The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 03, 1905, PART THREE, Page 36, Image 36

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    sw&iwm&x3 i m II II I MBMBttarevsggg
East Side Societies Will Meet
at University Park Next . .
Bishop AVilllam Frascr McDowell
m Will Take a Prominent Part
and Wii; Deliver the
Opening Address.
Blslwp "William Frasor McDowell, of
the MetltoJist Episcopal Gh'uroh, will
be the most distinguished official hav
ing a part Ir the first annual conven
tion of the Eat Side District Epworth
League, which will begin its sessions
at University Park Thursday evening
of this week.
Bishop McDowell will deliver the
oponlng addrosf? Thursday ovoning, and
on the following Sunday lie will offi
ciate at the dedication of the new
'Mothodist Episcopal Church that has
beon ereotod-iit University Park. This
will be one of the principle features of
the convention At S o'clock the same
p ::
I BMiop William Fraser McDowell.
i i
oveiiing. Dr. John H. Coloman, pres
ldont f Willamette University, will
I the meantime. Bishop McDowell
"will complete official business here.
After the Epworth League convention,
5ie will hold- sosBlons for various divi
sions of the church, and on "Wednes
day. September 20. he will reach Al
bany, where he will preside over the
meetings of the annual Oregon confer
ence; The complete programme for the
oenveiitlon of the East Side District
Jfipworth Longue follows:
Tlwirsday evening, 7:30 o'clock, song
S o'clock Addross, Bishop William
T. McDowell.
Programme and recoption furnished
by Univorslty aPrk League.
Friday morning, 9:30 o'clock, devo
tional service, Woodburn Loogue.
Preliminary business.
Paper, "The Warm Bight-Hand." Mrs.
Mary Shank, Oregon City.
Paper, "Christian. Stewardship,
Brcwnsvllle Loague.
Paper. "The Leader and His Difficul
ties." Miss Mabel Downs, Central
Church, Alblna.
Boll call of chapters.
Noon Intermission.
1:18 o'clock, aftornoon devoted to
Junior League, under the charge of the
Uistrlct superintendent. Miss Mary E.
Shaver, of Sunnyside.
.7:33 P. M., song service, Miss Carra
S P. M., locture. "How to House and
Hold the Young," Dr. Clarence True
Wilson, pastor of Grace Church.
Saturday 8:30 A. M., devotional service,
lea by Miss Lurena Posson; paper, "The
Epworth League in Society," Salem
League; paper, "Loyal Leaguers," Mrs.
Ida W. Carter. Halsey; paper, "Manhood
and Citizenship," Turner League. Roll
call of chapters. Noon intermission. Spe
cial missionary work, "And of his klng
dem there shall be no end" (Luke 1:33).
1:30 P. M., devotlonals; paper, "Missionary
"Warfare." Hugh C. Krum, of Sunnyside;
paper. "Personal Besponslbllity for the
Unsaved," Dr. C. V. Littler, of Albany;
address, by a Japanese friend; address.
Rev. Chan Sing Kal. Beports of commit
tees. 'Election of officers. 7:30 P. M., song
service. Miss Stella Garner; S P. XL, ad
dross and consecration service, by T.
23. Ford, pastor of Sunnyside Church.
Sunday 10:30 A. M., sacrament of the
Lord's Supper. 11 A. XL. love feast. In
oharge of Bev. D. A. Walters. 3 P. XL.
church dedication, by Bishop McDowell.
7 P. M.. Epworth League rally, topic,
"What Is Practical Christianity?!' (James
il:14-26). 8 P. M., sermon by Dr. John H.
Cdleman, president of Willamette Unlvcr
eity. N.
- Huid Made in Chinatown. ,
Much excitement was occasioned in
Chinatown yesterday afternoon by a raid
made By the police upon one of the rook
orios on Socond street near Alder. The
place was under suspicion on account of
reports that persons, presumably girls,
wore hold in durance on the upper floors,
and an investigation -was accordingly
While "the place proved to be entirely
Innocent as far as the present is con
corned, there were found unmistakable
evidences of the fact that deeds of dark
ness had been done there In the past.
One of the rooms was found to have no
outlet except a heavy Iron door, and its
floor -was littered in such a way as to
Indicate recent occupancy A strict
watch will be kept on the house In the
Hunters' Licenses Issued.
"Up to date, E30 hunters, licenses have
been applied for and issued by County
Clerk "Fields, realizing $530 for the county.
