THE SUNDAY OREGON" IAN. PORTLAND. SEPTEMBER 3, 1905. 22 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. "WANTED MILL, CAMP OR IGINO camp, cooking by husband and wife; hae had yeans of experience; JVl. references. Call at room No. 6. 132 Union ave. Phone Scott 145L MAX AND WIFE-CAMP OB RANCH: WOM an good cook and housekeeper. T 93. Ore gonlan. CURSING BY THE DAT OR "WEEK. AD dress G 100, Oreronlan. WOMAN WISHES WORK BY THE DAT. 805 Russell at. LADY COPYIST DESIRES POSITION. T 74. Oregonlan. - WANTED AGENTS. WE WANT GOOD. RELIABLE MEN TO handle our stereoscopic views in every county In Washington; stereograph from every oountry In the -world and of every Important event; our men make big money handling these wonderful goods." exclusUe territory and liberal terms. Call on Voter wood & Underwood. Herbert Angell, J03 Chamber of Commerce. ,WE WANT SELLING AGENTS TO SELL the most satisfactory tailored made-to-measure men's clothe?; a large, complete outfit furnished free; easiest to sell from and very profitable; exclusive territory glx-en; bept ad vertising matter In large quantities fur nished. Write today for our list. Address lock box 287, Chicago, I1L WANTED AGENTS AND SIDE-LINE MEN make up to $20 a day selling direct to mer chants our stereoscopes and colored views called 'Trips Around the World": fells on . eight; merchants make from 100 to 300 per cent profit; $5 commission on even" order. Write today. A-30, care Lord & Thomas, Chicago. "SALESMEN WANTED: NEW PROPOSI tlon: commission and premium: cutflt fret; rood territory open; cash ad'anced on orders each week: wrlto quick and send reference with application. Address Washington Nurs ery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. JW ANTED SPECIAL AGENT WRITE LIFE, health, accident policies; appoint agents; $75 weekly and expenses easily made; unique proposition; experience unnecessary. Write Oscar Ekman, 1700 Summit ave., Se attle, Wash. IA.GENTS WANTED TO SELL NURSERY stock In the Northwest; write today for choice territory: glve reference; outfit free; commission advanced weekly. Address F. W. Power". 611 East Couch M... Portland, Or. LIVE, HUSTLING AGENTS. MEN. WO men and boys, to handle our publication. Liberal commissions. Write for Special Premium Offer to agents. Myerson's American Family Magazine, St. Louis. LADY AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS FOR fiahlln "perfect form and corset combined ; $25 a week easily made; outfit prepaid. Write for cataloguo and terms. Women'u App"Mj -SuPJy Co., Chicago. )t$llS2, lad: ilig new cellul Wjty not you? HAN CLEARED ADY $020 LAST six monthe selll celluloid waterproof shoe djwlng. ample free, at., Chicago. Demonstrated D. Benton & Co., 200 Clark 60 PER CENT SELLING POPULAR BOOK. "Dollarf Want Me." the new road to -wealth, by noted editor; 10c: agents wanted. Address "Publishers." 145 Stelner st., San Francisco. $5 A DAY SURE PORTRAITS 30 CENTS, frames 12 cents; cheapest house on earth. Wholesale catalogue free. Agents wanted. Frank W. Williams & Co., 1210 Taylor at.. Chicago. 'AGENTS-MAKE $3 TO $10 A DAT FITTING glasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye book tells how; write today. Jacksonlan Optical College, College place. Jackeoa. Michigan. STICKER CALENDARS, STRIKING DE slgns. attractive colors, send for catalogue of samples and prices. Dept. B, St. Louis Sticker Co., St. Louis. Mo. SOLICITOR. CAPABLE TAKING CHARGE agencies for large bond & real estate corpora tion. Index. 007 Kohl bldg.. San Francisco. WANTED ENERGETIC BRANCH OFFICE manager. Handle soap agents. $150 monthly. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. SCHEMES FOR HUSTLERS FREE: HARRY Hustler Hill, 120 Sutter San Franclsoo, CaU WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO V. lr advantage to list their vacant houses or flats with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has become a recognized lnntltutlon In Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed In suitable quarters. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service by calling at our rental department, filling In our informa- - tion blank; leave the rest to us; we will secure a desirable tenant; we want hounts In all parts of city and suburbs; If you have a vacant house, flat or apartment, phone the particular. W won't allow It to remain long Idle. H. B EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHER. Rental Department, 185 to 191 1st fit. WANTED-ON FRONT OR FIRST Wanted Piece of property on Front or 1st sts., south of Washington; will pay spot , cash for Improved property. TAFT & CO.. 122-3-5-0 Ablngton Block. 3VANTED-2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSE heeplng rooms. In walking distance from Oregonlan bldg.; bath, gas and phone; must be reasonable; no "Fair prices"; responsible parties and permanent. Addrees T SI. Ore gonlan. WANTED 5 TO 7-ROOM HOUSE. FLAT OR cottage, by October 1, unfurnished pre ferred; permanent tenants; good references. State rent. E 90. Oregonlan. BOOM WANTED BY THOROUGHLY EDU catcd musician In exchange for piano les sons. Highest references given and re quired. B 06. Orogonlan. SIX TO NINE-ROOM HOUSE, WALKING distance Atkinson and High Schools; Sep tember 15: permanent. Addresa W. T. Jphnston, Bolte, Idaho. 0 OR 4 ROOMS OR COTTAGE WITH grounds; modern; between Stark and Alder. 14th and 5th sts.; cheap rent for good tenant. P 8. Oregonlan. RANTED A 5 OR 0-ROOM FURNISHED cottage; must be centrally located and rea sonable. Address, stating rent, w care Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT BY A SINGLE MAN. two large unfurnished rooms In a house mat is oyyneu vy tne man wao urea in ju x l, uregoman. RESPONSIBLE PARTY DESIRES 3 OR 4 modern housekeeping rooms or furnished flat; permanent; reasonable. Address v 07. Oregonlan. PERMANENT RELIABLE TENANT RE quires neat, modern cottage with bath and yardj central er boutn Portland. Oregonlan. BOARD AND ROOM CLOSE IN, MODERN; prefer private family or select mixed crowd; $25 month; permanent; gentleman. R 08, Oregonlan. WANTED I WANT TO RENT A FURNISH- d modern house of from 7 to 0 rooms, on the West Side. Lionel R. Webster. Telephone Main SC2. EMALL HOUSE OR HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Uy middle-aged couple; Heights preforred modem conveniences. Y 86, Oregonlan. WANTED ROOM AND ABOARD; PRIVATE family; couple with baby 2 years; must be reasonable; permanent. A 89, Oregonlan, WANTED 5 TO 6-ROOM UNFURNISHED esttage. modern. West Side preferred; elate price and location, li a. Oregonlan. WANTED A MODERN UNFURNISHED 6 or 7-room house; permanent tenant; West Side. Address V 73. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT FOR TERM OF TEARS house located west of 10th sL and north of Washington. Q 03, Oregonlan. WANTED MODERN FURNISHED OR re furnished" house. 1 year or longer. Ad dross T 3, Oregonlan. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, by three adults; state rent wanted. O 92. Oregonlan. WOULD LIKE TO RENT SMALL HOUSE In neighborhood of 12th and GUsan. W J, Oregonlan. WANTED 5 OR 6-ROOM FLAT OR COT tage furnished; permanent tenant. Post office box 70. ROOM FOR MAN AND WIFE WITH BOARD for wife, for $10 per week; close in. A 1, Oregonlan. 1 LARGE OR 2 MEDIUM-SIZED MODERN housekeeping rooms; state price. X 2. Ore gonlan. WANTED A 5 OR 6-ROOM FURNISHED house; close in. J 85, Oregonlan. WANTED SMALL FURNISHED FLAT FOR the Winter. Phone Main ISO. WANTEDTO XEXI. WANTED TO RENT. MODERN FURNIBH ed -house or flat, between Washington and Kearney. 17th and 23th. "by family of 2 adults; best references. C 100, Oregonlan. WANTED 2 OR 3 COMFORTABLE, SUNNY furnished rooms for light housekeeping by young, neat couple; permanent; central lo cation; reasonable. H 9S, Oregonlan. WANTED. PERMANENTLY. TWO UNFUR nished housekeeping rooms near Medical College. Apply to O. Babcock, Dental Col lege. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. READY SALE OF NEWSPAPER AND magazine articles. New writer Instructed and developed. Address The Consolidated Press Association. 1311 E st-, N. W.. Wash ington. D. C. WANTED TO LEASE GOOD DAIRT FARM. 20 to 1C0 acres, well located, within 25 miles of Portland, for 3 to 5 years. Apply 211 Commercial block. 2d and Washington. WANTED ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 OR 12 rooms, bet. Washington. Jefferson, 6th ana 14th; must be undoubted bargain. Address, riving location and price. T 94, Oregonlan. WANTED HOME FOR REFINED GIRL OF 13, near Parle School, where she can use piano, assist with light housework to part ly pay board. Main 5477. WANTED A COVERED OR TOP SPRING wagon; send length, width and full descrip tion: price, to P. O. Box 11, Woodlawp Station. WANTED BY SCHOOL DISTRICT. NO. 37. $1500 for 2 years; Interest 6 per cent. For particulars address School Clerk. LInnton, Or. WANTED TO BORROW $2000; SECURITY, furnishings and long lease of 70-room ho tel; best location In city. C 87, Oregonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHLNO and hoes; highest price paid. Call at th 'Fair Deal," 02 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED fOCOO ON EAST SIDE RESI dence property; cost $14,000; C per cent; no agent. Address B 82, care Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY WANTS MANDOLIN LES ns from student teacher; must be reason able. Address J SB. care Oregonlan. DOGS BOARDED. ALL BREEDS FOR SALE, $1 up. Kennels, 630 Washington eU Phone Main 3273. WANTED TO CONTRACT hauling; big money In this. Yamhill st. FOR WOOD Apply to 240 WANTED A SMALL BLACK dog. young. 530 E. Lincoln st. wood car. AND TAN Take Sell- WANTED LOCATION email drugstore In a Oregonlan. FOR OR BUY A Valley town. S 95. WANTED RIDING BRIDLE. LADY'S SAD die and skirt, cheap. 304 Columbia. Main 2219. WANTED LOAN OF $800 ON CHOICE SUB urban property; value $1800. X 99, Orego nlan. DUCK LAKE; MUST BE REASONABLE; state price and location. R 07, Oregonlan. WANTED SECOND-HAND SAFE; INSIDE dlmnrlens abut 20x18x18. T S3, Oregonlan. A PARTY WISHES TO BUY A DIAMOND of about a carat; cheap. E 100, Oregonlan. WANTED 3 TICKETS TO CHICAGO; HALF fare; 2 boys and 1 girl. N 84, Oregonlan. TV ANTED TWO R. R. TICKETS TO ST. Lou la; man and woman. X OS, Oregonlan. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. 5 TEARS experience, dealrea position. N 00. Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- tie of all kinds. Phone East 223S. WANTED TO TAKE DOCTOR'S PRACTICE for ehort time. C 99. Oregonlan. OLD LADY WANTS TICKET TO CHICAGO Immediately. C 98, Oregonlan. WE PAT $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 165-191 1st st. WANTED MAN'S TICKET TO CHICAGO; tall, elderly. Phone East 401. WANTED GOOD. LARGE. FLAT-TOP OF- flce desk. W 97, Oregonlan. FURNITURE FOR 5-ROOM FLAT. IMME- dlateiy. u 91. Oregonlan. FOB RENT. Koomi. 205 1ITH ST. COMFORTABLE FURNISH- ed front room, with gas, hot and cold water, phone, centrally located; suitable for gentleman; for rent permanently. TWO LARGE AND ONE SMALL FURNISH- ed rooms for rent by month, week or day; reasonable; private home. 07 N. 20th st. Phone Main 450X 807 WE1DLER ST. NlCELT FURNISHED front room, private home; new, modem, near care; $8 pef month; gas, bath and phone Scott K03t. A WELL-FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family; rice neighborhood; gas, phone and bath; rent reasonable; gentleman preferred. 427 2d st. - 215 11TH LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED room with fireplace. In private home, will be vacant on the 3th; far one or two men. 603 6TH CLEAN. FURNISHED COMPLETE; bath, gas, phone Main 1432; mitable 2 adults. Call Monday; no objection to housekeeping. 302 SALMON ST., COR. 10TH, WHERE you can And clean rooms; reasonable to permanent roomers. Phone Main S061. LARGE. PLEASANT UNFURNISHED CON nected rooms, with closet; thoroughly mod em; running water, etc. 0824 Levejoy. 190 13TH. NEAR TAYLOR NEATLY FUR- nlshed room, bath. gas. phone; modern; permanent and reasonable prices. NICE LARGE ROOM. NEW FURNITURE, new houre; gas. bath, phone; home com forts; walking distance. 190, lixylith I ED R( CLEAN. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. IN prl-ate family; modem; transient w perma nent; reasonable. 290 4th rl. $7 FURNISHED ROOM. EASY WALKING distance; phone, bath, good neighborhood. 410 4th. West 944. FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO. $S per month; for one, $0. 374 E. Mar kot, cor. Union ave. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. SUITA ble for one or two persons; fine location. 310 Columbia st. TWO CLEAN ROOMS. UNFURNISHED, $S per month, or furnished, $12; bath. 534 Columbia st. VERY CENTRAL. PLEASANT. NICELY furnished rooms; reasonable. 430 Yamhill, near 12th. 1 NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY FRONT ROOM very reasonable; private family. 