The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 24, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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TFe Meier & Frank Store- Portland's Greatest Store
Will Be Closed Next Saturday, September 30th, "Portland Day"
Every possible aid will be extended the Exposition management to bring-the paid attendance over the 100,000 mark We have snbscribed for 1000 tickets for our employes and their families, and we hope other
loyal merchants will do likewise Ont-of-towft visitors should plan to remain a few days and view our immense stocks of Fall Merchandise -Everything man, woman and child wears Everything in household effects
$350 Lace Curtains at $2.38 Pair
Great September Lace Curtain Sales of Import
ance to economical housekeepers 1000 pairs of
Arabian Color Cable Net Lace Curtains Plain
centers with cluny or antique patterns Inserting
and edges Very large variety of designs Size
50 inches wide by ZlA yardsiong
$3.50 values on sale for, pair. .
500 pairs of White Madras Weave Lace Curtains.
Plain centers with delicate borders, also all over
Brussels effects Great assortment of patterns-
Size 50 inches wide by 3 yards
long $3, $3.25 values for, pair
$6.50 Figured Rep Portieres with embossed
velour borders All the best colors Size 50
inches wide by 3 yards long
Remarkable vals. for 3 days at
$5.00 Mercerized Portieres, two-tone effects, fringed
top and bottom, 50 inches wide by Q
3 vards lonir: at this low price, pair i$J0J
15.0m jsnls oi the hest quality figured Silkoline, 36 inches wide; new patterns and Q
colorings; ureal valup- at the exceptionally low price of, yard
Montd Drapes, made of cross-stripe Madras, fringed, splendid styles; reg. $1.50 values, each.. 890
Custom Shade and Drapery Work our specialty. Best materials and workmanship. Lowest prices.
Wash Goods
Nrvr fancy check Suitings for
Fall ; black and white, red and
white, blue and white and
priwn and white; 25 e jr
values, on Kale. yard... iC
New Flowered Organdies .for
Evening Dresses; very hand
some designs and col- 71 q
orings; great value at..l
Broken lots of Ginghams, Cotton
Challios and Calicoes,
on sale at, yard
Cut Glass and Silverware Specials
, 7 -
Handsome Cut-Glass Jelly Dishes, $1.50 values for $1.19
Cut-Glass Dishes, fine 'cut, $4.50 values for $3.67
Cut-Glass Spoon Trays, best $3.50 values for.. $2.73
Cut-Glass Cologne Bottles, $5.00 values for.. ..$3.98
Beautiful Cut-Glass Berry Bowls$6.75 values S5.49
Silver-plated Fruit Dishes, $3.50 values for, each $2.79
Silver-plated Cake Baskets, $2.25 values for, eachv $1.89
High-grade nickel-plated Chafing Dishes; regular
$7.50 values on sale for a few days at $5.98
$10.00 nickel-plated Coffee Machines for, each $7.89
Sterling top Salt and Pepper Shakers for, each 180
40c Ribbons 23c
6000 yards of satin taffeta and
all-silk taffeta Ribbons, 5
inches wide, and all the-lead-ing
shades, including light
blue, rose, Nile, reseda, black,
white, cream, brown, avy,
royal blue, pink, olive and
many others; best 35c and
40c ribbons on sale Ofcf
all the week at, yard. . 3v
$2 Gloves $ 1 .39
Washabje Stfede Gloves, three
clasp, in gray and mode only;
all sizes; finest $2.00 quality,
on sale for, pair $1.39
Broken lines of all-silk Gloves,
2-clasp-, double tipped, in
green, cardinal, black, mode
and gray; nearly all sizes;
; great value, pair 390
Special lot of fancy Ribbons, 6
and 7 inches wide; Dolly Var
