isn't it becoming?" and she rumpled the short locks until they curled and kinked In confusion. When alone Betty exclaimed: "You sweet thing! But I shall tell mother just the same." And she did so when she had gotten up sufficient course. But not until c the cousins were almost grown, and the curls were as long, and as golden, and as lustrous as ever, did any body else ever know of Betty's dreadful doings. The Pirate's Cuve. Burgwi Johnson. In Harper's Bazaar Under tha table, when dinner's through. There is my fav'rlte cave. My sister she. Is a pirate crew And I am a captain brave. With treasure out of the cookie-Jar. And plunder from other lands. To the pirate lair that's hidden there We creep on our knees and ha ads. Before the peopie get up to to. Then Is the time to-hide: I whleper, "Ho, my lads! He low; There are foes on every side!" And then I thump on the table fc-p. And Papa nays; "Hey! What's that? And another thump makes Mother Jump And ruess that It's just the cat. But Papa says, when I thump again. "PVaps It's a pirate bold!" And his Iega an' feet come huntln then, A-tryin' to catch ahold. He keeps me hurry In back an forth Till his hands come huntlh" too. Then I sink the ship when I feel his rrrijs And Mother she sets the crew!