The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 24, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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roendous Impetus to tho Anglo-American
Madden. He said Mrs. Xaddcn's charges
of hla turf manipulations were true.
entente, of which he Is an apostle.
Your correspondent learns that Ixrd
After all his brutal treatment. Mr. Dick
son said "it would be a crime to reconcile
Mr. and Mrs. Madden."
Ro8ebery8 chief objection to visiting the
United States 1b his aversion to news
paper Interviewers. The thought -of so
The defendant and plaintiff. Judge and
lawyers and spectators were about to
lus among them after Mr. wltte s recent
experience is said to have terrined. nis
leave the court, when Mrs. Durrell. aunt
of Mrs. Madden, approached the turfman.
Angers Hungarians at Concili
ation Conference.
Efforts to Stop Investigation of
. Western yfe'lnderiihity.
She spoke to him in whispers. Then to
Will Be Friends Xo Longer.
gether they went out of the courtroom
Into tho .Judge's chamber. They were
BUCHAREST. Roumania, Sept. 23. The
closeted alone three-quarters of an hour.
diplomatic rupture between Greece and
Roumania has been completed by the de
parture of the Roumanian Minister from
When they came out, they refused to7
say what had transpireo except mat
reconciliation was discussed. The result
of the conference they would not tell, ex
Athens. The Interests of the Roumanians
nPJyiANn I In Greece have been entrusted to Italy.
V L-)f IrllV UJ I ., Dn.clnn --Intrntlnn hr -trill'
cept that hereafter Mrs. Madden may
speak to her children at Hamburg Place
guard the interests of the Greeks in Rou
in Lexington by long-distance telephone.
This had previously been denied her.
IxMtdcrs of Kossutli Party Refuse to
Xcsotinte "Willi Austrian and
Iluitsnrltin Is Named Xo
Concessions on Army.
VXBN2CA. Sft. 3. The Klng-Empexpr
FYMIBtP jwr.apii josoivuu in nuu....
akw tha JlVG loader Of the HUngar-
w. i Mrd(L namobt Count Julius
?nuwlx Kossuth. iBaron nanny.
(yOMK. MCR' XIM LOHnl AiOVri aiijuu: it I
vsxRpto4 tbat thev enter into nego- i
tlnttw with Count uoiucnowsKi, uio
'flsrtrli i of the Imperial and Royal House,
Mkthv to tH formation of a Hungarian
CsWMt The KJiK-Kmperor showed him.
Kf ruH to make what he regards as an
aaorerlable concession In the direction
by th Hungarian nation.
The KlMg-Smpcror remained unyielding I
mm the qMrtton of the language of corn
mad Hi the Hungarian army. He invited
tbr cwaUttod majority to submit proposals
tmr Uh formatfen of a Cabinet on tne loi
lowtr cMMMUonfi:
Mltttury conditions relating to the lan.
imr of command and the service, on
wMcfa emiceeatons are entirely inadmisai
Mr. are exdwdod from any programme
wMrk mar submitted in regard to the
The foreign mlipns muet also remain
As to ooestSons affecting the economic
mm otWr rotations of Austria-Hungary.
as piOAidX by the law of 17. these shall
o revised hy negotiations botween the
xowrmmpttt of the two states ana par-
ttMjwUu-Y committees.
We oodget. ordinary contingents to the
straw-, commercial treaties and two years
HrflHory service bills' must be voted, as
won mm toe sums required tor military
tp nan and for the Hungarian expendi
ture of toe dual monarchy for 19tH-0a.
Tne Khujr-Kmw. In the course of the
uimii i . neriouety renreronted to the
Htmsarfan tauter; the responsibility they
wmiM Incur In refnolng to accept tne con-
oondoni offered and In maintaining their
ml oninde.
Thr audience lasted only a few minutes
mttA Hungariaa leaders were not given
a riMmf to exufcUa their views or dis-
mm the inatt-rs at taeue. They expressed
grir-at dwanpoittment at their treatment
oad apparently were Highly irritatea at
the miH of the audience. They declined
to nejrotuitr -with Count Golucliowskl. tie-
Hiring that. If the King-Emperor did not
want to aeatrtlate diroctJy with the lead
er. He ought to appoint a Hungarian
my between and not an Austrian.
Tne Hungarian representatives visited
Onwal Gotochowskl this aftomoon and
Inform! Mm of this decision, declaring
Hmt none out a Hungarian was compe
tent in conduct the negotiation. The
XtouXer subsequently saw the King-Em-rrror
and the tatter appointed Count Czl.
rnkr to earry on the negotiations In the
ntnee of the Austrian Minister. A con
ference fcotweon Cxlraky and the Hungar
ian tandwj ww hold in the course of the
K59nth Says Mnjorlty Will Stnnd
on Its Platform.
VCTQCXA. Sent. St. Tho result of the
audfcwe of the King-Emperor today by
tor londors of the Hungarian coalition
mrttm Is anxiously awaited. The Inter-
vtew no rime net to have brought the crisis
any nmrer a solution, and even the King
Smperor'p ooaeeeton to the objection of
the lender to entering negotiations with
fount Goluchewski, the Minister of the
IntpernU and Royal House, relative to
th formtfoa of a Hungarian Cabinet and
Me sanstltttt'oa of County Cziraky is not
thought Itkely to make any difference in
the sttuatlon.
