THE SUNDAY OREGOXIA .POTLAD, OCTOBER J 1, 1905. 20 CLASSIFIEDJlD. rates. "Rows," "Reoas jma Beard." 'H6ae fceeelag Boems," "SltiutUeH Wasted' IB Vrwds cr lees, 15 ccb 18 to M words, SB ccats; 21 to 25 word, 26 eeats. etc e etts cmmt f or additional Usertleas. UNDER ALL. OTHER I LEADS, except Kerr Today," SO cent for IB words erlwii 18 to 20 word, 48 ceats 21 to iS " ceats, etc- first tesertlaa. Each additional insertion, ae-half; bo further dlsoeuHt w der one meatb. "SEW TODAY" (range measare agate), 18 cents per Ibae, 4rrt iBBertioa: 16 cents per line for each ad tilt kraal Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVEBTISEMEKTS, ad dressed care The Oresealan. and left at this office, should always be Ib closed la sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required oa (g letter. .... The OrecoaUa will sot be responsible for error In advertUeiBeati takes threat a the telephone. AMUSEMENTS. ROSE EYTINGE Pupils received and prepared for pulpit, stage, platform or parlor. Private or class instruction. For time and terms apply at 718 East Burnside St Phone East 2260. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COUNCIL. NO. 16S2. ROYAL Arcanum. meets at Auditorium Hall on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, at 8 o'clock. Vlsltmsr brothers are Invited to attend. F. a HOECKER. Regent. GEORGE S. BARRETT. Secretary. 713 Dekum bide. W. R. C. GEORGE WRIGHT NO. 2. meets every Friday evening, third floor Mulkoy building, northeast corner Second and. Morri son. HELEN N. PACKARD. President. BORN. FLIEDNER To the wife of Mr. William F. Flledner, September 29. 300(5. a daughter. DIED. FLIEDNER In this city, September 20, l&OS, at her late residence, 6S7 East Ah street. Daisy Shogren Flledner. wlfo of William F. Flledner. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. CHARMAN Elmer E. Charman, age1 44 years. Funeral at 2 P. M. Sunday from First Congregational Church, Oregon City, Or. ' NORMAN In McMlnnville. Or.. Sept. 29, 1005, TT-..I- r vinmrnn nftA 17 -vt-Br fi months. 2 days. Funeral Sunday. October 1. 1003. at 1 O ClOCK at crematorium, rncnun iuwiru. JACKSON Friends and acquaintance are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral ser vices of William E. Jackson, which will be held at Flnley's Chapel at 1:S0 P. M. today. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. T1LMAN September 27. 3803. at 1447 Oneonta at,. Woodlawn. Fannie Tllman, aged 60 yrs., 6 months, 23 days. Friends respectfully ln- vnea to atiena me iuirow ". w- in v- .-a , h nKnVA resident?. SundaV. October 1. 1005, at 10 A. M. Interment Rlver- vlew cemetery. lirVDV A . Tlln.r fir Kptlt ?R. IOCS. J. D Henry, aged CO "years. 8 months and 25 -c.mi -n.tii Him ni nr tndnv. Oc tober 1, at 2 P. M.. from F. S. Dunning's chapel, corner of East Alder and East Sixth streets, nrienas invuea. t Y,ta .I fx- Rnrmhrr 2R. 1005. Henry (Tip) Anderson, aged 60 years. Fu neral Will laKe piace iuu u. . , V from Dunning, at ununu6u o, to the Cathedral. 15th and Davis ets., at 2 P M. Interment Alt. caivary ucraeicu. Frienda invited. MOHLER In this city, September 20, 1005, . At- t nr.hin- iivul K3 TAnri. R months. 13 days." Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, which win De ncia ai ino rcsiucnv, 105 23d st. North. Monday, October 2, 1003, at 2-:80 P. M. Interment Muscatine, la. FLIEDNER In this city. September 20. ion- v... lata T-.Mnno flST Eant Ash street, Daisy Shogren Flledner. wife of dence. 687 East Ash street, todaj' at 2 P, M. Friends -and acquaintances respect fully invited to attend. Interment, River- view cemetery. nrIn. TW'ENTEK GILBATJOH. Sao- cessors to Dnnnlnjr & Campion, undertakers and embalmersj modern In every aetauj tn and Pine. Phono Main 4S0. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertakers and enbalmers. have moved to their aew bulla lnr. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. C07. J. P. FINLEY & SON. Fnaeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of Ceaaty Cor oner. Lady assistant. -Telephone o 8. F. 6. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 Cast Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone Bast 52. ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. Undertakers, "Em balmers, 273 Russell: Cast 1088. Lady ass't. NEW TQDAT. GILMAN'S Auction Salesrooms The moBt spacious sales rooms: room to display and handle household furniture to the best advantage; basements etc B. li. 2i. Gllman, auctioneer. No. 413 Washington street, will sell for you or purchase to any amount ior casn. Auction Sale Tuesday Next, at Rooms 413 Washington St. at 10 A. M. Extensive auction sale of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising the furniture and fittings of three residences from dif ferent parts of the city; fine Kimball up right piano; Navajo rugs; books. Including theological and miscellaneous -works; ele gant bedroom suits; tinted Iron bedsteads, etc.; and full line household -effects to close conditional sale. Bargains can be Jiad by attending Tuesday's sale, JO A. M-, at room. NO. 413 WASHINGTON ST. S. I. N. GIL.MAN, Auctioneer. Wednesday's Sale The collection of Indian baskets, totem poles, mats, hats, etc, from Bella Coola, B. C, will be sold "Wednesday, at our rooms, 413 Washington st, 10 A.M. Par ticulars later. 