0: CONVENTION OF LETTER-GRRRIERS ill, W. A. GATHER AT EXPOSITION PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL LETTER-CARRIERS' " ASSOCIATION - PARK AND WASHINGTON STREETS The School of Quality Delegates Are Constantly Ar riving for the Big Gathering. Programme of Speeches Is Followed by'Competi- , tive Drill. 66 5? WORK TO BE ACCOMPLISHED PRIZES AWARDED TQXAMPS. THE SBDAY OREGONIAN,- PORTLAafP, SEPTESlKEft 3, 1905. Auditing Committee Is Busy With Books and Will Be Reads' to Report at Opening of Session Tuesday. Tit wen who -deliver the mall are now ready to meet in national convention, and already many bf the advance dole Rates are In the city, while today and to morrow many more will make their ap pearance. The auditing committee, which reached Portland on Thursday last, has been stoadlly at work since that time on the books of the secretary, and finished Its task last night. The books of the? treas urer will be the next set taken up for consideration and examination, and It is the expectation of the committee to be ready to make Its report by the time the convention is called at 9 o'clock on Tues day morning. The credentials committee has gone over all of the credential cards which have been submlttea, verifying them from the membership rolls of the different branches In good standing to be repre sented at the convention. Their work Is also practically completed and they will be able to make their report at the open ing of the convention. Minnesota Expected Tonight. The Minnesota delegation to the con vention is expected to reach the city this evening, while many other delogates are due to arrive who have been making the journey alone, or who have taken differ ent routes than the one chosen by their comrades. Today the advance guard of the Eastern delegation wilt make its appearance in the Pennsylvania, delegation of 65 members. K of whom are from Philadelphia, headed by Richard F. Quinn, the president of the Philadelphia branch of the association. The two special trains carrying the large body of the dolegates will reach Portland tomorrow morning. One train comes from Chicago and the other from St. Louts, the two having aboard more than 45 of the delegates from the East. Thee special trains are in charge of sev eral of the officers of the National Asso ciation. Many of the delogates are ac companied by their wives and families or invited guests. It Is expected that by Monday evening all of the 00 men who have been sent as delegates to the con vention will liave arrived In the city. Officers Itcncli Portland. President James C. Keller, of Cleveland, and Secretary E. J. Cantwcll. who is also the editor of the Postal Rooord, at Wash ington. D. C, reached the city some days ago. and are now at their headquarters at tbe Portland. , The local committees which have been given the task of-providing entertainment ..for the visitors during their stay In the city have been hard at work and are fast completing the details ot a good pro gramme for the week. The work that has been done roflects credit on them and covers all of the principal points of In terest in the vicinity of the -city in the way of sightseeing trips. The Official Programme. The official programme of the conven tion as completed is as follows: S A. M.. receiving delegates and visitors at Union Depot and escorting them to headquarters. Branch St. lTOe Fifth street, Ooodnough building, room 203, second floor, which is open at all times for the accommodation of the delegates, and where they will be assigned to the rooms reserved for them. 9 A. M. to C P. L, dis tribution of souvenirs and badges at the convention hall (Armory) to the delegates presenting credentials. S P. M. Public reception at the Armory. Selection. .St. Louis Letter-Carriers' Band Invnmailnn " T t TT!H Welcome II. E. Colman President Branch 82, N. A. L. C. Address of wolcome Postmaster J. W. MInto Address of wolcome. ...Official representa tive of Governor George E. Chamberlain Address Mayor Harry Lane Response President James C. Keller President N. A. L. C. Selection Denver Letter-Carriers' Band Address Hon. C. W. Fulton U. S. Senator for Oregon. Selection By bands Tuesday. September 5. Morning, after noon and evening sessions. Wednesday. September 6. Morning, aft ernoon and evening sessions. Thursday. September 7. Morning, after noon and evening sessions. Friday. September 8. Morning session. 