The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 03, 1905, PART THREE, Page 30, Image 30

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Mrs. J. W. Oanon, Arthur Ganontr,
Holt Ganong-, Ganong:, Mrs. W.
S. Abrama. Eleta I Abrams, F. I. Full
er. Portland. Miss Vina Abramsr Bos
ton; T. A. Strglnson and family,
Spraie, Wash.
EASIIK. Sffr. Z.(Sici Corre-
sKnlence. The pst week has been
i-ery ut at the resorts here., the
Chief went being the departure for home
of many who have taken, active part In
the nodal season during the past six
weeks. The Shell Road presents a rather
deserted 'xmearance, and the crowd at
the bowling alleys shows visible effects
of the thinning-out process which lias
been taking place. The hotels, however,
are still enjoying an unprecedented rush
of tourist travel, and this is expected to
continue for some time at least.
The V. W. C. A. wnvcntlon will spend
tho coming week at Seaside, and will
probably keep things lively during their
stay, as many will attend who xre making
their first visit to the ocean.
The weather contiiiunH ideal, and for
the past week ha been the most pleasant
this season.
Much has helped to make the present
caaaon the success it 1ms been, and It
is with great regret that the pleasure
soekers abandon their good times and re
turn to town. Those still coming will
And the place delightful beyond expecta
tion, and while there will be comparative
ly few social events from now onthe
beauties and pleasures of the long Indian
Summer will offer much to the new
oomor that the regular Summer crowd
has missed.
Genrhart Park.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morris and family,
of Philadelphia, together with Mrs. I. M.
5. Morris, Miss Etta and Fred S. Morris,
of Portland, have been spending a de
lightful few days at Kruse's Beach Hotel.
Mrs. K. H. Koehler and Miss Elsie
Koeliler. who spent August at Kruse's
Beach Hotel, returned to Portland
A charming excursion to Flavel was
enjoyod by a party of 5oung ladles chap
eroned by Mrs. Theo. Kruse last Tues
day. The party went In a large four
horse conveyance, took an elaborate
luncheon, ami spent a pleasant day In
wandering around the pretty grounds of
the old -hotel and visiting Fort Stevens
In the Immediate vlcinltj-. Those in the
party wore: Misses Lisa Wood, Evelyn
Wilson. C. L. Wilson, Frances Wilson.
Jean Mackenzie, Ruth and Josephine
Smith. HazclUnc Williams. Miss Living
stone and Mrs. Theo. Kruse.
Kruse's Beach Hotel.
F. J. Alex. Mayer Floyd Mayer, Harold
Mayor. Jane M. Owen, Joseph O'Connor,
II. B. Humphry, Lawrence Bufton, Wal
ter Bennett. Grace E. Naylor. Mildred G.
Magoon. Edith Schmeor, Miss Ada Burke,
C. Soaton Taylor. Leslie Woldler, Charles
G. Wright, H. O. HIckney. Ersklne Wood.
J. D. Drunkall. L. Smith, W. J. Burns,
B. R. Honeyman. Kenneth Honej-man.
Howard Gray, Kenneth V. Kinney. Sol
Blumauer, J. A. Powers, H. S. Barnes, A.
6. Pattulo. S. X. Hohman, Mrs. L. Mosor.
J. O. Rountroc. J. R. Turner, Irving
Turner, Edith B. Jennings, Donna M.
Beach. C. W. Edwards, Ross Sharp,
George Bradshaw. Miss Pearl Ersklno,
Lyle S. Metcalf. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lynch,
3L R. Popploton, Eleanor Kurth, James
lcoH. Mrs. Stephen S. Wise. Miss Litch
field, Virginia Wilson, Mrs. I. M. S. Mor-.
rls. MJss Etta Morris, Fred S. Morris,
William a Klolm, Mrs. A. L. Maxwell,
Portland; F. L. Warren. Warrenton. Or.;
Paul T. Prentiss, Mrs. C. L. Holland, Ta
coma; Jennie Gwlnane, Chicago; I. M.
Potter. Everett, Wash.; Norma Turner,
Seattle; H. E. Thomas, Forest Grove;
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Garvey. St Louis;
Miss Waterman, Mr. Waterman, Now
York; Miss E. Eleason, Logan, Utah;
Mrs. Eleason, San Francisco: C A. Johri
Kon, Mrs. A. H. Johnson, Nora Johnson,
Glendlvc, Mont.; Mrs. J. C. Dressier, Mrs.
