THE SIJyDAY OREGONIAy, PORTIiXD, SEPTEMBER 3, 190o. 21 WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED "WEST SIDE PROPERTY FROM owner. $4000 to $0000, north of Clay and w of 30th sts.; also East Side, north of Washington to Hancock. east to 20th ta.. 5 to " room bourn, must be reasonable, on Installments. 227 Chamber of Commerce. COLLINS UND Cti. UNO WE BRING buyer and seller together; list your property with us. Wo are doing considerable adver tising and -wilt extend It further. Our fa riiitliyi are exception!. Bank references. Stearns bdg. Phone Main 2224. THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY HAVE cart customers for desirable Inside business and residence property, suburban acreage or nicely Improved homes. Parties having eueh and willing to eell cheap. Nrlll please apply at huh r iret at 4 C8O.DO0 TO INVEST INT A QUARTER BLOCK --Mast be In a koo1 business locality. Va cant or aid buildings preferred. It's the Intention to erect new. Address, with full e-rlptln-. B 05. care Oreponlan. PARTIES HAVING DESIRABLE SUBURBAN a---eage or nicely Improved arce tracts on 4rctrte car line close to city, and aro wlll lir to sell reasonable, please address M., Room 6. 1494 First et., city. WISHING TO PURCHASE A DESIRABLE quarter or half block In the beat business part of the city. Any part' having such property and really wish to noil, will please address D 95. care Oregonlan. WANTED TO PURCHASE A COZY WEST Side rottage heme: email lot. Must be a bargain and In walking distance. Address C US. care Oregonlan. WANTED 2 TO 30 ACRES; MUST HAVE running waler; timber; 20 miles from Port land, near small town and railroad. C 73, Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH. LOT IN VI eswlty of Irvington or Holladay Park. N 10. Oregonlan. POR SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed. mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Collins Land Co.. Stearns bldg. CERTIFIED SCRIP. ANY SIZE PIECES; lot price. W. G. Howell. 63S Chamber of Commerce. POR SAI.E. Hor. Vehicles and Harness. POR SALE OR RENT HOUSES AND VE hlsics by the day, week or month: harness, saddles and 200 new and second-band rigs for sale or exchango. Tomllnsou a: CsjuI day, 211 Washington et. HANDSOME BAY PACING HORSE. WEIGHS 178 pound ; perfectly sound and gentle, for ladle' use; also new Columbus buggy and barnetw. Call residence, 400 Stark St. HORSE. HARNESS AND CARRIAGE. NEW; guaranteed city broke, for any woman to rive. 01 Corbet t st., Portland. Phone Pa cific 215. SPAN MULES. 5-YEAR-OLD. WEIGHT 2100: ntuet be old. Span horse, harness and wagon. $75. U. S. Stable. 248 Front st HORSES. WAGONS, TRUCKS AND ALL kinds of vehicles and harnem for sale or rout Hubert & Hall. 260 Fourth st. TWO-FEATED SURREY WITH CANOPY TOP 45teel tires, reasonable. $85. 44 3d st, bat. Ash and Pine 18.. hardware store. DELIVERY WAGON WITH FINE PANEL top. for bakery, laundry, etc.; cheap. C L. Bos. 390 East Morrison. FOR SALE A FINE 1000-POUND DRIV Ing mare, with buggy and harness; a bar gain. Iltone Main 846. NEW BAILEY BUGGY. RUBBER TIRES, perfect condition; fast roadster. Apply James Lyons. 116 Union ave. RUBBER TIRE TOP BUGGY, GOOD AS new; ateo light spring wagon. Harris. Oek ley Green Station. PERCH ERON WORK HORSES FOR SALE by L. O. Ralnon; barn. C37 Jefforaon. Pnone West 816. GENTLE 000-POUND HORSE. $30. CALL 628 Patten road, near Sixteenth street. Y 100, Oreronian. FOR SALE-HORSE. HARNESS AND SIN gl express wagon; a bargain. Inquire 421 Hancock et. FIXE SPAN PONIES. 7 YEARS OLD; Ex cellent drivers and Myltan; bargain. Phone Union 84 62. DRIVING MARE. YOUNG. SOUND AND gentle. 