The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 03, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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rcmnnr-Rocm Main 667
Vaatpnt Kdltor. ....... Main 636
Sandar Editor Main 6235
city Editor lialn 106
Society Editor Main 0235
Caraposlng-.Room Main 6S3
Superintendent Bulldlnc Red 2820
East 81dt Office East 111
BiASCO THEATER (Htb and Waahlnston)
Matinee at 2:J5 and evening: at 3:15,
"AHce of CHd Vlncenne."
EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrlnon)
Matinee at 2:15 and at S:15 P. M., "Enxaped
tram the Harern."
BAKER THEATER (Third and Tamblll)
Matinee at 2:15 and at 8:15 P. M., Crom
well Brigadier Burlesquera.
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Ootlnuoua vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M.
FTAR THEATER (Park and Waahlnirton
Contlnuoui vaudeville. 2:30. .7:30, 9 P. M.
"THE OAKS" (on the O. W. P. & Rjr. Co.'a
r)-Krom 8 A. M. to 1 A.' M.
RBCREATION PARK (24th and Vaughn) At
2:3. WavefeaM. Pertlcnd vs. Oakland.
Gotntcit. Has No Qoorcm. The minor
Ity of the St. Johns Council, Mayor King
jwp)dltK. meets every night and adjourns.
This action is takon to comply with the
charter, which gays the Council shall
meet every evening and ballot whenever
there is a vacancy. In this case the
minority claim that Edwards Iff not a
mmbcr, and hence a meeting is held
every night- Counciimen Leggett, Shield?,
L4ntuist and Edwards, however, will be
on hand next Monday night, when the
fur will again fly. This faction does pretty
ranch a? It pleases. It carriesany sort
of a motion or resolution it desires and
then adjourns, leaving the other three,
Councilman Thompson. Peterson and Lin
qulnt. and the Mayor, to their own reflection-?.
The deadlock seems hopeless.
Important Real Estate Deal. Gold
MniUt &. Company, real estate brokers,
yesterday sold to H. Wemme, the tent
and awning manufacturer, the half block
fronting- on the north side of Ankeny
ptreel between Fourth and Fifth streets,
for Jtt.OOl. This property is situated In
Portland's most rapid growing business
dint rtc t. and therefore considered a very
good purchase at the above figure. Mr.
Vpmmo has just returned from a trip to
ike Sound cities, and informs tis that
ireoeerty equally situated in Seattle
a the block he juqt purchase is held a.
leaM three times of the value here.
Foo. Gmx.TT and Fined. In the case
of the state against J. L. Patterson for
a.5Ault on Mrs. Ethel Wetzell, tried out
before Justice V.'aldemar Seton yesterday,
oefonofint was found guilty and fined $35.
It wm nhown in the evidence that Pat
terson kicked the woman, causing injur
ies that put her in bed for some weeks.
The nurse who attended Mrs. "Wetzell
teKlned as to her condition after she was
Chimhrs Steals Jewels. TVinona
Fmnkeoerger, while taking in the sights
of Chinatown on Sucond street last night,
drooped a box containing nn elk's head
eet with diamondsT and a small gold stick
pin. A Chinese was seen to pick up the
Jewels by Twoo Foo. a Chinese boy. The
loss was reported to the police and the
thief It; expected to be caught this morn
ing. Tuou-sr Trips! Trolley trips today on
O. TV. P. to Oregon City. Canemah Park
and Gresham. 2Rc: to Eptacada and Upper
Clackamas River points 50c round trip:
dinner at Hotel Estacada. 76c. Cars leave
First and Alder streets for Oregon City
on th odd hour and every 40 minutes;
for Estacada, 7:30, 9:30, 11:3. 1:30, 3:10,
S:44, 7:1E.
Academy or the Holt Names. Twelfth
nd East Oak streets, Portland, Or.
The next scholastic session opens Tues
day. September 5. Primary, grammar' and
academic classes. Piano, violin, mando
Mn and guitar under the direction of com
petent Instructors. Elocution and phy
sical culture taught by specialists.
Hawaiian Band at Church. The sac
rament of confirmation will be conferred
ay ArcnWuhop Christie at St. Patrick's
Church, Nineteenth and Savler. at 10:30 A.
