THE OREGONIAN. FORTI.AOTL SrcPTFMTVRT?. 5 lonj?; . ; : i ' - ; : 1 Entered at the Ppitofflee at Pcrtlana, Or., a seeond-claa matter. RUsscKirnox rates. XXVAltlABLY IH ADVANCE. (Br Hall or Express.) Sllr and Sunday, per year .....-9.00 Dtlly and" Sunday, tlx months......... COO Dally and Sunday, three months. ...... 2.33 Sally and Sunday, per month. ......... -85 Dally -without Sunday, per year. ........ 7.30 Daily -without Sunday, six monthi. ..... 3.90 Dally without Sunday, three months... Dally without Sunday, per month...... .03 Sunday, per year 2.50 Sunday, six months... 1-25 Sunday, three months 03 BX CARRIER. Dally without Sunday, per week........ .13 Dally, per week. Sunday Included....... -20 THE WEEKLT OREGONIAX. (Issued Every Thursday.) Weekly, per year Weekly, sir months. 73 Weekly, three months - .60 HOW TO REMIT Send postotflce money crder. express order or personal check on your local hank. Stamps, coin or currency fcXfr at the sender's risk. EASTERN BUSINESS OFFICE. 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Leaving out Instructors In high schools and colleges, who are numerically in significant, the teachers In this country have hot yet attained the status of a professional body. That is, they do not marry and rear families upon the earn ings or their vocation, like carpenters, bricklayers and' doctors. In the lives of the great majority of our Instructors of youth, teaching Is an Incident-. Tbe calling Is followed with enthusiasm and devotion, let it be conceded.' but it is --followed transiently. Why this should be so in a nation which feels, as Amer ica certainly does, the supreme moment of education to Its welfare, Is a matter for curious Inquiry. The ready answer to the puzzle Is, of course, that the low wages of teaching make the vocation unattractive to men; while women, who alone can afford to follow It permanently, are eliminated by marriage and other causes after a few years of service. This explanation is pleasing, Jlke many glib and shallow evasions of a real difficulty, but It does not satisfy the reason. We are driven to push the Inquiry further. Why are the wages of teaching so low? One might suggest In reply that It has never been the disposition of the American people to pay their public sen-ants of any rank adequately. We have always exhibited a singular parsimony In this particular. We have Invariably pre ferred to be plundered clandestinely rather than to pay decent salaries openly. Saying nothing of his private property, the public allowance of the King of Prussia Is $3,852,770; -the Queen of Holland receives 5250,000; the ruler of the Insignificant kingdom of Portu gal, $634,440. Beside these sums the salary of our President, who surpasses any European monarch In dignity and real power. Is a ridiculous pittance. United States Senators, small as their .allowance is, probably get more than they deserve, generally speaking; but our Cabinet officers and Federal Judges are all underpaid. The pubic Is hardly expected to pay as much as men of their caliber could earn In business. The honor of high station counts or some thing. Great geniuses have been found eager to serve for that alone; but there Is a certain petty figure of remunera tion which signifies that the people hold in contempt the service for which they bestow it. , With that perversity which marks the judgments of men upon most matters of profound Importance, they have held In contempt the calling of the element ary teacher through all time. In Rome he was a slave. Shakespeare ridicules him.. Charles "Lamb contemns him. Dickens rails at him. In America It has alwaj-s been the common feeling, whatever orators and politicians may have said, that schooltea chins required no technical training and little ability. In spite of many hypocritical pretenses to reverence for their calling, we have consistently ranked elementary teach ers with -unskilled laborers and paid them accordingly; while, as a matter of fact, their business requires, great tech nical skill and special ability. In gen eral, a man Who can teach well can succeed in some other calling which Is more esteemed . and better paid; and conditions in America have hitherto been such that other. callings have been open to them, so that the business of teaching has reverted to women, and comparatively few households subsist upon Incomes earned In the schoolroom. Our educational force, therefore, con stantly shifts. A working force never becomes permanent, and; hence profes sional as distinguished from mere ama teurs, until, families are established upon Its earnings. Women would have advanced education more by marrying men teachers and stimulating them to strike for higher Salaries without Ve- sertlng their calling, than they .have by displacing them. "We have thus In America the Indus trial phenomenon of a permanent force of teachers In high schools -and colleges and a constantly shifting: one In the elementary echools. Such a force has, necessarily, t neither the will nor the ahllity to think deeply upon the true content and purpose of the elementary curriculum. Necessarily, also, It lacks the professional expertness to reach results surely and speedily. The text hook slavery which Wolf von Schler brand has, somewhat violently, de plored In our lower echoolsMs the least vll issuing- from this state of things. "There are two worse ones. The first is that the elementary teaching- forc2, having- little Initiative and purpose of its own, is made subservient to the high schools and colleges. In stead of exhibiting, as they should, a well-deflned and complete educational aim within