The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 03, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Patriots' Day Closes Celebra
tion at Exposition.
National Convention of Hoo
Hoo Will Assemble in
Judge C H Hanford, in His Ad
dress, Says ' Head Tax for
Coolies Hay Be Solution ot
Chinese Immigration.
Concatenation Will Open on Ninth,
Day of Ninth Month Inman
Is Boomed for "Snarlc
of Universe.''
. ("One, 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9. By the tall of the
great sacred black cat. Hoo Hoo." Who?
"Who? Why, Hoo Hoo the 20.000 lumber
men and good fellows of the United
States, who are to be well represented In
Portland In national convention assem
bled exactly as the finger of lime points
to tho ninth second of the ninth minute
of the ninth hour of the ninth day of the
ninth month of 1905.
The great and sacred black cat, emblem
of the lumbermen, which will spread Its
claws over the city from September 8 to
13, lnclush'C, will reach from the Port
land Hotel and the Elks Hall to the
Trail at the Exposition, and all the time
the dome of heaven will ring: with Its
mystic cry, for so It Is written In the
book of the law.
The concatenated order of Hoo Hoo,
whose oymbol Is the black cat and whose
mystic number Is nine. Is the gTeat or
ganization of the lumbermen of the
United States. While In the outward ap
pearances perhaps. In the shows made
and the pomp displayed in announcement
and pageant by -the order at its meet
ings, all is not frolic and folly, but out
of.the meetings emerge resultant benefits
to timber and lumber conditions through
out the country. It is the agent of good
used by the tlmbormen in dealing with
the many problems of the lumber and
timber business. It works for better rates,
promotes the harmony and fellow-feeling
of the timber interests throughout the
United States, brings the business into
closer touch throughout the country as
well as furnishes a source of enjoyment
and fraternity to the many men who are
olassod among its membership.
Called to Order Sept. 9. f
The convention which will be called In
Portland on September 9 at 9:09 In the
morning will, then, bo one of the Im
portant meetings to be held here during
the year. It will bring to the city tlnr
bormen from every district of the United j
States who up to this time have known
nothing from personal experience of the
wonders of the Northwest as a timber
producing country.
The oponlng exercises which have
been provided for the morning ses
sion at the Marquam are public, and
at this time Governor Chamberlain
will make the opening address, wel
coming the members of Hoo Hoo to the
state, the city and to the Exposition.
Response to this address will be made
by C. D. Rourke, of Illinois, snark of
the universe, the chief officer of the
National Order of Hoo Hoo.
Mayor Lane will also welcome the
visitors to the city, and J. H. Balrd,
schrivenater, of Nashville, Tenn., and
the editor of the Bulletin; President
William D. Wheelwright, of the Cham
ber of Commerce, will welcome the
guests on behalf of the business Inter
ests and the Pacific Const lumbermen.
There are more than 20,000 members of
the order of Hoo Hoo scattered over the
United States, and 1500 of this number
are upon the Pacific Coast It is esti
mated that there will be an attendance
of more than 1500 Hoo Hoo upon the con
vention, though the guests of the dele
gates, their families and friends, will
bring more than 4000 people to Portland
to attend the several days of pleasure to
be provided for them.
Portland, as the place for the 1903
meeting, was selected only after a hard
fight at the last convention. Oklahoma
being the hard and consistent rival. Port
land secured the prize, however, and
pledged her efforts for tho rival for the
next meeting to come. This will be one
of the Important points of business to be
settled by the convention when It meets.
Inmnn Boomed for Snnrk.
Portland will to all appearances be
given tho honor of retaining th Yipa of
ficer of the national order, that of "Snark
of the Universe." R. D. Inman, the sen--ior
mombor of the rnman-Pouk;en Lum
ber Company, is the leading candidate
for the office, and it Is practically con
ceded that he will be elected at the com
ing session.
The local committee on arrangements,
of which R. D. Inman Is chairman, has
secured the Elks' Hall as the official busi
ness headquarters of the order during the
days of its sessions here. All of the busi
ness meetings will be held In that place.