M. today. There will be a fine musical
programme, consisting of vocal and In
strumental ploces by the Royal Hawaiian
B. P. O. Elks. The members of Port
land Lodge, No. 142, are requested to
meet in our lodgcrooms on Sunday at 1
P. M. to conduct the funeral service of
our late brother. H. B. Compson. Visit
ing brothers invited to assist. By order
of the Exalted Ruler. John B. Coffey,
Pnor. Daniel McCune Lindsay, of the
Vnlverslty of Pennsylvania, one time
commissioner of education for Porto Rico,
will speak upon "Child Labor" at the
Unitarian Church this morning at n
o'clock, corner Seventh and Yamhill sts.
Notice Albert Broddie (formerly of C.
c. Smith) says: "Now is the right time
for rennlshing furniture. Antique ma
hogany reproduced; bookcases made to
rder to lit space In your bouse. 48 Tenth
street, opposite Armory- Main 1926.
Tbollet Excursions on the O. W. P.
Seeing Portland In nnd out, 100 miles for
51. with two-hour stop at Estacada for
lunch at the hotel: train leaves First and
Alder streets dally except Sunday, at
5 40 A. M.; return 4 P. M.
Witd Sou 2 new handsome first-class
residences, one 6-room, one S .rooms; ail
complete roady for occupancy r East Sal
mon and 20th sts.; part monthly pay
ments. F. W. Torglor. 10G Shorlock bldg.
VxsrroRS who are Interested in China
town, joss church and restaurants, want
tTilnese guide. Jan York, well-known
Chinese, will guide you for reasonable
compensation. S 4th st, N. Burnslde.
Oregon Citt Boats. Siinday round
trips. 2c. Take the ride and watch the
boats climb the Clackamas rapids. Leave
Taylor street S:30, 9:30, 11;30 A. M. 1:30
3:38 P. M. : last boat back, 15:30. '
Monet and Trousers Taken. The room
or Kalcndar Khan, an Afghan lamale
vendor, at 245 Davis street, was broken
into last night and robbed of $43 and two
pair of trousers. x
Tub Rev. Bishop "W. F. McDowell. D.
P.. LL. D., wllfpreach at the Norwegian
Danish M. E. Church, corner of 13th and
Davis sts., Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
Roller Chairs, best for invalids, con
valescents, cripples and the aged, for sale
, heap. Apply to or address Roller Choir
Concession. Exposition. Sec classified.
Steams-tip Alliance sails from Couch
street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka
Tuesday night, September 5, at 8. F. P.
Baumgartner, agent. Main S6L
Mas. A. Tincrt. Lessons in china
painting. Orders taken. Firing done.
Studio, room 7S, Lewis building. Phone
Main 1137.
Just Arjuvbd at Becker's, Third and
Salmon, flfty styles new Fall street hats,
'Polos.'- "Roosevelts," "Maxines," etc,
to $7.
For Rent. New flats with every mod
ern convenience, desirable location. Call
60S Oregonlan building; phone Main 839.
Vert Cheat. Would sell dental prac
tice, .-hair, engine and .some furnishings.
Corner Washington and Second sts.
F. E. Beach & Co., The Pioneer Paint
To., agents for Berry Bros. water, oil
and varnish 6talns. 135 First street
The new 1903 Welsbach Gas Burner,
equipped with Best Welsbach ilantle;
price 75c encli. Manning's, 43 3d st.
Garden Pests can't stand Avenarlus
arbouncum wood 'preserver. Fisher
Thorscn Co.. Front and Morrison. '
For Rent. Finest location for saloon
on East Side. J. P. Sharkey, 701 Cham
ber of Commerce bldg. "
The Coct. 1S5 Seventh street; just the
place- for Fair visitors to get rooms; near
Woman's Exchange, 10th st-. near Wash
ington. Delicious homo cooking. Main 4622
The Allen Preparatory School will move
to new bldg.. E. 12th and Salmon, Sept. IS
Tke Caluxst Restaurant, 140 Seventh.
Flee luncheon. 36c; dinner. Ne.
Ocficial Spooks have Fro. Goode's sic
Dr. Starr hat returned. Rueeell blr. j
At Tektle Beth-I&raeu A special
meeting will be held this cvenlnj? at 8
o'clock, under the auspices of Portland
lodge and Theodor Hcrzl lodge of the In
dependent Order of Bnai-Brith, at
Temple Beth-Israel, at which addresses
will be given by two well-known leaders
of the organization, Hugo Asher and
Otto -Irving Wise, . grand president and
grand auditor, respectively; of District
Grand Lodge No. A. The organization Is
fraternal in character, and educational
and philanthropic in Its alms, and the
meeting this evening has been called in
order to arrange for an earnest presenta
tion of the objects and aspirations of the
order by two of its ablest exponents-. A
fine musical programme Is to be rendered,
the participants therein being Arthur N.