Francis Kossuth, loader of the coali
tion dement, who was in a pessimistic
Mood, declared In an Interview that it
was quite impossible that the parliament
ary majority should take its programme
front the crown. The majority, he said.
wwe elected upon a certain platform, and
to thte it must hold; If it did not do so,
k couM not hold out for 34 hours.
Count Annonyl said: "The will of tho
nation will always prevail. The present
rtruggle may continue six months, but
the nation certainly will be victorious in
Austrlnn Socialists Favor Demand I
for Universal Suffrage.
v 1ENXA. Sept. 23. A conference of the
refNTOsontativos of all of the Socialist or-
panfzatiea n Austria decided yestorday
unanimously to Issue a manifesto to the
working classes, vigorously protesting
against the attitude of the Austrian pre.
nUer on the question of universal suf
frape. sympathizing with the fight An
Hungary for doctoral reform and calling
on Austrian workmen to continue the
Mrugple for suffrage.
Convention of German Members of
Party Condemns Disputes.
J SNA. Germany. Sept. 23. (Spoclal.)
At ysteroay"K session of the Socialists a
new scheme of organization, which In
creases the power of the executive com
mittee, was agreed to. A resolution was
passed, the object of which is to prevent
any public exhibitions that tend to con
vey the opinion that there is dissension In
the party's ranks. The resolution also
condemns personal disputes between the
Herr Bebd dellvorcd a memorial ora
tion or the Socialist Kasprak, who was
executed In Warsaw on September 10. for
the murder of four policemen, the mem
bers standing as a mark of respect to
the memory of Kasprak.
The convention adjourned this after
neon, after unanimously passing a hotly-
worded resolution of sympathy with the
Russian revolutionists.
The committee on press affairs reported
a resolution sharply condemning the per
sonal tones with which recent controver
sies have been carried on in several news-
nanors. The report was adopla without
general discussion.
Cause of Roscbcry's Objection to
Tour of UniteT States.
LONDON. Sept. 23. (Special.) Offi
cials of the New England Society of New
York, who have rcceU'cd from Lord
Roscbery a rofusal of all invitations ex
tended to him to speak in the United
States. Intend to ask President Roosevelt
to use his personal Influence to Induce the
Liberal leader to change his mind. They
hope that Mr. Roosevelt will be able to
convince the Earl that half a dozen
speeches from him. tdelivered in. centers
like New York. Philadelphia, Chicago.
Boston and St. Louis, would felve a tre-
(The cause of the trouble between Rou-
mania and Greece Is the refusal by Rou
mania of the demand of Greece for com-
pemmion to those who suffered by the
pillaging of Greek shops and the mal
treatment of Greek subjects during the
recent demonstrations at Bucharest, and
for satisfaction for tho burning of the
Greek flag by demonstrators at Glurgervo.
The Greek government complains of the
general Insecurity of Greeks In Roumania.
several having been expelled.)
nnlnflnno nf Pmpo rnnmcg
uuv-r.twxr. oepu ij. x ne jinai session
iuu juwiittiiuuiu trtax v,uu6i ess luuuy
uuopiea a proposition oi uie unusn aeio-
gates for the formation of international
clubs In various countries for the purpose
of furthering the pence movement. Reso
lutions were also passed requesting The
Hague Conference to discuss the question
of limitation of armaments, the creation
of an international assembly for the dis-
cussion of questions of general interest
and the codification of international law.
The Congress expressed the opinion that
tho neutral powers should Interdict the
public issue of war loans in their terrl
tones. It was decided that the confer
ence should meet next year at Milan.
Conference on 3Ioroccan Affair.
PARIS, Sept. 23. Premier Rouvler,
Prince von Radolln, German Ambassador.
and Andre Voll. the French represents.'
tlve, and Dr. Rosen, the German plenlpo
tentiary, had a lengthy conference at tho
Foreign Office in connection with tho
Moroccan question. The drawing up of
the agreoment between France and Ger
many has progressed considerably, but
the agreement has not been signed.
lumbers Bullfight. Called Off.
MADRID, Sept. 23. The bullfight
which was to nave been a conspicuous
feature of the festivities in honor of
the coming visit of President Loubet
to the Spanish capital, has been sup
"Western Pnnscnger Annoclatlon Denlea
Rumor That It "Would Rentore
UIs Clergy Permit.
CHICAGO. Sept. 23. (Special.) A
report said to emanate from the Rev.
Myron T. Haynes today was to the ef
fect that the Western Passenger Asso
ciation and the president qf the Rock
Island road were about to vindicate the
minister. Chairman MacLeod, of the
Western Passenger Association, stated
that there was nothing to the report.
'When the matter came up Dciore tne
committee of the church to which Mr.
Haynes was ministering, we wore asked
to send our men there to testify. Jsat
urally, we rofused to do so. The West
ern passenger Association is nui a
Prosectiting-Attorney's office. We com
pleted our duty when we protected our
members by canceling Mr. Haynes per
mit for reduced ruteB. What his church
or any other church sees fit to do with
him docs not interest the railroads. As
for a vindication you can say that there
has been no move to restore Mr.
Haynes' clcrcr permit."
Hicrh officials of the Rock isiana
Road, who did not wish to be quoted
flatly denied that there would be any
reversal of Haynes case.
Preaches oxt" His Case Says He'n
Appeal to Courts.
SEATTLE. Sept. 23. (Special.) Rev.
