The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 24, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE STJXDAY OREGOXIAy, ;YpnThk2CD, SEFi?3SjMBEB 24, 1905.
Tho stock In hand, he said, showed a 1
shortage of nearly" 1.OM.000 tons. ' -
To meet this the Minister proposed to
reduce railway tariffs on Imported and'
domestic coal and-to facilitate the impor
tation of foreign naphtha by remission
of the dfltp on It by the . redut-tion of
railway rates.
The Finance Minister also discussed
labor problomS. and said that the govern
ment was anxious o co-operate with Che
Industrial classes in settling the present
Will Hold Meetings in .Spite
of ProhibRion'by'thy
Jail Penalty for Striking. '
WARSAW. Russian Poland, Sept. 23.
-rThe Military Governor -has Issued a
proclamation warning: workingmen
that they will be imprisoned, for three,
months if they carry out their threat
to strike, as a. protest against acts of
the government.
ARMED UPRISING OPPOSED Governor of Finland RcsICns.
Answer to Dispersal; of Constitu
tional Congress Will Be Series '
of Meetings to i)cinantl
National Rights.
ST.. PETERS BURG. SepU 23. A report
was in circulation here this evening that
Prince John Obolensky, Governor-General
of Finland, has resigned, but no confirma
tion of it Is obtainable.
Many Jews Arrested at "Warsaw."
"WARSAW, Sept. 23.-The police this
evening surrounded the parks In which
thousands iof Jews were promonadlng. All
of them wore searched and 20), were placed
under arrest.
ST. PKTKRSBrRG. Sept. 23, Thor
eufc ivtlKtinB how that the Fln-
rttok poopte are contemplating no gen
era! armed uprising, despite the recent
Ijr 41eeovwe4 'Importation of arms; In
thmt the vast majority of the
nans look with dlsfax'or on the sepa
rattan movent (Mil. It is evident that the
Mxvramal tilt h Jos" in regard to the
rtefct f meeting are leading to a stub
fcara conflict uml further embittering
the relatloea between tne government
m Um people.
Following toe dispersal of the big
eongroMg of Constitutionalists at Hel
fltngfors Soptomber 18. the Russian au
thorities an0Meed that, pending Im
perial approval of the Senate's new
rooct for toe right of assembly, the
rogntoUons of 1900 would romaln
strictly lt force and that effective
MMMWes would be taken' to disperse
all MMOMtkorized moottngs.
la reply to the bureau of the Con
mtavUMaltets. who now embrace prac
tically all the Finnish factions excopt
(fee omall terrorist party of active re
alm wet, announces a programme of
tweeting throughout the country for
Um 4fcciuton of the resolution sub
mitted to the Jlclaingfors congress and
noMstleally defies the authorities to in
terfere, aaying that the meeting will It
W noUl Im pltc of the police measures.
Amoag the questions to bo discussed
are too noceoalty for immediate convo
cation of the Finnish Diet, the removal
from Finland, ef all members of the
corps of gendarmerie, the entrusting
of all secret and public police work to
tie oxletlwg legal police organization,
Ue partlcipatlen f Finnish reprc
ontnUve In the Russian National As-rionrirtr-
The Constitutionalists also de
mnnfl tbe etemlasai from the state sorv
teo of Finland of all ofifceholdors who
Mavu palpably compromised the Inter
vals of their country and the execution
of loo law, this being directed against
Um Fttte who have been assisting in
Um work of Ruaaiflcation.
There Ic roawm to believe that the re
ran Importation of rifles was arranged
fcr thoi't favoring active resistance and
who are working in co-operation with
terraletlc and revolutionary organiza
tion In other parts of Russia, and cspc
dalty with the Socialist revolutionaries
In che Baltic provinces, to precipitate a
revolution. The Constitutionalist?, how
ever, do not look with favor upon at
tempts to bring about an uprising in Fin
land, which, undoubtedly, would only re
MMk. Nke the Polish revolution of 1SGS. in
ew4enr. Moodohed and suffering and meas
ure of sterner repression. They prefer
to work along the same lines as the Rus
sian reformers, and are exerting steady
and jmuobnrn pressure against all moas
w for RuHotncation.
