THE SUNDAY OBE&QNIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 3, 1905. sir Boclal whist, followed -with, refreshments. A pleasant evening was passed. The Corps sewing, which met -with Mrs. Fferdner on Tuesday, was largely attend ed. Mrs. Kellej', who had been absent a year in California and Manila, was pres jent, also Mesdames Mlllls, Clark and yoole, from Sumner Corps, and Mrs. Van derburg. of Seattle. A luncheon was served at 5 o'clock. The next meeting of the eewlng will bo held with Mrs. P. P. Bodloy, Mount Tabor, nnear Base Line, Tuesday, September 5. An invitation is .extended to any ladies who wish to at tend. Mrs. Caukins left the 31st to attend the National Bncampbent at Denver, to ?which she was elected flrst alternate. Last Tuesday evening, Mrs. David S. 'Stoarns gave a dinner in honor of Mrs. Beach, of Minneapolis, and Mrs. Lang", of New Hampshire. The rooms -were beautifully decorated with evergreens ,and cut flowers, the color scheme for ithe dining-room being pink, with a lavish use of La France roses. Covers were laid for ton. Alter dinner a de lightful evening was spent in music and sociul entertainment. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. George Beach, Miss Beach, Master Bench, of Minneapolis; Mrs. Lang, of New Hampshire; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob McDuffoe, Mr. and Mrs. Stearns and Master Lloyd Stearns. The reception in honor of Mrs. Gilbert McCIarg. given by Mrs. Breyman on Mon day afternoon, was attonded by about BO club women of Portland, and proved to 'be a most pleasant affair. Mrs. McClurg made a brio? address, which was respond ed to by Mrs. Sara Evans. Mrs. "White, representing the Tuesday Club, and Miss Laura Clay also spoke. Mrs. McClurg re ferred to the educational value of the :Lewis and Clark Exposition, and said "You will see, through the coming years, what a potent factor in developing the good, the true and the beautiful this Ex position will be to the Pacific Coast." Miss Laura Adele Case sang several se lections. An Informal reception was tendered to a few of her intimate friend by Miss Ethel Jones, at her residence, 71S East Burnslde street, last Wednesday even ing. There wore recitations, games, instrumental and vocal music, and a fusillade of witty conversational flashes. Refreshments followed, and the guests departed at the dawn of a new day. Among those present were: The Misses Lilian Croasman, Laurie Fields. Melita Ward. Lucy Fields and Messrs. George Houghton, Herman Von Borstel, Charles Holmes, Welrose Xnsor. Richard Bates and Fred W. Jones. A dolighttul, though Informal, affair of the week was a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Flynn. at their home, to ex Governor and Mrs. Aim Adams, of Colo rado, who spent a few days in Portland visiting the Exposition on their way to California to' visit with Governor Adams' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Flynn moved to Portland from Eastern Oregon a few months ago, and with their daughter, who Is musical, have already made many friends here. They are old friends of Mr. and Mrs. Adams. Their home in Eastern Oregon was well known for its generous hospitality, and for the many social events that took place there. A little dlnnor was given last Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Egbert and Mrs. Whltcomb, at the Egbert residence, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Christohson, of Carito, N. D., and of Miss Anna Potter, of Spokane. Mr. Chrlstensen is a banker in North Dakota, but he is so much impressed with the Oregon country that he thinks of transferring his business interests to Portland. Both Mrs. Chrlstensen and Miss Poter are nieces of Mr. Egbert. A most delightful dinner party was given at the home of Dr. J. H. Davis last Thursday. Mrs. Addle Perkins, of Wis consin, great-aunt of the hostess, being the guest of honor. The evening was pleasantly spent with music Those pres ent wore: Dr. J. H. Davis and wife. Miss Addle Perkins, Dr. L. M. Davis and wife, Mr. and Mrs. W.-Q. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. L. Peters, Mrs. N. J. Baker, Wilbert Da vis, Miss Hazol Hayden. . Portland Arch, No. K, Women of Wood craft, onjoyed a pleasant evening last Friday. Several new applications were received, and everything looks bright for the Fall work.' The circle has moved to Us new quarters in the Allsky building, and will meet there every Tuesday even ing, instead of Friday, as heretofore. WEDDINGS. Albcrtson-Ba'rton. One of the prettiest weddings of the sea son was solemnized on Wednesday eve ning, August 30. at S o'clock, at the homo of the bride's mother, Mrs. A. S. Barton, 115 Fifteenth street North, when Miss Edna Barton became the bride of Orris Albertson, of this city. The bride looked charming in white silk. She carried a bouquet of white rosebuds. The brides maids. Miss Madge Barton and Miss Liz zie Melvin, wore cream albatross and carried cream roses. Henry Welch acted as best man, and gave the bride away. The wedding march was played by Miss Ethel Barton, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. E. P. Hill, of the First Presbyterian Church. After the ceremony a bountiful luncheon was served. The parlor and dining-room were decorated with ferns, sweet peas and roses. The bride received many presents. Mr. and Mrs. Albertson went to their new home, where they will be glad to receive their friends after Wednesday, September 6. IiOng-Darrah. Miss Catherine Darrah and J. M. Long, Jr.. both of Portland, were quietly mar ried on Monday, August 21. 1P05, at the parsonage of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, at Oregon City, by Rev. Mr. Hammond. Only Immediate friends and relatives were present. After a short trip through British Col umbia, Mr. and Mrs. Long will be at home at 895 Sixth street, corner Harri- son. McHugh-Washfourn. The marriage of Miss Sarah E. Washburn, of Oregon City, and W. S. McHugh, of Portland, was solemnized at Oregon City Thursday, August 24, at 8:30 P. M., Rev. Mr. Landsborough offi ciating. Miss Jessie Washburn was bridesmaid and Mr. Andrew McCoy was groomsman. Mr. and Mrs.- Mc Hugh "will resldo in Portland. Rounds-Carr. A quiet wedding took place at the Hotel Portland last week, when United States Marshal R. Rounds, of Boise, and Mrs. M. Ethelyn Carr, also of Boise, were married. ANNOUNCEMENTS. The New Tork State Society will hold Its regular meeting next Wednesday evening at the City Hall. A large at tendance Is especially desired, as this will be the first meeting since the adjourn ment for the Summer months and much important business concerning the plans and policy of the society for the ensuing year will be brought up. All visiting New Yorkers are cordially Invited to be present and members are requested to urge their New York friends who are In the -city to attend. It Is announced that the marriage of Mrs. Clementine Bullock, of Portland, and Edwin J. Taylor, of Arthur, Or., will take place on Wednesday evening, September 6. in the First Unitarian Church, at 8:45 o'clock. Dr. Eliot officiating. No in vitations "will be Issued in the city. After the 1st of October, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will be. at home in Arthur. The Seattle,, hostess and the -ladies of the committee having in charge the entertainments held in the Washing ton State building during Seattle week desire to thank the press of Portland, the citizens of Portland and the offi clals of the Exposition for the many courtesies extended to them. Mrs. Charles E. Bishop, of North Ya kima, has been the guest tor the past week of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Fox at their residence, 45 East Sixteenth, north, where Mrs. Bishop will be happy to see any c her old friends or pupils tomorrow afternoon or evenlng.- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Orman Gladding, formerly of Portland, now residing at 2133 a'rd, of' this city. Miss Horgan has "been a singer in New Tork churches for several yeans. & Mrs. Fred Leinenweber has been visit ing in Astoria, with relatives, during the. regatta. Mrs. Llewellyn Ma goon returned Tues day from a two weeks' outing at Boawell Springs. Miss Bess Woods, of Cottage Grove, and Miss Eva Etinson, of Eugene, are visit ing In the city. Mrs. and Miss Buchanan, of Nevada, Mo., are in the city, the guests of Mrs. Emily Warlnner. E. F.Barnes, of Butte. Mont., is in Port- land to visit with his sister, Mrs. A. M. swam, ana incidentally to see uie jewis GOLDSTEIN-GOLDSTEIN. A very pretty wedding was solemnized last Sunday evening at Eagles Hall, in the presence of 30) guests, friends and relatives of the principals Joseph E. Goldstein and Miss Edith Goldstein. Rev. Mr. Schappo offi ciated, and the full coremonlals of the Jewish orthodox church were em ployed. The quaint and curious custom of the maids and women relatives bearing candlos. the canopy under which the ceremony is solemnized, the profuse floral and other decorations lent an unusual charm to the occasion. At the wedding supper which followed many felicitous speeches were made by friends of the bride jand groom. There were many beautiful and costly presents. The bride is a daughter of I. Goldstein, a well-known Front street merchant. The groom was a late Captain in the" Russian army, but became an American citizen about a year ago. He Is now an employe of I. Gevurtz & Sons. At the wedding the maids of honor were Miss Gevurtz, Miss Wclnstcin, Miss Rosencranz and Miss Zleve. The men at tendants were Messrs. L. Gevurtz, M.Welnsteln, H. Nudelman and J. Barde. Grove streot, San Francisco, announce the engagement of their daughter, Maeme to Dr. Arthur Woodly Baker, of San Francisco. The wedding will take place Tuesday, September 32. Miss Emilie Frances Bauer and Miss Marion Bauer, who are leaving for New Tork on Wednesday, will be at home to their friends today and on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holman announce the engagement of their daughter. Mar guerite Frances, to Mr. Harycy Balfe Cor nell. The wedding will take place this month. Miss Lulu Rothschild, of San Franclnco, Is visiting" with Mrs. George T. Lover man. At home Tuesday. SOCIETY PERSONALS. Mrs. C. S. Unna and sons have returned from Gearbart Park. Dr. Frank L Ball has returned from a short vacation at the Coast. Mrs. Lucy Boscow has returned from a two weeks' vacation at Seaside, Or. Mm E. A. Hunt, who has been visiting her mother, has returned to Nevada. Mrs. S. May and daughtor, Nora, have returned from a month's outing at Newport-Mr. A. N. Gambell Is spending' a short time at the Clark cottage. Sea side. - Miss Manie Cronln is attondlng the As toria regatta, the guest of Miss Anna Magee. 1 Edgar E. 'Courscn and family have returned from a month's vacation at Trask. Miss Marie Horgan, who is the dramatic contralto with the Wilton Lackayo Com pany, is a niece of Mrs. Helon N. Pack- and Clark Exposition. Mr. Barnes is connected with the Montana Power Com pany. Mrs. J. L. Quackenbush. from Belling ham, is staying at 257 Eleventh street, near Jefferson street. Robert McBrldo has returned to his home In Portland aftcr an absence of two years in England. Mrs. E. H. Hastam left MoiHsy for an extended visit with friends in San Fran cisco and' Los Angeles. Mrs. Edward R. Root and Miss Madge Falrman start Monday for an extended trip to Victoria and Seattle. Mrs. B. F. Dane, of BoerneTTex.. Is vis iting her son. Major H. F. Kendall, T S. A., on Willamette Heights. George A. Dyson and" family, of Eu gene, are spending the week here with relative!! and visiting the Fair. Miss Edna McGinn and mother, of Pendleton, are visiting- Mrs. O. C Lett er and other friends in the city. Mrs. H. J. Kleeman and Mrs. D. T. Mc Cartney have been spending the week at the Astoria regatta and at Seaside. Mrs. Emma Dorrls Thompson, of Eu gene, Is the guest of her sister. Mrs. J. E. Bronaugh, Willamette Heights. Mrs. R. Mendelsson. accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. L. Schuman. late of Daw son City, is at Byron Hot Springs. Mrs. Phil Lewis and daughter, of Ta coma, Wash., are visiting S. May and family at 1S6 North Seventeenth street John W. HoBler, of Omaha, Neb., ar- J rived in Portland Saturday evening, hav ing speni idc i as i wcck in leuowsiono Park. Mrs. E. J. Oliver, of J37 Tenth