4:0 THiS SUKJJAX OKJEliONIAJN', I'OKTIiAIST), SJTJSaiBEK 24, .1903. Okame, the c X the old days when the great chiefs I of Hawaii loved shark hunting most of alt their sports, and of all the zomrk-tataters there was none who loved It m well as did Kins Kamabameha I. So groatly dtd he love the sport that he made a pea beside the temple of Koo ktaf, near Kawalhae, and there he kept Ms enemies to serve as shark bait, bo oae It was believed that the big: sharks pretferrrd taunaa flesh to any other. Taore wore Ave different kinds of shark around the Hawaiian Islands In those 4ays the hammer-head shark and tho wfcKo-a, wMch are still seen In the Ha wattaa markets today becauso the people ltk to oat tm; the mano, wlilch was a large wMte shark; the mano kanaka, or wmn shark, which was worshipped by the peajwe bocattoe they believed that the maw kanaka was a man transformed lata a shark, and, laat, greatest and flcrc M of an. th ntuht. Tk King and his chiefs disdained to bant aay shark excopt Nluhl, becauso ttmt waa tha only shark that the com- aativos dM not dare to attack. The spoke of niuhi only In whispers. ad to say that at night a niuhi could he seen afar off by tho terrible pwi light of Its wicked eyes as It drove through the sea. Onr day a fleet of native canoes came arurrjrtag Into the harbor and the fright ead aoherwua reported that a monster ntatti had driven their boats from the dep mem. flatting grounds and had pursued Uhwi till they reached the Inshore waters. So tomk w this shark and so savage, according to their description, that Kamc-hnnn-ha became eager to find the huge nob and five St battle. Hastily he gave order to nave his great war canoes pre pared for the expedition and to have three prhTooarfc o4ectd to serve as balL Before dunk the carved boats were speodlng over the long rolkva of the Pacific Ocean, ooand for the distant sea-place where tho groat nlnhi dwelled. Now. among the prisoners In the pen was Okame. a yoaag fisherman from the Sahtad of Kauai. He had been sentenced to doath ay the fierce King because he had mounted the Goddess Pcle by ventur ing to one of the sacred craters and throwing a stone Into the middle of the pit of are. The men who had selected prisoners to err ac shark bait had left him behind, toot he trembled at the thought of what waa to come; for he recognized the niuhi from the description s a fish that he had tried to catrh hlmnelf, and he knew that there waa small rhmoe for the King to 'HKN Captain Tiller lost hisJ whale ship on the rocks of Trtatan de Cunha he retired from th son to live on the intorcst oaraod for him by all the many whalos that ho had killed during 30 years of seafaring. Ho bought a house la Crovllle, which 'was a far from the sea as he could Kt. for It was almoat la the vary mid dle of the United Statos, and Captain Tiller, like many old sailors, thought that he would he delighted to get iwar from the ocoaa. But Ue good captain had not lived there mi' montha before he bogan to pine for "something to do. This was not eaar. however, booaase everybody around him was farming, and all that Captain Tiller knew was whales, which dM not interest the people of CreviUe at all. He woe sttUajr disconsolately on a fence one day. whoa an automobile got mock In the aandtoot spot of the candy roads that wore all around Cro vllle. The captain had seen this happen many times to many automobiles, and had extracted a 8-noA deal of amuse ment out of the frantic efforts of the people to pull their heavy machines out of the aand. They did not get as much amuoemeat from it as the cap tala did. for the sandy roads were not only terribly aandy. but they were terribly long and hot and uphill be Ftdeo, ao that often the poor owners of the automobiles had to pull and push theft- machines over a mile of road- be fore they reached soli where they could make them go again. On this day the captain was about to smite as ttaual. but the next mo ment hla brews furled in thought. rWoa he struck his knee with his hand and said: "By grin&or, that's the scheme!" The very next day he called on his neighbor. Farmer Smallquart, and af ter an hour, bargaining he bought two oxen from him. That afternoon he nailed .up a wood en alga at the very beginning of the 6ot bow 5 ... . Irrt VioT- A i i ua i i(itf a m v r -it Hawaiian Shark Hunter kmc umxt MFA' KILLED HIM. capture him. That meant that the party would return after they had cut up the three unfortunate prisoners and would try the same experiment with him, for Kamehameha would never give up until he had tried every means to catch the fish, once he had set out to do It. He thought hard all night. In tne morning he called the guards and asked them to help him prepare a bait that would certainly catch the great niuhi. The guards, eager for the favor of the King, consented and brought him what he ordered, which was a vast quantity of the roots of the awa plant. He pounded these up with a little water until they made a pulpy mass, and then sot them aside in gourds and waited for the fleet to return. This happened within a few days. The King