12:3G P. M. Parade of letter-carriers. Parade forms at the Armory at 12:30 sharp, when transportation and Fair tick ets will be distributed. Line of march: East on Burnside to Sixth street, south on Sixth to Yamhill, east on Yamhill to Fourth, north en Fourth to Washington, oast on Washington to Second, where cars will be in waiting to receive the carriers and take them to the Fair grounds, where an address of welcome will be delivered by President H. W. Goode and selections by the bands, after which they will be al lowed to go their own way during the re mainder of the afternoon and evening. Saturday, September 9.-Mornlng, after noon and evening sessions. Sunday. September 10. Oak-street dock. S:16 A. M. Excursion up the Columbia to Cascade Locks and return. Steamer Tele phone leaves Oak-street dock at S:S0 A. M. sharp, carrying all carriers and their friends holding tickets. Music will be furnished by the Letter-Carriers' Band, and lunch will be served at Bonneville after which will be the return home ar riving at the dock at "P.M. Programme of Ladles' Auxiliary, for ladles only. Headquarters, room 200 Good nough building: Monday. September 4. S A. M., receiv ing visiting ladles: S P. M.. attending pub lic reception at the Armory. Tuesday. September 5. 1 P. M. sharp at headquarters. Seeing Portland by trolley. 7:5 P. M. sharp at headquarters. Attend theater. Wednesday. September 6.-9 A. M. sharp at headquarters. Excursion to Estacada. 5 P. M. sharp at headquarters. Trip through Chinatown. Thursday. Soptembor 7.-8:30 A. M. sharp at headquarters. Excursion to Vancou ver. Wash., returning leave Vancouver at 3:20 P. M. Friday. September 812:30 P. M. sharp at the Armors'. Taking part in parade a,ut9L Fars and attending Lewis and Clark Fair. Saturday. September 9. 1 P. M. sharp at headquarters. Trip to The Oaks. Sunday. September 10.-S:15 A. M. sharp at Oak-trcet dock. Attending excursion up the Columbia. Lcttcr-Carrlers Elect Officers. The second annual convention of the State Association of Lettor-Carrlers was called to order yesterday afternoon at 3 o'c:ock In the Knights of Pythias hall President S. E. Howard, of Salem, pre sided at the meeting, which was com posed pf delegates from the branch asso ciations at Astoria, Sslem, Baker City. Eugene and Portland. James C Keller, bf Cleveland, president of the National Association, was In at tendance; .upon the meeting, -and gave a very interesting address, In which he JAMES C. KELLER, dealt with the affairs of the National Association. Salem was selected as the place for holding the stato convention next year. The' onlcers were elected for the ensuing year, the list being as follows: National vice-president for Oregon, F. PURE WINE BILL That Is the Object of the Man ufacturers. EAST AND WEST AGREED Committee From the Atlantic Sea board Meets With a Gommittce Kcprcscntlng California Grow ers to Formulate Plan. The Eastern, wine representatives of the American Winegrowers' Associa tion, who have been visiting the vine yards and wlnerlos of California, ar rived In the city today. The member ship of this association includes prac tically all of the largost and leading wine companies of the United States. The purpose of the visit of the East ern men, who formed a committee, was to confer with a committee from the California Vltlcultural Club about a National pure wine bill, and about the ways and means for promoting the In" creased consumption of pure Ameri can wines. The association sent its leading members on the committee, which consisted of the following rep resentatives: Edward R. Emerson, president of the association, and presi dent of the Brotherhood Wine Co., of New York; F. N. P.andhJJ, president of the Chautauqua Wine Co.; Jules Crance, of the Urbana Wine Co., and Lee J. Vance, secrotary of the associa tion, and publisher of the American Wine Press, New York- The California committee consisted of Percy T. Morgan, president Of the California Wlno Association; P. C Ros si, president of the Italian-Swiss Col ony, and Professor E. H. Twlght, of the University of California Work of Committee. , Speaking of the meeting of the two committees. Secretary Vance said: "We believe that we have accom plished an important work, for th whole American wine industry. For the first time all of the different ele ments in the wine trade hax'o'tsome to gether, and from now on have agreed tst put new life into the business. "At our last meeting in San Fran cisco a few days ago our committee approved of the rough draft of a pure wine bill. The public will be quick to respond to our efforts to put on the market and to sell to consumers pure wines only. Of course the people who will oppose us will be the adultera tors and makers bf imitation and spuriouB wines. "Another important thing will be our propaganda ancf campaign of pub licity for introducing pure