Sililil J? "" T. - ' ' t , ... ... . . -,."-', :-f . .. 0 Sir. a ..t ' V - .., - '.." 5 ' ' - '1 v., ; :i v . . f. ' - 7 . a A THE, SUNDAY OREfcON J-N. rOBTIAyi). BEPTEMBEB 24, 4QQ5. , 1 1 - - - n. PORTLAND POINTS THE WAY The Lewis and Clark E position Announces for Next Saturday SEPTEMBER 30 PORTLAND And takes this opportunity to ask the hearty co-operation of every business man and woman-every individual in the City and State to make "Portland Day" a memorable one. An attendance of 100,000 is the goal-the reputation nf nnr otr anH FYnnsif-inn Herri a lids if. 7e are in a DO- sition to demonstrate -to the world our loyalty, enthusiasm f S;Af flnH flnnmniafinn nf the. mflffniricent sunnort given the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition by the whole United States. Do your share and next Sunday's papers in every city and town the length and breadth of the land will give Portland and Oregon a priceless advertisement The Portland Chamber , pf Commerce Portland B' Manufacturers9 Association Portland Commercial Club -V ' oard-of Trade .V 4