was in a furious mood. The niuhi hhd appeared and he Justified everything tandy road. On It was painted In showy blue and red paint: CAPTAIN JOHN TILLER. LAND TUGS TO HIRE. AU TOMOBILES TOWED. Everybody In Crovllle heard of the curious sign, nnd before long any number of people were asking Captain Tiller what it means. But he only smiled and told them to wIt. Pretty soon "a groat green automo bile came thundering and rumbling and banging into the sandy stretch, only to stop dead, despite all Its noise and explosive puffing, as all other au tomobiles had etopped. Tho occupants sat in It helplessly fore him. But he did not drive them the way the farmersof Crovllle did. until one of them spied the sign. "Hullo!" said he. "Here's a hopeful outlook. Lot's go for him." So the man hurried to Captain Til ler's house, and soon that old mariner appeared driving his pair of oxen be- "See Here," Said He." He had fastened regular rudder lines tp the horns of each, and these were led back to a large steering wheel, such as Is used on ships. wifci urfe a. poliehtJ ,e- ? - she ..Sid-, $rc 'fcW SWfEW KILLED HIM. - JJ&t-Htttr AfW julf JffrU bored' ire TOO. i i ii . , hi i HfcjI that the frightened fishermen had said about him. His jaws were huge enough to engulf the whole bow of the King's own canoe with the bow paddler, and his dorsal fin stuck out of the ocean like the sail of a white man's ship. But never had a niuhi treated a King of Hawaii with such insulting contempt. When the King's canoo advanced to give battle, the mighty shark attacked with such rage that even the King, brave as he was, had to give way and let his men paddle backwards to avoid the fierce rushes of the terrible fish. ' After the nluhl had driven the other canoes to flight In their turn, he sank under the surface and did not reappear, although the priests cut up the three prisoners and threw thorn Into the water to lure the mon ster to the surface again. When the King's men came to the pen for Okame. he said: between the heads of the two oxen dangled an anchor, and on their rumps was a little platform, on which Cap tain Tiller had arranged a binnacle -with a compass, a. great tin horn and a speaking trumpet. As soon as he was abreast of the stranded automobile Captain Tiller let go his anchor. The oxen stopped, and the captain blew a long, mournful blast on his horn. Then he seized the speaking trumpet and hailed the au tomobile. I "Ship ahoy!' 'he- cried. "Do you want i assistance?" J "Aye, ay, sir," said the occupants. "Very well," said the captain. Un- ' der the maritime laws concerning der elicts, I could take you Into port and, hold you for salvage, bat I'll be oasy on you and tow you through the" sand and to tho good hard road for 55 a mile." , "Very well, captain," said the au ' tomoblilsts. 1 4 Hold hard, thon till I come along side," shouted the captain through his 1 speaking trumpet. "Stand by to take a hawsor." And with that ho threw a line, which the owner of the au- ' tomoblle made fast to hls.vohlcle. The captain hauled In his anchor, blew another long blast on his horn and twisted his steering wheel. Off went the oxen tug, dragging the au tomobile easily through the sand. When they got half way up the road the factory whistles blew for the noon hour, and Captain Tiller lmmcdlataly took out his sextant and took an ob servation, which he entered In his log. When they reached the good part of the road ho threw vmt his anchor again, tooted his horn and cast off the line. Then he collected $5 and -went off, saluting the departing ajitomobllo with three sharp blasts from his horn. Captain Tiller's land ' tug brought him a groat deal of money, and Anally Farmer Smallquart grew Jealous. "See here," said he, one day. "You've "been tying up your oxen to my fence for eight weeks and three days. Now If you're doing a tug business, it's the same as tying up to a wharf for you to tie up to my fence, and I'm going to collect wharfage from you at the rato of a dollar an hour." The captain refused to pay It, and Farmer Smallquart Immediately hired a lawyer and brought suit, much to the captain's fright, for he was very timid about lawyers and courts. Ho was lying awake one night wor-, rylng when he noticed that there "was a heavy fog outside, and with that an Idea struck him. Before many min utes he had yoked his oxen up and was steering toward Smallquart's farm. He had a bright red-light on the horns of one ox and a green one on the other and when he reached the road imme diately In front of the house he an chored and began to toot his great tin horn most dismally. He had not been doing that long be fore Farmer Smallquart came out and shouted: "For goodness sake, stop that noise. We want to sleep." "Can't help that." said the captain. "You can seo for yourself that it's a heayy fog; and. as I've come to anchor here to wait till 'it lightens I've simply got to give the regular fog signals ac cording to maritime law. You ought t . 