THE STJXDAY OREGOMAX, POItTLAkl), SEPTE3IBER 24, 1905; 11 FUN IN MMW Passenger's PI'igHt When Clothes Are Stolen DETECTIVES ARE BALKED Yellow Fever Scare Separates Them From Prisoner laborers May Be Prevented From Ilcach . Inpr Suirar Fields. xbw om&Asm. spt. a. Ropert on yellow fever to J M.: Scw cw - - Total eaaws to date - 2.SS Dth Total dealhs "... NVtk fort . 12 fatter treats. , 1 Iischnrd 2,1S NEW ORLEANS. Sept. St. Because someone had stolen his clothing. W. B. Rohltnan. a New Orleans merchant, re turning from New York, was compelled to leave his Puftamn berth and enter a quarantine csunp near here in his pajamas, without shoes .or hat. He was puzsled what .to do for a white, as there were several women om the train and no one wm wilting to loan Mm a sail of dothe. He remained In camp the required time, however, and after he had hoarded the train for Near Orleans a thoughtful pas senger furnishes Mr. JCohlman with a pair of light-blue trousers to match hie pajamas. Two detectives, who attempted to go to Mobile after a fugitive from justice, were balked In their efforts by the Alabama health authorities. The latter feared the prisoner would develop yellow fever and bustled him- on a tmln regardless of roaui sltton papers and against the ooductor.s objection. The passengers became alarmed end the fugitive was locked m a boxcar, while the detective were fumi gated end detained, eventually being sent back without their prisoner. Ten thousand laborers are wanted br the Louisiana suamrpianters to harvest this season's crop, but the men will prob ably be unable to reaoh the plantations on account of quarantine restrictions. The health officials are certain that they now have control of the disease in the city and are devoting all of thoir cnersjles t stamping It 4ut In the out lying districts. DI5XII2S FICV1SK XILLKD HIM IScgiic Survives, Though Surrounded by Infected IIouscs.- NKW ORLEANS. Sept. SX. Today end ed the tenth week of the fight against yellow fever hi New Orfeaaf with a record of case vhe hlafeevt of the week, yet the authorttie btsteve that the fever wilt practically have wasted away by the mid dle of next month. Begue's restaurant, near the French market, a show place for all strangers who come to New Orleans, was 'for many weeks of the down-town epidemic surrounded by yellow fever. Some of the Northern and Eastern papers have printed stories announcing that Begue was one of those whom the .fevec par ried off. Begue hoe aked the Associated Press to make a denial of the announce ment of ate death. Pcnancolu Has Had Attack. PJENSACOLA. F4a.. j Sept. 3. Six new case of yellow fever wore re ported here today. TVs development of these cases shows a rapid spread of fever, the pew foci being in the ex treme western part of the city, near marshy lands. KILLS HIS "BOY CIiaSTIOR SWIXOLIBV WAS SHOWING HOW It IC VOL Villi WORKED. Bullet Strikes Coin Hnmpton in the Porcliend, .KillhiR Him Instantly. 3 BAKER CITY. Or., Sept. 21. (Spe cial! Chester Swngiey, aged IS years, accidentally shot and Instantly killed Oo4n Hampton, aged" 14 years, during a family reunion dinner at the home of Mrs. 11. Burn, about 5 o'clock this evening. Mrs. Swingiey and son had Just re turned from Portland and other mem bens or tae Burns family Jiad gathered lor a reunion. Finishing their dinner the boars went into Goin Hampton's room and In showing Hampton hew a. SS-cal!ber revolver workod. Swing-ley ht him aauarely in the middle of the forehead. Hampton died instantly. A Coroner's jury exoneratod Swing- ley. Hearing on Coal-Hate Complaint. OkYMPIA. Wash.. Sopt. 2. (Sue rial.) It la now apparent that Vhe hearing of the formal complelnt con cerning jdlnt Irtlght rates on coal from Rosiyn to Colfax must he posi tioned. The Railroad Commission re cently decided to hold the hearing which will open all question concern ing the powers of the commission' in Colfax. Octebor 26. Thirty days' time aftr The tiling of the complaint must be given, how ever, and the complaint Is -not yet ready for tiling. Attorney -General At kinson has requested H A. Fairehlld. chairman of tho Commission, to come to Otympla for h eonferonce. He ex presses the opinion that the complaint cannot be completed by -Monday, -whleh 4s the last day usless the hearing Is postponed. Lay All Night Under Load. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Sept. 23.