Yesterday 75 licenses were sold. The sea
son for duck shooting opened September
1, and the season for upland birds begins
October 1. The statute providing for
these liconses was passed at the last ses
sion of the Legislature, and prohibits any
-person from shooting game who has not
flrstLobtained a license, which must be
taken out yearly.
We keep every promise made
in our advertisements. "We be
lieve in publicity, "knowing at
the 6ame time that it would be
fatal to our business unless we
lived up religiouslj to every
prpmise made. We do it and
that is why our practice is. the
largest in Portland.
During the past ten years we
have been entrusted with the
dental work of thousands of
families- in this city. Our old
customers-still remain with the
addition of others, sent mostly
by satisfied patients in all parts .
of the city and state. Our prices
are reasonable.
And Exchanged Without Pain
342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh
OFFICE HOURS: 8 A. M. TO S.P. M.; 7:30 P. M. TO 8:30 P. M. SUNDAYS 9 to 1. PHONE MAIN 2119
Sunday Services, in the Portland Churches
Advent Christian Church, Second street,
between Hall and Lincoln, Charles Haf
fenden. pastor Sunday school, 10:30 A.
M.; preaching, 11:30 A. M. Evening sorv
cies: Praise meeting. 7 o'clock; preaching,
The White Temple, corner Twelfth and
Taylor streets, Rev. J. "Whitcomb
Brougher. D. D.. 'pastor Public worship,
10:30 XL, preaching by the pastor; sub
ject, "Three Styles of Walking." New
members welcomed and the Lord's'Eupper
observed. Bible school, 12:10 P. XL. classes
for all ages. B. Y. P. U. reception and
service, C:30 P. XL Popular evening serv
ice, 7:45 o'clock,, Dr. Brougher preaches;
topic. "Was Jesus Christ a Social-Anarchist?"
Special music by the orchestra
and Temple quartet. Soloist, Miss Ethel
Lytic. Visitors to the Fair specially in
vited. Catholic.
St. Lawrence Church, Third and Sher
man streots, Rev. J. C, Hughes, rector
Masses, 7, 9 and 10:30 A. M. Benediction,
7:30 P. M. -Con
grcga 1 1 onn 1 .
Church, corner Park and Madison
streets. Rev. E. L. House, D. D., pastor
Morning service, 10:30 A. XL; sermon by
Rev. Francis J. Van Horn. D. D.. Wor
cester, Mass.; theme, morning, "The Only
Name." Evening service, 7:46 P. XL; ser
mon by Dr. Van Horn; subject, "The Su
preme Definition of God." Special music
at both services by quartet choir; Mrs.
Rose Bloch-Bauer, Miss McClung, Messrs.
Alexander and Montgomery- 12:10 A. XL,
Sunday school; 6:30 P. M., Y. P. S.-C. E.,
reception to strangers and prayer service,
Harold Gilbert, leader. Pilgrim Chapel,
540 Second street Sunday school, 9:30 A.
M., I M. Rice, superintendent
First, corner Park and Columbia streets
E. S. Muckley, pastor, will preach at
10:30 A. XL, on "The Ruling Passion." -ami
at 7:45 P. M. on "The Four "Woes." Bible
School at 12:15 P. XL; Christian Endeavor
at 'C:45 P. XL
Christian Union.
The P. C. U. Free Religious Society. F.
E. Coulter, leader,meets at 2S4 Morrison
street. In Unity Hall; 11 A. XL. address
by the leader, subject. "The Parable of
the Sower." 12:15 P. M., study class In
life problems. 7:45 P. M., concert by
Union Orohestra. 8:15 P. M.. science lec
ture, by Mr. Coulter, subject, "The Ob
jective End of Creation." All welcome.
Divine Truth Center.
Divine Truth Ohapel. hall 201 Allsky
building, corner Third and Morrison
streets. Thaddcus M. MInard, pastor.
Services, 11 A. XI.
Trinity Church, Nineteenth and Everott,
Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector Holy com
munion, 8 A. M. Morning .prayer and
holy communion. 11 A. M. Evening serv
ice, 7: 30 o'clock.
SL Matthew's, corner First and Caruth
ers streets, Rev. "W. A. XL Breck in
charge Holy communion and sermon, 11
A. M. Sunday school, 9:45 A. M.
St Stephen's Chapel, Thirteenth and
Clay streets. Rev. H. XL Ramsey, priest
In charge Holy communion, 7:30 A. XL
Sunday school. 9:45 Ai M. Morning serv
ices, 11 o'clock. Evening services at 7:30
o'clock. N
St. James' English Lutheran Church,
corner "West Park and Jefferson streots,
J. A. Leas, pastor Services at 11 A. M.,
conducted by the pastor. Sunday school
at 10 A. M. Luther League at 7 P. M. No
evening service.