An article In the Novoe Vrcmya, which
hoars marks of inspiration, intimating
Chat all parties in Finland arc preparing
fee on nprMni:. and that the country is
on the verge of revolt,. Is attracting much
attention. Finns fear that the article was
pot orth In behalf of the Russian ad
ministration In Finland, in order to just
ify more vigorous military measures, or
even a declaration of martial law. as has
ha threatened by the Emperor.
Government Seeking to Provide
Pood for I 'amine Districts.
ST. PlCTltRSlirRG, Sept. 23. Special
committee from the Department of
Agricoltwre and the Ministry of the In
tertor left here today to take charge of
lite rMef work in the famine districts
of Russia. Tbe cost of this work is
estimated by -the government at $20.-
tM.oM. No acute distress has yet been
report, and the government hopes, by
prompt distribution of food, seed,
grain and fodder and the employment
of the famine-stricken populace on
poMic works to tide over the people
until the new harvest.
The rates for the transportation of
grain and fodder Into the governments
mrlekon by famine have been reduced,
but the deficiency in rolling stock is
Ue chief obstacle to the work of rellof.
Plenty of grain Is available in Russia,
both for forwarding to the govern
ments affected and for export.
An observer of the situation who re
turned here this week from a tour of
Southern Russia, told the Associated
Pros that bags of grain wore plied
Hp in mountains at many stations.
Some of these were left from the 1904'
narvesv, waiting tor cars to move
T5he termination of the war haft al
ready roloasod some curs from' the Si
berian road.
"Unrest Among Mussumans.
ST.. PETERSBURG. Sept. 23. Excited
ment among the Mussulmans population
In the Caucasus Is growing, and the Rus
sian authorities are faking precautions.
Astrakhan is being patrolled by Cos
sacks. Agrarian disturbances are taking
place in the province of Kostroma, whore
the peasants are plundering estates and
Ex-Stntc Treasurer Salmon nnd 111
Kelntiven Charged With Rob
bing Their DrpoHltorn.
CLINTON, Mo.. SepU 23. The grand
Jury, " which has been Investigating the
failure of the Salmon Bank, of Clinton,
today returned Indictments on 13 counts
against Thomas M. Casey, ex-manager of
the bank .who confessed at the time of
the failure to using forged notes for so
curittes. Major Harvey W. Salmon and
G. Y. Salmon, aleo of the bank, were
icted on six counts each, and F. M.
Imon. the former clerk of the bank, was
lAlirted on four counts.
The Salmons for many years have boon
among the most prominent men in Mis
sourl. Few Democrats In the state are
better known than Major Harvey V. Sal
mon. Ho came to Clinton In 1SW and has
since then been connected with the bank
ing business and been prominent in state
politics. He was elected State Treasurer
on the Democratic ticket in 1S72 and
sorvod in that office until 1S74. He for
mcrly was a member of the Democratic
State Central Committee, and In 1SB2, as
chairman of the State Executive Commit
tee, took charge of the campaign of Will
iam J. Stone when the latter ran for Gov
ernor. Later he was himself spoken of as
a candidate for the Governorship. Dr. G
Y. Salmon who is nearly years of age.
has not been actively connected with the
bank for many years.
The bank of Salmon & Salmon, which
was one of the oldest and oonaidered for
many years one of the strongest in the
state, failed on June 21. The Institution
was owned by Major Salmon and his
brother. Dr. G. x. Salmon. The failure
caused a sensation, which increased when
later it became known that Cashier Ca
sey, who Is Dr. Salmon's son-in-law, and
who practically had complete charge of
the bank, had. confessed to having forged
securities amounting to upward of, JWO.OOO.