The Knights of Pythias Hall has been
retained as the social headquarters for
the delegates, and here can be found re
freshments arid comfort from the worries
of the business meetings or tho toil of
The headquarters of the Supreme Nine,
the bead officers of the order, will be
placed at the Portland, where they will, be
convenient and comfortable m the trans
action of their business.
Tho first intimation officially given that
the Koo Hoo have arrived in town will be
evidenced by the banquet given on Friday
vcvenlng, September 8, at the American
Inn, to the members of the Hoo Hoo and
their ladles. The first business meeting
however, -will be on the following morn
ing at 9:03 o'clock.
Session on the Roof.
Saturday evening will begin to see the
fire -fly, however, when the order gives Its
concatenation, or "session on the roof,"
at the Armory- At this time more than
150 new members "will be initiated, each
member about to attend having been
urged to "bring a kitten." Over 51000 will
be expended on this evening for fireworks
and other means of display. This meet
ing has been recognized as a record
breaker. Sunday. September 10, will be given over
to the Hoo Hoo as a day of rest, noth
ing or any particular moment having been
Monday evening will be spent at the
Oaks, which place tho order has practl
cally bought for that -night. Tuesday
evening a moonlight excursion has been
planned by the members. here for the vis
Iters from the East.
v cuuc&un) wju ue given over 10 IiDHlI
visiting at the Exposition, and on tba-p,
jugm uie mem Deng ot me oraer win mi
the Trail, and. if expectations are carried
out, the path mentioned will be badly
marred with footprints on the mortolng
.Tho Ladies Auxiliary, appointed from
among the families of the local mem
bers of the order, will contribute to the
success of the oceason, and has provided
souvenir spoons to be given to the dele
gates. Jteyeral dlXrettt ?ntertainaBtf
have been .provided for the enjoyment of
the ladle d urine the time the visitors
are hero. On Saturday night. a banquet
will be held by the ladles alone at the
American Inn.
When the Hoo Hoo Hits tho "Trail."
George W. Hoag, who Is a Hoo Hoo, has
been dreaming of Ms prospective visit to
Portland until an eruption of poetry has
taken place, whloh eruption has been
klndlv Karnered and deposited for per
pctuatlon Jn the public mind. In order
that the people of the city may be able
to see olearly Just about what is going
to happen, the poem is horcwith printed
in full:
You've read of old Veuvlim whfn she went
upon a tear.
And threw a burning, smoking belt inVe the
fragrant air;
And breathed upon a happy land, a hot aas
reorehlng breath
That burned away all trace of Mfe and left'
despair and death;
You've read of that dteaMer. of that cruel
The wont that ver emote the earth In that
ancient century.
But the Herrera of Peiapellan fate will posi
tively pale
In coraparlnon of the terrors when the Hoo
Hoo hits the "Trail.'
Mr. Alexander lived a long, long time ao.
He conquered the world for patlxne. then wept
because the times were riow.
He was a restlers Individual, and the world
was small, you eee.
When he had no world to conquer he suffered
from ennui,
Frederick was another man whom the people
said was Great,
Tor when he chose to "hand It out" the na
tion read their fate.
But both Great men together, and their sol
diers, all would fall
To make a good lmprmstan, when the Hoo
Hoo hits the "Trail."
Kapoleon was another man who made history
very day.
And kept the nations dodging to keep out of
his way.
He tackled the Italians, and the Duteh from
At the Prussians and the he took a
little Blam.
But he had his little trouble, and he met Hla
But he thanked the Lord he never met & train-
load of Hoe Hoo.
He would fight men by the mtlllohn, but Cats
he'd not assail,
And he'd hike for St, Helena If the Hoo Ho
hit the "Trail."
Last Summer In Manchuria there was aa awful
The little Japi from Toklo fought the Coo-
racks from Moscow,
The Coas&cks swore in Russian and the Japs
got mad as well
You know how mad thoy got much better than
I can tell;
The' fought like the bcarts of the forest, and
on each other prey '
Until they'd killed a million mea to pass the
time away,
The world was aghast with horror as the pa
pers told the tale.