den, "print warp and Dresden
designs; values up to $1.00 a
yard, for, yard 420
Art Department
Brown Linen Pillow Tops,
stamped in a large variety of
subjects, fronts and backs;
special value at 890
Another lot of Japanese Era
broidery and Antique Doilies
and Centerpieces; also a few
Fillet Lace Pieces ; values up
ffi. Off
German Pillow Tops in distinct
subjects; regular 2oc t o
values for .. . . . OC
Second Floor
iisIIr Underwear Bargains Second Floor
!SM-ia( lot
$1.00 to 1.00
Another sale of Fine Under muslins for the coining week Gowns, Cor
set Covers and Drawers of the prettiest styles and best quality are
marked at very tempting prices Look to your nseds Second Floor
2000 Nightgowns made of fine nainsooks" anil cambrics, high and low neck, long
and short sleeves, embroidery, lace and tuck trimmed, all sizes:
$ 1 .75 and $2.00 values 98c $ 1 .00 and $ 1 .25 values 76c
65c to 75c values 49c $2.25 and $2.50 values. ...$1.39
$3.00 and $3.50 values $1.98 $3.75tmd $6.50 values . . $2.98
Cambric and nainsook Corset Covers, blouse fronts, lace and embroid- on
ery trimmed, sizes 34 and 36 only; 50c to $1.00 values for, each OVC
Special lot of fine cambric and nainsook Drawers, lace and embroid- QQ,
ery trimmed; regular $1.25 to $2.25 values on' sale for VOC
$ 1 .00 to $3.00 Corsets 49c Pair
of Corsets, discontinued numbers; white, drab and black; bias cut, straight front;
values while they last ,490
500 Pairs of Women's Shoes at $1.75 Pair
values, on
5(i0 pairs of Women's Box Calf, Yelour and Yiei Kid Laee Shoes; J. & T.
Bros.' famous makes- good stylps. nearly all sizes; regular $2.50 to $3.50
salo for. tm'p nair
Muse,' and Children's Fine Shoes, J. & T. Cousins' make; patent leathers and vici kid,
patent tips welt sole, great values at: SV2 to 11, $1.90 pair; 12 to 2 at, per pair. .
Misses' mid Children's Box Calf Vici Kid Lace Shoes: 5 to 8. $1.25 values.' 98
pair: S to 11, $1.50 values, 1.08 pair; 12 to 2, per pair ...
Little Outs' Box Calf and Kid Lace Shoes: 9 to 13. r nair
Women's Luster Colt Oxfords, also patent leather and vici kid Oxfords, hand turned,
heat $5.00 values, on sale for, per pair
and Johnson
Fall Apparel for Men 2d Floor
Our showing of Men's Suits and Overcoats for Fall and Winter wear
offers a wider selection of exclusive styles than carrbe found any
where about town Our prices in every instancemean a savins of 25
per cent on what you are asked to pay at the exclusive clothing store
New Fall Suits and Overcoats, in great variety, all-wool worsteds, cheviots,
tweeds; very best styles and materials; the greatest values for the money
we ever offered; don't fail to see our matchless $15.00 1 C fr
Suits and Overcoats t $1 J.UU
At $18.00 we have Suits and OvercoafcMkat exclusive clothing stores ask you
$20.00 to $22.50 for. Fancy tweeds and worsteds, silk mixtures, etc., in new
ijaLiiirus. nign-graae duns ana uvercoats at $iSU.UO, S22.50 and S25.'H
Unfinished black nnrl fun pa -vrnnrfnrlR finncf maffl(.;nin a , 1 u: n
grand values.
Headquarters for the genuine "Priestley" Cravenette Raincoats, in plain and
fancy colorings, also in fancy tweeds and worsteds; the ideal Winter gar
ment, at prices ranging from $12.50 to $27.50.
New Fancy Vests at, each, $2.00 up to v.'.o S5.00
Tuxedo and Full Dress Suits, very best styles and materials; our prices
le-half what you pay at the custom tailo'r for the same grade garments.
Clothing Stdre, Second Floor.