Grace XL E. Church, cornor of Twelfth
and Taylor streets Clarence True Wilson
-will preach and conduct the holy commu
nion at 10:30 A. M., and at 7:30 P. XL, a
pralB'e sen-ice, using the new hymnal, will
be conducted by the new quartet. Dr.
"Wilson's evening subject Is. "The Com
pany Jesus Kept." A special musical
programme at night.
Taylor-Street Church. Dr. Francis Bur
gette Short, pastor 9:30 A. L. classes;
10:30 A. M., sermon, by Rer. James' XL
King, D. D., secretary Church Extension
Society; 12:15 P. XL, Sunday school; 6:30 P.
XL., Epworth League: 7:45 P. XL. sermon
by Dr. Short. Special soloists both serv
ices. Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church,
corner Twenty-third and Irving streets,
Henry T. Atkinson pastor Sunday school
10 A. 3L; sermon 11 A. ZL, on "Christ's
Rei'clatlon of God"; Epworth League 6:45
P. XL; sermon 7:45. on "Drifting."
Methodist South.
First Church. 171 Second street. For
esters' Hall, E. H. Mowre, pastor Sun
day school 10 A: Ml; -Epworth League 7
P. XL', preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.
Dr. J. D. Hammond, of Nashville, Tenn.,
i secretary of the Board of Education of
the M. E. Church, South, will occupy the
pulpit both morning and evening.
31iilcnninl Dawn.
G. A. R. Hall, northeast corner Second
and Morrison streets Services at 2:30 P.
Mediums Association.
The Ministers' and Mediums Protective
Spiritual Association will hold no church
service? until further notice.
Calvary Presbyterian Church, corner
Eleventh and Clay stret'U. Rev. W. S. Gil
bert, pastor Services 1930 A. M. and 7:43
P. M. The pastor has returned from his
vacation, and all the usual services of the
church will be resumed. Subjects of the
sermons Morning, "Christianity and La
bor Day"; evening. "Life Eternal."
Fourth Presbyterian Church, First and
Glbfes streets Services at 103 A. M. and
7:45 P. XI. Rev. J. B. Orr. of Seattle, will
preach. Sabbath school at 12 o'clock; Y.
P. S. C. E. at, 6:45..
First Bible Spiritual Society. A. O. U.
W. Hall, Selliag-Hirsch building Lecture
at 8 P. M. by Mrs. J. A. ohnaton, fol
lowed with tests by J. A. Johnston.
The State Spiritual Association of Ore
gon will hold an all-day meeting in Ar
tianH Hall in Abinglon building, on
Third street, between Washington and
Stark streets, on Sunday. September 3.
beginning at U o'clock A. M.. wllh a con
ference. At 2 o'clock P. M. there will be
short talks by pioneers and prominent
workers in splritualton, after which cir
cles will be formed. In the evening Dr.
N. F. Ravlin, pator of the First Spir
itual Society, will deliver a lecture his
subject being "The-near approach of a
great spiritual awakening such as has
never been known on this planet." Rev.
G. C. Love, president of the Siate Spir
itualist Association, will give the dos
ing address. All -are welcome.
The Portland New Church Society CSwr.
denborglan) Lay service and sermon 1030
A. 31.. reception hall, third floor. Mulkoy
bulldlng. Second and Morrison streets.
"Theosophy and Its Uses" will be the
subject of a locture given at the Theo
sopfclcal rooms Sunday evening. Allsky
building, hall 300.
Y. M. C. A.
Association Auditorium. 117 Fourth
street Sunday, ZiSO P. M., address .by
Francis J. Van Horn, D. D.. of Worcester.
Maris., on "There's a Boy in Your Eye."
Sokx by Mrs. J. S. Hamilton. Men- wel
come. ZIon.
Christian Catholic Apostolic Church fin
ZIon. Allsky building, Morrison near
third. Rev. John Alexander Dowle. first
apostle. Rev. Charles A. Hoy. elder in
charge At 2 P. M., Bible study; 3 P. M
theme, "The Baptism of Divine Fire Con
sumes All Sin"; 8 P. M.. "The Five
Crowns Promised, or the Christian Believ
er's Reward for Divine Service."