While the bank had deposits 'M. about
$086,000. and Us loans amounted to I6S4.0W,
only $0000 was found In the institution's
vaults. Many farmers and ot&ors who
had had full confidence in the bank lost
practically all they possessed. On August
31, following a meeting of depositors,
Frank M. Salmon, son of Dr. G. Y. Sal
mon, was formally charged with receiv
ing deposits when the bank was In an In
solvent condition.
Overwhelming Victory of the
Cuban Moderates.
Only Isolated Disorders Liberals
Attribute .Defeat lo 'Police Inter-
ference Lnrgc' Store of
Explosives In tiolcl...
HAVANA. Sept 23. The latest ttfe
Brams received here Indicate that the
elections ef registration beards have
rerulted in a complete Government
victory throughout the entire Island.
HAVANA. Sept. 23. The election In
Havana for -members of the board of
registration passed off quietly, and
telegrams from the Interior say there
were no disorders except at Place tas. In
the Province of Santa Clara, whore many
shots- were fired but no one was killed.
The Liberals admit the complete vic
tory In Havana of the Moderates, the
party of President Palma. They claim
that they did not vote because Moderate
policemen stationed at the polls prevented
them from -doing so. A reporter of the
Associated Press visited a majority of the
polls here, but at none of them noted any
Indication of restraint upon voters.
Good order is being maintained through
out the city and, wltH the exception of a
man being shot and probably fatally in
jured in a row tonight and another being
seriously hurt In the head by a rock, there
has been no trouble.
Crowds which gathered In tho neighbor
hood of the Liberal Club were dismissed
by orators, who Informed them that the
Moderates ware victorious and requested
the Liberals? to retire to their homes.
The Liberal Club was closed and barri
caded. A number of Liberals say that
this was done because they had received
word that the government intended to
search the place for arms.
Father nnd Dnughtcr of Vllhicndns
, . Xow Visiting In City.
NEW YORK, Sept 23. Colonel En
rique VUluciidas, leader of the Cuban
Liberal party, who was klllod yestor
day In Clenfuegos, had many friends In
thU city, whore he resided for some
time during the Cuban revolution. The
Congressman's father and 14-year-old
sister. Esmeralda, are staying at the
home of Juan Fonseca, In West Sixty
sixth street The elder Villuepdas has
been 111, and the news of his son's trag
ic deah was withheld from him last
night He Intended to leave this city
today wltn his- daughter for Havana on
the steamer Moro Castle, but could not
get accommodations.
At the time Fonseca was Informed
of the killing of Colonel VUlucnJas.
whom he had known since boyhood, he
was writing a letter to his brother.
Francisco. In which he said: V'Glve ntv
kindest regards to Brother Enrique.'
Then he added h postscript, saying that
he had Just learned of the death.
Colonel Vllluendas was 33 years of
age. lie fought with distinction In tne
last revolution against Spain, serving
under General Gomez. He went to
Cuba at the time of the insurrection -In
aA?J'bl,slerln expedition from tho
Unfted States led by General Juan
nuic a oroiner oi uoionei vinuenoas
was- ktllod In the revolution. Another
brother is h. member from Santiago
Province of the Lower House. Colonel
Vllluendas represented a Havana dls
trict. Ho was a lawyer and a foraoful
spanker, and ofton addressed the Cuban
patriotic meetings held In this city at
the time of the revolution.
Colonel Vllluendas, formerly a friend
Of President Palma, later became one
of the strongest advocates of the elec
tion of General Jose Miguel Gomez, the
Llboral candidate for the presidency
and governor of Santa Clara. The
Congressman was also a Liberal, and
only a few weeks ago wrote to a friend
In thl city the sanguine prediction
that General Gomez would be elected
In 1901 the Colonol visited the St
louis exposition. .
Tries to Encnpe by Crawling Through
I'lpc and Stick JtiU Turn
Duvrn to Save I Mm.
RENO. Nov., Sept 23. Special.) -A man
with drafts and checks amounting to sev
eral hundred dollars, togother with a large
amount of money on His person, was ar
rested while drunk on the streets of
Truckee lust night Three hours after he
was securely locked in the Jail the offi
cer wont to see If he was safe and found
him -tightly wedged in the sewer-pipe.