Dr. Myron W. Haynes, brought from the
Bolden-Avenue Church, of Chicago, to
take the pastorate of' the First Baptist
Church, of Seattle, will mane ms ex
planation of the railroad scandal to the
conirrezatlon In a special sermon' tbmor-
row morning. The explanation win in
clude a full statement of his relations
with the railroads and. he declares, will
be the last he will have to say of the
subject here.
In the meantime his Chicago attorney
is working to secure a revocation of the
ordeivby which his clergy pormit was
cancelled and his name added to the
blacklist. Dr. Haynes today said all but
one of the officials of the Western and J
Transcontinental Passenger Associations
had agreed to rescind their action. James
Charlton, chairman of the Transconti
nental Passenger Association, is the man
who protests against returning Dr.
Haynes' permit. Mr. Charlton js the dean
of American general passenger agents
and c-ne of the most Influential men In
passenger traffic affairs.
Dr. Haynes Insists that he will appeal.
If necessary, to the general passenger
agents who are members of the two as
sociations and later to the courts to se
cure the return of his permit. "As a mat
ter of fact." he said today, "I believe the
railroads should do away with the prac
tice of giving half-fare rates to the
clergymen, but if this privilege is extend
ed I want it myself. I do not want to be
discriminated against. Since the contro
versy arose a dozen Chicago ministers
have told me they made it a practice to
ask half-fare privileges for members of
their household who were not actually
members of their family or dependent
upon them."
The Gray charges will not be referred
to by Dr. Haynes, he says. The anti
Haynes faction Is now depending upon this
scandal to continue their fight. Mr. and
Mrs. Gray have threatened to come here
to demand another trial, and If tbey
come Ihe antl-Haynes faction will insist
upon a hearing. If not, they will drop
the fight, many of them leaving the
church. Dr. Haynes declares he Is confi
dent of disproving aiy charge Mrs. Gray
may present here.
Dr. Haynes, bofore coming here, prom
ised, If his Income for the first three
years In Seattle does not fall below his
Chicago income, to pay 10 per cent of
the cost of a new church. Fourth avenue.
on which thc-'Flrst Baptist Church Is lo
cated. Is to be rc graded, and the present
church would be 20 feet above the street
leveL "Widening the street would cut nine
feet off the entrance, making It absolutely
necessary to obtain a new building.
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy Ale Nature.
Medicines that aid nature are always
most effectual. Chamberlain's Couch
Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the
cough, relieves the lungs, aids expectora
tion, ooens the secretions, and aids nature
in restoring the system to a healthy con
dition. It is famous for Its cures over a
large part of the civilized world. Thou
Kflndft have testified to its superior ex
cellence. It counteracts any tendency ot
a cold to result m pneumonia. or raic
br all druortsts. .
Affairs of New Tork Knights Tem
plar and Masons Iilfe Indem
nity Said to Be Involved
In the Muddle.'
CHICAGO, BepL 21 Tremendous pres
sure is being exercised now, according to
Mr. Lcvinson,- attorney for ther policy
holders of the Western Life Indemnity
Company who are seeking to throw the
company Into the hands of a receiver, to
halt further Investigation. Other life In
surance companies are frightened, says
Attorney Levlnson, for they say that in
the present frame ofmind of the public
toward insurance companies In general, a
scandal might be started that it would
be almost Impossible to check. As to its
consequences In the financial world, no
one could predict.
"We are receiving scores of letters dally
from persons who are policy-holders in
the Western Life," said Mr. Levlnson.
"and all of the same tenor, that Is that
the affairs of the suspected company were
not run properly and making all sorts of
accusations against its manager, B. L
Rosenfeld. The widow ot the late L. R.
Stratum, of New Orleans, writes:
" 'I know that the company is rotten.
My husband in his lifetime was frequent
ly warned of the dishonesty of Rosenfeld.
Unfortunately he never took action. Now
I probably will be compelled to go to law
to collect on his policy.' "
Scaling Claims on Policies.
Tho amount of the policy is 140,000 and
tho company offers to settle for $735,
claiming that Is all the policy Js worth.
The Rev. W. H. Benton seeks o collect
a $1000 policy. They have offered to settle
for $50. It developed today that on Au
gust 10 last Henry P. Walton, receiver of
the Oddfellows Mutual Life Insurance
Company of Philadelphia, filed a bill In
the Common Pleas court of Philadelphia
accusing Ave directors of that company
with fraudulently transferring 160,000 from
the treasury of the Mutual Life and of Il
legally collecting 575.0M in premiums on
Oddfellows policies. It Is not known
positively that Rosenfeld was at that
time connected with that company, hut
President Moulton admitted that the com
pany was one of those taken in by the
Pennsylvania Company, of which Rosen
feld was chairman.
Chairman Hicks, of the special commit
tee of policy-holders, appointed to Inves
tigate the books, said today:
"It Is well said that Rosenfeld paid
Gray $125,000 for his contract, which then
had only a few years to run. The di
rectors as Individuals knew the consider
ation and approved the assignme.nt. Im
mediately after Rosenfeld took charge.
It Is said, the funds of the New York
Knights Templar and Masons' Lifo In
demnity Company on deposit in a certain
bank were reduced $100,000.
Morgan and Rosenfeld.