1 j "stop it: stop itr , -t I : "I will go with you willingly, but first tell the King that if he will give me a chance I will catch the niuhi alive for him and we can briny him ashore in tri umph." . The King agreed eagerly and ordered that the young prisoner 'be supplied with all that he wanted. Immediately he set men to- work boiling down the livers of hammer-headed sharks until he had enough to load fifty of the largest canoes. Then he loaded the awa root into one of the 'canoes and the fleet set forth. On arriving at the placo of" the great nluhl. he began to throw the liver over board, and within a few hours the oil had spread throughout the water until It tempted tho nluhl out of the deep-sea cave where he had been hiding. It was night when he came up. but the men could see his green eyes glimmering many fathoms deep until he appeared with a rush and began to gulp dpwn the liver. The next day the young fisherman con tinued to feed the fierce fish. but. although he became greedier and greedier for the delicacy, he was too cunning to venture near any of tho canoes. Then Okama began to mix the pounded awa root with the liver and throw it to the shark. The nluhl gulped down pound after pound, till all at once he became stupid. The awa root was delicious, but deadly, and the young fisherman had learned of its stupe fying effect from his father. Soon the shark had become so stupid that he swam almost alongside, Okame's cande, where, he finally took bundles of liver and awa right out of the young, pris oner's hands. Then Okame rose softly and dropped a nooso over his head. The paddlers Imme diately started paddling for the. shore, and the rest of the fleet set up a great shout as they saw the shark following willingly. At times he would start to pull away, but Okame would throw some more liver and awa immediately and the shark would follow on again. Thus the mammoth nluhl was led In tri umph Into the shoal watev near th.e shore, and there King KamehaxneHa leaped overboard with his long knife and at tacked the big fish and killed him. Every bit of skin and bones was then collected carefully and carried to the King's house, where It was put away In secret places, so that no one except Ka mehameha should ever touch them, be cause the ownership conferred unequal cd bravery on the possessor. . Tho King pardoned Okame and made him Chief Catcher of Nluhis. and from that time on until the coming of the white men and the passing of the Hawaiian Kings, nluhis were always caught as Okame had caught the greatest nluhl of all. Xote-The method described here Is the method actually used by the Hawallans .up to the beginning of tho last century for catching the great shark. Sometimes a hundred canoos would go out for this novol "sport of kings" and each fleet was accompanied by a priest to call the shark forth from the deop hiding places. to be the last one to object, seeing that you are such a stickler for maritime law yourself as to charge wharfago for tying up to your fence." And tho captain continued to blow his fog sig nals steadily. Ho did It all night and next night, which was foggy, too. "When tho third nlgnt brought a still more heavy fog and the tooting, began again. Farmer Smallquart could bear It no longer. Ho ran to the captain, and asked: "What can I do to have thlsJ stODDed?" "Nothing, so far as I can see." said i the wily captain. "You know, or bught , to know, that the rules of maritime law are too sacred to be broken for anybody's convenience. Whenever I have to anchor In the fog In tho road, or. rather, the channel, of. course I t must give the necessary signals. To . be sure. If I were tied up to a wharf I could lie there without signalling; but wharfage Is far too expensive j around here, "so there's nothing for It except to ancnor. 'Til let you tie up to my fence I mean my wharf for nothing," said Farmer Smallquart. "I'd like to accept your offer," said the cunning captain, "but I daren't, be cause you know you havesued me for back wharfago and I might hurt my case by making fast." j He began blowing his horn harder 1 and more dolefully than ever, and all j the dogs began to bark, and the Small quart babies began to bawl, and even the cattle bogan to low and bellow. I "Stop it! Stop it!" said the farmer J desncrately. "If von will nromlso to j 1 stop. I'll withdraw my suit and give l ! you free wharfage forever along my 1 j fence." "All right, my hearty," said the cap tain. "And Just remember hereafter that you can't fool with maritime law." TIck-Tnck's 400th Anniversary. Exactly 400 years ago. In the year 1503, there was a yoang apprentice to a lock smith In Nuremberg. His name was Peter Henleln. He had nolther money, friends nor lnnuencc. ana sccmca doomed to re main a simple, poor locksmith's helper all his life. There were more than 100 locksmith's apprentices In Nuremberg at that time, and most of them said hopelessly that the field was overcrowded. We hear some thing like that every now and then In these da)'$, too, don't we? Nobody remembers the names of any of these apprentices today except that of Henleln. Ho dldn t waste any time grum bling and worrying about the "ovorcrowd od field." but sat down In his spare time