De Vore, organist, and Mrs. W. A. T.
Bushong and L. Allen-Goodwyn, as solo
ists. The chairman of the exercises of
the evening will be L Lesser Cohen. All
interested are cordially Invited to be
prcsent. General Compben's Funeral. The
funeral of the late General H. B. Coxnp
sen will be held today at 2 P. M. from
Finley's chapel. The services at the
chapel will be under the auspices of the
Elks. Rev. T. B. Barden will offer prayer
and H. H. Northup. a life-long friend of
General Compsen, will pay, a short tribute
to his memory- The interment will be
at the G. A. R. plot, Greenwood Cemetery.
Services at the grave will be under the
auspices of the Grand Army of the Re
public A squad of ten National Guards
men, under Captain Wood, has been de
tailed to pay the dead military honors.
Charged With Vaoranct. Myrtle
Dickson and Mary Carlson, two girls giv
ing their ages as over 21 years, but who
are thought by the police to be under
IS, were arrested last night by Patrol
men Kay and Jones at Front and Co
lumbia streets in a notorious house. They
were charged with vagrancy and will
probably be turned over to . the Juvenile
For a Few 3Ibrc Days at the Sale of
United States Armj- Goods.
For a few more days you will -be able
to make selections at the great sale of
U. S. Army goods, conducted by W. Stokes
Kirk at the Merrill building, corner Sev
enth and Oak. Unless you take advantage
of the remarkable bargains offered, you
will regret it afterwards. Just fancy
Khaki suits for 51.30. You will never se
cure such value again.. A fine Springncia
rifle at $2.75, worth eight times as much.
Underwear, shoes, hats, shirts and every
thing useful as well as a number of or
namental things, at prices that will never
again be duplicated.
Miss E. Bcrdinc Merrill, of Gresham. a
teacher in the Portland schools, is visiting
Mrs. J. C Jameson, 501 Rodney avenue.
Mrs. F. R. Boll, of Seattle, who has
been visiting with Mrs. George Minnielly,
of University Park, has left for home.
Engineer William ,B. Chase has Just
returned from Tillamook City, where he
went to Install a stystem of waterworks.
Judge William H. Beatty. Chief Justice
of the State Supreme Court of California,
is visiting the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion, accompanied by his family.
Mrs. Samuel R. Irwin; formerly ofJ
this city, but now a resident of San
Francisco, who has beejL. visiting: her
sister, Mrs. I. A. Macrum. and friends
here for the past two months, will
leave for her California home tonight.
John H. Wise, a Democratic polltl-
I 1 MMwi ill
"We have them in several designs and shapes. They have the signature
of President Goode on the hack. We have the largest assortment of sterling
silver souvenir spoons in the city. The prices range from 75c up. Some in
all silver; others .with silver handles and gold bowls beautifully engraved
in colors.
VISITORS TO THE PAIR invited to call at our store and' see the
many new things in jewelry we have on hand. We carrv a large assoftmentJf
Such as Kuuzites, Tourmalines, Hyacinths, Beryls, Garnets, Topaz, etc We
mount them in our own shop in any style desired without charging you fancy
prices. We have some beautiful specimens of Turquoise and Opal Xfatrix.
Also large Corals for brooches. The latter arc just the pink shades that are
so valuable. If you want anything in precious stones or something of a like
nature, see or write us.
Over a dollar. Kryptoks come higher thanths
awkward, old-fashioned bifocals, but they givo
a lot more satisfaction.
133 SIXTH STREET, Oregonlan Buildin.
serve as a center for the educating and
organizing a union of Industry by indus
trial co-operation, or, -In other wonls. the
establishment of a world's department
store. The main principle of Industrial
co-operation Ls the profit-sharing plan
now" In vogue. In several New England
cities, which the advocates of this move
ctalm is the solution of the strike ques
tion. After the interest on the capital in
vested and a contingent and reserve fund
are provided, the balance of the profits
are divided equitably among all the co
members or employes.