Cora. E. Long. Miss Fay Dressier. Boise,
Idaho; Stanley P. Falnweathey, Wallace,
Idaho. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Dunlway and
family aro oocupylng a cottage near the
Neeanlcum Inn.
W. B. Honcyntan enjoyed a few days at
the Moore last week.
Mrs. N. H. Durham, Kenneth Durham,
Misses Mabol and Dorothy Durham, Miss
G. Saw and Master Wayne Durham, of
Spokane, spent a pleasant day at the
Moore last week.
Mrs. C. A. Coburn and her grand-daugt-ter.
Miss Jean Slauson, arc spending a
week with Mrs. C Goodell, at Seaside.
A party from the Nacanlcum Inn en
Joyed a very pleasant excursion to Elk
Creok last Sunday. The picnic was ar
ranged for the especial beenfit of Lewis C
Brown, of New York, and was pronounced
a success toy those present, who were:
Emma K. Lammons. Clara Bell, George
Lammons, John C. McCue and Lewis C.
A very pleasant but Informal muslcale
was given by Mrs. E. B. Piper at her cot
tage last Sunday night. Those taking
part were: Mrs. Piper, Constance Piper,
Miss Willis, Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, and
Miss Eleanor Hobon. After the musical
programme a dainty luncheon was served.
Hotel Moore.
Ii C Jameson, B. F. Holman, Mrs. Les
lie Reed, Rev. George B. Van Waters. G.
W. Reynolds. R. G. Durham, Frank W.
Korr, E. J-Warnbck; Marion Ogden, Mrs.
FJZariT&ETBFaF 72CE Zt&ttCj
W. E. Lytle. Ethel M. Lytle. IS. C. Clem
ent. Mrs. C. Terwllllger, MJss Ritter, Miss
A. Rlttor, W. W. Banks. Mrs. L. A. West;
Anno Moerls, Mrs. M. E. Spencer. Mrs. E.
Calne. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Borg. A. Holtz.
William D. Wheelwright, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Parker. G. B. Latimus. A. Breyman, L.
McKelvey. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lewis. C.
B. Dutton. Frank Wilder, Mr. and Mrs
W. J. Youmans. O. F. Jordan, J. A. Mc-
Carew, Mr. and Mrs. David Arnot, Ljie j
S. Martcolf, Paul Young. Mrs. Wallace j
Taylor, Ross A. Price, Mrs. Harrison D, !
Holmes. H. W. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. B.
Ostrander, J. B. Ryan, H. G. Beckwlth.
W. B. Honeyman, J. L. De Bevoise, Carrie
M. Bircher. Ida L. Blrcher, Emma L.
Blrcher, Mrs. Plympton Kelly, P. Kruse.
Mrs. R. E. Davis, J. Waddle, Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Linn, Humboldt. Neb.;
Mrs. Mary A. Richards, Moffett Richards,
Jane L. Richards. Indianapolis; J. L.
O'Connor, Stamford, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas M. Everett, Harlvln. Mont.; W.
R Sands, Chinook, Mont.; Mr. and Mrs.
H E. Glover. Spencer. Ia.; Gladys Conrad,
Ellsworth. Wash.; Mrs. R. M. Wright,
Mrs. F.- C Casey, Stevenson. Wash.; F.
L. Collins. B. Van Dusen, Miss Holmes,
Astoria; Mrs. George Zltzman, Miss Jen
nie Montgomery. Pittsburg. Pa.; Mr. and
Mrs. William Douglass. Joseph Ballan
tyne, Ogden, Utah; Miss Helen Stephens,
Mtes Violet Stephens. Mrs. W. K. Shep
herd. O. E. Kenyon, Maude McKenzie.
Addle Maltby, Mr. and Mrs W, S. Rodg-
ers. M. B. McGowan, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles McNabb . and daughter, W. J.
Parks, Kenneth Durham, Mrs. N. W.
Durham,' Miss Mabel Durham, Wayne
Durham, Dorothy Durham. MIsa G. Saw,
Spokane; M. J-t. Leslie, Omaha; M. G.
Smith. W. J. Robinson, E. L. Clement,
Mrs. Carlton. D. E. Davis, Chicago; Mr.
and Mrs. William P. Evans Philadelphia;
Mr. C. J. Ross, Salt Lake; Hattle L.
Isaac Susie V. McGlnneas. Stockton: Mr.
and Mrs. A. S. Robbing, Boise; Mr. and
Mrs. O..G. Hample, Butte. Mont.: Mrs.
