; 22 - THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 10, 1905. ATI OK WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED BT BRIGHT TOUNO MAN. Po sition as solicitor or collector or indoor work; best of reference; 10 years experi ence In retail grocery- V 30, Oregonlan. CAPABLE AND COM PETENT STENOGRA pher. male. single, 23 years old. wishes po sition; 7 years' experience, law. real estate and railroad. O 7. Oregonlan. POSITION AS CLERK IN GENT'S FUR nlsblngs by young man of experience; also open Xor partnership proposition; best ref erences. C 7, Oregonlan. THOROUGH BUSINESS MAN. WIDE Ac quaintance throughout Went, wants position; would promote enterprise of merit. K 15, Oregonlan. "WANTED POSITION AS OFFICE CLERK or timekeeper In a factor; references fur nished upon further request. K 10, Ore gonlan. iBOOKKEEPER AND CASHIER A YOUNG "man of good address and ability is open for a position. T 8. Oregonlan. SHOE SALESMAN "WANTS POSITION; TEN years' experience; No. 1 references. P 8, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. BT YOUNG MAN. AGE 33, THOROUGHLY understand babbiting, balancing. I adjusting and care of high-speed machinery; 5 years' oxperlencc as shipping clerk and warehouse foreman; 6 yearn running and care of Edieon General motors; machinery and Implement house preferred; city references. G 15, Ore. Kor.lan. SITUATION "WANTED. BY EXPERIENCED dihi) running woodworking machinery; can make molding cutters or will work In ma chine or hardware store Address J 11. Oreconian. POSITION WANTED BY ENGINEER WHO is also a machinist; has highest grade li cense, and can give best of references. Phone Clay 0S2, or V 11. Oregonlan. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. ATTEN tlon Middle-aged man. sober, handy with carpenters" and painters' tool, wants situa tion. Address R 8. Oregonlan. ALL ROUND PRINTER AND NEWSPAPER man desires situation on country weekly or small dally; good references. 0 14, Ore gonlan. PRINTER 28 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. GOOD Job. ad or makeup; also good writer and solicitor; weekly or small dally. L IS, Ore gonlan. WOODTURNER. THOROUGHLY COMPE teat In all branches of his business, wishes engagement, city or country. M 10. Ore gon lac. YOUNG MAN 1 WOULD LIKE STEADY employment; honjwt and willing to work; well acquatntend with city. B 10, Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnleh domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Clay 613. 208 Everett sr. DUTIFUL. EDUCATED JAPANESE. WHO understands cooking, wishes position in fam ily; recommendation. B 0, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lepe wants place to work for board and room. D 72. Oregonlan. YOUNG' MARRIED MAN. HONEST AND ambitious, wants permanent position. Ad dress M 7, Oregonlan. MAN 82 WISHES POSITION AS WATCH man; best of references; honest. Address N 7, Oregonlan. A WILLING. FINE JAPANESE WANTS situation, charaberwork or iorter. A i. care Oregonlan. JAPANESE COOK WANTS POSITION IN rtnall family or housework; any Hace. 273 Burnstdc st. GOOD JAPANESE WANTS CONSTANT JOB In firm; doesn't mind distance. A 273, Burn ride C SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED man and wife, ranch or camp. Q 9, Ore gonlan. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITIONLSUHELP- rr In bakery; 2 years oxpenence. w s. ore gonlan. CARPENTER WANTS SMALL JOBS: RE pairing a speciality. Phone Black 143. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WANTS situation In family. X 10, Oregonlan. A JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION TO wiwk In a a. loon. Q 11. Oregonlan. TWO JAPANESE BOYS WANT POSITION schoolboy. P 11. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers und Stenographers. EXPERIENCED LADY STENOGRAPHER, can do all kinds newspaper work, steno graphic work, special work, desires perma sent position; nominal salary. Phone Sun day M. B29C. A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT YOUNG lady stenographer of tvo years' experience In heavy work desires lucrative, osltion. J 14, care Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER. HAVING PUBLIC OF flce. dcuPis a few regular customers; no ob jection to late or early hours; rates very rea fonsble. S S. Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER WITH some experience wants position; able to an oint with bookkeeping; good recommendation. K IS. Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER. WITH EX Derience. desires jvermanent position or of fice work; best references. Y 13, Oregonlan. COMPETENT YOUNG LADY STENOGRA pher desires position; can give references If desired. W 13, caro Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER. NOT afraid of work, desires position; can amdet with books. O 10, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position in law or mercantile office; refer ences. K 14, care Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY CASHIER, recently from Chicago. Id desirous of a ig nition. G 11, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER. OR eltlier position; $30 to 335. Address -J". Church. 300 Going st. Dressmakers. AN EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER FROM the East wants a few more customers; work guaranteed; $2 per day; city references. Phone East 260S. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WILL MAKE engagements In private families; city refer ences. Phone Front 1713. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES sewing by the day. $1.75. Mr. Dunford. 3SS Pettygrove St. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES more engagements; children a work specialty. Phor.c Sast 3869. DRESSMAKING " OF ALL KINDS. FANCY cresses. Murtwaist suns, children s dressed 428 13th st. MRS. MANFORD. EXPERIEXPKn nncw. maker, wants day work; price, 32. Phone .ms in viv. FALL SUITS MADE FOR $5; SKIRTS MADE for $2.50. 4 S3 il Market. Phone East 3231 DRESSMAKTNG SUITS J3.00 UP. VORK guaranteed. Phone Main 3107. 413 Main st. DRESSMAKING. $2 PER D.Y; EXPERL -need; city references. Phone Main 0572. PLAIN DRESSMAKING: WILL GO OUT BY i be day; experienced. Phone 710. DRESSMAKING EITHER BY THE DAY OR taken home. Phone Eaut 977. I KVY WANTS SEWING BY THE DVY, si.&o. pnone racinc 1U. Domestics. S RESPECTABLE. MIDDLE-AGED LADY. neat housekeeper and good cook, wishes po sition as housekeeper in widowers family K 11. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED. STEADY GIRL WOULD like position to aaelst in general housework. Address W 15, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED MIDDLE-AGED "COOK pleo second girl; In private family. Call :.t ijt 1st St.. room 5. Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WOULD LIKE SITU a i Ion as housekeeper for widower; no objec t!n to children. D 12, Oregonlan. "Nurses. WANTED NURSING "BY PROFESSIONAL nurse; would leave town for September; terms reasonable 2S0 Caruthers st. A GOOD PRACTICAL NURSE CAN BE found at -room 30. The Newcastle Hotel, 3d ana Harrison in. Pbone "Main 800. TRAINED NURSE. Phone Main 165s. TERMS MODERATE, situ. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. WANTED A POSITION AS COMPANION ON a email salary; either in town or country. Applicant is an educated woman and good pianist; references. Mrs. B.. the Heller. 280Ji Grand ave. Tel. Scott 3132. WANTED CARE OF FURNISHED HOME for parties leaving city for the Winter by refined Eastern lady and daughter, er care far widower's refined home; references ex changed. G 14, Oregonlan. A YOUNG LADY WITH FOUR YEARS Ex perience wishes position as clerk in grocery or fruit, confectionery, cigar More; beet of reference. M 13, Ortgenlan. BY SCHOOL GIRL, 13 YEARS OLD. PLCB for a good heme to work for boariaad room, in or near Sunnyslde If posblbfr. Phone Main 2629. WANTED SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER or charge" of rooming-house, by oomietent woman; references exchanged. H 15, Orego nlan. BY EXPERIENCED PERSON, CLEANING, dusting, housework, by the day; give phone number. It Id. Oregonlan. 'EXPERIENCED CASHIER WOULD LIKE position; can give reference and bond if re quired. R 10. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED SCHOOLTEACHER. WILL give private lesions in English branches. Address K 7. Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY WANTS POSITION IN OF flcer'some experience In general office work. Y 14, Oregonlan. WORK WANTED FOR MEN AND WOMEN, white, black or yellow races. Phone Drake's, 205"Ht Washington. WOMAN WOULD LIKE STEADY EMPLOY ment cleaning or laundry work by the day. 1 365 Russell st. WOMAN DESIRES WORK BY THE DAY; sweeping and cleaning preferred. Phone YOUNG LADY WANTS WORK PART OF each day. either morning or afternoon. V 8. Oregonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN wants work by day or half day. C 4, Ore gonlan. WASHING TO DO BY DAY OR HOUR, Mrs. Harris. 105 N. 10th St. Phone Main 3733. WANTED-CHILD TO BOARD; LOVELY home; terms reasonable. I 'hone Union 034. HOME LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS Phone Scott 3840. Mrs. S. M. Scott. SITUATION WANTED BY PLAIN COOK. Addreus F 14. care Oregon Inn. WANTED AG ENTS. SALESMEN WANTED: NEW PROPOSI tlon; commission and premium; outfit,, free; good territory open; cash advanced on orders each week; write quick and send reference with application. Address Washington Nurs ery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED SPECIAL AGENT WRITE LIFE, health, accident pollcic; appoint agents; 976 weekly and expenses easily made; unique proposition; experience unnecessary. Write 0ear -Ekman, 1700 Summit ave., Seattle, "Waah. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL NURSERY stock In the Northwest: write today for choice territory; give references; outfit free; commission advanced weekly. Address F. W. Power. 011 East Couch t., Portland. Or. LADY AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS FOR Sahlln "perfect form and oort-Pt combined"; $26 a week easily made; outfit prepaid. Write for catalogue and terras. Women" Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. CANVASSERS TO. SELL MAGNIFYING photograph frames; big money for lire agents; cx'erytoodj" wants them; they sell at sight. Addresti Glen Rock Novelty Works, Glen Rock. Pa. $5 A DAY SURE PORTRAITS 90 CENTS, frames 12 cents; cheapest house en earth. Wholesale catalogue free. Agents wanted. Frank W. Williams & Co., 1210 Taylor st.. Chicago. MAN CLEARED $1182, LADY $20 LAST six months selling new cetltiMd. waterproof 4ioe-dress4ng. Why not eu? Demonstrated samples free. O. Benton & Co., 2Gtf Clark St.. Chicago. AGENTS MAKE $3 TO $10 A DAT FITTING glasses; big proms: our 24-page free eye book tells how; write today. Jacksonlan Optical College. College place. Jackson. Michigan. AGENTS WANTED-TO HANDLE SANI- tary fire-clay cooking vessels; liberal terms; send 25 cents for complete canvassing outfit, Baldoser & Pace Potter' Co.. Rosevllle, O. JAPAN-RUSSIA WAR, COMPLETE OFFI- cial history; bonanza for canvassers; extra terms; outfit free;" general agents wanted on salary. Zlegler Co., Philadelphia. AGENTS MAKE BIG MONEY SELLING our "Mendarlp' to farmers. You have the "bull by the horns." It eewe; It rivets. Foote Co.. Lo) Angeles, Cat. WANTED MINING STOCK SALESMEN everywhere" to sell mining tock of merle including two dividend-payers. J. C. Lee & Co.. 387 Stale st.. Salem. Or. TRAVELING SALESMAN BY LARGE wholesale house for Oregon to sell general stores; state experience. Wat job, sales man ager, - -50 5th ave., Chicago. WANTED AT ONCE. AGENTS TO RBPRE- sent an old reliable house on guaranteed salary of J 12 to $18 per week. W. E. Soett. room 24. 201 Alder st TO AGENTS AND CANVASSERS IF YOU want the best seller you ever handled, and at best profit, call at 003 Washington at. at once. "I FEEL LIKE A MILLIONAIRE," WRITES one agent; new demand: quick sales. Econ omy Farm Record Co., Newton. la. WANTED ENERGETIC MAN TO ORGAN- ize soap crew; $30 weekly easily earned. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. WANTED PHOTOGRAPH COUPON SALES- man: a good thing. Rembrandt Studio. ICQ 3d sL WANTED LIVE PHOTO AND PORTRAIT hu.-r.lcrs; a snap. SOI Dekura oldg. WANTED GOOD LADY AGENT; GOOD commission. E 1C. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED-A HOME BY A WIDOW. BRIGHT and energetic; would teach both piano and painting, and do light duties in the home; either In town or country: references. Mrs. B., the Heller. 280H Grand ave. MIDDLE-AGED FOREIGN GENTLEMAN. single, working as agent In cleaning, dye ing establishment. East Side, desires room with or without board. Address N 18, Ore gonlan office. YOUNG LADY WANTS BOARD AND room in private family, etcse in; perma nent; best references. State terms; must be reasonable. Address . B 8, eare Ore gonlan. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE fimlly. by young lady attending Business college: willing to assist and pay reasonable amount. Addre.'s H 10. care Oregonlan. WANTED-USE OF PIANO AND PARLOR In residence, centrally located, on West Side.' three afternoons each week. Address A 11, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT BY OCTOBER 1ST., 0 or 7-room modern house In thorough re pair, with nlee yard, in good neighborhood. King Coal Co. WANTED BY SEPT. 1STH OR OCT. 1ST. a 10 or 12-room house. West Side, goed lo cation; modern and have a yard, rhone Main 4009. MAN AND WIFE WOULD LIKE HOME TO care for during Winter or longer; best ref erences from present location. J 7, Orc- - gonian. WANTED BY OCTOBER 1-5 OR C-ROOM cottage or flat, bet. Gth and 13th. Yamhill and Washington sts. Address 332 20th. cor. Clinton. TWO ROOMS. WITH BOARD. WANTED by two adults: must be on West Side and be fiist clash in every respect. Phone Main 5503. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE OF NINE rooms for the Winter, by four grown people; Wett Side preferred. P 14. Oregonlan. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, walking distance City Park; must be reaajn able; answer quick. "F 11, Oregonlan. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM; CENTRAL location, by young man. In private family; state price. Address B II. Oregonlan. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE ROOM AND board, In private family; West Side: must be" reasonable. Address G 10, Oregonlan. LADY WHO WILL BE IN PORTLAND 2 months, wishes clean, pleasant room; East Side preferred. Q 10. Oregonlan. WANTED A MODERN UNFURNISHED 6 or 7-room house; permanent tenant; West Side. Address V 73, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL. FIND IT TO their advantage to list their vacant houses or dais with our free rental department. Our vacant houm directory baa become a recognized institution in Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed In suitable quarters. We make no charge whatever, and landlords ' fculd take ad vantage of .this service by calling at our rental department, filling in our Informa tion blank; leave the rest to us; we will secure a desirable tenant; we want houses in ail parts of city and suburbs; If you have a vacant soum, fiat or apartment, phone the particulars. Wo won't allow It to remain long idle. U. H EDWARDS, HOCSEFURNISHBR. Rental Department, 1S5 to 101 1st st. WANTED MODERN 3 OR 6-P.OOM COT tage; attractive appearance and good neigh borhood; best of bank references; want come talng desirable In every respect; weuM buy furniture If A 1 and cheap. C. A. Scott. 193 Cth it. WANTED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MAN. family of 3; a modern furnished home of 5 to 7 rooms, for the Winter; possession Oct. 1; will only cenrlder West Side; must be reasonable; references. Q 3, Oregonlan. WANTED-BY RESPECTABLE MAN. UN furnished room in private family by Sep tember 22. E 12. Oreconlau. YOUNG LADY WANTS BY SEPTEMBER 18 room and board In private family; mut be reasonable. J 12. Orcgenl&n. WANTED TO RENT-FOUR HOUSEKSEP ing rooms or furnished house; price must be reasonable. S 13. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT A FURNISHED HOUSE within 8 bleaks of the hospital: give location and price. H 11. Oregonlan. WANTED DESK ROOM BY PUBLIC stenographer: business center, ground floor preferred. T Oregonlan. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, West Side, within 15 blocks Oregonlan; per manent. P 0. Oregonlan. MAN AND WIFE WANT ROOM CLOSB IN; bath, privileges; two weeks. Address X 13, Orrgenlan, Sunday only. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER WISHES DESK room, the Failing or Sherlock bMg. pre ferred. Q 5, Oregonlan. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM FOR LADY; homelike place In walking distance; reason able. N 10. Oregonlan. WANTED NEW HOUSE. 8 ROOMS; CEN tral location: West Side; persaancnt tenant. J 10, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RBNT. LEASE OR BUY house with two to 3 acres, near car line. S 11. Oregonlan. FAMILY OF 3 ADULTS DESIRE FUR nlshed apartment on Wcat Side for Winter. Phone Main 5608. LADY SCHOOL TEACHER WANTS. ROOM and board in one block of car line. It 12. Oregonlan. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSB. WEST SIDE; careful tenant, rent reasona'MF. K 1C, Ore gonlan. WANTED BY 3 YOUNG LADIES. 3 ROOMS, with light, bath and heat. L 14, oare Ore gonlan. 1 VANTE I 511 S CE LLAXKO OS. WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPH era to register at 281 Stark sc.; have poa. tionn open at all timos. Underwood Type writer Company. WANTED--FOOT SECOND-HAND ROLL top ouk desk with revolving chair; state condition and lowest cash price. W 16, Oregonlan. WANTED BY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 3 $1500 for 2 years; Interest 6 per cent. For particulars address School Clerk. Llanlon, Or. WANTED HEAVY DUTY ENGINE, ABOUT 09 to 70 horsepower; also 30 hotWpower boiler. Doernbecher Mfg. Co.. Portland. Or. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING t and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the v '"Fair Deal." 2 N. 3d. Phone Hood 017. GENTLEMAN WANTS TICKET TO ST. Paul or Minneapolis; medium, light; via Den ver or St. Louis. Address E V, Oregonlan. WANTED OA K OFFICE COUNTER AND 14 to 24-foot oak panel partition, glass top; good condition. B Id, Oregonlan. TO BUT RETURN HALF OF TICKET TO Seattle; lady, tall, medium complexion. V 16, Oregonlan. SAFE SECOND-HAND. WITH LARGE book spec: weight, 21KH) pounds or less. Call up Main 412. PRIVATE PLACE FOR CONFINEMENT OF ladles, best of care and competent nursing. 333 3d at. WANTED-$0000 ON Al REAL ESTATE SK curity; East Side. Address K 12. care Ore- genian. WANTED TO BUY. DIAMOND FROM 1 TO ! Karat. J loom 3t. Tacoma Hotel, city. WANTED SECOND-HAND AITTOMOBILE; state tok and price. ,V H, oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- lle of aH kinds. Phone East 2233. WE PAY $M. FOR MONARCH RANGES. IL K. Edwards. 185-191 1st st. TOR RENT. Rooms. 184 NORTH 1STH ST. FOR RENT THREE lovely rooms, choice neighborhood, modem. $1 per day or $2S per month. Phone 34 18. BEAUTIFUL LARGE -FRONT ROOM. SUIT- able for two. newly papered and furnished; permanent, modern. 427 Salmon. 414 JEFFERSON NEWLY FURNISHED. thoroughly modern house, rooms) en miKe or single; permanent or transient. i RYAN HOUSE. 