The following officers were chown for
the ensuing year: D. T. Fowler, of Cal
ifornia, president; J. B. Merrill, of To
ledo, O., vice-president, and J. M. Moore,
of San Francisco, secretary-treasurer.
The executive committee was chosen as
follows: D. T. Fowlor, I. J. Balltnger,
J. E. Martin. A. B. Hauk ami H.
Guelss. Jt was voted (o hold the next
annual meeting at Kansas City.
Jtclic for Historical Society.
JThe Historical Society has recently
been enriched by being made the cus
todian of a facsimile of President Lincoln's
emancipation proclamation, the original of
which was burned In .the Chicago Are
of October, 1871. It seems that prior to
the destruction of the valuable document,
however, several steel encravincs were
struck from It. and one of these became
5 e".d,S:0"eCr ihis'clX whoroughV k'wUh her from
u Uu,,.h x a,uvt Chicago and place! ft fn charge of the
n. .is Msltlng the . lety. it Is a remarkably clear im
arry fc,. VUse, also m-lnt. and naturaUv .ntlrartw r.
i of attention.
The, society at present Is having the
j greatest patronage of Its hkUory, more
! than 600S visitors having Inspired Us
archives during August. For the weik
ending last night, "upward of lSfl had
registered at the rooms or the institution
In the City Hall, and-It ls expected that
from now on until the close of the Fair
the place will be crowded, as the exhi
bition Is daily growing in popularity to
such an extent that the entire time of
the attaches of the office Ik consumed in
satisfying the demands of its patrons for
statistical information.
Port at San Francisco
Cleveland s .last term
Pair With his -on. Harry
well-known In Coast .business and po
litical circles.
Charles Weir,, one the most prominent
retail lumber dealers In Southern Califor
nia, with headquarters at Los Angeles,
is taking In the sights of "the Fair, and
also combining business with pleasure', as
he ls largely Interested in the lumber sup
ply from this state.
R. Lt. Correll, an employe of the fire
department at engine-house No. 9, ls en
Joying a visit from his daughter and
son, Mary and Boyd, whom he had not
seen for 15 years. Upon the death of
their mother, when they wore Just babies,
Mr. Correll left them with relatives in
Maiden, N. C, and came West. The son
and daughter, who have been spending
a few weckei here, will return to their
home In the Eat tomorrow.
W. Scott Smith and daughter, of
Washington. D. C, Is at the Calumet
and will spend the next couple of weoks
visiting the Exposition, Seattle and
British Columbia. Mr. Smith is private
secretary to E. A. Hitchcock, Secretary
of the Interior. It was rumored yester
day that Mr. Smith's mission in Port
land at this time was of a secret nature
and that it had to do with the land
fraud cases, but this Is denied by the
local Government official.
CHICAGO. Sept. 2. Oregonlans regis
tered today as follows:
From Portland Mr.' McNeil and wife,
at the Majestic; F. J. Sladen, at the
Palmer House.
From Salem W. Watcrworth, at the
NEW' YORK, Sept. 2. (SpeoiaL)-R. H.
Schwab, Sr., and wife, have'returned from
their six months' Biiropean tramp, having
arrived on the Kaiser Wllhelm den Grosse.
They expect to reach Portland, their
home, the latter part of the month.
Co-Opcrative League Organized.
At yesterday's session of the Indus
trial Co-operative Convention at the
Lewis and Clark Exposition, a permanent
organization was perfected. The object
of the league, which is to be known as
the American Co-operative League, is to
All the delicacies of the, season at
the Portland Restaurant, line, private
apartments for parties. Open all night.
395 Washington, near Fifth.
When in Seattle. "The Rathskeller,"
a high-clasV, place to cat. Sea food:
Eastern mttits. Largo orchestra dally.
Go to the Oxford Restaurant, 68 Sixth
street, for your French .dinner tonight.
Wine and music. Price ' ents.
First-class dinner or supper, 'S cents.
Meals served all day. Dclmont, 12S Sth st.
Genuine French dinner, with wine. 30,
at S3 Fifth street, near Stark.
Crawfish at The Empire. 152 3d street.
Finest chicken dinner. 192 3d St.
Launch Fox leaves foot Morrison
street, Merrill boathousc. 2, 4, 5:39, :30
P. M.
Says Wife Deserted Him.
George B. Bcrrell has sued Rose Ber
rell for a divorce because bf desertion be
ginning November 12. 1S02. The litigants
were married in Chicago 20 years ago.