In his drunken fancy he thought he
could escape through the lS-lnch pipe and
attempted to force his way through. At
the Urst Joint his shoulders caught, and
In this position he was discovered by the
officer. His limbs had swollen and he
could move neither one way "nor the
other. A block, tackle and five men were
brought to his aid. Their combined ef
forts could not move him.
Then It was decided to tear away the
brick and Iron of the Jail building. In
this manner the sewer-pipe was reached
and torn away from around the man. He
suffered agony. It was found necessary
to cut his shoes from hi feet
The checks found on his person are on
a lew lork bank, in favor of John Kay.
'i Jie man refused to give his name.
Government "Will Aid Homo-Industry
Relief for Fuel Famine.
MOSCOtv. Sept. 28. A protective
tnrlff for Siberia will have the support
of Finance Minister Kokovsoff. M. Ko
kevsoff said that protective duties
for Siberia, as an outlet for the prod
ucts qf young Russian industries, ap
peared to him necessary.
He said - that the free importation of
goods Into Eastern Siberia was simply
a war measure, taken on the Intltlatlvc
of former Viceroy Alexitfff on account of
military pressure on. the transSlberian
Railroad. He declared that now the war
was iver the regular tariff should be re
stored In order to encourage Russian com
ittoree In SIborla.
' With regard to the fuel crisis caused
by J-bts recent firesat Baku, M. Kokovsoff
said that arrangements had been made
to supply Volga River steamers with
naphtha, ifntil "the close of navigation, but
the various other branches of industry
and transportation dependenl upon fuel oil
.cv lork Senator Said to Have
Locomotor Ataxia.
DENVER, Sept. 23.-SpocIalO-DespIte
every effort to keep the news from the
public, and in the face of a positive denial
from his wife, a person In Senator Thorn
as C. Piatt's household tonight practical
ly admitted that the big New York boss
was suffering from locomotor ataxia and
that even the statesman himself had lit
tie hope of living up to ihe end of his
term In the Senate. The Piatt party left
for the East at 2:15 o'clock this nftor-
nodn, and It was observed that Senator
Piatt was very unsteady on his l,egs and
nctea as tnougn ne expected to fall at
every step. He clung tightly to the arm
of his male escort and breathed a deep
sign or relief when he Anally sat down
in nis stateroom In the train.
Hnll Calne to Visit Roosevelt.
NEW YORK. Sept. 2X-Hall Caine ar
rived tonight on the steamer Umbria from
Liverpool. The English novelist was ac
companled by his two sons. He was met
at the pier by a messenger from Presl
e Ane 1
i Liquid Sunshine-Toe Most MarvelousMedical Treatment of th
Endorsed by the Most Prominent Physicians and Surgeons Throughout the World
This "Elixir of Life" Now Curing Rebellious and Chronic Diseases Heretofore Pronounced In
curable Is the New and Successful Treatment at the X-Radium Medical Institute and
Sanitarium, the Largest and Most Complete Private Institute in the Northwest
' New York Press Dispatches, dated June 15, 5, speaking of this famous treatment, say: "Liquid Sunshine, as
used at the X-Radium Medical Institute, of Portland, Or., is reported as being productive of almost miraculous cures"
Chicago Press Dispatches, dated September 2, '05, say: "Liquid Sunshine is bordering close upon the'mirac
.ulous and Oregon is being prominently identified with the scientific world in producing such remarkable cures as
have been made of late at the Portland X-Rqdium Medical Institute."
By this new and superior method of
treatment at the X-Radium Institute,
this elixir of life, just discovered, gives
vigor to the whole, systemf creates new
energy, -strengthens the nerves, makes
new blood, bright eyes, a clear brain,
restores the healthy complexions of
vouth and makes life worth livincr.
