The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 01, 1905, PART TWO, Page 24, Image 24

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    24i . THE
fi ill snak " : ,
Mr. Banker, Dollars and Sense
You are supposed to be the fortunate possessor of dollars '
and sense. If you had no sense you would not have the dollars.
so I suppose you arc willing to listen to
common sense on a subject ' outside of
your own business. I guarantee to per
form the highest grade of denial work
known to the profession, and at prices
that will save you from 25 to 100 per
cent on the figures that you are now
paying. Don't think for a moment that
I do cheap work. To the contrary, I
charge you all th$t it is -.worth, .anddt is
worth every centjhat I charge. :
r 1
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH&5i ;aaai
Regular ?10 set of teeth on rubber
plate for S5.W
Best teeth on best rubber plate, regu
lar $15. for 48.99
Absolutely without pain, every Monday
morning from 0 A. M. to 12 M.
Can the Other Fellow
Say as Much?
OFFICE HOURS : 8 A. M. TO S P. M4 7X0 P, M. TO 8:30 P. M. SUNDAYS 9 TO 1 PHONE MAIN 2119
Award to Lewis Clark Metzgar
Disputed. u
Contention Made Tlmt He.. 'Should
Have Been Given-. Ceritenary
Prize Me'tzgars Say They
Have "Finest IBafby."
named after Lewis and Clark and In
honor of the Centennial, and was ad
judged the winner In the special class
for the prize for the finest baby named
after Lewis and Clark, and such 1b the
statement of our certificate, given ub
on Baby day. Any other statments do
not give the. facts m the case. In re
gard to Mrs. Belden's claim. I nave
been Informed by the committee that
on Baby day a special prize was to be
given J.o the Centenary baby, which is
Mrs. Belden's child, and I have no doubt
but she received It and Is entitled to IL
Our baby did not enter into competi
tion for such a prize and no suclr
claims were made for it by us. We
got the prize we were entitled to; so
did Mrs. Belden; therefore she should
be content, as we are not seeking the
honors awarded her baby."
The certificate awarded Mr. and Mrs.
Metzger reads as follows:
"Lewis Clark Metzger has been ad
judged the winner In class special of
the $5 prize for "finest baby named
after Lewis or Clark." It contains
no reference to Centenary baby, and is
duly signed by the president and sec
retary of the Commission with official
seal attached. .
A dispute has arisen ov the Lewis and
Clark baby show awar& Lewis Clark
Metzgar was,' given the first prize in the
special class for "Lewis and Clark ba
bies," and his claims are now questioned.
Mrs. Hattie V. Beldln contends that
Lewis Clark Beldln should have been en
titled to the Centennla l prize as the
"Centenary baby." The -parents of Lewis
Clark Metzgar answer tb at the prize com
petition was not for the first baby named
lor the explorers after the incej)tlon of
the Exposition, but for I .he "finest baby."
This prize 01 K was a waroea to young j
Metzgar. !
Mrs. Beldln's 'Complaint.
Mrs. Hattie V. Beldl n's contribution to
the controversy follows:
"Many queer thing! ; happen In these
great and glorious daj s of the Lewis and
Clark Exposition. Th e queerest of all Is
a statement In a local paper of September
21 saying that Lewis Clark Metzgar "saw ;
the light of day on i.he centenary of the
expedition which has been made the occa
sion of a great Fair. I brand the state
ment as false. Lew!;s Clark Metzgar was
born February 23. and was named
August, 1903, afterHon. Jefferson Meyer
had offered a boc of passes to the par
ents who shouldlie Ithe first to name their
child Lewis Clark. All this has been In
public print. Thens has been quite an
amount of juggler. practiced with the
date of his birth to make him a centenary
babe, when he was not born In the cen
tenary year even. History jsays that
Lewis and Clark started from SU Louis
May 14,. 1S04. to begi n their great Journey,
which is now being celebrated by the
whole world. How. then, can Lewis Clark
Metzgar hold that crecord? The only cen
tenary baby in the state is Lewis Clark
Beldln, who was born May 14, 1904. and
named within 24 hours In honor of that
historical date. Mi. and Mrs. F. Grant
Beloln, his parents, reside at 104 East
Twentieth street, city. "When Baby day
was talked of, I ivrote Hon. Jefferson
Meyer, who referred me to Messrs.