"About this time $3,000,000 of insurance
contracts were taken by the Knights
Templar company from the Life Insur
ance Company of Philadelphia. The pro
posal to transfer this insurance was mado
by Mr. Morgan, then counsel for the
Life Insurance Company of Pennsylvania,
and now counsel for the WcsterniLifc In
demnity Company, which is the name
adopted by the Knights Templar and
Masons Company at a meeting held May
24. 1905. The consideration paid to Mor-
gan has not been stated, but it is evident
that the relations between Rosenfeld and
Morgan arc close. When this subect was
mentioned to President Moulton, he char
acterized the statement that the funds
of the Western Life had been depicted
$100,000 as absolutly false. He never car
ried any such sum as $100,000 at any time I
In-any bank. We invest the cash we re- I
celve and do not carry It In banks."
Gray Denies Complicity.
LONDON, Sept. 23. William H. Gray,
ex-manager of the Western Life Indem
nity Company of Chicago, learned of the
charges of fraud involving his name as
he was about tb take the train today for
Liverpool, whence he Is to sail for New
York onthe Lucanla this afternoon.
"If there Is any fraud or crookedness,"
he said, "in connection with the Western
Life Indemnity Company, It has occurred
since I severed my connection with, that
organization last February. At that time,
with the full permission of the board of
directors, I sold my managerial contract
for 5125.000 to E. L Rosenfeld. I left the
same directors In charge, with General
Moulton as president. The assets pre
ferred to Rosenfeld were the identical
ones reported to the state Insurance de-
partment January L The company, as I
, . ... ,e,r, L. ..J:
is discovered during my regime. . Tho
assets were for the most part gilt-edged
municipal securities, worth in every case
more than thev cost the comnanv. "Why
the management suddenly found it neces
sary to recommend transferring J2a.O00,-
005 worth of policies to another company
against which an injunction Is now
sought. Is beyond my comprehension."
Government Will Prosecute for Giv
ing Beef Packers Rebates.
CHICAGO, Sept. 23. The prosecution of
the railroads for violations of the Elklns
law relating to giving and receiving of
rebates will follow the pleading guilty of
the four representatives of the Sulzberger
& Swarzschlld Company yesterday to a
charge of conspiring to receive Illegal re
bates from the railroads. Authority for
this statement is District Attorney Mor
rison, and he was emphatic in his declar
ation that the Government would go
after the railroads.
In view of the sudden determination of
the Government to proceed against the
railroads. It is believed tonight that some
bodjr has "squealed" and the Government
has secured highly Important evidence.
Proceedings against the railroads will re
quire a separate campaign, new Indict
ments, new grand Jury and the calling
from all parts of the country ot new
Friends of Turfman and His Wife
Work to This End.
CINCINNATI. Sept. 23. (Special) The
hearing of the alimony case of Mrs. Anna
Madden, wife of the turfman. John E.
Madden, closed at noon today after dally
sessions for two weeks. At the conclusion
of the arguments Judge J. B. Swing said
his mind was about made up as to the
merits of the case, but would take time
to rive It careful attention.
W. Dickson, for Mrs: Madden. In thc,j
Closing argument toaay ijercciy arraisnoa
Signals Heard From Twenty-Nino
Stations on Atlantic Coast.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 23. A report was
received at the Bureau of Equipment of
the Navy from the Washington Navy-
yard to the effect that the wireless tele
graph station had the previous night over
heard tdgnals transmitted from 29 wire
less stations along the "Atlantic coast.
Among the stations beard were Hatteras.
New York and BoBton rsavy-yaras; acw
Haven. Savannah, Newport, Lynn. Mass.,
Highland of Naveslnk, Atlantic City and
Philadelphia; also the battleships Maine
and Alabama, now on the New Lngland
coast, and the cruiser Columbia, now to
the eastward of New York In March of a
May Visit New Orleans Last to Avoid
OYSTER BAY. Sept. 23. Arrangements
for the trip of President Roosevelt through
the South practically have been corn
el e ted except those pertaining to his
visit to New Orleans and Little Rock.
On account of the prevalence of yellow
fever In New Orleans, It Is not unlikely
that the President may defer his visit
to that city until a later time, in which
event he-would go to Little Rock at the
same time.
He is being urged not to go to New
Orleans so long as the yellow fever epi
demic continues there, but he has received
assurances that the fever will be stamped
out before the tentative date of his
visit, October 24. A suggestion was made
recently that on account of the quarantine
placed by the authorities of Arkansas on
passengers from New Orleans, the Presi
dent should visit Little Rock before going
to New Orleans. This Idea is in the
minds of the Arkansas authorities.
It was announced officially tonight that
if the quarantine regulations of other
states should prevent the President's en
trance into Arkansas or his return to
Washington by rail after having visited
New Orleans, ho may consider the plan
of making New Orleans the final stop
on his trip and returning from there to
Washington by sea. However, no definite
plans have been made for the New Or
leans and Little Rock portion of tho
trip, and they will not be completed for
two weeks.
Court - Martial Suspends Young's
Trial Till "Wade Recovers.
MARE ISLAND. Cal.. Sept. 23. At the
opening of the Young court martial to
day. Commander Bartlett, a member of
the board appointed by Admiral Goodrich
to Investigate the Bennington explosion.
was recalled. Judge Gear, for the de
fense, objected to the Introduction of evi
dence from the Bennington Board of In
quiry as being hearsay and not legal evi
dence. His objection was sustained.
