The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 01, 1905, PART THREE, Page 35, Image 35

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Bank Statement Leading Fac
tor in Stock Speculation.
Operators Take It at Its Face Value
Though It Is Xot Uegardcd as
a Reliable Criterion of
Existing Co'nditions. .
NEW YORK. Sept. 30. Tho weekly state
ment of the olearlng-house banks was the
center of Interest today and published Intima
tions ot Its favorable character were circulate
ed before the statement Itself appeared. Pxlces
advanced accordingly, and while ' some best
tation developed In the closing toate, last
prices were near tla best.
The weekly bank statement has been sub
ject to criticism for a long time as an Inade
quate showing of the actual condition, ot the
banks, principally on account of the opera
tion of the system of computation by dally
averages. But the skepticism which found
expression over today"a statement was un
usually frank and general, owing to the ex
treme variation from the estimated result.
The known movements of money for the week
' promised a decline In the cash reserve of more
than 50,000,000. The bank statement, on the
contrary. Indicates an increase of 51,522,300,
The extraordinary requirements of the week
for syndicate payments, quarterly settlements
and the New York tax payments to be made
Monday promised an unusually heavy demand
for credits. The loan Item ot the bank state
ment, on the contrary, shows a contraction ot
$4,810,300. The net result Is to expand the
margin of the surplus by $2,204,075. Expert
authorities are entirely at a loss to find any
explanation for these discrepancies.
In the matter of the cash Item, it Is sug
seated that the gold engagements for im
port may have been made to figure In that
Item on the supply being secured abroad with
out waitlng.for the receipt of the actual metal.
It Is said that this is the custom of the
Bank of France and some other foreign bonks.
Last night's steamer from England brought
$2,250,000 in gold, which would figure norm'
ally in tho bank statement next week. Con'
fusion In the loon Item after great transac'
tions is explicable when the period ot settle
ment comes In the middle of the week, owing
to the working of the average system. But
with the settlement at tho end of the week.
tho full effect of the loan operations would
be expected to bo reflected in tho bank state
The speculative operators In stocks accepted
the statement at its Xaoe value. Feeling
emong them was confident also that the max-
lraum effect of the October 1 settlements was
shown in yesterday's money market, and that
easier conditions will be felt next week. The
heavy adjustments made wcro reflected in the
day's record ot clearing-house balances, which
amounted to $33,095,573, exceeding the great
est previous record by more than $3,000,000,
Yesterday's increase in the Hallway Steel
Spring dividend stimulated a number of low
priced industrials. The principal movement
otherwise was that in the Reading stocks. To
tal sales of bonds, par value. $1,145,000.
The volume of dealings in stocks this week
has shown a. shrinkage from day to day
under tho restraining Influence of diminish
ing supplies In the money market. A mod
erate effect was produced In prices, but the
decline was not steadily pursued and strength
from time to time in special stocks served as
a sustaining Influence on the general lift.
The factors in the money market were so ac
curately known and the effect so early forest-en
that there has seemed no room for ig
noring them, and their development has not
uncovered any weak position up to this tlmo.-
The feci Stir has been prevalent that the spe
cial demands met this week in the money
market were of a kind" which would be ..tem
porary in their Effect, and the hope .has been
held out that the supplies accumulated for
meeting great syndicate transactions would
flow back quickly into 'the money market with
the conclusion of those .transactions.
The payments of subscriptions to the Penn
sylvania and Atchison convertible bond is
sues have been the special operations making
the largest demands which are to be met to
day, and an extensive shifting of loans has
gone on during tho week in preparation for
these payments and for the October 1 quar
terly settlements, which are unusually large.
Aside from these special requirements, de
mands on bank reserves have continued large,
with every prospect of persisting for some time.
The course of money rates has been upward
throughout the world's money centers -and
some further large credit requirements aro
to be met by the New York money market in
the Immediate future. The future of the
money market is therefore by no means clear,
racks. $5.10; 10 lbs. best do granulated sugar;
Tho admonition to caution in the use of
credits in the stock market speculation was
of a force that had to be heeded and was
effective with the rise in money rates to the
highest level of the season. The advance of
a full 1 per cent in the Bank of England
official discount rate to 4 per cent -was a
proclamation, of the shrinkage of banking
resources and of the necessity for retrench
ment. That rate has not been touched by
the Bank of England for over two years and
has only been exceeded a few times in many
years past in times of special stress. A pol
icy of recuperation is thus clearly foreshad
owed, which had its immediate effect on the
continental exchanges of Europe.
The problem of New York's ability to draw
further gold from Europe for Its own relief
is thus made Immediately prominent. Par
cels of gold engaged last week in London
bavo arrived from time to time and have
gone into New York bank reserves and an
additional $1,800,000 was secured early in
the week to arrive next week.
The forthcomlnR Russian loan has come up
for renewed consideration and reports have
stated the. intended amount to be $175 000 -000
to be apportioned to Berlin and Paris.
It is the general expectation that there will
be a New York participation in the sub
scriptions also.
Foreign exchange rates in" New York went
higher under the influence of hardening for
eign money markets. Some of the exchange
transactions were attributed to a demand
from short interests to cover sales made
against earlier borrowings abroad and
against the imports of gold. There has been
complaint of a scarcity of grain and cotton
bills, the foreign demand for cotton having
le.ncH.rtaI,ed b the epeculatlx-e level to
which the price of that -commodity had been
11Jed'il. The b"ak in the cotton market
after the middle of the week brought some
revival of foreign buying and tho foreign
exchange rate was affected by that and the
rise in our money rate.
The -ub-treasury is taking very large sums
from the New York money market, princi
pally in the form of customs pavments,
which the large importations of merchandise
make unusually heavy. The resumption of
Government refunding operations announced
on "Wednesday is calculated to offer only a
slight relief to the drain of revenue pay
ments. Heavy currency shipments from
Chicago to the agricultural sections have
been resumed and the rlso of the New York
exchange rate at Chicago gives warning of
a corresponding demand on New York from
that point- Next week the payment of New
York taxes will call for many millions of
dollars and previous experience shows that
this Is not without effect on the money
market. Beyond the Japanese loan subscription on
October 10. which It i estimated will call
for some $30,000,000. the conviction has
grown up that nothing like an early return
of easo In the money market is to be looked
for and speculators dread the possibility of
flurries In the call money market such as
almost invariably brings a spilling out of
stocks in hasty liquidation.