8. L. N. OILMAN, Auctioneer. Auction Sales OF Household Furniture THURSDAY -and FRIDAY At Rooms 413 Washington Street S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY, 23 STARK sellers of city and country real estateT We have inquiry for West Sido lota, farm lani and eabtirbaa acreage. NEW TO DAT. Auction Sales by j. t.Wilson AUCTIONEER. MONDAY Tomorrow, at Salesroom, 180 First Street, at 10 A. M. PARLOR. DINING-ROOM. BEDROOM AND KITCHEN FURNISHINGS, com- rlslng oak buffet: une upright roiaine oak and walnut bedroom sets: mantel and metal "beds: extension tables: chairs: rockers; couches; lace curtains; oak hall- trfee; pillows; bedding; portieres; rattan chain; wardrobe; oak ana ash dressers: platform; wicker and cobble rockers: pic tures; glassware: dishes; kitchen cabinets; cook and heatine stove: Quantities of bed springs, iron beds and other house-furnish ings, carpets, rugs ana mailings, etc WEDNESDAY'S SALE AtS!esroomi 180 First Street at 10 A. M. PTTRT.TC ATTfTTTON of hf followlnsr oftAlo oil thA "RTRO ANT 'FTTRNTKH- TXrnR f Isit-p rinrlor?- dlnlnr-room suite: sideboard; extension table; chairs: dishes, ihir-nn rnTriT1it hfiilrnnm outfits? CSIT- pets rugs, etc.: full and complete kitchen requisites: stoves; ranges; neais ana otner valuable lurnisnings, etc THURSDAY'S SALE Flats 31 and 33 Seventeenth Street, One Block North of Washington; Sale at 10 A.M. MODERN HOUSE FURNISHINGS RE CENTLY PURCHASED FOR THESE TWO LARGE NOB HILL FLATS. On account of departure and by order of the owner, we will sell all the MAHOG ANY furniture: biruskiia iai'ih; PRINCESS DRESSERS: GOLDEN OAK DRESSERS; bedroom furniture en suite; RATTAN and WILLOW KOt'KBKb; oax dining-room suite; couches and rockers throughout the house; LACE CURTAINS, DRAPERIES and HANGINGS: pictures: Jardlnlcrs and stands; CHIFFONIERS: metal beds In pretty Untlngs: springs and mattresses; extra fine DOWN PILLOWS: bed linen: comfortables and wool blankets; AXMINSTER and MOQUET CARPETS; rugs; fine decorated toilet sets: bedroom chairs, rockers and tables: OAK HALL- TREE: line box couch; steel oed coucn; wardrobe: larce mirror: LADY'S BICY CLE; spring cot and mattress. In the kitchen: TWO JEWEL GAS RANGES QUICK-MEAL STEEL RANGE; gas heaU ers; linoleum; stepladder. etc isote in tending purchasers can inspect the fur nishings the mornlntr of sale from 9 to 10 A M. In addition to above li6t. you will lind nnc appointments throughout the flats. We will commence the sale with the finer fjirnlBhings at 10 A M. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. FRIDAY'S SALE At Our Salesroom, 180 First Street at 10 A. M. MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE SALE. COMPRISING LADIES' AND CHILDEN'S SHOES. YOUTHS' CLOTH ING, remnant calico and CURTAIN txootjs ana a varied assortment OF OTHER WARES, FURNITURE, r a TjprTa ncrmivr. ciwvri? vn HOUSEKEEPING OUTFITS, etc jNote v o buy you out or sen your goods on commission. Residence sales solicited. Phono Main 1625. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. A. SCHUBACH, Proprietor AUCTION SALE FURNITURE TOMORROW AT 2 P. M. At 211 First Street AUCTION SALE AT OREGON CITY Furniture Stock Near Post Office TUESDAY NEXT AT 1 P. M. AUCTION SALE Furniture and Carpets, Etc. WEDNESDAY AT 2 P. M. At 211 First Street AUCTION SALE Dry Goods and Furnishings THURSDAY NEXT AT 2 P. M. 211 First Street AUCTION SALE FURNITURE, ETC. FR DAY NEXT AT 2 P. M. At 211 First Street C L. FORD, Auctioneer BALE OF FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. ON TUESDAY NEXT We have received from Mrs. R. P. Lang- don, who Is returning to Ohio, to sell, the furnishings of her residence, removed to BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE for positive sale, comprising UPRIGHT PIANO; five piece parlor suite in silk brocatelle; His tory of the World. In the German lan guage, 19 vols.; lace curtains; portieres; six Brussels carpets; Smyrna and Brussels rugs; couches; davenport m .green veiour; automatla Morris chair; fancy rockers, center tables; blrdseye maple lady's desk; nlcturcB: combination bookcase: round ex tension table; box-seat chairs, with carved backs; buffet, all In solid oak: gas arc light; elegant oak bed sets; pretty Iron beds; line upright folding bed. with