But 't w&a like & Sunday picnic against the
Hoo Hoo m the "Trail."
They're going by the tralnloads,, with their
babies and their wires.
Oh, Heaven pity Fortland when that bunch of
Cats arrive.
They'll fall upon that Quiet town like a cloud
burst from the ky
And the panic-stricken PortlandltM will pray
' for a chance to die.
For there's no xlmlle on earth, like the Hco
HQo's caterwaul,
'It's the one unearthly noise that's like the
Judgment call,
And when they howl together. Oh. tho eound
would make, you quail.
Yet such will be the music when tho Hoo
Hoo bits the "Trail."
From North and South and East' and WVat
they're coming Loyal and True.
They're coming to elect a Snark, a Chief of
Great Hoo Hoo.
They're going to choose a noble man, a prod
uct of the West.
And' in his care for one abort year the powers
of Enark Invest.
Bob Inman Is the only man; we wast him,
friends, we do.
And when ' you know him as we dd. you'll
want Bob Inman, too.
Let "Inman" be tho "Slogan" as yoa speed
along the rail,
And long remember that glad diy when Hoo
Hoo hit tho "Trail."
On September 16,-17, the Great Northern
railway win sen excursion tickets to Chi
cago and return, 371.50; Bt. Louis and re
turn. J67.50: fit. Paul. Mlnneanolla and
Duluth and return, 60.O3, tickets good for
going passage for 10 days; final return
limit. 90 days; good going via Great
Northern Railway, returning same or any
direct route; stop-overs allowed going and
For tickets and additional Information
call on or tCdre H. HMckuon, C P. fc
-i- a., ureat riortnera naiiway. jzz Third
Aeronaut Is Forced to Look
for a Landing Near
Hole Ten Feet Long
City of Portland,
Framework Is
Torn in the
but the
From Injury.
The City of Portland, manned by Lin
coln Beech ey, made a valiant attempt
ycsterJay to add to its liithorto un
broken string of victories, bat the ele
ments proved to be the master and for
the first time the new airship met with
defeat, and also with Its first accident.
After a 40-mlnute struggle against a
13-mlle wind, and after belng swept
from the Exposition grounds across the
river, Beechey was forced to look for
a landing place and while making the
descent was blown Into a tree, the
branches of which tore a hole ten feet
long in the side of tho gas bag.
Yesterday wak set for the first of the
competitive aerial flights between the
City of Portland and Tomllnson's Gel
atine, but toe woather conditions ne
cessitated a postponement of the race.
At 11 o'clock, the starting hour, both
ships were in readiness for the contest.
and with only a moderate breeze over
the ground It seemed that the mucn-talked-of
race would bo pulled off.
Makes Attempt Alone.
Upon calling on the Weather Bureau,
jiuivevcr, lur reports, it- s iuuiiu um :
me upper currents snowou a veiocuy
of 13 miles, and In the face of this It
was decIJod. since the Gelatine Is etlll
an unknown quantity, that the City of
Portland would make tho first attempt.
The Gelatine was held in readiness to
make tfre start upon a favorable show
ing by Beechey, but when It wa3 seen
that nc headway could be made against
the wind, Tomllnson gave up all idea
of a race and returned his ship to the
"When Beechey, In the City of Portland,
made his ascent, he had no difficulty in
handling the airship within the height of
20 feet. Starting from the Aeronautic
Concourse he skimmed over the Trail and
headed toward the Government bulkllng.
where he began to make a further ascent.
This brought him directly Into the path of
the wind currents formed by the water
way of the Willamette, and here, although
the motor worked perfectly, no headway
could be made against the wind and the
airship was carried against Its own force
across thfe r.ver and over Albina.
Looks for Landing Place.