FJeischncr and Heed, I wrote Mr. Flelsch
ner. and he 'phoned me that Mr. McAllen
was the one to see. I went to Mr. Mc
Allen, to whom I also stated the child's
history- Mr. McAllen showed me the let
ter I wrote Mr. Fleischner, which I ac
knowledged. I then entered Lewis Clark
Beldln over ray signature as the only
baby In Oregon born, on the centenary
date. May 14. 1904. and named Lewis Clark.
These gentlemen will verify my state
ments. July 26, Mr. and Mrs. Beldln. with the
baby, went to the Fair. They carried
with them a letter of Introduction from
Mr. McAllen to Mr. Mardee. He received
them and heard the above facts as to
the child. He then introduced them to
the heads of the press bureaus; The Ore
gonlan had an article about it. I write
the above facts, and now ; publicly demand
(I have already done so privately) of the
judges of Baby daythat they recall the
centennial prize so unjustly given the
Metzgar child -and give it to the one to
whom it rightfully belongs. The honor of
being a centennial child of such a great
historical event should go to the one to
whom the honor truthfully belongs, and
Lewis Clark Metzgar is not that one.
Hoping you will give this space, you will
oblige one who believes in justice, truth
and right, even on Baby day.
Mrs. Belden's communication was
shown George TV. Metzger, father of
Lewis Clark Metzger, who made the
following statement, particularly re
ferring to tho quotation concerning
which Mrs. Belden contends was mis
leading: Mr. Metzgcr's Answer.
"After having carefully perused Mrs.
Belden's letter, I will say that we made
no claims that our son, Lewis Clark
Metzger, saw the light of day on the
centenary of the expedition which b'as
made the occasion of a great fair? He
was not entered as such, as our' letter
to Miss McKeown, Dan McAlIen's sec
retary, will show; neither jdid he. re
ceive any prize as such. He was en
tered as a. 'Lewis and -t?lark' baby.
County- Court Will Consider tho
Question Tomorrow Morning.
The matter of Incorporating Monta villa
will come up before the County Court
Monday morning at 10 o'clock. At that
tlmo a petition will be presented by a
considerable number of the residents ask
ing that tho question be submitted to a
vote. There will also bo present the oppo
sition, which will object to any consid
eration of the subject. There Is a .con
siderable remonstrance to incorporation,
and this will be presented.
The object of Incorporating Montavilla
Is to obtain an abundant supply of water,
which those favoring incorporation have
become convinced cannot be had In any
othef way within the next five or six
years. They say that they. too. would
welcome annexation to Portland and ex
pect It will come In time, but that annex
ation Is too remote to be considered at
this time, while the pressure for more
water is so great that it can be relieved
only by tho incorporating and putting In
of waterworks. Mains are to be laid that
will be serviceable when Portland takes
In Montavilla. "By Incorporating Monta
villa will be ready for annexation when
Portland is ready for us," said a resident.
Opponents point out the dangers and cost
of maintaining a small city government.
The lines of the proposed city take In
about 20M people, and arc:
Beginning at the center of section 25,
township 1 north, range 2 east of the "Wil
lamette meridian, and running due west
through the center of sections 2S and 2?
to a point immediately north of the west
line of the Marchmont Addition: thence
due south through North Mount Tabor
and Tabor Heights to the Base Line road;
thence east on the Base Line to the cen
ter of section" 3. township 1 south, range
2 east; thence duevsouth through section
5. township 1 south, range 2 east, to the
Section Line road; thence east on the
section line of section 4, township 1 south.
rango 2 east; thence due north to the
placo of beginning.
With the Exception or Last Seven
Days Few Serious Offenses.
The month of September, with the
exception of the last seven days, has
been comparatively free from crimes
of a serious nature. Starting with last
Monday a series of holdups occurred,
long anticipated by the department.
The holdups are being perpetrated by
the usual hobo visitors, who pass
through the larger cities during the
FalL In no case have any of them
been caught by the detectives.
Outside of this, the monthly report
of the police department shows only
the usual number of drunks and petty
thieves. The police record was swelled
by the number of raids made on lodg
lng-houses and houses of ill-repute.
from which many women were arrest
ed. The greater number of arrests
were for drunkenness, the larger per
ccntago, of course, being among the
, T
" 1
Renews Its SALE of
CeRl 1905
.iy W. C. BOTW
Thousands of satisfied
customers can testify
that these are the equal
of most $15.00 suits in
town. COME IN and
make us prove it.
men, but many women who were taken
from saloon boxes, were among the
In all, 106S persons have seen the In
side of the City Jail on one charge or
another. The detective force has made
few captures of local Importance, this
being attributed to lack of crimes of
a serious nature. Outside of the hold-
up men, the detective force has had
little to work upon. It has, however,
located several criminals for author- 1
ties in different states. Few convlc- .
tlons and few arrests for feloniou
crimes are recorded. The greater num- t
ber were arrested and sentenced on
.misdemeanor charges.