wines. The members of our association have agreed upon plans to support such a campaign, which will not be for ono year, but during a series of years. All that we need Is to got the American people to try our good wines In order to make them more of a wine-drinking people, all of which would be con ducive to temperance and sobriety." Praise for California. In conclusion Mr Yence said: "Speaking for the T.ier members of the committee, we have only words or praise for the splendid reception we received -while in California. From A2 day we arrived fix Los Aceles to OF CLEVELAND. P. Holm, of Portland; president, S. E. Howard, of Salem: vice-president, F. E. Taylor, of Eugene; secretary. A. E. Klink. of Portland; treasurer, P. Shea, of As toria; executive board. H. E. Coleman, of Portland; G. E. Hatch, of Salem, and C. E. Finch, of Pendleton our meeting In San Francisco, aside from our business, w were shown that open-hearted hospitality for which our friends are noted. The fine wines whloh were served at the banquets were striking proof of the high qual ity which California wines have now attained. The makers of such fine wines may well be proud of their suc cess in producing vintages which in every respect rival the foreign brand of wines. This, however, was no sur prise to me. for as a member of the international Jury at Paris in lt. and again at St. Louis in 1964. I had oc casion to see how favorably our Amer ican wines and champagnes compared with European wines. The consump tion of American wines has been in creasing: at a rapid rate of late years, and we look to see' even greater in crease in the near future.' T STARS US SPECIALS DEMOCRATS ARE APPLYING FOR THE POSITIONS. Old Men Declare That They Will Not Obey Mayor llano's Latest Order. Hordes of men want commissions as special policemen from the Lane admin istration, and from present appearances practically all of the former members of the force will be "let out." This will be done, it Is thought. In order that places may be made for others, preferably Democrats, It is said. Members or the "special" force as now comprised, deolarc that they will put up a hot fight for their present positions, and that they will refuse to comply with a set of rules and regulations, now being drawn, which are said to be so drastic that they would destroy the relations ex isting between the special policeman and his customers, as under them written re ports of the moneys collected from each man or ttrm In the various districts are required from the officers. "The business wo are engaged In sim ply will not permit of any such a report." said one of the oldest of the special po licemen, and a man against whom there has never been a charre. 'rn fnmi.t. any. one with a report of moneys paid us by firms who employ us would destroy the privacy between us and our employers and ruin our business. This is a rule that we shall not obey, and Mayor Lane can take away our stars if he chooses." "SDCclals" declare that th,. Mn uix the majority of their business without iuc suits mrnisnca oy inc city, although they admit that they prefer to work wearincr the official decoration tm -a. them power of arrest, but they claim mcy can matte a necessary arrests shorn of the police emblem. . Should tht "KrwMnlt" nfmn t u - - V AAfeU KilU agreement now being drafted by Mayor iang ana nis lieutenants, without doubt I new men will be appointed. If this oc ! curs, the nrescnt member nt tv rn. j a few of whom are working merely by grace ot me powers mat be until rules and regulation are readv fnr declare they will remain on their beats ana penorxn me same duties as now. The new men under sr-ch MniHiinrm ..i. " . w..Mw,.o. nuuiu have to work up" business, and In direct opposition to xne displaced watchmen. Under the William B1mlnlotrs,inn eral questionable men were discharged as special policemen, but were immediately given stars as special Deputy Sheriffs. This will not occur now, however, as Mavor Lane nriA Sheriff WnrA o k.i, Democrats, and have a brotherly feeling u.i wouia preciuuo sucn a procedure. First Government of Alberta. WINNIPEG, Man., Sept. 2. A. a Ruth erford. Liberal leader In the new Province of Alberta, was called upon today by Gov ernor tfuiyea to organise the first gov. eminent for Alberta. It Is expected that tne election warn be neld soon. Fremont of Seattle Is First,- Elliott Bay. of Seattle Second, Tacoma Third, Oregon Grape of Portland Fourth. The Modem Woodmen of America held forth at the Lewis and Clark Exposition yesterday, and their exercise consisted of a programme of speeches at the Audi torium early in the afternoon, which