72 East 7th st. N. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOM. SU1T abie for one or two working men. No. 470 Burnslde st. A NICE SUITE OF ROOMS WITH BATH, accommodating four; rent $18 per month. 534 Columbia. VERY COMFORTABLE. WELL FURNISHED room, use of bath and phone; close in. 331 14th st. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; very reasonable. 430 Aldor street. NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board, in private family. S40 Col lege st. "FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. MODERN conveniences, with family of two. 563 Hoyt street. NICELT FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT In private family at 320 Larrabee st. Take S car. NEWLT FURNISHED ROOMS: GAS. BATH and heat free. 389 3d st. Phone Main 5549. FURNISHED ROOMS. REASONABLE RATES. 129 Grand ave., near E. Morrison. Scott 1452. 1 NICE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR rent, reasonable; wth bath. 22S 11th st. S. The Oilman Cheapest and best located rooms in Portland: si per week up. lit and Alder. ONE OR TWO NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS with bath. C27 E. Morrison St., cor. 16th. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR 2 ladles or gentlemen. Phone East 3S35. ROOMS FOR TRANSIENTS RATES TO parties; phone and bath. 304 Taylor st. ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAMILY; 50C PER nignt. oi xioyi et., cor. join st. SWO IX1CELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. in nnvat nome. i'nont ts isw FOR RENT. Rooms. UNITED STATES HOTEL. Fronting on three streets, 6th, Ankeny and Burnslde; roost central location In ths city; cool, comfortable, clean quarters at econom ical price; rooms. 50c. 75c and $1 per day. All rooms have ouulde windows acd front cn street. Flfth-st. cars at depot to within one block of hotel. NEW LANCE HOTEL. EUROPEAN PLAN, cor. Cth and Washington; rates,' 75c. $1 and 51.50 per day; electric lights, bells and ele vator; free bus to and from all trains; baths free; elegant cafe In connection. F. Lange. proprietor. Sam Bauman. manager, formerly of Umaha and St. Louis. THE AUDITORIUM. 203 3D. BET. TAYLOR and Salmon. 1 block south Baker Theater Elegant, newly famished brick building, hot and cold running water la rooms, free baths, rooms with private bath, electric light, ele vator; lco mi suitable for two. $1 day. $4 week up; tourists solicited. JUST WHAT TOU ARE LOOKING FOR Large. beautiful outside rooms, elegantly furaUhed; will accommodate parties of 3 or 4 persons, at 50 cents apiece: hot baths free. Call at the Cozy. 133 and 195 7th at., one Mock from the Portland Hotel and two blocks from Pout office. LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH CLOSET, bath. gas. phone and heat; suitable for two; gentlemen preferred; transient. $1 a day; permanent roomers. $15 per month. 328 Marshall rt., near 16ta-st. car line. Phone Main 3514. THE GARLAND. .C21 Washington iU. between 10th and 20th; new. modern, all ouulde roosts; electric KrVitu rtinn, fra Hxthir SOt 7&C $1 Per day: restaurant In bulldlnr. Take "Jl" car at depot. Phone Red 61. 212 7TH ST.. COR. SALMON NICE LARGE airy rooms, beautiful trees, only 2 blocks from Portland Hotel. Postofflce and the aters; tourist trade solicited; prices reason able. Phone Main 2239 FOR RENT - UNFURNISHED ALCOVE room, with the use of kitchen: suitable for two; $4 month; on car line; bath and home privileges. Inquire 646 East 20th st. FINELT FURNISHED ROOMS IN STRICTLY modern home; every convenience; $4 per I wrrjt jot two. iiki any x-i. w w t--Vaughn, cor. 22d, or phone Main 6109. THE HAMANN. Quiet, newly furnished rooms. 1 block from car line; reasonable; special rate for parties. 15 N. ISth st. Phon Main 1400. TWO ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAMILY. CON neotlng or separate, reasonable to permanent parties; references; gas, bath, phone; walk ing distance. 327 7th at. 194 LOWNSDALE LARGE FRONT ROOM, nicely furnished, suitable for two gentle men; all modern conveniences; rent rea ronable Main 4831. FREE TRAVELING MAN'S WIFE WILL give nice room free to respectable girl or woman who Is not obliged to be out nights. 447 E. Davis st. LADIES CAN FIND NICE ROOMS. ONE OR more beds, reasonable; snort walk, teUet neighborhood, over Steel bridge. 328 Ross st. YOUNG MAN 29 TEARS OLD DESIRES a congenial gentleman roommate; room reasonable; good location. L 09, Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN NEW house, near Fair grounds, 2 blocks west of Trail. 1009 Vaughn st. Phone Main SS32. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT able for one or two ladles; private family; reasonable. 14 East 11th ert. North. LARGE DOUBLE FURNISHED ROOM FOR four; One for students; very reasonable; good location. Call at 3S7? 4th st. , WILL RENT CHEERFUL ROOM TO LADY only. $6 per month: use of kitchen, phone and parlor; private home. 472 7th. WALKING DISTANCE. ROOMS. NICELT furnished, $S up month; bath, phone; per manent. 292 10th, near Jefferson. JOIH 13TH, COR. TAYLOR LARGE FRONT roomp; bath; reasonable; no transient. Phone Pacific 140. References. NICE. LARGE FRONT ROOM. $1.50 PER week for one. or $2.50 for two. 4SS East Market st. Phone East 3231. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, FINE LOCATION: convenient to theatem and business. 181 14 th M. Phone Main 2615. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED front room; hot and cold water; first floor; L&c per day. 800 Holladay. PRIVATE FAMILT, LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gas, phone; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent. 305 12th ct. TWO ROOM3 IN A PRIVATE HOVH. BATH, gaa and phone. 432 Jefferson, between 11th and 12th. Phone Un 4733. THE ALDER. 4S5 ALDER NICELT FUR nUbed rooms, convenient and quiet; bath, free phone; reasonable rates. SAVE CAR FARE. Room at the Earl; use of bath; gentlemen preferred. 201 M 3d st. NICE FURNISHED ROOM3, BAY WINDOWS 1.50 per week; one block car, 10 sUnutea ride. ISO East 34th sc PLXASA NT ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS BOARD, phone, bath, private family, gentlemen; $13 a month. 525 Clay st. 435 MAIN ST. COR. 12TH NICELY FUR nlt&fd rooms; rates reasonable; nice loca tion; all conveniences. 