their own sphere and look ing to that sphere alone, the primary and grammar schools exist merely as preparatory to the high schools and col leges. And this in face ofthe astound ing fact that only one In twenty-five of their pupils ever enters the high school and only one In 130 ever enters college. For a nation which boasts of being practical, our management of this mat ter has fceen extraordinary Indeed. There Is another evil chargeable upon our shifting, non-professional, element ary teaching force, and that Is the fail ure of the lower schools to do well and eg?eedily -what they undertake, on the one hand; and, on the other, the omis sion of a large sphere of work which they ought to undertake. The latter consequence flows from the former. Our elementary schools have no time to teach agriculture, drawing and man ual dexterity, because-they waste time scandalously In teaching reading, writ ing and arithmetic. The latter branches I are, of course, essential, and must on no account be omitted or curtailed; but with an independent and strongly pro fessional body of elemental teachers all that Is now accomplished could be done in half the time, and better done. The schoolday would then be long enough to admit hand as well as head work. The public may clamor for bet ter results from the lower schools, but It will clamor in vain until it gets ready to pay for them. Then they jk-HI come as a matter of course. EXPOSURE OF HVTOCRISr. Says the East Oregonlan (Pendleton): The Oreconlan censures Mayor Lane f Portland for appointing Democrats to the various places within his power to fllL If this is not Rood politics, how does It come that Mayor Lane on coming Into the office finds every appointive place filled by Repub licans? On what grounds can thexe papers gnd fault with Mayor Lane for doing Jut Trh"? very Republican Mayer ef Portland has l'!' done. Ttifi; Oregonlan has. not censured Mayory?-ane for appointing Democrats to office. II. expected him to appoint Democrat?- iat it has censured and does censule ,8' e Iwlncerlty and hy pocriey Of tfl? Pretense of "no party In municipal affa"" "which was used for election of MayP1" Lane. Will the Pen dleton Journal b ? Wnd to Tead what The Oregor?1" BaJ1 last Mon day, specifically, of1 th,B subject, and then ask Itself wixai. excuse It has for total misrepresentation of the state ment? vjz: , - -f- Last June the Democrats e-Wg!efl tM M"J-or ofth City of Portland. What wcaon for surprise that they should Expect 2M ctlve all the offices he can rive 'them? . There Is a deal of number ln! tae about "no party In municipal affairs." M-orst of It Is not continuation or chans? ci party control, but the Insincerity -of the i,lc against party Inflaence and control by fhCIC who wlfh to "get in." m . Every person knew that Mayor Lane would make everything Democratic in the city ro ernment. as far ns he oould. The Oregonlan. took that for granted. It made no protest, and makes none. Parties contend, and al--wnys will contend, for power In government National and state, district, county and city. And each will get nil it can. Just as the Democratic party In Portland Is doing now, and Just a alt parties will do hereafter. It is a duty to truth and to honesty to set the seal of condemnation on the hypocrisy that makes pretenses to the contrary. THE NAVIES OF THE FUTURE. It Is probable that Russia now will give up the scheme to build a great navy the scheme which called steel experts from the United States to St. Petersburg some months ago; or at least that she will proceed slowly with her project of a new navy. Indeed she needs no navy at all, unless she can use It with more skill and effect than she has displayed In her war with Japan. But other nations will continue to exert themselves to the utmost; In particular. Great Britain, France, Ger many and Japan. Study of materials, study of construction, study of all methods by which speed and efficiency may be maintained and Improved, will go on as never before. Nor will the United States be content to lag behind the rest in these branches of knowl edge or In applying them though we shall not now, if ever, endeavor to cre ate so great a naval armament as some of the others. It Is believed that battleships may be constructed which, without being at all Inferior In armor or ordnance, may, by lightness of construction, equal the present cruisers In speed and radius of action. By the use of the latest im provements in nickel steel, with" its great tensile strength, It is conceivable that the weight of the structural ma terials might be so reduced as to al low, without adding to displacement, a great Increase of motive power. Speed is of the first importance. If any nation should acquire a consider able number of such battleships, in ad dition to the ordinary equipment now commonly possessed by all the leading nations In the form of cruisers, torpedo-boats, destroyers, etc.. It would go near to being the real mistress of the seas, for a time at least, and would certainly force every other power to follow its example. In a contest be tween battleships without speed and battleships with a cruiser's nimblene'ss, the former would be practically help less. The Japanese had herein an ad vantage over the Russians which they used to the utmost. Since peace is now to be concluded, naval experts of all nations will take advantage of every opportunity to collect Information as to the conditions of the great battle In the Sea of Japan. ' Effort to Improve naval armament will from this time proceed with re doubled energy, everywhere. The Im portance of power atssea has been brought