11 TALKI N G M ACH I N E FREE $25.00 EILERS TALKING MACHINE THE , SUNDAY. OBEGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 10, 1905. t. tt' t - GIVEN AWAY TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Daily and Sunday Oregonian THIS IS THE MACHINE FREE Almost too goocl to be true; but, nevertheless a fact. The most lib eral offer ever made by any newspaper in the Pacific Northwest. $25.00 MACHINE FREE The Oregonian M Has provided for all its old and new subscribers the most liberal premium offer ever made by ,ahy American newspaper. If you are a lover of music, one of these Talking Machines will bring into your home the glorious voices of the great Caruso, of a Melba, Tamagno, Pol Plancon and the other great artists who have consented to the publica tion of their records to be used with this Talking Machine, for the purpose of handing down their voices to posterity. If you love the stage, you have at your com mand the inspiring monologues and recitations of the most prominent actors. If you admire the opera, this Talking Ma chine will play an endless variety of Wagner's operas down to the catchy, breezy light operas of the day, and you can have funny minstrel songs for encores. Band Concerts and Orchestra music also are at your command. Please bear in mind that this machine is not a toy, but a large $25.00 machine that will play any disc record loud enough for dancing, if de sired; an ornament for any home, a musical edu cator, a constant source of delight and pleasure to every member of the household. The Eilers Talking Machine is absolutely guaranteed by the manufacturers, and by Eilers Piano House, against defective workmanship or material, for a period of one year. Send us your name, and a special agent will visit you, or you may call at our store in person. EILERS PIANO HOUSE Park and Washington Sts. Phone'The Oregonian ,ttm Main 667 Phone Eilers. Piano House Private Exchange 23 THIS IS THE MACHINE FREE Almost too good to be true; but, nevertheless a fact. The most lib eral offer ever made by any newspaper in the Pacific Northwest. $25.00 MACHINE FREE A ;- v- ' lKm These machines are on exhibition at Eilers Piano House, where recitals will be given daily. All are invited. Come one ! Come all 1 Eilers Piano House Park arid Washington Sts. Portland, Or. THE OREGONIAN PHONE MAIN 667 - A PHONE, PREMIUM DEPT. ' PRIVATE EXCHANGE 23