French plate mirror, itsx4; juaiusita loiaing nea. nil onmnlete. with hair and wool mat tresses, feather pillows, medicated cbtton quilts: handsome Princess dresser In quar ter oak and chiffonier to match; white ma ple dressers and chiffoniers: oak ward robes; gas range: coal heat ens; household treasury cook, stoves, with waterbacks: lamps and utensils. At same time will be sold, under powers of chattel mortgage, the neat furnishings of five rooms. On view Monday. SALE TUESDAY NEXT. at 10 a GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. ON THURSDAY NEXT We have consignments from various housekeenrs. Also furniture from default ers, not keeping up terms of leases with rurmture store, ana miscellaneous enects. all for positive sale to highest bidder. Sale Thursday, at jo a. GEO. tBAKER & CO., Auctioneers. Office and Salesroom, 352-S54 Alder Street, corner iarx. LOUIS H. BOLL PIANO STUDIO NOW OPEN FOR PUTILS, Parters aad. i0 SiZ Waabisgtoa at Portland Auction Rooms W-feo.l&$fvfcr;c Coi NEW TODAY. FARMS 166-acra farra Bear Eagle Creek Statlea oa O. W. r. Ht- &bet half cultivated; rich oil; bearlax orchard; ireed balldlact; rca ulac water j 1Mt. 13-acfo farm, 3 nllta from Cabj, on S. '. Kr part plowed; rich oil; rood 8- room houe aad jrood bars, etc; price $4S6. 16ft-acre well Irnprorrd farm Bear Clacka mas Station; & acres orchard; rich eoll; aew 9- room bouM); larjfe bars, graaary, etc; price $10,500, includiair alL stock aad Imple ment. 240 acres partially improved, 2 miles from Lcwlsvllle. Clark Co, Wanb.; rich oU; run aloc water; J -room boae; f We have also a large b amber of other farras. IneJadisir the rery best ea the mar ket. - Scad for lift. Acreage, We hare nicely located subarbaa acreage, rich (toll, at $5 and above per acre, for homes or Investment. Thrse tracts can be purchased br Eiagle acre or more as dealred aad on easy payments with oae-fourth or more down. City Properties SIXTH STREET Three flaetr located tracts, all Income bearlag, at 36,009, 0,000 aad $75,000, respectively. These we wlh to shoar esljr to actual lateBdlafr purchascra. WAREJI0C8E . PROrERlTES We have ireli located irarebouse properties for those dr Irlnjr sucbk IN VJiSTM ENT rROPERTIES To ho looking for ttropertles that are bow prodne lag a ubftaaUal return on the aklBr price aad located w hrrp siaterlal lBcrease La Talue It assured, we lavRe larpectloa of our offer lag. . BCII.D1NO BITES T'e hare Tacaat busl Bru aad residence lot, well located aad at reaOBaIe. prices. Rentals We .hare opened a reatal departmeat and pollclt bBKiacss aad resldeaee properties. Those will be In experienced liaaa and the owners Interests carefully looked after. Our city busIneM is in charge of Mr. S. . IlarT, who, from long re Id race la the city, is woll acQualated as to Talue la Portland aad whose Integrity Is well knows. Loans 'We hare money to lend cm substaatial se curities at current rate. First-chwt mort gage loans furnished InrrMor. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 245 STARK ST. A HIGH, SIGHTLY LOT -FOR- Only $20 City water, graded streets, 5c fare, 20 minutes from cen ter of city, on payments of only $1 per week INA PARK SEEINCTIS BELIEVING.- See me and I will convince you that I have the best buy in ' the city of Portland. Between the rivers on Vernon carline. H. L. CHAPIIN 246 STARK ST. A HOME FOR TOU INx EVE LYN Still a few choice lota left in this desirable suburb selling for $115, $3 down and $3 per month. Vast Improvements have been made in Eve lyn in the past year, and every thinking per son Kbould recognize this as a rare oppor tunity to secure a few lots at rates so low and reasonable that wo are free to eay they will nevw be equalled In future. They are posi tively snaps, that's alL DO you cay rent! n you oo you are wast ing money for you can secure a home in Evelyn and pay for It in emal monthly In stallments, lees than you are paying the rent collector each month. All conveniences of a city at Evelyn; water mains through tract: beet water; blocks have alleys: 15-mlnute electric- car service, fare 5c: 25 minutes' ride from city. Take ml Hcott car. .First aaa Aiaer stx.. and ride out to Evelyn today. The property (peaks 1or iteelf. T will explain our build- tag pian. E. ALFORDSON Office Evelyn station. FOR. SALE Bank Fixtures The Portland Trust Company of Oregon will move to Its permanent banking house, southeast corner Third and Oak streets. In about two weeks, and offers for sale at a bargain price Its counters, metal grills, with sight-proof glass and other bank fix tures, now In use at 109 Third street. Phone Main 453, Bargains! Scnn "Will buy corner lot, E. $7th and UUU East Washington. SOnn "WW buy three lots, East Wash gUU, lngton and East 29th sis. Mnnn "Will buy 10 acres, all cleared and