22 THE SUNDAY QREGONIAX . I'ORTLAXD, . SEPTEMBER 2i, 1905. SITUATIONS WANTED FXMALX. Dremwrker. SEWING IN FAMILIES FIRST-CLASS Eastern dressmaker; children's clothes a peclalty; references. Phone Mala 1202 after IP. M. and before 6 A, M. FASHIONABLE MILLINER LADIES HATS remade and trimmed, up-to-date styles and best workmanship, phone Main 4078. DRESSMAKER 'WANTS SBWING IN FAMI Mes: ladles or children's work; terms rea (onaMe. Address B 33. Orgonlan, EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER AND LA e' tallorcta wishes aewlng Jn famllltw. Address or call 003 Johnson RELIABLE DRESSMAKER "WITH REFER oaees wants day -work; price $2. Phone Main 0340. Room 53. BXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES rcwlng by the day; $1.73. Mrs. Dunford, SS Pcttygrovc Bt- ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING; PLAIN and fancy suits; alw children's garments. 42S 13th st. MRS. VAUGHN. COMPETENT DRESS raaker. wants work by-day; price f 2. Phone Main C4. MRS MANFORD. EXPERIENCED DRESS maker. wants day sewing; price $2. Phone Main 049. H." ANTB D CH I LD R BNM5 SEWING TO DO. very reasonable. Phone East 3S43. PLAIN DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY; EX perieaced. Phone Clay 716. Miscellaneous. HOTKL. RRSTAURANT. FAMILY. CAMP. Htiadry. farmhands, store, factory help. hetekeepn. furnished. Telephone Drake, Washington. BXrSRlBNCBD GIRL WANTS POSITION to tak- care f a baby. Apply feronoon Tharaay and Friday. 330 10th t., near Market. TOfNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS anamnrtrnttir on ralar' and commission; has had previous experience Q 40. Oregonlan. OIRL LEARNING MILLINERY WOULD Hke place to stay; will help evenings and SMMMajS lor UOtttu. i- I . uui,. LADY TRAP DRUMMER WISHES POSITION In ktdtey or mixed orchestra; dance worjc sroferred. Addrews O 48. Oregonlan. WANTJCD CHILDREN TO BOARD AND eare for; good home; best of care; and terms rciiOTTinHr V 46. care Oregonlan. TTAXTBD-POSITION BY ELDERLY LADY, light work, low salary: good seamstress. AMreps C . Orogenlan. YOTNG LADY. EXPERIENCED. WANTS ofk work; ea'n give fine references. Aa Arass Q 88. Oregonlan. position" vanted as cashier: can Etve bt af reference. Address Miss Corlnne HoRmaa. Oregon City. WANTBD COrYING OR addressing en L ulogirr by yoang woman owning typewriter. Teteshone Mala 4388. GOOD COOK WANTS POSITION. BOARD-tag-boare preferred; beet of reference, a n, Ortgaman. KXPRRIBNCBD LAUNDRESS WANTS worfc by day. Address 071 S. 2d at. Miss C. Tetltfsen. WANTBO-SMALL CHILD TO CARE FOR; need home: ho other children. Box -. Oarrns. Or. YOlNO GIRL DBSIRBS PLACE IN SMALL famlH- assist with housework. C 40. Oregonlan. WAXTBO - AN 3XPBRIENCED "WOMAN wm work ay day or half day. K. 30. Ore panto n. XXPBR1ENCBD ARM WAITRESS DESIRES vMor; rteady and reliable. Telephone Main S76S. WANTKD-A STEADY POSITION BY A COM- NU1IMMT iriraraer. to, "" WAXTSD CHILD TO BOARD; LOVELY : terms reasonable, rnone i niBnuu. EXPKRIBNCSD SEAMSTRESS WOULD Hke pewlng by the day. Phone Main 2243. KXPKRIK.VCRD YOUNG LADY DESIRES aoetUoa as cashier. R 40. Oregonlan. LADY GOING BAST WANTS POSITION A3 smrse or oampanlon. 22S N. 10th st. IMaMB LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS. Phot Scott, 4. Mm. S. Soott. LACK CURTAINS LAI'NDERED AND FAN cy IroMtag. Phone Main 3740. WANTBO WASHING AND HOUSE CLEAN, tag. Phone Hood 143. room 12. i WANTED AGENTS. AORNTS WANTED - HUSTLING. AMBI ttoas agents wanted in the surrounding tcr rHorr to Introduce our patented foot speclal tftan: everyWdy who suffers from any kind f Soot trMe! buys them en slrht; our Cstttorxta agent sold over 2000 pairs In two nmftt Portland arcnCV Sa Washington et. Send us poftal for full paracttlars. oamaino insoie ucjiu CfMctsaaU. O. -K CAN MAKE A MOST ATTRACTIVE OF. fr la onercotlc men and women to become oar pOTaaaeat representatives In their own tacalKlr. Prefer those who can devote their whole time, with a view to managing branohea far an after January "1- No capital Moaitsd. We manHfarturo a staple line of aserehaadtpe. for which there Is universal desaaad. Raymond. Hill & Co.. 1S5 Klnzle rt.. Chicago. AOKNTS WANTED MEN OR WOMEN. ALL r apare time; to rell line or importer meai ctaa: reeotamended by most successful phy fontans: bo drug: nothing like them made; teUe la every home; energetic agents can afh' earn S26 a week: no experience neces- arr; wrHc at once tor terms; give age. ter ritory wanted atxl rererenccs. Adaress il L Hrowaa & Co.. 1711 No. Leavltt t.. Chi raga. WANTKO AGENTS AND RIDE-LINE MEN laahe p to $St a day selling direct to rner etaajm oar MereotoopeH and colored views atW "Trloc Around The World," sella on stefct: MfreMntt make from 100 to 300 per rwfat prost; fi cemmltlon on ever' order; vrrl toaay. 11M, ivawin & ixi., unicago ALBSMEN WANTED; NEW PROPOSI tlon: commission and premium: outfit free; coed terrlterr onen: cash advanced on orders eah week: write quick and and reference wttk application. Address ivasnisgton ur ery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED SPECIAL AGENT: "WRITE LIFE, health, aerlaent policies: appoint agents; 573 wrkly rnd expense easily made; unique proposttlua: experience unnecessary. Write Oncar KKswa. iuu summit ave.. eeattie, wash. LADY AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS FOR SahMa "perfect form and oorret combined"; S9f a week easily made; outfit prepaid, wxttc for catalogue and terms. Women's AMael Supply Co., Chicago. A WINNER FOR AGENTS HEALTH AND arcMant insurance on popular monthly pay saent. For liberal terms, address O. A. Lymaa. ntanngor N. W. Dept., 320 Mo hawk Mac Portland, Or. W A DAY SURE PORTRAPTS 30 CENTS, frames 12 cente; cheapest house on earth. Whole tale catalogue free. Agents wanted. Frank W. WlHlams & Co., 1210 Taylor St., Cfeteage. AOKNTS MAKE TO 110 A DAY FITTING glasses: big profits; our 24 -pa go free eye beak tells how; write today. Jacksonlan 'nteil College. College place, Jackson. Mieetcan. MAN CLEARED J11S2. LADY S720. LAST eis. months selling new celluloid waterproo . boe dressing; why not you? Demonstrated -aaqrtes nee. u. uenton & 260 Clark. CMeaga. AOKNTS TO SELL DIAMONDS ON CREDIT ;a all honest persons: long time: flnwt goods I rw prices. Liberal commission. "Walker Edawnd Co.. 103 State ex., cnicag.o JAPAN-RUSSIA WAR. COMPLETE OFFI dal history; bonanra for canvassers; extra terras; cutflt free; general agents wanted on salary Zlegier Co., rouaaeipnia. AGENTS MAKE BIG MONEY SELLING our "Mndarlp' to farmers. You have the "bull by the horns." It sews; It rivets. Feate Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. AOKNTS MEN AND ."WOMEN MAKE 25 TO sas weekly working for us. Bells at sight. v rite for tree particulars. scnrniat t Co., 33 L River si.. Chicago. ine PER CENT AND PREMIUMS TO aeente taking orders for our Christmas ape- rtalUes; easy sellers, samples ngnt ana free. Hlff Co.. Cbicago. W ANTED FIVE PHOTOGRAPH COUPON hustlem: crack-a-Jack ofier for Tacoma fare paid. Call today or Sunday, SOI Dekuxn building. TEN "CENTS FOR OUR BIG SEVEN-CAKE dollar box snap. JG to fl5 dally easily earned anywnere. Parker tnemicai uo.. cnicago. TOILET SOAPS: ONLY 8-CAKE BOX. large, new chapes. 