tlnkorlng at a curious machine. When It was finished It was shaped like a drum and was iuvt small enough to,go into the big pockets of the coats of that date. What was It? , It was. the first watch. There Is a general belief that these first watches were of the shape of an ess. This Is not so. They were shaped like a drum and were really pretty clumsy, far more suitable for the capacious costume of a rider than for the more tightly fit ting dress of a courtier or a dandy. But they kept good time and ran 10 hours witnouL needing winding. The watchmakers of Nuremberg have Just erected a flne statue In honor of Peter, the apprentice of the Middle Ages, who found something new to do In an overcrowded profession. And there Is n big watch exhibition to last until the end of this month, also in his honor. The Hardships of Farming. Little Dick has been thinking some time that he would like to be a farmer when he grows up. The other evening he toddled to his father's side on the veranda and asked: "What do 1 have to do in the evening when I bes a farmer?" "Why," said hla father, "you have to alt on the porch of your farmhouse, like this, with your feet up on the ralL" Dick watched his father put his feet up and tried to do tho some with, his very; short and fat little legs. The rail was so high that he had to sit nearly on the back of his head in order to get his feet up. and before many moments he slipped down and landed on the veranda floor with a bump. He got up and rubbed himself. Then he said: 'Maybe I don't want to be a farmer, after alL I might change-my mind and be something else." The Dogfish's Desire. Th dofffitn sighed: "Oh. bow 1 xlab I were a dec sd not a fish. A doe with hark and hair complete. And fnrnUhed not with fins, trat zeet. My little xnlrtrtM would be proud. Because l'dNbrk for her so loud. But. ah! I spose 'tlx all In vain. A wet. damp fieh Imun remain I" - The Crazy Canoe. A man who went ia a canoe Said: "I Jiardlr knoV what It will do. Bat I'm sore It will tin, . Because viewed. as a hlj, Ife fona make 'me feel very blue."- Pioneer Sugar-Makers of EACH HOLDING TWO OB THREE INDIANS PASSED THEM AT A FURIOUS RATT , I Chnptcr IX. N OK hero, sister," said Will, after I thinking for a while, T think we must change our plana. We haye come upon a large tribe of Indians, and are certain, to meet some of them In the forest If we keep on. I think the river we saw Is called the Grand, and that.lt flows Into Lake Michigan. Down near Its mouth Is quite a large town called Grand Rapids. If we can get down the river to that town we shall be safe." "Aro wo Nto walk along the bank?" asked Sadie. "No. We would meet with Indians at once. My plan Is' to wait here until dark and then steal one of the canoes we saw on the bank. How far we shall have to paddle I don't know, but I think we can reach Grand Rapids In two days." The children went farther back Into the woods to wait for the coming of night. Their food was all gone, and being so near the village Will did not dare to fire bis gun. With his knife he cut some bark from a slippery elm tree, and they had to chew on that In place of food. Bunny's Escape From Impending Danger MOTHFR RABBIT sat on the porch of a deserted log cabin In tho woods and looked very, very seriously into the round eyes of Bunny, her little son. "Remember this," she said. "Of all your enemies the one most to be avoided Is man. He Is dangerous." Bunny's round eyes grew rounder. "What will he do?" mother. "He will catch you In a trap or shoot you with a gun. Either way he will kill you. Then he will cook you over a fire and eat you." Bunny shuddered from the tips of his longyears to his stub of a tall. "Owls arc bad and foxes are worse, but man Is the worst of all," Mother Rabbit went on solemnly. "What shall I do If I see him coming?" "If you are far enough away, run for all you are worth, but If he sees you first, crouch down, flatten yourself- and lay you oars back, keep as still as a stone and he may go by. If he sees you and shoots It's no use doing anything. You can't run from a gun. You'll either be dead or you won't. Traps are the most treacherous, though, because you can run Into them day or night, and when you 'do you're either killed or maimed for life. See that?" and Mother Rabbit showed her right hind foot whore two toes were missing. - "O-o-oh!" shivered Bunny. "How fearful." The Great War With the MANY, many years ago giant eagles, known as thundcrblrds, lived In the mountains on the shores of the Yukon River. But they all disappeared except one pair which lived on a moun tain with a round top, from which they swept In search of prej". Sometimes they seized a red deer from a passing herd and bore It back to their young, and sometimes, soaring with their mighty wings spread so that they dark ened the sun, and making a nolso like thunder, they swooped on a fisherman In his canoe and carried both man and boat to their hlgh-bullt nest. Many hunters tried to kill the thundor blrds. but none succeeded; and at last people were afraid to go abroadupon the river. One day the