The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 01, 1905, PART TWO, Page 16, Image 16

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Leadership Fight Seems
Have No Charm forthe.
Little Likelihood, However, of the
Old Northwest League Taking:
the Plnce-'of 'the Present.
iGoastj League. .
Those Giants of-ours are being ham
mered deeper down in the cellar. Right
now we may as well give up the battle
for the leadership, forget they are still
playing ball and speculate on what will be
doing at the big annual pow-wow of the
league magnates and dope a. little on
what will result from the annual'meeting
of the Portland Baseball Company. It
was with a sigh of -relief that some few
timid ones read that poor old Peter Leh
man was down and out of baseball. The
story that was started by some unknown
person that Lohman would loom up on
the Portland baseball horizon Tiext year,
threw one, if not a couple, of persons
Into a nervous chill. .
Lohman would like to have been taken
Into "the GJant fold, but he never had a
chance. D. E: Dugdale Is another who
has his ear to the ground. Dugdale's
advent Into local baseball was In a meas
ure a fizzle, but tlio fat man hasn't
given up hopes of once more cutting in.
The truth of the matter is that Dagd'ale
was never given a good chance to make
good. He is not a hurdler, so he couldn't
take the big jumps that were strewn over
the route he had to travel. Dug's visit to
Portland recently was for the purpose of
feeling things out. So far aa la known,
he made no overtures to any one, but his
visit here was for the purpose of sizing
up things. He has money to In'est in a
baseball team and he would sooner be in
Portland than any other city, although
he would like to see Portland and Seattle
go back to the old order of things.
Dugdale did not call on Judge W.
McCredie while he was in the city. He
learned through some underground sys
tem that certain faces' that adorn the
local baseball map would be missing next
year, and he wanted to get a line on
what changes were on tap. Dugdale's
main reason for" looking over the situa
tion, however, was not altogether for the
purpose of "butting in" again, but to
sound the feeling locally about sloughing
any team from the Pacific Coast League.
The three-year agreement with the Coast
League is at an end at the close of the
present season, and there are hopes in
the breasts of some few disgruntled ones
that the contract will not be renewed.
From a financial standpoint the circuit
as It now stands has not been a success,
and Dugdale, President Lucas and others
have been led to believe on account of
certain utterances of B. C. Ely and Jim
Morley that it would not take much to
prevent a renewal of the contract.
In discussing the situation, Dugdale
frankly admitted that be expected big
things to happen at the annual meeting
meaning that he did not believe Portland
and Seattle would be in the Pacific Coast
League next year. He said that he based
his opinion on interviews that Ely and
Morley had given out from time to" time.
"Morley," said Dugdale, "has never had
much use for the northern wing of the
league. He Isn't on the best of terms
with the league magnates, and It would
not take much for him to kick over the
traces. Ely's attitude on the subject is
well known. Ely believes that by cutting
cut California, a league such as the old
Northwest League would pay, so I look
for a change when the annual meeting is
held One thing is sure, something must
bo done.for not a club in the league has
made any money during the past three
Dugdale seems to have forgotten that
there is a chance that nelMier Eljvnor
Morley vrlll be in baseball next year. It
is true that the league moguls have little
use for Jim Morley. Ever since he has
been in baseball he has been an insur
gent President Bert. Hank Harris, Cal
Bwing and Judge McCredie have a pretty
good line on Morley. He is no longer tak
en seriously. This was shown when they
voted that Los Angeles was without a
franchise at the meeting held In Portland.
Morley's published interview that he
wasn't at all alarmed about his franchise
did not ring true, for it is a well-known
fact that when ho learned he was with
out a franchise he at once made appealing
overtures to the league magnates and
apologized for not attending the meeting.
"Whether Ely will have any voice In base
"ball during 1906 will depend upon the out
come of the annual meeting of the local
club. This meeting will be held either
after the season at home closes or short
ly before the annual meeting of Xhe
league. The McCredles own the majority
of the stock, and when the transfer of
interests was made an agreement was
reached with Ely whereby he was to
handle the finances of the club. This
agreement. It was understood at the time,
was to last for a year, and whethor It
will be renewed will depend upon the out
come of the coming meeting.
At the present writing there is no Tea
son to expect a break In the present re
lationship between the North and South.
Fans of the Northwest have no desire
again to go back to a strictly Northwest
League. They have been educated dur
ing the past three years to high-class
minor league baseball, .and even if such
a thing should take place that there
would be a Northwest League, the fans
would not be satisfied. A league on the
old lines might furnish the fans with
just as fast baseball as the Coast League
has been giving them, but they -would be
hard to convince. You couldn't
them that it would not be going back,
and in baseball like everything else no
one wants to go back.