Ladies will find a boon in Liquid
Sunshine. It fills out hollow cheeks,
restores the curves of beauty to the
'scrawny neck and shrunken bust. It
makes women healthy, beautiul and
able to be a wife and mother s well as
the joy of her family.
Puny Girls and Sick Children Are
Given New Life and Growth.
ers from nervous prostration, or people
approaching old age, there is nothing
that will benefit them bo surely, so
quickly, or so permanently as Liquid
As a Tonic, Stimulator and Invig
orator It Has No EquaL
The X-Radium Medical Institute is, in
dorsed, patronized and the only institute
recognized by the medical profession and
Iiosuital clinics throughout the Pacific
Northwest for the troatment and euro of
No Mistakes Are Made in Diagnosing
Your Case and drugging you for months
without knowing what ails you. The Liquid
Sunshine Ray loqks clear through your
body and at once locates the cause.
American, German, French and Scandi
navian Specialists in attendance. Consul
tation free; treatment within the reach of
all. Correspondence solicited. Strictly con
fidential. Send for symptom blank covering
our home treatment.
The X-Radium Medical Institute and Sanitarium Is Nowiocated in Its Magnificent New Building, Third and Alder Streets
It Offers to Thoe Seeking the Highest-Class Medical or Surgical Attendance an elegant and Refined Home for Sick
Maternity Cases Given Special Attention Professional Lady Nurses m Attendance
Hundreds of Testimonials and Gilt-Edge City References at Office
or Convalescent.
OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 12 M. 1:30 to S P. AL
Evenings 7 to 8 P. M.
Sunday 11 A. M. to 2 P. M.
X-Radium Building 3d and Alder, Entrance 253 Alder
Telephone Main 2796 Portland, Oregon
date for the Presidency of Cuba, says that
tho killing of Senor Villuenilus was a
premeditated murder.
Liberals Accused of Designs to Dc
stroy Public Buildings.'
HAVANA, Sept. 23. The po'wrnment
clalm to havQ-olsoovered a Liberal plot
to dynamite the. City Hall. Courthouse
and other public buildings of Clenfuegos.
Government Wins Election Boards.
HAVANA. Sept. 23. Returns from
the entire Island up to 11:30 o'clock to
night confirm the complete vlctqry of
tbe government in tho elections for
members of the boards of registration.
There were no Important disorders.
rnosr UB HAVEN.
Tf Gomez Jlnd Won, Cuba Would
Ilnyc Itcpndinlcd It.
WASHINGTON. S?pt. 23. fSpeclali)
Jacob Sleeper, the United States
Charge d'Affalres at Havana, has cabled
the Stato Department coniirmatlon of
the pre. dispatches about the riot
lng at Clenfuegos. which resulted In
the killing of Congressman Vllluemlas,
uae of the lend&rs of the Liberal party,
and the Chief of Police of the town.
The In Cuba as the result
of. pending- elections is affording a very
severe test of the capacity of the people
for self-government, of the strength of
the Palma administration and Its abil
ity to maintain order. The United States
Is vitally interested, for one of the Is
sues of the campaign is the Flatt
amendment, which retains to the Vnlted
States the right to control the national
debt of Cuba and authorizes the coun
try to step In to restore and maintain
order If tie necessity, should arise.
The Liberal can'dldate for the Pres
idency, Jose Miguel Gomez, Governor
of Santa Clara Province, promised. If
fleeted, to have this Piatt amendment,
which has been Incorporated In the
Cuban constitution, repealed. The pur
pose of the amendment was to prevent
a repetition of conditions In Cuba such
as brought about the war with Spain.
The United States at that time an
nounced that the constant revolutions
there and the bad sanitary conditions
made Cuba h menace to this country.
At present there a pears on the sur
face nothing but a mere factional dis
pute between adherents of two polit
ical parties and confidence Is expressed
In official circles here that the conser
vative element In Cuba will not coun
tenance a repudiation of the Islund'a
engagement with the United States.
dent Roosevelt, who bore a personal mes
sage inviting Mr. Calne to spend a day or
two at Sasramore Hill. Air. ..Calne .sakl
would have to wait until the openlhr pf I that Jie would visit tho President cither
navigation Jn May for a further supply. 1 tomorrow or Xo&fejr,
Vllluendas Could Have Blown "Cp
Entire Block.