The consideration of the money outlook
has been to the practical exclusion of all
others In the stock market. . The undevlating
character of reports of business. Industrial
and agricultural prosperity, however, has
been an underlying Influence and has consti
tuted a passive power of resistance to the
depressing influence of the growing constric
tion of the money market.
Bonds have been dull and only slightly af
fected by ihe heavy tone of stocks. United
States old 4s advanced 7 8 per cent, while
the 2s declined and the 4s "i per cent
on call on the week. 1 ceni
uf$.. - V...'i3flJn203 ,Dp-eyfrSHR
Sales. High. Low. bid.
Adams Express 240
Amalgamated Copper. 19,700 84 84U 84W
Am. Car & Foundry. 7,000 38H 30H 30
do preferred W
American Cotton Oil 800 30 ,20fc" 30
ao preferred X... W2
American Express... 225
Am. Hd. Sc. Lth. Dfd. S44
American lee 500 27H 27? -'4
Amer. Linseed Oil.. 2.100 lbi 18 161.
oo preferred 700 42. 40 41
American Locomotive
rlcan Locomotive 5,700 54 Vi 52 54
preferred 300 llSfc 112& 113
Smelt. & Refln. 4,300 127 127 1274
preferred 200 12l4 121 121
uvr ftctcuvu ...... J i. X A '"I
Amer. Sugar Refining 1,000 13U3i 13 13tt?i
Amer. Tobacco pfd. 102
Anaconda. Mining Co. 124
do preferred""""" '.. ..... 104
Atlantic Coast Line. 400 ICC 165 lC5y.
Baltimore & Ohio.... 2,000 H-tt 112 112
Brook. Rapid Transit 9;000 73 72U 72Vi
Canadian Pacific ... 0,000 175 174 175
Central of N. Jersey 212
PAfilMl Clirt ill! Ai L
Central Leather
800 44 44
do nreferred
500 104 104
Chesapeake & Ohio
1.300 5S 58
r-hUo nn r. 111a. "7
do preferred 70
Chicago Gu -Western 1,000 21 21 21
Chicago &. Northwest. 300 21C 215 215
-m., iiu. sc jsr I'aui b.iirj is. ioi? -io-
-m. as xi&nsit ...... ..... ..... jh
do preferred 200 39 38 39
C, C, C. & St. Louis 0S
Colorado Fuel & Iron 0,100 40 45 40
Colorado & Southern. 700 28 28 28
do 1st preferred.... 100 01 61 01
ao sa preferred.... 200 44 43 43
Consolidated Gas ... 1.200 187 1643 187
Corn Products 1,100 12 12 12
An TinfnrmA inn rji7 r ri- rjr
Delaware & Hudson. '. 217
Del.. Lack. & West. 450
Denver & Rio Grande 100 25 35 35
ao preferred loo 00 00 SO;
Distillers' Securities. 600 42 42 42
Erie 11,500 50 00 50
do 1st preferred.... COO 211 82 S2
do 2d preferred.... 200 73 ,73 73
General Electric 100 181 lbl 181
Hocking Valley 00
Illinois Central .... 000 183 182 182
International Paper.. 18.700 23 21U 23
do preferred 800 70 79 7l
international rump.. ...... ..... ..... 20
An nrfrrsA
Iowa Central i.000 29 20 20
do preferred 1,100 57 57 37
Jumsas city Southern 200 27 27 27
An nrfvMl in r-jt r -1 r - n
Louisville & Nashv.I 2,200 155 154 155
Mnntinttnw T. iw
Met. Securities 'i.'foO 81 S0 80
Metropolitan St. Ry. 1.400 120 125 125
Minn. & SL Louis.. 100 73 73 73
M.. St. P. & S. S. M. 138
do nr&ferrpA
Missouri Pacific
3,700 100 105 105
Mo., Kans. & Texas 1,000 34 34
34 i
An nrefrMd
GOV. 01) V, 09
National Lead .....
Mex. Nat. R. R. pfd.
New York Central ...
N. Y.. Ont. & 'West.
Norfolk & "Western..
do preferred
Northern Paolflo ....
North American ...
Pacific Mall
People's Gas
P., a. C. & St. Louis
Pressed Steel Car...
do preferred ......
Pullman Palace Car.
do 1st preferred....
do 2d preferred....
Republic Steel
do preferred ......
Rock Island Co. ....
do preferred ......
Rubber Goods ......
do preferred
474 47 47
2,300 150 149 150
300 W Ku 55
1,800 80 85 85
400 212 211 211
ioo wo u 03
400 45 45 45
10,100 144 143 144
COO 104 103 103
3.800 40 45 45
ioo oc oa oc
20,400 123 122 123
1,000 100 100 00
4, COO 24 23 24
j.wu vzi jji az
St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. 3,000
at. iyuis southwest.
do preferred ......
Southern Pacific ....
do preferred ......
Southern Railway ...
do preferred ......
Tenn. Coal & Iron..
Texas & Pacific ....
Tol., St. L. & "West.
do preferred ......
Union Pacific
do preferred
TT. E. ExDress
5,200 87 36 37
80 87
35 35
38 ZSK
Zl.BOO 133 132 1S3
U. S. Realty .
U. S. Rubber. 2,800 60 65
do preferred ioo ill:
ioo in; inf in
U. S. Steel
do preferred .
Sit.bW XB 37
10.100- 105 104 105i
Vlrg.-Caro. Chemical
300 33
32 32
do preferred
"Wabarti IOO 2SK
23 23
do preferred 600 42
WcllB-Farxrn T!rnnm
"Westinghouse Elect.. 100 170
"Western Union 200 83U
"Wheeling & L. Erie.
Wisconsin Central ... ioo 30
do preferred
Total sales for the day. 349,300 shores.
NEW YORK, Sept, 30. Closing quotations
U. S. ref. 2s reg.103
do coupon... ..104
U. S. 3s reg..-104
do couDon 104 V
D. & R. Cl 4k. ..mi
N. Y. C. O. ,3s. 09
Nor. Pacific Ss.. 77
Nor. Pacific 4s.,106
So. Pacific 4 osu
U. S. new 4 s reg.134
do coution. 1S4
Union Pacific 4s. 105
Wis. Central 4s.. 05
Jap. Cs. 2d ser.,101
Jap. 4 s, cer... 01
U. S. old 4s reg.104
ao coupon. a.. 105
Atchison Adj. 4s 09
Stocks at London.