All the talk about the Coast League
entering Spokane sounds well, but It
cannot be accomplished without a
srreat deal o.f cost. Lucas' league owns
Spokane the territory has been
awarded it, and the only way for those
who want to place a Pacific Coast
League team in that city would be, to
buv out the Spokane magnates who
own the franchise and the baseball
grounds, which are held at fancy fig
ures. The purchase of tJie ball
grounds woujd -be an easy matter, but
It would take a meeting of the Lucas
league to obtain the franchise and the
territory. Cal Ewing has been Xh Sac
ramento recently trying to sell his
Oa"kland franchise. "What progress he
has made is not known. There also
has been some talk of continuous base
ball In Portland. Portland likes base
ball, but it would not take-long for
continuous baseball to pall -upon the
fans. There are not enough transient
visitors to Portland to support con
tinuous baseball. Los Angeles won't
stand for it. so there is no use of bur
dening Portland with it.
Spokane has made a record In the
- T
baseball world during the present year
that Is unique, for the Falls City has
been represented In two different
leagues, and now has two clubs of an
other league playing to her fans. Spo
kane started off with a team In the
erstwhile Pacific National (outlaw)
League, which, owing to the apathy
shown in Butto failed to hold together
for half the season. Shortly after the
disbandmcnt . of the Nationals, Mr.
Lucas, of the Northwestern League,
decided that Spokane was a necessary
adjunct to his new territory, and after
some dickering, he and the other mag
nates transferred the Victoria fran
chise to the Eastern "Washington me
tropolis, which club finished the season
as the Spokane team.
During the past week Mike Fisher
and the Tacoma Tigers have been play
ing their series with the Oakland club,
which-was scheduled for' Tacoma, ai
4he Falls City, and the "King" says
that all the other gamejs that Tacoma
has at home will be played In "Portland
or Spokane.
" "
Many Eastern balltossers are on
their way to Portland, to see the Lewis
and Clark Exposition and to Winter in
this city. Louis Castro is on his way
West, and will be in tho city during
the earlj- part of the week. Castro has
played great ball for Kansas City dur
ing the past season, having held down
almost every position-on the club as
he had done tho previous season in
Portland. Ike Butler, who finished the
season of 1904 as manager of the Port
land team, is another player who will
spend the "Winter in this city. Butler
has been with the Grand Rapids team
of tho Central League, ana according
to accounts from that place, he was
the club's star pitcher, and, in addition
to twirling in fine form, Ik, led the
team In batting as well as nil the
pitchers of the league, for he Qplshed
the season with an averagft of over
.300. The Grand Rapids team finished
third in the rac in an eight-club
league. John Ganzol. formerly first
baseman of the Ner York Americans,
is the manager and owner of the club.
Carl Druhot. the Portland boy who
started his professional ballplaying
career with the Portland team of
and who was with Bellingham last
season, has returned to his home in
this city. Druhot has been recom
mended to the Cincinnati club, of the
National League, by that club's agent,
Ted Sullivan. This youngster is a ca
pable left-handed pltchor. and there is
no reason why he should not make
good in the East, providing he takes
the proper care of himself. The
youngster also has a chanco to go to
another club In the same league.
Umplre Huston Says Hall's Colts Are
a Likely Bunch.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 30. Jack Hus
ton, the umpire, dropped in from the
North yesterday on hfs way home to Ba
kersfield, where he will spend the "Winter.
After the season closed in the Northwest
league Jim stopped over at Seattle, where
he watched Russ Hall's new colts cavort
about the diamond. Speaking of Hall's
new men, Huston remarked:
"If Russ had had the team last Spring
that he has now. you would see him not
far from the top of the ladder. He has
a rattling gooa team, and the only criti
cism I could make was that it was shy
on team work. Tacoma beat it out of a
couple of games because Mike's men
played better inside baseball. As soon as
the Seattle bunch gets acquainted with
one another and plays the ground better
It will be hard to beat. This big pitcher,
"Vlckers. looks awfully good to me. He
is as big aB that fellow Wlggs, who used
to be with McClosky. He has as much
speed as "Wiggs and Is Fteadier. They
say that Vlckers Is weak on bunted balls,
but he put them up so fast to the Ta
coma batters that they could not bunt
on him. Oscar Jones complained of a
sore arm after he had pitched a game.
He had been bumming around Brooklyn
a couple of weeks before he came to
terms with Hall, so I suppose he was
raw. He will get over that. Bennett and
Lauterbom have strengthened Seattle's
Infield more than I can tell you. Both
"are very good men and Hall made a ten
strike when he put Johnny Kane in the
outfield, where he is doing great work.