Beechey realized that the combat was
useless and at this time began to look for
a landing place. AVhen North Albina was
reached he picked out a vacant block and
attempted to make his landing. As the
dragrope touched the ground a man ran
up and caught It. attempting to hold the
ship, but a sudden gust of wind carried
the ship on and dragged with it the man
at tho rope. The wind took the airship
Into a clump of trees where a branch
caught and snagged the balloon. This In
cident served to bring out a display of
Beechey's skill and coolness, for In spite
of tho 10-foot gash In the bag and the
rapid escape of the gas, he handled the
machine In such a way as to land In the
open without oven a Jar to the framework
or engine. The kindly stranger, however,
loamcd through the medium of burned
and blistered hands, that the attempt to
hold an airship by means of a half-Inch
rope is not to be counted on with success.
Tho collapsed balloon and frame
work were brought back to the aero
drome by wagon, and the work of re-
jj 1
pairing the torn silk begun yesterday
afternoon. The repairs will be com
pleted this morning and today Captain
Baldwin will manufacture the gas for
the relnfiatlon of the balloon. Under
the present plans the first of the air
ship races will take place tomorrow at
o'clock, with tho City of Porllana
and the Gelatine as the contestants.
Tomllnson now has the Gelatine In
what he considers first-class shape, and
will himself take charge of the motor
and rudder In the races.
Itnce hy Airships.
With those who have examined the
construction of the two machines, and
with the added knowledge of Beechey's
ability, it is believed that the City of
Portland will easily win the series of
aerial races. There is, however, but
little difference in the airships; they
are built on similar lines, about the
only difference being that the Gelatine
has a greater capacity by 1000 feet of
gas. Whether this will be much of an
advantago or not depends entirely upon
10 A. M. Gates open.
12 M. Exhibit buildings and Trail
2:36 P. M. Grand concert. Royal
Hawaiian Band, bandstand, Gray
4 P. M. Oriental and foreign ex
hibits buildings close.
5 P. 1L Foreign nations celebra
tion and reception to President Goode,
Auditorium. Tenth Infantry Band.
6 P. if. Exhibit buildings close.
7:30 P. M. Grand concert. Royal Ha
waiian Band, bandstand. Gray Boule
vard. 8 P. M. Grand electrical Illumina
tion. 11 P. M. Gates close. Grounds dark.
Further information may be ot
i talned from the official dally pro
gramme. the wind conditions, but should it be
of any benefit, the friends of Beechey
and the City of Portland think it will
more than be overcome by the head
work and experience of the "youngest
of them all."
Beechey, In his work at the Exposi
tion, has shown himself to be some
thing of a character. Imagine a boy. a
hnv. as one man has nut it. with blonde !
! hair nnd a bland smile, who would i
rather stand and walkjm an Inch and
a half triangular strip of wood 1000
feet in the air than eat a meal, a
youngster who does not know what
fear is. and you have a fairly good idea
of Beechey.
His Aeronautic Career.
Beechey, who is now only IS years
old, began his aeronautic career when
but IS. Since then he has made about
20 balloon ascensions and only this
year went into airship work. It lg to
his credit that yesterday was the first
i time that he has ever had to report
' uu ai.biucuv .u ilia uiivj oil
) Beechey's youthfulness carries with It
t two Btrongcharacterlstlcs daring and
I modesty. Vhen he returned from his
flight yesterday he was asked to say
, something of himself and his experi-
ence, but a half hour of sharp interro-
gauon unu cuciica muaosyuaoic re
plies and left the reporter much to
"You have made successful airship
flights, and there is a natural curiosity
to know something about you." This
put out as a feeler only 'brought out
the reply that "There's nothing- about
me worth knowing.'"
"Well, how did you come to get into
this lino of work?".
"Simply because it has always had
a fascination for me."
Another tack was made, and the next
question was: "What are your feelings
when la midairT"
The answer, somewhat startling, was,
"The same as yours when on the ground."
Is "Without Fear.
Even In his boyishness Beechey saw
however, that tils was hardly sufficient,
and he continued:
"Lots of people think- that an aeronaut
must at times have avfeellng of fear.