411 EAST PINE. NEAR GRAND AVE. Small neatly furnWhed front room. $5 a month; gas and bath. UNFURNISHED ROOM. EAST SIDE; small family; phone and bath; $1.50 per month. East 3S47. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL MOD em conveniences. Flats B and C, 551 Wash ington. Main 5296. A LARGE. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOM: modem convenience; dose In; permanent preferred. itn. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS: PRIVATE family; 3V4 Mocks south Hotel Portland. 248 otti ct.. near -Main. CLEAN ROOMS FOR TRANSIENTS IN PRI vale family: breakfast If desired; reason able. 325 12th st. NEATLY FURNISHED SLEEPING AND housekeeping rooms, close in; bath. 66 10th. nar Stark. NEAT SINGLE ROOM IN PRIVATE FAM Uy; suitable for gentleman;' $7 per month. 1W NY 12ih st. , FOR RENT A COMFORTABLY FURNISHED room; gae, bath, phone, use of parlor; $15. 353 Lincoln St. 25SH ISTH ST. FINELY FURNISHED rooms; private family; house new; modern conveniences. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS AT ROSE Cottage. Ave blocks from the Portland. 453 Morrison st. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM: ALL conveniences; suitable for 2. 190 N. 23d it. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR TRAN- slents; rates very reasonable. 408 10th at. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED SINGLE rooms, $3 to $5 per month. 187 Mill st. 2S6 CLAY FURNISHED ROOMS' $2 AND Vw weex; Dam ana pnone tree. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. UP- ttairs. raone Main aotc FURNISHED ROOMS BT DAT OR WEEK. zt3 sa at., near aiarket. FOR , RENT 3 UNFURNISHED BASEMENT rooms. 326 Park sL FOR RENT NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS. ZOQi jenerson K. Rooms With Board THE WOODLAND. 265 6TH IN BEAUTI ful grounds. 4 blocks from Hotel Portland: has large, well-furnished rooms; rates by WffK or raonin; permanent; meals If Us tired. Phone Mais 5250. Rates reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR rooms with board; use of sewing-room: sm of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. BupU 310 Flanders. THE MANITOU," 261 13TH ST. LABO E. beautiful rooms or suites, steam heat, fine baths, abundant -hot water, excellent meals, well served; permanent trade solicited. ROOMS WITH BOARD FOR TWO YOUNG Iadlec who are employed during day; one who plays piano preferred: reasonable to right rartles. Phone Bast 3774. ROOM AND BOARD. WITH PRIVATE FAM 11). sear three car lints; excellent services; use of bath, piano; reasonable to right party. Phone East 2314. THE HARTMAN. 420 ALDER AND 7 W. Park Rooms with good board. $25' to $30 per month; rooms, 50c and $1 per night;, transients. v NICE ROOMS WITH GOOD BOARD. PRI rate family, reasonable for steady working bath, phone, close in. 173 E. 7th-TasiMlI. TOR KENT. WANTED 2 OCCUPYING SAME ROOM, modern conveniences: good board; swell home. $20 month; cheaper without lunch; would like teachers or man and wife. Phone East 2510. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. CORVALLIS. OR. Clean cooking and beds; rooms well ven tilated; splendid service: centrally located. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD, suitable tor three students; all modern conveniences. 701 Flanders st. THE TOURA1NE" PRIVATE BOARD ING bouse. elegantly furnished rooms, next door x. 1S3 71 tlfJE FI PRIVATE FAMILY, LATfSE FRONT ROOMS. rata, gaa. phone: reasosaoie; jrntr Tiuwn or permanent. s J2tn st. WANTED A PERMANENT COUPLE IN swell residence. Wst Side, north of Morri son st. L 90, Oregonlan. LOVELY ROOMS WITH GOOD TABLE board; would like 2 or 3 gentlemen; bouse modem. 20 S 11th at. . i THE HAWTHORNE, 221 13TH ROOMS with board; good home coo icing; xtasosasie; central; on car line. PAYING QUESTS RECEIVED MODERN private home; permanent or transients. 120 ISth, comer Gllsan. NICELT FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR without board: private family. 272 Halt. Phone Main 4264. VERT PLEASANT ROOMS: BOARD; NEAR Fair and street car. C57 Pettygrove st., near 2Ut st. BLAKELT HALL. 270 6TH ST. PLEAS ant room with first-class board; front room, fine location. PERMANE NT ROOMERS AND BOARDERS wanted: gentlemen preferred. 295 10th U Main 3S62. FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE, WITH breakfast. 75c; double, $1.50. 873 E. Couch. TWO NICE ROOMS WITH BOARD; PRI vate family; gaa, bath and phone. 506 Mill st. THE OZARK. 223 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or sKgla, board; hot and cold water. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH FIRST clans board at reasonable ratta. 343 10th st. ROOM AND GOOD BOARD CAN B5 HAD at 474 Columbia, st.; no other boarders. ROOMS AND BOARD. INCLUDING WASH Ing. $4.50 per week. 873 E. Couch. ROOM AND BOARD, 634 MYRTLE ST.. Portland Heights. Phone Main 3960. ROOM AND BOARD AT 153 13TH ST. ruts. ALL OR PART OF FURNITURE 6-ROOM flat for tle; three large bay-windows; mod em; close In. Phone Main 3251. 34H N. 16th. FLAT MODERN 5-ROOM FLATS. IN- cludlng combination steel range. Halsey st, near Larrabee. Inquire 283 Larrabee. NEWLT RENOVATED FURNISHED FLAT. 5 rooms; alto 10-room house, modem and convenient. Inquire 561 Irving st. THREE-ROOM MODERN FLAT. UNFUR nlshed; sewly renovated. Inquire Flat D. 225 Market. Phone Main 516. MODERN S-ROOM FLAT. COMPLETELY furnished: centraly located. Inquire 163 West Park st., near Morrison. 324 7TH ST.. NEAR CLAT FINE NEW CaL $40. Donald 0. Woodward, agent, 213 Stark st. Phone Main 345. FOR RENT FRESHLT KALSOMINED 5-room upper flat with gas. 533 tj Mont gomery st.. $22.50. UNFURNISHED UPPER FLAT. 6 ROOMS; bath, gas, fuel stub, renovated. Harrington. C8H lt, near oaic ELEGANT MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. VERT central, rent rearosable. Call M. S. Rent- cry. Sherlock bldx. FOR RENT A 4-ROOM FLAT; GOOD Lo cation. Call at Pallay's tailor shop. 170 Vj Second. FOR RENT FURNISHED FLAT OF SIX rooms, close In; modem. Main 4292 after Sunday. MODERN 5-ROOM LOWER FLAT, NO. S3 et Park; rent $35. Inquire No. S3. MODERN 8-ROOM FLAT. 275H 14TH ST., comer Jenerson. pnone Main FOR RENT UNFURNISHED 7-ROOM FLAT will tint to suit. 135 N. 18th st. NEW MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT. S3SH 13TH st. Call at 455 Market sU Housekeeping Rooms. TWO DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Cose In, East Side; rent reasonable. Phone East 1S07, or call 349, East Burn HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. FUR nUhed, untarnished; beautiful location. DIekson. University Park. Phone Scott 1296. 