Hall has put Hurley in Strelb's place at
first, not because he thought Jule was a
weak man, but because Hurley Is well
thought of at Seattle. Jule will be used
as utility man, and, as Hart's logs are
bothering him. he will find plenty to oc
cupy his mind.
"Behind the plate both Blankenshlp and
Frary are playing well, especially Frary.
I have seen Ralph work a lot. but he
never put up any better ball than right
Hcston said he could not tell what ter
ritory the Northwest League would have
next year, but he thought Montana and
Utah would be included. Butte wants
MeCloskey to come back, and if he docs
not accept the St. Louis offer he will go.
Chicago 4. Philadelphia 3.
PHILADELPHIA. Sept. SO. The record
crowd of the season today saw Philadel
phia defeated in the third game of the
scries. More than 25.000 spectators were
jammed In the pavilion and the crowd In
the field handicapped the players. Plank
and Owen were the opposing pitchers, and
both were hit freely. The score remained
a tie from the second to the seventh in
ning. The locals scored one in the elghtii.
but Owen's good pitching prevented them
from winning. Attendance. 25,500. Score:
R.H.B.! R.H.E.
Chicago 4 11 lJPhlladelphla ..3 10 1
Batteries Owen and Sullivan; Plank and
Washington 5-10, St. Louis 2-9.
"WASHINGTON. Sept. ' 30. "Washington's
timely hitting gave them both games of
a double-header. The second game was
called at the end of the seventh inning,
on account of darkness. Attendance. 7(0?.
First game
R.H.B.I R.H.E.
Washington ..5 8 lSt. Louis 2 7 2
Batteries Townsend and Heydon; Sud
hoff and Sugden.
Second game
B-H.B.I R.H.E.
Washington .10 13 2SLJLouls 9 11 2
Batteries Falkenberg and Knoll: How
ell and Spencer.
Detroit S-l, Boston 2-4.
BGSTQN, Sept. 30. Honors were even
today, Detroit 4aking the first game by
bunching hits and Boston the second.
Darkness stopped the second game. At
tendance, 7300. Scores:
First game
R.H.E.1 R.H.E.
Boston 2 2 SjDetrolt .., ..3 7 0
Batteries Tannehlll and ,,Armbrunter;
"WiRgs, Warner -and Drill.
Second pme
R.H.E.1 R.H.E.
Boston 4 S lJDetroIt :.l 3 4
Batteries Harris and Crigcr; Kltson
and Doran.
Cleveland 5-1, New York 7-0.
NEW YORK. Sept. SC. New York and
Cleveland broke even today. Fultz and
Elberfeld. of the home team, were severe
ly Injured during the fourth inning of
the earlier game, when they had & head-
on collision while chasing a fly ball In
left centcrfield. Both men were carried
to the clubhouse, where an ambulance
surgeon attended to Elberfeld, but Fultz
had to be removed to a hospital. Scores:
First game
R.H.E.1 , R:H.E.
Cleveland 5 10 3New York 7 12 2
Batteries Bernnard and Clark; Leroy
and Hoage and Klelnow.
Second game
R.H.E.1 R.H.E,
Cleveland 1 i OJNew York -...0 ' 4 0
Battprles West and. Clarke--Puttmari
and Klelnow. l"
Boston 2, Chicago 0.
CHICAGO. Sppt. 30, Boston -finished
thefr'seaion, here todty and won. Wicker
pitched betjer ball than Frasor. but his
fumble of an easy bunt spoiled his good
work and was largely responsible for tho
two runs. The great work of both short
stops was a feature. Attendance, 5200.
R.H.B.! R.H.E.
Chicago 0 3 2Boston -2 6 3
Batteries Wicker and Kllng; Fraser and
Umpire O'Day. f
Pittsburg 8-2, Brooklyn 3-2.
PITTSBURG, Sept. .30. Pittsburg won
the first game and the second was called
at the end of the eighth .to let Brooklyn
catch a train. Attendance. 4400. Scores:
First game
R.H.B.J R.H.E.
Brooklyn .....3 13 SiPlttsburg 8 13 3
Batteries Case and Gibson: Eason and
Umpire Emslle.
Second game
Pittsburg t....2 5 OjBrooklyn i...2 9 1
.Batteries Klnsella. and Gibson:! Mcln
tyrcv Bergen and Rlttcr. '
Umpire Emslio.
New York 9, St. Louis 2.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 30. After the third In
ning New York played horse with the
local team, the visitors refusing to run
out hits and doing everything in thetr
power to end the game quickly. Attend
ance, 200. Score:
R.H.E.1 R.H.E.
St. Louis 2 7 i;New York ....912 0
Batteries Brown and Leahy: Ames, El
liott, Brcsnahan and Clarke.