LONDON. Sept. 30. Consols for money,
89; consols for account. 89.
Anaconda CUlXnrfniv- x- -tr co
Atchison 02 I do preferred. UK
do preferred... 108
Ontario & West. 60
Pennsylvania ... 74
Rand Mines R"-
Baltimore & O..H5U
can. Pacific 180
Ches. & Ohio... 60
C GL Western. 21t
Rcadlnp Kt'
do 1st pref ... 48
do 2d Trf Kl li
C, M. & St. P.. 187
DelJeers ....... 17
D. & R. Grande. 30
So. Railway 37
! do urefirrd 12
do preferred... 021
So. Pacific. ...... 71
Erie 5i4
Union Pacific... 130
do preferred... 09
U. S. Steel 30
do iref erred ins
do 1st pref.... 84
do 2d nref 75 U
Illinois Central. 187
Louis. & Nash.. 150
Mo.. Kas. & T. . 35
N. Y. Central... 155
IWabash 2
do nreferril 4.ti
Spanish Fours... 02
Money, Exchange, Etc
NEW YORK. SeDt. 30. Monev on r11 nnm.
inal: no loons: time loans. Arm: 00 and no
days and sir months. 4 per cent. Prime
mercantile paper, 406 per cent
Sterling exchange, steady, with
ness in bankers' bills, at $4.85254.6530 for de
mand and at $4.823004.8235 for CO days; post
ed rate. $4.834.S3. and $4,800-4.80; com
mercial D111S, 4.813i&4.K2. .
Bar silver C0c.
Mexican dollars i7c
Bonds Governments, steady; railroads, firm.
SAN FRANCISCO. SeDt. 30. Silver
Drafts, sight, 3c; telegraph, 5c
LONDON. Kfnf .1(1 Ttor dl...- -I a., ne.
. ., ciu;, .ou
per ounce. Money,. 203 per cent.
Discount rate, short bills. 3U per cent? three
months' bills, 3S?3 per cent.
Mining Stocks.
RAN FRANCISm Rmnt .1ft TU-
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows:
-A-ita .U3 Justice $ .03
Alpha Con
Kentucky Con!..
Andes - 22
Belcher 22
Occidental Con..
Best & Belcher.. .1.15
Bullion 30
Caledonia 40
Challenge Con... .15
Chollar 18
Confidence ...... .73
Con. Cal. & Va.. L25
teg. Belcher
Slerrn VKt-niti
Crown Point....
08SlIver Hill....!!
Exchenuer 4R
Union Con
Utah Con
Gould & Curry.. .20
Hale & ioreross 1.03
Yellow Jacket...
Julia 07
NEW- YORK. SeDt. 30. Clo.lnr- r,,lnti
" -on -du wttle Chief $ .05
n-imv .u.juntario .......
Breece ... n,nn,i.
Brunswick Con.. .40Phoenix ."""
fVimstnnlr Tun nu'D.t..i
Con. Cal. & Va.. 1-.lRo'..o-.
Horn Silver 1.70 Sierra Nevada.... "7
Iron Silver 3.00Small Hopes 56
Leadvllle Con... .OOistandard .. 153
BOSTON. Sent. 30. Hntinr n..nni
- - "O 1UUillUilD.
Adventure $ 7.50tMohawk $ 68,73
Allouez 38.75
Amalgamated. 84.50
Am. Zinc 9.50
Mont. C & c.t 3.13
uia Dominion.' 27.00
Osceola 107.00
Parrot .....4.. 27.00
Qtilncv -. initiwi
Atlantic 20.75
Bingham 31.25
cal. & Hecla.. 002.00
Centennial .... 27.50
CoDDer Ran cp. 7i.O0
Shannon 7.03
(Tamarack .... 129.00
Daly West....
United Pnnrw... t?o rn
dominion coal
VH.iaiL'. s. Mining... 37.23
10.75iU. a Oil o.oS
7.C3Utah 40.SS
23.:.0,YIrtoHn .
Isle Royale....
Mass. MInlpg..
0.SSI Winona -jo.'so
Michigan 14.25lWolvcrlne
brled Fruit at New JYork.
NEW YORK. Sent. SO Tho ..,1.
evaporated apples showed continued firmness,
with choice and fancr cradm nmrtUniu
of the market for immediate delivery. Common
to gooa are quotea at 607c. and prime, 7c
irunes are quiet ana unchanged, with quo
tations ranging from 407c according 10
ADrlcots are said to be firmer nn tv.
but it shows no material change. Spot, 8
0c: fancy. lO011c
I'eacnes remain nominal In the absence of
Til i v ! n n r mitf Vinf wrllm...j
" - vu.iuuucu 1UQ
new?. Loose muscatels aro quoted at 5fP?AG
seeded raisins. o0Sc and London ' layers.
Chicago Market Subjected to
Selling Pressure.
Enormous llccclpls at All landing
Grain Centers Cables Aro Also
Liowcr Sonic Iale Support
by Leading Bull.
CHICAGO. Sept, 30. The wheat market
was decidedly weak throughout tho session.
much selling pressure. The greatest weak-
nCK WAH innl In V. . Cnnt.U. AhtlA.
which ranged between S2(?S2c. Closing
uui vi. jiuiuerous rmaii jines ot wneat lor
September delivery was a feature of trading.
NcW nf lh 11-0 ir ole- ?.AmHl. n k.-.
bears. Cables were lower. Receipts in the
.".onnwci; were neavy ana the price or casn
wheat at Minneapolis was off about 2 cents.
wuaj ai aiuneapous ana JJUlUia
were 1115 cars against 1000 cars a year ago.
Northwest is said to be retarded by scarcity
Of Cnrs. n rnnr! tmm AHnn arAal ntfllmlnr
that arrivals of wheat at that point atone
noum oe irom Jivu to -'000 cars a aay it the
roiiroaas couia rurnisn necessary equipment
to handle thn vmlti l if4lln n
heavy -movement in tho Northwest, receipts
ivuujT u ai primary points in me unitea
States showed a huge Increase in total ar
rivals, boing 1,700.000 bushels compared with
LOCC.000 bushels the corresponding day
year ago. At the opening December was
off c at 84eS4c During the first
half hour th Tirlre rnnri n fnr-ttiAr llln
to S3a At that point the market was
icuuiru uy lcmporary support irom a leaa
ing bull. Following subsequent withdrawals
Of thfi nuimnrl fVio Tn o rlr.l Honm ..III
weaker: December dropped to C3f03c
orari ot mo joss was regained on coveting by
shorts, the September delivery showing tho
CreateSt reaction. T1 mnrlr.t Vinu-.....-
closed weak with Deccmbor at 85 c. Sep-
iHixiuer ciosea at o-i c
Considering the sharp break in wheat, the
corn market held remarkably steady, al
though prices shewed slight losses. Local
receipts were small, but the total primary
movement was 25 per cent in excess of that
Of the corrcsnondlnir ilnt- fjnf 1 .... -
load of new corn was received in" Chicago
iuuu; Jiua icnirai Illinois, but the grain
jku 10 oc aosoiuieiy unmerchantable.