Christian Science.
Second Church of Christ, Scientist. Aud- !
Horium building. Third, between Taylor
arid Salmon streets. Sunday services. 11
A. M. and S P. M.; subject, "Substance."
Wednesday meeting at S P. M.
First Church of Christ, Scientist. Scot
tish Rite Cathedral. Morrison and Lowns
dale streets, services 11 A. XL and 8 P. M.;
subject of sermon, "Substance." Sunday
school at close of morning service.
Comer Seventh and Yamhill streets.
Rev. George C. Cressey. D. D.. minister.
Service at 11 A. M. Professor Samuel
McCune Lindsay, of the University of
Pennsylvania, will speak upon child labor.
Bethany Baptist Church. Sellwood
Sunday schobl, 11 A. XL; preaching aw
noon ana :45 p. it,-by Mrs. P.-J.
Baptist Church, St. Johns Services
In Adventist Church, preaching- by Rev.
John Bentzlen, at 11 A. M. Lord's sup
per observed. Stfhday school, 10 A. M.
University Park Baptist Church
Sunday school, 10 A. M.; preaching, 11
A. XL. by Rev. E. A. Leonard; 7:45 P.
XL, "by Rev. John Bentzlen.
Sunnyside Congregational Church,
corner of Erfst Taylor and East Thirty
Xourth streets. Rev. J. J. Staub. pastor
Morning' service at IX o'clock, -with
sermon on "Strength for Service;'
evening service at 7:33 o'clock, with
sermon on "The- Terms vf Pence; Sun
iday school, 10 A. XL. S. C Pier, super
intendent; Junior .Christian Endeavor,
3 P. M.. Miss Edith Roe, superinten
dent; Senior Christian Endeavor, 6:30
P. M.
University Park Congregational
Church, Artisan Temple, Portsmouth,
Rev. D. B. Gray, pastor 11 A. M.. "The
Power of Testimony. Supported by
Faithful Christian Example, and What
It May Do In I.eadlnK"Mon to Become
Followers of. Jesus Christ"; Sunday
school at 1 A. M.
Mississippi-Avenue Congr e g a t i o n a 1
Church, cornor Mississippi avenue and
Fremont street 10 A. M., Sunday school;
11 A. M., preaching service, conducted by
Rev. "W. L. Upshaw. There will be no
evening services.
Christ Inn.
Central. East Twentieth and Salmon.
Rev. J. F. Ghormley will speak at 11
A. XL Tneme: "The Opportunity of
Leadership." and S P. M.. "The Oppor
tunity of Destiny;" Sunday school, 10
A. M.; Senior Endeavor, 6:45 P. M.;
special music. Miss "McPherson Gale,
chorister; Miss Eva Ryan, organist.
St. Mark's Church, corner of Nine
teenth and Quimby streets. Rev. J. E.
H. Simpson, rector S A. M., holy com
munion; 11 o'clock, marnlngr.prayer and
( uuinj , o u ciocK, evening prayec; no
atjiuui. ine nev. William V.
"Whitten, of Charles City, Ia will
preaclj at the morning service.
Good Shepherd. Sellwoo.l street flnH
I Vancouver avenue, Alblna, Rev. John
i Dawson, rectors-Sunday school. 10 A.
ji.; noiy communion, ll A. M.; np eve
ning service.
St. David's Church, East Twelfth and
Belmont streets. Rev. Dr. Van Waters,
rector holy communion, S A. M.; holy
communion (choral) with sermon, 11 A.
M.; evensong and sermon. 7:30 P. M.
St, John's Memorial. Sellwood. Rev.
W. R. Powell, In charge Service and
holy communion, 10:45 A. M.; Sunday
school, 12"M.
J Evangelical Association.
First German Church, corner Tenth and
Clay streets, Theo. Schauer, pastor Ded
ication of new church, sermon by Bishop
S. C. Breyfogei, D. D at 10:30 A. M.;
English sermon and dedication of church
by the bishop at 2:45 P. M.: song service
and short addresses by different pastors
at 1Mb if. il.
' ' Lutheran.
Norwegian Synod, corner East Tenth
and Grant streets. O. Jlagocs. pastor
Services at 11 A. M. and at S P. M.; Y. P.
S. Thursday evening.
Large, shipments of Sheets, Pillowcases and Spreads which
were ordered for hotel use during the Lewis and Clark
Fair arrived too late. Wa want to turn them into money.