M. B. Metzler, Heppner; Clydo E. Kenyon.
L C. Furry. Mrs. A. M. McAllep, Mrs. C.
M. Mynell. Seattle; Mrs. J. C. Innos, Miss
M. L. Innes, Dillon, Mon.; Mrs. C. G.
Wolton. Mrs. F. J. Campbell, Fargo. N.
D.; Arthur F. Francis, Cripple Creek,
Colo.; Bloom Taylor. Pullman, Wash.; C.
W. Preston. Walla Walla; G. Cole, Kan
sas. City. Mo.; Mr., and Mrs. James. J.
Montague, Dr. George B. Wallace. New
York; Anna Rac Hooker. Missoula. Mont.;
Mrs. J. L. Forepaugh, Miss Edith Fore
paugh, St. Paul; Miss Josopha Holmes,
Holmes Gap, Or.; Miss Ethel E. Frlzzelle,
Salem; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Delet. Misses
Emma and Hazel Delet, Barnesville, O.
Neeanlcum Inn.
J. W. White. Nona H. Kearney, Bessie
T7'".l. Ml T vlln rVa a'fT-r-l "Mine A V. '
Hustead. A. B. Manley. Miss Emma K.
Summers, Miss Clara Bell. Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Loiter, Mrs. C. W. Kline Miss Ju
dith Lowengart, Dr. Jessie Athelson,
Georgo H- Lammers, Portland; Jim Thom
son, Jossle H. Thomson, Heppner; Mabel
Weed. Mrs. H. S. Weed. Spokane; H. D.
Buchanan. Miss Edith Rosenbury. Seattle;
Miss Florence Oliver. Buffalo; Miss Sadlo
Ettclson, Sprague, Wash.; M. H. Dann
hclssen. KaUspell, Mont-; Lewis C. Brown,
New York.
Iocksley Hall.
B. G. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Evans, Fred Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Snyder, P. W. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. G.
E. Clam, E. A. Hansman, Elmore H.
Kurth, Gretchca Kurth, M. G. Venator,
T. A. Llnthlcum, Charles Loratl, Mrs.
Loratl and children. Jack Claire, Mrs. C.
Brown. Portland; Mrs. Charles D. Wal
cott, Washington, D. C; R. H. Richards,
Boston; A. H. Coale, Cambridge; J. E.
RIchter, Mrs. C. -RIchtcr, Dallas. Or.;
Mrs. C. G. Warren, Seattle; Mrs. Robin
son, J. Forbes, H. M. Blair, Spokane; J.
M. McLean, Ruth McLean, Joe McLean,
Oakesdale; Mrs. A. R. Harden, Hinsdale,
MonUJ Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Beal, Mr. and
Mrs. B. E. Hyatt, Boise; Mrs. R. G. Val
lanccyr Jamestown. X. D.; Nettle J. Bos
ton. SU Paul; H. M. Blair, Spokane; Mr.
and Ms. Julius Aryst, Missoula; S. J.
Rees. Mrs. S. J. Rees, Emmett, Idaho; C.
H. Lathrop. Berkeley. Cal.; B. F. Munroe,
Arlington: Ira Chiles. Maggie Chiles, Ba
ker City; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cam ell. Min
nesota; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knott, Walla
Walla. . ,r
The Colonial.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Carey, Mrs. ;X. W.
Carner, Mr. J. D. PercevIUc Dan O'Con
noll and son, H. A. Fanske, Mrs. D. Stew
art, W." Koehler, Mr "and "Mrs. W. 4.
Youmans, Frank MlUer, C. L. Mark,
George, H. Iilmes, Miss 'Pearl Emken,
Portland; Pauline Foster, M. Shlolds, Miss
Shields, LUUo Wcndler, Else Wendler.
Miss E. M. Gregg, Mrs. E. Day. Paul
Gregg. Sallle McCann, Frances McCann,
Henrietta Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E. Shirley,
Spokane: Mrs. F. W. Hawkins, Seattle;
Thomas Brogan, Susie Brogan, Nellie Bro
gan. Antelope, Or.; Mrs. J. F. Lawler,
Oregon City; Martin Salberg, Moscow,
Idaho; Laura J. Stark, Nettle Thompson,
Marysville; S. Garrett and family, Idaho
City, Idaho; Misses May and Anna Has
sett. Missoula: Emma R. Coleman; Kath
erine Coleman, Dickinson, N. D.; Minnie
Jones, Emma Jones. Corvallls, Mont;
Charles Alllston, Asotin, Wash.; Mary L.
