The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 03, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Small Towns on North Santiam
Out of Danger.
Six Farmhouses and Their Contents
Were Destroyed Between Mill
City and Gates Occupants
Escape Uninjured.
AL.BANT. Or.. Sept, (Special.)-Tho
forest flres up the North Santiam River
are reported to be pretty well under con
trol this evening-. A force of men has
been buny fighting the flames, and while
considerable damage is yet being done,
the danger to the small towns along the
line of -the railroad is about over.
The track of the railroad has been re
paired, and trains made the usual runs
today. People interested are hoping for
rain an nothing but that can stop the
fires. Six farmhouses and three barns,
with all their contents, were destroyed
by fires, the occupants barely escaping
with their lives, between Mill City and
Fires In Clackamas County.
OREGON CITY, Or., Sept. 2. (Special.)
"While Innumerable slashings are beim?
burned throughout Clackamas County,
the fires are being properly guarded and
no extensive damage has resulted to prop
erty interests. Yesterday's threatening
fire at Gladstone has been subdued, after
destroying several outbuildings.
A valuable barn on tho farm of Thomas
Blanchard at Central Point, near New
Era, was burned yesterday, the fire start
ing from a spark from a threshing ma
chine engine. Mr. Blanchard's residence
and other buildings were only saved by
the heroic efforts of the threshing crew,
which converted the water wagon Into
an emergency fire department.
Fires In the Coast Ranee.
ROSEBURG, Or., Sept. 2. (Special.)
Extensive forest fires have been burning
In the Coast Range Mountains, 10 to 15
miles west of here, for several days past
and the valley are filled with smoke. The
extent of the damage Is not known and
the flres are still spreading. They will
probably continue until rain falls.
Everything Is very dr no rain having;
fallen in this vicinity for over two
month. Ed W. DHIcr's sawmill was
menaced by the flames, but has so far
escaped destruction. Other forest fires
are reported In various localities.
Railroad Trestle Damaged.
ASTORIA, Or., Sept, 2. (Special.)-A fire
at an early hour this morning damaged
the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad
Company's trestle across Young's Bay,
and passengers on the morning train had
to be transferred. Repairs were made
today, so that the trains are now run
ning as usual. The blaze is supposed to
have been started by a burning coal
dropped from a passing locomotive.
Roscburg Residence Burned.
ROSEBURG, Or.. Sept. 2. (8peclal.)
Fire destroyed the residence of TV. F. lie
Daniel In this city last night Tho fire
probably caught from a smoldering rub
bish heap. The family, except Mr. lc
Danlel. were away from home, being at
the coast The loss is estimated at $1500,
with $1000 insurance.
Hotel Destroyed at Acme.
EUGENE. Or., Sept 2. (Special.) Fire
at Acme, on the Sluslaw, Thursday night
destroyed the hotel and Maocabee lodge
hall. The loss Is $3200, with but little In
Spends Eight Weeks Inspecting Gov
ernment Telegraph Dine.
SEATTLE. Sept 2. Brigadier-General
Greely has returned from a visit of nearly
eight week." in Alaska. During the time
he was away General Greely Inspected
many miles of the Government telegraph
line, besides going- over the route of the
cable. His trip along the lino of the
telegraph syBtem gave General Greely a
more adequate idea of the difficulties un
der which the line is maintained by the
men who are on duty at the various sta
tions and also resulted in hl ordering
changes which he says will not only im
prove the service, but will make easier
the labors of those whose duty it is to
keep the lines in working order.
"If some of the people," said General
Greely. "who complain of the difficulties
encountered In getting messages into the
Interior of Alaska could have made the
trip with me, instead of complaining,
they would wonder how In the world it
was possible to keep the line in operation
at all."
Plaintiff in Breach-of-Promlse Cast
Forgot to Consult Her Attorneys.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept 2, (Special.)
Judge Tallmann today prevented the at
tempt of attorneys to settle out of court
the racy breach-of-promlse case brought
by -Kate Rockwell against A. Pantages,
a well-known theatrical man, without the
consent of T. D. Page and J. E. Hum
phries, attorneys for the woman.
The case, in the opinion of the attor
neys, is one of the most remarkable of
recent record. It Is said that representa
tives of Pantages offered Page $1000 to set
tle the case several days ago. As Hum.
phrles and Page had moved for a Judg
ment of $10,000, the amount sued for, be
cause or failure to answer the Interrog
atories of plaintiff. Page refused the of
fer. This was last week.
Friday a stipulation was filed in the
office of the County Clerk purporting to
be signed by Pantagos and the Rockwell
woman, stating that they had settled
their differences out of court
Alexander Sanders Supposed to Have
Tried to Steal a Ride.
SALEM, Or., Sept Alexander San
ders, a farmer residing between Aurora
and Hubbard, was perhaps fatally in
jured tonight by being run over by the
southbound Southern Pacific local train
near Hubbard. It Is thought he was at
tempting to steal a ride on the local and
fell underneath. He was brought to this
city on the overland and placed under
the care of a railroad physician.
His right arm and leg are crushed to
an extent necessitating amputation, and
an injury to the skull was sustained. San
ders has a wife and one child.
German. Society at Oregon City.
OREGON" CITY. Or.. Sept 2. (Special.)