An answer from Acting . Secretary Dar
ling to the telegram sent Friday to the
Secretary of the Navy was read, author
izing adjournment for a reasonable time
awaiting the testimony of. Ensigns Wade,
taxing up in tne mearjpjne anotner case
legally before It. Tlfor provided that
tho accused does
Ire to 'proceed
with his defense
This now leaves the court free to pro
ceed with the trial of Ensign Clarence
Landran of the transport Lawton, who
Is to be tried by the court martial for
absence from his ship without leave and
disrespect to a superior officer. This case
will come up for trial on Wednesday morn
ing. Judge Advocate "West prosecuting.
Statesmen and Importers Are Com
ing in December.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept. 23. (Special.)
A commission of 32 prominent Chinese
statesmen apd importers will come to
America in December to urge that the
new treaty between this country and
China be modified so as to extend addi
tional privileges to merchants and stu
dents. Reservations for the entire party
have been made aboard the steamship
Dakota, duo here December 1.
Ttio Ph nun. Ptmmln nn Tm In
Washington before December 15 and will
Usc lta lnfluence upon American repre-
sentatlvM to secure trade concessions
chants and students. Already there are
In this country several trade commis
sioners who are woxklng on the same
It Is understood here that the special
commission due this winter has been or
ganized at the suggestion of big Chlneso
importers who think that a presentation
of their claims, made in person to tho
American Government will bear great
Along the same line as this commis
sion's errand is tho declaration today of
United States Senator Piles that he was
In favor of a meetln&' of Pacific Coast
members of Congress to go into the de
tails of the Chinese boycott and to de
cide upon a policy which the entire Pa
cific Coast delegation can uphold.
For some reason Senator Plies Is In
clined to believe the effect of the boycott
.has been exaggerated, though he states
je has not Investigated the subject. Be
fore he commits himself to any policy the
trade conditions will be looked Into.
Antl-Cunnlngham Faction of Kural
Carriers Is on Top.
INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 23. The con
eluding session ot the convention of tho
National Rural Letter-Carriers' Assocla
tlon resulted In a capitulation of the Cun
ningham forces and a complete victors
for the "antis," who elected a full ticket
and brought about the 'resignation of ail
the former officers. Paul I Lindsay, of
Georgia was elected president.
The constitution was revised in such
a manner as to make members 'dis
missed from the Government service
ineligible to nold omce.
Three OeUan far Xewa Trip Aaaeuaced by
O. K. . Co.
The every -day round-trip rate from
Portland to North Beach points has
been reduced by the O. R. Sc N. Co.
from St to $3. tickets oa sale until Oc
tober JL3, with final return limit Octo
ber 3L .
- ook j,y asking at Third and Washington
Particulars and o. . im. summer
j gU'MU, rortMM.
Prescribes Pe-ru-na
Robert R. Roberts, M. D., Washington, D. C. writes:
' "Through my own experience as well as that of many of my friends
and acquaintances who have been o. ured or relieved of catarrh by tho use
of Hartman's Peruna, I can j6nflden tly recommend It to those suffering
from such disorders, nnd have no hesitation In prescribing It to ray pa-tlcnt.'
Best Tonic He Ever Prescribed.
James Crozlef; M. D.. formerly U. S.
Pension Office Medical Examlnor, for
merly on tho Medical Board of Ref-
eroos, U. S. Pension Office, in a recent
letter from Washington, D. C, writes:
"I have often proscribed Peruna in
my practice for catarrhal trouble, and
after giving It a fair test I can cheer
fully recommend your valuable remedy
for coughs, colds and catarrh in its
worst stages.
Ik one of the best tonics I have
ever precrlbcd.'
Peruna has proven its merits thor
oughly and overcome all prejudice.
New York Capitalists and Minnesota
Politicians Ivcep His Birthday.
MINNEAPOLIS. Sept.W Should James
J. Hill, president of the Great Northern
Railway, live to realize vthe fervenCvhopes
of the brilliant assemblage of noted Min
nesota politicians and Nowlork capital
ists who gathered In the Minneapolis Club
tonight to do him honor, he may never
forget the compliments showered upon
him. nor the beautiful gifts bestowed upon
him by the citizens of this city In honor
of his 67th birthday, on September 16.
Mr. HIU. In his speech. "Fifty Years of
Progress." spoke of the future of the
Northwest, of the country at large, and
praised President Roosevelt for his great
work In the conclusion of peace between
Japan and Russia.
The guests of the evening were: James
J. Hill, guest of honor; Archbishop Ire
land; Stanford Scwell. ex-Mlnlster to
Sweden: Louis W. Hill. Samuel Hill;
President Howard Elliott, of the North
ern Pacific: William B. Dean. St. Paul;
Frederick D. Underwood, of Erie; George
F. Baker, Samuel Thorne, John Thome.
George C. Clark, Amos T. French, Alex
ander Cochrane, Payne Whitney, G. "W.
Lane and Daniel Wlllard, of New York:
George B. Harris and Darius Miller, of
Chicago; 'Samuel HIU, of Seattle.
Explosion Breaks "Dp Parade.
NEW YORK. Sept. 23. The Coney
Island Mardlgras parade was broken
up tonight by an explosion in two
manholes of the electric subway, 're
suiting In the injury of about a dozen
persons, tlve of whom were so sen
ously hurt as to necessitate tholr re
moval to the hospital. Tho explosions
occurred where the crowd was densest,
hurling columns of flame Into the air.