1S3 per cent pront. Kel WANTED TO JOSNT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO their advantage to list their vacant housti or flats with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory hie become a recognised institution In Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed In suitable quarters. We make so charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this aervlce by calling at our rental department, filling in our Informa tion blank; leavo the rest to us; we will oocure a desirable tenant; we want houses iu all parts of city and suburbs; If you have a Vacant hooae, fiat or apartment, phone the particulars. "We won't allow it to, remain long Idle. ' H. HL EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHHR, RentAl Department. 183 to 101 1st st. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. 10 to 15 rooms; must be In nice nelghbor hood; can give satisfactory reference and security; state location, how furnb-hed. rent and conveniences. Address N 40. Oregonlan. "WANTED THREE TO FIVE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; distance out no object; near car line; Portland Heights preferred. Address room S3, Hotel Palmer, city. ROOM AND BOARD YOUNG COUPLE DE RI res rood room and board on West Side, central location, private family preferred. Telephone Monday, Mam 6401, or X 30. Orr-gonlan. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM. CENTRAL. wt Hide, not over 10 minutes' walk from business center I 1-0 per month: by lady em ployed. Address P 33, Oregoalon. with full particulars. WANTED FOR "WINTER 5 OR 6-ROOM furnished house within walking distance Postoffice; West Side preferred: family of two;, answer immediately. TV 30, Ore gonlan. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM. VERY close In: modern; prefer private ramiiy or ntflect mixed crowd: 523 month; permanent; gentleman. V 30, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT MODERN 6 OR 7- room house. West Side, walking distance; reasonable; very responsible tenants. R 30, Oregonlan. TWO YOUNG LADIES DESIRE ROOM AND board In private family. East Bid preferred: must be reasonable; references. X 48, Ore gonlan. "WANTED ABOUT OCT. 4, A FURNISHED u or 7-room nouse or nat, moorn improve ments; fmlly four dults. B 47. Oregontn. "WANTED ROOMS FOR 3 ADULTS WITH private bath; must be first class; with board preferred. " T 40, Oregonlan. 3 OR C-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, WEST Bide; permanent; no children. -Phone East 3002. F. C. Graham, 80 B. 18th st. WANTED BY OCTOBER 1. 8 OR 0-ROOM modem house, centrally located, for perma nent tenant. J 3S. Oregonlan. "WANTED TO RENT. BY YOUNG COUPLE. Modern u-room house In good location; rent reasonable. W 47. Oregonlan. SINGLE GENTLEMAN WISHES ROOM OR room and board In private family; Mate price per month. V 48. Oregonlan. LARGE. BRIGHT ROOM FOR VOCAL STf- dle. center of city: state terms far five days a week. D 40, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT MODERN C TO 8- room house, walking dlntance; permanent. Address C 30, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT 6 OR 7-ROOM MOD- ern house, within 20 minutes' walk of Post office. D 30. Oregonlan. 3 OR 4-ROOM FLAT. FURNISHED OR- UN- rurnlehed. or rooma Tor light housekeeping wanted. P 37, Oregonlan. f WANTED VACANT HOUSE. FROM 15 TO i.v roomn: roust ie central. Address Ed Krue ger. 182H Union ave. GENTLEMAN DESIRES "ROOM AND BOARD in private family. West Side, permanent. L 40. Oregonlan. WANTED FURNISHED ROOM. BREAK- taei ana dinner; west side; permanent. W 40, Oregonlan. 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE FOR "WIN- ter; lour adults; absolutely reliable. C 40, Oregonlan. WANTED ALL OR PART OF FURNISHED or nee or deskroom; mu9t be central. X 40, Oregonlan. MODERN HOUSE. 8 TO 12 ROOMS. FUR- niRoea or uniurnisnea. x. so, Orgonian. WANTED TO RENT DAIRY OR POULTRY farm near Portland. P 47. Oregonlan. GOOD STORE BUILDING. CENTRAL; STATE lentn ot lease. j az, oregonlan. WANTED WITHIN A FEW DAYS GOOD 0- room house. East 3715. 1VANTED-MI8CKLLAXEOUS. WANTED A GOOD SBCOND-HAND. 5-FT. roll-top oaK iesic wita revolving chair. State condltlea and lewtot cash price. Y 40, Ore gonlan. WANTED A GOOD SECOND-HAND 1009 20-Inch frame bicycle; state maker and con dition and lowest cash price. A 40, Ore gonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 317. "WANTED TEAM SUITABLE FOR OVER- land trip; must be cheap; give description ana price, ti 48. Oregonlan. I "WANT TO BUY A FOUR-STRING DOU- ble bass violin: tcnall Fides and light con etructlon. X 40, Oregonlan. BRINDLE BULL TERRIER AND BLACK cocker, over 0 months; must be well bred and cheap. A 30. Oregonlan. WANTED-TO BUY HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture. Send postal or call Hard Cash Furni ture Store, 200H lt st. TO RENT NO 0 REMINGTON TYPJ?- 40. Oregonlan. WANTED APPLES FOR MAKINO CIDER. Address rortnrop &. Sturgls C67V C North Front st. WANTED SECOND-HAND POULTRY CLO- ver and bone cutters. O 47, Oregonlan. IN REFINED PRIVATE FAMILY. ON WEST Side, by young lady, u 47, Oregonlan. WANTED TO PURCHASE YOUNG BOSTON terrier. Addrwa V 40, Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of ail k.'nds. Phone East 2232. WE PAY J30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. 2L E. Edwards. 183-101 1st st. WANTED TO BUY FIND SUIT CASE cheap. E B0, Oregonlan. TOR BENT. Rooms. 