thunderblrds looked down and saw a little boy playing before a hut. Quickly one of the birds swooped, and, catching the little follow, carried him to the rocky nest on the mountain top. The little boy's father was the greatest hunter In tho Tillage. Whcn""he heard the noise like thunder and the screaming of the eagles he rushed out of the house, only to see his boy being carried off to be devoured. Seizing his bow and arrows and his war spears, the hunter rushed toward the mountain, though' all tho people called out to him to come back. When ho reached the rocky nest of the thunderblrds, he peeked over the edge and saw the two old birds and two young ones, while seated in a corner was his little boy. The thunderblrds were quar reling as to which of the young ones should havo the boy for dinner. The hunter was acquainted will) the language of birds and boasts, and understood every word they said. "Oh, well." said the father thunderbird finally, "let's not quarrel any more. Go back and get tho boy's father and then there will be enough for all." "Here -I am," shouted the hunter, pop ping his head up. The two thunderblrds made a swoop at him, but he dodged so quickly that their claws only caught the smooth surface of the rock. At the same time the hunter drew his bow and sent an arrow right through the heart of one of the birds-"' The other bird flow around flapping its great wings and making an awful noise, and every now and then swooping down to get at the hunter, but missing him every time on account of the rock behind which he was hidden. Arrow after arrow the hunter dis charged at the bird, but he was unable to do more than wound it, and with each wound the rago of the thunderbird in creased. Finally tho hunter took his war spears and began to throw them. When he did this the thunderbird .swooped down and grabbed up the boy, calling out to the hunter: "Now, If you throw the war sp?ars you will be likely to hit the boy." "Throw them, father, throw them!" Several times during tho afternoon they heard Indian hunters In the wood3, but no one came near to disturb them. They would have liked to take the pony with them, but of course this was not to be done. He would have to be turned loose In the forest, and, within a day or two he would probably find his way Into the Indian village. They might wonder how he came there, bur, they would keep him nevertheless. When darkness began to settle over the forest, tho children moved out of the thicket and down tho river until they wero half a mile below the village. Then they approached Its banks. To get one of the canoes they must make their way up stream and perhaps pass some of the wigwams. They knew that Jndians were always watchful, whether they were at war or 'not, and that an Indian dog scented a whlto person afar off. The pony had been turned loose and they had brought the gun. ax and blan kets with them. Sadie began to whim per as she realized the danger, and Will offered to go alone If she would stay be hind and wait for him. This she would not do. and he said: "Then we will go together and you "So you see. my dear, that while you only have to fear owls at night, and foxes arc pretty still In 'the daytime, you've got to look out for man every minute of your life." Bunny shuddered again. There seemed to be no chance at all for him to have any fun living. "There's a boat coming across the pond now," whispered Bunny excitedly, cock ing his left ear forward. "And there are men In It. Let us fly!" cried Mother Rabbit, and she and Bunny went leaping through the bushes on their long hind legs. So the men came and occupied the de serted log cabin. Mother Rabbit and Bunny lived in fear and staid In the deep, deep woods. It grew rather monotonous after a while, and one day while his another was taking a nap Bunny said to himself: '"I'm not going to stay crouched up here every minute of this long Summer. I'm going out along the trail and see what's going on." So off he started, hopping leisurely along. The forest was very still. The tall pines had all stopped whispering and were fast asleep. Not one of the waggly leaves on the poplars was stirring. The sun came down warm and bright and dappled the dead leaves on the trail with a lighter brown, and Bunny would have sung aloud If he had only known how. All of a sudden, coming straight toward called out the boy, but the hunter was afraid to do so for fear of killing his son. Watching his opportunity, the hunter now Jumped over the edge of the rocky nest and with his war-spears threatened tho two young birds. "If you do not bring back the boy," cried he to the thunderbird, "I will kill your young." "I will eat both you and the boy," an swered the thunderbird and made a great swoop toward the hunter. But the bird's claws wero engaged In holding the boy, so that all It could do was to peck at the hunter with his great beak as he passed. The hunter Immediately let drive one of his war-spears and killed one of the young birds. "Try that again," said he, "and I will kill the other." The thunderbird now began to parley with the brave