I UUU fenced, VA miles east Mcntavllla. enrnn Will buy brand-new modern wiluUU house, on Commercial and Beach streets. COnnn buy extra new modern tpuUUU house -ot 7 rooms, corner com merclal and Beach sts. J. L. WELLS CO.. 94 Grand ave. FOR SALE HOUSE Of 10 rooms, corner 100x100; desirable res idence or easily improved for Income property: Immediate possession given. In quire 413 2d. st-. or 809 Dekum bldg. $18,000 TAKES IT! Three-story : brick on First st, income $163 per month; beset bargain In business propertv In the city. SAHLSTROM Jb PATTERSON, 15 Vi Fourth sL NEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE $450 Fractional lots In Dosch!rs Second Ad dition. North Portland i easy terms. SUM Corner lot. 17th and Madison. 5180 K -block, N. 21th St.: easy terms. 52090 31 acres. 1C acres under plow, near Cedar Mills. $300030x100. S-room house. Quimby at. S3000 30x100. S-room modern bouse. Clay st. Don't fail to see this. S3250 East-front lot. 11th. near Harrison. fioco Corner and new modern s-room house. Vaughn and Factory. North Port land. 4fiee 25x100. store first floor. .Hrlng-rooms above; N. 10th. near Davis. 00 U-block. 21th and Pettygrove. $5700 One of the best S-room modern homes on Willamette Heights; 'easy terms. SS500 Sightly K-block. 22d and Johnson. $8700 N. 17th st., property renting for $S7 per mcnth. $S200 Beautiful. new modern home on Irv ing, near 21 th: move right In. $10,009 Property in North Portland, paying 10 per cent net. $17,000 Corner, .50x50. on 1st t- $18,000 Brick building, close lb, paying good return. fJl,&00 50x200, down town, covered with brick, buildings, paying 9-per cent net; Vi-block facing east on 23d and Irving, with a large modern lS-room dwelling, the hou costing $16,000 to build. This property will be sold for a reasonable price and on favorable terms. NEW HOME We offer for sale a beautiful and sightly home On 22th and Johnson. There are about 2i lots with new 11-rocm dwelling, built after the latest design and is now ready for occupancy. ARDMORE The most desirable building site in Port land, surrounded by palatial homes with' an unobstructed view of our famous mountains; the only exclusively high-class residence property supplied with faltullthie streets, ce ment sidewalks. Bull Run water sewer and gas laid to each lot. Take Washington street car 16 City Park and get off at Park are. For plats and prices call an or address. OVER THE RIVER $16 aad up Lots la Feurers Addition. Sell wood car, near Brooklyn school; lowest priced Iota oh the market; easy terms. $130 each 3 lot, 10th and Wygant, High land. $!2S-Lot C and 7, block 2. Oaya Addition. $230 aad up Lots in Larsen's Addition, E. Btark and Larsen ave. Ml. Tabor car. $330 Two iota in Lincoln Park. $300-Two lota in Cook's Addition on the hill above the car shops. S700-Corner lot, Kern's Addition, near la- man h Poulsert mill; easy terms. FAS 0 Corner lot E. 11th and Hancock. 99050x100 and C-room house. Starr, near Russell St.. Lower Alblnaj easy terms. $1600 Two corner lots. E. 20th. running from Weldler to Broadway. $100010 acres, o. W. P. Railway, near Johnson Creek. $1100 5-roDm cottage, S30 E.'llth North. near bnaver. $1130-00x100. E. Taylor, near 23d st. $12O0t-00x2O0. E. Sth. near Brooklyn jt. $1530 Lot on Williams ave near Uroadwar. $1C0 Block 41, Waverly, one-third former stuiag price. $1(00 5-roora modern cottage In Eunnyside. rentin&r for r month $1700 Corner lot. 2 cottages. E. 13th aad Ellsworth; renting for S2L. $1800 Corner. E. 15th ahd Madleen. $5000 No. 1&2 Magnolia ave.. Woodlawn; partly furnished. Don't fall to see this. $1000 ti-room modern house on Hancock. near E. 1st. $30053x100 and two houses, 4(14 and 4C0 2. 0th: rent S23 ner month. $2460 New and modern cottage, E. SSth and Madison. $TI00 Nice modem home on Stanton st. iiouern cottage, t23 Kerby sr.; stone foundation and everything up-to-date. $2300 Corner and modern cottage, E. 12th ana AUitmooK stx. $26003- lots, southeast corner of 17tb and Tillamook: best buy In lrvlnxton. $263050x100. Modern 7-room house, 121 E. mm, near uuean. $20302 lots, 10th, bet. Belmont aad Tay lor 8 IS. $300030x100 and 0-roora modern house. 498 Commercial L. L'DDer Alblna. $3000 S acres facing Woodstock car, at Kelly ave.. worth $4000. $330010 acres, ail improved, orchard. house. Just south of Multnomah Hall. Sec tion Line Road. $3300 Quarter-block. 2d and Wasco. $3700 Corner and 0-room house and barn. n. stn ana Haisey, Houaaays Addition $SJ0 2. new cottages. '34th st., Sunnyside; will sell separately. $100033x100 aad up-to-date modern 8-room. house ana attic, close In on E. Ash. $400020x100 and modern home, E, Madison. near ism, $4200100x100 and one of the most desirable nomes in pieamont: 11 rooms. $1500 U-block. E. 2d and Holladav ave. $4000 H-block. Grand ave. and Hassalo at. $3000 zs acres racing base line road; con siderable cordtvood on the land. $523012 acres at Wlllsburg. highly Im proved. 