Umpires Pears and Johnstone.
.Philadelphia 15, Cincinnati 3.
CINCINNATI, Sept. 30. Cincinnati's two
new pitchers were badly punished In to
day's game, each lasting a fraction over
three Innings. Lusk pitched for Philadel
phia and kept the home team's hits well
scattered. Gleason's batting was a fea
ture. Attendance, JO00. Score:
R.H.E.! ,R.ILE.
Cincinnati ....3 7 4:PhI!adlphla- .15 2? 3
Batteries Vowinkle; Johns, Walker and
Umpire Klem.
Bnum Sold to Philadelphia.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 30. (Special.)
Pitcher "Spider" Baum, considered the
best of Jim Morley's staff. Is to be spld.
and Bras hear, shortstop for the Angels,
will probably also go Into fast company
next season. It is understood that Phila
delphia has captured Baum. and if the
youngster keeps up his lick h,e will show
the Quakers something fancy in the twirl
ing line.
"Washington State College Defeats
Spokane High School.
PULLMAN. "Wash., Sept. 30. (Special.)
State College, SO; Spokane High School, 0.
The football season opened in Pullman
today in a practice game against the Spo
kane High School eleven. The State Col
lege scored nine touchdowns, five goals. In
two 30-mlnute halves. The game was fast
and required great effort on the part of
the collegians, who found Spokane a
gritty eleven. Spokane made yardage but
three times, and held the college boys not
once. In carrying the ball the college
players made continual gains of five to
20 "yards. Most of the gains were made
by the halves through the tackle and end.
Jones and Nlssen. halves, proved a strong
pair. Hardy .at full, proved to be in the
race for the greatest Northwest full
back. Wexter, at left end, played, one of
the finest games of the day. Hardy, alert
and hard to tackle, proved a valuable
player. Captain Stewart, at center. Is
successful In opening holes In the oppos
ing line. On the whole, for so early In
the season the score of SO to 0 against the
Spokane eleven Is a good test of the abil
ity of the State College to win champion
ship honors this season.
3Iatch Kaufraann and Jack Jeffries.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 20. Billy De
laney had a little heart to heart talk yes
terday with Jim Morley, the baseball
magnate, who Is Interested In Tom Mc
Carey's boxing club. Delaney did not
say what the conversation was, but It
was"surmlsd that It had something to
do with getting a tight with Jack Jeffries
at Los Angeles. Jeffries challenged Kauf
mann after his victory over Foley, and
it is thought that Delaney looks with
favor upon the match. If it Is made. It
will seem strange to see Delaney sitting
in the corner behind Kaufman n. the lat
est thing in the heavyweight bric-a-brac,
and Jim Jeffries instructing his brother
how to trip up his old trainer's protege.
But prizefighting, like politics, creates
some peculiar combinations.
11111111 M ' ' ' ' ' ;. '
Veterans Put Up Fine Game,
but Lose-by 10 t6 6.
Promises to Be Faster Than, That of
- Last Year Lawrence, "i Dolan
. i
and Emily Are Showing
Up "VVelK
CORVALLIS, Or.. Sept. 30. (Special.)
The annual-alumni game formally ppened
tho football season at the Oregon Agri
cultural College this afternoon. The
alumni team scored the first touchdown,
when Zophar Tharp picked up a fumble
and ran 30 yards across the goal line. It
came after the 'alumni men had secured
the ball on their own punt. Two -touchdowns
made with ease afterward by the
collegians mado the score: College, 10;
alumni, 6.
Early as it Is In the season, the college
men showed very good defense, and the
samo fast offense that made their playing
notable last season. The alumni present
ed a formidable line, composed mainly
of the members of tho old champion team,
with "Pap Hayseed" Harvey McAllister
at center. Estimates of the protective
strength of the new team since the .game
vary somewhat, with the belief general
that It will be stronger and faster than
the team of last year. Another sugges
tion from the game seems to be that the
star honors worn so long by Root, Wil
liams and PUklngton are to have added to
them other stars In Lawrence and Dolan
and Emily. The game was witnessed by
a large crowd of spectators. The officials
were Bert PUklngton ahd Dow Walker.
Tonight there Is a reception at the Arm
ory and a banquet a't Alpha Hall in honor
of the visiting alumni. The line-up in
the game was:
Alnmnl. Position's. O. A. C.
Stelwer1 R. E. L Emily
Walters R. T. L. Finn
Elgin R.G. L Bundy
McAHater C Cherry
Osburn .......... L. a. It Dunlap
Burnough L.T. R DaUr
Tharp L. E. It Cooper
Edwards. Burnett. .Q J. Rinehari
McBrlde R. II, I Williams
Burnett' L. H. R Root
Nash, Kail. ... ..... .F Lawrence
Oregon Team Loses on Fumbles,
Spite of Clever "Work.
