30 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, POUTLAXD, . OCTOBER 3$. tBam. ART TREASURES AT THE EXPOSITION MADAM ANNAVON RYDINGSVARD WRITES OF NOTABLE PAINTINGS, ART PHOTOGRAPHS AND MINIATURES IN THE GALLERIES OF THE MUSEUM. BfI19 26J ARS70Sy G 0 - lBJZ T . 0 i I . rTTr!lr IIP ffv - CZOS ofjay ffSJ 7orrK V0fJiOff EXCELLENT- as areth works In galleries A, -B, and-C,' anM'much as we enjoyed studylngr them,- we should not leave "the Museum of 1 Art without an examination, of. the. .treas ures of the remaining four galleries, for some .of the best things are to :bo found In them. As our time Is limited it may be necessary to pass many good things, though very loth to do so. Beginning- with. T w'o iind Thomas W- Dewlng's two pictures, "The Gar den" 'and "Woman In Purple, and Green," (3D7 and- 308) are worthy of attention. "Wo hardly 'know, where, to a .previous article . of ttiis .series, -and praised' its sunny light and vigorous life. We will sec work of his in B and .F of another kind. Cullen .Yates' "Lale Au tumn" (317) Is very line and poetic. Janot D. Wheeler, who had .the lovely mother hood study called "Adoration" '(238) In gallery C, has here some smaller pieces, all done in her charming manner of sun Tiy flesh tints, softly veiled, as 'it were, rather than crisply defined and empha sized, as in Robert David Gauley's work in'BC and G. WIHJain Chase has an interesting studio Interior (220). showing his skill in compo sition and light and shade, as well as ngure painting. By tne way, we spoko of him as' our dean of American-born place his style of painting, we do not4 painters, forgetting, that bur gifted and remember having seen anything like it before, so conclude it is the product of a most individual and refined thought. Gould you sit for your portrait as did the woman in SOS you would feel sure this artist would divine and portray all the beauties of your Inmost soul, as well as the features .known to your friends. The next canvas, "The Inn, Moonlight," received a silver medal at St. Louis, for Edward F. Book has a most unique "impressionist" manner, which he employs with the tenderness of a poetic nature. Examine his other canvas In D "Belated Flock, Moon light," (372) for corroboration of this. E. Irving Couse has several of his fino Indian pictures here, of which we will mention only "Indian Drinking" (313) a woman kneeling at a stream In a for est Paints at Three-Score and Ten. Mrs. Charlotte Coman has several of tier wonderful studies of green land scape ajid blue distance in these rooms. This artist has passed the "three Acore and ten" milestone, yet each picture she produces is finer than its predeces sor. What a beautiful crown to one's life work are 314 "Connecticut Hills," "Under the Hill," (329) "A September Morning." (436 in E). Were I commis sioncd by somo philanthropic resident of- Portland, who desired above ,all things to help the growth of his (or her) city in higher ways of education and refinement by purchasing some of these art treas ures for the permanent museum on the corner of Fifth and Taylor streets, I should certainly include one work of Mrs. Coman. Wo have had Edward Henry Potthaaf "SoatbuUder'a .Shojj" J$L$l la highly esteemed Boston artist, Wlnslow Homer, fills that honored position by "vir tue of 13 years' seniority. Mr. Homer nas one study, "Cape Trinity, Sagucnay" (396). in gallery B. It la a monochrome and fills" us with a" true sense of' the dignity, even forbidding character, f the scene at night. Douglas Volk's two portrait can vases, "Boy -With Arrow" (322) and "Maid Marian" (323) . attract a great deal of at tention, and one hears remarks that would certainly cause a glow of' pleasure In the artist's heart. These are two real human young people. You -feel as if you could go up and talk to that boy, and the girl Is so sweet and modest, as she rest with clasped fingers beneath the trees You feel it would be a pleasure to know her, she looks bo lovable. Bmll Carlsen of Dan ish birth shows a flqe large "October" (32S) and a striking picture In E, ' "Night, Old Windham" (430), which took the Webb prize. Mr. Carlscn received a gold medal also at St Louis,- 1904. Daniel - Garbeij's singularly beautiful treatment of. green foliage In "The Copse" (330) "has found an admirer and purchaser, we aro glad to see. Pictures of Busy Iilfc. There are a number of subjects in these four galleries that would have been con sidered a few years ago aa the very last to be. chosen for high art representation. What!" city houses, brick and ugly, sky scrapers, smoking factory chimneys and Jostling mobs' on Broadway! But It Is a faqt that It is not tne suoject out ine Interpretation, that counts, 'and our brave young men and women, for Lilian JIa thilde Genth has one of a Venetian street (337) have laid hold of these "suppoRedly prosaic New York City themes and. the result are & surprise and a id&Jsbt, Ex- ii mm 4-0 30YS JBArjfJJV& SO 7- 5PTA1B72. J?AYJ - GfOR2)AZ- amine especially Colin Campbell Cooper's "The Chain Gate" (263) and "The Circus Parade" (265), both In gallery C, and "The Ferries, New York" (4S5), in F, and "Trin ity Church. New York" (573). and "The Flatlron, New York" (574). both in G. and then see the four by Paul Cornoycr "Winter, Chelsea Square" (331); "Morning. Madison Square" (334): "Afterglow. Broadway" (439), and "Madison Square" 5S3)i Jen; iy Wllliara at, be fore turning to the more legitimate sub jects