Social and fraternal purposes will be
served by the German society that has
b 4ranieed by rewWcata f this city
and vicinity. The organisation, which Is
called the German Society of Oregon City
and Vicinity. Includes a majority of the
German residents of this locality. Prin
cipal amonff the purposes for which the
society has been formed- Is the assisting
of those in need, the acquainting of the
newcomer with this community and its
people and the promoting of the social lifo
of the German people. Officers have been
named as follows:
Gus Schnorr, president; I). M. Klemsen.
vice-president; Rudolph Seller, secretary:
A, Knapp, treasurer; Mayor E. A. Som
mer, master of ceremonies.
Few Changes 3ade in Roll.
ASTORIA, Or., Sept. 2. (Special.) The
County Board of Equalization completed
Its session this afternoon. Practically no
protests against the assessment were sub
mitted, and while the board has ordered a
few minor errors corrected, there have
been no changes of note made In tho
Asks for Her 3alden Xame.
OREGON CITY, Or., Sept. i (Special.)
Carrie C. Jenkins, who married W. B.
Jenkins at Sn Jose, CaL, in February,
1500. Is suing for a divorce on the ground
of desertion, thatHa alleged to have taken
place In the tamo year. Plaintiff also
asks to resume her maiden name, Carrie
C. Duvall.
Farmers'' Institute In Clatsop.
ASTORIA, Or.. Sept. 2. (Special.) Ar
rangements are being made for holding a
farmers' Institute in this city during the
present month. Invitations have been
sent to the instructors at the State Agri
cultural College to make addresses, and
as soon as replies are received from them
the dates will be fixed.
Visit of IHKh OSIcIala of the Road
Gives. Rice to .Numerous
KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Sept. 2.
(Special.) "Is the Southern Pacific
Railroad Company figuring on building
a line Into Klamath County?"
This question has been on the
tongues of hundreds of Klamath Falls
citizens today In talking- of the signifi
cance of the visit of General Passen
ger Agent Charles S. Fee, of the South
ern Pacific, to this city, and reviewing
remarks made by him at the banquet
tendered him and party at tho Lakeside
Inn Thursday night In speaking of
railroad building into Klamath Coun
ty, Mr. Fee said:
"I am not authorized to speak for
the Southern Pacific Company in re
gard to a future line into this country,
but my individual opinion is thai if It
does not secure a line, and a gdod one,
too. It will never regret it but once."
This remark, coupled with current
rumor of the past to the effect that the
Southern Pacific is behind the "Weed
railroad proposal, lends color to the
belief that this visit of the Southen
Pacific officials means more than a
pleasure outing.
Last Summer a move was started
here to raise 5100,000 for the building
of the "Weed railroad into Klamath
Falls. The total amount was raised
and is now in shape to be had at the
stipulated time. At first this was
thought to be a private enterprise, but
recently a great many have come to
the conclusion that the Weed railroad
Is nothing more than the Southern
This belief was almost confirmed a
few weeks ago. when a special train
loaded with high South Pacific officials
and civil engineers made a visit both to
Pokeyama, tho end of the Klamath
Lake Railroad, and to Bartel. the ter
minus of the McCIoud road, both of
which are coming this way from the
Southern Pacific line to tap Klamath
County. These two lines are In addi
tion to the Weed road, and It Is now
generally thought that the Southern
Pacific will either purchase the Klam
ath Lake road, which now reaches to
within 36 miles of here, or a move will
at once be made to head this road ofT
by building the Weed road by the
Southern Pacific.
Street-Car Passengers Angry at
Being Dumped In Street.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept 2.-An accident
took place tonight pn the Kentucky-street
electric railroad. As the car was rounding
the cum near Twenty-fourth street the
speed attained was so great that the .grip
man lost control and the car left the
tracks. Most of the passengers were
thrown oft, and four were badly Injured.
Several were more or less bruised. One
woman was taken to the Emergency Hos
pital, where It was discovered hor skull
was fractured. j
The uninjured paesengrra were so in
censed that they sought ib wreak venge
ance on the trainmen, and the conductor
was beaten. The gripman sought safety
In flight and escaped to the carhouse.
Asserts Her Innocence, but Is Unable
to Obtain Ball. ,
LOS ANGELES, CaL, Sept 2. Miss
Frances Hal who was arrested in Port
land, Or., several days ago on an Indict
ment by the local grand Jury charging
embezzlement, -was returned to this city
today and lodged in Jail In default of $2000
cash ball. Miss Hale asserts her Inno
cence, and expects to .furnish ball In a day
or two.
Sad History Revealed by Death.
ST. LOUIS, Sept 2. After having lived
alone and been a mystery In the neighbor
hood for 12 years, the dead body of Mer
tle de Amaze was found In ht-r nnn-t.
t ments at 800 Franklin avenue today. She
never revealed ner History, other than to
drop a hint which led -to the belief that
her name was Countess Mafie Moselle,
formerly of Marseilles, France, and that
after having eloped with an artisan she
was dlwwned by her family, and later
deserted by her husband. She apparently
died a natural death.
Shot Among Excursion Party.