street, returned on Thursday from a month's trip to New York City and other Eastern points. Miss Rose Harris, of San Francisco, is visiting her sisters, Mrs. S. L. Stono DAUGHTER OF A GITTED PAMILY LECTURES AT THE TAIK. -Miss Lloy Galpln, whom many Portland people have already met, and who lectures dally at the California State building, on Southern California, is the daughter of Kate Tupper Galpln, well known In this city. Mrs. Gal pln. graduated from the Portland High School, and has many friends here. Miss Galpln has an Interesting record. She is a graduate of the Los An geles State Normal School and of the University of Missouri. When the Government call was Issued for American teachers in the Philippines, Miss Galpln went to Manila, where she taught for a year and a half In the Manila Normal School. For the last two years since her return she has been the teacher of history In the Los Angeles High School, which has 1600 pupils. Miss Galpln was preparing to go to Europe for the Summer with her parents,, who are now there, when she was asked to come to Portland and lecture at the Exposition. The Galpln family is an Interesting one. Miss Galpin's father, Cromwell Galpln. has been a contributor to St. Nicholas, the Youth's Companion and other Juvenile papers. Mrs. Galpin Is one of the leading literary women of California, and Is known abroad as an authority on Shakespearean literature. During the Winter she lectures to classes on Shakespeare, frequently having as many as 300 women In attendance upon her courses during the season. Mrs. Galpin was a delegate to the World's Congresn at Chicago, and made five addresses there. ' She Is a cousin of Kate Douglas Wiggin, and a sister of that brilllint woman. Mila T. Maynard, chief editorial writer of the Rocky Mountain News. The home life of the Galplns is very attractive, and their hospitality is known to many travelers who "visit Los Angeles. and Mrs. B. I:" Stone, at 3 North Ninth street. Mrs. George L. Walker, of Alameda, Cal., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.-W. Wakefield, at the Hobart Curtls. "Mrs. Leopold Rosenthal and daughter, Carolyn, left for their home-in Spokane this week, after spending ihe'Summer In Portland. Mrs. C P. Cooley, of Palo Alto, Is vis iting her aunt. Mrs. T. J. Maupln, 421 Tillamook street. She will return to California September S. Mrs. Rozel M. Wilbur has returned from her visit at Seavlew and is at her former residence. 275 Sixteenth street, corner of Montgomery. M. F. Coberth, wife and son Thomas, of Tygh Valley, Or., are visiting In this city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. DeWert. 347 College street. Mrs. 'W. G. Dillingham and Miss Dillingham, from-Bangor; Me., are vis iting' fon the Summer with Mrs. J. K. Gill. 64 North Twentieth street. Mrs. S. W. Pope, of San Francisco, formerly Miss Helga Bergendahl, of this city, is visiting at'tho home ofher sister, Mrs. F. G. McDonald, 234 Marti 1 la street. Mrs. W. N. Gatcns of Salem la visiting friends and relatives hero, having- come to Portland to attend the reception of Governor and Mrs. Chamberlain, given a week ago. , Rev. E. P. Bailey and family have re turned to The Dalles after spending a week with Mrs. A- C. Bailey. Mrs. Byra Smith, of Spokane, visited Ella Bailey last week. Miss A. L. Cress, who has been spending- the Summer In Portland, left last week for the East. She will sail from New York in October to remain a few years abroad. Mrs. May B. Evans, supervisor of drawing in the Portland public schools, has gone to Boise to attend the Normal Institute which Is to be held In that city for the week beginning tomorrow. Mrs. G. P.'Mulcahy and daughters, of Spokane,- Wash., and Mrs. C. II. Fox and daughter, of Portland, Or., have re turned from a trip to Long Beach, Wash, where they have been the guests of Mrs. L. Zimmerman for the past ten days. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. HIckson, formerly of Sherman County, but now of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Huntington, of The Dalles, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hosford this week, at their home on Ninth and Tillamook streets. Mrs. Alice Weisr, of this city, will start early this week on a trip to Europe, which will extend over several months. She will meet a member of her party in London, and from thero go to Spain, where she will Join the others. A sketching tour -will be made through picturesque mountainous regions of Europe. Mrs. Rockwood and Miss Rockwood, of New York, and Miss Prince, of Bethle hem. Pa., have been visiting at the homo of Mrs. A. H. Breyman. on their return from ah Alaska (trip. They left yester day morning for the East, going by way of Yellowstone Park. Miss Rockwood and Miss Prince are college friends of MUs Breyman. Ex-Judge A. J. Dlttenhocfer, of New York City, Is registered at the Port land. Judge Dlttenhocfer was for many years an active leader of the Republican party In the metropolis. He Is accom panied by three daughters, the trip to the Coast being made chiefly to visit a mar ried daughter, who resides in the city, and Incidentally view the Exposition. , Judge and Mrs. Byron S. Amble of Ohio, accompanied by their daughter. Miss Laura Ambler, are guests of the Hotel Portland. The Judge was formerly a Judge of the Court of First Instance In Manila, where he and his charming wife woro very prominent in the social life of the Islands. They are touring the West, and will return to Washington, D. C, for the Winter. Miss Edythe Clarke, of this city, who has been a great deal before the Portland public as a coloratura soprano singer, and who has studied three consecutive years In New York under SIgnor Pizzar rello. sailed last Wednesday on the Deutschland forDresden, Germany, where she will further pursue her musical edu cation. Before returning she will visit London, Paris and oiher points of inter est. Miss Clarke is accompanied by hor mother. Mrs. James Clarke. Mrs. William H. Long, of Chicago, ac companied by her daughter. Miss Ethel Long, has arrived in Portland for a stay of some weeks to see the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bury Irwin Dasent, of South Sixth street. Mra Long is the wife of W. II. Long, a noted member of the Chicago Board of Trade, who, because of his hand ling of the "corner" In corn In conjunc tlon with John W. Gates and other cap italists, is known in the Eastern markets as "the Corn King." At tlic Women's Union. Miss Clara Halfcrty left yesterday for her home at Warrenton. The Misses Lillian and CJnra Buckner. of Eugene, were here a short time this week, visiting Miss Clevenger. Miss Harriet McCauley. of Kokomo.- Ind.. was here for four days this week, enroute from San Francisco to Seattle. Mrs. M. Wheeler, of Cottage Grove, ac companied by her daughter. Miss Chris tie, has been here this week on a visit to Miss Althea Wheeler. Modern Languages. Conversation, prepares students for col lege and post-graduate courses. Diction for singers. Pupils requested to secure hours at once. lime. Bauer, 12S North Nineteenth street. Tel. Main 251S. Edgar E. Courscn. Teacher of piano, violin and pipe organ, has resumed work. New pupils can ar range for lessons at residence, 658 Love Joy. Phone, Main S1C8. Miss Edith Kelly, formerly of Chicago. III., teacher of piano and harmony, has decided to locate In this city. Miss Kelly was a pupil of William H. Sherwood and Leopold Godowsky; also of Victor Helnzc. who is an exponent of the Leschetlzky method. Address all communications In care of Graves Music Company. . How Church Bells Arc 3Iadc. Philadelphia Bulletin. "No silver is used in church bells," said the bellfounder. 