There ls one child. Vclma Berrell. aged 17
years, who resides In New York. The
father states In his complaint that he pro
vides for her support.
The finest product of the scappernong.
the native North Carolina grape. A de
licious, refreshing white wine. Moderate
ly sweet a ladles wine W. J. Van
Schuyver-4; Co., Inc., distributors.
Goodyear machine. Better than band,
work. Best material used. Schwlnd &
Bauer. SO Yambllt. between Third and
"That Meyer Piano"
Here I have been trying hard for the
last three months to get a piano out un
der my own name, when, suddenly,
through the kind forethought of Mr.
Eilers. the Meyer Piano makes Its appear
ance in Portland. I reaUy ought to feel
flattered. If lt only wasn't such an awful
cheap affair; in fact, I should be tempted
to return the compliment, but am afraid
that I should not be able to -dispose of
any pianos with the name of Eilers on
them, even if I should offer them at half
the price of the Meyer piano. Well, hero
I have been rovellng In the thought of
seeing my name on one of the finest
pianos produced In this century, when to
my sorrow it is also placed on a -box sold
for $112, and the worst of it is I- don't
believe It ls half as good as the piano I
am offering for $120. All 1 can say Is.
though -this Meyer Piano may be one of
the worst boxes made. It certainly has a
good name, a combination specially at
tractive to some dealers. Too bad people
will -stoop so low to make a living. .
71 Sixth street, near Oak.
Have recently been ducov
- ered on government land in
the desert of Utah, subject
to location; parties desiring
to locate on them can find
out all details by writing or
calling at the
268i Morrison St, City
A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever
W3 m
Tib, PtaTitH.
Koth Patcbei,
Bui,Hd Mia DlMuti,
aaa erirr Bieeua
oabnotr. asd tit
le ilecU. It
tx lVood U ttl
of 67 7r tad
b to iirsiUu we
Ii properly aide.
ef !aQar
tiae. Dr. L. A.
BlTTi tl!d to &
U4r of the hist
tea ( ;itieit) :
"A yoa Uiltt
Trta CM thes.
Wa jirtstnilea.' "or nJt by &U ArccfirU dFaer.
Ooods Utiiczt tn lit Utttel SUIm, Cvud a:4 luroye.
FEBBJ.KOfiiKS, Prep, 37 Smt km S'rtst KnrTnL
None Better
None Finer
In fact, ours are the best
have ever carried.
Prices are reasonable.
Other dealers ask more.
We want your trade.
See our clothes.
Suits $10.00 to $30.00. .
Overcoats $10.00 to $35.00.
Fall and Winter Fashion!
Men's Suits and Overcoats
$15 $.18 $20
.-. . . f
Oar greatest care has always fceea to, secure the most faultless styles th&t
makers of ready-to-wear clpthing" can produce, and our constantly-growing'
business enables us to buy such great quantities that we can give the greatest
possible values in every instance.
Our $15 Suits are remarkably stylish-looking, cut after the newest 'models.
The coat is longi slightly conforming in the back, with athletically -square
shoulders and full chest. Tine cheviots and worsteds in plain colors and'
fancy mixtures. t
Our $18 line has many distin groaning features. For style and. snap it stands
alone. The modes are. unmistakably up-to-date.
Both single and double-breasted in browns, grays and mixtures.
Only the highest-priced custom work can vie with our $20 sort. The long
coat has beautifully modeled shoulders and broad collar and lapels. The'f abrics
are of the finest qualities, suitable forFall and Winter wear.
Our Fall stock is now complete.
s -
k - -
7 SUyy55!" &
The Greatest Olothin House in the Northwest.
Strangers in the City Are Welcome. Make Our Store Your Headquarters
While in Portland.
No matter 'wrhat priced Piano you
want we have it for you. -
Our stock of High-Grade Pianos is
the best to be. found anywherel. (we
make no exceptions). "We do net clainij
to have the largest number in stock
but we have enough to, satisfy the
most particular, and at prices that
never fail to win.
Steinway and Other Pianos.
Excursions ;
to Mount Hood:
VISITORS to the Lewis
and Clark -Exposition
have a rare opportu
nity to visit Mount '
Hood, because of the verylo"wv
515 30-day round-trip" rate
from Portland made;by.-tho O.