- Special.) L. J. Linklater. a prominent farmer from Presoott. was brought to the hospital 4n this city today, and the physi cians amputated one of his legs below the knee. While hauling wheat with a six-horse team Thursday, the 'toam ran away, upset the wagon and Mr. Llnk'latcr was caught under the load. One of his legs was broken, and he was forced to remain pinned under the wagon for the entire night and until discovered by a boy on the way to school, who called In assistance to relievo the man from his perilous and painful position. One of the heius became tangled Tip in the harness In the runaway and choked to death be-: fore being found. Opposed to Street-Car Franchise. OREGON CITY. Or.. Sept 23. (Spe-,1 ciaL) Advocates of the proposed ' Oregon Water Ppwor '&. Hallway Company's fran chise "ware "hopelessly In the -minority at a. mooting of the Oreson City Board of Trade last night, when that organization adopted a resolution in condemnation ana assorting it? opposition to the franchise. as Doing opposea to uie UfM uiieiw..-) w the people of Oregon City. A.' .committee of five. E. G. Caufleld. O. W. Eastbam. G. B. Dlmlck, Dr. W. E. Carll and O. D. Eby. was named to arrange for a mass meeting or citizens, when the objection able franchise can be censlflered. The committee is also authorized to con duct a campaign of education between now ami Saturday. September 38. when the special franchise election -will be hold. The mase meeting will probably be held next Wednesday night. Berry Court-Martial Suspended. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash., Sept. 2J. Speclal.) The court-martial of Captain Berry. "Ewonty-nlnth Infantry, has been suHpended to allow-the taking of some depositions- That factional strife lms arisen on account of this affair Is em phatically denied by the officers of the Fourteenth Infantry. Colonel Irons, in speaking of the affair, said: "Captain Berry does not belong to this regiment, and is only at this post for the purpose of a trial. It is a mistaken idea that gets afloat that because a trial Is held here It has some implications with the Fourteenth. Lleutonant Hamilton, whose name was mentioned In reference to the Berry ease, has no connection with It, and In regard to this I wish to say that I am conversant with the Hamilton case, which was a ourt-martlal held for .some trivial infraction of discipline. Of the Berry oase I have no knowledge. It is being tried by a board of officers ap- V pointed especially for that purpose. ; t Judge W. W. McCredto -was requested u vc i iwiu .vrti'i uay aim osaur uil some points of law. but as he -was hear ing a oase at the time, the point was con ceded without his aid. Jordan Tells the Sjinic Story. SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Sept. 3. The trial of ex-Senajor Emmons, charged with briber-, was resumed today with Joseph Jordan. w1k acted as go-between, on the stand. His testimony did not differ materially from his former evidence and when he was excused the court adjourned until Monday. SON STRIKES BAR ASTORIA STEAMER A TOTAL 'OFF ALSEA BAY". LOSS Loaded "With Cnniicry Supplies for the IMnnt of HI more & Co. nt Alen. NEWPORT, Or.. Sept. 23. .Special.) Steamer W. H. Harrison struck on tho bar while trying to enter Alsea Bay about S o'clock lost evening. She was driven on South Snltby a heavy sea. where she now Hes about a quarter of a mile from shore. The crew is safe, but the vessel and cargo will, undoubtedly, be a total loss. The Harrison arrived at this port Wednesday from Umpqua. and was bound for Alsea with a full cargo of cannery suppMcsor Klmore & Company's cannery at that place. On reaching" Alsea Wednes day morning she found the sea breaking too heavy to attempt entering, and came on to Yaquina to wait for a favorable opportunity. Yesterday afternoon, finding tho sea- had smoothed down. Captain Hansen sailed ! again for his port of destination. When off the entrance he found the sea mod erated, ami decided to cros In. .but the vessel struck "hard on the bar. All efforts to get her off failed, and she was soon driven on the spit on the south side of the mouth of the bay. Part of the crew launched, the ship's lifeboats and they reached the shore in safety. Cap tain Hansen and two sailors preferred remaining with, the steamer. When It was seen from shore that the vessel was in distress, word was quickly sent to the Yaquina Bay Mfe-saving Ra tion, about 18 miles distant. Captain Wet land, with crew, promptly responded. Se curing two teams, they hurried- to the scene of the wreck with the beach appa- I ratus ana tne suripoat, encountering great Duncuiuos in getting tne wide trucx t the surf boat along the narrow wagon road around Seal Rocks. The life-savers reached Alsea and launched the surfboat abeut three hours after receiving word. At daylight the lifeboat went put to the stranded steamer and took off Ctp tain Hensen. Two sailors still stayed on the ship, hoping to save their person! effects, but later In the day "were taken off by the life-saving crew. At that time i LiTTr riJ.Jvii o mmj aunweo H JH1 ner siernpeeis were nearly gone. It is ex