Several If ad In r- rainmliilM v.n..... . 11 v.
e" E,Hers. Lower prices at Liverpool
uvu mo uciVB. xnc marKet closed steady.
December opened unchanged to c lower at
43 i 644c. sold off to 43c and closed at
The oats market was affected to some ex
tent by the slumn In n-n.n. t-v. 1. . .
however, was hMd mmn!iniii.. j.. .
1.pUrcha8lnB' o near,y 1.000.000 bushels
uy a leaning commission house.
Drrber c,os,jd t 2Sc a loss of c.
With th xpnt(nn r 1. - .
September pork, the provision market was
v w 101s or isepiember pork were
wanted, but no oSerings developed until the
prosnective nuKhmtn- , ..
- " , ' up mo unco
" S". a aTTfl- General trading was
ii "i- . . ",e v"c January pork was
off Sc.. lard was down 2 5c and ribs were
&o lower.
The leading future ranged as follows
nAM 111.1. .
September $ .84' $ . $ . W
Docember . S4 .S45, .84
Ma' SB .88 .80 -S5
Sept. (old)...... .51 .51 .60 '
d S ::::: X -fl i?i?
May 4314 43U 'ZZ
September .27 .27; Tit
December fsii. ndl "Z-it 7'
May 30 l302 - liafi 30
October 14 rn lin; ' 1 1 -n . .
January 12.40 12.42U 12.37 lL37
October 7.20 7.20 7.17 7.17
November .. ?n r - nn' - ?
January ....... 0.80 dso 077 aSO
October ... R.KO R Kli cm o -n
January a 50 d 50 c.47 6.47t;
Cash quotations were as-follows:
Flour Irremlar: Winter mir-ii. t nntai v.
straights, $3.5004.10; Spring patenU, $3,753'
4.40; rtralghts. $3.8004; bakers. $2.30?3.60.
Wheat-No. 2 Spring. 83eS5c; No. 3, 81
84c; No. 2 red. S29S4c
corn-No. 2. 61 Vic; No. 2 yellow, 53c
Oats No. 2. 27c: No. 2 whlti. s.ei.
No. 3 white. 27028c
Rye No. 2. 68c '
Barley Good feedinr. 30ttc: fair in .,ni.
malting, 4146c
Flaxseed No. 1, 03c: No. 1 Northwutem.
Mc. ,
Timothy seed Prime, $3.25.
Mem pork Per barrel, $14.70014.75.
Lard Per 100 pounds, $7.17.
Short ribs side. Loose, $3.4ojS.50.
Short clear sides Boxed. $S.12e8.25.
Clover Contract grade. $12.25."
Flour, barrels 54 W ai mn
Wheat, bushels S3j000 32000
Lorn, uusneis ..279,200 710,000
Ont k. TniiHhxls ij" vm vu jnn
Rye. bushels 23,000 10.'o0
lianey, bushels ...t 181,700 71,300
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. Seat. 30. Flour nwlm.
400 barrels; exports. 13,300 barrels. Dull and
unchanged. Minnesota patents, $4.50; Winter
patents, $4.2564.75: Winter stralgbti-. $4(54.10;
Winter extras. $3.25Q3.S5; Winter low grades.
Wheat Receipts. 48.000 busheb: rtmrt.
SO0O. Spot easy; No. 2 red. S7c elevator and
00c f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 ,Duluth. 81c t. o.
b. afloat. No. 1 Northern lanlinKi if r
o. b. afloat. Active liquidation and short sell.
ing with an absence toz bull support led to a
cent break in wheat today, the clone ehowin;
61c net loss. December clored at SSc: Mar
closed SSc.
Hons Unsettled. State common to choir.
1005 cron. 18622c: 1004 ertm. ir,ri"i- ja.
eeilc; Pacifle Coast, 1000. 15&18c; 1004 crop"
Hides Firm: Galveston. 20S25 nounrf rw-
Cailfornia. 21025 pounds. 104c: Texas drv.
24030 pounds. 1S&
Wool Firm ; domestic fleece. 35049c
Peroleum. steady: refined New York 7 rjw
Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7.55c: do in bulk!
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. fUnr 30 .Wh...
barley, easier.
Spot quotations Wheat: Shinnlnrr. z tnct
TL45r mlllinc S1.50( Dirl.v c..
$1.05L07; brewing. $L1061.12. Oats:
Red. S1.15S1.50: white. X1.33CM4.'.? li.u
Call-board sales Wheat. December $1.35.
Barley. December. $L0S. Corn, large yel-
MlnneapolLf Wheat Clarke t.
MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 30. Wheat Septem
ber. 78c; December. 80c; May, S3Sc; No. 1
hard. 81c; No. 1 Northern, S0c; No." 2
Northern,' 77c.
Wheat nt Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL, Sept. 30. Wheat December,
Cs 8d; March. Cs 8d. The weather In Eng
land today was clear.
Prices Quoted Locally on Cattle, Sheep an
The following livestock prices were quoted
yesterday in the local marke't:
CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers. $3
3.25; Rood cows. $2.2502.50; common cows.
$L50$L?5; calves, 125. to 150 pounds, $5; 200
to 250 pounds, $3.5004.
SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley,
$3.2503.50; medium. $3; lambs, $404.25.
HOGS Best largo fat hogs, $006.25.
Prices Current at Kjmims City, Omaha and
SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 30.-Cattle Receipts,
500. Market steady; native steers, $5,259
5.75; cows and Heifers, $2.0504.25; Western
steers, $304.25: canners, $L5O02.23: sioclcers
and feedera, 32.2504.25; calves, $325-50; bulls.
suss, etc, $203.63. .
Hogs Receipts. S500. Market 5c lower;
heavy. $4.80050; mixed. $3.0505.15: light.