with renewed force to the at tention of ah nations. Hence every na- Ltion that maintains a navy and no na tion can amount to much In these times thatoes not devoteltself to the devel opment of power at sea must be alert to the advances that .all the. time are being made In nava architecture, In Mftriae 9tlv power, aod In'funnery; must be ready to take earliest advan tage of every Improvement and must be continually repairing the losses in evitable. In the operation of vessels. must. In fact; be llberal-and even lavish in naval appropriations. Time and again the navies of the world have been reduced to worthless Junk by the evolution of naval architecture. Since It would be preposterous to -suppose that the limit of efficiency has yet been reached. It is practically certain that very many of the war vessels of the present day will follow their predeces sors to the Junk shop or scrap heap. For no nation that aspires to v great place in the "world can. afford to ignore the necessity of maintaining power at sea. 1VKAT TO DO WITH THE THEATER. Mr. Sydney Rosenfeld, a playwright, cornea to Portland to present for the first time on any stage a brand-new drama, and Incidentally to tell us that the commanding need of the times Is a National theater, or an endowed the ater. Mr. Rosenfeld has long been struck by the "fact . that the public doesn't know what It wants, and there fore won't pay for what it ought to want; so he and other Ingenious drama tists have devised the happy scheme of effecting a perpetual divorce between the box-office and the greenroom. In this way commercialism, the bane of the theater, willbe foreVer checked and forgotten, and no questions need ever be asked by anybody as to whether any given production will pay. All that any Plavwriter has to have ia a. sum. dent pull with the, management of the endowed theater and the philanthro pists who are putting up the money will do the resL No one can really have any serious objection to the scheme of an endowed playhouse If any benevolent old gentle man with lofty notions of art or any prodigal young millionaire with unsat isfied desires about actresses wishes to endow lt. There have been many the atrical ventures already launched on this basis, and doubtless there will be many more. What Mr. Rosenfeld wants, It may be assumed. Is a perma nent fund to be used solely for the benefit of the theater and the manage ment thereof, and not for the theater ana the actors or actresses thereof. Here Is a distinction that Is both vital and significant, and that is perfectly understood by the "angels" who have heretofore put up liberally for the en dowment of some shapely shqwglrl who wants a play, a company and a private car of her own. This is the sort of thing Dramatist Rosenfeld evidently desires to get away from; but can he? And if he can, why should he? If the public doesn't want Shakespeare, it is not easy to see why It should be made to have Shakespeare. If It doesn't want Ibsen, or Sudermann, or Bernard Shaw, or even Ro5enfeld. why should it be made to accept them? It Is of little Uge to say that the public taste must be educated and the general theatrical atmosphere purified, for neither "can be done by any cramming process. If what the public desires is a free show. It can go to church or rather some churches. If it wants excitement. It can go to a baseball game. If It wants Instruction, It can bear a lecture as often as it likes. If it wants amuse ment, it can go to the theater. And that amusement has become now al most the sole mission of the theater is attested by the fact that there are more theaters than there ever1 were, and that they are given up almost exclusively to vaudeville, burlesque. musical comedy and the lighter forma of drama, what is more, the public pays for IL If you like that sort of thing, that's the .sort of thing you like and pay for. The-only way to make an endowed thfater of any sort of account would ! be -f have one In every city and town In the United States, to say nothing ofthe yearning need of such an Insti tution at every crossroads. -This Is the first essential to success In 'educating the mass of the public to the -filgner fornsi of dramatic art. The second .es sential is to, mke t,lj admission free. That will be th? Shly way to get the public lns.lde the doors. "Where Is the Caniegie or Rockefeller who win con vert his tainted money "Into a fund for j the creation of an untainted theater? We say nothing about untainted actors and actresses for th untainted theater. There are some burr.ipg problems that we are discreet enough to leave to the future A HISTORICAL EXPOSITION. On the borders of Hampton Roads, the Jamestown Exposition Company has already begun the real work of pre-J paring for the exposition to be held In 1907 to celebrate In a fitting manner the 200th anniversary of the Qrst per manent settlement effected by English speaking people In America. The man agers have planned an exposition for the large part original and different from any other. It promises to be the world's greatest naval spectacle. Through the President and Congress the United States Government has as sisted this design. By an act passed March 3, this year. President Roosevelt, after reciting his authority, proclaimed: Now, therefore," I, Theodore Roosevelt. President of the United States, by virtue of the authority vested In me by said act. do hereby declare and proclaim that there shall be Inaugurated In the year 1&0T. at and near the waters of Hampton Roads, In the State of Virginia, an International naral. marine and military celebration, beginning May 13 and ending