for the brush according to former belief-look at Paul Dougherty's "The Towers of Energy" (433 In E). and you will appreciate Just what Is meant by the re mark about the interpreter dominating his subject Somewhat In this line of work Is ""Close of Day" (522). by Julius Joseph, a West ern artist although In this case the fac tory jchjmneys are kept in the back- , ground and the two laborers approaching ine town are ine cenirui uujecu ui mc foreground, as they stand on the hill "and j look toward the busy scene below. But to ; return to gallery D. Henry 9. HubbelL who painted "The Long Seam" and I "Morning" (294). already reproduced In ' these columns, has a subject In this room ' which calls forth comment for two very different reasons i,ts excellence and Its name. It represents & dear, old French woman pouring hot water from a copper kettle into a white pitcher and the ugnt ot the fire in the stove casts Its glow on the woman's face and the metal and earthen ware In a way that is. magnificently de picted and greatly admired, even by those who have not heard that her name, "Au gustine." Is a very common one in French feminine for August, Just as Josephine Is the feminine for Joseph and they In consequence think at once or tne Salrit Augustine and cannot get any prop er connection between him and this sub ject Tlie Poet, a Great Picture. A most remarkable canvas by this art ist and one that I should add to that collection I am to purchase (In imagina tion) Is 587 In G, "The Poet. A Montmarte Type," lent by that great artist and- con noisseur, William M. Chase, of New York. This 13 a picture that would repay one for study at some length, to carry away at least a mental photograph of this ex quisitely grand picture. Try to enter in ns you' gaze to the thought of one to whom the ideal, so-called, is the only thing that constitutes the reality of life, that for which he Is willing to- suffer loss of much that the world prizes. "even en dure pangs of hunger and of cold and grieve not over tne absence ot apprecia tion of hl3 efforts In the cause of truth and beauty and his beloved Ideal. You are sure to leave this picture uplifted In thought Ijt us go back to D again, "for we have not exhausted its good things. Louise Cox's "Mother and Child" (543) has been Bhown In these columns, but the wonder ful painting of that ro3e-red velvet could not be conveyed in black and wfiite as the graceful pose of .the mother and beautiful face of the child were. Minor's Notable Canvasses. We now come td some of the most notable work In the whole collection, the canvases of the late Robert C Minor. He Is represented by five subjects. "The Oaks" (344), "Nightfall In the Forest" (345), "Sundown Ner Easthampton" (345). "Sunset" (363). "Spring- (25a;, an in D and "Evening" (COS In G). It seems as If every good point to be named In landscape painting Is to be found In these works. Great depth and richness, yet great delicacy, breadth of handling, yet suggestion of detail, strength yet delicacy and great atmosphere, warmth and har mony. This artist receives an honored place ia my mental gallery. In this room D is the canvas that holds first plac with many: "Autumn In tho Adlrondacks" by Alexander H. Wyant whqsrj maglo brush was laid down In 1S92, when in his prime. Such men a3 . these enrich tho world they leave, by their works, and are held in most grateful remembrance. Mr. Wyant's "Evening" (2S0 in C) and "Sunset" - (356) are also among tho best things shown. We learn that thl3 Adiron dack picture has never been exhibited before, - and. further, that it la a first study, which makes it all the more re markable. The beautiful golden-red tints, the white birch -trunks, the undergrowth of ferns, tho mellow distance are beyond praise; they are nature Itself, and hold one spell-bound. Next to this; hangs a sil ver medal picture. Allen B. Talcotfs "The Pasture Oak." You will admire that strong, bare tree; but look at that stono wall straggling so comfortably down tha hollow and up the slope and the few sheep browsing so in harmony with the color scheme. Inness' Valuable Paintings. Three of the most valuable canvases in the collection are those by George In ness. who, though an American, died In Rutland. 1R94- Tho sublects are. "Sum mer Medfleld. Massachusetts" (354), "A Silver Morning" (355) the nearest to Co rot's manner of any of our nrtlsts and "Storm, on the Delaware" (355). The at mospheric effect of this last one is most unusual. One eels the hot. electric state of affairs, sees the rain, and the rainbow struggling up from the river adds to the realism of the scene, yet the whole is done In the most ethereal tints possible to pigments. It is a remarkable picture. Is lent by Mrs.- W. H. Granbery. of New York, who also owns "A Silver Morning." A moat pleasing study is Janet D. Wheel er's "Ethel" (361) and Lucia Matthews, a Western artist, has a quaint little miss in brown curls and white dress, hands folded (36S). The other landscapes are worthy of mention, but space forbids. Two Remarkable Pictures. Gallery E has two remarkable canvases which first catch the eye on entering, "Summer Clouds" (391) by Charles Harold Davis, and "Ploughing . In Arcadia" (424) by Horatio Walker. The treatment of clouds by Mr. Davis is a revelation to Western eyes, for the effects are so' dif ferent from what nature prevents In the West that the truth of his Interpretation Concluded oa Paa Thlrty-Oae.). r t