was followed, by a competitive drill in which several of the degree teams of the order participated. This fraternal organization fa one of the largest In the country and was well represented in yesterday's ex ercises. Among the prominent person ages to speak at the Auditorium gather ing were: Governor George E. Chamber lain, Mayor Harry Lane, and Director of Exhibits H. E. Dosch, aU of whom gave addresses of welcome. Senator M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, state lecturer of the Modern Woodmen of America, delivered the responding speech. In which he told briefly of the work of the order and their intentions as to the future. State Deputy Organlrer J. O. Davis, of California, de livered an address on woodcraft In gen eral and the Modern Woodmen of Ameri ca In particular. Mr. Davis claims that the M. W. of A. Is the original Woodman organization and Is growing with giant strides. The order Is practically new in this part of the country, for It Is only In the past decade that they have taken In the Western territory, having previous to ie5 practically confined themselves to the Eastern States. Strong Fraternal Order. Itvnn1ln In th wtnrenenf atives nf this organisation It Is the strongest fraternal Insurance society In the United Statos. for on August 1 they had a membership of 752,000. The Modern Woodmen of Ameri ca take great pride In their uniform rank and tho fact that they had more uni formed men in line at tneir exercises man any other fraternal organization at the Fair, over iso unuormea iioaem wooa men of America passed through the Ex position gates yesterday. The largest del egation of this organization from out-of- inti'n mint, rm rrem seaiiie ana oinrr Puget Sound cities, which occupied 12 oars. For almost two hours yesterday after noon the broad plaza In front of tho Ore gon building at tne lewis ana Claris ex position was tne scene of many Intricate m m t n rv maneuvers, oerformed bv five drill teams of the Modorn Woodmon of America. The teams who competed were: Oregon Grape Camp, of Portland. 12 men Vider command of Chief Forester C. P. Smith: Elliot Bay Camp, of Seattle. 16 men. commanded by Chief Forester Fred ctmifh- Taenma Camn. Tacoma. 16 men. John Wilson, chief forester: Fremont Camp. Seattle. IS men. Chief Forester J. w T.oneh and Evonrreen Camp. Port land. Chief Forester W. F. Steepy. Spruce Camp, of Portland, under commano oi Chief Forester C. 3. Vermehren, was on the grounds, out dio not enier mw wu competitive drill. Judges or Drill. - The judges were: Captain J. B. Gowen. of the Tenth rnfantry. V. S. A.. Lieuten ant John Randolph. Tenth Infantry; Cap tain C. T. Smith, Third Infantry. Oregon National Guard, and F. D. Rennlson. colo nel of Foresters, of Portland. The points in oAmnotitlon were InsDCCtlon. drill and movements, goneral appearance, uniforms. manual or arms, distance, ioui rauuuii cadence, and the action and execution of the commanders. Tho drill was most rigid, and the men without exception en tered" Into the spirit of the moment with splendid accord. Each team was allowed about 20 min utes In which to go through the drills. As Evergreen Camp lined up before the Judses and were dismissed by Captain Gowen. the crowds became almost unmanageable and a rush was made for the Judgos' stand, each one eager to learn what camp had been adjudged the winner. With but little deliberation the Judges awarded the first prize of J100 to Fremont Camp, of Seattle: the second prize of fT3 to Elliott Bay Camp, of Seattle: the third prize of 5 to Tacoma Camp, of Tacoma. and the fourth prize. ITS. to Orogon Grape Camp, of Portland. Fremont Camp made a general average of S5.7, Elliott Bay Camp Si-i. Tacoma Camp M.S. Oregon Grape Camp SS.S and Evergreen Camp 81.1. The drill was promoted entirely -by Portland members of the Order. The pro motion committee was composed of J. W. Simmons, state deputy consul; R. W. Fos ter chairman; J. W. Shears. J- J. God dard J. M. Davis. H. E. Manning. O. J. Grace. C. W. Meadows, A. J. Collins. Fred Graap. W. R. Gradon. W. H. Culpln, F. A. Knight. T. E. Edwards, John Reob, J. F. Neltzel and others. Woodmen In Parade. Shoulder to shoulder, with the vim and vigor of seasoned veterans, cheer ing lustily and proudly waving .their banners in the air. 3000 Modern Wood men of America marched through the downtown streets at 8:30 o'clock last night, and received the ovations of the immense crowds which lined the streets on the line of march. Promptly at 7:30 o'clock the Wood men gathered at the Armory, Tenth and Couch streets, and awaited the order to fall in." The roam nan was packed with