Children's Wear, Special Prices
Children's Sweaters, in white, red
juid pink, ages 3 to G years; regu
lar $1.50 values t 980
Children's "White Lawn Aprons, ages
3 to 6 years; regular $1.00 and
$L25 values for 69
Children's Qnting ,Flannel Shirts, 1
to 3 years; GOc value 39
Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments with
feet, sise 6 months; 50c val. 390
Children's Hand-Made Dresses, best
styles, 1 to 3 years S
$L50 to $2.00 values 97d
$2.50 to $3.00 values $1.98
New Cotton Waists, $1,75 to $9,00
Handsome new arrivals in White Cotton Shirtwaists of mercerized white
lawn and linens in figured, embroidered and lace trimmed effects also
embroidered linens, very attractive styles at ?1.75, $2.25, S3.25 ud to
?9.00 each. y
Magnificent new Silk and Lingerie Waists in all the latest styles. The
largest and best showing in the city at prices from $5.0O to $95
Exclusive novelties in fine Tea Gowns and Matinees in silk albatross
French flannel, trimmed in lace and embroidered dots 6 to $80
Kew plain and fancy silk Petticoats in-grand variety and all Tades
Second Floor. New Dressing Jackets in exclusive styles.
Women's White Aprons, tucked and embroidery trimmed; best O
50c values for, each -. 00
Students' Notebooks, each 40-80
Composition Books 40, S$ 190
Drawing Books 40, Sd and 120
Leatherette Cover Composition
Books, great values, each.. 190
Stenographers' Notebooks.. ..40
Erasers, three for '50
Faber's Emerald and Kneaded
Erasers, each 40
Andrews' Wool Felt Erasers 50
Standard School Crayons, box 7 0
School Crayons, colors. .40, 80
Book Straps, with handle.... S0
Pencil Tablets, each... 30
Meier & Frank Scratch,.. Tab
lets none larger, each 50
Lead Pencils with erasers, per
dozen .' 10 0
7x11 Slates,-special, each... 18
Flag Slate Pencils, 2 dozen. . . .50
Wood Slate Pencils, 5 for. ...o
Pencil Boxes, with lock and
key, each....... .4, S?, 12
Lead Pencils, with' erasers, per
dozen 10
Traffic Lead Pencils, 3 for. ...5
Faber's 5c Lead' Pencils, 2 for 5
Rulers, all kinds 1, 2, o J
Pencil Boxes, with pens, pen
cils, eraser and ruler, spec. 19
Carter's or Thomas' Ink, hot. 4
BoysMvnives) with chainsJL9
Penknives, assortment of han
dles, special at, each 19
Penholders, each .2
Celluloid Eyeshades 10
Ruled Ink Tablets, each 3
Large Ink Tablets, each 8
Legal Cap Pads, special 8
Blotters, all colors, per dozen 3
Pens, all kinds, dozen 7
Large School Sponges, each... 4
Parrafine Paper, for lunches,
20 sheets for od
School Cases, made of veneered
wood, cloth covered, brass cor
ners and catches, leather han
dles; special values at
12-in., $1.25 values, each 85 $
14-in., $L50 value, each... $1.15
42-in. leather School Straps; great
special value at 5
34-in. double School Strap, with
handle, 15c value for 10
Brownie 'Lunch Boxes
10c value 8
12c value 10
15c values, each 12
Telescope Lunch Baskets
25c value 19
35c value 20 &
Gilmofe Folding Lunch Boxes,
25c value for, each 19j
"Nomend" Linen Knee Hosiery
for. hoys and girls, two weights,
all sizes, fast color; 25c value,
pair .' 18
Boys' Heavy Cotton Hose, two
and one rib, double sole, fast
color, sizes 6 to 10; 25c value,
pair 15 j
Misses' 3-tbread Maco Cotton
Hose, double knen and snip.