not later than Norember 1, 1007. for the purpose of commemorating In a fit ting and appropriate manner the birth of the American nation; the first pern anent settle ment of English-speaking people on the American continent made at Jamestown, Vs., on the 13th day of May, 1007. and In order .that the great events of the American his tory which have resulted therefrom may be accentuated to the present and future gener ations of American -citizens. And. in the name ot the Government and people of the United States, I do therefore Invite all the nations of the earth to take part in the commemoration of the event which hat had a far-reaching effect- on the course of human history, by sending their naval vessels to the said celebration and by making such representations of their mili tary organizations as may be proper. This Invitation, It is believed, will be accepted "by practically all the nations having .navies, and in that case there will assemble the largest aggregation of war vessels ever gathered at one time and one place In the hisiory of the world. This Is fitting, since the first f battle of ironclads, from which modern naval architecture datesv took place in that harbor when the duel between the Monitor and the Merrlmac aston ished civilization. Instead ot an industrial exposition, the Jamestown Tercentennial wilkBet forth the historical development of the country. To this end the co-operation of many of .the' chief historical societies and associations of the United States has been secured. ' Every state of the Union which has been asked to partici pate in thexlebrUoa -fa been' invited to exploit Its historical treasures and elaborateiAithe .Incidents In Its story which have helped In the making of the Nation. New York State has appropri atedvI50,000 for her part. in the exposi tion. Other commonwealths which have already accepted and will be represent ed are: Maine, Massachusetts. Con necticut, Rnode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Caro lina, Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan and Wisconsin. An innovation In fencing will be one of the most decorative features of the fair. Wires have been strung and in terlaid between cedar posts around the entire grounds, and these will be over grown with honeysuckles, trumpet vines and rambler roses. The general effect of the completed exposition will be an Idealized Southern settlement, the buildings following the Colonial order, which Teached Its zenith In Virginia, and the trees and flowers carrying out the effect of old-time Southern gardens. MHO CAUSES THE DELAY? About all we can see In Mr. Wood's letter, printed elsewhere, is that the wagon-road company Insists, and will continue to Insist, that the Government shall put up the money for the Malheur project, and the company may put up as much, or as little, land as It pleases. The chief difficulty Is that the Government-wants the same control over the 25,000 land-grant acres that It will have over the land of the private owners. The land-grant people say that the Government must take Just what they choose to give It. It Is Idle for them to add that they will give all they can. No doubt. But the wagon-road propo-. sltlon, all the same. Is that the Govern ment must go ahead with large expend iture on the simple assurance of the wagon-road owners that they will give the Reclamation Service a square deal. Perhaps It Is not good business for the land-grant people to turn over their property unconditionally to the Recla mation Service, although It Is the sole purpose of the Government to make this and other land valuable; certainly It Is not prudent forthe Reclamation Service to place the fate of their entire scheme In the hands of the wagon-road owners. Mr. Wood declares with some vigor that the wagon-road people are not causing the delay. Little else has been done except parley with them. What's the use of doing anything else? When the difference with the land-grant own ers Is adjusted, other things may be done. Until there Is an agreement, nothing can be done, or ever will be done. If the wagon-road people and the Re clamation Service can agree beforehand Jus: what land shall be included, the rest will be easv. Mr. Wood hints that this may be done. If It can be tone, then let It be done. The dispute would In that case transpire to have been over things more Imaginary than real. GROWING PRESTIGE OF ELECTRIO LINES. Announcement comes from Chkraso of the organization of a company to operate an electric line between that city and New York, artd also between Chicago and Cincinnati. An enterprise of this nature a dozen years ago would have been deemed too visionary to be seriously considered, but so rapid has been the rise of the electric car that the feat at this tlmepresents no feajurcs at all difficult. With large towns and cities strung along "the route between Chicago. and New--Tork In such great numbers, and with suburban trolley lines stretching far out Into the coun try from each of them, the matter of connecting the lines Into one grand trunk system presents no Insurmount able obstacles. Even were It IrnDosid- ble to form a satisfactory through line by filling up the 'gaps between these large clUesand towhs, the demands of a rapidly-increasing population for fast an4 economical service would undoubt edly warrant the construction of a new line through the entire distance. The trolley, wherever It ban Invaded the field of the steam roads, has almost Invariably captured the lion's share of the business. The possibilities for de veloping and Increasing a trade by this popular means of transportation