433 7TH PLEASANT CLEAN FRONT ROOM, suitable for two gentlemen; gas. bath and phone free. v NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two. centrally located, bath, gas, etc 23i 12tb st. TWO ROOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED, f-10 per month; nlngle rooms. Call today, 187 Mill st. NEATLY FURNISHED SLEEPING AND housekeeping rooms, dofe'ln. 80 Tenth, near Stark. FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAM lly, 30c per night. 314 Hoyt U. cor. 15th. SUITE OF ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR. TWO beds, suitable for part)' of four. 4CS Taylor. ROOMS WITH PRIVATE FAMILY, PERMA nent or transient, board optional. Main 3693. FURNISHED ROOMS. REASONABLE RATES. 123 Grand ave., near B. Morrison. Scott 1432. NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS, PERMANENT or transient. 408 Taylor su, Tpear 13th st. The Oilman Cheapest and best located rooms In Portland; SI per week up. 1st and Alder. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; PRIVATE, central and reasonable. 333 3d st. ONE FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE FOR two; 33 tfer week. 320 0th at. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. Inquire 812 Clay st PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, private family, bxt iamniu ik. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. Jl.50 PER week ana up. syz ront st 471 ALDER CLOSE TO BUSINESS, PERMA sent or transient; reasonable. FURNISHED ROOM. MODERN. NEAR BE- lasco xneatcr, o -. iiin rx. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE xor one or two. aaa juu iu roK jtrxr. Raaxna. UNITED STATES HOTEL Fronting on three street. 6th, Ankenr and Burnside; moat central location In the city; cool, comfortable, clean quarters at econom ical prices; rooms 50c. 75c and SI per day. All rooms have outside windows and front on street. Flfth-t. cars at depot to within 1 block of hotel. X beds; no cots; no bus; no runners, largest, lightest offlca in city. THE AUDITORIUM. 20SK 3d. bet. Taylor and Salmon. 1 block south Baker Theater Elegant furnished, brick building, steam heat, hot and cold running water In rooms, free baths; rooms with private baths, electric light, ele vator: rooms for two. l day. J3.W week tip; reasosabla by month; tourists solicited. NEW L'ANGE HOTEL. EUROPEAN PLAN, cor. 0th and "Washington; rates 50c. 73c. 1 per day; electric lights, bells and elevator; free 'bus to and from all trains; baths free; elegant cafe In connection. F. Lange. proprietor; Sam Banman. manager, former ly of Omaha and St. Louis. THE COZY, 103-19S 7TH. COR. OF TAYLOR St.. one block from Portland Hotel and two blocks from the city P- O.. dec large outride runny room, at very reasonable rates; Just the place for Fair visitors, as It is run on the Ecropeas plan and good restaurants near by. THE GARLAND, C21 Washington sL. between 10th and 20th; new, modern, all outside rooms; electric lights, phone, free baths; &0c. 73c. II per day- restaurant In building. Take "M" cat at drpot. Phone ,Rod 03L 212 7TH ST.. COR. SALMON Nic LARGE airy rooms, beautiful trees, only 2 blocks from Portland Hotel. Postoffice and theater; tourist trade solicited; price reasonable, Phone Main 2238. ROOMS FOR RENT. SINGLE OR EN SUITE, beautifully furnished, large Mvlag room for guest, hot and cold water In each room, free bath and telephone. Main 1133. or call at 207 14th at. rOR RENT-NICE. LARGE FURNISHED front room; well lighted, hot and cold water; first floor; 5oc per day; good neigh borhood. 309 Holladar. near Steel bridge. V car. NEAT FURNISHED ROOM. BATH. MOD errv for party of four people, choice loca tion, f2.IiO per week each, one single room, private faintly. 473 Alder st. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE laroiiy. arei boot; gas. Bain ana jibuup; u; references given and required; might rerve breakfast. 638 Williams ave. FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, with modern convenience, suitable for house keeping; good neighborhood; rent reasonable. 334 Rom at.. East Side. LARGE, NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT room, with large clothes cfotet. heat, bath and use of phone; terms reasonable; private xamlly. 300 Columbia. DESIRABLE ROOM. EVERY CONVEN'I ence. for gentleman, private family, best locality, 5 minutes from P. O. 168 Lowns 3 ale atreet. 410 3D ST.-2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS 2 doable beds and cot; 'will accommodate 5 persons, on car line to Fair; rat-s, 30 cents per night. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE family; all conveniences; gas. phone, bath; on car line; suitable for Fair visitors. 308 Jefferson. ONE LARGE BAY WINDOW FRONT ROOM. S12 per month to permanent renter; we of phone and bath. 330 6th, bet. Clay and Market. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO prl-llege of kitchen, for young ladles, acrom from Portland Academy; $3 a month. 42S 13th. 435 MAIN. COR. 12TH NICELY FURNISHED front parlor, first floor, sal table for four perrons; other furnished rooms; central; fine location. FRONT ROOM IN NEW HOUSE. M.00 A month; would serve breakfaeu 22d Ea.t 33th st.. between Sunnyslde and Hawthorne lime. DELLHART NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, brick building, modern conveniences; rextau rant underneath. 20SH Salmon st.. near 1st. THE DORMER, 13TH AND JEFFERSON Elegant rooms; modem brick; steam heat; bath; rates reasonable. Phone Main 038. NICELY FURNISHED FRQNT ROOM,PRI vate family; modern conveniences; waiting distance; reasonable. Phone East 1701. LARGE. BEAUTIFUL FRONT PARLOR, brat location, walking distance, modern, rea sonable. 403 4th St.. cor. Hanieon. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, bath, gas; housekeeping If desired; reason able; private house. 002 Front. 3 LARGE FRONT ROOMS IN COTTAGE; nicely furnished, for housekeeping; bath, gaa, yard. etc. 14 E. 11th St.. North. PLEASANT ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SLTrE. lower floor, private family. 333 Gllsan , cor. 17th. Gentlemen preferred. FURNISHED ROOMS NICE LARGE CLEAN room, gaa, bath andphone, SOc per day. $2.50 per week. CO North 14th st. FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY for young lady employed during day; modern conveniences; G. 340 Clay. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gas. phone; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent. 303 12th at. RYAN HOUSE. 