50 Dozen Priscilla Sheets 0 7
72x90. Regular 45c Special Jf C
60 Dozen Pride Pillowcases -1 r
45x36. Regular 12ic Special J, vIC
200 Wonder Bedspreads v 7Kr
11-4 size. Regular 95c Special f Jw
Tiw'Stty Satisfectory"Raivge
CThe fire-box lasts longer
because Monarchs require
leastfuel. Less fire needed
to heat the top. The steel
body -with malleable frames
riveted air-tightkeeps the
fire under perfect control.
You can't afford ta
buy a range until you
know all about a
Monarch. AsIc us for
the book; STATE WHES
you intend to buy, and
'we wilt send also a set
of Measuring Spoons,
ilalliable Iron Range Co.
Eeavcr Dam, Wisconsin.
Buys a
hand mada works as wall In
twtntv rtiri ii when ncvL
All sizes, fiifTerent arraneements for city or country homes, aso for hotels and public institutions.
See them and they vrill prove to you that they save fuel and repairs.
WE FEEL CONFIDENT in asserting to our customers that here is one of the hest Eanges made.
The top is malleable iron won't crack.
The sides are steel, riveted (not bolted) to a malleable iron frame. So strongly constructed it will
last a lifetime. Has duplexdraft which cuts fuel bill in two.
One of these handsome Monarch Ranges will be given away at the close of the Exposition. Register
free at the Malleable Iron Range Exhibit Southeast Corner Manufactures Building.
H. E. EDWARDSHousefurnisher
mon on "The Portsmouth Conference and
the Reign of Peace."
United Evangelical.
Socond Church. -corner -Farso and Ker
by streets. Rev. J. Bowersox. pastor-;
Preaching at 11 A. XI. and S P. II.: Sun
day school at 10 A. M.; Junior Endeavor
at 5 P M.; K. I. C. II at 7:15.
At Ockley Green Sunday school at 2:30
P. 31.; proachlng at 3:30 by Rev. A. A.
First, cornor of East Tenth and Sher
man streets. A. A. Winter, pastor Sun
day school at 10 A. M., Charles A. Stnver.
superintendent; 11 A. M., sermon. "The
Winning Power of Testimony": 7 P. XI..
K. L. of C. E. meeting; S P. XI., preach
ing. Unlvcrsallst.
First. East Couch and East Eighth, W.
F' Small, pastor 11 A. 31.. sermon by
Rev. 3Ir. Butler, on "Having Dominion":
7:45 P. 31.. sermon by Rev. 3Ir. Welch;.
10 A. 31.. Sunday school.
mortgage on river lots 1 to . 6. Inclusive,
and blocks 74. 77. 73 and 79. AlMna. which
includes 3rontgomery dock Xo. 2. 3Irs.
3fontgomery states In her petition flledjlh
court that the 3l6ntgomery estate 6we
$$2,t!CR to the estate of D. P. Thonjoeap
on account of a loam made on January
20. 1S09. The ?60.00 will be paid to the
Thompson estate, the representatives of
which have, agreed .to release the prop
erty here mentioned from a mortgage
Hen. " -
-Hopdts. Sarsaparilla brlrtgs back health
and, gives strength after serious Illness.
Mur!na Eye Remedy cures yes; makes create
yTtronr- Soothes eye pain; doesn't smart.
Suit Over a Horse.
In answer to a suit filed against him by
Tom R. Wilson for J360. Dr. A. E. Rockey.
states that he purchased a horse from
Wilson whicii-'was guaranteed mnd. and
Instead had permanent lameness. Dr.
Rockey further recites in his answer that
the horse was 11 years old. and not 7
years, as represented by Wilson. For the
reasons alleged he admits that he stoppcl
payment of a check on the Frst National
Bank for S60. which he had delivered to
I Empowered to Mortgage Estate.
3Iary Phelps Montgomery, executrix of
the . will of James B. 3Iontgomery. de
ceased, was authorized by Judge Webster -j
yesterday to borrow $50,000 from the Port
land Art Association, to be secured by. a
Methodist Episcopal.
Centenary, corner East Pine and East
Ninth streets. William H. Heppe; D. D..
pastor At 10:30 A. 3L. first of two ser
mons on theme. "Can 1 Be Divinely
Led?"; 7:S P. 31., monthly service of sa
cred song, with special programme: morn-,
ing class, 9:30; Sunday school. 12:li: Ep
worth League devotional meeting, 6:30
P. 3L: chorus choir.
Trinity, East Tenth and Grant, Rev.