arc strikingly shown In the experience of the Interurban electric line between Seattle and Tacoma. By reducing the fare more than one-half and cutting the time down In nearly the same pro portion, the electric line has brought the two chief cities of Washington so close together that the residents of the two. cities make most liberal use of the convenience even for the transaction of small matters, which, before the coming of the electric car, were permitted to accumulate or were handled by mall. The success of this line has been so great that It will be but a compara tively short time before It is extended to Portland, and with a reduction in fare and running time to correspond with that which has built up such a big business for the Seattle-Tacoma Inter urban line, the big ports of Puget Sound will be drawn much closer to Port land than Is possible by the slow sched ules and high railroad fares now In force. Throughout the rich farming re gions east of the Cascade Mountains there Is also Increasing interest In this modern method of rapid and economical transit. Lines have been surveyed to tap a number of points In the Palouse, country, and there are numerous proj- ects under consideration for Idaho and the Big Bend. From the standpoint of economy, the electric car In the West Is certain to be more attractive for cap ital seeking Investment than It Is In the East. The Pacific Northwest contains an abundance of water .power to drive electric cars In all localities In Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and there Is no power on earth tha$.can be secured at any less cost than that which Is now running to waste in scores of streams in the Pacific Northwest. This portion of the country is still new, and electric railroading has not reached the stage of development that has been attained in the East, where routes are longer and the population much greater. There the sleeping-car has made Its appear ance on the electric lines, and the par lor and observation cars are equal If not superior to those which are hauled by steam locomotives. With the In creasing mileage of these roads. In the West, where there Is an abundant water power, the question of cheap fuel will be far less disturbing to the mind of the transportation men than It Is at this time. Yellowstone National Park, It seems. Is Just becoming known to American people who 'have been accustomed to go abroad for scenery. During the month of July ot this year, more per sons visited the park than during any whole season for the last ten years, and August has thus far kept up the record. Tk Yellowstone National Park Transportation OomDanv has keDt 1000 horses employed in driving Summer tourists through the park and every available vehicle suitable for the pur- pose has. been purchased for their ac commodation. This statement has more than a local significance. It goes to snow that this great "Wonderland" Is coming to the knowledge of the Amer ican people, who of all others Indulge more extensively and exDenslxrelv in the vacation habit and who spend more money than any other people in Jaunt ing about in the Summer time. Snow usually falls In the Yellowstone In Sep tember. It Is the purpose, nevertheless. to keep the park, open until September 20, after which It will be relegated to the keepers arid wild animals until next June. Low water' has caused the suspension of navljratlon on the Snake Rlvir h- tween Riparia and Lewlston, and. as a result tne fruitgrowers along the stream will lose large quantities of iruiu me season has ieen exception ally dry; in fact, never before since the fruit business along the river assumed proportions of Importance Jias naviga tion been entirely suspended. There Is unquestionably a sufficient amount of tticr in me stream, u it could oe con fined in a narrow channel, to float light draft boats. This would seem to afford a good opportunity' for an accurate survey of the river, with a view to its improvement as soon as funds were available. Fortunately for the .fruit growers, the construction of the rail road along the river will prevent a repetition of the present disastrous sit uation. " The Central Railway of Orearon has Just recorded a 32,000,000 mortgage In Union County In favor-of the American Loan & Trust Company, of Boston, to cover an Issue of bonds to be utilized In the construction of the railroad In the Grand Ronde Valley. The company flllng this mortgage Is not very well known in this city, but as it was re sponsible for the sudden activity of the O. R. & N. in that particular field, and may yet be the means of opening up the rich Wallowa country. It will ever be held In grateful remembrance by the people of Oregon. If some opposi tion company were to begin active op erations on a road to Central Oregon, the activity of the O. R. & N. Co. In that direction would' be fully as pro nounced as It Is in the Wallowa coun try. One of the numerous blind beggars who make night hideous on our main thoroughfares will go Into court for the purpose of satisfying himself that the city has the right to mitigate nuisances. The city. Is overrun with all kinds of beggars, some of them rich and some poor. They are suffering from all kinds of diseases and afflictions, and in beg ging on the street acknowledge them selves to be public charges. If they must be supported by the public. It Is proper that they should be confined In the Institutions provided for those who are unable to support themselves. More sympathy would be felt for these beg gars as a class were It not known that some of their number have become quite wealthy by working on the sym