That Isn't so. because whenever he does
he is no longer an aeronaut. When I
leave the ground my only thought Is how
best to manage the airship and where I
will go. That, with the care of the motor
and the watching of the ship is enough to
keep one's mind busy without worrying
as to what would happen if anything
went wrong-. The principal things to
watch In the airship flight arc the jcm
in the balloon nnd the motor. Should
anything go wrong with the latter, the
first thing to do, of course, is to fix It.
If that can't be done, the next thing Is i
to pick out n landing place and get there
.s quickly as possible, this latter more
especially if anything should go wrong
with the gas valves. When In the air I
fear nothing but a heavy wind, and this
because it la likely to render the ship
unmanageable. When I say fear, how
ever, I only mean the outlook for the
"Well, do you ever think of the conse
quences of a drop of EC) or 1000 feet?"
"There would be no consequences; at
least that la the way I look at It. and to
tell the truth. I never think of that."
Beechey Is today considered one of the
best aeronauts In the business, and la
praised even beyond Knabenshue. The
one great requisite for the successful
aeronaut Is what ground-lovers call reck
lessness, and what the daring call sand.
Captain Baldwin, who has a varied ex
. perience In aerial work, has now reached
the conclusion that the youngsters make
the men for airships. "It takes a dare
devil spirit successfully to handle an air
ship," said the Captain. "It's Just like
horse-racing the old man is afraid of
being hurt, and the boy who wants to
make a record never stops to think of
the possibility of a fall. That's Juat why
Beechey has made a success of the City
of Portland."
Commissioners of State Arc Guests
of Commercial Club.
.A special luncheon was given by the
Commercial Club yesterday In the main
dining-room of the Chamber of Commerce
building In honor of the Idaho commis
sioners to the Exposition, Frederick C.
Bradley. 31. J. Wessels and R. W. Mc
Brlde. President H. M. Cake Introduced
31r. Wessels. who invited the members
of the Commercial Club to be present at
a reception to be held In the open pavilion
adjoining the New York building at the
Fair on the afternoon of September 7;
also a general reception which will be
held In the Idaho building from 9 to U
the same evening. On this occasion there
will be dancing and other amusements.
31r. Wessels expressed the Interest that
the people of hla state are taking In the
Exposition, saying that they considered
it as much their fair as that of Oregon.
Thousands from Idaho have already come
to the Fair and thousands of others are
President Cake. In reply, complimented
.the visitors on the fine display In the
Idaho exhibit, and assured them that the
members of the Commercial Club would
be pleased to accept the invitation. One
evening last week a delegation from tho
club called at the Idaho building, and
the visit from the commissioners yester
day was in return of this courtesy.
"Will Lecture on Colorado.
Gilbert McClurg. the author and lec
turer, will commence a series of lectures
on "Panoramic Colorado," which will be
accompanied by stereoptlcon views, at the
Government building tomorrow. These
lectures will be held every morning at
10 o'clock, and all visitors are Invited.
Destructive Storms In Wisconsin.
'MILWAUKEE, Sept. Z. Severe storms
occurred late last night and early today
throughout the greater part of Wiscon
sin, remitting In heavy damage.
Mother's Frfefld, hy its penetrating and soothing properties,
allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and
so prepares the system for the
ordeal that she passes through
the event safely and with but
little suffering, as numbers
hiLYid testified and said, "it is
worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
THE MtUMlELi KE&lATOf CO.. AUmU, feu
The returns for the attendance at
the Fair yesterday were 18.162.
Th mont notable week in the history
of the Washington building at the Lewis
and Clark- Fdr was brought to a close
with a grand reception last evening. The
festivities of the week were In honor ot
Seattle, the metropolis of Washington,
and the ceremonies of the celebration
during the past six days has been on a
par with that of. any other week in the
history of the Exposition.