2fc 3TH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, en suite or single. Oppo site city nail; transient. ONE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. LIGHT and cheerful, close in on East SMe, $10. Phone Bast 1310. SEVERAL VERY PLEASANT ROOMS. BT day. week or month. 221 lOtn sC. cor. Salmon. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AT 403 SBC- end; gentlemen preferred; table board if desired. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen; gas, bath and phone. 433 7th t. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 1ST floor, private, central and reap enable, 3d st. FOR RBNT LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUIT- atrte for two gentlemen, iss nth st.. cor. Aiaer. ROOMS. 12 TO $4 PER WEEK. OVER Wetls-Farge Express Office. 4th and Yam Mil stR. SIDBROOM. 37 FOR ONE. $19 FOR TWO modern. East Side, dofe m. Phone Ease FURNISHED ROOMS. REASONABLE RATES. 129 Grand ave.. near E. Morrison. Soott 1452. rooms wrrn private family, perma- nent or transient, beard optional. Main 3S9X. FOR RENT 3 VNFURNISHED ROOMS, very desirable; cheap. No. 8 E. th st. N. The Oilman Cheapest and best located rooms in peruana; $i per week up. 1st and Alder. FOR RENT FOUR NICE LARGE ROOMS. Call 404 Morrison, or phone Main 2301. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED front room, with bath. 320 Grant st. NEW. LARGE FRONT ROOM; BATH. GAS. telephone. 317 Montgomery st. FOR RENT with piano. i-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT, OUTSIDE SLEEPING-ROOM. $10 month. 434 1st st., room 10. PER ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY FOR GEN Uemen. Phone Main 4135. FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO, ground noor. su uui st. FURNISHED ROOMS AND FURNISHED noucexeepinz. oia . FOR RENT 1 OR 2 FURNISHED ROOMS. 434 &-asi l.m or rasi .lie. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent, inquire 3iz uiay st. TWO VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS: LARGE ana airy. jaomeon si. - ROOMS FOR RENT CHEAP AT 2S55i 3D St., oor. uiumsui. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, 144 onn --a st. FURNISHED BEDROOM, WITH BATH. SO . i.m su 51fl HOY! -BEST LOCATION IN CITY lotn-su car, TOR KENT. Rooms. UNITED STATES HOTEL. Fronting on three streets, 0th. Ankeny and Bumslde; most central location In the city; cooL comfortable, clean quarters at econom ical prices; rooms 50c. 75c and $1 per day. All rooms have outside windows and frcit onVctreet. "Flfth-st. cars at depot to within oneblock ?f hotel. The Auditorium. 206ft 3d, bet. Taylor and Sal mon, i djock eouth ittker xneater iegant furnished, .brick bulldlnr. steam heat, hot and cold running water In rooms, free baths; rooms with private baths, electric light, ele vator; roams for two. 31 day. $3.10 week up; reasonable by month; tourists solicited. NEW LANGE HOTEL. EUROPEAN PLAN. cor. cth and Washington; rates. 75c. l and $1-50 per day; electric lights, bells and ele vator; free, 'bus to and from all trains; baths free: elegant cafe In connection. F. Larue. propretor; Sam Bauman. manager, formerb of Omaha and Sr, Lou So. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING -f"OR Large, btautlful outside room, elegantly furnished; will accommodate parties of 3 or 4 persons, at 50 cents apiece: not baths free Call at the Cory. 103 and 105 7th St.. ens "clock from the Portland Hotel and 2 blocks from Peetefflce. THE GARLAND. G21 Washington st, between 10th and 20th; iiew, modern, all outside rooms; electric lights, phone, free baths; 30c 75c. $1 per day; restaurant In building. Take "M" car At depot. Phone Red 051. HOTEL AVALON EUROPEAN). 413, WASH- ingten su. 4 bJocka wett of the Imperial Ho tel; newly furnished rooms, single "rn twite, hot and cold water, steam heat, elec tric light, bath and all modern conveniences; tourists solicited. FAIR VISITORS LARGE. LIGHT. AIRY rooms, elegantly furnlished. bath, gas or electric light. Mc and $1 per day; special rates by the week to parties of 3 or more; housekeeping privileges. 310 Harrison. 212 7TH ST.. COR. SALMON NICE LARGE siry rooms, beautiful trees, only 2 blocks from Portland Hotel. Postoffice and theaters'; tourist trade solicited; prices reasonable. Phone Main 2230. FINELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, ON car line, within walking distance. In pri vate family; no children; every conven ience; privilege bath and telephone. 451 3d st.. cor. Mill. THE CLAYTON. CORNER 10TH AND BURN- siee at., two blocks north of Washington st. First-clajks and prices reasonable; perma nent and trannlent solicited. Phone Mais FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ALCOVE room, with the us of kitchen; suitable for two; $4 month; on car line; bath and home privileges. Inquire 04 G East 2ih st.-. NICE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT- aoie xor two laaies or man and wire: -biockn over Steel bridge; private family; $12 .per month. 323 Roes st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN modern houec, with good table board; suit able for 2 persons; private family. 310 Col lege st. TWO PLEASANT BEDROOMS. FURNISHED, earn, pnone. nreaxiast if desired; 30 min utes to city; $3 a wek. each. Phone Scott 1001. "THE DORMER." 13TH AND JEFFERSON blegant furnished rooms; strain heat; phone and bath; reasonable rates to permanent peo ple. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. WITH USE ui u, iwiH u paone; rent reasonaow; nentlemcn preferred. 333 Lincoln st., near ith. 2S2 PARK ST.. NEAR JEFFERSON-THREE eiegantiy rurnuned rooms; modern conve niences; permanent or transient; reasonable. FURNISHED ROOMS' CHEAP TO DESIR- aWe tenant, with private family: use of bath and telephone. Phone East S36. WANTED A LADY ROOMMATE: BOARD and room; reasonable; answer with phone number; East Side. L 9, Oregonlan. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. UPSTAHiS. IN pvium vi el i , ku; uuie cat irvtfi depot; reasonable. 3s$ Taylor. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT OR MIDDLE room; all modern conveniences; private fata lly. 32H 10th. Phone Main loll. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS NEAR i-air grounds; lawn, trees and flowers; Just what you want. 031 Northrup sL 182 13TH. NEAR YAMHILL FRONT OR back parlor; also single rooms, well fur nished; permanent; reasonable. TWO ROOMS. TEACHERS. BUSINESS women preferred; use of kitchen for break fast. 540 Lovejoy. near 10th. ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN IN FINE HOME on Portland Heights; reasonable to perma nent parties. N 0, Oregonlan. FINE ROOMS. CLOSE. IN, $10 AND $12 PER per month, .win.? Madison, 4 blocks south P. O., between fith and 0th. FOR RENT-NICE. LARGE FURNISHED front room; hot and cold water; first floor; 50c per day. 309 Holladay. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS. Data, gas. pnone; reasonable: Fair visitors or permanent. 305 12th it. I0IK 13TH. COR. TAYLOR LARGE FRONT rooms; bath; reasonable; no transient. Phone Pacific 140. References. THE ALDER. 435 ALDER NICELY- FUR- nished rooms, quiet and convenient; bath and phone; very central. SAVE CAR FARE Room at the Earl; use of bath; gentlemen preferred. 201 H 3d st. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. BAY WINDOWS i.oJ per week; one block car. 10 minutes' rtde. 180 East 31th i. FRONT PARLOR WITH PORCH VIEW'. FOR gentleman, near Portland Academy. Main 3503. T 14, Oregonlan. 003 CTH CLEAN, LARGE. EIGHT ROOMS. bain, gas, pnone. Main 1432; no objection light housekeeping. ONE NICE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR lady or gentleman; breakfast if desired Phone East 307. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT ahie for two; electric lights, bath and phone. 339 Harrison st. WANTED A RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN as roommate; his snare. $1.23. Address A 16. Oregonlan. ROOM-ONE SMALL ROOM. REASONABLE to permanent tenant. 411 Main. Phone Main 4400. LARGE FRONT ROOM. VERyXiCELY FUR nlsbed. one or two; easy Vdlktng distance. 384 Park. NEATLY FURNISHED SLEEPING AND housekeeping rooms, close In; bath. SC 19th. Rooms With Board. THE MANITOU," 261 13TH ST. LARGE, beautiful rooms or suites, steam heat. JXve baths, abundant hot water, excellent meals. well served; permanent trade soneit LARGE FURNISHED ROOM AVITH BATH; modern fiat., close In; board if waay-d; gen Uemen, preferred. 200 tb st. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS. bath, gas, phone; rrascnablc; Fair visitors or permanent. s iw st. LARGE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. with or without board; 1 block from car. 303 0th. Phono Main S4P0. r BLAKELY HALL. 270 CTH ST. PLEAS ant rooms, with first-class board; fine lo cation; terms reasonable. SUITE OF ROOMS. NEAR CENTRAL AND North Central schools; grate; suitable for two. Phone East 2700. THE HARTMAN. 420 ALDER-PLEASANT front room, with board, for three or four gentlemen; permanent. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for two. In private boarding-house, home coo kin . 414 2d st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board; reasonable rates. 3SS 7th. Phone Main 3007. FINE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO. AND board; home cooking; walking distance. 4S7 East Ankeny. Ittn. THE ILLINOIS. 16SH 10TH LARGE HAND some front rooms with board; first-class table; permanent. . THEHAWTHONE, 221 13TH ROOMS WITH Dooro, gooa nome cooaing; reasonasie, cen tral, on car line. PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED: MODERN. private home; permanent or traneienL 120 15 th. cor. G 113 a. ROOM WITH BOARD. 631 E. MORRISON $3 week; 17th st.; bath, light, phone. Union J Old. THE OZARK. 223 I ITH ST. ROOMS EN suite or si' gle. board; hot and cold water. CHEAP ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 LADIE3 or 3 gentlemen. 2W page St.. U car. FOE RENT. Room With Board THE MANrrOU, 201 13TH ST. LARGE OR medium rooms, wen rumisaeo. single or en suite. Ateam heat, fine batht. abundant hot water; comfortable; excellent meals, well served; permanent trade solicited. MARY JANZ. changed from Water and Clay sts.. Davis Hotel, to 0i4 Macadam Road. 1 Invite njl my old customers. I give good board and room, and prices are reasonable. Near Box Factory. South Portland. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR; rooms with board; use of sewing-room; ua" of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, Sunt.. 310 Flanders. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. COP.VALLIS.OR. Clean cooking and beds; rooms well ven tilated; splendid service; centrally located. CHOICE ROOMS. CENTRAL, MODERN CON venlences. for transients or permanents; prices right. 301 Columbia. Main 2210. ROOM AND BOARD CHEAP. WITH USB OF piano. Xor reflned young lady who Is em ployed during day. Phone East 3774. WANTED A PERMANENT COUPLE FOR the Winter in swell private residence north of Morrison. N 13, care Oregonlan. A LADY WHO IS EMPLOYED DURING THE -day and wants nlee home answer this ad. for particulars. Y 13. Oregonlan. LARGE ALCOVE ROOM. WITH 2 DOUBLE beds, sol table for two or more gentlemen; board If desired. 653 Everett st. ROOMS WITH BOARD. 634 MYRTLE ST., Portland Heights. Phone 3000. v FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD 18th sc. car. Morrison. 153 Flats. ALL OR PART OF FURNITURE 0-ROOM fiat for sale; 3 large bay-windows; mod ern; elose In. Phone Main 3251. 34"& N. ldth. MODERN. LIGHT. PLEASANT FLAT. 7 large rooms, bath, newly papered. 203 li 15th N. Main UNFURNISHED UPPER FLAT. 6 ROOMS; hath, gas. fuel stub, renovated. Harrington, e&H 1st. near Oak; FOR RENT-LOWER FLAT. 6 ROOMS: West Side; cor. Madison and Stout at. In quire 24 1 Stout st. UNFURNISHED and San Rafael. Bast IS 10. 4-ROOM FLAT AT CTH Apply 421 Hancock. Phone 6-ROOM AND 7-ROOM FLATS. NEW. modern, near 3 ear lines. West Side. Phone Main 3501. 4-ROOM FLAT, NEW. MODERN. GAS, bath. Inquire afternoons, 1 to 4. at 412 2d. FOR RENT A MODERN FLAT. 273 14TH st.. comer ot Jefferson. Phone Main 3504 A MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT; modem conveniences. ;4Uu 7th st. FLAT FOR RENT MODERN. 8 ROOMS. 23d SU .North. Housekeeplnc Rooms. THE ST. GEORGE. 301 1ST ST.. COR. Co lumbia Furnished housekeeping with gas stews ami single rooms for gentlemen; transient solicited. T t LARGB FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; first floor, water, bath, phone; nice, quiet neighborhood; 2 blocks to ear line. 333 Montgomeiy at. LARGE FRONT ROOM IN COTTAGE FOR hourekeeplHg; nice yard. etc. tu party without chlKren; $12 per month. V 14. Oregonlan. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS OR. TENTS. full equipment. $S per month. Phone East 412S. Lewla & Clark Camp, Mt. Tabor Heights. 30S 13TH SMALL FRONT ROOM. THIRD floor; $o per month; also double parlors. 'Anno, light housekeeping; gas, bath and pnone. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: DE- slrable and very reasonable to good steady tenants; nuxfers. Call Sunday after & 541 2d sL FURNISHED .ROOMS ONE AN ALCOVE. can be ust tor ngnt Housekeeping; go. bath included. 