2 OR 3 LARGE. LIGHT FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: pantry, closets, bath, phone; nice neighborhood; $15. 713 Hood st. THREE NICE LIGHT ROOMS IN BASB- ment. furnished for housekeeping; also two on upper floor, gas and phone. At 200 Hall, SUITE OF LARGE ROOMS IN NEW MOD- ern flat for couple, light housekeeping, per manent. 424 Jefferson st. Phone 5500. PRIVATE RESIDENCE. NORTH OF WASH ington. flrst or tiecond floor, furnished or un furmcnea; reasonable. Phone Main STIO. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. EN suite or single, modem conveniences; best location; bath, phone. 171 17th North TRANSIENT ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeping; bath. Are and light; large yard and flowers; good view. 623 4th U TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Gas, small but neat and clean; good w call l reasonable. 544 Overton. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS WITH SINK. pantry, and grate to parties without chil dren. 529 Yamhill St., sear 16th. THE ILLINOIS, 16S 10TH THREE COM- pletely fumtneed housekeeping rooms, two beds, sink, stationary tub, bath. PARTLY FURNISHED ROOM3 FOR LIGHT housekeeping, adults. 249 Grand ave. Nertn. Hotladays Addition. Union 3030. 354 CLAY THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, ground floor, private en trance; no children. Call today. FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM. CAN HE Ufred for light housekeeping; gas, bath. Phone East 1929. 13 East 7th. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: alio single rooms; rent cheap. 344 E. 2d North. Electric Mght. phone. SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS with gas stove; good location; $1.75 per week. 3S2 E. Yamhill st. 30S 13TH ST. HANDSOME DOUBLE PAR lors for light housekeeping; piano, bath and phone. Call Monday. TWO ROOMS ARRANGED FOR LIGHT housekeeping; phone, bath, electric light. 555 5th st., cor. Lincoln. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, first floor. Including piano, suitable for two or four. 229 11th st. PARLOR SUITE, COMPLETE FOR HOUSE keeplng; piano, water in rooms, gas, phone. 440, 5th. comer College. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD HOUSEKEEPUn'O rooms, ground floor, private house; adults only. 420 E. Grant st. TWO VERY NICE HOUSEKEEPING OR furnished rooms; gas. bath and phone. 575 Mais. Phose iiain 4 boo. TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms: nicely located, os East Stark at., cor. 22d. Phone Scott 116. 429 SALMON ST TWO WELL" FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, closet, pantry and gas. Price very reasonable. NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplnr. upper or lower floor. 146 N. 16th at- Phone West 280L $S TWO COZILT FURNISHED ROOMS. first floor, front: no children. 1007 E. Madison, near 34 th. 1S9 13TH TWO DESIRABLE ROOMS. SUIT- abie for aauits; pnone. gaj oatn; reasonable for Jteacy roomer. , JEFFERSONIAN. 512 JEFFERSON ST. 3-room housekeeplsg suite, pouesslsg all modem conveniences. FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 265 N. 22d st. 240 5TH ST. FURNISHED HOUSEXEEF tsr rooms; bain, -r FOR' RENT. nousekeenlnc Rooms. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing roosts; three very large front rooms, suitable far four In family, no children; will rent one. two or three, suitable to tenant; one room. $7; two, $10, or three for $12. 463 Irving at., bet. 12th and 13th. 68 MONTGOMERT 2 OR -4 FURNISHED connecting housekeeping rooms, ground floor. West Side; bay window, fireplace, gas. bath. sink. Mala 4469. Also 3 unfurnished basement rooms, sink. yard, etc THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST... NEAR TAX- hill rew bouse, elegantly lurnianea apart ments, la suite of2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas- range In each kltcata: (tram heat, baths; free phon qjwaca floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms In best brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc; no transients; prices moderate. Logan blk.. 108 Union ave.. cor. E. Alder. Phone Union 3203. THREE NICELT FURNISHED fCONNECT- lng housekeeping rocens; sink in kitchen; very convenient: ground floor; no children. Phone East 2S43. 493 E. 27th St. $12 per month. IF YOU WANT TO BIT OR SELL ANY LE- gttimata bttsineM. patents, real estate, tim ber lands, mines, etc. or borrow money, call U. S. L. & T. Co.. 14 Washington bldg. THE LOWNSDALE LARGE. NEW, ELE- gantly furnished housekeeping rooms; gas range, running water: on comer opposite High School. 503 V Alder. 4 FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR 2 suites nousekeeplsg; water; phone on nrst floor; bath. 835 Montgomery. Call today 6 P. M. or thereafter. THREE LARGE ROOMS FURNISHED FOR housekeeping; walking distance; best resi dence district. East Side; $20 per month. 254 Union ave. -N. THREE COMMODIOUS GROUND-FLOOR rooms furnished for housekeeping; couple wanted for hair, $12.50, or the three for $25. 207 Grant it. FOR RENT KITCHEN, DINING-ROOM. bedroom, modern fiat, steam heat. bath, phone, to exchange for board of two. Phone Pacific 353. THE HETLER. 2S0H GRAND AVE. FUR- nisned housekeeping rooms, witn gas ranges. 5 minutes' car service and walking distance; rates low. - NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, close.. In; bath. SO 10th. near Stark. 250 7TH BT.-3 VERY FINE MODERN FUR- nlshed housekeeping rooms; steel range; cen tral; no children. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE: phone, gas. bath; on car line; reasonable. Phone East 925. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS COMPLETELY furnished; gas range, bath, phone, laundry. 165 N. 16th st. 3 ROOMS WITH CLOSET AND PANTRY. rumisnea or unfurnished, with bath; rent $10. 4 PS Clay. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE- keeping; sink In kitchen. 464 E. Bum side, cor- 8th. 435 ALDER FURNISHED BASEMENT. housekeeping, convenient, suitable for board ers If desired. TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED . HOUSE- keeplng rooms; private home. Phone Main 572S or 2224. 224 14TH ST. FRONT HOUSEKEEPING room. $4.50 week. $10 month; gas. bath and phone. 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: private residence; gas, bath, and phone. 