2t4 CTH - ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, en suite or single. Oppo site City nan; transient. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. walking distance, bath, gas, phone. 43 weeic Ki urana ave. 238H 18TH ELEGANTLY FURNISHED room in new house; permanent or transient; gentlemen prererrea. FURNISHED SLEEPING-ROOM; PLEASANT and fronting on first floor; use of telephone. 320 Montgomery su GENTLEMEN OR LADIES EMPLOTED DUR- lng day can And good permanent rooms, Call 223 W. Park. 102 1STH. NEAR TAYLOR-PLEASANT. sunny room, suitable for two gentlemen; gas. bath, phone; 607 NORTHRUP ST. NICELT FURNISHED front parlor.- modern conveniences. (10. Phone Main 4p7S. NICELY-FURNISHED ROOM IN FRIVATEx family, all modem convenience; close in. 28 . iota st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS AND SUITES, use of phone, gas. bath, reasonable. 213 13th, near salmon. FURNISHED ROOM. UPSTAIRS; GAS; very central. Tako M car from depot. 3SS Taylor. FURNISHED ROOMS. MOST REASONABLE ana Aiurr. r PLEASANT ROOMS BY DAY. WEEK OR month; bath, zas and free phone. -454 Co lumbla st. A PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE for two gentlemen; permanent. 13 N. 17th street. LARGE, WELL FURNISHED ROOMS IN One private notne. lai I4tn at.; phone Main 2813. NOB HILL. ON CAR LUXE. ELEGANTLY furnished room for two gentlemen. Phone Main 0409. FRONT ROOM FOR RENT; 13 PER MONTIL 372 Front, cor. or Grant. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. 401 13T ST., Flat A. R 00 mi With Board FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board, choice location. 303 Salmon. Phone Main ISOfl. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD BY THE week; 34 and up, at the Garfield Hotel, 330 jr. itn au BOARD AND ROOM. 67 NORTH 20TII ST. en suite or single; also third floor for bach elora hall. BRIGHT ROOM. WITH BOARD. BEST Main 1091. "THE TOURAINE," FIRST-CLASS TABLE board. Next door Hotel Portland Annex. 1S8 7th. THE OZARK. 223 11TH SI-. ROOMS EN telle or -el'gle. board; hot and cold water. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD. 33 TO fO.30 per weex. a may. Jmone iiam 3033. ANY ONE WISHING PERMANENT BOARD ROOM AND BOARD FOR TRANSIENTS PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED: MODERN crlvate home. 10 leu. cor. u lira a. R0031K WITH BOARD GU MYRTLE ST. Poland Heights, rnone aiain arai, LARiSe FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR 2 sood table aoaru. oi imngsu FOR KENT. KaoBBs WMh SoareL ROOM AND BOARD FOR REFINED GEN- tiemen or man and wife In a lovely mod ern home: best home cooking and every comfort of home; on E. Morrison car line; must have good reference. Phone East 4010. THE HESPERIAN. 333 MORRISON STREET biegant rooms with flrst-clars meal, steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath and phone. Transient and permanent trade so licited. Phone Main 1305. MRS. L. M. COX (FORMERLY 718 Wayne at.) will be prepared to receive boarders at 401 10th St.. cor. Harrison. -October 1. Fine location; cars convenient. Phone Main 3015. WIDOW HAVING ELEGANT. MODERN. up-to-date flat would like a couple of gen tlemen roomers; board If desired: all home comforts; private family. F 40, Oregonlan. THE WOODLAND COI-. CTH AND MADI- zon. jocaieo in ine ocai residence -amrict; blocks from the Portland: beautiful rooms with running water; reasonable; permanent. THE MANITOU. 261 13TH. ST. HANDSOME- ly furnished steam-heated rooms, single or en suite, fine baths, abundant bot water, excellent home-cooked roeale. well served. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH TEAM; rooms with board; use of sewing-room: use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. ,E. B. Hamlin. Supt 310 Flanders. PRIVATE FAMILY. NO CHILDREN. WISH to room and board man ana wire, or two gentlemen: 10 minutes walk to P. O. D 37, Oregonlan. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. CORVALLIS. OR. rii cwunc ana urui , nnus wen rca- tlleted; splendid service: centrally located. A PRIVATE FAMILY WANTS SEVERAL people; choicest locality, sightly rooms, near two car lines. 620 Main; take Heights car. . LADY WITH COMFORTABLE HOME would board two young ladles employed dur ing day; reasonable. H 48. Oregonlan. BLAKELY HALL. 270 CTH ST. PLEASANT rooms with first-class board; one of the nicest private boarding-houses In city. LARGE FRONT PARLOR ROOM. SUITABLE for two; will give good family board If de sired, for 14 week. 131 N. 12th. NEWLY FURNISHED COZY ROOMS WITH good home cooking; desirable location; terms reasonable. Phone 5S30. ROOM AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS ACCOM- moaotiona, private home, piano, batn. one block to car. Phone East 2314. "THE.TOURAINE." PRIVATE BOARDING- house; elegant front rooms. Next door Hotel Portland Annex. 15S 7th. ROOM WITH BREAKFAST AND DINNER for two permanent gentlemen; good home cooking. 234 14th .. South. WANTED-A PERMANENT COUPLE FOR the Winter In swell home, West Side, north of MerrUon. A 37. Oregonlan. C51 EAST MORRISON FURNISHED ROOMS with board, bath. 3.0 per week; private family. Phoae Union 1615. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS. rain. gas. pnone; reasonaoie; t air visitors or permanent, 393 12tb it. FURNISHED 'ROOMS WITH BOARD ON East Side, close In. reasonable; bath, gas, phone. H 47. Oregonlan. THE HAWTHORNE ROOMS WITH BOARD. good home cooking, reasonable, central, on car line. 221 13th. LADY WITH HER OWN HOME WOULD like gentleman boarder; no other boarders. P 48. Oregonlan. LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen, with or without hoard. 13o 11th. cor. Alder. 435 ALDER ST FURNISHED BASEMENT. light, dry and convenient. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD. 153 I3tn St.. cor. iiorrl-on. Flats, LADY ALONE. IN PRETTY LOWER FLAT. oeeks lady teacner to snare expenies and light domestic duties; piano, bath. gas. tele phone; object, mutual enjoyment, pleasant home. Abigail Scott Dunlway. 202 Clay. LOWER PART OF FURNISHED HOUSE. with or without two room upstairs, at t0 Irving e., bet. 21st and 22J,; every con venience. NEW 5-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. OCT. 1; Ira and electric fixtures, furnace, every thing first class. $37.50, corner. Call 232 Sixth. FOR RENT NEW. MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. first floor, ro East Sth st., near iturasMe. $25. Apply to Paget tc Son. 120 Front st. TWO WEST SIDE FLATS 354 VS. 5SS 7TH ST. 7 strictly modem; no a mall children: perma nent; $18. Owner. Phone Pacific 440. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 4-ROOM FLAT to family of adults. East Side, etotfe in, $20 month. Inquire 146H Front, FOR RENT l-ROOM UNFURNISHED FLAT. 6th and San Rafael sis. Apply 421 Hancock st. Phone East 1810; rent $0. THREE ROOMS PARTLY FURNISHED FOR housekeeping; choice neighborhood; Weat Side. Phone Main 5S40. $25.00 HALF OF A WELL-FURNISHED 6- room fiat for rent; modem. 10H 10th. Call mornings. NEW FLATS. 10TH AND DAVIS. SEE them today. Donald G. Woodward. 240 Stark at. SECOND STORY 4 ROOMS. WATER. SEC- ond and Arthur sts.; rtnt $10. Inquire 681 2d st. MODERN C-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. FUR- nlturc for sale; bargain. $225. A 38, Ore gonlan. TWO FLATS. NEW. MODERN. WEST SIDE. Slain 301. bundays and after 4 P. M. week days. MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. RONTING river near Steel bridge Inquire 2SS Larra bee. FURNISHED FLAT OF 4 ROOMS, ALL conveniences. Call Monday. 344 iontgom-ery- 4-ROOM FLAT. NEW. MODERN. GAS. bath. Inquire afternoons. IMo 4. at 412 2d. FOR RENT LOWER CORNER FLAT. 117 N. ISth st,. comer G I Iran. Phone State 764. FOR RENT 7-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT, fine location. Phone Main 55C3 until 2 P. M. FOR RENT MODERN G-ROOM FLATS, choice residence location. 133 N. 18th at. 32S PARK ST. OCT. 1. NICE 5-ROOM FLAT, MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. GAS. PORCELAIN bath; clce In, West Side. Apply 450 4th. - NEW MODERN 7-ROOM FLAT. I0TH. NEAR Burnside. Inquire 23 N. 0th et. FIVE-ROOM FLAT. CLOSE IN. APPLY 592 Commercial block. N llousckeeplns Rooms. 3 NEAT, CLEAN. FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, close in. Inquire 103 West Park ft. 361 14TH ST. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, first floor; gas. bath and phone; no chil dren, f ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING IN NEW modem house. 293 Crosby at. Phone East ssoe. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FUR nlshed, ground floor. 263 2d st,, near Mad ison. TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS. TWO BEDS, gaa atove. no children. 468 Taylor st-. near 13th. 221 14TH ROOMS $3 WEEK AND UP: GAS. bath and phone; permanent people preferred. WITCH HAZEL. First and Madloon Hous keeping rooms, transient; bath, electric light. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent. 700 E, Yamhill st. East 1406. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS AT 302 4th st.. dose In; moderate rent. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms. 427 2d st,. near Hall. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SINK, bath and pantry all by Itself. 408 Clay. SUITE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; BATH, electric lights, phone- 310 10th st. THREE UNFURNISHED, ROOMS. FOR housekeeping. Apply 63 E. 10th. NEATLY FURNISHED SUITE FOR HOUSE keeplng; reasonable. 2814 3d. TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 153 Montgomery. FOR RKNT 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 213 N. 18th st- - " 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT. 63 7th it. FOX RENT. Hoaacke lar Rnoair. THE ONEONTA. 1S7 17TK S"L, NEAR TAX. hill New house, elegantly furnished apart meats, in suites of 2. 3 asd 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gaa range la each kites. ea; steam hear, baths; fre pbcae oa. each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms in best brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath. etc. no transients; prices moderate. Logan bile. 10SH Union are., cor. E. Alder. Phone Union 32S3. WELLINGTON COURT 15TH AND EVER ett Elegantly fuffilshed 4-room house keeping apartment, possessing modern con veniences; excellent neighborhood and sur roundings; no children. LARGE, HIGH FRONT SITTING-ROOM, with mantel, bed and open grate, and kitchen, with gaa- stove; bath, laundry m basement: rent. $14; 1 block from S car. Inquire 207 Grant at. THREE NICELY FURNISHED CONNECT -ing housekeeping rooms. lnk in kitchen; very convenient. $12 per month. 403 E. 27th st. Phone East 2343. Waverly-Woodstock cars. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING reams, down stalrr. Oct. 1, close in; no gas or bath; rent $12; water and phone paid; adults only. R 48, Oregonlan. THREE PLEASANT ROOMS. GAS RANGE, phone, bath, good basement. 15 minutes' walk from Postoffice; private; quiet; ref erences. 6S 5th. FURNISHED - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, very reasonable to steady tenants: good lo cation, modern. Call Sunday or after 6. 541 Second at, TWO OR THREE FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlshed rooms for rent; modem, sutlable for light houiekeeplng. 878 E. Yamhill at. Phone East 4001. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING. QUIET Lo cation; 4-room suite; $10 month: --room. $3. Dickson. University Park; phone Scott 12M. MODERN ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN furnlshed; erulte. with running water ;three rooms with kitchen. 002 Vi Lovejoy. 430 QUIMBY ST.. BET. 10TH AND 11TH Newly furnished housekeeping suites, com plete. $10 per month; no children. FRONT SUITE. COMPLETE FOR HOUSE keeplng; running water, gas. phone; very reasonable. 440 5th. cor. College. CONNECTED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, completely furnished; gas range, phone, bath, laundry. lt5 N. 10th st. 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SEP arate rooms. $8 month, without children. Apply 434 3d st-. cor. College. PART OF FLAT. WELL FURNISHED, complete for housekeeping: centrally located. Inquire S24 3d St.. room 1. SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS with gas stove; good location; $L73 per week. 3S2 E. Yamhill st. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, with use of bath, phone. llOd Taggart-Richmond car; $10. LARGE. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS; gas. bath; light housekeeping if desired. After 4 P. M.. 412 2d st. J EFFERSONIAN. 514 JEFFERSON ST. 2 and J-room housekeeping suites, possessing all modem conveniences. 