Himcs. George H. Hlmcs, Toulon, 111.;
Cyr Ranwelyn, Great Falls; Mrs. H.
Grombacher, Ray Grombacher, Cleveland,
O.; Mr. and Mrs. Edward' Weaver, Day-
ton, O.; Jennie Copeland, Mrs. S. K. Red,
Vancouver; Mrs. P. Detlefs, Bertha Det
lef. Valparaiso. Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. E. H
Wilson. Salem; a W. Sage, Minneapolis
The Seaside House.
Thomas Scott Brooke, Mrs. E. H.
Brooke Miss Wilson, Dr. George F. Wil
son, Mrs. H. L. Ackcrman, C. M. Cart
wright, Miss Leslie Knapp, Frank Wilder.
J. Frank Watson, Graham Glass. Miss A.
SIbson, Charles Feldenhelmer. Mary S.
Hughos, Mrs. Frank Motter. Edward
Cooklngham. X. P. Swope. E. B. Morden,
F. S. Cooley, Portland; Mrs. M. Sherrin
and children. Rainier; Mrs. L. L. Acker
man, SaiuFrancisco; Blanche Bishop, Em
mett, Idaho; Lottie Brown, Phoebe Wat
son. Clara Peterson, Clara Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. N. O. Ogdon. Mr. and Mrs.
Chris J. Brown. W. M. Petterson. Mary
Pettorson. Genet Bingham. Mrs. Bingham.
Miss Ray Farley, Mrs. Lindsay. Mrs.
Marriott, Willlard Llcnd. Ogden; E. P.
Parker, Mrs. P. J. Brlx. J. J. Casey, W.
F. Baker. Astoria; George Milner, Lees
burg, 0-; Mrs. Amanda Wallace. 'Mrs.
Anna Hosklns, Miss Margaret Hosklna,
Muscatine la.; Gertrude Mills. Mollle
Mills. Garden Valley; Amy Shellman, Aso
tin. Wash.; Alma CI Fritchoff, Atkinson
Tourists Arriving: Dally .Ivccp the
Hotels Busy.
LONG BEACH, Sept. 2. (Special
Correspondence) Tho social season
hero is rapidly drawing to a close.
Numerous tourists aro still arriving
dally and will continue to keep tho
hotels busy for the next few weeks,
but the steady beach crowd of cot
tagers and Summer boarders is dimin
ishing in numbers, and with its depar
ture goes the spirit of enterprise and
activity which has largely been re
sponsible for the many pleasant social
gatherings and excursions of the past
month. No longer are seen the scores
of familiar faces at the steamer dock
waiting to greet their friends, and to
the little band of old-timers remaining
the place'presents a'lonesome and de--
farted appearance. This can hardly be
ascribed to any natural cause, for Na
ture was never more lavish with her
beautiful weather than now. but the
old precedent of returning home bj
the first of September seems hard to
remove, -and during the past week
storm shutters and gate padlocks have
been coming more and more into prom-
The extension of the Summer sched
ule for the boats, however. Is checking
the homeward rush to a certain extent,
and with the reinforcements of tourUts
expected. It is probable that the season
will be kept open later than usual, as
the absence of the Summer crowd will
not be noticed or considered a draw
back to those visiting the resorts for
the first time.
Ocean Park.
Miss Rltia Hanson has been visiting
Miss Anna Scott.
Mrs. Mark GUI, Miss Luone Morcland
Land Miss Ruth Honeyman are occupy
ing the Gill cottage.
Captain W. S. Powell has proved him
self to be the champion croquet player
of the Park.
Misses Jessie and Edith Hart have
returned to their home in Kansas after
a delightful visit with Mrs. D. W.
Smith, of Vancouver.
Last Thursday evening a party of
girls enjoyed a. sailing party on Shoal
water Bay. Owing to the scarcity of
young men, the young ladies decided,
to go alone and In order that the affair
should be more realistic, half of them
donned male attire Those in the
party were: Miss Nora Seitters, Miss
Jessie Hart. Miss Edith Hart, Misses
Frances Prince, Vera Prince, Hazel
Norman. Gladys Mackenzie, Ethel
Scott and Anna Scott. The party was
chaperoned by Mrs. Jennie Cooper.
"Last Thursday evening Miss Frances
Oberteuffer gave a very charming
party In honor of Miss Alma Ballock
at her home in the grove. Whist was
the amusement of the evening and
later refreshments were served, bring
ing the evening to a pleasant close.