430 Jefferson at. - CLEAN FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; modem; no children; flne location. 325 ,12th. SUITE OF 3 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. bath, gas, private family; $23. 163 N. 16th. Monday. 3 NICE. CLEAN. UNFURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng rooms. 109 N. 12th St., back of church. 413 MAIN. CORNER 11TH NICELY FUR nlshed parlor, with use of kitchen to ladles; free phone. 485 MAIN. COR. 12TH FURNISHED HOUSE- keepmg rooms; gas. bath and phone; flne location. ONE FURNISHED ROOM FOR LIGHT housekeeping or single sleeping-room. 328 MI1L 313 14TH ST. NEATLY FURNISHED rooms; also housekeeping rooms; bath and phone. 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; bath. gas. telephone. 502 E. Pine. Phone East 1000. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS: LIGHT housekeeping; adults; terms. R 09. Orego nlan. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madbxin House keeping rooms, transient; bath, electric light. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEICEEP Ing rooms. 127 11th sL Phone MalnS5S. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE front rooms with phone, 104 N. 10th st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; very convenient; close In. at 302 4th st. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WITH water. $9 per month. Call 187 Mill st. TWO-DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS with bath and phone. C67 Irving at. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplng; groend floor. 468 Davis st. LARGE FRONT PARLOR ON floor, with privileges. 322 14th st. FIRST FOR RENT UPPER FLOOR OF 5 UNFUR nished rooms. Inquire at 569 5th. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent at 745 1st st. 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 185 Montgomery st. Houses. FOR RENT 6-ROOM. NEW, MODERN house; laundry, tubs, etc.; very reasonable rent to desirable tenant. 729 Roosevelt St., near 22d et. A. H. Blrrell. 202 McKay bldg. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 300 I7TH ST. RECENTLY renovated; new bathroom and modem plumb ing. Telephone Main 1057 between 12 and 1. or call 434 Mohawk bldg.. 3d and Morrison. FOR RENT 0-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH 17th and E. Morrison sts.: references. T. G. Thornton, room 2. Mulkey bldg.. or 453 Morrison. Phono Main 6261. FOR LEASE ONE BLOCK OF GARDEN land. East Side, on cur line; stable and cabin; Bull Run water. Apply Goodnough & Steams. Washington bldg. FOR RENT NEW HOUSE. HOYT ST.. star zbi; o rooms, bath, cement cellar, mod em Improvements; $33. Inquire 331 Morrl eon M. Phone Main 670. FOR RENT $12.50 PER MONTH; 5-ROOM noure, boo Mississippi ave.; yard, full of fruit. E. J. Jaeger, ISO Morrison at. Phone Hood 263. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. ELECTRIC llchti. gas and etc.: large lot at Sunny- clde $18. Vanduyn & Walton. 270 Wash ington at. MODERN COTTAGE 5 ROOMS. BATH basement. 333 Madison et. Inquire Wake field. Fries & Co. and John Kosterman. 61 N. 2ISt. NEW, MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. BASE- mest. attic, gas, electricity, cement walks, near Steel bridge. 276 Broadway, sea: Ross st. 7-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN. WEST SIDE. desirable for 2 families, $20. per month. Call at 14 Buchtel eve., or address. P 96, Orego nlan. MODERN COTTAGE. 4 ROOMS, CLOSETS. porch, sink In kitchen; near car-line. In quire room 203, Falling bldg. Phone Main 2129. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 1653. Office. 110 N. 34 st. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK. ST. I;ents and Insurance. Phon Main 343. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES 5-ROOM COTTAGE. SUNNYSIDEL $15. 6-room house. 6S0 E. Taylor. $20. F. W. TORGLER. 103 Sherlock, bldg. COTTAGE. MODERN, 5 ROOMS. LARGE AT- tie and baaemcnt; gas; for rent by Septera ber 8. Inquire 915 Borthwlck st. VERY MODERN T-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT furniture for sale reasonable. Apply 309 11 in su. bet. coiumnia ana ciay. FOR RENT-MODERN 13-ROOM HOUSE, large grounds, on Johnson sc Was. G. Beck. 307 the Falling Bldg". FOR RENT FINE 8-ROOM COR. HOUSE, Just newly renovated: reasonable to the right party. Inquire 706 1st. FO R RENT. Houses. H. E. EDWARDS. Housefumtmer. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Dwelling of all kinds and In all parts of the city are listed with us. We have the most complete directory of vacant houses In town, and If you contemplate moving 1; will pay you- to visit our rental department: We are sure to have a place for you. Fol lowlag Is a partial list: v WEST SIDE. 3 rooms $ 8.00 5- room house 9.00 5 rooms 16.00 4 rooms .... 12.00 3 room, gas 12.00 4- rcom cottage, bath, gas 12.00 6- room house, bath, gas 16.00 6- room house, good condition...... ,.. 17.00 7- room house, good condition.... 20.00 6- room house, bath, large yard........ 20.00 5- room hou?ev new. modem 30.00 7- room house, modem, good nelghborh'd 35.00 8- room house, new, modem 40.00 9- room house. 10th ft 40.00 5- room flat, modem, close In 40.00 EAST SIDE. 6- room house. Tillamook st $ 8.00 4- room hotree. good condition 10.00 6-room house, nearly sew, Monta villa.. 12.50 5- rtsom house, good as new 12.50 6- rcom house, bath, nice yard... 15.00 5- room house. Flanders 'st 15.00 4- room cottage, new. bath, electricity.. 15. 00 6- rcom house. Cherry st 16.00 6-room house, bath, electricity, new.. 16.00 5- room cottage, new. modem.... 38.00 6- room house, bath. gas. Washington st 20.00 5- reom cottage, bath. San Rafael ... 20.00 6- room house, new. modern. Alder st.. 22.00 8-rooro house, new, modem 25.00 7- room house, new modem 30.00 Note No information regarding these houees can be given over phone. H. E. EDWARDS Housefurnlsher 1S5 to 191 First St. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST. 166 Russell St., flat. 2 rooms $ 8.00 1205 E. Taylor st. 6 rooms 15.00 237 Stanton St.. 8 rooms 20.00 573 Savler aC. 7 rooms 20.00 742 Clinton st.. sew, 7 rooms. 22.50 2S6 Larrabee st.. 7 rooms 25.00 92S Mississippi ave., S rooms ......... 80.00 283 N. 12th st.. 9 rooms ,. 30.00 300 7th St., S rooms 30.00 2S6 Taylor St., 9 rooms ..' 