members of tho order, and the smaller halls and corridors were filled to the walls with shouting. Jubi lant masters of woodcraft. With but little delay, the mombers of the order were formed Into inarch ing line In Tenth street, and with fly ing' colors and to the inspiring music of SU John's Camp Band, the column of Woodmen began their triumphant march through the downtown' thor oughfares. Take Up tho March. With Major -W. T. Vaughn at their head, sitting proudly on his prancing charger, and Assistant Marshals 7. D. Rennlson, A. E. McMonnles and H. E. Manning dashing bravely along- the lines, the Woodmen, to the cheering of the crowds, took -up their march. From the Armory down Tenth street to Morrison, the lusty Woodmen trudged, cheering, singing and other wise making known to the world- that they were glad tbey were members of the order. "Column left," came the order at Tenth and Morrison streets, and the column filed Into the latter thorough fare and began Its march into the heart ofthe city. Down Morrison street to Fourth, and then "column left" again, and the marchers swung sprlnglly into the latter street, and wended their way to Taylor street. With the martial strains of the band lending- a nap to their mavementa and a military stiffness to their spines, the Woodmen turnd into Third streets, and to the plaudits of the crowds stepped down the street at a lively r . - Portland, pregon, August 28, 1905. Underwood Typewriter Company, , -y ' - 291 Stark Street, City. - , Gentlemen: Five of your No. 4 machines have been in constant use- in our typewriting department for the past six months. Not one of them has given us the slightest trouble, and they are all in perfect condition today. We find that "visible writing" results in more work in & given time, with less fatigue to the operator, and have decided to add to our equip ment accordingly. Please "blind" the keys for the "touch" method, and deliver at once 10 additional machines of your latest No. 4 make. We. . shall soon be able to meet all your many calls for stenographers who are skilled in the use of the Underwood Typewriter. . (Catherine Scott, Student pace. At Stark street the column turned again and marched to Sixth street, ana than with a right swlngr marehed to Burnside street, where the men countermarched to Washington street, out that thoroughfare to Tenth street, where the Woodmen again turned their faces toward the Armory, and arriving there, disbanded. Although the streets along the line of march were not so brilliantly light ed as usual, because of the failure of electric power, the marchers made a bravo showing as they swung along to the clapping: and shouting: of hun dreds of men. women and children. The usual Saturday night crowds were augmented by thousands, because of the Woodmen celebration, and owing to the good work of the police along the line of march, the people were ex- I ccptlonally well handled. j Those drill teams which competed at the ; Exposition grounds yesterday afternoon ', led the procession, with Fremont Camp, i of Seattle, the winner of the first prize. ! m the place of honor, and commanded i by Chief Forester J. W. Lough. Follow- tng them came Elliott Bay Camp, of Se- attle. winner of the second prize, under Chief .Forester Fred Smith. Then came Tacoma Camp, of Tacoma, the men, with I their white duck trousers and the white corded "frogs" .on their blouses, flashing In and out bf the crowds. Chief Forester John Wilson was In command of the team from the "growing" city. Then In brave, array marched past the members of the Oregon Gra-pe Camp drill tpam, of Port land, winners of the fourth prize, and commanded by Chief Forester ' C. P. Smith. Then with a martial tread the "pony" team of Evergreen Camp, of Portland, filed by. their banner proudly proclaiming that they had won the first prize for "pony" teams during the drills at the Fair. Many Other Camps. Then, although they were not uni formed, came other members of Portland camps, including Fir. Spruce. Grape, St. Johns, Wood mere. Mount Scott and Ever green camps. And after them came mem bers of the order from almost every city and town In the state. Including Oregon City. Damascus. Reedvllle. Hlllsboro, For est Grove. Newherg. Clatskanle, Astoria. Salem. Eugene. Albany Hood River The Dalles MeMinnville, Cedar Mills and Prlneville. whose members rode 92 miles In sttge-conches in order to take part In the monster parade. Many towns In Washington and California were also rep resented In tne parade. After the men on foot came the speak ers and notable members of the order In carriages. The first carriage, contained