Harold Oberg. pastor 3Iorning service at
11 o'clock; evening service at 7:30 o'clock:
Sunday school 10 A. 31.; Epworth League
6:30 P. 3r.
Sunnyside 3Iethodist Episcopal Church.
Yamhill, between Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth
streets. T. B. Ford pastor, par
sonage 1S5 East Thirty-fifth street (take
Sunnyside car) 10 A. 31.. Sunday school.
C. A. Gatika. superintendent; 11 A. 31..
holy communion by the pastor, assisted
by Revs. -Crosier and Bennett -and others;
3:30 P. 3L. Junior League. Mary Shaver,
superintendent; 6:45. Epworth League de
votional meeting. Hugh Krunr, president;
S P. 31., preaching by James 31. King. p.
D. , corresponding secretary of the Board
of Church Extension. .Philadelphia. Pa.,
one of the most distinguished official rep
resentatives of the' Methodist Episcopal
Church. Strangers arc cordially invited
to all our services.
Woodiawn, S. H. Dewart. pastor. Morn
ing service, 11 o'clock by pastor; subject.
"What la Christianity?" Evening sew-'
ice, S o'clock by pastor; subject, "Trust- :
worthy Tests." Sunday schobl, 10 A. 3L; !
Epworth League, 7 P. 3L I
Sellwood Services in Sellwood 31. E.
Church as follows: Sunday school, 10 A.
3L; 11 A. M. C. A. Lewis will preach on
"Christianity Justified;" sP. XL Dr. Lv E.
Rockwell will preach. Probationers re
ceived into full membership after the
evening sermon. Epworth League, 7:15
P: M. All cordially welcomed.
Piedmont Church, corner Cleveland ave
nue and Jarre tt street. Rev. L. Myron
Boozer, pastor The pastor will preach at
11 A. M. on "The Church and the Toiler,"
and at 7:i5 P. M. on "The Impossible Neu
trality"; Sabbath school at 10 A. M.
Arbor Lodge Chapel, corner Bryant and
Curtlss streets Sabbath school at 3 P. M.
First Cumberland, corner Tweffth and
East Taylor streets. Rev. E. Nelson Allen;
pastor 10:30 A. M.. sermon on "The Glory
of a Finished Life": 12 M.. Sunday school;
7 E. M., Christian Endeavor; 8 P. 3L ser-.
Interest .
comes to life when the body, feels
th delicious glow of hoalth, vigor
and energy.
That Certain Sense
of vigor in the brain and easy poise
of the nerves comes when the im
proper foods are cut out anF"pre-'
Nuts take their place. '. .
If It lias taken you years to rua',
down don't expect one mouthful of
this great food to bring- you back
(for it Is not a stimulant but a
10. "days trial shows such big re-
suits that one sticks to it.
There's a Reason'! " f
- ' , i. j
Get the little book, "The" Road to
Wellvllle," In each pkr-
A Customer Neglected Is a
Customer Lost
Proves Conclusively That Our Patrons Are Always Pleased '
Last Days of Pompeii
Has proven all that was predicted.
Colossal, Peerless, Thrilling and Beautiful-
The nightly display of Pain's 2000 Fireworks
Never surpassed in Europe or America.
Tonight begins the second and last week of this production.
Note the following special nights:
TONIGHT Niagara Falls, and
The Prettiest Girl in all Portland,' in fireworks. ;
MONDAY Elk3 Night, Antlers head on fire.
TUESDAY K. of P. Emblems of, Order.
WEDNESDAY Masonic Night. "Emblems of Order. -
THURSDAY Oddfellows' Night. Emblems of Order.
FRIDAY Woodmen's Night. Emblems of Order. A
SATURDAY Ladies' . and Children's Night. Handsomest
lady and comic devices.
SUNDAY Niagara Falls on fire-
. Seats for "Pompeii"
25c, 50c and 75c f
The 5C and 75-cent seats include free admission to "The
Tonight reopening of Gaiety Theater. - -The
London Royal Marionettes and Vaudeville.
Concerts by D'Urbano's Band, every afternoon
And from 7 to 8 o'clock each evening.
Regular admission to Park. 10 cents, children 5 cents.
Reserved Seats on sale at '
Skidmore's Drugstore, 151 Third Strst, and at-the .
0. W. P. & Ry. Co.'s Ticket Office, First and Alder Stewis.