The programme has been successful not
only on account of the excellent musical
treats enjoyed, but In addition to thfs
the prominence of the occasion was en
hanced by tho presence ot many of the
most notable people of Washington. The
afternoon was attended by festivities In
honor of "Patriots' Day," during which
Wagner's band entertained with a mu
sical programme. andv several vocai se
lections were rendered.
Address hy Judge Hanford.
Judge C. H. Hanford. of the State of
the Sons and Daughters of the Revolu
tion, delivered a masterly address, which
In part follows:
"The President and his cabinet have
now to deal with a problem which at
present appears to be most perplexing.
It 1b the question of how to meet the
attack upon our commerce by the Chi
nese boycott. This problem Is the more
difficult because It must be conceded that
by the meanness which has character
ized the treatment of Chinese people In
our country, we have given provocation
to the merchants of that country, and
it has been proclaimed that the boycott
will be continued with rigor so long as
our country persists In diicrlmlnating
against the Chinese by excluding Immi
gration from that country, while permlt-
i ting laborers from other countries io
come freely. I nave novocain mm uu
now advocate reform In the regulations
governing the Immigration officers en
gaged In the difficult task of enforcing
the exclusion law, but Chinese merchants
shall not dictate our national. policy.
Justified in Action.
"I maintain that we are Justified by
existing conditions In discriminating
against a country whose inhabitants are
so numerous, that the overflow of its
teeming population into our country, if
permitted, would be disastrous. The loss
of bur export trade (If we do lose It) will
be serious, but It is better for us to sac
rifice it than to be coerced.
'"If the boycott. la maintained. It will
probably result In a further loss of trade
In the Importation of merchandise to, this
country from China, so that there may
be a practical embargo on commercial
intercourse with that country, and If
that shall come to pass, still I believe
that the patriotic sentiment of the coun
try will say, let commerce go. If we
must, rather than consent to the Immi
gration of Mongolians In unlimited num
bers. But we may well hope that the
sacrifice of so large a part of our Pa
cific Ocean commerce will not be neces
sary, and that the President and his ad
visers and Congress will be able to de
vise means through a combination of con
ciliation and retaliation to put down the
"In view of the anndunced purpose of
Canada to take advantage of the boycott
to divert our trade, it may be a'wlse thing
to substitute for a limited time the
Canadian method of restricting Chinese
immigration by Imposing a head tax upon
Immigrants from China, in place of our
scheme of total exclusion of laborers. We
must not be coerced by Chinese mer
chants, neither should we be outwitted
by Canadian traders."
The Closing Exercises.
The parlors of the Washington 'build
ing were appropriately decorated with the
National colors and presented a pleasing
effect. Wagner's Band rendered six num
bers during the afternoon, which were
well received. Herbert Taylor's singing
of Allltsen's "There's a Land," and the
rendition of "Music on the Rappahan
nock." by Frank Giles, together with tho
accompaniment of Mrs. W. B. Judah. re
ceived much applause. The evening's re
ception was aomewhat delayed, owing to
the accident to the street-car service, and
many of the Invited guests did not arrive
until late.
Mrs. Edmund Bowden, assisted by sev
eral Seattle ladles, did the receiving and
a thoroughly delightful evening was en
Joyed by all present. During the evening
Wagner's Band discoursed the following
March. "Seattle Athletic Club".Singerman
"Rhapsodic Hongrolse H. Erlchs
Selection, "Woodland'' Luders
"Warblers' Serenade" ,p?rr
"Russian Fantasie" ...Tpbani
Selection. "Robin Hood" DeKoven
Vntitlral Fantasie" Tobanl
Considerable of the success of the
"Seattle week" festivities has been due to
the untiring efforts of William A. Steel.
Executive Commissioner from King
County, who has labored hard and faith
fully to make this week a momorable one
In the history of tho Exposition.
Nebraska Exhibit.
Free moving picture exhibitions. Ne
braska Pavilion. Agricultural Palace.
Is to love children, and no
nome can be completely
iappy without them, yet the
ordeal through which the ex
pectant mother must pass usually is
so full of suffering, danger and fear
that she looks forward to the critical
hour with apprehension and dread.