30.00 243 N. 22d St.. 9 rooms 35.0U 333 Madison St., 6 rooms 35.00 333 Market St.. flat. 6 rooms 37.50 652 Vi Thurman St.. 16 rooms 40.00 781 Kearney St.. 9 rooms 45.00 390 Everett st. 11 rooms 60.00 347 11th St., 8 rooms , 45.00 211 lit it.. 30 rooms 125.00 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. 220 Stark st. FOR RENT BY THE DUNN LAWRENCE CO. $20 Very excellent R-room house, modem conveniences. 356 San Rafael. $16 Beautiful new and modem 6-room howe. E. 27th and Clinton. $15 Nice 7-room house, large lot. choice fruit and shrubbery. 164 E. 27th. near Bel mont. Apply at 149H First st. FOR RENT A NEW 7-ROOM MODERN house, up to date; cement floor; new fur nace; stationary washtubs; .porcelain bath; new gas fixtures In each room; elegant loca tion; a few blocks from river. 393 Rosp. Inquire at 373 Ross. cor. Broadway. FOR RENT NEW HOUSE. SIX LARGE rooms; all modem Improvements; tinted walls, window shades; front and back yards; flne neighborhood; comer E. 22d and Couch. Apply 731 E. Burnetde st. Phone East 211. TWO NEW MODERN HOUSES. JUST COM pieted. 8 rooms, reception hall, attic, fire place and all latest and modem Improve ments; on Nortbrup et.. near 2"M rent $45 month. Telephone Main 4025. 348 MONTG05IERY ST.-2 NEW 8-ROOM houses to rent on September 1; modem. Apply on premises Monday. FOR RENT DESIRABLE 10-ROOM HOUSE; 620 Main St.; $50 per month. Parrish. Wat kins Ss. Co.. 250 Alder st. 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 734 HOYT ST.. $42.50 month. The Healy Isvestmnet Co.. 214 Ablngton. 106 3d it. FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE AND barn; room for cow or chlokess. McCoy, 364 N. 26th. cor. Savler. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST SIDE. $25 month. Apply L. Y. Keady, 61-52 Union Dix., za and Stark sts. FOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE. 412 PARK st. Inquire R. W. Schmeer, -care U. S. National Bank. city. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE AT WILLAM- ette; St. Johns car line; rent, $13. Fred H Strong. 242 Stark st. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. GAS. BATH, yard; small family. 810 Cleveland ave comer Falling; 510. 6-ROOM HOUSE. NEWLT PAPERED. 425 Everett st,; rent SIS. William Denholm. 225 Falling bldg. MODERN UPPER FLAT. 7 LARGE, LIGHT rooms, near school; clean, convenient. 205 n. tstn; $"n.oo. NEW FIVE-ROQM COTTAGE. 19TH AND .-Nonnrup; moaern. gas. Apply 071 jovejoy. mone vt est FOR SALE DESIRABLE 8-ROOM HOUSE; iw nail st.; ws. rarrisn. watkiss & Co., iy Aiaer et. FOR RENT A DESIRABLE NEW RESI dene. Willamette Heights. Thurman st. Inquire 1103 NEW 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE: NEW 4- room modem house; close in. Inquire 248 Lincoln st. ACRES. WITH 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NEAR car line: ready to plow. Harrington, 09 1st, near uax. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, CENTRAL. BATH and gas; adults only. Inquire 461 E. Pine. FOR RENT HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS AND bath. 471 7th st. Inquire 394 Salmon st. FIVE ROOMS AND BATH. BAST SIDE: LOW rent to gooa tenant, btrosg, 1US west Park. 12-ROOM HOUSE. ALSO MODERN 4-ROOM flat, west bide, inquire forenoons. -112 2d, FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE ON MT. SCOTT CAR line, rent $10. Inquire 367 E. Burnslde st, HOUSE. 10 ROOMS. INQUIRE 433 MONT- gomery.. or Dr. Koehler. 241 1st St., dentist. COTTAGE ON WEST SIDE FOR $12.50 PER month, also one for $14. Apply 453 12th st. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE; NEW. MOD- em; otn, near llollauay. F&one East 314. $13 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGK; LARGE yard. 103 aiason St., cor. Mississippi. NEATCOTTAGE TO RENT IN SUNNYSIDB. Phone Red 2952. S. E. Hamilton. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE, 6S Meade tst. Inquire 708 4th sL FOR RENT MODERN SIX-ROOM COT- tnge, $20. 623 Hawthorne ave. FOR RENT 730 2D ST.. 5-ROOM COT tage. Inquire 267 Hall st. FOR HOUSES TO RENT CALL ON HAT- Held & Smith. 185 Fourth st. 7-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. TRLEPHONE Main 4S02. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. Inquire 708 4th st. Furnished Bouses. WILL RENT A BEAUTIFUL NEW COT- tage. 5 rooms, handsomely furnished, piano. etc.: -gas for heat and cooking, electric lights, bath and all conveniences: owner go ing- away ror six months; rent $3a per month furnished and Z5 unfurnished: 20 minutes ride from 1st and Alder sts.; ready for oc cupancy September 23. Address, with size or family. E ez. Oregonlan office. FURNISHED HOUSE; 8 ROOMS. FOR SEP ternber; 15 minutes from center city: mod. em; everything complete. Address O 98. uregonian. FOR RENT NEW 7-ROOM FLAT. NICELY furnished, in good residence district; reason able terms. Apply after today, 304i Park st. FOR RENT FURNISHED. LARGE. MOD ern. elegant residence, beautifully situated by Parrish. watkiss a Co., 250 Alder st. 12-ROOM HOUSE. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS and furnished; rent reasonable. C H, Dodd, foot of Washington st. FURNISHED HOUSE. NINE ROOMS; GAS. electricity; west faiae: good ioeauon; cen tral; $55. T 99. oregonlan. FOR RENT 0-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISH ed; for rent for one year. 815 Johnson. Phone Main 2401. 8 ROOMS, MODERN. DESIRABLE. IN qulre on premises Monday. 787 Johnson at. Phose Main 43SS. FURNISHED HOUSE AT 703 IRVING ST.. between 21st and 22d; gas, fireplace, yard. Call afternoons. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE: WEST Side; owner leaving; $100. Hatfield & Smith. 1C5 Fourth st. FOR RSNT 4-ROOM NEWLT PAPERED furnlhee house; also single rooms-, close In. 105 E. 0th. NICELY FURNISHED MODERN COTTAGE for September. 345 Clay st. Inquire 311 7th t IFOR XXNT. Furalsked Houses. FOR - RENT SEPT. 5TH. COMPLETELY furnished modem 5-room cottage In Sell wood. ICO feet from car line. Inquire Mad den, the Printer, comer 1st and Alder, up stairs. FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED FUR nlshed house, full of roomers; will fur niture on easy terms at a batxmn. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. A SNAP-NEATLY FURNISHED 4-ROOM cottage, any length of time. Phone cott C957. NEWLY FURNISHED COTTAGE, 5 LARGE rooms or 3 to 4 rooms. Inquire 326 E. 11th. 6 ROOMS. LOWER FLOOR, PARTLY FUR nlahed. 461 West Park stv Phone. Main 4990. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, PARTLY FURNISH ed; $10 per month. Inquire 305 1st st, $20 PLAINLY FURNISHED 5-ROOM COT tage. 210 E. 16th. Phone Main 6571. FOR RENT 5-ROOM FURNISHED" HOUSE. 