The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 24, 1905, PART TWO, Image 13

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NO. 39.
Window Shades made to order
Best Hand-made Opaque.
Sole agents fr Young's
famous $3.00 Hats for Men.
All the newest blocks re
ceivedAll Soft and. Crash
Hats are .'...$3.00
Cipman, lUolfe o.
Lipman9Wolf e&Co. I
Artistic Picture Framing.
Highest-grade Watch Repair
ing. Very Reasonable Prices.
Souvenir Tickets for
Portland Day Free
With Purchases of $5.00 and Above
PAGES 13 TO 24
French P&tfera Hats ' Imported Models Fine Dress Hats
A great surprise for prospective liat buyers Coming as it does at this
Fair 'Has Exceeded-the Hopes
of Its Most Sanguine .
Supporters. -
1 "! (1,41 ;
timethe season hardly opened, every woman should avail herself of this
grand opportunity. Think -of buying a Real French Pattern Hat, or an Im
ported Model, In fact any of our Fine Dress Hats tftthe prices whicn we will
place them on sale Monday. But then ! they have answered their real purpose
and as we are bent on giving Real Seasonable Bargains, hence this good news.
$10.00 Hats $ 7.S0
$12.00 Hats $ 9.00
$14.00 Hats $10.50
$15.00 Hats $11.25
$18.00 Hats $12.50
$20.00 Hats $15.00
$25.00 Hats $18.75
$30.00 Hats $22.50
$35.00 Hats $26.25
A timely hint Be on hand early Monday A. M. None held in reserve.
All to go at the sale prices of one-quarter off.
There are hundreds of thousands of yards of New Pall Dress Goods here. The new Pall Dress Goods that are the most popular. It is our
policy to cut prices in season and out of season, hence these unusual values.
Black Dress Goods
The qualities and merits of
the materials sold in our Black
Goods Department are well
known to Oregon ladies; noth
ing hat the best is good enough.
Dye are fast and guaranteed.
20 pieces all-wool Cheviots,
Storm Serges, Venetians,
Preach Serge, Cashmeres; 60c
and 86c values, yard 48
15 pieces all-wool Mohair Pana
mas, Wool Panamas Serges,
Cheviots, Granites, . Sicilians,
Prunellas, Venetians, French
Voiles, 44 inches to 54 inches
wide; 85c to $1.00 values,
yard 79J
stock of imported French
(lialltes, Persian, polka dots,
floral and other designs
"t 50 and 60
8000 yards all-wool Albatross,
sold all over the United States
at 50c; our price to- QQ-i
morrow 4lJ7v
A beautiful fabric in colors
suitable for street and evening
wear in cream, sky, pink,
reseda, Alice blue, navy, tur
quoise, cardinal, wine, brown,
champagne, pearl, gray, royal,
black, etc.
25 pieces all-wool Cheviots,
Serges, Henriettas, Panamas,
Armures, Granites, Voiles,
Prunellas, Satin Cloth, Broad
cloth, Sicilians; $1.25 values,
yard 98
3000 yards 54-inch Novelty
Suitings, invisible stripe and
plaid kerseys, diamond chev
iots, Scotch tweeds, tartan
effects, mixed tailor suitings,
in all colors; worth up to
$1.50 yard, spec, at yd. $1
60c all-wool Novelty Suitings,
plain Venetians, tailor effects,
checks and Scotch plaids 49
Plaids New arrivals in Scotch
Plaids, in Panamas, serges and
foulcs, including all the popu
lar Tartans, Forbes, Gordon,
Black Watch, Stewart, Mac
donald Grant, Cummings, Mc
Leod, Dress Gordon, Rob Roy,
Campbell, etc., etc., at, yard,
-$1.50, $1.25, $1.00 and 85c
Priestley's Oravenettes 54 to
60-inch Oravenettes in plain,
stripes, checks and plaid, in
tan, orford, olive, navy, brown
and gray, guaranteed rain
proof; opening sale of our
$2.25 and $2.50 qualities
at 91.95
Rainproof Coverts, special
values at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00
Imported French Henriettas,
45 inches wide; 25 new Fall
colors at, yard $1.00
Imported Chiffon Broadcloths, the best
French and German makes are here in the
latest colors at, yard $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $3.50
New and Exclusive Tailored
Suits at Special Prices
Tomorrow we place on sale two of this season'B
most popular style high-class tailor-made
Suits at the special price mr pa
Women's 4S-inch double and single-breasted
long-coat Walking Suits, made of fine, all
wool men's-wcar material in light and dark
gray mixtures, with plain or velvet collar;
waist lined with black satin. The skirt is
made in the new Fall model plaited effect;
special $2o.X0
Women's 25-inch Jacket Suits of fine all-wool
gray worsteds and navy cheviots, made col
larless with fancy braid and cloth trimming,
full new leg-o -mutton sleeves with fancy
inlaid cloth and braid-trimmed cuffs. Jacket
all lined with taffeta silk. The skirt is made
in the new side-plaited style; special $25
New Winter Coats at
Special Prices
AT $12.50 Women's 42-inch Box Coats of
fine, all-wool covert cloth, in the newest
shades of tan, made fly front, collarless with
inlaid, stitched velvet. Fancy cloth-scalloped
pockets, trimmed with stitched velvet, full
new leg-o '-mutton sleeves with cuffs. Yoke
lined with tan satin.