pathy of the public. It would appear that the Johnson es tate had not ben administered for the benefit of the Johnson estate, but for the benefit of the Ladd estate. That, however. Is nothing- new. It Is. was, and has been, by process of absorption of the property of others, that the great Ladd estate, startjm; from sale of liquors, as advertisements In the old files of The-'Oregonlan attest has been built urttp Its present p'rpoUons. The wy the Johnson property has been cealt with Js no: different, expepjt In detail, from other instances. Innumer able. There may be occasion for in dignation; none for surprise. The hop crop jot the world is grown In much fewer localities than the wheat crop, but it seems to be nearly as diffi cult to work up a corner on hops as It Isyon wheat. A Grant's Pass grower has Just closed out a large lot at 18 cents pefr pound, after refusing 30 cents last Fall, when they were ready for market. There Is a limit In the price at which any commodity will move In normal quantities, and when that limit Is passed the consumption Is restricted and substitutes are used. Apparently 30 cents per pound was about the dead line, between a normal demand and Us curtailment by high prlcc.v The annual forest fires are wiping out of existence some big tracts of fine tim ber In the Willamette Valley, and. as usual, the trouble was all started by the burning of a slashing by some farmer. As a method of protection the fire warden system seems to be a good deal of a failure, and If this annual loss of timber is to continue, it might be a good plan to make the fire war dens personally superintend the burn ing of these terribly expensive "slash ings." ' There Is an element of Justice in the order from the Pullman Company In structing agents not to reserve berths. In Portland recently one party of tourr ists by sending different members to the booking office Becured reservations for five successive days. If provision Is made for exchanging or redeeming sold tickets within twenty-fofcr hours of the leaving time, injury will be worked on no one. The company has a right to protect Itself against impo sition. We ought to have good streets in Portland now, since the Asphalt Com pany has got Its superintendent In as City Engineer. "Our holy plutocracy al ways strives to use its own agents In promoting .the cause of reform. Marshall Field, aged 70, and. the widow Caton, aged 45. are to be mar ried and are to travel through Europe "on a honeymoon." There la one moon that never wanes. Now that the Russo-Japanese War Is off his hands, Roosevelt can get busy with the Panama Canal. There's a lot of office work to do before work on the grade begins. Sam. Busb.vs account of the visit he had- with President Roosevelt reads like a chapter that might have been written by Owen Wistar. A Life for a Life. Exchange. Edgar Wallace,, of London, set a trap In Ibis room for a mouse. .. After he had gone to sleep tho trap snapped and ha awoke to find the room rapidly filling with gas from a burner that he bad left half turned on. . He -turned, off. the gas and then -opened the trap' and released the ntouser-a 'life for a life. OREGON "OZONE." The House Whcro George Washing ton Slept. The house where George Washington slept ia to be torn down. But It'dcesn't matter. There are others. This particular -house where George Washington slept Is the house whore the commander-in-chief of the American armies spent the night before Lord Howe took possession of New York. It appears that encroaching commerce needs the site, for a cheese factory or something. No matter what they do with this house, the house where George Washington slept will remain to the end of time. If you ever go East looking for historic relics, you can't escape the house where George Washington slept. George Washington was a great man; but history does not allot to him hl3- full measure of greatness. He wa9 a much greater man than moat of us suspect. He- was the only man In history, so far as I know, who defeated a great nation J while he was asleep. Th.. 0nrr,r,M.r,. r fi- Wot . , k f " ( Three great Kings are involved in Is a thing not generally known. Naoo- . thc acUo of ;hfi Nebuchadnex leon Bonaparte s.ept only five hours a Belshazzar and Darius. They em day, and yet he defeated Europe. We ploy their undoubted prerogative over are wont to account that a considerable . language. Th.e first,- who according to feat. But George Washington whipped ; the story iultimately rurned out to Great Britain to a standstill. In his sleep, i grass, when excited exclaims: "I know He was the greatest sleeper the world ! fr a certainty thou art mounte has known. He slept twenty-four hours tank Thou art deceivers who would . . , ' ' . . , , ! gain time." Later tne villain ad a day; he never woke up; yet in his sleep dregse3 h,m thus. ..T d,dgt teU tfi Qh he fought and won great battles and be- King.", And Darius asks: "Hath tho came the Father of His Country. children cf Israel no understanding?" The first town I visited In the East, The author has devised his scenery looking for places of historic Interest, regardless j)f expense. Act I. Scene 1. was In New Jersey Morrlstown, I think j "The walls""of the clty-crumble beneath -and tho first man I struck at the depot I siege of the Chaldeans." Act was eager to pilot mc to the house where ; Scfne 2- ""olatrous image, of gold- . . , . , . T ., , . , , en calf revealed upper center of stage George Washington slepL I did not ask W draw!nR- araper,es Gf the King's to see this house, but he Insisted that gorgeous tent. Festival ot devotees. I see 1L I was very glad to