pectod she will go to pieces during the night, as the sea was rising, and a hard southwest wind was blowing all the day. NORTHWEST BI2AD. Mrs. June Xoyer. ORSGON CITY. Or.. Sopt. J3. (Spe cial.) airs. Jane Noyer, one of the old est of Clackamas bounty ploncera. dloj at her homo In Oregon City at i o'rlocK this afternoon. She was In her-9-ith year and had been a resident of this city since 18S. Her husband Was Peter Noyer. who came to Oregon with his family from Kansas. He died In this city ten years ago. M-r-s. Noyer Is sur vived by four -sons and three daughters. They are: Everett Noyer. of 3Valla Walla; Poter' Noyer. of Walla Walla; Henry Noyer. of California: Benjamin Noyer, of Mu lino; Mrs. Mary Ingram, of Seattle: Mrs., Susan Linn, of Oregon. City, and Mrs. N. E. Smith, of Portland. George Bason. FOREST GROVE, Or., Sept. 23. (Spe cial.) George Eason. wh has been living: for ten years or more near DI1 ley, was burled In the Naylro Cemetery here this afternoon. He was born In England S3 years ago. George Easonk the son with whom he lived; is the only one of his family left. Hrisk Fire at Pendleton. PENDLETON. Or.. Sept. 23. (Spe cial.) Over $2000 worth pf property was dostroyed by Are thin evening blames guttea tne wnue joagingiiouse-i on Main street and dostroyed the household goods of the proprietor, amounting to about $1400. "These were covered by $1100 Insurance, and the house was insurod, but the amonnt cannot be learned, both Clark and Warman, who own It, . being out of town. There were about 12 roomers in the house, and most of them lost their porsonal belongings. Ccntralia Votes for Extension. CENTRALIA. Wash.. Sept. 23. (Spe cial.) The city cxtonslon special election at Centralla today passed by a majority of two votes, 13 voting against and 5S for the extension. This makes ' the fourth election that has beon held for this pur pose, and makes the City of Contralla a population of GOOD. In 8T votes cast inside the oity limits, noneNwas cast against the proposal. Cacs Set in Supreme Court. SAJJBM. Or.. Sept. 23. (Special.) Cases have been set for trial in the.' Supreme Court at the. October term, as follows: Oatob'er 4 Christenson va.stSlmmens. Keene vs. Blrtrldge. OcoUr S-tBannlngn-sJtoy; Well, Farcp& Co. vs. P&ro and Gilbert, recpondents, and Benaen & Hyde, appellant. WILYOLD C H I EFTftl Leaders of IgorrotesAreltfen of 'Ability. WARLIKE FOR PROTECTION A. Race of Four Hundred Thousand "People, 'Skilled In Arts or Peace. Their Wonderful System of Irrigation. ' . The scouring of the natives exhibited ta the Igerrote vJtta$e at tfco Lewis and Clark Exposition whs a far more for midable undertaking than is realized by the vitftor to the interesting colony, and was narrate last night to several edo- cators who had called At the village to obtain scientlnc data. Mr Richard Schneldewiod said: "Late in May I heard that the chief of the BUmniogirai Survey for the Philip pine I stands. Dr. Jenks. had agreed to get together a band of Icorro for the Lewie and Clark Exposition, provided he could get gMM on to bring them over. 'Desiring to return to the State. I ten dered my services and was at once ac cepted. After obtaining the necessary Government documents, and accompanied by a young American who wished to visit the Igorrote country, we proceeded to ( Dagupan by the only railroad In the' Phil- i l! J wJy derailed, once wrecked, and then heM up j by a washout whtok threatened, to delay us several days. After much araumeni , we got the superintendent to send us i through on a 'light' engine. Reaching Dagupaa. the captain of tb launch which had been engaged for us by wire stated lie had no coal for the trip up the Lla- gayen Gulf to Candon. and could set none until hte consioliment itrrn ed upon it resumption of rah traffic. He could not be Induced to borrow or buy a supply. In j four days we started, and accomplished ' the trip la 18 hours. . I "At Camion, on orders from the Gov- j crnment. we were supplied with ponies by ; the coastaAntlary, and then the real jour ney lK'san. There are no roads, and we had to follow traiki up and down moun tains M to tm feet high, spending the nights, which were very cold, at im pueblo with the always hospitable jr. st dente. Arriving at Bon toe, the . c;tj4lit of the province of that name. I m"t nn old friend in Governor Folkmar. who 1: t: been Instructed from Manila to r-'.lr me all possible aid. and be entered ier fully into the undertaking. Lwas in. the heart of the Igorrote cnuntn'rpltiircs jue and beautiful beyond description, tin- ter raced mountain sides glorious with t1i;r flnc crops of ripening, golden grain 1 had heard often of ihe untiring industry of the Isorrote and his skill in growing bountiful crops by means of lrxigat'.nn, ami when I saw what marvels he ha l accomplished In the face of stupendous natural obstacles, my admiration for him , took definite form. "There are a few Americans and Eng lishmen in Bontoc now. and they ha . a Httlo club. There I encountered Antero. the bright English-speaking nallxe. serv ing h a waiter I had known him in St. Louis last year, and upon the advic- r Father Clapp. the Episcopal mlaslop.