Those' present were: Misses Edith and
Jessie Hart. "Frances Oberteuffer. Miss
Alma Hallock. Robert ObertcufTer, Lou
Centro, Harold Smith, Ben Shlplew
Another pleasant sailing- party was
enjoyed Monday .by a large party fromj.K-" Lt G!lIcsple,Mrs. C. B,' Watson, rLu-J
the park. Taking a bountiful lunch,
the party spent the entire day and suc
ceeded in reaching Long Island before
returning home. Those In the party
were: Judge and Mrs. A. Frazer Mas
tcrKenneth Frazer, Misses Genevieve
Frazer and Dorothy Frazer. Captain
and Sirs. W. S. Powell, Misses Alice and
Bossle Clayton, Harold Smith and Ben j
Long- Beach and Sea View.
Miss Louise Scha'ffcr, who has been
spending the. Summor with Mrs. A.
Schaoht. has returned to her- home In
The guests of the Seacroft gave a
large bonfire lost Saturday night In
honor of Captain H. Robertson, who Is
about to depart for Honolulu. When the
blaze was at Its height, refreshments,
were served on the beach and the large
gathering present spent a pleasant so
cial evening.
L. Daly, of Portland, gave the people
of Sen View a very pleasant evening
last Wednesday. A fire was built upon
the booch and upon It a large quantity
of inarshmallows were toasted. Water
melon cake and candy were also serveJ-
A whist party was given at the Salt
Air last Tuesday evening. Eight tables
of players participated in the game
which was very closely contested. Af
ter the flrsuprlzes had been given to
P. H. W. Ross, of Ellensburg, and Mrs.
F. V. Ash, of Portland, and the con
solation to E. H. Harris and Miss
H. Hell, also of Portland, refreshments
were served.
Another large bonfire was built by
a crowd from the Salt Air Thursday
evening. After enjoying tho cneery
blaze and feasting on quantities of pop
corn and fruit the merrymakers re
turned to the hotel and, not being
wholly satisfied with the evening's hf
larlty, started a "dance which, lasted,
until 12 o'clock and which was greatly
enjoyed by those present, about 40 in
The Hackney Cottage.
E. L. McCabe. Miss Boskowitz, Miss
Bloch, Katherlno Gaffney, Rose Gaff
ney. Mis Bessie De Voc, Arthur W. Or-
ton. J. McMahan. L. B. McMahan, -Dr.
cla A. Watson. Edward Freeman, Mrs.
R. L. Gillespie. Lucia A. Gillespie. W.
W. Bakor. Frank C. Baker. Mrs. F. C.
Bakor, Miss Francis Baker, Portland:
.William Stark,. Louis Siark, Bessie
Turner. Mildred Hart. Mrs. L. H. Hart,
Boise; F. J. Carey, Mrs. J. E. Wood.
Havre. Mont.; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mouse,
Nampa. Idaho; George Stoddard. Mrs.
Q. Stoddard, Emma Stoddard. Earl
Stoddard. Elmer Stoddard, David Stod
ar. C. J. Black. Anna Blnck. Mary Black,
Eugeno Rosenbaum, Ida M. Ferrine,
Mrs. Emma C Wil30n, Miss Lela E. Wil
son. La Grande; A. O. White, Pullman,
Wash.; Esther C. White, Nellie E.
Hayes, Anna Hayes, Cheney, Wash.;
Victoria Welnaw, P. A. Marrln, Baker
City; Mr. and Mrs. M. W. O'Brien. Lew
lston, Idaho; -Frank L. Hart, Fergus
Falls, Minn. Rose Strauss. Walla Wal
la: J. Percy Goddard, Emma Goddard,
Benjamin Goddard, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Hall, Salt Lake City; Mrs.
Katherlne Bundle, Miss Katherlno Ox
ford. "Dallas, Tex.: L. Miller, New York
City; Adella McCollum. Mrs. Alice
Drew, Duluth, Minn., Miss Wellcock,
The Salt Air.
Lenore McMorrow. Lelah Nelson. EJ
no M. Collins, Ethel Morris. Mrs. M. A.
Morris, Clement Morris, Mrs. C. E.
Steelsmlth, Mrs. C. T. Peddlcord, Besale
Steelsmith. Portland; Mrs. W. E. Wil
son, Florence A. Wilson, Lucile Wil
son, Mary A. Proudfoot. Lucile Elwood,
Miss Maude Manary, Charles Manary
E. H. Manary. Ellensburg; Miss Nellie
C- Steelsmlth, Conrad, Idaho; Mrs. D.