4 acres la orchard: house, barn and windmill. TO EXCHANGE $15008 lots near North Alblna Station. Will traae for spoxane property. $4750 About one acre. E. 3d and Stephens sis.. &ug xeet rauroaa irontage; will trade for St. Paul or Minneapolis cropertr. $30003 acres highly Improved, plenty of oeanng iruit, xnoaern new s-room .nouse. new barn, windmill. Kelly ave.. near Wood stock car. Will exchange for house and lot on East or West Side. GRINDSTAFF & SCHALK 264 Stark Street. TELEPHONE MAIN 382. Choice Buys 1finnn IPabIe lot, cestraUy located. aear Buraside et. VlUUUU part of city; revenue 12 per cent. vOnnn Desirablo modern home of ten VvUUU rooms In northwest portion of city. Corner lot. Qhfin 'SxlOO In warehouse district. 14th uuuw t. Keveaue producing. Mest buy la the district. C70 Rfl Modern home. 10 rooms, Irving st.. i . w (J near 23d. (PCfin New fiats, centrally located; rcv- VUUUU eauo 14 per cent. CKQKn Quarter-block. 11th aad College, ? UWU very desirable home locauoa; can be divided. A7Rfl -Sc"tT modern residence on Wlllam WTI uU ette Heights. 7 rooms aad recep tion hall, with magalflceat .view of river aad mouatalas; reason able terms. vinnn Jodera residence of 7. rooms. VTUUU south ea leUi st. tjQCnn Corner lot with good houso. ex- VUUUU celleat view; near Steel bridge. (QflDfl 9-room house. 50x123, Morris st., vOUUU near Union; desirable home cheap. f QDCn 3 room, cottare. 2 blocks from V&UUU Steel bridge; fall Jot. tJOTflfl "-room houe nd lot. West Irv VlUU lngton Addition; good neighbor hood. tM7nn Quarter-block on 15th aad Haa I I UU cock; non-resident owner wishes to realize. CIQKfl O-room boeve within a block of w 1 UUU car line: southeast part of city; reasonable rasa payaeat; Install meats to salt. $1000 50x159, Eugene, near llllams ave unimproved; a bargain. t D D Pi 7-room house and small barn with UUU 100x136, aear car llae. In south east part of city. A snap. 07 C Inside lot, unimproved, 23d, aear V UIU CllHlOH. A. H. BIRRELL 202 McKay Bldg., Third aad Stark. Citv Real Estate Improved and unimproved for sale. Before buying, see us. Parrish, Watkins & Co. 250 ALDER ST. 927 ACRE TTarm and utrvcV- ranch, in Valley: 175 acres culUvated land, good orchard, good -roona house, 5 barns and other buildings. 2 creeks through place; R. F. D. mail; "M miles zrom county seat; csu oi e-oori fsirmlntr imDlements. Price. $15,000 terms. Mrs. H- F. Ball, owner, CorvaUls, Or. Rural Route No. L For Sale $5500 Beautiful S-room house In Irvington, cor ner lot. on car line. This must be sold which accounts- for the -very low price at which It Is offered. KNArr : MACU5Y. room 2, Chamber ot commerce. NEW TODAY. Hip! Hip!! Hurrah!" We arc a prophet! "We" are a prophet! What we have heen preach ing to you for 20 years is now coming to pass. We told you that some day a dense city would cover the Penin sula and University Park would he tho business center of that city. My prophecy is now coming true! My prophecy is now coming true. Any body can see it now. Everybody be lieves it now. Columbia Bridge The Oregon end of the bridge over the Columbia will first strike dry land at University Park. This is a straight tip. Don't you doubt it. Xots that we are now selling at $100 each at University Park will sell for 500 inside of five years. Why do we think so? Because factories, mills and wholesale houses will spring up like magic on the low lands between the "Columbia Boulevard and the Columbia Biver. This will make a demand for homes and business houses on the high land near by. ' University Park Is located where it will get the full benefit of this growth from every direction. Every enterprise that starts on the waterfront arourfd the Peninsula will be within walking dis tance of University Park. We Must Sell We own almost half of the best part of the whole Peninsula and in order to let improvements go for ward we are forced to sell at least half of our lots. If we gave away one-half of our lots the remaining half would be worth more to us than the whole would be worth if we kept them all and thereby retarded the growth of the Peninsula. Your Opportunity Until November 1 we will offer lots in blocks whose number is divisible by two, for sale. The blocks with odd numbers will be reserved from sale. We will make our profit out of our reserve blocks. Each alternate block is, therefore, reserved. In order to bring high values to our re served blocks we will continue to carry forward improvements and make University Park the center of attraction on the Peninsula always. It is eminently respectable to have a home at University Park. Your op portunity is to get a few of