PEORIA, Sept 2. The accidental dis
charge of a shotgun injured half a dozen
excursionists, employes of the Thomas &
Clark Company, at Spring Bay this after
noon. The party was landing on the bank
of the river, when Jack Gardener rowed
out into the stream "with a loaded gun at
tho bottom of his boat When a short
distance from the shore the weapon was
exploded and the shot went into the
crowd, injuring six somewhat seriously.
All will recover.
May Challenge for America's Cap.
MONTREAL. Sept 2.-The Pilgrim
football team from England arrived on
the steamer Bavarian tonight Sir
Charles Klrkpatrlck. one ot the team, an
nounced that their visit would develop
something new in connection with the
America's cup. It Is supposed Sir Ernest
Cochrane, who gives an International cup
for football between the, .British lelts and
Awirlca way ek!lf for ih America's
6H. '
Will Probably Send Boodling
Senators to Prison.
Coat room Clerk In the Late Cali
fornia State Senate Arrested,
After 3lonths of Work In
Collecting Evidence.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept 2. (Special.)
A most Important arrest in connection
with the case against the four boodllnjr
ox-Senators Bunkers. Wright French
and Emmons, was made In this city today.
The man in custody is Arthur Lee. a
negro, who was cloakroom clerk of the
Senate at the last session of the Legisla
ture. It Is believed that Lee took
charge of the marked bills with which the
boodlors had been bribed and later suc
ceeded In changlnr the bills Into gold.
After many months of patient waiting
and energetic work. District Attorney
Arthur M. Seymour, of Sacramento, has.
it is now believed, succeeded in welding
together a chain of direct evidence that
will result m sending; the boodling: ex
Senators F. J. Emmons, Frank Frenoh
and Ell Wright to San Quentln to Join
ex-Senator Harry Bunkers, already con
victed of having- appropriated a bribe.
It is believed that the arrest of Arthur
Lee will bring to light the whole trans
action by which the four boodlers suc
ceeded In collecting tho money paid to
them and placing it beyond the reach of
tho authorities who have sought to un
earth It
Lee served during the session as the
coatroom clerk of tho Senate. Members
and attaches of the Senate remember him
as a dapper, well-groomed fellow, and It
is also recalled that during the trial which
resulted In the expulsion from the Senate
of the four boodlers, Lee was a very much
Interested spectator.
Clackamas Equalization Board Prac
tically Accepts Assessor's Figures.
OREGON CITY, Or.. Sept 2. (Special)
Only slight alterations have been made
In the assesssment of the various Clack
amas Couaty corporations by the County
Board of Equalization, which concluded its
sessions this afternoon. The attention of
the members of the Equalization Board
was directed by a petition from the Ore
gon City Board of Trade to the fact that
many of the large corporations doing
business In this county are not and have
not been paying their proportionate share
of the burden f taxation In this county.
The net result of the board's work Is an
Increase of $30,000 in the aggregate or the
assessments as returned by Assessor Nel
son. Forty thousand dollars of increased
assessments were entered by the board
against corporations, while J10.0CO was
taken from the Assessor's listings, the
reductions being made principally
from farm property assessments. But
the 1905 roll In the aggregate repre
sents an Increase of about J17S.CO0 over
that of last year, and credit for this be
longs to Assessor Nelson and his deputies.
The assessments agalnt the Southern Pa
cific Company and the Oregon Water
Power & Railway Company are not dis
turbed, and remain the same as last year.
Among the slight raises made was an
Item of fGMO against the Willamette Pulp
& Paper Company, and another of J2000
against the Crown-Columbia Pulp &. Pa
per Company.
The board today denied the application
of E. S. Collins, who asked that the as
sessment of 2S.O00 acres of timber land ho
owns be reduced to 11.25 per acre. Those
lands are assessed at from 3.49 to JS an
acre, which is considered an equitable .as
sessment of this character of property.
Ncwberg's Inducements Return the
Hnndlo Factory.
NEWBERG. Or.. Sspt 2. (Special.)
Wtrk has been commenced toward replac
ing the plant of the Oregon Handle Manu
facturing Company, which was destroyed
by Are the evening of August IS. Other
points made efforts to secure the new
plant but Newbcrg citizens offered some
Inducements for rebuilding here and the
proprietors decided to rebuild on the old
site. The new plant however, will be
largor, better arranged and more com
pletely equipped than was the old. The
main building, 46x170 feet, will be built of
corrugated iron.
The new machinery is expected within
three weeta, and I; Is the hope of the
management to have the new plant In op
eration In about a month. A larger force
of men will be employed than formerly.
Dr. Dyers, of the University of Wn'sh
lnptOB, Give His Aid to
tke Experimenter.
Seattle. Sept 2. (Speolal.) ArtlAcIal
rubles are being made In Seattle. This
fact was discovered when Dr. Horace
G. Byera, of the chemistry department,
stated that French and American chem
ists In this city Tvere meeting with
success In manufacturing that precious
stone, but refused absolutely to divulge
the process.
Some time ago these local chemists,
falling to get pure rubles because of
tho omission of some essential constit
uent, met with Dr. Bycrs. who prompt
ly supplied the missing substance, with
the result that no success Is attending
their efforts.