see the house Dancing girls bearing palms and floral where George Washington slept, and I j offerings." Then: "Electrical effect made a note of It In my notebook. j Fiery furnace: captives walking there- The next day -I went down to Freehold. where the battle of Monmouth was fought, and they showed me tho house where George Washington slept. From there I ran over to Trenton, where George Washington crosoeS the Delaware, and they showed me the house where George Washington slept. I began to think that George Washington used the whole state of New Jersey for a bed room; that he entered the state when bedtime came, hung his clothos on Sandy Hook and went to bed. New Jersey seemed to be a sort of state bed-chamber. But a few days later I went up to New London. Conn., and they showed me the house where George Washington slept. They had not made up the bed since he slept In It. The very dent In the pillow was there. In New Haven I saw the house where George Washington slept and I retreated to Hartford, looking for the Charter Oak, but I saw the house where George Washington slept. Then I visited Massachusetts.. In search of the Cambridge elm. but they took me to see the house where George Washing ton slept. Elm trees were too ordinary. I ducked across the Charles and Invaded Boston, looking for the historic Common, but on the way I paused to read a bronze tablet set in thc side of a house and learned that It was the house where George Washington slept. -.- - DesDalrinjr of stein sr anvthlncr' new In Massachusetts that was bid. I Jumped up Into Vermont, stopping at the town of Bennington, where General Stark re marked that, if he didn't whip tho Brlti Ish by 6:15 P. M., Mary Stark could col lect his life Insurance. I wanted to see the battlefield, but" they showed me the house where George Washington slept. Then I made tracks for Portsmouth, N. H.. to see If the port could keep Its mouth shut about the , house where George Washington slept, but the first thing they did to me was to take me to the house, and I took the next train for Prov Jdence. R. I. The house where George Woohlngton slept was next door to my hotel. I went to Newport, and saw the. house again. Two or three other. towns In "Rhode Island showed me. Rhode Isl and Is not a very large state, and It didn't take George very long to sleep all over that state; so. after seeing the house where George Washington slept. In half a dozen towns, I returned to Massachu setts and tried Springfield, hoping to see the Arsenal celebrated In pong by Long fellow. They told me that If I didn't get out of town on the next train they would show me the house where George Wash ington slept. Buying a through ticket for New York with no stop-over privileges I arrived in the metropolis with fond anticipations of historic spots. The first man I met was an old friend from Missouri, who invited me to go up into Harlem with him and e some historic places. I went and he showed me the house where George Washington slept. Then I went to- the Presbyterian Hos pital. During my convalescence a letter came from another old friend, who was spend ing the Winter at Valley Forge. Pa. He insisted that I should come out and re cuperate at his -home. I was-ahflut to ac cept, but Just In the nick of time It oc curred to me that Washington spent a Winter at Valley Forge, and I knew that If I should go out there and see the house where George Washington slept I would suffer a relapse. From my early boyhood I always' did admire George Washington, but since I saw the house where he slept I have worshiped him. A man who could win such victories a he did. In his sleep. Im pels mo to doff my hat every time I think of him. George Washington was first In war, first In sleep and first In the hearts of his countrymen. He slept all over the Atlantic seaboard, from Virginia to Ver mont. He never did anything but sleep, so far as we are able to learn from his fond admirers who now Inhabit New England, New York and New Jersey. No matter how assiduously you search, you never find a house where George Wash ington woke up, whero he smoked a cig arette, talked through a telephone, ate ham and eggsT or did. anything but sleep. No doubt he walked In his sleep, for history tells us of his wonderful marches. If he was able to accomplish so much as a somnambulist. Just think what he' might have -done if he had been glftel with chronic insomnia! He might have invaded Corsica, captured the Infant Na poleon and forestalled the French frenzy of conquest. He- might have annexed Russia and prevented the Russo-Japanese war. He might have robbed Portsmouth of its later glory and caused It to remain until the last syllable of recorded time chiefly distinguished as the location of the house where George Washington slept, ' ' 'ROBERTUS LOVE. Jake, It's Up to You. Yacolt Corr. Vancouver Chronicle. -Jake Jager has returned from Van couver with a smile that won't come .' Tell-us all about It, Jakef SACRED DRAMA TROM OREGON . New" York Evening- Sun. A decided contribution to the llterar ture of the Pacific Coast has been, made b George L. Hutchlns, of Port land. Qr.. In his historical and ro mantle drama- "Judarael," which hs cautiously publishes himself, reserv ing alL rights. The drama Is built on the Elizabethan model, with frequent shifts of scenes. The. author .does not offer verse, or a mixture of verse with Prose, but uses,, a lofty poetic ' prose. witn original uses of the English lan guage. It would not be fair to de- serine the plot, which Is based as the name implies, on Biblical Incidents. As the nuthor tells us in a preface: J "The beautiful