$3.1505.30; pigs, $1-5005.10; bulk of sales.
Sheepr-Receipt, 100. Market steady; West-
cms, yearlings. $4.7505; wethers. $4.3005;
ewes, $1.1504.40; lambs, $0.5000.75.
CHICAGO. Sept. SO. Cattle Receipt. 000.
Market steady; beeves, $3.5000.13: poor to me
dium, $3.5005.10; stockers and feeders. $2.25
04.30; cows. $f504.4O;' heifer?. $2.1004.05;
calves. $5.5007.25.
Hogs Receipts today, 12.000; Monday, 2S,
000. Market elow. 5c lower; mixed and
butchers. $5.1003.75; good to choice heavy.
$5.3505.75; rough heavy, $3.0503.23; light.
$5.1005.05; bulk of sales, $5.3005.75.
Sheep Receipts,' 3000. Market steady; sheep.
$305.05; lambs, $5.5007.75.
KANSAS CITY. Sept. 30. Cattle Receipts,
2000. Market steady; native steers $405.00;
stackers and feeder. $2.5004.25; Western
steer. $2.7504.50; do cows, $1.7503.
Hogs Receipts, 3000. Market steady; hulk,
$5.2505.35; heavy, $51005.40; packers, $5,253
6.35; pigs and lights, $505.30.
Sheep Receipts, none. Market nominally
steady; muttons, $405; lambs, $5.2500.73;
rango wethers, $4.2505.
' (
Wheat DecIlaeKi OxxIbr to II rent at
Chlcauo- Slight Reaction
la Barley.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. SO. Special.)
Principal Interest among California cured fruit
dealeis is in forwarding goods bought by
Easterners early in the season. No material
change In values is noted this week, but hold
ers of peaches, apricots and pears not only
are very firm, but many have withdrawn and
are not urging business. California evap
orated apples are strong and cent higher.
Holders of prunes are generally firm and
offering lightly, anticipating higher prices in
the near future. The raUin-growers com
bine has not made an announcement on raisin
prices other than on bleached Thompson's and
Sultanas as put out two weeks ago.
New almonds and walnuts are moderately
active at the established prices.
Local speculative values for wheat reached
a lower level, influenced by the further de
sllne In Chicago, and the cash market was
easy on large arrivals of Northern grain.
December barley had a small reaction from
yesterday's marked advance, but spot re
mained firm on the filling of milling and ship
ping orders. Other cereals were unchanged.
The Hebrew holiday restricted trade in fruits
and other products. The apple market was
easier under a large accumulation of stocks.
Table grapes are coming in freely, owing to
the threatened rains, and prices are easy.
Lemons are very weak.
Potatoes are dull and dragging. Onions are
Butter and cheese are firm. Eggs are top-
heavy. The meeting of the new dairy ex
change wan called for Monday. Receipts,
53,500 pounds butter, 18,600 pounds cheese,
22.980 dozen eggs.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 30065c; gar
lic. 5 00c; green peas. 304c; string beans,
104c; tomatoes, 25050c; okra, 35 050c; egg
plant, 35050c.
POULTRY Turkey gobblers, 21025c:
roosters, old. $4 0 4.50; roosters, young, $4.50
5.30; broilers, small, $202.30; broilers,
large, $202.50; fryers, $303.50; fryers,
young, $3 4.
EjGS Fancy ranch. 40c; Eastern, 2O02Sc
BUTTER Fancy creamery, 27c: creamery
seconds, 23c; fancy jlalry, nominal; dairy
seconds, nominal.
"WOOL San Joaquin, 11014c; lambs', HO
MILLSTUFFS Bran. $21.50022; mid
dlings. $20028.
HAY Wheat. $10015.50; -wheat and oats.
$10014; barley. $S11; alfalfa, $0.5009;
clover. $710: stocks. $500; straw., per
bale. 30050c.
POTATOES Salinas Burbahks. 75c0$L15;
sweets. $1.2501.50.
CHEESE Younff America, 12 013c;
Eastern. ISOlCc.
FRUITS Apple, choice, $1.23; common.
50c; bananas. $l3; Mexican limes. $4,500
5; California lemons, choice, $4.50; com
mon. $1.50; pineapples, $203. t
HOPS 1004. 11014c: 1005, 11014c.
RECEIPTS Flour. S1S4 quarter sacks;
wheat. 70.000 centals; barley. 22,300 centals;
oats, 5719 centals; beans. 5G24 sacks; corn.
125 centals: potatoes. 3S00 sacks; bran 055
sacks; middlings. 230 sacks; hay, 405 tons;
wool, IDS bales; hides, 098.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK. Sent. 30. Thn mirV.r tn-
fee futures onened steady at a. dM-iin r
5010 points underselling by trade Interests
against firm offers from Brazil. The market
ciosea sieaay net unchanged to 10 points
lower. Sales were renortrd nf ns v
including October, 0.05c; November, 7c; Del
cember. 7.1007.15c; January. 7.20c; March.
7.3007.35c; May, 7.4007.45c, and July. 7.500
7.55c Snot Rio. ouiet: No. 7 invnW S 11.10?
mild, quiet; Cordova, 10013c
Sugar Raw. firm: fair reflnlnir. a Lift. -n.
trifugal. 00 test. 311.1Gc: meA ir
21 3-lCc Refined." unsettled. Vn it j n.
No. 7. $4.23; No. S. $4.13; No. 0. $4.10; No.'
10. $4.0&; jo. 1L $3.05: No. 12. $3.00' v vi
$3.50: No. 14. $3.75; confectioners A. $4.75;
mold A, $5.25; cut loaf, $5.00; crushed. $5.00;
powdered. $5; granulated. $4.00; cubes. $5.15.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Snt- 30. Th mil ma.i...
showed the usual quiet tone on Saturday in
ut absence ot London cables with prices gen
erally maintained.
Lake coDser is auoted at 1 fl 1 fi rv-.
trolytic lC.1201C.37c. and casting 13. ST 40
1G.12U. Tin Is held at 32032.2 t,' i.
quiet at 4.8504.05c and spelter at 3.0500.05c
Iron continued In fair demand and reports of
an advance In coke lead to expectations of a
further Improvement in prices.
Imports and Exports.
NEW YORK. SpU 30. Total imports of
merchandise and dry goods at the Port of
New York for the week ending today were
valued at $13,407,794.
Total Imports of specie at the Port of New
York for the week ending today were $363. SI 1
in surer and Sl,ffu,fS30 gold. Total exports
of specie at the port of New York for the week
ending today were $1,255,454 In silver and
$5500 gold.
Clrarinjc-IIonse Records Broken.
NEW YORK. Sept. 30. Today's balances of
the clearing-house banks, amounting to $33,
005.703. break all prevlohs records by over
$3,500,000 and reflect the present week and
Fyndicate operations and next week's heavy
disbursements for interest and dividends. The
Bank of Commerce had a credit balance today
of $27,300,000 and the National City Bank
a debit balance, of $17,500,000.
Dairy Produce In the East.
mttnxnn c-t v rvn ,. Tr4i.. ex
change today the butter market was firm;
creameries, 17020c; dairies. 1601Sc Eggs,
18c; prime firsts. 20c; extras, 22c
"Wool at SU Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 30. Wool, steady; terri
tory and Western mediums. 2S03Oc; fine me
diums. 22026c; fine, 18020c
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. 30. Cotton futures closed
steady: October. 10.35c; December, lo.SSc;
January. 10.e3c; May, 10.87c.
'Wheat at Tacoma.
Txrvwti c.x in Ttv. . n rv ......
mw. . f . i . i vcu. tun
er. Bluestem. 73c; club, 70c; red, 00c
Appeal for 3Irs. Chadwlck.
CLEVELAND, Sept. 30. Attorneys
TVlne and Dawley -will go to Cincin
nati Monday to arguo before the
United States District Court of Ap
peals for a. new trial for Mrs. .Chad-
wlclc They allege numerous errors in
the trial at her conviction before
Judge Taylor in the United States
Court here, and hope to get a reversal.
Mrs. Chadwlck. who has remained In
the County Jail hero since her arrest
early last "Winter, expresses the be
lief that she will be granted a new
New York Banks Now Have
Satisfactory Surplus.
Preliminary Estimates Indicated a
Heavy. Ioss or Cash Decrease
. in .Loans Much Less
Than Expected.
NEW YORK, Sept. SO. .The Financier this
iveck says;
The official statement of the Nevr York As
sociated Banks last -creek again dlssappointed
exoectatlons. It showed an increase in cash
reserve Instead of an Important loss, as vras
Indicated by the preliminary estimates, which
were based upon traceable movements ot
money during the week; this exhibit vtras quite
remarkable. The statement disclosed a de
crease In loans, though much below that which
was regarded as likely, considering the opera
tions la the stock market durlne the week.
The rroqrve requirements were reduced through
a deereaae In deposits, so that the surplus re
serve was augmented by an amount sufficient
to restore this item very near, to that which
was reported at the end of August; now the
banks have what may be regarded as a sat
isfactory surplus for -the season.
The small decrease of ft.S10.200 in loans was
probably due to tho fact that the cancella
tions early In the week were nearly offset by
the heavy loans which "were made by some of
the lancer banks after Thursday because ot
the extremely high rates- ruling for money on
call. The gain of $1,522,300 In cash cannot
be reasonably accounted for; the lom as shown
by the traceable movement waa more than
$8,000,000. to the sub-treasury alone, and near
ly $2,000,000 to the interior, while the off
sets 'through r,:w gold and Imports Irom
London were not sufficient materially to reduce
the total.
The statement ef averages of tho clearing
house banks of this city for the week follows:
Loans $1,071,630,300 $4,810,300
Deposit l,O5O,-(05,10O 2.730.700
Circulation 54,000.100 333.M)0
Legal tenders 70,350,300 470.000
Specie 201.S00.00i) 1.031.000
Reserve 277.MO.30O 1.322.300
Reserve required 270.101.273 0S2.675
Surplus 7.440.023 2.204,073
Ex-TJ. S. deposits 9,363,800 2,164,130
Bank Clearing.
Bank clearings of the leading cities of the
Northwest yesterday were as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland (Holiday) (Holiday)
Seattle '. $1,210,002 $370,442
Tacoma 440,300 47.S14
Spokane 470,000 79.219
Clearings of Portland, Seattle and Tacoma
for the week were:
Portland. Seattle. Tacoma.
Monday. $1,072,000 $l,0SS.13t! $ G32.7GT,
Tuesday 912.S30 931,45(1 M4.467
Wednesday.. 703.504 1.048.737 34.718
Thursday.... 0C4.GS(1 SS0.107 543,907
Friday 747.427 1.000.412 420.712
Saturday. ... (Holiday) 1.210.C02 449.399
Totals ....$4,491,173 $0,223,430 $3,1C7.229
Clearings for the corresponding week In
former years were:
Portland. Seattle. Tacoma.
1000 $2.483.0dS $3,011,394 $1,174.S35
1901 2.SG4.251 3.471,377 1.232.090
1902 3.50S.033 4,252.578 1.409.307
1903 3.C10.37H 4.007.011 1.P90.SS9
1904 4.38U.S7S 4.909.331 2.57S.013
Forestry Club Revels in
Outings at the Fair.
Portland; Sept. so. (To the Editor.)
The Forestry Club has, since June,
held Its meetings In the Exposition
grounds. Those warm, bright days, so full
of Interest, are delightful memories to
those who have attended. The club makes
a day of It and takes a picnic lunch, cither
under the trees or upstairs In tho Ad
ministration restaurant, where it can have
coffee and a table which overlooks the
The July meeting was held on Govern
ment Island, where the class examined
the finished woods of the Philippines, went
through the Fisheries exhibits, heard tho
Illustrated lecturo on Yellowstone Park,
witnessed the drill of the life-saving crew
and returned over the Bridge of Nations
to our own Forestry building. "Which
evor way tho path lies the club always
comes to the Forestry building. It dares
to hope that Oregon will never allow to
pass out of her hands so grand a memo
rial of the time when "there were giants
In the land."
Tho August meeting was In the histor
ical rooms of the Oregon building. George
H. Hlmec read a paper on "The Forestry
Laws of Oregon" (by the way, we have
but one), as compared with those of other
stai2s. The club made a special study of
the woods of Coos County, and afterward
by Invitation visited the gracious host
esses of the Idaho building.
, After looking at their fine exhibit and
tho graceful decorations of ' tho room.
which were planned wholly by a woman,
we faced about to Ilnd a heretofore closed
door open, disclosing a tea-table set and
the County Treasurer of an Idaho County
poured tea for us from a silver urn, and
asked anxiously, "Do you think I nave
unsexed myself by voting?"
One o! our most pleasant days was two
weeks ago, when the time was given to
the study cf art.
The club met In the Oregon building.
and after lunch in. the Administration res
taurant spent tho greater part of the aft
ernoon In the Art Gallery, where the mem
bers contrasted the old style of painting,
with Its almost painful attention to de
tail, with the new style, with its wealth of
light and color. They gazed long on the
ever-widening horizon of "Summer
Clouds." They longed to touch and caress
the silvery sheen of a baby's hair, and to
own the statuettes in bronze and marble.
Coming out. the light of the dear old tace
in "Adoration" fell upon us like one we
usyl to know.
he club went from hero to the Forcstry
buildlng. and through the kindness of Miss
McBride, who was In charge, studied Mr.
Curtls's Indian portraits, and only the ab
sence of sufficient purchasing power pre
vented a number of them from being car
ried off. "ho water-Carrlers," dipping
Into the quiet pool at the close of day.
was restful to look at. Three horsemen
riding out from the dark shadow of the
mountain, and styled "Into the Light." Is
Roosevelt's favorite. "The Sacred "Wom
an," whose benign countenance Indicates
the gracious character which. It Is said,
would grace the White House Itself; the
little "Indian Maid," wild and beautiful
as a deer; a little burro with muftled fig
ures plodding through the dusk of the
evening and termed "The Flight Into
Egypt , and the strong, intellectual face
of a chief who might have been a Roman
Senator, and which Frederick "Ward says
gives him Inspiration: these and many
more are part of the great west to which
wo all belong.
From there It was a long step to the
village of the Igorrotes, with their primi
tive weaving. The lithe, bronze figures of
the young boys at their games were full of
artistic poses and the dancing light that
shone In their eyes is the same that shines
in every boy's eyes the world over when:
he breathes deep and life Is a Joy. The
old. gray-haired chief had. something al
most fine In his face. From there we went
to the Japanese tea-garden and burjar,
and watched a Japanese water-color artist
Downing, Hopkins & Co
Established 1893
Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce
put In the figures In a moonlight scene.
The winged figure in bronze on the bit of
grass outside Is so adorably ugly that we
wanted to carry It away with us. Then
we came back to the Forestry building,
which ought to be a. cathedral.
The October meeting will again be held
in the Fair grounds.
FOLLOWING Is a list of the new book3
-at the Library;
ilullany. P. F. Brother Azarias. Books
and reading 02S M958
Bulloch, J. Jkl. Art of extra-illustration
006 B933
Chamberlain. G. L- Introduction to
the Bible for teachers of children. 28S C443
Barnard, Henry. Kindergarten and
child culture papers 372 2 B239
"Willaon, Beckles. Story ot rapid tran
sit 3S0 W742
"Wyckoff. "W. A. Day with a tramp
and other days 331 "W377
Mathews, J. M. How to succeed In the
practice of medicine M174.2 M129
Oman, V. E. SvensU-engelsk hard-ord
bok R439.7 034
Slang dictionary R427 S63i
BonneyG. E. Electrical experiments
.-..537 BTITe
Hayward. W. R. Botanists' pocket
book. 1SS7 5S3.942H427
Jeffries, J. R. An English village; a
new edition of wild life in a southern
country. 19M 500.4 J454e
Buckley, R. B. Irrigation works In
India and Egypt 626 B92I
Fox. "W. F. Tree planting on the
streets and highways 634.D F794t
Institution of Civil Engineers. Char
ier, by-laws and list of members
R620.6 I59c
Institution of Civil Engineers. Min
utes of proceedings of the institution.
1S03-1&H. V. 151-15S R620.6 159
Bower, J. A. How to make common
11111153 mu rtiea
Hancock, H. I. Physical Culture life.
ifw... uij.4 niHpa
Humphrey. F. S. Manuel of type-writing,
business, letter-writer and exer
cises for phonographic practice.. 652 H926
McAlIster, E. H. "Water power on the
Santlam river. 1DG1 627 MH4
Patcrson. H. G. Style manual for stcn-
ographers, reporters and correspond
ents 632 P20tJ
Powell, E. P. Orchard and fruit-garden
634. PSS2
Allen. J. R. Celtic art In pagan and
Christian times 700.36 A427
Baldry. A. L. Modern mural decora
tion 729.4 B1S2
Barrltt, Leon. How to draw 741 B276
Daniels, F. T. Frehand lettering. .745 DISS
Fischer, G. A. Beethoven B7S0 B113F
Ariosto, Lodivlco. Orlando furioso
S51 A712
Laycock. Craven and Scales. R. L.
Argumentation and debate S0S.5 L427
Tennyson. A. I., first Baron. Idylls ot
"the King, ed., with notes by "W. J.
Rolfe 821 T312Jd
Baldwin, James, comp. Harper's school
speaker. 3v. 803.S B1S1
Gordon. Jane, ed. Patriotism In pro3e
and verse 808.8 G663
Lang. Andr6w. Ban and arrlere ban:
a rally of fugitive rhymes 821 L263
Lord. W. S. Best short poems of the
nineteenth century S2L0S LS67
Wheeler, O. D. Wonderland, 1905....
917.S W563
Black, Adam and Charles. Guide to
Ireland "R914.15 BS57
Fox, Jr., John. Following the sun flag.
3h.8 Xl'JZ
Johnston. H. "W. Private life of the
Romans .....313.37 J72
Knox, Alexander. Glossary of geo
graphical and topographical terms.
R910.3 K74
Murray, John. pub. Handbook for
travelers In India. Burma and Cey
lon R915.4 M9S2
Youth's Companion, pub. Greater
America; the latest acquired Insular
possessions 919 YS3
Champlain. Samuel de. Samuel de
cnamplain, by H. D. SedgwIck..B C453S
Davy. Sir Humphrey, Bart. Humphrey
uavj. poet ana philosopher, by T.
E. Thorpe : B D2SST
Brady. C. T. Indian lights and fighters
.370.1 BS12
Molloy. J. T. Sailor King. "William the
Fourth, his court and his subjects..