9C9 Montana ave. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sale. WE PAY HIGHEST CASK PRICE FOR FUR- nlture; also take some on consignment. Port land Auction Rooms, 211 First-st. Fhon Main 5655. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE WITH ALL modem conveniences, on the West Side. In a very desirable neighborhood, for sale; rent. $30 per month, and an Income of over $300 per month; we must sell, therefore will maka a sacrifice. P 93. Oregonlan. MODERN UP-TO-DATE COZILY FURNISH- ed cottage for sale; rent $25; 10 minutes walk, from Hotel Portland: furniture new; fitted with coal and gas ranges; owner Is leaving city; price reasonable. Y 2, Ore gonlan. COMPLETE FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM cottage, bought less than one year; cheap if taken at once. Call at 453 4th st. Phone Main 4151. FOR RENT TEN ROOMS; AN IDEAL home; walking distance: modem; furniture for sale: all new: must sell: leaving city. V 99. Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF 8 ROOMS ON W. PARK. Full of roomers. Price reasonable If taken. at once. Parties leaving city. E 99. Oregonlan. HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE OF MODERN 5- room nat. mree rooms Kepi uuea ay tran sients; furniture good as new. 263 Clay st. CLEAN. WELL-KEPT FURNITURE OF A room flat; 4H blocks south of Portland Ho tel, for sale, $325; rent $35. 271 7th et. FURNITURE OF 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale cheap: 5 beds! roomers more than pay rtnt. Phone Front 704. 435 Everett. SUITE OF ROOMS. WITH BATH. FOR rent: furniture for pale. Applr after 10 A. M. at Selllng-Hlrsch bldg., room 80. FOR SALE OCT. 1ST. FURNISHINGS OF modem six-room flat. Call this afternoon or tomorrow morning. 190 12:h. VERY MODERN 7-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. furniture for sale reasonable. Apply 3C9 11th st., bet. Columbia and Clay. ALL OR PART SEW FURNITURE OF SIX- reom house for sale cheap; owner leaving town. P 100. care Oregonlan. A SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE FURNITURE of 7 rooms; $300. Inquire one diock irom Hotel Portland. 192 7th sL FOR SALE FURNISHED -4-ROOM. FLAT, right downtown, cheap, every twng nsw; rent $15. Apply 100 West Park. 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, FURNITURE for sale; bargain If taken at once; good lo cation. Phone Main 4071. 11-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, NEAR I0TH and Salmon: will sell all or part o: furni ture. Y 3, Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF 4 ROOMS FOR SALE. flat for rent; good location. 405 E. Couch St.. near Grand ave. FURNITURE 9-ROOM HOUSE; FULL ROOM- ers; rent reasonable; walking distance. Call 402 4th, afternoons. GOING EAST MUST SELL 14 ROOMS FINE furniture; central location; make an oner. Q 85. Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF 4-ROOM COTTAGE FOR sale, house for rent; $16 per montn. tKi Jefferson ot. THE FURNITURE AND BUSINESS OF A paying bath establishment cheap. Phone Main 5085. FURNITURE OF 8 ROOMS, FULL OF steady roomers; rent $22.30; a snap. 18 W. Park. FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale; near Courthouse; cheap. Inquire 30j Main st. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM HOUSE, WITH Pi ano, near In. Phone Main 3546. x 1. orego nlan. WILL SELL ALL OR PART FURNITURE of modern 7-room house; part time. 331 Mill. NEW FURNITURE 7-ROOJI HOUSE; MON- ey-maker. 146 10th, between .Morrison and Alder. FOR SALE NICE. MODERN FURNITURE of 8-room house; very cheap. 528 Taylor. FURNrrORE OF 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. Call 530 E. Lincoln st. Take Heuwood car. 12 ROOMS. FURNISHED COMPLETE; MUST cell; leaae; rent $30; reasonable, -i-io otn. FURNITURE OF A 9-ROOM HOUSE. CEN- traly located. Telephone west 2524. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM HOUSE CHEAP If taken at once. 408 Grand ave. FURNITURE OF SIX-ROOM FURNISHED flat for sale. 262 7tn st. 6-ROOM HOUSE OF FURNITURE FOR SALE at 329 Larrabee st. FURNITURE OF A NICE 8-ROOM HOUSE. Call 407 10th st. Cummer Resorts. A SNAP THE ELEGANT SEASIDE HOME of Alex Gilbert. Seaside. Hermosa Park, be ginning Sept. 1st, for the balance of the sea son: all the comforte of a city home; anx ious to rent. Phose H. M. Carlock. Ex. 50. NECANICUM INN. SEASIDE FIRST-CLASS home accommodations, flne ocian view, and flowers, modem conveniences, noted for its excellent home-cooked meals. Get oS Necas leum Station. Emily Damans. Prop. A COTTAGE AT SEASIDE OEJ BLUUH. from beach, near wecanicum inn. inquire Aune, the "Photographer, Columbia, bldg.. West Park and Washington. 6-R005I FURNISHED COTTAGE; BATH, hot and cold water, fireplace; $25 for Sep tember, at Seaside. Blaeslng: Granite Co., 267 3d st. Phone Main 4444. FOR RENT AT SEAVIBW, WASH.. SIX room cottage, completely furnished; has fireplace and water. Particulars phone East 847. FOR RENT SMALL BUNGALOW AT SEA elde. Inclosed on wooded lot; Balance of sea son. $10. Phone Main 3731. SEASIDE NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE. FUR ntshoa city water. In grove. 335 Morrison st. Phone Main 2183. SIX-ROOM. FURNISHED; BALANCE OF season. $20; Centervllle, Lang Beach. Wash. Phone Main 2078. Store. FOR RENT OR LEASE TWO LARGE tores, 145 1st and 22S Alder St., together or separate. Inquire No. 145 1st st., room 8. REASONABLE TERMS; GOOD ROOM, suitable for store, restaurant or workshop. C. H. Farrington. 314 Worcester bldg. STORE "FOR RENT FINEST LOCATION for general store. In lively town near Port land. Address S 88. Oregonlan. FOR RENT CORNER STOREROOM; UNION ave.; desirable for saloon. J. P. Sharkey. 701 Chamber of Commerce. FOR LEASE. UPSTAIRS FLOOR. 70x100: modem; elevator: Mcmsoc near Pcstof Sce. W 85. Oregonlan. FOR RENT A NICE OPEN STAND IN THE best location. Apply to 50 N. 6th. FOR LEASE LONG TERM. TOP FLOOR Steams Block; growth of business compels us to move. Apply Behnke-W!alker Business College. OFFICES FOR RENT LARGE. BRIGHT and centrally located. Inquire Trans-Cc-tlnental Machlse Cu. 354 Oak st. PHYSICIAN LEAVING CITY WOULD SELL his office- traps; low rent; practice. Apply to superintendent Oregonlan bldg, LARGE CONNECTING OFFICES; 3Ct AL der St.. over the Tavern Furnished, modern, convenient; can't be beat. fe&aBfllBlBflHsB9HHHHr