Horses in the parade took, fright and
ran through the crowds, creating a
general panic.
The Portland F. A. Yealon. Boston; C E.
Hill. New Yerk; J. A. Allen, San Francisco;
C M. Blanehard. W. E. "tVhlte, S. n.
Knleley. K. Clarke. Philadelphia; A. W.
Foster and wife. San Rafael; C. B. Klnkey.
W. T. Grower. Chicago; C. C Bray ton. A. H.
Atherton. St. Louis; w. E. CInnback. San
Francisco; Mrs. L. T. Anders. Walla Walla;
F. L. Packard and wife. E. M. Corbett. Cali
fornia; F. L. Williamson and wife. Miss
M. E. Hancock. Franklin. Pa.: R. B. Roth
child. San Franclsro. D. A. McKenxIe. Alas-
Dr. Humphreys' Seventy
SeVen Breaks Up Grip and
Lassitude Is the premonitory symp
tom of a Cold. Even before the shiver,
the sneeze or scrapey throat, comes
that feeling of weakness. This is the
time when' a stitch in time saves nine.
If you will recognize n Cold at this
stage, it Is easy to break it up with a
few doses of Dr. Humphreys' Specific
"Seventy-seven." Later on "77" is
equally useful but the cure Is not so
quick. At Druggists-or mailed 23 cts.
Medical Guide mailed free.
Humphrey Ilomeo. Medicine Co.,-, Cor.
William and John Streets, New.York- V
to His Patients
Pe-ru-na Beneficial for Severe Cases of
George C. Havener, M. D., Anacostla.
D. C, writes.
"fn my practice I have had occasion
to frequently prescribe your valuable
medicine, and have found its uso bene
ficial, particularly In severe cases of
Merit Commands Attention.
Usually, physicians are not In favor
of proprietary medicines.
It Is only lri cases where a proprie
tary meidcine has by its superior merit
forced Itself upon their attention that
the physicians will pay any attention
to such medicines.
ka; W. R. Hume. Astoria:A. Xewman, S. Benby and sons, bnenaan; . xjona. ai
v... -t-..t,. t r S-iv a -c-ran. ! hum- m p Aubrey: E. A. Enons. Browna-
clsco; J. S. Carmen 'and wife, Ta'coma; T. V.
Rvnn. Seattle: T. Keochn. San Francisco: It.
IL. Gratte.
Pa.: J. H.
Omaha; M. Sachs. Jr.. Reading!
Uhlman. Jr.. J. Lindner. Clncln-
natl. O.; H. F. Partridge and wife, lllnne
apolls; G. M. Jones and wife. Ocean Park;
Mrs. O. Byrnes and daughter, San Bernar
dino; J. J. Qllver, St. Paul; R. B. Calley,
Miss St. V. Calley. Seattle; F. C. Robertson.
Spokane; G L. Morris, Tacoma; W. II.
Thorn Ipn. New York; E. L. Dobrles and
daughter. New 'Jersey; A. F. Estabrook.
San Franrlsco; R. T. Graham and wife.
East Orange; W. J. Hatfleld; St. Louis; W.
A. Lampe and wife. Wheeling. W. Va.; H. J.
Adams and wife, Salem. Or.; R. C. Baker.
Seaside; G. McKay, Condon: A. Anderson
and wire, Chicago; V. C. Kerr, Boise; A.
S. Broat andwlfe. BUIlngs; F. E. Mutton
and wife. Billings; H. B. Anchy and wife.
Mrs. J. E. Gaskin. Miss B. H. Maler. Mls
C. Bauer. Phlladelchla: G. Mulligan and
wife. Toronto, OnU; F. H. Bole and wife.
C. S. Riley Winnipeg; G. E. Talnter and
wife. New York; W. L. Reld, G. W. Braln
erd. Holyoke, Mass.; S. C. Calvin. Kingston;
B. Norman. Spokane; W. J. Browne and
wife. San Francisco; V. M. Gunderson, H. A.
Prosser. Detroit
The Perkins John R- Clawson and wife.
Killings. Mont.; H. Thatcher. L. D. Seymour
and wife. Genesee. Idaho; Mrs. James Flem
ing, Miss Fleming. San Bernardino; J. IV.
Chandler. La Grande; S. Fuchs. Rawlinga.
Mrs. J. Finks, MIm Flnksv Washlem, III.; J.
P. Bolton and family, Urcuttlon, Or.; Mrs. O.
Bolton. Esta Bolton. Boyd; W. E. Miller and
wife. Boise; T. E. O'NeuTFt. Jones, Cat; J.
G. Earl and wife, Alltla. Ind.; Mih. P. Avery
and son. Corvallls; L. EL Iledrlek, Chicago;
T. F. Lyons. Bridal Veil; Sam Fenlmore,
ram pa, Wash.; A. Gordon and son. Cornelius;
II. Osterman and wife. Walla Walla: Ora
Pier. LaCronse. Wis.; J. F. Moore. II. C.
Moore, Harry Perkins, Pampa, Wash.; C. W.
Townsend and wife. Salem; L. R. Hawley,
"Walla Walla; A. F. Miller and wjfe. Flint.
Mich.; E. E. Kaseberg and wife. Wasco, Or.;
Mrs G. Hermann. Myrtle Point; N. Bradley
and wife. Dayton. Or.; H. N. Beach and wife,
.!.. ..J. n. . r ir xmt. Coin.- W f
Suiday: Ontario.