'People claim there Is. but I have assayed many an THE WOMAN'S STORE SILVERFIELD'S FOURTH AND MORRISON Our Fine Furs New and Exclusive Conceptions in Furs, the LiKe of Which Cannot Be Surpassed Our splendid showing in Furs is the largest and most complete in our history. Originality in style; perfection in manufacture, together with the "Silverfleld" quality makes buying a pleasure, and profitable, "too, when you note our reasonable prices. Our New Fall Hats Madame Brooke, who has been so eminently successful in placing our Millinery Department in its present envied position, has just returned from the Eastern fashion centers, where she gathered with a lavish hand the finest assortment of fashionable hats evSr brought out to adorn the heads of Portland's fairest ladies. We extend a cordial invitation to all to view, the new styles for the Pall season of 1905. Children's Undermuslins One-Third Off Gowns, Drawers, Mfsses Oomt Covers, Short and Long Skirts of an excellent grade of muslin, beautifully made and finished with lace and embroidery. All children's undermuslins on sale at ONE-THIRD OPP Lace Collars, Special, 25c Each In our Pourth-street window we are showing a splendid assortment of Lace and Embroidered Neckwear in all the latest style effects. This is by far the finest assortment we have ever shown; at the spec, price of 25 75c, $1 Belts 33c We offer you your choice of a splendid line of Silk and Leather Belts in desirable colorings, a fine as sortment of buckles; regular 75c and $1.00 Belts on sale at 33 60c Lisle Hose 43c Our finest 60c Lisle Hosiery in black and tan colors, full fashioned throughout; a splendid value at 60c. on sale at ; 43 j Closed All Day Monday . Labor Day TUESDAY WE WILL SHOW THE PINEST LINES OP PALL AND WINTER IMPORTATIONS EVER SHOWN IN THE CITY. HAND SOME 00 ATS, SUITS, JACKETS, WAISTS, SKIRTS AND PETTICOATS. - . French Imported Dress Goods We buy stylish Dress Goods. All of these woven beauties are strictly confined to us for Portland. Nothing glaring, nothing pronounced, but rich suggestions of color and tone such as any woman of refined taste would admire. We are noted for carrying the finest and richest and best wearing materials ever shown in the Northwest. You can place that to our credit without fear of contradiction. Corner Third and Morrison Streets , . - WANTED Two bright, experienced girls .for wrapping goods. 1 old bell that came here to be broken ! up anj never an ounce of 8llver did I And in one of them. For the best bells rce use old cannon. They give us the purest amalgam we can fret. The tenor bell I am maklnc now is composed of 12 tons of old cannon from Spain. These j two molds, the core and the cope, are ; what rfive the bell its sweetness. It is j jn ineir cul mat tno necret of bell founding lies. The core 13 the inner mold; It has the exact shape of the bell's Inside. The cope, or outer mold, has the exact shape of the bell's out side. We fit the cope over the core, and Into the space between the molten metal is run. When the metal has hard ened and cooled the bell is finished save for its clapper. To tune bells it Is nec essary to chip little pieces out of them. Our bell tuner Is a good musician. He has composed a number of hymns." ESTABLISHED IS70. Q. P. RUMMELIN & SONS FURRIERS No. 126 Second Street, bet. Washington and Alder Streets We arc showing a complete assortment of FUR COATS In Alaska Sealskin, Perslaa Lamb, Otter, Artrachaa, Etc. NECKPIECES AND MUFFS In All the Popular Fan. We have a large stock af Mevated . Rugs in Tiger, LeepersI, Polar Beer, Block Seer, Etc Inhabitants of the rural districts of France mny now obtain from the post men on their rounds postal orders, etc, and may band them money for deposit in the savings banka, thus avoiding: the trouble of going to the nearest postofflce for these purposes. According- to the Parliamentary return on the assessment and payment of income tax. Just issued, there were in 1S03 only 20 persons in Qreat Britain who were in receipt of Incomes exceeding- $200,000 a year. 4V With Electric Light Electric Double Boiler Where ELECTRICITY la used in the home for UGHTrXG, there are numerous little convenient appliances which may be attached to any lighting- circuit or fixture, and which more than double the -value of the service to the family. With an ELECTRIC BOILER you can boll water orvheat food and be Independent of tho kitchen range any time of the day or night. The cost of operation is trifling-. REDUCED RATE FOR CURRENT OJf METER BASIS.' CALL UP PHONE EXCHANGE 13 (We Send Representative) Portland General Electric Co. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS