THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 1, 1005. FOUR COUNTIES MAKE GREAT DISPLAYS Wasco, Umatilla, Josephine and Wallowa Exhibit Their Products at the Lewis and Clark Fair WASCO COUNTY WALLOWA COUNTY 33 AMAJESTC Delaine ram, typifying one of the greatest and most remunera tive industries of the State of Oregon,, adorns the beautiful exhibit of "Wasco County, In the Agricultural building at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. The wool industry Is one of the greatest sources of revenue to "Wasco County, and the ex hibits in this respect are particularly comprehensive. The ram stands on a wood and glass pyramid, which Is decorated with Oregon grapevine. In the pyramid below are ex cellent samples of the wool sheared from the blooded sheep that range in "Wasco County, such as the Merino. Cptswold. Delaine, Ramboux and Shropshire. The people of this county sold over 2,000.000 pounds of wool last year, every pound of which was scoured in what Is claimed to be the best-equipped wool-scouring plant la the Northwest, located at The Dalles. It Is estimated that $500,000 Is invested in the sheep of Wasco County, of which vhere are about 200.000 head. Wasco County does not depend entirely upon the sheep industry, as is emphasized by an exquisite display of applos, the equal of any raised in the country. About 20 different varieties of this luscious fruit are banked on either side of a tall rack In the center of the booth, and on the' tables are arranged more fine samples of the apples raised In Wasco County. Cher ries, peaches, pears, and many other kinds of delicious fruit are also on exhibit, as an example of the horticultural possibil ities of Wasco County. That Wasco County Is productive of many things is shown by a fine exhibit of the wheat Industry, in which it is one of the- foremost counties in the state. The wheat yield averages 1,000,000 bushels a year, A novel method of exploiting the products of the county Is that of giving away small sacks containing raw wheat. Other grains, raised in Wasco County, which are in the exhibit, are rye. .oats, barley,, speltz, the last-named a form ot wheat used to strengthen flour. Oregon Is noted for its vast forests of the finest timber In the world, and Wasco Coun'y helps materially in giving the ptata this renown. Wasco County has an ITH an artist's delicate sense of the fitness of things, an immense gold en frame of wheat grown in the county , encompasses several specimens of art showing some of the scenic wonders of Wallowa County, Oregon. The county's booth In the Agricultural building. Lewis and Clark Exposition, occupies, and by right, one of the most prominent positions in the building. "The Switzerland of America" Is the term often applied to the county, because of the grandeur of its mountain scenery. ' And becauj of these same mountains an enormous wealth will come to its citizens from the minerals hidden away in the fastness and crags. In a glass case in the exhibit at the Pair are specimens of ores found in the county. Granite and marble, said to be the equal of the productions either of Vermont or Carrara, are found in largo quantities In the county, and beautifully polished specimens arc displayed In tho county's reservation at the Exposition. Enormous deposits of cold, coonor and the borders of the county, and are now being developed. Within a few years, with the Influx of capital, the county will undoubtedly experience a rush similar to the Klondike Invasion. Wallowa County Is more than twice thi size of the State of Rhode Island, and the greater part of Its area Is covered with a dense growth of timber. There is but little underbrush, thus making easy the working of timber claims. Pine, fir and tamarack grow most plentifully, and the conversion of these trees into lumber forma one of the county's most profitable Industries. Although comparatively one of the new counties of the state. Wallowa has rap Idly forged to the front In the production of grains, grasses, fruits and vegetables and In the breeding of fine stock. Tne greater part ot tne county is wen watered by rivers and springs, and where there Is a scarcity of the precious fluid. Irrigation has been resorted to. with most flattering results. Wheat, oats. rye. bar ley and the famous- bunchgrass which cattlemen covet, fox their herds, produce area of 640 square miles, of which fully cne-thlrd is covered with dense forests of flr, pine and cedar. Samples ofthe fine woods obtained from these forests com prise ah interesting as well as Instruct ive part of the exhibit! Over 500.0QO feet of lumber Is ciit every day -by the Wasco County sawmills. Some very artistic samples of the tiling and bricks obtained from the clay ot Wasco County are on exhibition. Wasco Oounty scenery, for which It is Justly famous, is shown in numerous landscapes arranged on the wafis. Probably the most unique feature of the entire display is a handpress owned by Captain Meriwether Lewis, and used by him in his expedition with Clark to the great Northwest, it is of iron, and served as a seal for paper. The words "Capt. M. Lewis" appear on the stamp. It was found in an old Indian burial ground near The Dales, by Lin naeus Wlnans, of that city. UMATILLA COUNTY WHEAT is King in Umatilla Coun ty, and it is also King in the Umatilla County exhibit in the Agri cultural building at the Lewis, and Clark Exposition. "The world-famous wheat county of ' Oregon," is what Umatilla County calls herself, and no one cares to dispute this clatyn after a glance at the wheat display in tho exhibit. Out of an area of 2,000,000 acres, 350,000 acres are devoted to the culti vation of wheat. This year tho yield promises to be not- loss than 5,000,000 bushels of wheat. This staplo brings to the farmers of Umatilla County from 50 cents to 75 cents a bushel, and the cost of production does not exceed 30 cents a bushel. Scores ot photographs, which cannot He, hang about the walls of the cx 1 Ibit, showing the different phases of the wheat Industry of Umatilla Coun tyi Views are shown of verltablo mountains of sacks of wheat, which have ben accumulated in waiting for shipment. Some of the stacks shown contain as high as 141,000 sacks of wheat. A tall pyramid of Umatilla County grains and grasses stands at the en trance to the booth. Peculiar among the many varieties is what is known as "Wolfs hybrid wheat," a grain pecu liar to Umatilla County and the State of Washington, and known for its hardiness and productivity. It is a cross between red chaff and red Rus sian wheat. Grains are also well dis played in the center of the pyramid. The most significant part of the Uma tilla County exhibit is a large bin, in which wheat, barley and wool are artistically arranged, illustrative of three great sources of the county's wealth. Another, thing that interests visitors are immense towering corn stalks, not even second to those raised In Kansas, which rear their heads 17 feet above the floor. On neat littlo counters arranged on all sides of the booth are very excel lent fruits and vegetables. Those among tho latter which attract the most attention are monster onions Apples, cherries, poaohes, prunes and plums and strawberries, gTown to the highest state of perfection In Umatilla County, aro also shown. A special display, is made of straw berries, as they have proven to be one of the most profitable of the horticul tural products of tho county. One grower, near Milton, Umatilla County, this season realized $400 an acre from his patch, or an average of 225 crates to the acre. , Growers near Milton cleared nearly $30,000 this season, and next year it is expected all records will b broken, as many new patchos will be under cultivation. Umatilla County exhibits a fleece of wool weighing 5S pounds, and with strands 13 Inches in .length. Wool is also ono of the great industries of the county. Over 6.000.000 pounds of wool pass through the Umatilla Coun ty -warehouse every year, and, more than 10,000,000 pounds are annually scoured and baled at the Pendleton mills. There are about 350.000 head of .sheep In the county, worth about $2.25 a head. In one of tho oozy corners of tho booth Is a brick fireplace, of the "old Colonial style, made of Umatilla County fireclay. On ono wall of this corner is a grain picture of Indian life In 1605, and on the opposite side is another beautiful -picture of the life of tho poor Indian of the present. JOSEPHINE COUNTY CONTENT with tho fact that tha world knows of its wonderful -production of fruits, grains and grasses, Josephine County, Oregon, at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, has Installed In the Agricultural building and in the Mines building, one of the most com plete and interesting exhibits of min erals at the Fair. In its booth In tho former structure, a tali pyramid of ores, and two im mense banks of minerals on either lde, together with oases and cabinets of smelted ores, attract and hold tho at tention of visitors. But few people, ex cept those familiar with mining, realize the value of the gold ore displayed in a. glass case on one side of th booth. Gold In- nuggets, gold in" -flakes. placer gold and bar gold, to the Inex perienced eyo looking like so much brass, Is placed in a glass case, and is estimated to be worth $10,000. This small fortune was dug out of mines located near Grant's Pass, and la but a very small part of tho wealth yearly 'extracted from the earth in that famed district. Mining is foremost In the long list of Industries in the county. Josephine County is termed the pioneer mining county of Oregon. Gold was first dis covered in the county" in April of the year 1851. It la stated that at least four-fifths of the area of the county Is rich In mineral wealth. Side by side with fields of alfalfa and orchards, vineyards and hopflelds, are mines of gold, copper, iron and other minerals. Placer mines In the county yield from $2000 to $7.000 annually, and because of tho fact that the greater number of rivers Is unnavlgable. this form Of mining is carried on in tho county-with but little restriction. Ground In tne placer channels carries ' from 8 to 50 cents a yard In free gold, and gravel Is frequently found bearing from SO cents to 51 a yard. Josephine. County claims to have some of tho richest and best-producing quartz mines on the Paqlflc Coast, al though this phase of mining Is still in its infancy in the county. More tnan IbO mines are now being operated and developed In the county, and the output runs very near the million mark an nually. Last year a boy found a chunk of pure gold valued at $30,0CO In the famous Sucker Creek district, and sim ilar finds are recorded very frequently. The largest and richest copper vein In Oregon, it Is claimed, is located in the famous Waldo district, in the southern part of the county. This belt is 25 miles wide and SO miles long, and extends far Into California. Enormous smelters are already in operation in this county, and more are promised within the next few months. Some of the finest marble in the Fnited States is found In this county, tho most plentiful being the black and gray. Several specimens, beautifully polished, are on exhibition atr tho Ex position. But not alone In menerals Is Jose phine rich, but in the kind of gold that grows in trees, is Jt especially blessed. The timber resources and the lumber Industry runs the mining Industry a close second in the county. Josephine has 1,185,040 acres, nearly one-half of which Is covered "with a dense growth of timber. Sugar pine, red and white cedar and oak are extremely plentiful, as is laurel wood. More than 9,304,830.000 feet of laurel nnd oak are now stnadlng in the county. "The Country Thafc God Remembered" Is" the grateful cry of the people of the county, and a glimpse of its orchards and fields gives sufficient reason for the glad slogan of its people very abundant crops, as do clover, al falfa and timothy. Hay Is the principal crop of the farm ers of the county, because of the enorm ous herds of cattle which thrive upon it during the Winters. Wallowa County has been called the cattleman's Paradise. Some of the finest Shorthorn and Here ford cattle in the country are raised In the county, and In the matter of Perch eron and other imported draft horses, Wallowa County breeders take an ex ceptional amount of pride. It Is claimed that the county raises more hogs than any other county In the state. The total value of cattle sold each year amounts to about $250,000, giving to each of the G00O souls in the county the sum of $41. Upon this basis rests the prosperity o the county. STEALS PAV1MG STONES Jfotliinjr Too Iiiirgo for Enterprising Thief in Budapest. "VIENNA, Sept 30. Some particularly daring and 'Ingenious thefts have recent ly been carried out In Budapest under the very noses of the police; who are searching In vain for the perpetrator. The first exploit of the thief was to carry off all the granite blocks with which a side street In Budapest was paved. He ap peared one day with some carts and a number of workmen, told the policeman on duty that he was a municipal con tractor who had the order to repave the street, and requested him to keep a sharp eye on the workmen to see that they did not appropriate any of the stones for themselves. Another time this man netted all the fish In the lake of the Stadwaldchen Park, the police In this case also giving him all the assistance that he asked tor. He gave It out that he was the now lessee of the fishing. His latest exploit wa3 the most daring of all. He stole a Summer villa from the wooded hills near Budapest. Again he appeared as a contractor, informed the people of the district that tho owner of the villa had decided to have It removed, and then packed up and carted away, not only the furniture, but the whole of the villa, which was built of wood. Industrial Mormonlsni. B. H. "Williams, of Butte. Mont., special organizer for the Industrial Workers of the World, the new labor organization recently formed In Chicago, will address a mass meeting ot worklngmen at Carpen ters' Hall. 66 North Sixth street, at 8 o'clock this evening, explaining the prin ciples and alms of the organization he represents. All worklngmen are Invited.