Bond and family. Newark. Cal.; G. V. Bunce.
Kathryn Hopp. John Hopp, Seattle; E. J.
Purcell. Eureka. Cal; Paul W. Howard. Jef
fersonvllle. Ind.; W. H. Staats and wife.
Bend, Or.; .C. T. List. Pittsburg, Pa.; F. L.
Gordon, Pampa; W. E. Terry and wife, Spo
kane; Oliver Morell. Omaha; Glenn Yergg.
Spokane: C. H. Bartlett and wife. Tacoma:
C. T. Oliver, Colfax; M. Conwar. Winnipeg;
J. F. Scott. Wlleon. Pa.; R. K. Montgomery.
Glendale; George K. Bo wen, Tekoa. AVashi;
Sydney B. Davis. Spokane; F. Stout and
wife. John Wacker and wlfo, Indianapolis.
The Imperlal-W. A. Wilcox. A. R. Shrine.
"Washington; R. M. Hopkins. Los Angeles; M.
Grave, Prlneville; A. W. Stewart and wife,
San Francisco; J. A. Featherman, G. W. Morsr'.
R. I. McRae. Drummond; J. O. Hamatly and
wife. Granite; Mr. and Mrs. Goldburg. Butte;
W. R. Hall. Los Angeles: E. W. Redman.
MU1 City; I. Baer. Baker City; Mr. and Mrs.
J. L Sutherland, H. M. Lafore and wife. Sa
lem; Mrs. B. M. Horton. Uklan. Cat; C. W.
Bonhara and wife. David Keerlns, Donald Mc
Donald. Iiee: Mr. Hollls. Miss S. Hollls. Mt.
Loud, Ala.; H. B. Crspe and family, Dallas:
B. M. Wlngate, The Dallea: Maynard Red
mond. Newbers; C B. Stmmondo, The Dalles;
A. R. Daubney and wife. Oakland; Dr. R. F.
Scott, San Francisco; F. D. Harsh and wife.
Des Moines; P. K. Barnes and wife. Aberdeen;
J. R. Fulheunder. Spokane; Frank H. Parr.
Seattle; M. C. Ware, San Diego; J. D. Rudy.
Saa Diego; A. T. Kelllher. Salem; J. M.
Single. Eloa. Cal.; Thomas N. Fltchard. Inde
pendence; J. G. Baker, McMlnnvIHe; B. F.
Pernot. Corvallls; E. E. Porter: W. J. Warner,
Seattle: M. Olson, E. Jones, San Francisco.
The St. Charles Malcolm Elliott, Mark
Elliott, E. Colvln. Marshland; E. D. Allen.
Springwater; R. G. Cook, W. R. Carter: L.
Miller, Kupton: G. E. Flaten. Moorhead.
Minn.; Anna. Chilada, Mt. Pleasant; C. A.
Davis and Vlfe. Mrs. Wills, Astoria; J T:
Foster; R. Wt Helm and wife, Coquella'W.
E. Owens. Chinook; J. A. Gex. St- Joiwph.
Mo.; Mrs. S. R. Richardson. Miss Richard
son: J. H. weei ana wue. Eurama; u. J
rerret. D. Perret.
Ostrander; J. Johnston,
. Clark and wife. Ocean
TOrMnl VaII? T X r?lrlr ami 'nlfp- Ocean
Park; V. B. Smith and wife, Carlton; A.
Christian; O. It. Schraltzger, San Francisco;
ariton; A.
ale; H. L.
. Ala.; J.
ee. C. Ad-
1. c ttayser. sirs, juavis, uomenaaie;
Spencer. "William Myers, Decatur, AI
TVIlllnma Vr!rl!lT? P. A Crnhtr C Ad-
dlca and' wife. Newberg; D. Warden. Dun-
selth. N. D. ; M. S. Maxwell, lone; J. J.
uooaman anu wue, rtirjumc, m. u, jum.-
mel. Fisher. Pa.: O. Grove. Ella. Pa.; W
Bush. Knanpa: V. P. Swan and wife. Cham-
poeg: J. Larson; J. F. Hamilton. Wrangell; ,
J. Dettman, St. Helens; Mrs. B. F. Coe. ;
Rainier; Mrs W. D. Taylor. Miss Jessie Tay- ;
lor. Nahcottar F Orlgh and wife. Latourell; '
C. Melllngor. C. H. Hendricks. Yankton: O. i
G. Dalaba, Elk City; F. Heeter, Mt. Pleas-
ant; G. M. McKenzle, l.yle;,G. Gleason and .
wife, M. H. McKeen and wife. Let tell; J. M. t
Blackburn. North Yamhill; H. T. Skaalbem.
Home Valley; J. I- Stelner. VT. W. Stelner.
Jefferson; J. Bennett and wife, McMInn- i
ville; . V7. Collins. Charapoeg; TV, H. Twl- j
llg'htf -Knappa; C Pearce. Ccntervllle; A. J. I
A Notable Exception.
They prefer to use the medicines
whieh they prescribe.
Now and then, however, a medicine
becomes so popular that the people
whom it cures are so numerous and
manifest that the physicians do not hes
itate to make a public Indorsement of
it. and use it in tholr practice.
Sach has been the case with Peruna.