235 E. 6th st.. cor. Main. Phone East 84. FOR SALE GENTLE HORSE. AND BUG g. at 8th and Burnside, Lockwood & Oehley. FOR SALLVMATCHED DRIVING TEAM; jeny and fresh family oow. Telephone Main WANTED SMALL GENTLE HORSE, SUIT able lor lady, with buggy. X 100, Orego nlan. WILL LET FINE DRIVING HORSE FOR her keen for few months. J 07. Oregonlan. SEVERAL NEW AND SECOND-HAND BUG glea and ourreya. 571 Thurman. cor. 18th. CAMPING WAGON READY FOR USE; SPB clal price. C. L. Bops, 320 E. Morrison. POR SALE-AT A SACRIFICE. FINE RUB-ber-tire trap. Phone Main 2321. WANTED GOOD BUGGY HORSE. 093 Oantenbein ave. Scott 6102. Pianos. SALE OF "MEYER" PIANOS. $142. $148 and $137. at Ellcrs Piano House on terms of $6 a month. These pianos are new and" v arraatod. bee announcement. "Ba.anoe to Go Tomorrow." Page 10. this Issue. We have also a large number of used pianos at virtually half-price. Flsoher. $108; Hardman. $185; Fischer, fancy oak. "235; Emerson, very fine mahogany case. $190; German upright. $85; Hackley. very fancy. $1S, Ludwig. very showy oak case $108. etc. Pay cash or in small Installments, with simple Interest. Eilers Piano House. 831 Washington st FIANO FOR SALE CHEAP FINE MAKE, upright. In good condition; on aooount of departure, for only $175 cash. X 80 Ore gonlan. $05 ONLY BUYS SQUARE PIANO IN GOOD condition; mahogany case; bargain. In quire 108 Park et. $250 UPRIGHT PIANO. $C5; ORGAN. $25; ICe acres land for sale. 241U 1st.. Main, uietalrs. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-BULL TERRIER PUPriES. $5 each, wilt make fine all-round dogs; all males. Address fi. S. Hall. Woodstock, Or. FR SALE FIRST-CLASS TICKET TO Omaha; description, female, young, light, medium; unsigned. Address N 5, Oregonlan! FOR SALE A LIGHT SINGLE-SEAT AUTO.. ?5f.,H2cin.tro5l under h00d- wheel steering Call 4 63 Northrup at. Phone Front 874 FOR SALE-NEW fl-ROOM HOUSE; MOD crn In every partloular; no agent. Further particulars, Inquire at 771 East Ankeny. E SELL ALL THE LEADING BRANDS of whlsSy and brandy at 10c. National Wine Co. The Quality Store. 5th and Stark. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 tons' carrying capacity, 24-horscpower engine, wm wii cheap. C OH, Oregonlan. GINSENG. ITS A MONEY-MAKER PLANT nowi price list for seed and plants on appli cation. B. W. KIblor, Tacoma, Wash. GREAT DANE PUPPIES FOR SALE Thoroughbred; sired by champion Lief. Filberta-Poultry Yards. Gresham. Or. SECOND-HAND GRAIN AND POTATO bagi for sale cheap, in large or small quan tities. J. Simon & Bro.. 244 Front. FOR SALE TWO TICKET8 TO ST. LOUIS; one female, medium, young; one made, slim, tall, young. X 91. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS, sawmills, pumps and general machinery, by H. C. Albee CO., 248 Grand ave. C?EA,P,T LDrS yiRBT-CLASS TICKET to Buffalo. N . Y. (elderly, medium); limit September 15. Phone Main 5007.- FOR SALE-rLADY'S TICKET TO CHICAGO, via Dem-er; medium, light, young; good AO days. O 83. care Oregonlan. POWER HOUSEBOAT. STERNWHEELBR cheap; Just the thing for duck hunting or outings. S 97, Orfgonlan. LADY'S TICKET TO CHICAGO. ELDERLY, gray hair, medium size, Northwestern; TEN-MONTHS OLD SCOTCH COLLIE DOG: raised with ohlidren; rare bargain. 