HAVANA. Sept. 23. An expert of
Clenfuegoes. who exanjlned 6ne of the
bombs found in Congressman Vllleundas'
room, declares It contained enough ex
plosives to blow up an entire block. The
government has evidence showing Vllle
undas took 12 bombs to Clenruegos, only
three of which have been discovered,
though Liberals have been arrested and
found to have a number of bomb fuses.
At Santa. Clara, a search has revealed
11 bombs similar to tbe others found and
also a small number of rifles 'and some
ammunition secreted near the city.
General Jose Miguel Gomex, Governor of
Baa. (a Clara Province, and Liberal caadl-
Crenteji. Scene In Theater nnd Thrent
cnx De llavcn, -but Flee AVIien
niun! Ik Cnlled.
NEW YORK, Sept. 23. '(SpeciaLl Car
ter Do Haven, who is appearing nlglitly
with Lulu .Glaxer at the Knickerbocker
Theater, escorted Miss Flora Parker to
the theater this afternoon and sat with
her In a box off the stage. Th play was
well advanced when Nat Goodwin ap
peared In the shadow of a post just with
in the 4fbby and for a moment hte eye
traveled over the boxes until It rested on
the one In which De Haven and Miss
Parker were sitting.
Without a wori to the many persons
about who knew him well, the comedian
strode down the atsle to tho box and a
moment later surprised the occupants and
most of the audle"nce by tapping Miss
Parker on the shoulder and inviting her
out. Then he returned to the box and
with threatening gestures notified De
Haven that any further attentions to
Miss Parker would result in the young
actor's having his head knocked off.
Til lick you good If I meet you In the
street." Goodwin announced this so loudly
that the eyes of the audience left the
De Haven said nothing, but followed the
pair to the street, where ho dared the
pnmcillan lo carry out his threat and
administer the promised licking. A crowd
collected which listened to De Haven de;
nounclng Goodwin as he stepped Into his
automobile and drove away.
In Miss Parker's apartments a scene fol
lowed, when, overcome by frenzy at hav
ing been disgraced before the house, she
destroyed everything that had come from
Schiff Must Tell About Union
Pacific Preferred
Equitable Bought Stock, but Docs
Not Hold and Cannot Sell It.
Held in Name of Kulin,
Locb & Co.'s Clerks.
NEW YORK. Sept. 23. (Special.) If is
tho purpose of the insurance investigating
committee to put on the witness stand at
an early date Jacob H. Schiff. head of
the firm or Kuhn. Loeb & Co.-and ques
tion hlnv exhaustively about the purchase
ity. As the candidature' of a Bemadottc
Prince has been abandoned, all attention
Is directed to Prince Charles of Denmark,
who. if ha -accepts the throne, will be en
thusiastically received.
It Hurts ' on the Place Whore Xor-
wny's .Crown Fitted.
PARIS', Sept. 3. The Temps prints an
.Interview'-with King Oscar of Sweden In
Hwhte'h he says that the Norwegians have
.behavod badly toward him. They de
throned him, he says, on the false pre
text of desiring a separate connalar serv
ice and refusing to listen to his pro
poaals. . "We shall have peace," the King de
clared, "but It must be durable. That Is
why I demanded the destruction of the
recently constructed forts, en the fron
tier." i
King Ctecar says that the anion with
Norway will Hot b renewed, and that
rioae of hie son or his grandsons will
ever be King of Norway.
at Stockholm and Carlstianla early next
Official Announcement Comes From
Swedish-Norwegian Conference.
KARLSTAD. Sweden, Sept. 23, 8:20 P.