Rccognlxed by Physician.
For many years tho physicians op
posed it.
After a while, occasionally one here
and there felt constrained to use it.
There are still many physicians who
are opposed to Peruna, but the number
of physicians, who Indorse Peruna, and
who make daily use of It In their prac
tice. Is rapidly Increasing.
Mnny Indorsements.
We append a few letters received
from such physicians. These are fair
specimens of the kind of letters we are
receiving from physicians who "nave
used Peruna.
vllfe; W. Brown. Newbers; V. Velth. Orange.
Cat: S. T. Evans, tugene, .
L. Stone;
i R. B. Cowell. Monmouth; T Lesley and
I wife. Maud Thompson. J. L. Lafferty; B. P.
ilorton anu iannij, xwnaici ,
The Esmond Mrs. Mary Goerlg and son.
Woodland: Miss M. E. Bolton, Tacoma;
Thomas Scott. Scott's Mills; Oscar Benton,
Sllverton; P. J. Papham. Clatskanle; J. H.
Morback and wife. Sherwood; J. B. E. Barnea.
Rainier. Or.; Percy Warren, ,clty; C. C. Ru
Hpon. Carrollton; L. B. Adam; Charles E.
Farrell and wife. Camae. Wash. ; B. A. Young.
E. Russell, Tacoma; John Robin. Castle Rock;
E C. Stan wood and wlfo; Houlton; E. M.
Lorenson; Mr. Larence; Anna Stanton. North
Yakima; A. J. Sunderm, Cosmopolls; J. Glee
sen and wife, F. Benner and wife. Montesano;
Mm. Egle and daughter. Clatskanle; Phlly
Beal. Arlington; Thomas Mercer, Scappoose;
A E. Harvey. Flshhawk. Or.; William H.
Soper. Kelso, Wash.; Lew Rtcharsen. Hood
River; John Moore, George Moore. Newpcrt;
Charles Sarber. Vancouver: J. P. Evans. But
ler Wash.; John ID. Matthews. Newport: P.
A 'Johnson, Sumpter; H. F. Shulz. Eugene;
L. L. Mead and wife, city; J. F. Wing. Gresh
anv N. A. Gerklns, G res ham; George W. Har
ris Salem: Walter K. Speces, A. Spcces. Cot
trell: E. R. Klllln. Woodburn; J. T. Harper
and wife. Tygh Valley; Dr. P. W. Falls. New
Orleans; B. B. Hayes. Alfred Olson. Kelso; G.
F Press. W. H. Fletcher, Cape Horn, Wash.;
S." H. Roney. George Reed, Springwater; A.
Ol.-en and family. Deep River; C. Zorn. Cham
poeg; H. D Remer, Catlln: M. Baumsartner.
Mrs. Baumsartner. Mfe Baumgartner. Spo
kane; F. V. Jansen. A. Johanson Mrs. Johan
mmi Minnie Johanson. Chinook; J. C. McFad
den. George T. Hood, Nashville; E. A. Ander
son. Clatskanle.
Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma.
American plan. Rates, S3 and up.
Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma, Washington.
European plan. Rates 75 cents to $2.30
ir day. Free 'bus
"Please Smile
Look Pleasant."
When a woman says "I am racked with
pain," the word "racked- reeUs thfi i dAya
when they stretched the tender bodies of
women on the rack with rope and pulky
until the very joints cracked.
Fancy an attendant saylpg to the tor
tared woman, "Please smile and look
PlAnd yet tho woman" racked with pahV
ls expected to smllo through her agony
end to make home happy- She catft
Ins-down pains" are related to dern
ments or disorders of the organa dte
tinctly feminine, when this coadlMoe
Is removed tho general health is reaiorad.
and with health cornea back the xallm
knwman may regain, her health al
home without offensive questrcralngs or
examinations by the use of Dr. Pierce"
Favorite Prescription. Sick women may
consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free of
charge. Such letters are treated ai
aacredlyi confidential.
'"It affords mo pleasure to relate the won
derful merits of your jrreat metas. epe
clallr TPurFavoriU macrtlon" wri
Mr. J. Wesley Rhine, ot Woodbury.N. Jersey.
tT BoX 32. "My wlfo has been twine it lor
some time past, having" suffered severely
1 -with. boarine-Qown jai"!,,rrl"ri, v
j woinen. She was very w8ak.could apt do
1 anr heavy work or washing hat can go all
ana many oiner J-"- " ih1 I rr
i uw-r-
kinds of work now. She Is soon to become a
mother bat we do not fear tho result (M
vihda of work now. ane la soon w oecvam
mother bat we do not fear tho result (u
i heretofore), all duo to your wonder-workr.
I Favorite Frascriptlon.' .
; n Ynnr "Plo&esut Pellets' are also worth
Mir-..- D1irTt
f manr times their price, I have used them
i tor Dui0u5ness and stomach trouble, ana
, v... fauna tuOul to ua ui uin jv
They are my coos" v.-v-".n
nirrnn Tha PcODlo'S
Common 8en3e Medical Ad
viser is sent free on receipt
of stamps to pay expense of
xaaillnsr only. The book con
tains 1008 paces, over 00 Illus
trations and several colored
plates. Send 21 one-cent
stamps for the paper-bound
boo, or 31 stamps for the
cloth bound. Addresa Dr.
t. Y. rKfM BaCsJ; 2f.