J. O. Davis. M. A. Miller. Dr. J. B. Roth and C. D. Elliott; the second. J. E. Shears, A. Culpln and A. J. Collins; the third. W. R. Gradon. F. D. Rennlson and John M. Davis; the fourth. F. J. Darklpton, J. J. Gottbardt and Fred Graap; and the fifth. Edward Manning, C. D. Elliott and J. W. Simmons. Every man proudly bore miniature ban ners with "M..W. A." Inscribed on them, on the lapels "of their coats, and many men carried the silver ax. the emblem of the order. Thore were many banners flung to the breeze during the parade, which brought forth cheering and laugh ter from the crowds. "We adopted 12.C00 members last month"; "Teddy caught the bear, but we caught him"; "We're not so slow, either, we caught a piece of It"; "Pslnevlll We came from the cow coun try, and brought our own money," were some of the inscriptions which caught the eyes of the people. An enormous silvered ax, borne by eight Woodmon, and a ban ner almost a block long, carried by prob ably 200 men, were featurea of the parade Initiate Class of Seven ty-Flvc. Upon the return to the Armory, the marchers disbanded and took part In the Initiation of a class of more than 73 can didates, who were enlightened In the ways of woodcraft, and who also did a few funny .stunts with the "goat." Fremont Camp, the prize-winning team at the com petitive drills at the Exposition, yester day aftornoon, performed a nunber of intricate evolutions In the main hall, to the thunderous applause of thousands of "neighbors." After the Initiation, many prominent Woodmen adjourned to the Hotel Scott, where a bannuet was served to about 300 of them. The feastcrs made the building rlnc with their speaking and cheering and laughing. Speeches at Banquet. JL W. Foster, of this city, was toast master. J. W. Simmons, state deputy for the order in Oregon, spoke upon the "In terests of the Order in Oregon"; J. O. jjavls, of Los Angeles, state deputy for California, told about "Tropical Califor nia"; C. D. Elliott, of Seattle, state dep uty for Washington, told about the work of Modem Woodmen In the state to the north; Head State Physician J.- B. Roth, of Portland, spoke upon the work of-hla department; M. A. MUIer. state lecturer, gave an interesting resume of the political aspects of the order in Oregon; and there were many other impromptu speeches, some of a humorous character, and some giving an Insight Into the workings of the ofganlzation.- When it was all over, the Woodmen knew that their work had been well done, and with this knowledge shouldered their axes, and by various paths through forest glades, made their way to their camps at home. Japanese Cable Service Bevlrexl. NEW YORK, Sept. 2. Cable service to Japan by the Formosa, route was re sumed today, but the wires are work in slowly. Very truly yours, - ) WELL PAST MILLION AND A HAIF v MARK. September Promises to Eclipse Ancuat ns Ilecord-Breaker at the Fair. The attendance at the Lewis and Clark Exposition still continues to increase, and the month of September promises to break all records for previous admissions. The week ending August 30. with 136,935 admis sions. Is the next to the largest week of the entire Exposition. The week from June 23 to July -5, Inclusive, is in trie lead, with 141,415 admissions. This large num ber is due to the tremendous attendance oa the Fourth of July. The week ending August 23 Ih the third on the list, the ad missions being 135,436. No better evidence of the Increasing attendance can be had than the fact that tho attendance for the last two weeks has been the heaviest of any, excepting the week which includes July 4. The following Is the attendance of the Lewis and Clark Exposition by weeks: June 1 to June 1, inclusive 99,275 June 8 to June 14. inclusive lOO.TSi June la to June zi. inclusive 5S.S4Z June 22 to June 23. Inclusive 89,915 June zi to July 5. inclusive 141.415 July 6 to Julr 12. inclusive 111.SS4 July 13 to July 19. Inclusive 113,787 July 20 to July 28, Inclusive 131.984 July 27 to August 2, 'inclusive 126.223 August 3 to August 9. inclusive.. 117.993 AUgust 10 to August 16. Inclusive.. 123.287 August 17 to August 23. Inclusive.. 135.486 August 24 to August SO. Inclusive.. 