story of Judarael Is a iterjraie Idyl, a classic of sacrosanct worshipers, and is familiar as a house held word to those of Palestinian na tivity. The story is told In dramatic figure to give it the strongest accen tuation known to literature." He add3 an Inerestlng chronological fact nec essary to the understanding . of the piny. -The Babylonian captivity covers a period of 70 years. As the year of the ancients was only" a third as long as the year of latter days, Judarael ! at the end of his captivity was In the I flower of vigorous manhood." ' 'n unharmed; guards burned to death as tney approacn rurnace. to cast therein thc prisoners; bodies of guards exposed about the furnace." Act III. Scene 1. "Hanging gardens of Babylon Umbrageous trees Bosky sylvan garnishments,." Scone 2. "Bclshazzar's Impious foast; 1000 gov ernors, nobles, princes, .wives, concu bines, dancing girls, et al. Draperies reveal the scene as thoy are drawn." The author leaves little to the stage manager's . imagination. The Reader may form some Idea of the play from the scenario, but dramatic managers are warned that no performance of it can be given without the author's permission In writing. All Is not tragedy and high Ideal, however. The author has read his Eli zabethans and noted their counterfoil In comic Interludes and the slang ot tho day. His sprlghtllness Is shown In the discussion of the Jonah story be tween two Jovial Hebrew soldiers: IsJachar Do you believe that the -whalo swallowed Jonah? Haram Gur' Oh. yes. Jonah, wa very down In the mouth and the whala had to swallow htm or r choked to death. Islachar Jonah was the father of alt fish stories. Haram Gur Then thqu bellevest not the tale of the fish-and Jonah? Islachar I would have to be as bipr as ten whales before I could swallow all that story, tall and all. And also in the banter between the hero and .the heroine: . Judarael Ozara, will you bid, me hopa? Ozara t .must not Jpntrer trust my reso IutIon."We wj!l not cross the Jordan till we reach'lt. I must away. Judarael Stay. Oxarn There are. o.ther days. Adieu. W;here- so much Is in higher,. vein, however. It would be- unfair to give no Indication of ..w-hat Mr. .Hutqains can do when, he-tries. Here 13 a lyric strain: Judarael I am joyed -that you are happy. The airs of this enchanted garden are heavy with the soft perfumes of Araby tonight, and ,the languorous lilies and sister roses haye each a magic bell with fairy hands for clappers. I would that, I were free as the flowers to love, free as tho airs of heaven, free as falling waters and the soughing winds, and If I -were free. Judah. how thy Oriflamme would rise to heights beyond the stars! Salmon canning is not the one Ideal on the banks of the Willamette. A Pica for Sobriety. Baltimore American. The work of today demands men of clear brains for Its performance. It mat ters not whether that work be In the office, the counting-room, thc legislative hall, the store, the shop, the field, or- tho mine. The worker who each morning brings to his task a strong mind and a steady nerve will always find his serv ices In demand, while the one who allows himself to become the victim .of an un bridled appetite will soon discover that his place has been filled by one who can do the work better than he. Such an address as that made by President Roose velt Is always timely. While It Is un doubtedly true that excesses In the use of liquor are not as common today as they were a quarter or a half century ago. there Is still vast room for improve ment, and every effort In that direction deserves the encouragement of all who seek thjs elevation and betterment of their fellow-men. Paul Jones u Scottish Rite Mason. Paris Cable to tho New York World; French scholars, digging among tho archives to discover more about the life and personality of John Paul Jones,, have found that the admiral was an enthusias tic Free Mason, belonging to a lodge of the' Scottish Rite called the Lodge of the Nine Sisters. The occasion of his Initia tion was made a great fete; several ora tions were pronounced, a poem was read, the main point of which was that Jones when at soa was like a coquette, "seeming to be taken In order to capture the foe." The place where the lodge met was de molished In the construction of the new boulevard. The Count of Provence, after ward King of France, was a member of the same lodge. Pleasures of Camp Life. Roseburg Plalndealer. About this time the campers return, and tell what a great time they had, but they never mention how the mos qultos bit them: how the ants crawled over the table and provisions; how the women were scared of the snakes; how the noises kept them awake at night; how disagreeable It was when they had to crawl out In the morning; how bugs made nests In the blankets; how they had to squabble over how the work should be divided; how the smoke from the camp fire got In every one's eyes; how Inconvenient it -was to wash; how they wished every day that they were back home; how they became dis gusted with canned goods, .and other Incidents too numerous to enumerate. . - 1 Jnst Like Sunshine. St. Xx)uls ReDubllc. f . . A lauzh Is June like sunshine, It frehens alt the day: . It tipa the peaks of life -with light..,- And drives the clouds away; The soul grows glad that Hears "it. And feels Its eouraxe strong ', A laugh Is Just like sunshine ' Tor cheering- folks along. A laugh Is Just like music. It lingers In the heart. And where iUr melody Is heard TJie ills of life desarU . And happy thoughts come crowding 1 Ita Joyful notes to greet , A laugh la Just like - rjtetc r For making living awectl