1.1 E. 7tb. Phone East 1U20, THREE LARGE NICELY FURNISHED roomy; .first floor; bath, phone, gas. pantry: running water; reierences. 0 Irrlcsr st, HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS; QUIET location: terms moderate; 30 minutes from city. University Park. Phone Scott 1200. LARGE. BEAUTIFUL PARLOR SLEEPING- rooms; every convenience; reasonable; walk- ins; distance; quiet house. 403 4th st. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH COOKING privileges; gas and coal cook stoves; lady of house only; bath. Phone East 3278. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED liOUSEKEEP- lng rooms. 202 10th st.. near Jefferson; modern conveniences, rent reasonable. LARGE NICE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED housekeeping; also sleeping-rooms; gas range, running water. 508H Aider. FURNISHED DOUBLE PARLORS. LARGE kitchen, good vara, bath. gas. phone; pleas ant location; near car. 101 E. 12th. 395 SALMON ST. TWO ROOMS. FURNISH- ed for housekeeping; private entrance, run ning- water; pleasant; ro children. PARLOR SUITE COMPLETE FOR HOUSE keeping: water, pnone. piano: Xtner rooms reasonable. 410 4th. cor. College. S45H WASHINGTON ST. NICELY FUR noed nousejeeeping suite; also single rooms. gns. phone, bath; very desirable. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, private residence; gas. bath, phone; no children. 430 Jefferson st. SUITES Of TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS with Era stove; good location; $1.5 per week. 3S2 K. Yamhill st. LARGE FRONT ROOM. PRIVILEGE KITCH- en and dining-room; large yard; no objection to child. 4M Williams ave. ROOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED: GAS. BATH. phone; walking distance; adults. 2IU Grand ave. North. Union 3030. HOUSEKEEPING fumlehed rooms, bed. bath, phone. ROOMS LARGE with ga stove. 322 14th. LIGHT folding TWO VERY NICE HOUSEKEEPING furnished rooms: gar. bath and phene. Main. Phone Main 4&S0. OR 573 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms with use of bath; rent reasonable. 152 Russell st., Alblna. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING for tourists. 561 suite; very convenient Irving st-. cor. 17th. FOR RENT ROOMS. SINGLE OR HOUSK keepiag; new. modern house, bath, phone. Phone East 3SC2. FOR RENTTHE BEST PART OF A pretty cottage; fine location; reasonable. It 13. care Oregonlan. A PARTY OR FAMILY OF ADULTS CAN find housekeeping accommodation; central. 73 5th. cor. Oak. FIRST-CLASS HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent. Inquire after noon. 200 Stout st. Phone Main 44S4. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR light housekeeping; use of bath and phone. 431 College st. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED ROOMS. HOUSEKEEP Ing; sink, kitchen, bath. gas. phone. 404H East Bumsldc. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lag rooms. 2 blocks from Washington st, 28 N. 11th st. - 413 MAIN. CORNER 1 ITH NICELY FTR nlsbed suite, with gas range; free phone; fine location. FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms on first floor; rent reasonable. SOS Oth st. THREE ROOMS NICELT FURNISHED: $13 month: gas. bath: housekeepings 6S0 Fronts Take S car. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms; close in; bath. 80 10th. near Stark. TWO LARGE. ELEGANT UNFURNISHED rooms, of pa rate entrance; private house. 211 12th it. 414 JEFFERSON ELEGANT 3-ROOM SUITE, furnished for housekeeping; rent $33 per month. v FOR RENT-3 unfurnished rooms. bath and phone upstairs, $10. 720 E. Yam hill. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms, transient: bath, electric light. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room: close in; phone, bath. 33 North 12th. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, before 1 P. M. 73 N. Oth st, CALL TOE RENT, Housekeeplnx Rooms. THE ONEONTA. 137 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM hill rw bouse, elegantly furnished apart ments, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; ho: and cold water; gas range In "each kitchen; steam beat, baths; free pnone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms In best brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc.; no transients; price moderate. Logan bile. lOsfe Union ave.. cor. E. Alder. Phone Union 3203. THREE OR FOUR ROOMS FOR HOUSE- keeplng. unfurnished, or will furnish for permanent tenants; large, light rooms, ground floor; large yard; S car passes bouee; rent reasonable. 807 Corbett tJL. THREE NICELY FURNISHED, CONNECT- Ing housekeeping rooms; sink In kitchen; -.ny convenient; no children. 403 East 2tu. Phone East 2843; $12 per month. FURNISHED ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING OR sleeping; cheap; one block trom main en trance. SS3 Thurman. Apply before 12 ,or after 7 evening. 321 12TH. COR. CLAY" FRONT ALCOVE room and bedroom, closets, furnished com plete for housekeeping; gas range, bath ad Joining; reasonable. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Call 411 4th St.; Main 4563. 103 4th. Monday. ISO 13TH 2 COMFORTABLY FURNISHED rooms, adults only; very derlrable; modern. 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ?s per month. Call today. lSlVi Mill st. TWO PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING SUITES, nicely furnished. 371 H East Burnslde st. FOUR LIGHT AND CLEAN UNFURNISHED housekeeping- rooms; $8. 512 Columbia. SUITE OF THREE FINE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ground floor. 268 Jefferson st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. GAS RANGE, phone and electric lights. 212 1st at. ONE FURNISHED ROOM FOR YOUNG lady, light housekeeping. 326 Park st. 435 ALDER UNFURNISHED BASEMENT: water In kitchen;, centrally located. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing suite. 103 14th St.. cor. Taylor. 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS" FOR keeping and bath at 322 4th st. HOUSE- NICE SUITE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- Ing rooms, cheap. 301 M 3d st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND SIN- gle rooms. 103 E&t Oth. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WITH SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ISO Sherman st. Houses. H. E. EDWARDS. Housefurnlsher. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Dwellings of all kinds and In all parts of the. city are 1 la ted with us. We have the most complete directory of vacant houses in town. and If you contemplate moving it will pay you to visit our rental department. We areN sure to have a place for you. Following is a partial list: WEST SIDE. 5-room house, Hood st .$ 0.00 3-room house. Pat ton Road 10. CO 3 rooms, bath, good condition 12. CO 3 rooms, go, good condition..... 13. CO C-reom house, bath, gas 1G.00 6-room house, bath. gas. good condition 17.00 S-roem house, suitable 2 families IS. 00 3 rooms, bath, gas. fine yard 20. CO 7-room house, bath, good repair...... 20. W) 7- room house, bath, gas 20.50 10-room houce. bath, gas 30.00 8- room house, bath. gas. 7th st 33.00 3-room flat, modern, fine location 40.00 S-room house, modern, close In 43.00 12-room house In fine condition 50.00 EAST SIDE. 4 -room eottage. barn. MU Tabor $ 8.00 4- roorn house. Fremont st 10.00 5- room house, new 13.PO 5-room house, bath, good condition.... 14.00 4- roora bouse, Flanders st..... -15.00 5- room house, new, gas. bath 15. AO 4- room cottage, new. gas. bath. 15.00 7-room houie. new. gas. bath 10.00 5- room flat. new. RUssell st 18-00 4-roorrt flat, bath, close In 18. CO 8-rcom house, new. gas-, bath 20. (K) 5-room cottage. Madison St.. .......... 25.C0 7-room house, new, Williams ave 27.20 7-room house, new. modern, nke yard 30.0i 0-room house, strictly modern 30.00 Note No information regarding these houses ean be given over phone. H. E. EDWARDS Housefurnlsher 185 to 191 First st. HOUSES FOR RENT. 8 roome. No. 445 Terrtfc. $35. 5 room. No. 403 Market; $20. 8 rooms. Water and ArtSuir sts., $25. 5 rooms. No. 4h9 Irvingv 555. G rooms. No. 570 Main. $21.50. 0 room-. No. 321 East First. $27. 6 rooms. No. 127 East 13th. $22.50, S rooms. No. 6S0 Heyt. $43. 7 room?. East 10th and Stark. $35. PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO.. No. 230 Aider St. 511 FLANDERS St.. 5 ROOMS $13.00 236 N. 10th St.. 8 rooms 40.00 Williams ave.. 5 roomn 14.00 Portland Heights. 7 rooms.. ".T3.G0 002 First st.. 7 rooms 23.00 We have a few desirable furnished houses for rent. They are In good locatlont. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. 100 Third Street. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON acts in the capacity of trustee In the care of property Xor resident ai well as nonresi dent owners. We can do this work at a very small expense to the owner. Our de mand for good houses Is large. List your vacant property with us. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, 100 Third Street. FOR RENT A NEW 7-R003I MODERN house, up to date; cement floor; new fur nace; stationary washtubs; porcelain bath; new gas fixtures in eaeh room; elegant loca tion; a few blocks from river. 308 Roas. Inquire at 373 Ross, cor. Broadway. ONE OF MOST DESIRABLE HOMES AT Mt. Tabor, large grounds, with fruit In abundance; house has 7 rooms, with modern conveniences; is near car line and location Is very best. Hart Land Co.. 100 Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT NEW HOUSE SIX LARGE rooms; all modern Improvements; tinted walls, window shades; front and back yards; fine neighborhood; corner E. 22d and Couch. Apply 751 E. Burnslde st. Phone East 211. FINE 6-ROOM HOUSE. WIRED AND PIPED, woshstand and washtubs In basement, large closets, full concrete basement, cement walks. Call owner, one btockouth bouse 032 Union ave. N. Phone East 2403. C-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON ROOSEVELT st.. formerly X street, on AVeat Side, near 22d; reasonable rent to permanent tenant. A. H. Birrell, 102-1QQ McKay bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark sts. TWO NEW S-ROOM HOUSES. JUST COM pleted. with all modern and up-to-date Im provements. 702 or 704 Northrup st. Phone Main 4025 for key, etc. ' FOR RENT FOR THE WINTER 8-ROOM modern, furnished hous?; good location, with fine view on the West Side. ,Call at 160 Lane St.. and see the owner. FOR RENT A 3-ROOM COTTAGE AT E. Davis and 18th sts.; also a 0-rCom cottage at 321 Union ave.. by owner. Address or call at 1S80 Peninsula ave. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT to good, responsible tenant; $23.50 month. Corner lot. 5 E. 13th st. Inquire 348 E. Ankeny, next door. FOR RENT ONE OF MOST BEAUTIFUL homes In Portland; lot 1C0 feet: square house. II rooms; furniture for sale. Ad dress T 13, Oregonlan. 6-.ROOM MODERN HOUSE ELECTRIC lights, gas and etc.; large lot at Sunny side $18. Vanduyn & Walton. 270 Wash ington st. MODERN COTTAGE. FIVE ROOMS, BATH, basement, 333 Madison st. Inquire Wake field, Fries & Connd John Klostermcn. 01 Nr 21st. FOR RENT A 3-ROOM HOUSE, 503 Mis sissippi ave., $12.50 per month. Inquire of E J. Jaeger, 290 Morrison st. Phone Hood 203. FOR RENT 12-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; large and beautiful grounds, on Holladay ave. Apply 229 Washington st. Phone Front 182. NEW 9-RSOM HOUSE WITH QUARTER block. Hancock and E 20th sts.. $37.50. B. M. Lombard. 314 Chamber of Commerce. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 1CS5. Office. 110 N. 3d at. S-HOOV COTTAGE SUNNYSIDE. $13. 0-room house. 6S0 E Taylor, $20. F. W. TORGLER. 100 Shericck bldg. FOR RENT A NEW SEVEN-ROOM RESI dence on Willamette Heights, beautiful view; all conveniences. Call 1103 Thurman at. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FOR RENT MODERN 13-ROOM HCCSE. large grounds, on Johnson st, Wto. O. Beck, 307 the Falling; btdg. ' Home. 5g"fe PARTIAL HOUSE LIST 600 N. 24H t., 5 rooms 237 Stanton tt., 8 rooms........... in s,-OT. -. it - $13.30 13.00 lti.ou lti.00 22.50 , 22.30 20.50 573 Savier St.. 7 rooms 742 Clinton st.. 7 rooms... 53 E. 11th St.. 7 roo$ns 410 11th st.. 7 rooms E. 7th St.. near Oregon, new. 7 rooms 2S3 N. 12th sc. 0 rooms 30O 7th St.. 8 rooms 028 MlssUntppl ave., 0 rooms ........ 83 West Park st.. new flat. 5 rooms.. 27.3o 30.CO 30.00 30.00 33.00 333 Madison St.. 0 rooms ... 2rd3 14th at., flat. S rooms 347 11th eU, 8 rooms 781 Kearney st., 9 rooms ... 241 N. 15th st.. 8 rooms .... ... 35.00 ... 3d.U0 ... 45.00 ... 45.00 ... 30.00 ... G0.00N 3W Everett st., 11 rooms v zutft let sc. 30 rooms 123.00 WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 220 Stark St, FOR RENT BY THE DUNN-LA WREN CD CO. $20 S-room house, hot and cold water, gas and other modern conveniences. 330 San Rafael. 315 7-room house, large lot. beautiful trees and shrubbery. 