The scene of operations Is In a base
ment under the Idaho saloon, on Fifth
avenue -south and Jackson street In
Seattlo's restricted district Going to
this improvised laboratory and groping
through a dark, subterranean passage,
the Investigator Anally came to a dimly-lighted
room, -where the only light
was that given forth from glowing re
torts where the transformation of
crude substances Into the ruby waa
taking place.
The apparatus used Is extensive and
costly, Indicating a considerable out
lay in the equipment Attendants re
ported that they were not as yet ready
to give to the world the process, but
avowed that tbey were meeting with
considerable-success. It was Impossible
to learn the name of the chemist In
When it Is remembered that the ar
tificial .creation of the ruby has been
triad uver since 1837;-without any suc
cm commercially, the importance- of
the work being- Jone In this city can
be realized. By working In an out-of-the-way
place in the red-light district
the French and Italian chemists hoped
to escape detection.
Farmer Shoots a Neighbor.
GILROY, CaL, Sept 2. Frank Pratt a
prominent farmer residing near Gllroy.
shot and dangerously wounded his "neigh
bor, Fred Bryan, last evening. The shoot
ing is the outcome of a feud between the
Pratt and Bryan families. Last Spring
Pratt had Bryan arrested for attacking
Mrs. Pratt The attack occurred the year
before, but Mrs. Pratt did not tell her
husband for fear Bryan would kill her.
The husband demanded that Bryan leave
the neighborhood or his arrest would fol
low. The District Attorney dismissed the
case, as the assault occurred more than
a year before the arrest About dusk
Bryan met Pratt and his wife In the road
way between their homes. Pratt and
Bryan had hot words, and the former
opened Are with a revolver, shooting ihrea
times. Pratt says he shot In self-defense.
New Rule on Deportation.
HELENA, Mont.. Sept 2. Judge W. H.
Hunt, In the United States Court today,
announced a new ruling affecting Chinese
deportation. The court dismissed pro
ceedings Instituted by. the United States
Attorney for the deportation of Young
Chu Keng, arrested in Billings and once
, discharged by a United States Commis
sioner alter hearing, on tne ground that
the second proceedings would not hold
until a new charge was made. The Gov
ernment will probably take an appeal to
have the question Anally adjudicated by
the Supreme Court
Strike Begun la VanhtKton Last 3Iay
Sterna 1st a Fair Way to
Be Settled.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept 2. (Special.)
Representatives of the brewery com
bine and the six unions which struck
May 1 agreed upon the following rough
draft of peace terms which, unless un
expected trouble arises, will be the
basis for a three years contract:
Tne brewing companies will re-era-ploy
their former employes whenever
vacancies exist and as rapidly as pos
sible under good business conditions.
They will retain such nonunion em
ployes as have proved capable. Tho
brewing companies have the right to
employ and discharge but will employ
only union workmen.
The scale of wages In effect May 1,
last, with very trifling changes, re
mains. Eight hours will constitute a
day's labor. The foremen In the bre
werlos may be nonunion, if desired.
This clause was put in at the request
of the smaller brewing companies. It
is objected, to by the unions.
Federation of Labor "Will Tnke Up
the Matter Monday.
OREGON CITY, Or.. Sept 2. (Special.)
At a largely attended meeting tonight
the striking 'employes of the weaveroom
at the Oregon City Manufacturing Com
pany's local plant declined to accept the
proposition of the mill management look
ing to a settlement of the difficulty.
There were In attendance at the meeting
a number of prominent union representa
tives from Portland, who" assured the
Textile Union here a cordial support and
indorsement ot their stand. The contro
versy will now be submitted to the Fed
eration of Labor meeting to be convened
at Portland Monday.
The conference was held at Willamette
Hall and was called for the purpose- ot
receiving the report and recommendations
of a committee that was appointed Fri
day to confer with the mlllowners rela
tive to terms upon which a settlement
might be effected. This -committee waited
on Manager Jacobs, of the woolen mill,
and Insisted on a restitution of the old
wage schedule that was In effect before
the consolidation of the different depart
ments at the mill was made and a reduc
tion in compensation announced. This
waa not satisfactory to the mill people,
who proposed to compromise the . situa
tion by taking the wage scale paid by
the various Pacific Coast woolen mills
and pay the Oregon City operatives the
It was generally reported today that
the strike had been adjusted satisfactorily
and that a majority of the striking work
men would return to their former places
Monday, but this rumor is vigorously de
nied by the strike leaders, who Insist that
the situation remains unchanged, and
that It is up to the mill people if a set
tlement Is to be effected.
To Test Householders' Exemption.
GRANT'S PASS. Or.. Sept 2. (Special.)
An injunction suit has been filed in the
Circuit Court by ex-Judge W. C Halo, to
prevent Josephine County, through Its
Board of Equalization, composed of As
sessor W. H. Fallln. County Judge J. O.
Booth and Clerk S. F. Cheshire, from al
lowing the JSWexemptlon to householders
on the assessment roll for 1SC6. The case
will be heard by Judge H. K. Hanna,
when be commences Circuit Court, Sep
tember 25. for Josephine County. The
County Board of Equalization will not
meet until the first Monday In October.
There Is a question among lawyers as
to whether the change in the law restor
ing to householders the $300 exemption
went Into effect this Spring In time to be
applied on the assessment for 1505, and It
Is to test this point of law that Judge
Hale has Instituted his suit
William Bailey.