these lots that we are selling so cheaply and get the benefit of our efforts and push. We must push because our large interests demand it. University Park Has a building restriction that keeps away tho rag-tag and bobtail shanties, and harbors of squalor, it has a liquor restriction that makes it obnoxious to the immoral and plug- uglies, it has Bull Bun water, Co lumbia University, Portland public schools, quick electric streot-car serv ice to all parts of the city, electrio street lights, three wide boulevards, alley back of every lot, view of five parpetually snow-covered mountains, many beautiful homes, churches, stores, markets, in short, everything found in great cities except saloons and places of immorality. Thirty Days Only We will offer lots for the next 30 days at the old prices of T100per lot and upwards. Pive dollars down and two dollars and fifty cents per month. Think of it! Only 6.0 cents a week and no interest. Thousands of persons who-purchased lots between the rivers in the last 15 years through my advice, are now singing my praise and, hundreds who will purchase University Park lots with in the next 30 days, will rise up and call me blessed. Come early and get first choice before the advance in prices. - FBANCIS I. McKENNA, Boom 606 Commercial Block and University Park Station. Warehouse Property Half block on 13th st; good brick ware house; paying S per cent nt on asking price. Also, a vacant quarter block on 13th st. For prices and terms, call on Knapp & Mackey Room 2. Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Choice Quarter Block IN WAREHOUSE DISTRICT ' A BARGAIN For Particulars, see PARRISH, WATKINS & CO. 2S0 ALDER STREET REAL ESTATE BUYERS Can be supplied promptly, and warehouse sites furnished on 13th street, by K. M. WILBUR," 300 McKay bids. NEW TOD AT. JAMES J. HILL Is Coming ! ValUBS Bound to Advance For the next few days we offerr U -block on 12th St.. north of Gllsan. K. -block On llth st. south of Gllsan. H -block. 9th st.. near Washington. Comer. Improved, 13th and Hoyt. Corner, improved. 22d. near Everett. 4 -block. Improved. 21st and Flanders. Cornr and house. 22d and Kearney. 33x140 on 20th. near Washington. 07x100. 21st and Irving, two houses. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY REALTY INVESTMENTS 253J; Washington, Corner Third C7CAfi tot on "Washington st.; three iV Mill frontages: a gore with a great fvjvu future value; Income, J12.50. CfiCilA lOOxlGO, lTtA st., south of Mar- 0 j3Uu ana,,i inr!Q good houses. 513,000 50x1(30. Park street, near Morrison; two houses; rent, 75.0O. CO A Afift 50x100. growing part of city; J JUjUuU guaranteed lease; 9 per cent Tenth Flanders, 100x100. Washington St. 109x100; good In come and sure Increase. Lot 80x100. Washington St. EL J. DALY. 222 Falling BIdg. $14,250.00 That choice corner with brick build ing on First street. Rental value $155 per month, is open -at the abova fignre until Tuesday night, October 3d.. For sale by A. F. SWENSSON & CO. 25312 Washington, Corner Third St. DON'T PAYRENT We have 50 desirable building lots on the East Side, within ten minutes of the center of Portland. Very cheap. Portland is beginning to boom. Lot us build you a house on the installment plan. Put your monthly rent into a home and get the banefit of the rise next year. Do it now. MOULTON & SCOBEY Columbia Building, 365 Washington St. Holiday's Addition For sale A new 5-room cottace. all con venlences. full cement basement: streets different and better than anything in the city; fully Improved; a very desirable lo cation; convenient to two trolley lines. See the rooaern. complete, unique, eight-room residence, ccrner ISth and Clackamas sts. Keadr Sept. 15th. Lots sold on advanta ceous terms to homebutlders. The Oregon Real Estate Co. 6Sh Third St.. Room 4. CiO nftll 50x100. Firth, near Flanders ?Sn flfin Corner 50x100. North Knd; 0 t,uJuwu per cent guaranteed lease. $2100 ot 21111 lot: snaD lOth and Flanders, 100x100 E. J. DALY, 222 Falling Building. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL. 202-3 McKay bid?.. Third and 5 Lark sts. Owner leaving city .wants to sell Haynes runabout. 