AT $15.00 Women's. 44-inch Empire
Coats of all wool tan covert cloth, made fly
front, with notch collar. The entire coat has
16 plaits stitched half way down, full new
leg-o '-mutton sleeves with turned cuffs; yoke
is lined with satin.
AT $16.50 Women's 42-inch Tan CovertT
Coats made loose fitting and fly front. This
coat is made with three side plaits and two
box plaits with belt, fancy side pockets,
notched collar, full new leg-o '-mutton
sleeves with fancy turned cuffs, plaited at
wrist. This coat is half lined with satin.
Silk Store Bargains
The Silk store will offer, on Mondny the best bargains
evr oflVred hi new up-to-date silks, comprising a lot
of 3o.. yard of high-class fancy silks, In striped.
hocked and figured taffeta Louisenes and Gros Do
iiundres. A large assortment; many "Styles to .choose
from, other stores sell at $1.30 and 51.25. Your choice
tomorrow at , 7c
New Plaid Silks
More new Plaids by express. This is the Plaid season. "VVe
how- an endless variety of new PlaJd Silks. Many ex
clusive novelties not shown elsewhere at 73c, $1.00,
Just received direct from Paris, the newest fabric shown
for early Fall wear. Plaid and checked silk poplins. 21
inches wide, at $1.23
Walking Skirts at $7.50
GO high-class Walking Skirts of line all-wool Pana
ma cloth, in black and navy, made with box plaits
on each side of lower front gore. Special at $7.30
The Princess Skirt at $15.00
Received by express another shipment of Princess
" Walking Skirts, in the popular shade of gray
and made of finest quality Imported chiffon Pana
ma cloth, at $15.00
' Silk Petticoats, Special at $5.50
Made of fine quality taffeta silk In black, gray
green, tan. changeable navy, changeable red, ac
cordion plaited flounce, ruiTle on bottom with
cluster of stitching and hemstitching.
Lingerie Waists
A very largo Importation of new hand
made Lingerie Waists, SltK Waists. Lace
and Chiffon Waists. All exclusive styles
at $5.00, $7.50, $8,75 and $10w0
Evening Goats
Or fine broadcloth In black, white, light
blue, champagne, gray and green, made
Jn the new empire and loose-fitting
style, elaborately trimmed with braid
and embroidery, and all lined with
satin, at $37.50 and. upward.
Sale of Lace
and Spangle Robes
$20 to .$15, at $11.00
Black Spangle Eohes, White Wash-Net
Robes, White Embroidery Robe3, Ecru Lierre
Lace Robes.
Wo are showing a complete stock of Robe
all this season's newest styles in
Spangle Robes... $15.00, $19.00, $26.00, $38.0C
Black Lace Robes $35.00, $45.00 to $100,0C
White Lace Robes $35.00, $45.00 to $100.00 &
Lierre Lace Robes $19.00, $25.00 to $ 50.00
Trimmings, Underpriced
$5, $3, $1.50, for 35c
Black Beaded Applique Trimming, all exquisite designs,
some on chiffon, some on net a fortunate purchase
from" one of the largest importers enables us to offer
these trimmings at lowest prices" ever known; there
are several thousand yards in the lot. Actual values
are $5.00 to $1.50, your choice tomorrow at 35
Great Lace Sale
.We -will start tomorrow with renewed vigor our
second week of lively lace selling. Better laces for
the prices quoted were never placed on the bargain
counters before.