SPOKANE, Wash., Sept 2. (Special.)
William W. Bailey, manager of the Port
land store ot Tull & Glbbs. died here to
night of typhoid fever at the home of his
father-in-law, M. H. Stowe. He con
tracted the illness while East on a pur
chasing trip. He was 23 years old.
"Grub" Was Not Satisfactory.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept 2. (Special.)
Four hundred employes in two camps of
Three Lakes Lumber Company threw
down their tools and quit work at noon
yesterday because the food did not suit
them. Three Lakes is 12 miles east of
Large Criminal Calendar.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Sept 2. (Spe
cial.) When tho Superior Court meets
next month Judge Irwin will have one of
the largest criminal calendars In the
history of Chehalls County to deal with.
Two cases were added today at Hoqulam.
American Cricketers Lose
OTTAWA, Ont, Sept X The Interna
tional cricket match between gentlemen
of the United States and gentlemen of
Eastern Canada, which began on Thurs
day, closed today. The Americans won
by two runs.
General Strlko at Reval.
REVAL. European Russia, Sept 2.
A general strike, has been proclaimed
here as the outcome of the present
movement Measures have been taken
to prevent iears. x
Are you satisfied in all particu
lars with your last garment? If
not, ask to see our superb line of
ready-made garments.
CUT in the latest style.
TRIMMED substantially.
Prices the lowest consistent with
We invite your inspection.
3Inn Angel No. 2, With Its Cnnvna Pad
dle Gives Competitors
a Ilnndlcnp.
L6S ANGELES. CaL, Sept 2. (Spe
cial.) For the first time In history an
airship race will be held September 10.
On that date '"The Man Angel No. 2,"
owned by Alva L. Reynolds, will race
against, the two large machines owned
by "vVardln F. Trombly and Charles Le
burn for a bet of 9509. The start will
be made at Chutes Park and will be
for a distance of two miles and return.
In order to win. "Man Angel No. 2"
must return to within 20 feet ot the
starting place. The two larger ma
chines are not hound to complete the
return Journey, but If "The Man Angel''
lalls to do so. the pne of the two larger
vessels which comes nearest to return
ing will bo tho winner.
Tne "Man Angel No. 2." a huge can
vas bag. is propelled by means of huge
canvas paddles, which work the same
as oars in a boat, the power being
supplied by the man who rides In the
the carriage. Tho raco will no doubt
prove an exciting one and great Inter
est Is being taken In It
Labor Day at Salem.
SALEM, Or.. Sept 2. (Special.) Labor
Day will not be formally observed in
Salem next Monday, but those persons
who rest from their usual occupations
will have an opportunity to witness three
baseball games.
Public offices and banks will be closed,
but most of the merchants will keep their
places of business open.
Girl Dies of Pistol Wounds.
SPOKANE. "Wash., Sept 2. Alice Dur
kee, the Northport girl who was shot by
H. Stanley, who then killed himself, died
tonight from the wounds. The affair Is
still a mystery- The victim's family say
Miss Durkee had only a brief acquain
tance with Stanley.
Cnllfornla Teacher Stabbed.
YREIvA. Cat. Sept Z Henry White, a '
well-known schoolteacher, was stabbed at
Somes Bar by an Italian today. The
wound Is dangerous.
The Portland Mrs. L. It Llnkenhelmer.
Miss Llnkenhelmer, Mrs. E. Schaefer, Cin
cinnati. O. ; 35lis D. Selden. Covington. Ky. ;
F. F. Miller. F. R.-Weeks, San Francisco; A
R. Von der Horst. Boston; D. P. Byrne. New
York; D. H. Samson, Lima, O.; R. B. Roths
child. San Francisco: E. S. Griffith. Ro
chester. N. T. ; A. B. Deoker and wife, Troy;
J. E. Baker, Oakland; P. W. Evans. Van
couver, B. C; H. C. Sagsohm. Miss A. Sags
sohm. O. Putnam and child. Miss L. A. Van
Wyck. Oakland; T. Connolly. J. H. Dunn.
Minneapolis; M. StelfeL Chicago; E. Smith,
Boston; G. J. Senk. San Francisco; Mrs. A.
J. Tullock. MlssjF. Tullock. H. 8. Tullock.
Leavenworth. Kan.; Dr. 8. HI Baxter. Min
neapolis; H. L. 3(ltchelL Seattle; R. W. Os
born. San Francisco; E. Bloom. Mrs. M.
Bloom. Tacoma; V. Malone. Memphis; A.
Rosenberg. New York; H. C Hannah. G. W.
Mayer, Kansas; A. Anderson and wife. Chi
cago; Miss Tarpey. W. J. Cleary. S. D. Helm.
Alameda; F. K. Anson. New York;. S. Hill
son. Boston; A. Illmmellbauer and wife.
Cincinnati. O.; C C Snyder and vlfe. Salt
Lake; 1L J. Fltts. Grand Rapids; W. K.
Armstrong. Oweniboro. Ky.; J. E. Neahr,
New Tork; J. O. Mcintosh. PL. Blakely; D.
R. Swift. Lake Charles; C R. Green. Aber
deen. Wash.; N. R, Zohl, San Francisco; H.