2 cylinders, 10 horse power, $1500 for $1250. This Is a luxu rlous car with top and full equipment of lights and has folding- seat in front for two extra passengers. Car is prac tically new, having- been run but little, H. ML COm, Auto Dealer, 15 Alder Street GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 3IS Worcester Block General practice. Investigations. Estate work. Special and periodical audits Yhone Clay 220. $18,000 TAKES IT 3-story brick on First street. Income n trz -!,. mrtnf Vi- Vpt hnrraln In himlnet property in the city. SAHLSTROM & FOR BALE HEAL ESTATE $6500-CORNER (50x50) OX HOYT ST.. SO close to where the new depot will be that a saloon built on it would rent for $123. Two houses on It now rent for WO. Here's a chance for some of you email Investors whe want to take a ny at tne Doom. w "Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. FOR 205 TOU CAN GET A FIXE LOT OX WO JuaSC 31UC, 111. v.a .iiviilg UE UUlCei 111 is l . lUlUUIUUIJ " M,MWa . you wish we would build small house and cor. Atuct ct $150 FOR A SMALL LOT. A LITTLE WATS from the Madison-street bridge on the East Side. Oh. think what couldn't wo eay about this lot and price. Boston BIdg. Co.. 133V5 TWO BEAUTIFUL LOTS OX WILLIAMS but S320 each, one or both: Dart time If wished: neighborhood is one of nlea homes. F. A. Insley. 211 Commercial blk 100X100. HOLLADAY ADDITIOX. XIXE WnrV.i from Steel brldice: street improved: lots nlco and level; J450O. part cash. Em pire Investment Co.. 227 Chamber of Com merce. S1S00E. MA1X ST.. 2 BLOCKS FROM Hawthorne ave.; handsome 8-room house. Golntt for half value to close an estate. W. Whltlns: & Co., 4 OS Abtnston bldg. TWO EXCEPTIOXAL BAROAIXS WHOLE .. . - . . VJ ,iiwu. . en DIOCK ulSl uui ana uuwn, ivw; iw ucrca near i on scon. c u -unu- western Securities Co., 315 oregonian. FOR SALE BUSIXESS AND RESIDENCE site, suburoan, nnanciai reverre; must sen tomorrow, inquire -in i. aim st., city. FOR BALE NEW fl-ROOM HOUSE AND corner lot on easy terms: cor. E. 20th and E. Everett sts. owner on premises. VflTl SALE 40 ACRES. ALL IX CULTTVA tlon. 24 rollco from Oregon City. Inquire 01 North 8th sc. tortiana. wnnsE FOR SALE 0-ROOM MODERN plumbing; &ns; leaving city. Phone East 3619. CHOICE LOTS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Parrish. watkins & Co.. 250 Aider st. , FOR SALE 100x100 OX MAR3HALL ST. near 2tn. inquire &w ureronian oiaff. BEST CORNER OX ALDER ST.. $55,000. V. Crelxhton & Co.. 163& Third FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. THsht nice l&rse rooms and laree receotlan, hall, modern house la every respect, full cement basement. !ar?e nreplace; this la oa of the most beautiful places In Irvinatoa; run block: nothusjc lacking tor an up-la- date modern home. Price. $5750. Terms can be arransed. i necefttary. 6-room house. East Taylor St.: very fine surroundings; nearly new; & nice modem home in every respect: elegant eas and elec- rlc llxnt fixtures, race only ssjov: r-zx cash, balance monthly. lot. cement basement, bath. cas. ever?talns vuiujicic. i rite. i-ov. ituuuuicuw. 0-room hiodern. house, best Dart of Wil liams ave full corner lot: lets fruit and flnwer: this ' Is an exceptional ptek-up and only $2350; ifart cash. VACANT LOTS. ' Choice lot HolladaT's Addition. ctoa to. nly $330; best buy in Holladay's Addition. 9 Hero Ut a comer lot. 50x123; streets Im proved, choice surroundtng3?0. better prop erty; no better property la Al&na. and Is lecated on Tillamook dt. Prieo only $340. Two very choice lots. Hlshland; hljh and iKhtly; there 1.1 not as good a buy ft- ZhSa locality as these two lots; only $625. We have some other lota which are well located and good buys. Sir acres on Woodstock car line, all In cultivation, good spring- year round, on ged gravel read; price way under anything la this locality; small payment down 1 desired. TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-6 Ablncton Block. FOR SALE. Fine modern 7-room house. East 22d and Wasco, price $3600; terms $30O cash, bal ance in monthly payments. $30 per month; ftrcets Improved, sewer connection, gas and electric light, cement basements, cement walk: also nine Improved lots In same lo ratlon: will be sold cheap, or will build fceute to suit purchaser on Installment plan. Also 5-acre tract mi section lice road cheap. Another 5-acre tract. Powell's Valley road, south of reservoir. $400 per acre. 20 acres. 12 miles southeast of city. 12 acres In cultivation, price $1300 and other bargains too numerous to mention. William G. Beck. 307. tho Failing-. IT HAS BEEN THE LOT OF THE LOTS to have lets of people build beautiful names en Hawthorne-avenue low. There is an air f prosperity there because everything !a - fresh aad elean. We sell lets oae Mock from ear line beautifully surrounded. 10 mlrv uiea' ride to heart of city, for $4PO and terms. American Investment Co.. 222 Falling bWg. FOR SALE $4150. Very choice colonial home in the best part of the East Side, surrounded by beautiful homes; 7 rooms, neuse ealyetv year old. ami thoroughly modern, with elegant finish: tine terraced lawn aad cement sidewalk. Part cash and balance on easy monthly installments. FORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. 