-ir:. who had baptized him. I secured his serv ices, and he has been . an. Invaluable aid to mt. Deciding to bring ever people from different imeblos. with- Governor Folk- i mar's assistance I was so fortunate as to , get Domingo, twice chief of Bontoc. a ' noted warrior. with a record of having j taken the heads of four Spaniards and U ; Filipinos, and his wife to accompany me : here. Domingo now lives at Alab. ami Is a man of reputation and Influence. He j joined me' In a daY or two. and from then j on no difficulty was experienced in get- j ting the desired number of the right kind j of people from Bontoc. including Mo-llhg. I Its present chief. We visited in turn j Basao. Talubin. Alab, Tacuesn. where Anauasal. former chief and .now capitan. j Joined us. and SogadaV When a man or j woman- a creed to come, thre months wages were at- once pald. and not one failed to report at the appelated time, and they always had the articles they agreed to furnish. ' . , "Meantime, the weather conditions were getting worse overy day. The rainy sea son, had set in, and the torrential down pours had converted the shallow rivers and mountain streams Into fee thing tor rents. We hurried with-all possible speed, but sometimes wc " would be hekl up &y these torrents for 4S hours. We forded on river 13 times, the water being up to my chin. FreQuently we would emerge from a stream several hutylred feet lower than the point at which wc entered, be ing carried down by the swift current The.,, people would cross holding- hancs. Many times I dtemoualad. placing one of 4 ;iasmmWBmfe&mmmmmaafeaKjV5&XBmWBmmVBmV 4 Mg&zrSsiHmst3'?' tmwi?7xmm&mm&&BWE&smM j' HEAD C HIr DOMINCO. t the -women on the pony so that her weight would enable him to hold. his feet In the river, and with & buck leading him. and I holding hard to his tall, my money and . watch tied on the top of jny head, wc I, , would cross the treacnerous. ice-coiu rivers. Sometimes It was difficult to buy food In viUagcs we passed through, and upon one oecasfon the men were forced to spear a dog. It proved to be a valuable hunting animal, and as the owner discovered the loos, under threat of arrest we were forced to settle at a pretty steep price Finally, w reached Candon. only to find tbatSa particularly fierce typhoon was ripping up thin, and had another en forced wait of four days. Here the 'ear gadors' who had brought out our impedi menta, left us. returning to their homes. We reached Manila August 1. with all well. The Igorrotes created a tremendous excitement there, as very few had ever boon m the city. I took two of the bucks en a stieaaing expedition, and so keen was the Interest in them that thn police had actually to break the bleckado. for both vehicular and trolley, traffic became tied up by the eager and curious Filipinos crowding around us. ' "From Manila to Portland the trip was comparatively an easy one. We stopped for short periods at Amor. Hongkong and Shans-hai. in China, and at Kobe. Naga saki and Yokohama in Japan. Notwith standing the arduous journey and the great change wrought in two months In the surrotwdttigs of the people, the- are in ane condition, well and happy, and enjoying their visit here very much. With ! ? i every expense- paid lor them, their wages, th- money they receive from the sale of, trinket and the many rAnt titrations from visitors, wilt make them' plutocrats when they return home. I may add that they are much pleased with the Interest shown ta them, and are quite as furious con cerning Americans as we are about them." Asked If he had to eat any dog meat on his eventful trip, the genial manager lapsed into, silence: there was & far-away gpse in his pensive eyes; a convulsive shudder shook his slender frame, ' F. X. SHERLOCK'S FUNERAL High Mass at St. Patrick's Interment nU, Mount Calvary. I The funeral of Francis X. Sherlock. Imu ' IAnV nlmt War -- wu maraiv .t th w, At ui Thurman street. High mass was conduct- PRETTY VANCOUVER IIAItY riUZE-WINNER. . Alleen Margaret Chamber. Aileen Margaret Chambers, the daughter of S. E Chambers, of Vancouver Barracks, captured the prize-in Claes F at the Lewis and Cmrk baby show, for being, the pret tiest baby in that class, of ages from 2 -to 2 years. Though .there was no prize given for the prettiest baby' of the show, in the opinion of the Judges she was entitled to that distinction. She was born in Manila. 