A Lambert, New York; O. W. Wall and
wife. Chicago; O. Herthold, New York; W.
P. Anderson. Ottawa. Can.; J. Gaudier. Vic
toria; W. H. Hawkins. Tacoma; L. O. W.
Sheldon. Ssattle; G. W. Kneelasd and wife.
W. Wallace and wife. Miss A. Pew. Miss M.
McConnelL Warren. O.; B. WeyL San Fran
cisco; C. H. Farrell, S. S. Russell. Seattle;
B. F. McGlnty, Chicago: J. A Wright Mor
rill. Wis.; G- W. Wall and wife Chicago;
D. Wilt Seattle; Mrs. A, Kenyon. S. Runyon.
San Francisco; Mrs. E. P. Hubbard. Akron,
Colo.; J. W. Badger, Los Angeles; A. D.
Rummell. San Francisco; J. Bluniberg. Chi
cago: J. Kelly. San Francisco: J. O. Morton.
U. S. A-; Mrs. H. Winkle, Miss E Ooetzer,
San Francisco; M. W. Kennedy, Chicago. H.
Karplev and wife, Plttscurg-; J. w. Rankin,
city; M. Smiley, Salt Lake; W. Howard,
San Francisco: F. Schumacher. L..S. Schu
macher. Ely, Minn.; B. Deuster. Beaumont
Tex.; L. E. Edgewortb. Chicago; F. W.
Maiisseia. E. Mansneia, uierxs; u. Giajs,
San Francisco.
The Perkins M. J. Flynn. John Norton.
Sacramento; Mrs. J. Wballn. Baker City;
L H. Kline. Chicago: J. Benson. Wlnlocx:
C Kendlen. Worthlngton; t. Blanchard, 3tin
neapolkt; R. Stuart Baskett Denver: A. J.
Hanna. Colfax: C Anderron. Elgin: Dr. V.
N. Oglesby, Cottage Grove: T. J. Randall
and wife, Los Angeles; 32. Randall sad wife.
KnoxvUle; L. M. Curl. Albany: Mrs. Heffroa
and son, Aberdeen: J. J. Stehle. T. M. Ring.
ciaus. beatue; u. t . uevsi. eivecere; u. t.
Morton. Astoria; S. McConnell. J. Laatclle.
Albany; Mrs. P. C Little. Solomonvllle; MIsa
j. Holmes. Etnei s. irrizzeii, sajera; Jr. C
C 3X1119, Brainora; mu isteiie AXers. Gree
ley; Mian Maude E. Sherrlck. Ottutawa: H.
H. Smith. Astoria; E. V. Avery, Saa Fran
cisco; C Rabat. Seattle: D. Somsaers. Eitn:
A. H. Cllne. W. L. Rhodes aad family. 84-
atue; Mrs c a. Benson. Beulah; J. D. Qpst
xer and wife. Bermuda; L. H. RnefcttfaUar
1 "Ltm j
and wife, Seattle; B. F. Asworth, Sacramento;
H. Pumraan. Wtnneld: W. L. McLane and
(amity. West T-'nloh; J. H. Cavert. Seattle;
A. J. Tourtellotte. Spokane; Mrs. Carrie D.
Demln. Fatrfleld; Mrs. F. H. Dercy. Duluth;
G. A. Kline and family, Spokane; P. Lovell
and wife, Dillon; P. H. Reea and wife. Sioux
City; N. Wltcomb. G. Griffith. Tacoma; L.
Renins and wife. Snoqualmle; Dr. K. J.
Manuel. Minneapolis; Mr. R. S. Keytn, Pall
man; Kordlca Jones. White Salmon; J. S.
Bellup. T. C. B-lluo. Mtos Micls Helluo. Co-
Mumbus. Mlas.; V. K. Finks, San Francisco;
Su. a. ager. Astoria; K. II. Cramer, Ais&ny;
J. A. Anderson, R. Anderson, Los Angeles;
E. Martin and wife. Crowley; E. O. McCoy.
P. McCoy. Dallas; W. P. Temple and family,
Pendleton; Mrs. H. J. Morrtaon. Omaha; Ml
Julia Sherman, South Bend; Miss Denaenan,
Miss B. Dennenon. Cleveland; E. Price. Glenn;
C. Ludy, Chlco; Mrs. L. M. Perkins, Drain;
T. O. Davis and wife. San Francisco; Mrs.
A. Wltte. Mrs. T. It Tlllle. Lodl; E. R. Jae
ler, San Francisco; J. A. Wood and wife,
Shelbyvllle; W. H. Larza. Detroit; J. H.
James, W. F. Jamcc Seattle.
Tlie Imperial Frank J. Smith and wife.
Caldwell; Harry Witt. San Francisco; George
Darvean, J. L. Sharon. Pendleton; J. A. Lee
and wife. Salt Lake; M. J. Rover, Seattle; K.
Van Dran. city; J, M. Throne. Roseburgt
Anna Rae Hecker. Missoula,; W. J. Parks.