136,935 Total to August 20, Inclusive 1.527.251 August 31 34.400 September 1 16.557 September 2 1S.16C Total 1,566,370 TAC03LA. WEEK AT THE FAIR Interesting Programme of Events Hus Been Prepared. TACOMA. Wash.. Sent, 2. If Rncr.tnli Details of the programme during" Ta coma week at the Fair, September 17 23, have been completed by Mrs. T. B. Wallace, the hostess, and her assist ants. While Thursday will be the big day for residents of Pierce County, every day in the programme will be at tractive. The week opens with a reception Monday afternoon for the people of Portland. Schmidt's orchestra will play on this and every other day of Tacoma week. Tuesday will be Governor's day, when 2000 of the handsome Tacoma souvenirs will be given away. Wednesday will be club day and In vitations have been sent to all the women's clubs of the country. Harry T. Hanlln, t;e well-known singer will be on the programme. He has donated his services. For Tacoma and Pierce County day, Thursday, special arrangements are being: made. Possibly a big excursion may be tun from Tacoma. One of the features will be an address by Con gressman Cushman. Refreshments will be served. Saturday there will be an informal reception In' the nature of a farewell by Mrs. Wallace and her assistants. Flower and foliage from Point Defl- HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TIME AND WON universal popular approval. Oldest and most famous in the world. Best for all uses. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. GRAND FHIZE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR, W. C. CAM. SALWMjLX. 0TLANI XOTJCL, jfOKTLAXB. tat. ance Park will be given to visitors every morning. The assisting hostesses, who will have charge on the various days" are: Mrs. C. M. Secley, Monday Mrs. Wil liam Jones, Tuesday; Mrs. P. Jl Fran sloll, Wednesday; Mrs. G. P. Wright. Mrs. F. W. Cushman and. Mrs. A G. Foster. Mrs. W. S. Dlmmlck and Mrs. Carl Stebbtns will have charge of the deco rations. FOKEIGN NATIONS' BANQUET President Goode Will Be the Guest of Honor. President H. W. Goode will be the guest of honor at the Foreign Nations' cele bration which will take place In the Ex position Auditorium at 5 o'clock this after noon. The celebration will last until S o'clock at night, and will be participated in by ten of the foreign countries repre sented at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. After the exercises the foreign commis sioners and the guests of the evening will attend a banquet at Little Hungary. Admission to the Auditorium will be by Invitation. The programme In the Audi torium Is as follows: " Tenth Infantry Band. -Rail the Chief." Austro-Hungarla: National air by band: "Tyrolean Song"; Charda's music by Royal Hungarian Gypsy Band; dancing by Misses Stern and JTeufeld. British Empire: National music by band: entrance of representative group ot the Em pire; sonjf, "Rult Britannia." by Madame MarakoH; selection. ''Scotch Music and DancC sonjr. "Bid Me to Live" (Hatton), by R. J. T. White. French: National music by band; entrance of representative jroup of France; minuet by court ladies and gentlemen of 1802. Italy; National music try band; entrance of representative group of the nation; duetto, "Barcolaca."" by SIgnore Pezettl Bcharf.- Germany: National rnthm by band; en trance Qf Germany's representative group: students Mn double quartet; act by German Turners, men and women: solo. "Gretchen am Spinradl." by Mrs. Erna Koch Carson. Holland: National music; entrance of rei resentatlve group; Deutoh-folk dance. Switzerland: National air by band; en trance of representative group; dance by Swiss peasants. Russia: National anthem by band; entrance of representative group: exercises by Count BarzimonT with his troupe ot Caucasian Cos sacks; banner-bearer. Japan: National anthem by band: entrance of representatives of ancient Japan: aero- batlc feats by Japanese troupe. , Oriental countries: Oriental sports and pastimes; Egyptian magician; Pearl and Diamond, artistic chanting and dancing, The decoration are by F. P. Bhumgara Company; the stage management" and" -costumes by S. P. Mould, of Kiralfy's. -s. 1 Igorrotes Expected Today. The Igorrotes, who have been en route to the Lewis and Clark Exposition for the past several weeks, landed yesterday at Vancouver, B. C. They were met by E. P. Felder. who will have them in charge while at the Fair. The Igorrotes are expected to arrived in Portland this morning and tomorrow will be ready for Inspection In their village near the head of the Trail. On Tuesday the Igorrotes will hold a big dog feast at their village. They will have dog feasts two and three times a week while they are "at the Fair. There are about 40 Igorrotes in tue tribe, Including men, women and children. They bring with them many of tho lm plements and articles that they use In their dally life. The village at the Ex position Is all In readiness for their oc cupancy. Laborers for Canal-Land. - COLON, Sept. 2. Tho French line steamer La France today landed 500 con tract laborers, natives or the Island of Martinique.