30. The football team bC "Willamette Uni
versity, of Salem, Or-, was defeated this
afternoon by the Stanford Varalty eleven,
by the score of 1 2to 0. Stanford had the
better of the game all through, playing
faster and in better form, than the team
from the North. Willamette, however,
made a much better showing than was
expected. By straight plunges and. cross
bucks, the visitors made their gains time
after time through the Stanford line, but
much ground was lost on several fumbles
at critical points. The defeated team was
well balanced, no particular player star
ring above the others." The cardinal team
won the game only because they have
been better drilled in team work and
Defeats Portland at Association
Football Two Straight Games.
Superior play and weight enabled the
Ladysmlths to make the finish two
straight defeats yesterday so far as ttte
Portland Association Club is concerned,
and the Ladysmlths, of British Columbia,
accordingly win the silver cup and indi
vidual medals offered for association foot
ball by the Lewis and Clark Exposition
management. The match was played
without rain accompaniment and amid
good weather and ground conditions at
Hawthorne Park, with the result that
the Ladysmlths scored four goals, while
the Portlands were whitewashed. Two of
the Ladypmlths' goals wero scored out of
a scramble, and the Portlands missed two
good chances to score, so at one time it
looked as If the game would end ' In a
draw. But. there Is no concealing the
fact that the Ladysmlths won fairly and
The match was the best and most excit
ing of the series. For their weight none
played more plucklly than Dickson, at left
half back, and Matthew at Inside left.
Captain Kllpack made a good field dlplo-r
mat and organizer. Jago, who envious
soreheads said was only worth a place
In the reserves, was: a star in the full
back division, and kicked like a veteran.
So was Gowens. Schmltt ought to be en
couraged to play more, and Owens
worked like a machine. It was not Owens'
fault that his side did not win. The ex
haustive work soon told on the Portland
half back division, but they grimly
played on. Referee Kcnnerlay was able
apd Impartial. S. Mills, one of the lines
men, was a drag on the team by not
watching the play and using his mouth
too much.
Adams was again the star In the vls
Itoref eleven and his team bad to work
for their victory. They played men this
time. In about two years from now. If
the Portlands stljc together, train and
get three or four 170 to ISO-pounders, they
will be able to defeat the Ladysmlths.
The line-up:
Ladysmlth. Position. Portland.
Halstonrs :.. . .Goal. . . Dyroent
O'Cennell R.F.R..., Jagg
Freeburn L. F.B Gowen
Ena ." ....L.H.B J. Dickson
Gllineur ::..air.B Schmltt
Morrison R. It. B Kllpaclc
Sanderson O. !..... Owen
McMillan I. ti Matthew
Adams C. F Vernal
Graham I. It Dickson
Blundel O. R Touns
Time Two halves of "4." minutes each.
Goals scored Ladysmlth, 4; Adams ,(2).
Blucdel tt) and Qraham.(l). Portland, (?,
Day's Record or the .Contests Is a
Long One.
At Cambridge Harvard. 12; Williams, 0.
At Princeton Princeton." 23; "Washing
ton and Jefferson, 0.
At Lafayette Purdue. 36; Belolt, L
At Bloomlngton, Ind. Indiana Univer
sity, 3i; Butler. 0.
At Columbus-Ohio University, 23; Heid
elberg. 0.
At Columbus Ohio Medical University,
12; Denlson. 5. -
At Iowa Clty-r-Iowa, 40; Monmouth. 0.
At Minneapolis Minnesota. 33; Shat
tuck, 0.
At South Bend Notre Dame, 44; North
Division High School. 0.
At Ann Arbor University of Michigan,
ES; Ohio Wesleyan. 5.
,At Chicago Chicago University, 15; Wes
leyan College. 5."
At Champaign, III. Illinois, 6; Knox, 0.
At West Point West Point. 18; Tufts
College, a
At Ithaca Cornell. 12; Colgate, 1L
At Des Moines Drake, JS; Pennsylvania,
At BIpoDiington, III. Illinois College, 0;
Wesleyan' 0.
Wliltnmn Accepts Washington Rul
ing, but Authorities Regard It
a Step Backward.
Wash.. Sept. 30. (Special.) Considerable
talk has been caused here within the last
few days by the action of the University
of "Washington football manager In plac
ing in the contract for a game with Whit
man on -October 14. the provision that the
playing of Summer basobail for money
should not disqualify a man from playing
Intercollegiate football. He also stated
that the Universities of Idaho and Mon
tana had agreed to disregard the rule.