Spokane; XV. H. Darden. "Petalunar; Air R
Kelly, San .Francisco: B. L6 '-Purvlne and
wife. Ella Harrington. Pleasant Plains; John
I F. Glvens. Roseburs; C. D. Nevln, M. F.
x.evin. KUla F. Nevln, Mrs. D. C PTevIn,
Welser. P. R. Garrcttson. Spokane; B. F.
West and wife. Salem; G. M. Morrison and
wife. Adams; R, A. Davis. Piano; Newt Can
non. C. B. Maden. Franklin; J. P. Montgom
ery. F Donovan. Startvllla; F. G. Young-;
Eugene; P. C. Colgar. New Orleans; J. L.
Sharon. Pendleton; Patrick Shea. Astoria;
F. H. Faru and rlfe. Ban Francisco; Eva D.
Frounle. Pendleton; J. N. Williamson. Pilne
vllle; D. A. Milne, Bear; M. O. Iroton.
Salem; Walter Herrlny, Seattle; William
Derleff. Jacks6nvllle; Mrs. H. Stevens. Mr.
Mary Bryan. Grant's Pass; Mlaa Archibald.
Seattle; Mrs. J. B. L. Smith. Miss Smith.
Rio Vista. Mrs. Alex Perry, Miss Maude
Perry, Miss Carrie Lester. Nashville.
The St Charle J. E Flynn. Fred D.ve3
Vancouver; F. Butterworth. Bend; F. Pom
eroy. San Francisco; J. B. Foltx. Nevada; W.
L. Brusch. Kings; G. Brown; G. W. Welch,
Mrc S. J. Graham, J. F. Graham, Marsh
land; E. Woodfleld. Astoria; R. H. Bollock;
W. B. Harpsoh. Corvallls; A. Flack. Aber
deen; W. Ward; J. 31. Jorgeruon. Astoria; W.
R. Blackburn. Oregon City; 3Irs. T. M. DU
lon. Cape Horn; L. Boyd. Alaska; Mrs. It. C.
Ingalls. Ml4S Elsie Ebson. Miss Amy Hecltard.
J. Heckard. Lewis and' Clark River; F. L.
Purvlne and wife. Crawfordvllle; Daisy Phil
lies. Browning; 3Ir. Susan Drake, Spring
Hill; B. F. Campen. Washougal; C W. Hutto
and wife: H. H. Blume, McKee5port; A. E.
Taylor. Brookvllle: E. Smith, Dayton; W.
Rich, wife and child. Newberg; Mr. Lowe
and. wife. Rainier; W. Petxel; G. A. Myers,
Tacolt; M. M. Peery. Springfield; F. G. Carey.
Seta; J. Merle and wife, Albany: C. Cole
and wife; W. H. Parker and family, Salem;
H. 3t Luke. Tacelt; G. Hardwlck; B. H.
Richardson and wife. Rainier; A. M. Graham.
Marshland; J. Hayes and family. Heppntr; J.
household sayintr.
needs treatment from any cause, this great remedy is the first thought of
and used by thousands of people all over the country, because it is superior
to all other blood purifiers. It is a purely vegetable remedy, and while it
penetrates the circulation and forces out all poison and morbid matter, it
also builds up the entire system by its fine tonic effect. During the win
ter months the natural ave- - . , . , ,
nues of bodilv waste have Jfl101 blocd
. j 11 j 1. a run-aowa
- tk?iiip -was losinc nesn. Ann an a .omno nrt fw .
failed to perform theis full mthat made me xniserable. I began the use of
duty, the blood has been slug- S. S. S. and my blood was restored to its nor-
gish and an extra amount mal, healthy condition. My appetite returned, I
of poisons and waste mat- increased in weight, that "tired feeling" left and
ters have accumulated in 1 aH myself.
the system and been ab- Columbus, Ohio. Victor. Sttjbbxns,
sorbedbyit. With the com- Cor. Barthman and Washington Aves.
ing of Spring and warm weather the blood is aroused and stirred to quicker
action and in its effort to throw off these acids and poisons the slan suf
fers. Boils, pimples, blotches, rashes and eruptions break out and con
tinue until the blood is cleansed and made pure. S. S. S. is the ideal remedy
for this condition; it clears the blood of all impurities, makes it rich and
strong and these skin troubles pass away. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Chronic
Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison and all other diseases
of the blood are cured by S. S. S. Book on the blood and any advice de
sired, free of charse. mE SWJFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA QAm
SaadruZ la a ewttajgirou disease earned by a xalcrehA.
The ORIGINAL remedy that "kills the Dandruff Germ."
Newbro's Herplclia can come too lata. If
.the dandroff microbe has destroyed the
hair follicles aad left the scalp bald and
afttniBK. all remedies are worthless. But
like the- pardon; If Herpleld cornea while
S01N&t GOING-1 GONE ill
trie Jfe-K, M.M. zm 11c.. ttMspt, ti UPiOK. It., H$L I. Mr, Mb., to iSmfk,
App!Icatla at Prmlaat sarbr Shys.
Copyright 190J by
Hart Schaimcr 6 Marx
C. Mlckle. Forest Grove; S. McRae, Tacolt;
W. E. Stevens; G. Carter, Pearl Graham. Cas
tle Rock; V. A. Dunlap and family. Talent;
G. Whiskers, city; E. J. Taylor, Arthur; EUa
Patley. Eliza Garland. Mldvale; Fay Simp
son. Wasco; A. Myers. Hood River; C. G.