2 years and I month ago. od at St. Patrick's Church by the pastor. Rev. E. P- Murphy, assisted by Deacon McDavltt. and Subdencon Burley. Tho in terment took place- at Mount Calvary Cemetery- - . Mr. Sherlock was born Jn Milwaukee. Wis.. In 1S79. He had lived In Portland for 17 years, and was for two years connected with the. civil service, .holding a position In the- office of the- City Engineer. His i illness had covered a period of more than rear. Birth. . ? , WlLSOKAVt Tertlaad Malernit Hospital, pt"ember21. nd .the wife f William B. wusen. a son. - . HI IDAHO DOES IT No Time Lost on Payette Boise Irrigation Work. . READY TO- ADOPT PLANS Water-Users Adjust Claims and Clear Way for Another Govern meat Reclamation Project to.Cosl $1 1,000,000. CjREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Sept. 23. The Reclamation Service today mode the following announcement: t "The engineers in charge of the Payette Boise project, Idaho, have made such progress with preliminary work that the board of consulting engineers will meet at Boise October IS to consider plans and decide on future arrangements. Tho splendid work of the Water-Users Asso ciation In harmonizing the many conflict ing claims of private interests in lands. canals and water rights is beginning to i . t. j i. . mar ixuu, ami u ja ueituvcu uini prac tically nothing stands in the way of early construction." "About hXMXKl acres are already irrigated In. this section, but plans for the -full de velopment ot..the natural resourcesof the valleys which will come under this proj ect are of such magnitude as to- be beyond the reach of community effort. "The present estimated cost of the en 'lire system is nearly Jll.fflMOO, and com pleted works will supply water to approx imately 372,060 acres of land. On account of the restricted condition of available re rlamatlon funds, however, a portion of the project has been selected which, though only an Integer of the whole, will yet complete the project Itself. "The Payette and Boise Valleys consti tute one of the most attractive sections of the esu Progress In agriculture in this vicinity In the past few years, and the consequent growth of adjacent towns. furnish an excellent example of the re sult of Irrigation and give promise of sub stantial and -wonderful development in the future." Northwest Postal Changes. OREG0NIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Sept. SL Rural carriers appointed for Washington routes: Cashmers. route 1, Wm. H. Taber car rier, Herbert Dolson substitute; Contralto. route i. Win W. Gay lord carrier. James Bellville substitute; Ridgeileld. route 1, Arch Moon carrier. George Green substi tute; route 2, Thomas M. Blackstone car rier. David Richardson substitute; Ta- roma, route 2. Henry Waller carrier. Her man Gehring substitute; WoodtnviUe, route 1, James B. Turner carrier. Max Turner substitute. Lucy A. Sawyers has been appointed postmaster at Allegeny, Or., vice Eliza Sawyers, resigned. LIGHTS HIGH IN THE I SALEM BOY FIXDS CONVENIENT n RACKET ON TELEPHONE POLE. Throrfn Twenty Feet Up From Sent In Bugfrr nehlnd n Run- nvrny Horse. SAUEM. Or.. Sept. 23. (Special.) Harry.RolI. a boy employed by the Pa cific States Telephone Company, had n remarkable oscape from injury in a runaway accident today. He was driv ing a horse and buggy when the horse ran away and crashed at fall speed into a telephone pole. The concussion threw the boy 2 feet high. He struck the tel ephone pole Just above a small bracket naUed there for workmen's use. and lit on the bracket in a sitting posture nnd astride the pole, entirely uninjured. A ladder was procured and young ' Roll climbed down badly scared but not hurC STAMPEDE TUNNEL BUOCKED Whent-Tiadtn Cars Jump Track and Arc Crumpled Up. TACOMA, Sept. SL A wreck, in the center of the two-mile Northern Pacific- ; occurred at 7 o'clock this morning. Eight , freight cars loaded with wheat leaped from the track ,on account of a broken j rail and were crushed Into bits. No one was hurt, but great difficulty was had I' in pulling the rear of the train out of the tunnel, where the smoke is 3tlfiing, A passenger train from Spokane passed through the tuanel tpn, minutes before the wreck. Travel through the tunnel will bt abandoned at (east 21 hours, but dum my trains will be ran over the line.. , j Using Great Northern Track. SPOKANE. Sept.. 23w-V ,bad. -freight I wreck inside the Stampede Hunenl in the Cascade Mountain has blocked the North- ern Pacific, which Is now sending trains I West from Spokane over the Great North ern. SENTENCED FOR EXTORTION Berry Doby Had Threatened Eastern , Oregon Cattlemen. VALE, Or.. Sopt. 23. (Special.) The Jury In ihe. case, of Berry Doby, for .ex tortion, brought