942.07 M727
Reeves, "W. P. New Zealand (story of
the empire) 993.1 R332
Scottish clans and their tartans. ..941 S4314
Lyall. Sir A. C. Rise of the British
dominion In India 954 L9S1
Gordon. Granville. Nootka, a tale of
Vancouver Island O G663n
Hnlevy. Ludovlc Marriage for Iove.H16Sm
Hornung. E. W. Stingaree HS16st
Martin, Mrs. H. R. TIlTle, a Mennonlte
maid M3S14t
Robertson. Morgan. Down to the sea.R651d
Tarklngton, N. B. Beautiful Iady...TlS7b
"Wells, H. G. Twelve stories and a
dream W454tw
Frenssen, Gustav. Jorn Uhl, tr. by
F. S. Delmer FS79J
Hewlett. M. H. Fond adventures. ...H612fo
Merriman. H. S. Tomaso's fortune.
and other stories M5711
Pocock, Roger. Curly. P741
Waller, M. E. Sanna "WlDSs
Barbour, R. H. On your mark....jB233o
Hodges, George. "When the King came
V j232 H6SS
Josephus. Flavlus, Our young folks
Josephus, simplified by William Shep-
ard J533 J83
Soldiers of the world .-..JPS684s
Trains of the world -..JPT76St
Bergen, Mrs. F. D. Glimpses at the
plant world J5S0 B4947
Champlln & Lucas. Young folk's cy
clopaedia ot natural history.. R590.3 C433
Jenks, Tudor. Captain John Smith
JB S632J
Mavor. "W. F. English spelling book.
II. by Kate Greenaway H2S.1 M461
"Wllklns, M. B. Young Lucretia and
other stories... . JW6S3y
Corcans Entertain Harrlman.
SEOUL, Corea, Sept. 30. E. H. Harrl
man. president of the Southern Pacific
Company, and party arrived at Chemulpo,
by steamer this morning and proceeded
to Seoul on a special train, reaching this
city at noon. Mr. Harrlman will remain
here four days. Oh Sunday he will be
the guest of M. Megata, Japanese finan
cial adviser of the Corean government, at
a garden party. On Monday he will bo
received in audience by the Emperor and
entertained at luncheon by the Japanese
Chamber of Commerce and the bankers
of this city. After a trip on the Fusan
Railroad Line a special steamer will con
vey the party to Kobe.
Disastrous Fire at Baltimore.
BALTIMORE, Sept. 30. A destruc
tive fire occurred today at Highland
town; a suburb, the plant of the Red
"C" Oil Company being entirely con
sumed, as was the plant of Sherwood
Bros., manufacturers of oils and
grease, a street railway carbarn and
several small dwellings and business
structures. The loss Is estimated at
,Auto Kills Its Owner.
CHICAGO. Sept. 30. A dispatch to
the Tribune from Des Moines says;
Frederick A. Harllman. a lawyer,
banker and one of tho wealthiest men
In Northern Iowa, was killed In an
automobile accidant last night. He
was descending a steep hill, lost con
trol of his machine and was thrown
into a deep gulch, the cur crushing bin
to denth. Arthur and Frederick Reed,
who were with hlni. were badly hurt.
A New Orleans Painting May Be
'The Last Supper
Kansas City Times.
In the minds of the few persons who
have been permitted to see a picture that
has been for the last six years in th
vaults of a deposit and trust compnnv hi
New York City, there Is the belief that I:
is the painting by Raphuel of "The Last
Supper." The picture Is the property r-z
Mrs. James. O'Hara. ot New Orleans. A'
attempt will soon be made to have u
taken to Europe and its authentic!!
proved. The canvas has an unusual hi.
torj-. If it is the original by RRphavl 1
was painted in 1517 and was lost ten yea
later In the sncklng of Rome by the Sper
Ish. About 150 years ago it Is said to ha
come Into the possession of a Spm!s .
sailor who lived near New Orleans. 1
was handed down in his family until
of his descendants, on dying, gave It ti
an old negro woman who cut tho ennva
from the frame and tacked It on a pie
of board.
About thirty-five years ago Jamc
O'Hara, a housepainter. of New Orleans
made repairs about the old woman's cabin
and took the picture In payment. He had ,
the canvas cleaned and varlshed but as
the work was done by an amateur tho
coloring was almost obliterated. The can
vas since has been oiled and by means o'
a camera and a powerful lens a photo
graph made of the picture shows clearly
the letters MDXVII. the year In which
Raphael Is known to have painted "The
Last Supper."
Battleship Type of Engine.
Yesterday the llrst of the big battle
ship type of engines of the Orego .
Railroad & Navigation Company to be
used on the Portland end of the line
brought In the Spokane Flyer, and l
to be run regularly hereafter pulling
the Spokane train between Portland
and Umatilla. The locomotive that was
here for tho first time yesterday is No
192 that has been In service on the
mountain division of the east end. It
has a total weight of 222,000 pounds,
and Vanderbllt tank with capacity for
7C0O gallons of water and tender ca
pacity for ten tons of coal. The pe
culiarity of this type of locomotive !
the three Immense driving-wheels and
fourth bogle or trailer-wheel, that n- -slst3
In bearing the tremendous dead
weight of tho powerful machine.
TVorthlngton General Manager.
B. A. "Worthlngton, formerly vice
president and general manager of the
Harrlman lines at Portland, who re
signed to become first vice-president
of tho "Wheeling- & Lake Erie, tho "Wabash-Pittsburg
Terminal Railway and
the "West Side Bolt Railroad, has just
been made general manager of these
companies and has appointed H. "W.
McMasters general superintendent or
the lines.
want every man afflicted with t9
above diseases to honestly investigate
our special system ot treatment. "We in
vite in particular all who have treate 1
elsewhere without success, all whos.
cases have been abandoned by family
physicians and so-called "SPECIAL
ISTS," all whose troubles have been ag
gravated and mado worse by tho us.
ICS. "Wo will explain to you why such
treatment has failed to cure you. and
will demonstrate to your entire satis
faction that we can cure you safely
quickly and permanently. Our counsel
will cost nothing, and wo will do by you
as we would wish you to do by us If
our cases wore reversed. "Wrlto for our
home treatment if you cannot calL
EaUbllabed 1876.
Koomj 6 and 7 Wlnchetiter Ilouse. 3d and
Bornalde Streets, rortl&nd. Or.
Wa treat and euro hundreds every
month who ruffer from I'eWlc and
other diseases, ot men. such as Hydro
cele. Varicocele, Stricture, Stomach.
Kidney and Bladder Affections. Vital
Weakness, Tierrous Decline, lmpo
tency. Nocturnal Losses and all that
lone; train ot symptoms and troublts
which artsa from youthful errors or
other excesses.
Wa have a new ipeclflc treatment for
Gonorrhoea which is prompt, sure, sata
and painless.
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