104 E. 27th. near Bel mont. $12.50 Beautiful, new, strictly modern. 5 room cottage. An elegant place. Will rent It. with handsome furniture, for $20. 048 E. Division st. 10 Nice 0-room house, barn, beautiful place to live. 502 Umatilla ave. $200 per annum 10-acre place, on Mount Tabor, with 0-room house, good barn. See this before the rush commences. Apply at 140t FIRST STREET. FOR RENT IN SOUTH PORTLAND-TAKE t car south; get off at Lane st. and look at modern 7-room house for $22 per month. Key next door. 0-ROOM HOUSE. S0G 17TH ST. RECENTLY renovated: new bathroom and modern plumb ing. - Call 434 Mohawk bldg. 871 KELLY. NEAR GAINES 0 ROOMS. bath and toilet. $10. Donald G. Wood ward, agent. 240 Stark st. FINE CORNER HOUSE. 8 LARGE ROOMS, newly renovated, only $2S to the right party. Inquire forenoorus, 7 DO First. S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. $42.50 month. The Healy 214 Ablngton. 10&r, 3d st. 734 HOYT ST.. Invcstmnet Co., MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST SIDE. $25 month. , Apply L. Y. Keady. 51-52 Union blk.. 2d and Stark sts. MODERN HOUSE OF 11 ROOMS. WELL AR ranged for rooming-house; very central. Wakefield, Fries & Co. FOR RENT HOUSE. U ROOMS. CENTRAL, suitable for roomers or boarders. H. E. Edwards, ISO First st. 2-ROOM HOUSE. ON BLUFF OVER-LOOK-Ing the Oaks; grove trees; 3 blocks to car; $0. 85 B. 8th. North. FOR RENT NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE; EAST Sth. near Holladay ave.; $35. Phone Eat 314. J. T. Sharkey. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, 10TH AND Northrup; modern, gas. Apply 371 Lovejoj. Phone West 002. FOR RENT NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE GAS. bath, yard; small family. 810 Cleveland ave.. cor. Falling: $15. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. 2D. NEAR LIN eoln. 4-room house. 3d. near Lincoln. In quire 248 Lincoln. NEWLY FURNISHED COTTAGE. 3 LARGE rooms and-bath; several car lines. 320 K. 11th st. ACRES. WITH 3-ROOM COTTAGE. NEAR car line; ready to plow. Harrington. 8314 Is', near Oak. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE MODERN conveniences. Apply on premises, 231 Sher idan st. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 840 MONTANA ave.. $13; nlee yard and fruit. Phone Main 3547. 12-ROOM HOUSE. ALSO MODERN 4-ROOM flat. West Side. Inquire forenoons. 412 2a. u-ROOM COTTAGE COR. E. 8TH AND EV-erett- Apply to Geo. Tuttle. 84 W. Park. FOR RENT HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS AND bath. 471 7th st. Inquire 304 Salmon st. SECOND STORY. 4 ROOMS. WATER. 2D and Arthur; rent $10. Inquire 0S1 2d st. 331 HOLLADAY AVE NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE fine location, will be empty Sept, 15. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. CENTRAL, and gas. Inquire 401 Eat Pine. BATH 4-ROOM HOUSE. BARN. McCoy. 34 2. 20th. cor. LOT 175X100; Savier. $8. WE HAVE SEVERAL HOUSES FC?R. RENT Hatfield & Smith. 165i 4th st. FOR RENT-350 MONTGOMERY ST.. A NEW 8 -room house, modern. FOR RENT-350 MONTGOMERY ST.. A NEW 8-room house, modern. FOR RENT NEW Phone East 257S. MODERN COTTAGE. FOR RENT MODERN .745 East Main. HOUSE. 8 ROOMS. HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS. GOOD LOCATION. 7th st, 431 Furnished Houses. FOR RENT AT CORNER WASHINGTON and Ibth. a well and complete!)' furnished five-room cottage, with bath, gas, cement basement, large woodshed; best of references requtred; rent $45. Apply 113 West Park st., between 0 A. 31. nd 1 P. M. FOR RENT FURNISHED MODERN 7-ROOM houses gas and wood ranges, piano, electric lights, grate and furnace; referenced re quired. Apply 504 Market st. Take Port land Hetxhta car. NEW AND NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE, modern conveniences. In desirable locality; rents $30 month, with Income of $323 month; kavlng city; sell for cash at your own price. W 10. Oregonlan. FOR RENT A FURNISHED 7-ROOM house, by a young teacher who desires to board for rent; no children. Call at 381 Going st.. corner Union ave., or phone Seott 4105. FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED FTJR nished house, full of roomers; will tail fur niture on easy terms at a baiKain. Tha Amen Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. WELL-FURNISHED, MODERN NINE-ROOM house, established neighborhood, on East Side car line, for 3 monthe or longer. Ad dress A 16. Oregonlan. 12-ROOM HOUSE; MODERN FINE RESI dence locality: West Side; furniture almost new; to right party, boarders assured. Phone Main 1410. ONE YEAR OR MORE. S-ROOM PRIVATE residence, excellent location, completely fur nished; references. 472 Yamhill. FOR RENT 0-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, with piano; large yard; reasonable. 083 E. 10th st. N. Phone Scott 4107. FURNISHED HOUSE. 10 ROOMS; FINE Lo cation (piano); all modern Improvements; rent, $63. Phone Went 483. SNAP 3 ROOMS, FURNISHED, LOWER floor, of 8-room house for rent; reason able. Phone East 1802. COMPLETELY FURNISHED SEVEN-ROOM house for a year or more. Phone morn ings to East 1213. r 0-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE, Portland Heights, reasonable, near car line. Phono Main 6623. A NEATLY FURNISHED COTTAGE; 5 rooms; rent reasonable. 320 Fremont st. Take U car. FURNISHED LOWER PART OF HOUSE with two rooms upstairs. 703 Irving, bet, 21st and 22d. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. NICELY FUR nlsbed. large yard; $33 month. Call 083 Front st, 10 ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED, FINE Lo cation for renting rooms. Inquire at 212 1st st. NEW MODERN 0-ROOM FLAT. CLOSE IN, 3 to 0 months; references. T 10, Oregonlan. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. EAST SIDE; NICELY furnished; yard; flowers. 753 East Pine. FURNISHED FLAT FOR RENT: 6 ROOMS, modern. Phone Main 4402. 330 2d st. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sale. VERY MODERN 7-ROOM FLAT FOR RBNT. furniture for rale, reasonable. Apply 200 11th St.. bet. Columbia, and Ckrjv FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM house: owner leaving: must sell immediately: $83; bargain. E 15. Oregonlan. NEWLY FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM FLAT; centrally located; West Side; $323 spot cash. 535 Chamber of Commerce. MUST LEAVE AT ONCE; WILT SELL FUR nlture cheap; 8-room cottage, in town; rent $20. 128 12th st- FOR SALE STOVES AND SOME FURNI ture, at 53 E. llta eC; cottage tor rent.