430 QUIMnY. BET. 10TH AND 11TH Newly furnished housekeeping suites, com plete. $10 per month up. THREE NICELY-FURNISHED. LARGE rooms, first floor, bath, ga9; housekeeping; $20 month. C02 Front. THREE ROOMS PARTLY FURNISHED FOR housekeeping; choice neighborhood: West Side. Phone Main 5540. JBFFERSONIAN. 514 JEFFERSON ST. 2 and 3-room housekeeping suites, posseestng all modem conveniences. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite; very convenient for tourists. 301 Irving st.. cor. 17th. 435 MAIN. COR. 12TH NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas, bath and phone; central; nna location. 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. Including water, sink. bath. 3SC Pettygrove. NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. PARTLY famished or unfurnished, $8 per month. 312 Columbia st. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. modem conveniences. 202 ICth st., near Jefferson. NICBLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, close in; bath. 83 10th. near Starx. FRONT ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR: GAS. bath, furnace heat, 146 N. 16th. Phone West 2S01. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lng rooms, second floor. 335 Clay at,, cor. Seventh. House. 0-ROOM HOUSE. NEWLY PAPERED. AT Manns station, Woodstock. $15 month. Telephone Scott 1020. FOR RENT C-ROOM HOUSE. FULE BASE nwnt. 324 Union ave. Phone Union 1101. from 0 to 11 A. M. NEW UP-TO-DATE S-ROOM MODERN house, latest conveniences. 702 Northup. Telephone Main 4025. SALE OR RENT SIX-ROOM MODERN. 500 K. 16th and Clinton; take Woodstock car; terms reasonable. $10 NEW 5-ROOM PLASTERED COTTAGE. Call en premises today, 585 Falling st.. Woodlawn car. ELEGANT MODERN 10 ROOMS, ONE year, or 3 partly furnished If desired. A 40. Oregonlan. FINE" S-ROOM COR. HOUSE. NEWLT REN- ovated. reasonable to the right party. In- qulre ' OC First. FOR RENT 10-ROOM HOUSE. VERMONT and Wisconsin. H. Bleeg, Curson Heights. Phone Main SOS. . . GOOD 0-ROOM COTTAGE. 404 MISSISSIPPI ave.. $14 month. Inquire 238 Larrabee, East Side. NICE 7-ROOM HOUSE. GAS. MODERN. reasonable. 253 Hancock. See owner. 52 E. 12th North. CHEAP. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE ahlckcn-house; an acre; Oak Grove, X 47, Oregonlan. 6 ROOMS. BATH. YARD. $14. 846 MON- tana. Phone Main 334 . morning?, out st. Albina car. 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. FULL BASE mentGlbba street. Inquire room 10. Hamil ton bldj-. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. E. 1BTH AND STARK, Apply C. Fuhr. office Hotel Rhelnphalz. 233 1-ront. I bet. Mill and Montgomery. Apply owner. 364 14th st. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE ON E. FIRST N between Hancock and Broadway. Phone East 1232. MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE WITH FUR nace; pricc $33. 453 HalL Phone Main 3373. FOR RENT MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE. Inquire at 301 E. Oak st- Phone East 1048. A T-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE FOR rent. 433 4th at- Apply on premises. FOR RENT A 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 5S3 Kearney st- Inquire at 381 Kearney st. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. PARTLY FUR- nlshed If desired, at 043 Bolmont st. GOOD 5-ROOM HOUSE. SOUTH PORT land, $11 a montn. a iu, irrcgonian. $13 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. 830 E. 27TH. FOR RENT - 5-ROOM HOUSE. FULTON Farx. 110. inquire mi wi&cr si. 104 11TH 3T. REAR HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS. $15. inquira none jasi w. FOR RENT HOUSE 104 17TH ST. INQUIRE a. ixjwengrci. .rui. FOR RENT-330 MONTGOMERY ST., A new b-room count. mouu. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 680 E. TAYLOR. $30. F. W. Torgier, iuu onerioc oius- t 5-ROOM HOUSES. KING O'NEIL'S. GRO- cerr. cor. Hood and. orant. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN. 448 10TH. Inquire 403 I'arit FOR RENT HALF HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS. 812 water psr mo. FOR RENT NEW. MODERN COTTAGE. Phone East 2378. HOUSES FOR RENT. HATFIELD & SMITH. 1651a 4W L TOR RENT. Xonses. H. E. EDWARDS, Honaefurnlsher. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Dwellings of all kinds and In all parts of the city are listed with us. We have the most complete directory of vacant houses in town, and if you contemplate moving; It will pay you to visit our rental depart ment. Wo arc sure to have a plaee for you. Following is a partial list: WEST SIDE. D-room house, good condition $ 0.00 IJ-roora house, good condition 10.00 4-room house, gas. good condition.. 10.00 3 rooms, gas. South Sixth st. 15.00 0-roora house, bath, gas 16.00 4- room flat, bath, gas 18.00 5- room flat. bath, gas, Jefferson at.. 20.00 4-room flat, bath, gas, new 20.00 4-room flat. bath, gas 23.00 0-roorn cottage, nqw, Wilson at 25.00 7-room house, new. bath, gas ....... 23.00 10-room house, new, bath 23.00 8-room house, bath, gas G-room flat, new-modem. 12th st. .. 30.00 12-room house, close in - 65.00 EAST SIDE. 3- room house. Woodlawn 7.00 4- room house, new. Tremont 8.00 4-room cottage, good as new ...... 10.00 4- room house, bath, acre of ground. 10.00 D-room cottage. Clay st, 10.00 5- room cottage, fair condition ...... 13.00 4- room cottage, new. bath, electricity 15.00 7-room house, fair condition . - 15.00 H-room. house, bath, fair condition.. 13.00 7-room. home. new. bath, gas 16.00 5- room house, bath, electricity..... 17.50 7-room house, new, bath 20.00 fl-room hous. new, strictly modern. 20.00 7-room house, new. bath. gas....... 22.00 7-room house, modem, fine fawn.... 22.30 Note No Information regarding these houses can be given aver phone. H. E. EDWARDS. Housefurnlsher, 183 to 101 First St, HOUSES. TO RENT. 313.50500 N. 24 St., 5 rooms. 314.001060 Front St., 5 rooms. 314.00634 Mllwaukle st-, 3 rooms. $13.00210 Curry st-. 3 rooms. 316.00701 Corbett st., 7 rooms. $16.00 300 Schuyler st., 7 rooms. 317.30430 Tenth at-, 3 rooms. 318.00511 Northrup st,, 5 rooms. 318.00 S00 First St.. 6 rooms. 3IS.00 Commercial at,, 7 rooms. 320.00-000 E. 10th st. N.. 0 rooms. 322.00120 E 32d St.. 6 rooms. 322.3040 E. 11th st,. 0 rooms. 330.00028 Mississippi ave.. 0 rooms. 530.00283 N. 12th st,. 0 rooms. 337.30 333 V, Market at,. 0 rooms. 340.00704 Flanders st-. 0 rooms. $40.00602 Front st., 0 rooms. 340.00 632i Thurman st-. 