Ridgway Glllis. the Whitman manager,
felt obliged to sign the contract but stated
to the- Washington manager at the time
that ho did so protesting against the
clause in question. There Is a strong feel
ing among the authorities here that this
action will be detrimental to athletics
but probably no definite action will be
taken by the athletic committee beyond
seeing that "Whitman lives up to the
rules of the Northwest Association in
this matter. Those principally concerned
expressed themselves as follows o the
Oregonlan correspondent:
Said President Penrose; "Personally. I
am opposed strongly to every form of
professionalism In college. I believe that
collego is an Institution for making men
of culture or a high sense of honor In oth
er words. I think that the solution of
the' difficulty lies In strengthening the
sense of honor rather than in lowering
the bars TChlch are Intended to keep out
professionalism. After a man is In col
lege he ought to be absolutely free from
the suspicion of using his athletic skill
for financial gain and I am sure th,ere
would be little difficulty in the matter if
undergraduates appreciated the Import
ance of .co-operating heartily with the
faculty In regard to It. I would tolerate
only one departure from the strict let
ter of the law In that I would not hold
a man responsible for what he did before
he came to college. I would grant for
giveness for a violation of the amateur
rule before a man became a college stu
dent but after becoming a student I be
lieve there should be no violation what
soever. I do not see why Summer base
ball should be mado an exception from
other forms of athletics. The real reason
for the proposal lies in the fact that
baseball Is the most popular game and
that at the present time offers more op
portunity for a man to make money than
basket-ball, football or track athletics."
Professor "W. A. Bratton. chairman of
faculty committee on athletics, said: "So
far as we are concerned we shall at
tempt to Inforce ru'es of the Northwest
Athletic Association of Colleges. My at
titude Is that every taint of anything
that seems like professionalism should
be discouraged severely and that Inno
cent as this Summer baseball with the
home team, may be to appear that In
reality It must lower tho whole standard
of college athletics."
Coach Everett J. Smith was also strong
ly against the Summer baseball saying:
"My opinion Is that If there Is anything
detrimental to college athletics it la pro
fessionalism. The professional Is not a
success in football, he lacks the spirit. I
think ho should" live up to the rules of
the association against playing any game
for hire. It develops strife between the
colleges and takes the interest out of the
game itself. It seems there are some ten
dencies In this state now toward Its'
creeping in ana I think It should be
stopped In Its inception."
Practice at McMInnvlllc.
30. (Special.) Ye3terday Coach David
Waddle arrived, and football practice be
gan in earnest. Twenty men were
out. and a larger number is expected
next week. The practice last week was
light, consisting chiefly of kicking, catch
ing and falling on the ball, and it is not
yet known just how strong some of the
new men are, but thus far a few of them
have shown a marked aptness for the
A new shower bath has been added to
the dresalng-room, and the room space
enlarged. Rubbing tables have also been
Installed for the first time, and the men
will be well cared for. A training table
has been established at the boarding club
In the college building, at which all foot
ball men will take meals. Present pros
pects Indicate a strong eleven.
Coach Knight Goes to Princeton.
. SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 29. (Special.)
James Knight, former coach for the Uni
versity of Washington football team, has
left for Princeton University, to take a
special course In that school. He grad
uated several years ago, and was one of
the Princeton stars In football practice,
but was knocked out of his big games by
a serious accident. He had an offer last
Summer to help coach the Princeton team.
J. B. Ilaggin's Rancho del Paso to
Be Broken Up.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 30. (Special.)
John S. Drum, the San Francisco rep
resentative of J. B. Haggin. confirms the
announcement from Kentucky about the
breaking up of the famous Rancho del
Paso breeding establishment, near Sacra
mento. Every stallion, broodmare and
suckling Is to be sold under the hammer,
and the biggest thoroughbred breeding
farm in the world will soon be only a
memory. The present move has been ex
pected for some time. J. B. Haggin. the
founder and owner of Rancho del Paso,
owns the Elmdora stud in Kentucky, and
as he now lives in the Bluegrass State he
has been weaned away from California.
The breaking up of Rancho del Pnso will
be a. great loss to the breeding Interests
of California. The picturesque John
Mackay has managed Rancho del Paso
since Its Inception. Its growth in 20
years has been phenomenal. In 1SS1 the
only stallion owned by J. B. Haggin was
Longfield. Today there are almost 40
stallions at Rancho del Paso from all
parts of the world. Ten years ago Gold
finch, Watercress, Golden Dawn and
Golden Garter were Imported from Eng-(
land, and these, horses have since pro
duced many winners. Such stars as Sal
vator. Firenri and Ben All have carried
the Hngglii colors. In recent years J. B.