yHermsdorf dye; 20c val., pr. 12
Children's Drawersembroidery
trimmed, sizes 1 to 4, on sale,
pair i...21
sizes 5 to 12 on sale, "pair. .28p
Children's Drawers, hemstitched
ruffles, sizes 1 to 12; 50c and COc
values, pair , .39
"Nazareth " Knit Underwaists for
children of all ages best made,
25c values, each... 19d
100 Women's Suits at $26.00 Each
Special offering of Women's New High-Grade Suits for Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday The, handsomest garments and the best valnes for
the money Portland's Leading Cloak Store has given this seasonMade
of fine qaality broadcloth Three-fourths length coat, tight-fitting, vel
vet collar, satin lined Pleated skirts Colors black, brown, green and
navy blue Beautifully tailored and perfect fitting Garments in all
sizes These suits are superior in style and quality to those youare
asked to pay $35.00 for elseftvhere For three dcys L
only your choice at the extremely low price of, each Pe
New Novelty Long-Coat Suits $35.00 up to $100.00
, New Novelty Eton Coat Suits $25.00 up to $75.00
New, attractive voile Skirts, -with silk drop skirts; all the very f3ffe ffcA
latest styles, at prices ranging from 12.50 to v.UU
New -length Coats in the most popular materials and styles; C tf
immense variety for your choosing from $10.00 up to &r2JJJ
Thousands of new Pedestrian Skirts, in plain pleated and circular effects; all
the most desirable materials, including plaids; the greatest $5(T& CC
assortment of pretty skirts in citv at each, from S5.00 unto..Pv
New Costumes and Evening ."Wraps ; the very latest imported and domestic creations;
apparel for every occasion at prices ranging from 50.00 up to 400.00.
Driig Sundry and Notion Specials
Fairy Soap, "it floats," hest bath soap on the market, cake. .3$
Dr. Graves famous Talcum Toilet Power for, box .7
Eastman's Quadruple Extract, 2-ounce' bottles 'for, each 19
Turkish Bath Soap for 4d cake; Sperm Machine Oil, bottle. .4
Pompeiian Massage Cream, 33 box ; Beautv Balm Soap, ck.4
Eagle Combination Fountain Syringe and "Water Bag, each.. 89
Wood back Nail Brushes, best value ever offered, each." 19c
Double-sewed Whisk Brooms, 10$ ; Krecht Toilet Paper, roll 7
Hand and Stand Mirrors, chipped plate glass, each 8
4-row pure bristle imported Tooth Brushes,, all sizes, each. . .12
Toilet articles of all kinds at the very lowest prices.
Greatest display of Portland, Fair and Oregon Souvenirs.
$2.50 Bags ?1.89
Alligator Leather Hand Bags, fit
ted with card case and coin
purse, gilt frame, with double
clasp ; tan, green and blue ; reg
ular $2.50 values
Speeial lot of all-silk and 'leather
Belts, with or without buckles;
all colors; also shaded girdles;
hx$1.00 to $2.00 values Ort
on sale at
All Souvenir Leather tioods on
sale at reduced prices.
3000 Yards of New Silk Suitings
Values $ 1 .00, $ 1 .25 Yard for 79c
A Silk Sale of great magnitude for Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday The opportunity is offered to buy high-grade
Silk Shirtwaist Suitings at a price below manufacturing cost
3000 yards; a special purchase from a standard silk mill 30
mB patterns Figures, stripes, Dresden and two-tone effects in
every desirable color Silks suitable for waists, shirtwaist
suits, petticoats, trimming and lining purposes Every yard
regular $ 1 .00 and $1,25 value Your choice for 9t
three days at the Wonderfully low ftrice of, yard
Othenstores ask $1.50 a yard for silks of equal grade
Starling Top Stick Pins in beau
tiful assortment; great
special values at I C
Misses' and Children's Gold and.
Silver Bracelets,. with Qv
lock; great value 7G
Pearl Bead Necklaces,
new -styles; 50c vals. . . .
Gold arid Silver Link
Cuff Buttons, stylish..