In the verdict of guilty as-charged, after being out only 30 min utes. The evidence . showed that Doby sent letters throught the mall to Charles Decker, a prominent cattleman, threat ening to burnt his property and kill him If he did not leave $750 by a telephone pole near the farm of C. W. Mallet, the night of August 26 at 1 o'clock. He was sentenced by Judge Davis to serve a term of six months In the Oregon penitentiary. August Bell pleaded guilty to obtaining money under false pretenses, and was 'sentenced to three years at Snlem. At 4 o'clock today Judge Davis sen tenced Henry Megorden to bo hanged at Salem, Or.. November 21 next, for the murder of his wife at Nyssa, Or.. Marph 2S. He took his sentence without a quiver. His .attorney, W. R. Kins, made a motion for a new trial. SUICIDE OF v SGIIO.OIiTEACHER Mabel Day In Poor Health and Un- v able to Get Employment-. .,WA"L"LAGE. Idaho, Sept. -23. Despondent from Illness and inability to obtain em ployment, Mabel Day, former schoolteach- er at Weiser. Idaho, committed suicide here today by taking laudanum. A note was found on her stating that she had taken the drug. She requested that her clothing be sent to her grandmother.' Mrs. M. A. Harris, of Boise. Little Is known of the young woman here. She had been here three weeks and had obtained , no employment. - TONGUE SUES STATE BOARD Demands Premium as Winner of t .Juvenile Stake Race. SALEM. Or., Sept. 23. (Special.) E. B. Tongue, the' well-known "Washington County lawyer and horseman, today brought an action against the State Board of Agriculture to recover money alleged to be due him as winner of the nrat premium in the Juvenile Stake race at the Stat,e Fair hist Septembers- He ajso joins in his complaint a claim for second pre mium won by T. H. Brent?, and assigned to him. The first premium is alleged to be $130 and the second $65. District At torney John H. iMcNary and C. I Mc- Nary are attorneys for Tongue. Briefly stated, the complaint alleges that tho State Fair Board advertised a "Juven- 11a Stake." to be raced for by district- bred foals of 190SL Tongue entered his colt Lord Lovelace, making his entry on the blank supplied to him by the secretary of the Fair Board. Wylle A. Moores. and complying with all the required condi- RAILS ORDERED FOR COOS BAY ROAD. Steel tails have ben ordered for the Cees Bay line of th Southern Pa cific; whtek is to be known, as the-.' Oregon .Western Railroad. The con tract was let yesterday in New York fer 10.600 tons ef TS-pound rails to be 'delivered In December and January. This 'is evidence of the determination ef the management of ihe Harrlman 11 lie's In Oregon to ptieh to early com- pletlon the new tin from Drain to Coos Bay to connect that rich dis trict of Western Oregon with Portland and the outalde work! fey railroad. lions. Brents entered bis Lou Lady in the same manner and numerous other entries were made. The race was called and took place according to the programme and . Lord Lovelace took itrst place In both heats and Lou Lady second place, and it was so declared by the presiding judgc. The stake was $300, and Tongue alleges that .the entrance money to be added thereto was $38. He avers that the tirst money was $139 and the second ami 'demands judgment for the total, $15. Ex-Secretary Wylle A. Moores says that the controversy between Tongue and the State Fair Board arose out -of the fact that there were only two starters In the race for the Juvenile stake and after the race the board declared Its intention to divide the money between the winners in a different proportion than was . an nounced upon the entry blanks. This right they claimed under the rules. Tongue contended that If the board chose to change the manner of dividing the purse, the intention should have been an nounced before the horses started. The matter wag taken before the National Trotting Association and deckled adverse ly to Tongue, and this action was brought to test the question in the courts. BLOWS CAUSE BOY'S DEAfTII Wnshlngton Ranchers Beat nnd Stamp Victim Unmercifully. COULEE CITY. Wash., Sept. 24. (Spe cial.) Cal Green and James Henry, bound over to the Superior Court on a charge of having caured the death of John StevensJ have been taken to Watenrllle. where they will be tried at the next term of court. The evidence brought out before a coroner's Jury revealed a ease of extreme cruelty to ,an inoffensive and not over bright boy. jonn &tevens,- commonly Known a "Joe" Stevens, a lad of 17, was working for Frank and Cal Green on their farm shout 12 miles west of Coulee City. About a month ago he had an altercation with Frank Green, one of the owners -of the farm. As a retmlt of the quarrel, he quit the place and started away. Cal Green ami James Henry, according to the death bed statement of the victim, followed him on horseback, overtook hiim knocked him off his horse and gave him a terrible beat ing. Tho lad told Dr. Gregg, who at tended him. that they knocked him down, kicked him adu stamped on him unmerci fully. The coroner's jury brought In the following verdict: i "John Stevens earner to his death from peritonitis caused by blows or injuries sustained in nn altercation with Cal Green and Jam at' Henry." Run Down and Killed. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Sept. 28. (Special.) J esse Bacon, n. laborer, was ac cidentally killed on Main street this morn ing by being run down by a horse ami euggy driven by W. S. Bruce. One ef the shafts of the buggy struck the man and knocked him to the pavement, and one wheel of thd buggy ran over his head. The driver testified before the Coroner's jury to the effect that the horse hit the man, while others are as confident that he was struck behind the ear by one of the shafts of the buggy. Tlie doctors who made th examination stated that the skull was fractured be hlnd and above the ear, but could not tell whether it was done by the wheel or thtt shaft. The Coroner's Jury exonerated the driver of the rig from any blame In tho matter. ' Trading Stamps Declared Harmless. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23. The Stato Supreme Cnurt today decided that the law prohibiting the glvlpg of trad- Ing stamps was unconstitutional. The court ruled that the elvlnsr of trading stamps was not. a lottery, nor a gam- HI.. device and. .vas nut productive of narm. Canyon Votes for Courthouse. BOISE. Idaho. Sept, 23. CSpecl4.) Canyon County today voted nn Issue of $80,000 ot bonds for the erection of a courthouse at Caldwell. The voa sjtood 232 for the bonds and 2SS against. Mill Burned at Barnoston. S BATTLE, Sept. 23. (Special.) The lumber mill of the Kent Lumber Company at Barneston was destroyed by fire this A "II.VIR-SAVEK" that crows In popularity. (SOINGil 30IIM3H GONSUI - I EEBFICIQE Hill SUE 17 - HE1PIC13E Hp NEEDS A GUARDIAN The business man who Is too busy Jo look after his health and personal -comrort needs a guardian. To notice dandruff and falling hair Is beneath his Idea of business. Later when Incurable baidness corats he will waste money trying to Drm Stars:, S1.0Q. Send 10c. stamps, It HE3P1CIDE CO., OspL H. Ditroit, Mid, tor a Siap.'t: NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE "The ORIGINAL remedy that "kills the Dandruff Germ." , v Applications at Prominent Barker Shops. , NOW COMES THE PIANOLA EXHIBIT A Wonderfully Complete Expo sition That Marks an Epoch in Musical Life. A Most Comprehensive Display of the Pianola and Weber, Steck, Wheeiock and Stuyvcsant Pianola Pianos; of Or chestrelles and of Aeriolas, Which Make Mnsidans of Everybody. For Coming Two Weks at Eilcrs Piano House. A few vears aco an instrument made Its annearance at Filers Piano House which has done more toward the develop ment or musical taste, musical education and musical appreciation than has been accompnsned by any other agency. It is needles to say that this Is the won derful Pianola, which, with its several kindred instruments of more reoent date. make possible the rendition of the choicest ot music te any and every member of the household, the unskilled and untutored music lover being as much at home with the Pianola, a PinnoiR Piano, or an Or- chestrelle. as the most accomplished musl- viun. irriy xwj oi tnese instruments are now to he found in the homes of refinement, culture and wealth of the Pt- etnc northwest, all ot them supplied by the house of Ellers. The Pianola Piano, as its name indi cates, is a combination of a piano and a Pianola in one complete, compact In strument. Thus It Is a union of the most popular musical instrument of mod ern times and the means by which anyon can ptay it. it is in every particular a perfect piano. leaving nothing to be de sired in the matter of tene, action or appearance. The Pianola Piano has been aptly style "The Firat Comnlete Piano." for the reason that ft te the first piano ever produced which can- be played with artistic effect by everybody, irrespective of any pre vious study or knowledge of music In the light of this Twentieth Century cre ation, all nrevious nianos. reoulrimr a long and tedious period of practice before ineir owners couid mane use et thorn, seem Incomplete. The "Pianola Piano . In Stuyvesant Pianos wej offer tomorrow for the first time the choicest instruments in mahogany, oak and walnut cases, with metrostyle, at 5500, on terms of $50 down and X12 a month. The Wheeiock Metrostyle Pianola Pi anos are also represented by one or more specimens of every catalogue style, in cluding the new French