16 rooms. $43.00781 Kearney st-. 0 rooms. $43.00347 11th st, 8 rooms. $33.00300 Everett st-, 11 rooms. $123.00211 First St.. 30 rooms. Fine 10-room house, with 2 acres" of ground. 1160 Mllwaukle ave., on Sellwood car line. Beautiful suburban heme. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 220 Stark St. COTTAGES. HOUSES. FLATS. STORES. ROOMS AND ROOMING-HOUSES FOR RENT. List your property with u to be rented. The demand. Is greater than wo can supply. Personal attention glvenNto it by our rent al department. 100 Third Street. Phone Main 433. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON HOUSES FOR RENT 0 ROOMS. SHAVER St.. $13; cottage. Mllwaukle. 1 acre grouna; 2 G-room flats, close In. new. $35; 4 5-room flat. East Side, new, $18; 2 0-room flats. 24th st., new. $30; 14 rooms, furnished. $73.00; 11 roomer furnished. $63. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. 100 3d st. FOR RENT MODERN DWELLING EIGHT rooms. One locality. Lovejoy st,; unfur nished. $30; partly. $35; completely fur nished. $40. Moore Investment Co., 131 H 6th sU ONE OF MOST DESIRABLE HOMES AT Mt, Tabor. large grounds, witn rrun in abundance: house has 7 rooms, with modem conveniences; 1 near car line and location Is very best. Hart Land Co., 100 Sherlock bldg. FURNITURE 8-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE xor roic; extra goou locution, uuc jiicimer., worth X700. for $300. Other rooming-houses up to XGOOO: nil kind?, oil sizes, all prices. Ellis & Gibson, room 21, 204 Morrison sL FOR RENT 2 MILES WEST OF PORT- land. on Cornell road, nouse ot a rooms, barn, orchard. 4 acres under cultivation: $10 month. John Klosterman. 21st and Davis at J. TO RENT CLOSE-IN HOUSES 7-ROOM house, $18; 7-room modem new, ja; 1 room, modem new. $30; 8-room modem houie. $30. J. L. Wills Co.. 94 Grand ave. OCT. 1147 LOWNSDALE. OPPOSITE HIGH School; 8 rooms; full cement Daaemeni; aji modem, first-class order; large lot. Owner, 503 Morrison. Phone Main 1013. GOOD REAL ESTATE OFFICK. HALF In terest for $300. You can make $100 to $200 a month; best central location; expenses light. " Address T 40. Oregonlan. 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT 630H CORBETr .street. $15; 0-room cottage. 428 6th. a- room cottage. 311 Union ave., io. 1. -t.. Thompson ft Co.. 228 3d. OCT. 1 MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, BASE- ment and attic; rent, $vs: soutnwesi cor. WUUanvt ave. and Halsey st. Apply to Janitor, Cambridge bldg. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, select neighborhood; walking distance; fur niture almost new; must leave city. Q 48. Oregonlan. FOR RENT NEW 3-ROOM COTTAGE. $12.50; new 7-room house. $33; new p-roora house. $45. 0.M Smith. 730 Chamber of Commerce. NEW UP-TO-DATE MODERN 7-ROOM house, gas. electricity, gooa large ugni basement, large yard. Inquire 215 Lincoln, near third. FOR RENT A MODERN FIVE-ROOM COT tage, 770 E Couch et. Inquire 20 E. 24th at,; rent $l per montn to permanent ten ant. FOR RENT 12-ROOM MODERN HOUSE: large and beautiful grounds, on Holladay ave. Apply 220 Washington at. Phone Front 1S2. FOR RENT MODERN. DESIRABLE 6-ROOM house. 402 San Rafael, near Union ave.; J23. Apply 300 Hancock. Phono East 1683. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON EAST SIDE, In good location: $18 per month. Hartman, Thompson, r'owero, a unimwr ot wraracr( V Trr!TT.V TVf A KRVV.fl CO.. PROMPT snd reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main loss, urnce. nu z. jo . DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. Rents and insurance, r-none jiain ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. SEVEN-ROOM FLAT. JUST COMPLETED, shades, gaa range, furnace, chandeliers. choicest location, jrnone cam. ioitj. FOR RENT OR SALE TWO BEAUTIFUL new residences on w iiiameue xicigau. w L. Hutchtn. 1103 Thurman st. A NEW MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. NICE reception nan. launary. eic. cor. x om and Thompson, rnone umi 1100. FOR RENT-MODERN 13-ROOM HOUSED large grounds, on Johnson st. TVm. O. Eeclc. SOT in auinx uioa. FOR RENT MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE on E. SIxtn- Dei. uurniiao ana v-oucn. in qulro at 420 East Couch st. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSEt 000 E. TAT lor st,, 2 blocks from car. 1 block from school, rnone union xai. ?jvn large ROOMS. PARTLY FUR nlehed: good- place for roomers and board- en. 118 Abington Diag. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE CORNER TENTH and Harrison. Apply Falrchlld. 232 Sher lock, or Tel. East 2154. MODERN T-ROOM HOUSE ON BAST BIDS. $23 month. Apply L. Y. Keady. 51-32 Union Kit- -A mrt flturlf t- MODERN" 7-ROOM HOUSE ON CORBETT and La no st. laxe a car soum; win rent cheap, to wnite parnes. Tazalehed. Hoases. FOR RENT OCTOBER 1. ' MODERN SIX room furnished fiat, central, with yard, 330 FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE OF 8 rooms, desirable neighborhood, moderate rent. 726 Northruo st. FURNISHED 0-ROOM HOUSE. EAST AN keny st., rent $55, three months or longer. P 46. Oregonlan. .av 1 Tru-wvr -rrr.i'r Tkrrrr,T rr Xfrm nlshed, $20 month. 602 Front; take S car south. FURNISHED HOUSE-6 LARGE. PLEAS ant rooms; gas. bath; all or part. 412 2d. FOR RENT FURNISHED 5-ROOM COT- tage; on car line; bath. 382 E. 7th. FURNISHED HOU3E. 12 ROOMS. 746 E. Burnside. after November 1. FOR RENT 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. Inquire 363 13th at. FOR KENT. Farafeheit Howaes. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM Co lonial house for three months or less; beat rMlHfnrt HUfrirf vlthln taiv walk ot bus- S lna nnrllnn nf rltv XX? TtfT "Ynrtnth If present owner allowed use of one room. B 37, Oregonlan. . BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 8-ROOM MOD era house. 772 EL Taylor, near 23d; vacant October 1; references required: $30 rent; or will sell reasonable. C N. Wonacott. at Y. M. C A- Main 1237. FOR RENT CENTHALL7 LOCATED FUR. nlshed house, full of roomers; will fur niture on easy- terms at a baisilin. The Amea Mercantils Agency. Ablngtoa bldg. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. ON EAST TAY lor street, -completely-furnished; wilt rent to desirable party for $40 per month. Inquire Lambert Whltraer & Co.. 404 E. Alder st. MODERN HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND BATH. No. 14 E. llth. New modem 4-room flat, No. 507 E. Couch st. Wm. R; Stokes & Co., No. 100 Grand ave. FOR RENT FURNISHED 5-ROOM COT- tage. central. East Side, after October 1. Address W 40, Oregonlan, or telephone Union 4035. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOME. CLOSE In on Morrison st,; year Tease; $80. Donald G. Woodward. Agent. 248 Stark fit. Tel. Main 345. MODERN 5-ROOM CTTAGE. NICELY FUR nlshed, three furnished housekeeping rooms, modem conveniences. 315 20th st,.- Portland Heights. NEW HOUSE. 6 ROOMS. NEW FURNITURE, good as money will buy; strictly modem; $33; would sell furniture. Phone East 3870. MODERN 8-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, for the Winter, to adults; fine view. Call 180 Lane and see the owner. FOR RENT 8 ROOMS TO PARTIES PUR chaslng furniture; rent reasonable; good In come. 187 West Park. FOR RENT FURNISHED MODERN 7-ROOM house; piano; references required. Phone forenoons. Main 57. Houses For Rent Furnltura For Sale, WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR FUR nlture; also take some on consignment. Fort land Auction Rooms, 211 First at. Phone Main 3633. FURNITURE OF 23 ROOMS FOR SALE and house for rent; desirable location; clears $100 a month. Price. $1800. JENNINGS & CO., 332 Washington St, SOO'HOUSES. HOTELS AND COTTAGES for rent, with furniture for sale at about half price and easy terms. JENNINGS & CO.. 3321.4 Washington St. FURNITURE OF TWO ROOMS IN PER- lect order for housekeeping; owner leaving city; a snap for some one. Inquire 133W First st., room 45. 13 ROOMS FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR sale at $4oO. Tnis is a snap. JENNINGS & CO., 332 Washington St- FURNITURE 7 ROOMS FOR SALE. HOUS15 for. rent at $20; Income $55. JENNINGS & CO.. 332 Washington St. FURNITURE OF 12 ROOMS ON 3IORRI- son st. (or $S00; rent only $40. JENNINGS & CO.. 332 Washington St. 0 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS FOR RENT. NEW and complete, furniture for sale, cash, balance on time. Call 255 llth at. HARD CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE AND siores; money rtauj , icna poaiai or can nara Cash Furniture Store. 200 1st at. ALL OR PART OF FURNITURE OF 3- room flat for sale ancr flat for rent. Call afternoon?, 400 Clay et., cor. 10th. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE. PAY- lng 60 per cent on. $400 valuation, very cen tral: rent $13. Phone Eaat 1300. FURNITURE OF MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE; rent. $20 month; $200 cosh or good lot. Ad dreas Sternahl. 602 Front, COMPLETELY FURNISHED NINE-ROOM flat, close In; rooms suitable for renting; bargain. H 40. Oregonlan. 12 ROOMS. FURNISHED COMPLETE, lease, rent $30; must sell; suitable for board ers. Phone Pacific 108. FOR SALE CHEAP-NEWLY FURNISHED 5-room flat; modem conveniences, near car line. S 30, Oregonlan. 163 PARK FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM house for sale cheap; rent reasonable; rooms rent readily. NICELY FURNISHED 0-ROOM FLAT. IDEAL location; phone afternoons today and tomor row Main 3200. ELEGANT FURNITURE F 10-ROOM HOUSE for sale. $350; furniture used short time. R 37, Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF 10 ROOMS, INCLUDING new uprignt piano, Bargain. 32s Main. bet. 6th and 7th. 4 FURNITURE OF 0 ROOMS. WITH 11 VA cant rooms to rent, $200. Hatfield & Smith, 163 4th st, . CHEAP ALL OR PART FURNITURE SIX room modem flat; must sell; make offer. 331 Mill. 3-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT AND FUR- nlture for eale; bargain. Inquire 4S0 Co lumbia st. FURNITURE OF 7 ROOMS: PLVNO; FOUR blocks of Postoffice; rent $20. Phone Main 3540. FURNITURE OF 0-ROOM sale; house rent reasonable. HOUSE FOR 222 N. 16th st. NEW FURNITURE 7-ROOM HOUSE. FINE location. 148 10th, bet. Morrison and Alder. MODERN 7-R003I HOUSE FOR RENT AND furniture for sale. 8 N. Union ave. COTTAGE FOR RENT. $20. FURNITURE OF 6 rooms for sale cheap. 128 12th. HOUSE FOR RENT AND PART OF FURNI ture for sale. . Q 46, Oregonlan. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE AT 54 N. 13th st. Stores. LARGE CORNER STORE. IN THE CENTER of retail district, suitable for men's fur nishings, retail fhoe store or similar lines. Address Retail Store, care J 37. Oregonlan. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT LARGE BRICK, cor. Front and Vaughn. Northern Pacific yards. Grlndstaff & Schalk, 264 Stark st. FOR RENT OR LEASE TWO LARGE tores. 145 1st and 228 Alder st., together or separate. Inquire No. 145 1st St.. room 8. STORE. 204 4TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR A H. Blrrell. 202 McKay bldg., 3rd and Stark. Of&ee. OFFICE AND STOREROOM FOR RENT, center of wholesale district; lease runs to May 1; large room 'for general office, pri vate office and back room for storage, va cant October 1; rent $16 per month; will sell fixtures cheap. Apply 5 First street. South. OR RENT FOR OFFICE OR LIGHT MAN ufacturlng purposes, two floors in brick building, comer 5th and Flanders sta. Povty Bros. Glass Co. LARGE TOP FLOOR FOR LEASE. MORRI son near Postoffice. Suitable for offices; el evator. J 2. Oregonlan. FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE. PUBLIC stenographer preferred. Apply 620 .Chamber of Commerce. LODGE HALLS AND GOOD FRONT ROOMS. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sta. FOR RENT DESK ROOM IN 738 CHAM ber Commerce. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE 8-ROOM FLAT. ONB BLOCK from Postoffice; rent $23; full roomers; price $400; no agents. Addresa V 40. Oregonlan. PAYING HOME BAKERY, DELICATESSEN; low rent: cheap If taken Immediately- dally sales $20 to $30. X 49, Oregonlan, FOR" SALE BARBER SHOP DOING A. good business; established three years. W. L. Rllen. Montavilla. WANTED PARTNER IX RESTAURANT; must -understand the oyster business. Y 48. Oregonlan. $700 BUYS INTEREST GOOD PAYING woodyard. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. 163 Third street. WANTED TO PURCHASE A CIGAR STORE, central location. Address Box 282, city. SALOON FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT OF ILL health. Inquire at 632 1st it-ety. FOR SALE HOTEL FOLEY BARBER SHOP. Address A. O, Hagans. La Grande. Or. SNAP WELL-EQUIPPED DAIRY, 24. cows; good routeP,aone Hood 1633. ley Co., 17 S. uearDorn cu, vaicago XT -