Ribbon Watch Fobs, gold
and silver mounts!
Latest ideas in Gold Purses and
Hand Bags at reasonable prices.
100 Ali-Silk Umbrellas 23t Each
Special purchase of 100 all-silk Imbrellas; green, brown, navy
nnd wine; fine silk serge covering; woven borders in floral and
conventional designs; handsome variety of ITandles; best
frames; Umbrellas that find ready sale at $3.50
and $4.00 each: -your choice while they last 3?gC
Particular attention is called to our complete stock of fine Um
. brellas for women the "Uzar" all-silk taffeta covering, care
fully selected wood handles, best steoi frames; JX
guaranteed satisfactoryat this low-price, each p2Jj
Hundreds of high-class Umbrellas; gold, silver, gunmeal, pearl,
carved, copper handles, silk coverings, etc. Beautitul assort
ment at prices from $4.00 to $25.00.
Men's Hose, Vals. to 50c, 1 8c
300 dozen Men's new fancy half hose Fancy stripes dots and
mixed effects All the best imported hosiery from one of the '
largest mills in Chemnitz, Germany All sizes and an immense
assortment of .desirable patterns to select from Values up to
50 cents a pair Economical men will buy liberally
On sale tomorrow at the very low price of, pair
Men's $1.00 Golf Shirts, all new Fall styles, in madras and Oxord;
light and dark patterns, stripes, dots and figures; e?
. 1 nnir nnfrs in mat eh ; nil sizes, nfc this low nrice. each J3v
n's fine fleece-lined Underwear, shirts and drawers,
well made and finished; best 50c, values for
1 3c
Great Sale of Dinner Sets
60-piece. semi-vitreous Dinner Sets, pink floral deco- t r qq
rations; gold trimmings; very neat designs, 'for. . Hw.Q
'100-Piece Set Same as Above for $9.8?
60-piece semi-vitreous Dinner Set; blue lilac decora- r r q e -
tion, gold trimmings; great special value, set .tpO.O
100-Piece Set Same as ;Above for $9.75
60-piece Dinner Set, English semi-porcelain, gray ff: if
decoration, with full gold finish; special value .'. JmHJ
-100-Piece Set Above for $9.25
60-piece emi-vitreous Dinner Set, 'greenf lora.1 deco- qf
ration; very handsome set ad'great-value at
100-Piece Set Same as Above for $8.50
60-piece German China Dinner Set, pink morning 5
glory decoration; gdlden knojbs and handles lJHfJ
100-Piece Set Same as Above for $18.50
60-piece Gernfan China Set, violet decorated, set S12J75
60 and 100-pc. Haviland China Sets, spec.$2yL.60 and $34.50
100-piece Haviland China Dinner Set, pink floral decorated,
golden knobs and handles; special at this low price. . .19.95
New Electric and Gas Portable 'Lamps in great variety nd at very reasonble prices. Best values
in the city. Basement.
Kitchen Goods
Clearance saleof all Window
Screens. Basement.
lSx33-inch, 25c values 19d
30x37-inch, 40c values 29c
30x42-inch, 50a values. . . .39
Plain Screen Doors
2 ft. 6x6 ft. 6, $1.10 value. . .89
2 ft. 6x6 ft. 8, $110 value... 89
2 ft. 10x6 ft. 10, $1.20 value. 970
3 feet x 7 feet, $1.30 val.. $1.10
Fancy Screen Doors
2 ft; 8x6 ft. S, $1.65 val. . .1.35
2 ft. 10x6 ft.U0, $1.75 val.S1.47
3 feet x 7 feet, $1.85 val.. $1.53
Bath Room Supplies
25c nickel-plated Paper Hold
ers 'at -this low price 190
Nickel-plated ToweFRings. . .80
Nickel-plated Broom Holders. 80
18-inch. Nickel Towel Bars.. 390
Colored Candles, ea. .30 and 50