40c to 25c Point de Paris Val. Laces. 12c
$1 to 60c dozen Round Mesh Val. Laces at, doz. 40c
75c Point de Esprit and Plain Net at 45c
$3.50 to $2.00 Ecru Net Top and Venise Laces at 95c
$2.00 to $1.25 Ecru Net Top and Yenise Laces at 65c
$1.00 to 75c Ecru Net Top and Venise Laces at 35c
$1.00 Venise and Lierre Net Allover at 47c
$2.50 to $1.50 Venise and Lierre Net Allover at 95c
$4 to $2ET Venise and Lierre Net Allover at $1.48
$9 to $5 Venise and Lierre Net Allover at.... $325
$Z50 to $L7o Chantilly and La Tosca Dress Net $1.10
75c to 50c pure all-silk Black Lace and BantLat 26c
$1.00 to 50c Silk
Laces 25c
Black Silk Lace and Bands, 5 to 7 inches
wjde, Chantilly and Net; regular values
$L00 to 50c, tomorrow at 25
60c to 35c, Trimming 15c
Black Braid Trimming in plain and basket
weave effects, to inches wide, all
silk; Tegular value 60c to 35c, tomorrow
at 15
Filipino Brooms for decorations Price at St. Louis $1.50, our'price. ..' ,
IxtB&4 for the Expedition; but rrivd here too late. One sale -tomarrtw at
Our Store Will Be Closed on Port
land Day, September 30th
Great Sale of School
""LEAD .PENCILS E. cedar, nicely ' SLATE PENCILS 12 in box; spe-
finished. rubber tipped; regular, cial, per box ,-5
lc, special, per dozen 9 SCHOOL CHALK "With wooden
LEAD PENCILS Rosewood fin- holders; special, 2 for
ish, nickel top, wth eraser; regu- WRITING TABLETSr-Pretty top,
lar, 18c dozen; special 1 good sizej for lead pencil only;
LEAD PENCILS Fine rosewood regular 4c values, special 2
finish, highly polished, nickel tip, WRITING TABLETS-Very hand
with eraser; regular 30c dozen;- some lithographed top, for ink
special, 3 for . 5 - handy for school use; special.5
LEAD PENCILS Very large as
sortment, Recorder, Mercantile
and other styles; regular 3c; spe
cial 2
SCRATCH PADS-Good size, plain
smooth paper; special : ,2
S (SCRATCH PADS-Billet size, plain
smooth paper; special 3
SCRATCH PADS Octavo size,
plain, good quality paper; spe
cial 5
wood, brass edge; special. . . .o
PENCIL BOXES Hardwood fin
ish, with lock and key, nicely
finished, with picture top; regu
lar 5c value, special 3
box, with rulers, penholders and
pencil; regular oc, special... 3
PENHOLDERS Black nickle tip,
smooth finish; regular 3c, spe
cial . 2t
CHINA PADS Containing sixty PENHOLDERS Cork and rubber
leaves; special, z ior i$ ti. rcffUlar price 5c, special. 3d
CHINA PADS Largest size," con
taining 120 leaves; special. . .5
PENCIL BOXES Nicely litho
graphed top, with lock and key;
regular 5c, special Sd
MUCILAGE-" Sticks like a broth-
SOHOOL STRAPS Strong leath
er, good size; regular 15c; spe
cial 8$
Pencils, extra quality; regular
12c; special, per dozen 96
er, 2-ounce bottle of Carter's, SCHOOL SLATES-7xll Noiseless,
specif 3 special 7$
school work, Carternk Co., 2-oz.
bottle; regular 5, special. .. .3
SCHOOL INK Davids 2-ounce
bottle of fancy school ink spe
cial 3
WAX CRAYONS In all colors, 7
sucks to tne Dox, a nandy school
make, extra strong, 3 sizes:
Special 1.0
Special 126
Special 15
. .TION BOOKS-Regular price oc,
special 3d
necessity; regular oc, speciaL. 3 p MARGINAL LINE COMPOSI
SOHOOL CRAYON Box of 6 dif- TION BOOKS Regular price
ferent colored pencils; spcl. .46 10c, special 76
Boys' and Girls'.