M. The conference is .terminated. It Is
from his firm by the Equitable Llffe of officially Minced that a full agreement
, , , ,T . T, ... - 1 was reached and signed at S:10 P. M.
nearly or union r acme prererreu t T. . be nu-itehed
-mis was Dougni in January, ivw. i - . purtonu. .n,i stvhnim sim-
under an agreement - which binds th
Equitable not to ell the stock until it It
rplMsnl hv the holdlnir syndicate.
The Equitable purchased this stock and
paid cash for it. but the shares lo not
even stand In the society's name. It was
learned today that the $2,000,000 of stock
actually stands In the names of clerks in
the employ of Kuhn. Loeb & Co.. and
that on the books of the Union Pacific
Company they are recorded as the actus L
owners. Whon the dividends are reported
they go" to Kuhn. Loeb. & Co.'s clerks,
and are transmitted by them to the
Equitable Life.
If'anythlnx should occur that would
make ,lt desirable for the Equitable to
get, TKi oi inif siock. in uie interest oi
Its policy-holders. It could not do so, be
cause of the holding agreement, by which
It Is tied down. ,
The fact that the legislative committee
wants to get at particularly, however,
through Mr. SchifTs concern, is the actual
manner In which the stock was sold to
the Equitable under conditions seemingly
so unfair to the company and so valuable
to those having a stock-market interest
in Union Taciflc preferred.
The text of the official statement fol
"The Norwegian-Swedish delegates at
Karlstad today finished the negotiations
at which unanimity has been reached. The
result will be published simultaneously
Troops Must Not Approach Frontier.
STOCKHOLM. Sweden. . Sept. 23. The
National Dofense Department today anJ
nounced that the Swedish and Norwegian
frontier troops had been simultaneously-
ordered not to approach the frontier "near
er than a kilometer.
Massachusetts Preacher Will Start a
WORCESTER. Mass., Sept. 23. The
Rev. Roland A. Nichols, a wildcat oil and
gold mine stock speculator; with other
callings too numerous to mention, sprung
a surprise on the members of his flock to
day by the announcement that he would
build a shooting gallery in the rear of the
parsonage. In the couple of years that he
has been their spiritual guide Dr. Nichols
has sprung many surprises, but none ha3
been as startling as that of today. Tho
gallery is to keep the young men from
falling Into evil ways by teaching them
the use of firearms. The license board
will Investigate the gallery, and likewise
the mlnistor.
If Baby I Cutting Teeth
Ba sure aud use that old and well-tried rem
edy. Mrs. WlnsldWa Soothing Syrup, for chil
dren teething. It soothes the child, softens
the gum, allays all pain, cures wind -coUa
nnd diarrhoea
(Continued- From Page 1.)
Abandoned Nevada Town Is Overrun
With Wildcats.
RENO, Nev., Sept. 23. Wadsworth. once
the liveliest railroad town of Nevada,
with a population varying from 3000 to 4000
persons, but now a deserted pile of shacks,
has been taken possession bf by thousands
of wildcats. They are roaming the streets,
making their abode In h6 ramshackle
buildings. At the sight of human beings
the scamper over each other, hundreds of
them. In a mad flight for safety. The
number is Increasing daily. This 'condition
Is caused by the fact that the railroad
people, when moving, left tbe old family
cats to their fate. Two or three hundred
of them were ".abandoned In ,thl way more
than a' .year ago, and the thousands of
wild felines today are the result.
turies; but t is believed that they at
last gaire In.
That Sweden never objected to an ar
bitration treaty Is shown by the Riks
dag's decision in which arbitration was
first mentioned and which agreed perfect
ly -wlth"Swcilens expressed desire " for
peace. ' '
Norvvny Now P.rincc Charles
as Future KI115.
, CHRISTLVN1A. Sept. 24 .The Nor
wegian delegation arrived here from
Karlstad" at 1 o'clock this morning 'and
were received with . cheera by several
thousand persons who were waiting at the
During the past week there had been.
increasing 'agitation over the question' of
a constitution for Norway. The Republi
can's 4 made- great efforts to organize. i
party, but they, are la, a hopeless minor-
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