or dull-finished Circassian walnut case. Prices are $K0 and S7C0. Terms. $65 down and SIS monthly. Columns of praise and commendation could be written about the beautiful Weber Pianola Piano, but suffice it to say that the most painstaking, careful workman ship and the most costly and most de sirable materiel is lavished upon' and embodied In the construction of these Webers. Prices. $90 for the small style. $100 for the largest so-called, orchestral upright grand. Payments, $100, and $25 monthly. Three advance styles of the Steck Pi anola Piano will also be shown. Pric. $800 and $S6Q. Also several Aeolian Pi anola Pianos, including a duplicate of tho one selected by Lieutenant Peary for the 'Roosevelt" on Its Polar expedition. The latter is a six-octave instrument, and costs $5S0 complete with metrostyle. The Metrostyle Pianola The Pianola is a cabinet containing a mechanism by means of which it is pos sible for anyone to play upon the piano, whether or not he knows ne note from another. On the music roll used in playing the Pianola are markings, indicatlntr- whether rthe different passages of the music should Be played ioucl or soil, or iast or siow, and also when the pedal should be used. The Metrostyle is the name given to a device for indicating the phrasing or the time for each Individual note upon the mudlc roll. In form the Metrostyle Is a pointer, at- Inched to the time (or Tempo) lever of 1)m Pianola, with which the operator fol lows a red line which has been marked upon the roll by an authoritative pianist, a Hoffman, a Paderewskl. and even the great composers themselves. With these devices music of the highest ordeC'expresslve and acceptable to sever est crtlcs, may be produced by the merest novice. Special attention has been paid In or ganizing the present World's Fair displ.iv to show Pianolas of latest pattern in f !' the different shadings of finishes, so that every style of piano, from the dark, old time ebony cases to the various shades of later-day mahogany, walnut and fancy oaks can be supplied to match. Pianolas with Metrostyle cost $250 r $30v. Splendid library facilities, giving ac cess to all that is best and. "desirable in music, are furnished our patrons at $20 per annum. The Orchestrelle There is. after all. no music comparable to that of the modern orchestra. The Orchestrelle embodies In one instru ment, playable and controllable by one person, all the beauty and wonderful va riety ef tone found heretofore only in the complete orchestra. The repertoire of the Orchestrelle M practically a catalogue of the orchestral music of the world, and all this mulc may be played by the owner of an Or chestrelle. even though he be entirely lacking In musical education or knowledge. The music rolls for the Orchestrelle are marked similar to those for the Pianola so that the proper Interpretation may be imparted to a composition. Interesting descriptions of these orchestral number; are published and supplied to Orchestrelle owners. During this exposition OrehestrelIs will be shown from the simplest forms, cost ing $150. through a vast array of choice instruments in oak. mahogany and fancy walnut casings, at $300. $S00, $400, $720. $930. $t2C0. 3130 and Up to $3S00. The Pianola's Sister Another recent addition to the Pianola family is the sister of the Pianola, tho Aeriola. This little instrument will be found most desirable where the consider ation of price must be taken into account. No other piano-playing device, not made by the Aeolian Company, is superior to the Aeriola. and it cost3 $1S5. $1. or $135, according to case, using regular Pianola rolls, with library privileges same as the others. Do not fail to see thjs interesting ex hibit. Recitals of a more or less Im promptu and Informal character will be given dallv at Ellers Piano House, en trance 3S1 "Washington street. "Portland! quarter-block of fine pianos," where every , n HoK other stores at Snokane. Seattle. Walla Walla. Wash. Boise and Lewlston. Idaho: San Francisco. Stockton and Oakland, Cal.: Pendleton. The Dalles. Salem. Eugene. Grant's Pass and Astoria, Or. morning, entailing a loss of $20,000 and throwlug 150 men out of employment. For a time the fire threatened the de struction of the entire town. A do kiln, filled with lumbtTT was burned, but the destruction of the planlng-mlll. entailed the heaviest loss. Insurance pretty well covers the property and It will be rebuilt. WILL 5tt 17 lbu U7E F0S HtSHClQE overcome the result of his own neglect. Some one at home shpuld look after him. At first sight o dandruff which is a contagious disease Newbro's Herplcide should be used. It cures dandruff and stops falling hair by destroying the dan druff germ. A delightful hair dressing. STOPS ITCHING INSTANTLY.