Haggin has not raced any horses, but
such celebrities as Sir Walter. Water
Color, Afrikander, Propor, Dainty, Mon
tana and dozens of others first saw the
light of day at Rancho del Paso. It Is
estimated that there are over 400 brood
mares at Rancho del Pso at the present
At Brighton Beach.
NEW YORK. Sept. 30. Brighton Beach
Five and a half furlongs Disobedient
won. Benevolent second. Water Grass
third; time, 1:072-5.
Chantllly steeplechase, about two miles.
Hylas won. Nick Roberts second. Ruth's
Rattler third; time. 4:25 3-5.
The Mercury handicap, six furlongs
Big Ben won, Oxford second. Diamond
third; time. 1:13.
The Brighton cup. two miles and a quar
terCairngorm won, Caughanawaga sec
ond (two starters); time. 4.08 3-5.
Mile and a furlong Merry Lark won,
Tokalon second. Knight Errant third;
lime. 1:531-5.
Five and a half furlongs Aviston won.
Brother Frank second. Herman Johnson
third: time, 1:07.
Five and a half furlongs Pantoufle won.
Pythla second. Leonora W. third; time.
1:06 2-5.
At Boise, Idaho.
cOlSE, Idaho, Sept. 20. Racing results
Quarter mile dash, cowboy saddles,
seven to start LIgbtfoot won. Jimmy sec
ond Dollle third; time, 0:25.
Running, three-eighths mile, six to start
Forty-Four won, Garvle second,- Teddy
Roosevelt third; time, 0:331-5.
Running, half-mile, saddle race. Ave to
start Garden Valley Queen won. Indian-!
second, silver x. third; time. 0:49 2-5.
Running, five-eighths mile handicap,
three to start My Surprise won. Queen
Cup second. Infant third; time, 1:013-5.
Three-cornered match race, quarter-mile
dash, three to enter Tommy won. Crome
second. Brownie third; time, 0:27.
Cowboy relay race, tlve horses each,
four to enter J. W. Bowman won. Ed
Ostner second, C. Baldwin third; time.
Scores at Bowling.
Interest In the Bowling game Is strik
ing up again since the cold weather set
In. and both the Portland and the Ore
gon alleys are doing a nice business.
The Handicap Tournament on the Ore
gon alleys last Sunday was a complete
success. There will be held a slmliac
Tournament on the Portland alleys to
day. Many special matches have taken place
In the past two weeks. The first match
was between Jenkins and Wilklns of
Seattle vs. Dlvlnney and McMenotny of
Portland. Jenkins and Wilklns won by
169 pins. They played a return match
and Swinney and McMenomy won by tho
small margin of 3 pins. There was an
other match of ten games between Jen
kins and "Wilklns, of Seattle, and Dr. Mc
Grath. of San Francisco, and McMenomy.
of Portland, which McGrath and Mc
Menomy won by 354 pins. There is a
match on between Swinney and Ball, of
Portland and Jenkins, of Seattle, and
McMenomy. of Portland. They have
rolled seven games having three yet to
roll. . Jenkins and McMenomy have a
lead of 229 pins. The final three games
will be rolled Monday evening, October
The scores in the Jenkins, McMenomy
and Swinney, Ball match were:
20.1 202 210 220 201 170 280 I4J3
1G7 IDS 174 173 208 103 1911303
372 SOS OM 303 409 372 4712801
ISiS 1S3 174 136 200 223 2181333
144 1SI 1S1 101 173 147 202 122J
330 207 335 347 37' 370 418 2SB
High Prices for. Race Horses.
BRIGHTON BEACH. L. I., Sept. 30.
State Senator P. H. McCarren, Demo
cratic leader of Brooklyn, paid the top
price. $11,000, for Blair Athol. a 2-year-old.
by Ben Strome-Roseleaf, at the sale of
horses In training from the stable of
James R- Keene and the entire stable of
W. M. Scheftel, held In tho paddock of
the racetrack here today. Mr. McCar
ren's purchase 1? a full brother to Rose
ben and a stake winner. C. R. Ellison
paid. 333CO for Lancastrian and G. B. Hill
bought Slnlatsr for J5100.
Fine Work of Seattle's Pitcher
Puts Another Zero Score
Against the Giants.
Bunting Game Is Played In the Mud,
and Visiting Nine Falls to
Count. Against Hall'sv
."Fast Men.
PACIFIC coast league:
. Yeaterdaj-'s Rrmilta. '
Seattle. 3; Portland. 0.(
Los Angelca. 10; San Kmnclco, 3.
Tacoma. 4; Oakland. 0.
Standing of tho Club.
Oakland ........
Los 'Angees ....
Portland 1.
San Pranalsco ..
SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept. 20. (Special.)