C. Steelsmlth, Melvln, la.; Mrs. E. A.
Proudfoot. Chicago.
The Honorlne Cottage.
Mrs. W. E. Newsow, Mrs. F. C. Nor
ris. Frederick Norrls, J. Ross Fargp,
Dr. Nellie Good, Thomas O'Neal. Mrs.
ThomaH O'Neal, William Dolph. Miss
Sallle Hart, Miss Catherine Hart. Miss
Hart. Portland: Mr. and Mrs. Donald
McCallum. Grand Forks, B. C:: Mr. and
Mrs. A. II. Good. Tarkld. Mo.; Mr. and
Mrs. A. Ewlng, Evelyn Dalrymple, Og
den, Uah
The. Sea Croft. .
'-.Mrs. J. D." Hanson, Donald "Hanson,
Farewell Clnmbake at Seaside.
Mrs. J. F. Miller, of Lota Cottage.
Save a farewell clambake and bonfire
party to a number o" friends the night
of" September 1. The evening was de
voted to the pleasures of music, games
nd stories, after which the hostess
served her guests with refreshments
I of clams, baked potatoes and candy,
j Following were the guests: The Misses
j Margarethe Gelsler. Florence and Hel
en Judge. Winnie Lewis. Estelle. Mary
; and Lucy Caples, Milllcent erton,
Mamie and Florence- Friar, of Port
1 land; Miss Bessie De Boise, of Sea
side; Mr. and Mrs. Charles De Boise,
of Seaside; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elch
horn. Mrs. J. H. Stevenson, Mrs. G. H.
Judge. Mrs. Friar. H. A. Stiles, Mr.
Val Friar and Mrs. J. E. Miller.
C. C. Hutchinson Tells of
Taken Within the Law.
PORTLAND. Sept. 2.-To the Ed
itor) The intimations appearing In The
Oregonian from your trustworthy Salem
correspondent cause some uneasiness on
the part of settlers upon the lands now
being Irrigated under contract' with the
i state by the Deschutes Irrigation & Pow
j cr Company,
j It Is well understood that the title of
these lands passes by patent from the
United States to the state only upon
proof that sufficient water had been fur-
j nlshcd In canals for the reclamation and
permanent Irrigation of the same. This
-proof must be furnished by the company
having contract for such reclamation,
and every stop must be approved by both
I state and United States officials, and the
law Is explicit in demanding this proof,
which Is the guarantee to the settler
of a future water supply.
Everyone knows that the Deschutes
River carries every day of every year
much more water than can ever be util
ized In the Irrigation of the 215,000 acres
proposed to be reclaimed In Crook County
under the Carey law by the Deschutes
That the company is building canals of
sufficient size to thoroughly Irrigate the
land lying under the same and amply
supply each tract. Is a fact known to all
who have visited the country, and It Is,
Immaterial as to the date when State En
gineer J. H. Lewis can examine these
works, and corrections of the land de
scriptions by him are a part of -his rou
tlno duties.
There has not been and cannot be any
conflict between this official or the State
Land Board and the Deschutes Company.
Where the land titles of homeseekers de
pend upon the accuracy of all land lists
and strict compliance with the laws and
forms . prescribed, there must be delays
which are not understood by everyone.
The circulars and advertisements of the
Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company
explicitly assume for the- company, full
responsibility for its contracts and for
the irrigation of the land.
Any who desired to drop their first se
lection of land and take other lands have
been accommodated by the company, al
though out of 30.000 acres selected not a
half dozen such changes have been re
qusted. k The State Land Board has never
"balked" In the performance of Its oner
ous duties under our state law accept
ing the Carey act, and last year took the
long journey necessary to verify by per
sonal Inspection the actual conditions of
the region, and It Is hoped that tho Board.,
will find it possible- to accompany State
Engineer Lewis in his inspection of the
works under construction by the com
Land Commissioner D.- I. & P. Co.
Old IiOve-Lcttcrs Wanted.
London Chronicle.
"Literary man wants to buy or borrow
old love-letters; no names used." This
cold-blooded advertisement has appeared
In the Sydney Morning Herald What
does he want them for? Presumably he
Is writing an amatory novel, and wants
the palpitating reality. The records of
Australian breach-of-promlse cases would
furnish him with an abundance of mate
rial, but perhaps he is anxious to have
his -love-letters absolutely fresh. ' No-twice-cooked
'omelettes for- Mm.
. IjflfljBESSi