Boys' fast black TiblJed cotton
Stockings, with double heels and
toes, 20c quality, at 12
Boys heavy ribbed fast black cot
ton Stockings, with double heels,
toes and knees, 25c quality,
for v 176
Misses' fine ribbed black cotton
Stockings, with double heel and
toe and spliced linen knee; this
is the celebrated no-mend stock
ing, and guaranteed fast black
and stainless; for this sale. 25 6
Boys' and misses' ribbed Union
Suits, either white or natural
color1 the Oneita make; for tins
sale, each x. $1.00
Boys' gray ribbed merino Union
Suits, natural gray color, for this
sale 91.25
Boys' natural gray merino Shirts
and Drawers; tnese are wool,
are well shaped and perfect fit
ting; price, each 656
Children's Coats
Children's new Fall Coats, of navy
cheviot, made in full length, with
double-breasted box front and
back, with straps in back and
fancy embroidered sleeve; spe
cial value 95.00
For Boys
Boys' Blouse Waists, in a fine as
sortment of colorings and full
line of sizes; spec at, each 506
Boys ' pure wool Sweaters, in solid
(colors, also stripes ; special value,
each ...... r Sl?50
Very complete line of Golf Shirts,
made of percale and madras;
prices, each, 85c-and 506
All the new styles of Collars and
Fast black gloria Umbrellas, 16 to
24 inches; Congo, horn and silver
handles; special value, $1.00, 75c
and 506
School Hats
A full line ofchildren's School
Hats, including all the new and
popular caps, Tarn o'Shanters and
Continental hats.
Fine quality Caps at 75
Patent leather Tarns at $1.00
Continental Hats, trimmed, at
2.25, 2.50 and up.
Children's Suits
Children's Suits, in red and blue
serges, with sailor collar, trim
.ned with black braid, embroid
ered emblems on sleeve, full
plaited skirts sizes G to 14
yoajs;' special value $5.00
Children's printed border hem
stitched Handkerchiefs; regular
oc; for this sale 36
$1 Watches 68c
Ingersoll Souvenir Watches; every
watch guaranteed. t
School Dictionaries
Pocket size, cloth, indexed. . .106
Modern Webster's Handy School
Edition, large type, illustrat
ed 206
Webster's School Dictionary, re
vised and enlarged for 1005
.over 70,000 words 50
Webster's New Standard Diction
ary (awarded ' gold medal in
1004), 25 steel plates, 5 colored
plates; contains dictionary of
musical terms, legal terms, medi
cal words, foreign phrases, etc.,..
etc., etc.; half leather, and in-;
dexed; size, 6x8 inches. .$1.35
Also Primary, Common School
High School and Academic Dic
tionaries. Webster's Imperial Dictionary.
' Webster's International Dic
tionary. Funk & Wagnall 's Standard Dic
tionary. Webstepfe-New Census Diction
ary. The largest assortment of Dic
""tionaries in the city. "
Officials- Predict That -Fully Fiv&
Hundred Thousand Admissions
AVill Be Added to the Total .
Before the Close.
ADMISSIONS. 30,972. -
Teaterrtar another reeerd-breaklng
day at the Lewis and Clark Exposition.
etwjWcrlnp tkat the Livestock Show was
the only big event, the attendance be
ing 30.072. The 2.W0.00O mark was
passed Friday night, which was de
termined yesterday afternoon when the
official recount was made. The total
attendance to date Is 2,061.176.
With three more weeks to run. the at
tendance at the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion has pasted the 2.000.0CO mark and
promises to add at least 5CO.0OO more ad
missions to the total before the gates ofil.
dally close on the night of October
11. - The recount of the admissions for
Friday, yesterday afternoon disclosed the
fact that the 2.C0O.00O mark had been
reached and passed that nlgUt. The total
of admissions given out by the Exposition
Friday night lacked only a few of being
2,4)0O,CQO, but the official announcement of
'the aggregate attendance was not made
until xgsjterday afternoon.