001 East Ash. Pbpnj East 1524. FOR 8ALE. CHEAP TWO TICKETS, PORT land to Spokane. Address A 82. Oregonlan. WANTED GENT'S TICKET TO CHICAGO; dale price and time limit. P M, Oregoniaa. TOR SALE. Miscellaneous. STOCK IN PRODUCTIVE GOLD MINE FOR sale at par. on valuation of $30,000 -working under leaee and bond for one year; 140 aorta mineral land; 10-stamp Freser A Chalmer mill, complete sawmill bullrings, etc.; water power and steam; 10 average samples give value of $3 per ton; ore chute 300 feet lonr, assays. J 52. coet of raining and milling low; all tunnel work and plenty of ore overhead. For further Information call at 201 McKay bldg. Phone Main 2157. , HEAVY OAK EXTENSION TABLE, $7.50; 2 ash extension tables, $4.60; 2 No. 8 eook stoves, $8.50; 1 exlld oak dresser. $7.50; 2 hotel dreiorrs; 76 yards body Brussels car pets, S5c: 4 Iron beds, white. $2; 1 white maple bedroom suite, with French plate mir ror. $15; white maple chiffonier with plato mirror. $0; 2 folding bods, $0.50; C high back oak chairs. 90c; 3 large arm rockers, $2: 1 good sideboard, $10. M. J. MeGrath, 60 North 3d st. Phone Main 2087. TO MAKE ROOM FOR A NEW CAR. I WILL dispose of 45 second-hand sewing machines at a bargain; New Home. Singer and Do mestic. Jfi to $7 each; drsphcads while they last, $10 and $20. only .slightly damaged; Sears-Roebuck and Montgomery Ward' drop heads, all oak finish. $10 each. Sale com mences 9 A. M., Monday, 350 Morrison st., Lewis bldg. DOES TOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with MasUc roofing. In rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating: good, over old Iron, tin or shingles; for new roofs there Is nothing better; guaran teed; Mastlo roof paint and cement trill stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW ANI SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; ws rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod era bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Ccllendcr, 40 3d st. ROLLER CHAIRS. BEST FOR INVALIDS, convalescent!, cripples and the aged, for sale cheap. Apply to or address Holler Chair Con cession. Exposition grounds. FOR SALE ONE POWER KRAUT CCTTBR. one horseradish grater and large older mill and press. Call 1134 Hawthorne ave Phone East 3101. FOR SALE-TICKET TO PHILADELPHIA, good to September 17; middle age. medium, man. Phone East 1548. or addreas 289 Mon roe st. 10-STAMP QUARTZ MILL, COMPLETE, practically new, offered f. o. b. ears for lose than half original eest T 80, Orego nlan. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE et tinner's tools and machines. Address Box 13. Portland. Or. FOR SALE-12 H. P. WEBER GASOLINE Al condition and a bargain. 324 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE-THOROUGH BRED JERSEY cow. cheap. 'Call 88th and Hawthorne. Phono East 3101. - FOR SALE. CHEAP PBDIGRBE BULL terrier puppies, and a nickel coffee urn. 412 Morrison t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FINE MAN dola, with sole-leather case, new, cheap. O 86, Oregonlan. FOR SALE. CHEAP FEMALE RAILROAD ticket to Omaha. Neb., via Union Pacific Y 85. Oregonlan. MUST SELL AT ONCE FURNITURE OF 2 housekeeping rooms. Call Tuesday, room 40. Labbe bldg. LADY'S TOURIST TICKET FROM PORT land to Columbus. O. Phone Main 37S8. or K 02. Oregonlan. FOR SALE-$23; FIRST-CLASS TRANSPOR tation to SU Paul; lady, brunette, medium. P 37, Oregonlan. ST. BERNARD DOG FOR SALE CHEAP Owner leaving town. 10S Mason a. Phono Black 2062. LADY'S TICKET. OMAHA; MEDIUM, dark; price $17; tleket guaranteed. Phone Main C53S. FOR SALE-FRESH JERSEY COW AND calf; also heifer, 24 years eld. 28 Haw "thorne ave. A SURFACER FOR SALE 10-INCH, IN C?0 nlcm- The Y. M. C A. Phone Main 1237. 3 FRESH COWS AND CALVES. NEAR TICICET EAST OVER CANADIAN PACIFIC V, miaoie age. AoorobS S 3. Oregonlan. FOR SALE GOOD BABY CLOTHES, ladles cat. and a guitar, at SCI Mlrrls filppi ave. FOR SALE FRESH MILCH COWS. WITH or without calf. 1004 Mllwaukle ., Sell wood car. F?R. SALE -TICK ET, CHICAGO. MALE, tall, medium figure; fully validated. P O. box 460. FOR SALE A BRAND NEW SEWING MA chine. "Standard"; eost $43; now $26. 