Stembaugh, Skyhomlsh: Mrs. M. Traver, Pen
dleton; R. Nelson. Tacoma; G. Peer. H.
Hulton. Ketao; 3tru. C. E. Baumann, Gold
Hill; E. Timmerman. Pasco; R. McKInzie;
G. Chllade and wife. Mt. Pleasant; Mrs. G.
A. Gibson, Centervllle; E. J. Eceles. Aberdeen;
H. F. Pettlgrew and family. Ostrander; J.
R. Coin and wife; F. A. Boyd and wife,
Ostrander; W. W. Rltchey and wife, Emma
Ritehey. Kansas Cliy; L. Neuner. Day's
Creek; L. Jane, Mrs. Demlnff. Seattle; B. S.
Branch. Sublimity; B. F. Trestcr, Shaw; F.
Ward. Albany; J. O'Halloren and wife. Long
Beach; A. Blair, city; W. W. West, Denver.
The Esmond B. Garlock, Wasco; G. E.
Moore, Olex; Mrs. Holton, Mr. Pierce, Se
attle: Miss Cairoll. Washougal; G. Roalck.
Pillar Rock; C D. Jackson. A. Warnock. Eu
gene; C. D. Russell. Tacoma; J. Fofel.- Clats
kanle; W. T. Douglass, H. Hitchcock. Eagle
Creek: R. C. Kramer. Indpendence; J. Glea
son. H. N. Gleason. Astoria; M. Snyder. Mrs.
Snyder, Miss L. Cole. Deep River; L. Chase.
Voodburn: J. Helvey. Canby; S. Collins, Sa
lem; A. R. Wheat. J. S. Wheat. Aurora; A. J.
Searle. Olex: Mrs. J. a Smock. Sherwood L.
L. Fields. Moscow; W. L. Hall, Salem: N.
Wets, Seattle: J. Fltzpatrick. Astoria: W.
Gtgsner, Waahougal; W. J. Pomeroy. Kelso;
Mlw M. A. Conyers. Daisy Bice. H. E. Con
yera. Clatskanie; E. B. Fletcher. Mrs. Fletch
er. Gervais; R. L. Pheal. Marysvllle; L. Cal
verudn. Mrs. Calvertson. Mlas Culvertaon. C
Lewis. L. Qulgley, H. R. Jacobeonv Clats
kaaie; J. Snodgras, Newberg: N. J. Landers,
Oicx: C. N. Carson, Lewlaton; F. Bodlne, D.
Lamb. Gold Fields; J. L. Campbell. Clatska
nie; C L. Daggett. Goblet A. Shepard, Wah
obgal: H. T. Cutting; 3frs. Cutting. Ilwaco;
D. O'Leary. L. Decker. Sara; A. H. Candland.
Eureka; G. J. Sumner. G. BUI,
Eureka: F. Zagg. Roanoke; C S. Schertx. D.
J. Shertz. C. Bl ReeseL J. H. Roth. Charles
King. E. Lehman. W. Kelly. Eureka: E. Og
burn. North Yakima; F. Blaln. F. Slclta, L.
Cramer. Astoria: J. B. Donald. Mrs. Donald.
Rainier; J. Smith, 3Irs. Smith. Astoria; Otto
Grlnde, A. Nlsson. Eagle Cliff; H. Rankin.
C. Rankin. Mrs. A Sutherland, Gcldendale;
G. H. Fleming-. Nashville; J. B. Nice, Cath
lamet; A. G. Taylor. Arthur; J. Stoves. Mr.
Stoves. Kelso; S. E. Irvine. D. O. Taylor, T.
McConnell, J. Gaylord, Independence; J. Johns.
3Ir. John. Cathlamet: Mrs. S. Olsen. War
rendale: A. H. Case. Seattle; A. O. Watklns,
3rs. Watklns. 3rcMlnnvIlle; C Cole. Seaside;
D. Doherty. Washougal; A. R. 3IcWllllam.
Mrs. McWllllam. Oswego; A. J. Norton. Mrs.
Norton. MU R. Norton. Kansas City; E.
Metcalf. Mrs. 3Ietcalf. Catlin; A. H. Cousins.
Seattle; A. OUcn. G. Larcen. Astoria; Mrs. C
O. Nelson. Florence Nelson. Duluth: T. W.
Harrison. Mrs. Harrison. St. Helens; W. Shaw.
Mm. Shaw. J. Yahr. Hoqulam; G. Oaket.
Weisor; T. N. Ahlqulat 3Irs. Ahlqulst Denver.
Taeom Hotel. Taemua.
American plan. Kates. S3 and o
Hotet Donnelly. Tacoma. Washington.
European plan. Rates 75 cents to (2.50
per day. Free buss.
S. S. for the blood" has crown to he a
When the blood is out of order, or
cuntuuon 01 me system. 1 naa no 20-
life still remains In the follicle, the hair
1c freed from dlaeas and. begins Its nat
ural growth again. Don't neglect dast
draff or falling hair. Wonderful resnlta
follow the use of Herplctde. It ! an ex
quisite hair dressing. Stops Itching ef
the scalp Instantly.
it. uth m umu