The Cfewis and Clark Exposition has
taken a place In the foremost ranks of the
world's fairs, and ity magnificent record
will go down in history without eiual.
Considering the size of the Portland Fair
and the cities and districts that it has
had to depend upon for attendance, the.
Lewis and Clark Exposition is the great
est success of them hall. Of course, the "
admissions have been swelled by the tour
ists from the Eastern States, but the PS.
clflc Coast States are the ones that havo
furnished the backbone of the attendance.
Will Beut Omnha Fair.
Until recently the Omaha Fair has been
generally conceded to be the most suc
cessful exposition ever held In the United
States, both in attendance and financial
standing. But in the Lewis and Clark
Exposition Omaha's record, which has
been looked upon as a precedent, has met
a "Waterloo. It is safe to say that the at
tendance at the Portland Fair, consider
ing only tho duration of the two institu
tions and not the population of the home
cities and the surrounding districts, will
exceed that of Omaha by a very healthy
margin. The attendance at the Omaha
Fair for four and a half months, corre
sponding to the period that the Portland
Fair is open, was 2.352.16S. From now on.
If the attendance averages W.C00 daily at
the Lewis and Clark Exposition, this fig
ure will be equaled.
But Portland will not be satisfied with
merely equaling the Omaha record, but it
is determined -o havo a total attendance
of not less than 2,500.XXMor the Lewis and
Clark Exposition. There is some little
doubt as to whether the attendance will
aggregate that much, buf. the concensus
of opinion among the officials and Expo
sition authorities is that it will. Th.
daily attendance is now averaging 24,000
and the returns every night allow a
slight Increase.
The next oilTCIal week, beginning Sep
tember 26, will be the biggest of the Exy
position. In point of attendance, as it in
cludes iPortiand day. Provided the
weather Is favorable tho attendance on
Portland da will- not be less than 80.000,
say the Exposition officials, and more
likely 100,080. The livestock show lasts
until tho 29th, the greatest drawing card
the Exposition has had. and Agricultural
days, September 2S and 20, will attract
thousands of people, all of which will
aid in the attendance for the next official
week, breaking all records.
Pessimists Cease Wailing.
Knockers and pessimists have long ago
ceased to consider the Lewis and Clark
Exposition a subject for their vagaries,
as the cold fact of success have been too
apparent to permit even dispute. io one
now questions the success of the Fair.
There were those who soma time back
predicted that the attendance at the Fair
would experinece a decided and disas
trous slump during the month of Septem
ber. They topk as a basis for thejr un
wholesome forecasts that tourist travel
would commence to fall off, and by that
time Portland people and the citizens of
the Northwest would be thoroughly sick
and tired of the Fair. But such Is not the
cae. They are instead beginning to real
ize what a. precious Jewel they have In
the Expowiuon. which Is open only three
weekA mare, and they are flocking to it
an never before with the determination
of making the attendance reach and pas3
the 2,500,000 mark.
The attendance, by weeks, thus far,
has been:
Jane 1 to June 7, Inclusive
Juno 8 to June 14, inclusive
June 15 to June 21. inclusive
June 22 to June 2S. Inclusive
June 29 to July 5, Inclusive
July ft to July 12. Inclusive
July 13 to July 19, Inclusive.......
July 20 to July 2(j. inclusive.......
July 27 to August 2. Inclusive
AuRuat :i to August fl Inclusive...
August 10 to August 16. Inclusive 123,23'
August-17 to August 23. Inclusive.. ...133.43
August 24 to August 30, Inclusive 130.035
August 31 to September 0. Inclusive.... 132,750
September 7 to September 13, Inclusive.. 128,401
September 14 to September 20, Inclusive. 142,SS(J
.. 09,275
.. 08.842
.. S9.91U
. .113,737
Imnchcon. by Japanese Minister,
Dinner at German Legation.
SEOUL, Corea, Sept. 23 11. Haya
shi, the Japanese Minister, gave a
luncheon today In honor of Miss Alice
Roosevelt and party. The afternoon
was spent in. an American electric car
viewing: the city and suburbs.
In the evening the distinguished
visitors were guests at a dinner given
at the German Legation.
To Send Home Cuban Prisoners.
MADRID, Sept. 23. Preliminary steps
have been, taken for sending home the
Cubans still remaining. In Spanish pris