On a heavy track today Seattle proved,
to be the best mudhorse. and the Giants
were shut out for the second time In suc
cession. Miller pitched great ball, allow
lng but three hits, and keeping them ao
widely scattered that there never was a
chance for the visitors to score. He did
not Issue a single pass, and his support
was good. Cates also pitched good ball,
but the work behind him was not up to
the standard. A fungo fly to right that
Schlafly tried to take and which Ferry
could have taken with case dropped safe
ly, giving the locals their tlrst run. Hall
was caught between tho bases in the
same Inning and Mike Mitchell hit him in
the back with tho ball, allowing. Lautcr
born to score another run.
In the fifth Miller opened with a, clean
hit and scored on' a couple of outs. Mitch
ell laced out a two-bagger in the ninth,
but he remained glued to the bag while
the next three men went out. Considering
tho unfavorable conditions, the control of
Miller was marvelous, for time and again
he was In the hole and either made the
batsman hit or struck him out. The first
base play of Hurley was a feature, for he
had a number of bad throws Into the
runner to handle, and got away with alt
of them. The locals played a buntlnvr
game, and on the wot grass they made It
win. The score:
- . ' AB R H TO A E
Bennett,. 2b 4 0 14 10
Kane. . cf 4 0 2 3 0 (
Walters, rf 4 0 0 3 0 0
Frary, c 3 1 I 5 1 o
StrelB. If 3 0 0 1 0 0
Hurley, lb 2 0 1 S 1 I
Lanterborn. 3b 3 110 10
Hall, as - 3 0 1 'l 4 1
Miller, p 3 112 4 0
Totals 20 3 S 27 12 2
Atz. as 4 0 0 0 2 1
Van Buren. If..-. 4 0 1 I l 0
Mitchell, lb 4 0 1 8 3 1
Schlafly. 2b 4 0 0 4 1 0
McHale. cf 4 0 0 2 0 0
Sweeney. 3b 3 0 0 2 2 1
Ferry, rf 3 0 0 1 0 0
Conrad, c 3 0 0 4 1 0
Catea, p 2 0 114 0
Totatj 31 0 3 23 14 3
Lautcrborn out. hit by batted ball.
Seattle 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 3
Hits 0 2 1 1 3 1 0 0 S
Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Hit 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 13
Earned tuh Seattle.
Two-base hit Mitchell.
Double plays Catea to Conrad to Mltahell;
Sweeney to Schlafly to Mitchell; Van Burea
to Cates to Sweeney,
Sacrifice hits Strelb and Catea.
Stolen bases Hurley and I.auterborn.
Struck out By MUler. 3: by Cates. 2
Baaes on balls Off Catea. 1.
.tut ny pitched ball Hurley.
Loft on baies Seattle. 4: Portland n.
fine of game One hour and 30 mlnuto.
Ure.jlre HowlettB. v-
Easily Pile U Huns Against tho
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 30. There was
a liberal contribution to the error column
in today's game, no less than a half
dozen errors being made on each side.
Los Angeles bunched three hits in four
different Innings and found It easy to ac
cumulate runs. Nagle was not touched
to any extent outside of tho sixth Inning.
Los Angeles 4 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 010 10 6
San Francisco ....0 000012003 7 6
Batteries Nagle and Eager; Henley and
Umpire Davis.
Commuters Outplayed by Tigers on
Mill City Grounds.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Sopt. 20. (Special.)
Fitzgerald, backed up by the Tiger team
work and fancy base-stealing, was too
much for Oakland. Iberg was fairly ef
fective, but Oakland's errors came with.
Tacoma's hits. Score:
Tacoma 1 10 0 0 0 0 2 1 7 0
Oakland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 6 3
Batteries Fitzgerald and Hogan; Ibers
and Byrnes.
Umpire McDonald.
. T-.vo Giants Out or the Game,
SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. SO. Special.)-
Catcher McLean was sent home today.
He split a finger and I3 not in condition
to work. McCredie is out of the game on
account of Injuries to his leg. He played
Ferry In right fiei'tl today.
Grand Circuit at Oakley Park.
CINCINNATI. Sept. SO. The six-day
meeting of the Grand Circuit races at
Oakley Park here closed today. The re
sults: '
Tht 2:13 class pacing, three in Ave.
purse S10O0 Jubilee won third, fourth and
fifth heats In 2:09. 2:12, 2:12&. Star Patch
en won tlrst and second heats In 2;ft3Vi.
The 2:10 class trot, three In five, purse
51CC0 Norrie won three straight heats In
2:Qti. 2:C9V. 2:10.
The 2:16 class pace, three In Ave. purse
J1C00 Harold Brooks won three straight
heats In 2:10y4. 2:0SH, 2:C9.