100 3d st. DEL ATS ARE DANGEROUS. FARTICU- larly so when opportunity offers to secuw desirable business property at old prices. Very little centrally located Is now ottered even at advanced figures, but I have fine corner, well Improved and income-bearing, very near tr.i Portland Hotel, for $23,000. the price of three years age. This bargain will not last long. F. A. Insley, 211 Commercial block. FOR SALE $5300 VERY FIXE RBSIDEXCE on Weet tilde, near ibth .: neuse eentaia 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace; absolutely med ern and elegantly finished: let extra targe and In Choice location. This Is ene of ts few chances to get the right kind at a heme clot-e In at a close price. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. 100 3d st. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms as low as $10 per month with water. A. C Churchill & Co.. -Inc." 110 2d st. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. New 8-room hour, close In. on Bast SWe; modern in every way; an exceptionally oho buy; one block from three car lines. Must realtze $1000 at once, balance en easy terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, 100 3d su $273010 ACRES NEAR SACRAMENTO; oranges and almonds (bearing); Califor nia's early fruit belt; surrounded by beau tiful homes; Ideal spot for profitable fruit and poultry raising: hydrant on tract; other Interests necessitate sale; terms. Ad dress R. II. D.. 200 Valencia st., San Fran cisco. HOUSE 10 ROOMS; NEW AXD ABSO- lutely up to date; elegantly finished throughout: situated on two lots, in best portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to Investigate. Phona owner Main SS5. or call 100 Sherlock bid;. FOR SALE EY OWNER 100x65 FEET. NEW house of 8 large rooms, fine attic and base ment, hardwood floors, clothes and dust chutes, wood lift ior fireplace. Speaking tub, dumb waiter. 3 lavatories etc. 621 East Washington st. Phone East 07. $23.000 3-STORY BRICK ON FRONT ST. corner, uerore long investor wm waxo up to the fact that Front st. Investments, at prices lrsa than the buildings coet to rect. Olke this one) are cheap. L. W. Whiting- k Co.. 403 Ablngton bldg. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 5-ROOM cottage, closets, batn. electric ugnts. gas for cooking, full cement basement, lot 50x100. roses and flowers, Wlnt2rs wood in; buy from owner; for cash or terms. M 43, Oregonian. ACRE HOME. One acre, with 10O bearing fruit tree., be sides lots of small fruit, chicken-houses and a good 0-room houee; located 2 blocks from car line; price $1400; terms. Weotem Land Co.. 248H Stark st. SO ACRS. MILE FROM O. W. P. & RT. Cos station; 10 acres in cultivation, fine spring water. 1.000,000 feet green timber; price. $1130. Call, or address E. T. Davis. Cazadero, Or. IRVINGTON. Lots $500: houses built on Installments: alt Improvements. F. J. Raley. Agent. 212-213 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. Phone Main 1283. Resident agent, 700 Schuyler fit., cor. E. 21st. "Phone E. 144. MOUNT TABOR. WEST AVENUE. House of ten roome, modern conveniences nice grounds and orchard; also desirable building lots; healthful, sightly, ten-mlnuts car service. Geo. II. Andrews, phone Scott 53. FOR SALE. $1750 NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, all modern conveniences, lot 33x145. Sell wood car line, $730 cash, balance on time, owner leaving city, must sell; houee only cost $2230 last year. Phone East S37. $2250 NICE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. PARTLY furnished, cement baaement, modern con veniences; fractional lot; fine location. Mc Mlllen'9 Addition; terms. Q 51, Orego nian. WE "WILL BUILD ONE OR TWO "HOUSES on easy payments. East Side, sightly; prop erty will rent for eneush to pay oft th'x. loan. The Continental Company. 243 Stark, street. $42. 500 QUARTER BLOCK ON TK ST.; IN. come, $3700 yearly. As a speculative corner there Is nothing that surpasses lu L W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablngton "bldg. $2100 GREAT SACRIFICE; NEW 5-ROOM modern cottage. East llth. near Hawthorne ave.; full lot; $500 down. L 32. Oregonian. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN; BEAUTT ful, new, on Willamette Heights; low pr!c for quick sale; term?. N 51, Oregonian. $1350 0-ROOM NEARLY NEW HOUSE, full lot; near car line; mall cash payment, balance to suit. R 31. Oregonian. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. LOT 50x100 FEET, fenced with iron fence, $750. Hatfield & Smith. ie5Vi 4th st. FOR SALE A FINE LOT. ONLY A FEW blocks from the very business center; $12,000. Y 53, Oregonian. 7-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 50x100 FEET. WEST Side, on car line, $0000, Hatfield & Smith, lC5tt 4th st. Houses built on easy payments; lots furnished If desired. 612 Commercial bldgv Mala 1040. SEE IT TODAY COTTAGE OX E. 43D AND Taylor; $15 per month will buy it. $900 7-ROOM HOUSE. 100x130. NEAR CAR, line. V 31. Oregonian.