R. & Is. Includes rail and
stage fare, lunch - at Mount
Hood hotel (Hood River), two
slg-hta' loJglnsr and Ave meals
at Cloud Cap Inn. and return
Ins lunch at Mt. Hood Hotel.
Cloud Cap Inn, unique and pic
turesque. 6S00 feet above sea -level,
affords splendid accom
modations. Summit of moun- -tain
easily accessible from this
point Particulars - and O. R.
& K. Summer book by asking .
at Third and Washing-ton
streets, Portland.
MRS. S. XiAXGXIiTJZ, Xa'aaffer.'
Hood Rlrer, Ortgsa."
The Seaside House
Is now open to suests.
Klrt-Cl Serrlee la Kxcry Way.
Beautiful Walks and Drives on the
Wltk Boatlar Klxklac TJas7ae
Free bus meets all trains.
Now open for the teuon. Boat' comfort,
exccllant table board, centrallr located, beaa
llfel surrouadlnga. aa urf bathlar. a mass
desirable place for fainUlts. TU the con
ductor to let you oS at Raekaer Csttaxe.
Stavtew second ato'p after Uavlas; lliraca.
P. O. address. tlKaco. Wash.
German Language
Frau Bekker. recently from erMrt.. Ger
many, opened now classeajn conversation,
literature and music for adults and" chil
dren. Moderate charae for private les
sonsT Call GL.EKDORA HOTEL.. IKh st.
CO rtcttuei. 99,
The Heard Suction Eyeglass
boon to a loBg-snfferuig,- vision
afllicta .public.
This new eyeglass -will fit any nose,
is comfortable, convenient, simple,
durable and' the most economical. "We
guarantee. to. replace any one of them
within t,wo years with an entirely now
moan ting, in case of breakage.
.Exclusively coatrslled fey
2S4 AVaaataKtea Street,
Retweea Fourla aad Flft.
We-do eroira and brMp'wprJe without pain.
Our 38 year' experience ln plate work
enables u to at. your, xnputh comfortably.'
Dr. W. A. Wise iaa found a safe wax to
extract teeth absolutely without pain. Dr.
T. P. Wlee la an expert at sold fllllnif
and croirn and. brMxero;k. Extracting tree
when pate or bridges are ordered.
WISE BROS., Dentists
Faillnr Bulldtor. cor. Ti(rJ and Wash. Sts.
Open erenlnva till 9 o'clock. Sundays ron.
9 to 12. Or Main. 202S, it
dx, V;
The School of Quality
Old inyqars, new in methods. Grows steadily better,becauM
of constantly improved facilities. Thousands of graduates -in.
positions,, hundreds sent to places each. year. -
J5 Ask business men about, our work. Cpme-andseeYfor
yourself what we offer. We know we can;please, and-.ihvi&
critical investigation. ., Open all the year. Students-adnlitted at
any "time. Catalogue and penwork free. . ' ;.
aad Washington Streets - - - - A P. Armstrosf , LL.1L, Prifciaal
239 U 23 J Wat
Art., Ch tote.
of XbU Bad finouKe Art. SlstresaiiMnt inntracv
tor. Cartale4 Yrr Adrantaim. Teschentrslalnx
deeertsaeat. Dlploms. Certltleates. free aod eertlal
mslledfrre. JBHX J. MATTBTAKWT PrceMeat.
Klaeteeatb annual session btsjlna Spj 13.
Addresa S- HL JOSEPH!. M. D.. Dean. HQ'
Dekaai bids;.. Portlaai.
St. Mary's Academy
.Boardlnr school for rlrls. yorty-scconfi
year opens September a, IMS. Remarkable
record for health -and successful educa
tional work. - Finely equipped building, ex
tensive Jawne. " -TuU courses la EnfUth,
aau4e, artianfl laciMt.
Forty-seventh Sdholastic Ytir be
gins Tuesday, September 5 1905r
First-class boarding and dsjy school
for girls.
Courses" o elementary,, secondary
and higher education- r
Conservatories of music and art.
CaBH Hill, Saekaae, Wash.
Incorporated bqaralns; aad day caaet for
bor above age of elgat. New bulldls; oa
elevation near city. Dry aad lRvIxoratlnc
atmosphere erpeclally beaenplal ts tae
from Coas reetan. Teachers ee-Uesa radu
ate. Careful supervlsioi and preparatlea
for college or business. Addreec
edo:k r. stroxj. rxixcrrAi
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