hunter, saying: "What terms can we agree to? I will give you , f m j t '. : i I H the Forest must try and be a brave girl. Keep close to me and do as you see me) do and we may come out all right. If we run into any danger don't scream out. Even Jf the Indians capture us they will not kill us." They were hidden by the- bushes until they were almost on the first wigwam. It stood back about 30 feet from the wa ter, and after peering through the dark nes for a few minutes Will made out two canoes drawn up on the shore. He whispered toSadle that they would take the nearest one, and that they must be careful to make no noise l'n entering the boat. The Indian family belonging to the wig wam were cooking and eating back of the shelter, and the ll(.ht of "their fire mado things dark around them. The canoe was reached and the things loaded In without discovery. When the little craft had been pushed Into the water Will discovered that there were no paddles. He searched the other ca noe, but found none there! He believed they had been taken to the wigwam, and no matter what the danger was, he must go after them. Sadie began to cry, but tfe whispered In her ear: "If you make the least noise the In dians wilhave us. Keep hold of the ca noe and don't stir a foot until I return." v ith that he crept away, but luck waa with him. Half way to the wigwam he found two paddles on the grass, and he wa3 only a minute getting back to1 the canoe and his sister. In another minute they were afloat, but Just then they heard whoops and snouts from the center of tho village, and by the light of a big fire they caught sight of Sam coming Into the village and lead ing his pony behind him. He had got free and followed on after them, and if he had been an hour earlier he would have overhauled them in the woods. "Sam will tell them that we are near at hand," said Will, as both plied their paddles. "When he found that we had let his pony go he must have suspected that we were going to steal a canoe. Do you hear thoso yells? The Indians are running about to see if their canoes are safe. They will soon find this one gone, and we shall be followed. Instead of keeping on down the river let us paddle across and hide under the limbs of some overhanging tree." A mile below where they had taken' the canoe they found a tree to give them shelter, and the canoe had scarcely been 'drawn In among the branches when six canoes, each holding two or three Indian, passed them at a furious rate. Had the children kept on they would have been overtaken before going another mile. "We must wait until they come bnck." said Will. In answer to the query from Sadie as to what they should do. "The Indians will go down stream three or four miles, and not finding us will turn back. As they come back they will search out all places where we must hide, but we will have to trust to luck that they don't find us. We must listen carefully now, to hear when they turn back." (Concluded next week.) him. he saw one of the men. Bunny dared not fly. so he crouched, as his mother had taught him, with his ears laid back and his body flattened till he looked like nothing but a bit of gray fur. His round eyes never even winked. The man came humming along the trail, carrying a fishing rod. and oh, horror! the great eyes looked straight at thei fern loaf under which Bunny was hiding. The horrible creature stooped above him. and spoke In a language strange to the cow ering Bunny. "Why, It's a baby rabbit!" Then a long arm came out from the side of the man. Bunny was certain then that he would be grabbed, killed, cooked and eaten. His blood froze in ills veins; frar stared out of his round eyes; it seemed as if he must Jump now. But he did not. The long arm came lower and lower, and the fingers touched the little gray back. Again the soft ca ress. Then the man laughed very gently and said: "Why, Baby Rabbit, you needn't be so scared. I wouldn't hurt you for the world." Somehow Bunny knew then that he was safe. He lifted his ears and with a leap he was gone In the bushes. But he will always think that he had a narrow escape, and Mother Rabbit said to him afterward: "It happened to turn out all right, but what If the fishing rod had been a gun?" Thunder - Birds back your boy if you will go away and spare my young bird." "You must do that and more." said the hunter. "Give me back the boy and then take your young and fly with It far away to the north and never come back. We want no thunderblrds around here." Finally the thunderbird agreed to this and placing the boy at his father's feet it took up the young bird on its back and flew far away to the frozen north. Since that day no thunderblrds have been seen by men, but the natives say that somewhere away up close to the farthest north there are still thunder blrds. Perhaps Peary will find them when he discovers Ihe North Pole. A Kitchen Talk.' Bald the carving- knife to the sharpening steel: "You are far too hard with me, I feel." But the steel replied: "I act afraid. That you are such a rude young blade. That you need some polish before each meal."