September was more free from sul- i
cldes and accidents than the month i
preceding, only seven deaths being re
corded. One of these was the result of
a street car accident, four by suicide
and two by drowning.
Natural Mineral Spring: Adds to
Value of Popular Resort. ,
i ' Msnswr Frledlander. of The Oaks, has
made a discovery at that popular resort
that will very much enhance Its value,
especially In point of attendance next
Summer. While a number of workmen
were excavating at a certain, spot on tljo
grounds of The Oaks yesterday they dis
covered a natural mineral paring, which
Is not unllko the TVunoit Springs water.
The water flows freely, and Is sufficiently
and naturally charged with carbonic acid
gas to make It most palatable. A sample
of the water has been sent to a well
known chemist for analyxatlon. The O.
V. P & Ry. Co. Is very enthusiastic
over the discovery of this spring, an It
will make The Oaks one of the most pop
ular Summer resorts In America.
! Registered Under Oregon State
Law of Optometry. -
claxk: xxtzgax, whose tixix as "fi-xst baby xaxxd
after lewis a"d claxk." is disputed.
173 Fourth Street. Y. M. C. A. Bid.
Headquarters for Shur-On Eyeglasses,
Torlc Lenses and Invisible Bifocals.
Eye-Cure Immediately cures tired, ach
ing or blood-shot eyes. By mall. 50c
Jlllwauklc Country Club.
Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell
wood and Oregon City cars. First and
Our atore, one of the largest'
in the city, is simply full to
overflowing of the World's
Finest Pianos, going during
this special sale at cut prices
Without Interest
Open Erestars DhtIb Tfali Sale.
Smile Bros. Piano Co.
(MaBafactarerV Areata.)
J72 and 7i Morrison, cor. W. Park.
(KcHiemfeCT the place, aa4 is Bet
let asreae talk, yes eat ce4r
kera to ternUs-ate.)
3 Blocks East of Morrison Bridge
364-6-8 East Morrison St.
A large assortment of
Just received.
This One the Very Latest Design.
Special for This Week
Regular Price - - 534.50
Come and See Them AIL
It is your business to buy where
you can save money; It Is our
business to save you money.
We are out of the high-rent
district and can do it. Come
.and let us figure with you.
We Want 100,00ft People
To come out today and see what is offered at
No visitor should fail to visit this beautiful Yesdrt.,
More amusement features offered for a dime,.
Than any other similar resort in America. .
A ride "beautiful and unexcelled for 5 tents.
Take the 0. W. P. & By. Co.'s cars from First and Alder Sts.
All the Children admitted free today.
Free to all ladies of Portland and vicinity.
Prizes, costly and beautiful, to he awarded to the
Two Handsomest Ladies who will attend.
A committee of ten gentlemen selected from among
The audience at the Dancing Pavilion.
Many surprises promised for the ladies.
They will only he made known during the evening.
"The Oaks" open from 9 A. M. to 12 midnight, daily.
Everything that Is palatable and delicious served at
The Oaks Tavern
At popular prices, including liquor and cigars.
First time in PortlandLotta and her Trick Horse.
"Babe Brewer," the 2-year-old colt who
Adds, subtracts, tells time of day and does
Numerous other remakable feats
D'TJrbano's Royal Italian Band every afternoon at 21
Evenings at 7.
Wasted Paying Rent Will
Buy You a Home In
Buya you a lot In the fastest-growing suburb In the center of the faatest
growlns section In the NorthwestThat a FIRLAND.
Yes, and you can have a home bullt Just t. suit and pay for It In monthly
Instalment!! below' rent rates.
It would be a nice, new and novel plan to pay rent to yourself, wouldn t
It? "Well, we have the system, and you should Investigate It. Many others
have and have profited. Perhaps you know some of them.
Streets of FIRLAND graded; 'best water; best electric cars (fare 5c): best
location W minutes from city). Best and cheapest proposition ever offered.
Take ML Scott, car at First and Alder streets, today and ride to FIR
LAND and eat.
GEO. W BROWN, 203 Failing Bldg. Phone Main 2129. (Open evenings.)
ROBT. A. TAYLOR; office Firland Station.