453 4th st. PX'S COLUMBIA WHEEL FOR SALE. $8; saerlSce; going Bast. 300 Market, lap ctalrs.) A,,LA.Dr? TICKET TO CHICAGO-MRDIUM. street Adre H. R.. aoi E. Burnrlde FOR SALE NEARLY NEW 0-CAP BRIDGE foTlCh rane wUh waterck. Phone Main FOR SAI.E-PIVB Vrt n out-mi I wed but little. $50. U & m" Alexander & A BABY BUGGY IN GOOD CONDITION Inquire at S0j Morrison. Thon Clay 712. PIGEONS-FULL-BLOOD HOMERS. $1.25 pair, rhono Main 204-ask for E. Grevei FOR SALE GOOD WALL TENT lxU with floor; cheap. Call 3SS$ N. 26th sc ' TVO TICKETS TO CHICAGO FOR SALE cheap; ladles and gents. O 94. Oregonlan. FOR SALE-ONE JERSEY COW. 4 GAL lona. Apply G. M. Wells, AMngton Wdg. LADY'S TICKET. FIRST-CLASS. NEW OR leans. Dark, medium. D S4, Oregonlan. FOR BALE-TICKET FOR MAN; DARK, medium; to Denver. D 99. Oregonlan. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 824 CHAM ber of Commerce, or phone Main 23C3. FOR SALE A LADY'S TICKET. MIDDLE age, to Columbus, O. K 06, Oregonlan. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. $3 PER month. J. E. Huxley. 2 4th st GOOD COW AND CALF; GENTLE; EASY milker. Jersey. 1032 1st st COMBINATION BABY BUGGY. C3 EAST 11th, North Albino. East 148. FOR SALE FURNISHED TENT; CAMP Falrview. Portland Heights car. FOR SALE TICKET TO ST. LOUIS, MO. Light, female. S 95, Oregonlan. FOR SALE-LADIES' FIRST-CLASS TICKET Minneapolis. F 100, Oregonlan. FOR SALE NEW 17-FOOT GASOLINE launch, cheap. 270 Cth st SkrB!'ACK kANGSHAN CHICK ens. 909 Montana ave. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMAN TRAVELING FOR IMPORTING and manufacturing house; develop monopoly line to retail merchant; utate experience, etc. "O." box H, Station D. New York. FIRST-CLASS MBATCUTTER WANTED-none-other need apply. M., J. Jones, Oregon Market WANTED A SECOND-HAND CILVNDLER & Price 10x16 press. Address G 92. Ore gonlan. WANTED SOLICITOR OF EXPERIENCE for flrsWclasa proposition. 315 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS MACHIN lst. Apply to Douglas Bros.. Aberdeen. Wash. WANTED EXPERIENCED ELECTRIC CAR man for mining tramway. E 91. Oregonlan. WANTED TWO PHOTOGRAPHERS : ALSO retouchers, ladles or gents. 801 Dekum bldg. 15-YEAR-OLD BOY WOULD LIKE TO GET work In wholesale house. S 5, Oregonlan. BOY WANTED 15 OR 18: MUST SPEAK German, have bicycle. Apply 229 3at at WANTED BOY ABOUT 15 FOR OFFICE work and errands. Apply 235 Stark ct. OFFICE BOY WANTED WELL EDUCATED, with wheel preferred. F 94. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITT. COUN try; big wages. 215 Commercial block. WANTED GOOD PHYSICIAN IN GOOD suouroa oifuin, jk. ve, uraconian. HELP WANTED MATE. OPEN TODAY Second cook. $83: broiler. rrS: cook. 315 i week: abort -order cook US: hair ir half night cook, $14; cook, email hotel. $M; cook xor a men. io; boat cook. $58; second. $30; diehwasherr. $10. $9. $S. $7. $6 week. Working head waiter. JtO- 2 waiters, ooun- ! try. $30: waiter, city. $30 and $10 and. $S 1 weca; Ginrag-room bnsboya, $25. R. R. WORK. FREE FARE 15 laborers for right of way, clearing I2.2C; 50 teamsters for Rlparla-Lewisten branch; teamsters. $35 and board, laborers $2.23. for jjingnam bpnngs. GREEKS 200 ITALIANS. $2. $1.75. $1.50 a day for R. It contract and company work, construction, extra gangs and pectlost; board yourself. 4 buckers. $2.75; 1 chaser. $2.75; 10 men for section work, legging It It. $2.23; 4 awraill hand. $2.25. QUARRTMEN FREE JOB FREE FARE. Laborers, driller, etc.. $2.25. board $1.20 a week. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 20 North Second st Near Burnside st. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT CO. 240 Burnside st. Main 3074. 223 Vi Morrijon st Main 1323. Largest and Bext Equipped Office in N. W. WE WANT TODAY: CO loggers. $2.50 up; 30 laborers and section men. log camps, $2 and $2.50; 10 North, pass; 150 mill and yardmen, $2; 10 South, pas; sash and door maker, $3.50; knot sawyer, left band. 10c; shingle packer, "He; black smith, steam shovel, $3. pass; foreman, grade. 33; R. R. laborers. EaK. $2 to $2.25. pass; 100 laborers, city. $2; farmhands and milkers. $30; cooks; waiters; dishwashers; plenty of other work. Wanted, Sept 15: 500 Italians. Greeks or Austrlans. $2 to $2.25. for Locks-. Celllo and Ditching. City. Open Sunday. OFFICE HOUSE. 7 A. M. TO 11:30 P. M. Dally. Dent's forget atreet and somber. A LARGE FINANCIAL HOUSE. ESTAB llshed 1849. which acts as general promoter of high-class enterprises of merit wants the sertiee of gentlemen of good eppearaaco and addrtfo. buslnem and rod a! standing, to represent us In selling securities of com panies In which we are Interested. We do not want cheap men. We want only those who are capable of earning $5000 or more a year. Compensation based on coramltsion until ability is proven, then ralary and cem m lesion. At least three references required. Addrmi Agency Dept. William Harney & Sen. Grove and York ets., Jersey City. N. J. MEN! READ THIS I GUARANTEE TO make, good hew card and sign writer tf you la three monthn, and secure you position $18 weekly t union wages) with reepoBsihie con cern in your own state or elsewhere or re fund your money; no failures; alt merchants want show cards, or the bright clerk that can make them, at good salary; prlee right terms easy; learn while earning; circulars, testimonials, terms, otc, on requcat G. W. Miller. 7 Miller bldg.. Centre st and Co lumbus ave., Boston, Mass. BOOKMEN I WANT TWO EXPERIENCED canvassers for an entirelr new medium prleed proposition. It baa been the biggest seller in lee East and have made valuable local connections. To the right man. ex pense and guarantee will be given, and the earning capacity of experienced men has been well over $150 weekly. Letter only, with full particulars as to experience and previous conaecUoas. National Aeaodatlon. eare OregenUn. WANTED-A DRYGOODS SALESMAN WHO can take charge of a dry Roods department; can eell, keep dock and dreos windows, for towa of 3000 inhabitants: prefer one who has sold drygoodsvin medium-sized town; age from 35 to 40 preferred, with good hab its; good wages to right man. Inqnlre for It Jacob son, at Neuatadter Bros., southwest corner 3th and Stark sts.. Portland. Or.. Tuesday. September 5, between I and 3 o'clock P. M. WANTED MEN TO FIT THEMSELVES FOR mechanics! and architectural arafisstea at the Y. M. C. A. night school; 2 years' course; we have err era I calls for competent men. Fall term begins Sept 25. Call at Association bdg.. 4th and Yamhill its., for particulars. WANTED-$250 MONTHLY AND RAPID promotion to right man; don't wast you to Invest, but must have been fairly successful In previous occupation, well educated, ener getic, ambitious and convincing talker; give reference, age and experience. G 41, Ore genian. WANTED GOVERNMENT POSITIONS; chance? for appointment good; many exam inations to be held soon; If Interested write for Circular A, containing information of special Interest to applicants. National Cor respondence Institute!. San Francis eo. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharge positively eured la from 8 to 3 days; consultation free and striotly confidential; send for ocr smptom blank. X.Radlum Medical Institute. Allsky b;dg 3d and Morrison sts.. Portland. SALESMAN GOOD MAN TO COVER ORE gon; vacancy September 1; contract for this year and next if sales satisfactory; com missions and $35 weekly advance for ex penses. J. N. Clarke Co., 099-543 Euclid ave.. Cleveland, O. AUTOMOBILE AGENCY DESIRES SEVER al men to work in shop and demonstrate cars; good pay and prompt advancement; quloknets to learn more Important than ex perience. Scad full particulars to ii 74. Oregonlan. WANTED MEN INTERESTED IN MINING to all at r. M. C. A. night sonooi. nor. 4th and sts.; courses In mineralogy, mining methods and machinery. Fall term begins Sept 25. Call for illustrates! cata logue. WANTED A FEW BRIGHT. EXPERIENCED energetic commercial ralrsmrn; men who are capable of earning large salaries; ntaple line .for retail trade; o!d-esiah:iehed house. Write at .once. P. O. box 41. Minneapolis. Minn. TEN WAITERS AT ADMINISTRATION RKS taurant for Monday dinner and supper. $1.5: 4 dishwatOiers. $1 per day; free para to Fair. Apply Sunday between 10 and 12, German Restaurant fCh Thurman st TRAVELING SALES M EN OUR LINE IS staple; we offer remarkable Inducements to retail merchants; we have places worth $306 I-er year up Xor five good men. Department 509, 356 Dearborn st, Chicago. CLERK. WITH GROCERY OR CROCKERY experience preferred; opportunity for ad vancement after learning business. Ad dress, giving age. experience and salary wanted. R 100, Oregonlan. A-A-A-W ANTED EXPERIENCED NEWS papcr solicitor to work In Salens. Or., on new proposition; good salary; R. R. trans portation. Apply 10 A. M. Sunday. E J. Willlamron. Imperial Hotel. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON, Kaple line; entirely new Inducements to trade: high commissions; $26 weekly ad vane ; permanent to right mas. F. C. Far ley Co., Detroit Mich. WANTED A SALESMAN WHO UNDER stands clothing, gents furnishings and shoes: gtve age, how many years' experience and what wages per month. Addreee H. H. Wesscl. PoPdleton. Or. WANTED-MEN EVERYWHERE, GOOD pay, to distribute circulars, advertising mat ter, tack lgns. etc. ; no canvassing. Address National Advertising Co.. 10 Oakland Bank tMg., Chicago, lit SALESMEN WANTED CASH ADVANCED weekly; good territory open; outfit free. Some are making $100 to $150 per month. Why net you 7 Address Washington Nursery Company. Tuppenlsh. Wash. SALESMAN, NEW, PERMANENT LINE; guarantee and commission; exceptional op portunity for future advancement; only ambitious hustler need apply. 213 Co lumbia bldg. TAILOR WANTEDM5NE WHO IS A CUT ter and will work on bench, to manage small shop In connection with clothing store; good steady work to right man. Address S 2. Oregonlan. WANTED BY THE OREGONIAN. SPECIAL solicitors for an A 1 de luxe preposition -ready to commence work at once; none but experienced solicitors need apply Bex S 04. Oregonlan. WANTED-TEAM AND TEAMSTER TO haul cordwood; man with woodraek pre ferred. Call before 7:30 A. M. Mendav Portland Fuel Co., 334 Water at Phone Main 830. none CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER OREGON with staple line; high commissions, with $100 monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit Mich. WANTED A SOBER. CAPABLE AND WILL ing man to da sundry work on a smaH coun try place: good wages and steady work to right party. Address Box 10, Latourell Falls WHOLESALE GROCERS' SALESMEN CAN make big money selling as side line guar anteed pure fruit Juices and phorphates wrtte us. Red, Crote Vinegar Co., St Louis WANTED INTELLIGENT. ENERGETIC man. between 25 and 33 yeans of age; some business experience required; give names and addresses of references. O 91. Oregonlan. DETECTIVE WANTED. SHREWD, RELIA ble man tn every locality to act under or ders; experience unnecessary. Write Web ster's Detective Agency. Des Moines, la. TWO BOTH WANTED. 1516. 334 WASHINl lon; references required; call 7 A. L WANTED MARRIED MAN TO TAKE' charge of a raaefc. K $4. Oresroalan. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN and wotnsn to learn watehmkg. a graving, 'twclers wk; only prae. school for ewrs; money made learn'g. Watchakg Engrav. School. P. L bldg.. Seattle, WANTED 200 MEN TO APPEAR IN THE ptale scene of Wra. A. Brady's production of "The Pit" Apply Monday. Sept 4. stare door. Marqoam Grand Theatsr. 0 P. M. $75 PERMANENT SALARY AND Ex penses paid, reliable men. outside of 'the city; very pleasant work. Address H. Henker. room 5, 123H 7th at, Portland. ANT INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good income corretpoadlcg for newspapers: experience unnecessary; send for particulars. Press Syndicate. Loekport N. T. LABORERS FOR BUILDING LOGGING railroad; fare to camp refunded; wages $2.23. Call at mill. North Frost st. Monday. East ern lc Western Lumber Co. TRAVELING SALESMAN BY LARGE wholesale house, for Oregon to eell stores; state experience. Watson. Sales Manager, w i-a ave.. inicago. THE MEIER Jfc FRANK STORE WANTS bright young men. IS to IS years of age; good future for the right parties; Apply to the superintendent WANTED A FIRST-CLASS MILLWRIGHT for construction work: take charge. Call room 511 Commercial bldg. at 10 A. M. or 8 P. M. Monday. WANTED DETECT-iVE WORK; CRIMINAL paper, with big cash rewards and photos, free. Address American Detective Assn., Indianapolis. In 4. COMPETENT OPERATORS. EXPERIENCED In railroad station work, for In and around Chicago: state age and experience. Addresa H 63. Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING solicitor, with references, for A 1 pro peti tion. Apply 9 o'clock Monday. 616 Cham ber of Commerce. CHEF. $100. AND SECOND COOKS. $85. $00. $75 and $50 a month; waiters, dishwashers, help of all kinds. Call today. National Of fice. 312 Pine st ASSISTANT FOR LOCAL BRANCH OFFICE of manufacturing houre; salary $1S weekly; permanent position. Address Manager, Como Mock, Chicago. AMATEUR ACTOR3 IT COSTS NOTHING to Join well-known dramatic company; steady work; good salary. For particulars, Y 92. Oregonlan. WANTED EVERYBODY TO TRY OUR wines; 3 cents a glass. National Wine Co.. the Quality Store. 3th and Stark. Phone Mala 64fc9. A SOBER AND INDUSTRIOUS MAN WHO can make himself generally useful around a farm. State lowest wages. C 9, Ore gonlan. WANTED MEN; EASY. HEALTHFUL work; $3 or more dally; write for particu lars. Continental Distributing Service, Chi cago. WANTED-MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, second-hand trunks, blankets; highest price Paw. 50 3d. near Pine. Phone Pacific 48. YOUNG ACTIVE MAN AS CLERK AND porter in grocery; mutt be steady; give age. experience and reference. H 94. Orrgonlan. Wanted Men to learn barber trad-: steady practice: expert instructions. Write for terms. Glllman's College. C27 Clay St.. S. P. California wine depot; headquansrs bakers, cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines 6a per gUas. P. Lorati. 148 4th. Clay 1503. W ANTED-A FIRST-CLASS FURNACE MAN; Sw .eo Jobber. Apply to A. F. Clxek Sheet Metal Works Co.. Tacoma. Wash. SALESMEN FOR FINE UNDERWEAR AND teamlfss hosiery; factory to consumer; es tablished trade. 311 Commercial block. WANTED BILLING CLERK. MILLINERY salesman, shoe saierm&n: other openings. Business Men'a Clearing-House. 110 2d. GOOD SINGER FOR ILLUSTRATED SONGS. $S a week and expenses; must be young man of clean habits. S 90. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout t&te to solicit bial na. Call or write. C07 McKay bldg. MAN WIFE. FARM. $03; FARMHANDS, cooka (4); negro. $14; yardman, waiters, hop pickers. Drake. 203S Washington. A ANTED FT RST-CLAS3 CLOTHING AND furnishings salesman; good ralary. state ex perience. Address W 94. Gregorian. WANTED-A COMMERCIAL TRAVELING salesman having experience in the meat line. Address M 100. Oregonlan. V.AXJ?D-H,USTLKn3 TO TACK SIGNS, distribute circulars, eamples. etc.; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED; EXPERI ence unnecessary; good pay. Emanuel & Co.. Station J. New York City. ADVANCE MAN FOR SMALL SHOW. $10 a week and all expense!, one with experience preferred. R 90. Oregonlan. WANTED - "SPECLVL EDITION" ADVER tlslng men; $60 weekly; before 10. after 3. 0S Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE 8PECIAL inducements for one week to young men. learn trade. 287 Flanders. BOYS WANTED PERMANENT EMPLOY- v, V7; AwJy "n Union Telegraph Co.. ioi 3d st. WANTED MA LE STENOGRAPHER. WITH "- ijnrc. wcarrss L, m. orego nlan. Give references. ANY PERSON TO DISTRIBUTE OUR SAM- rT. io wrriy; naay. ajrr. Emnlre 4 Wells st. Chicago. III. -mpi.e. 4 ROCKMEN WANTED AT BUNKER HILL quarry. Take boat to Stella. Wash. J. W. Sweene-. Slella. Wash. WANTED QUICK ; TWO LARGE BOYS FOR messenger work. Portland Service Co.. op posite Union Depot WANTED MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION agents; rood leads; qulak money. (33 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED HAllNESSMAKERS. CALL MON- ttay morning at ziz m at. between S-12 o'clock A. M. COATMAKER FIRST-CLASS MAN WANT- to; or wno can cur preferred. Apply 4S4 Washington st BOY FOR LIGHT OFFICE AND MBSSEN- Kcr worjc: answer is own handwriting. Q 99. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Address O. M. Campbell. 320 James st. Se attle, Wash. A GOOD ADVERTISING SOLICITOR ON fpccuLi eauion 01 eotaouenea paper. Call at 147H Front WANTED ADVERTISING SOLICITOR: SAL- ary za a weeic ana commission. Tribune. Pendleton. EYEGLASS CASEMAKErf, GOOD. PERMA nent position. Interest in business. K 97, Oregonlan. HOTEL RUNNER WANTED ONES Ac quainted wun tne city preferred. 34i Over ton street WANTED-SHOEMAKERS; LASTERS. FAC tory hands. Apply Capln Shoe Co., Oregon City. Or. MAN TO CARRY A SIDE LINE AMONG Jewelers in small towns. M PS. car Ore gonlan. WANTED RUNNER FOR SMALL. SELECT roemlng-houte. Phone Main 5314. WANTED A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED smelter man. O 60. Oregonlan. , WANTED A GOOD SOLICITOR AND CO In jector. Apply J 100, Oregonlan. BRIGHT BOY WANTED TO LEARV THE fur trade. The Sllverfield Co. WANTED-A GOOD SOLICITOR TO CALL en city retail tradr. Box 478. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BARBER; ALSO lady barber. 206 Madison st MEATCUTTER WANTED AT THE AL b!na Market 200 Russell st FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER WANTED AT Reffllng. 231 AVarhlngtorx eu WANTED-STONE MASON. 865 WILLIAMS ave. Phone Union 6102. 8HINGLERS WANTED. APPLY MONDAY, 29th and Savier sts. COMMERCIAL CAFE. 4SSV4 WASHINGTON st 2 Waiters wanted. FARM HANDS WANTED DCQUIRE 323 Ablngton bldg. SELF WANTED FEMALE. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; family of two; good home. Call C62 E. Main. cor. 18th. wanted girls at xt. hood shirt ' actorr. 2M Cowek. HELP WANTED FEMALE. OPEN MONDAY, 8 TO 6. 2 neat young salesladies for Fair. $7 a week; chambermaid. $9 week. 2 $33 month; woman to do pressing in dyebouse, no ex perience. $1.23 day; plain seamstress; same place. $1; dressmaker, country. $40 month: 4 good cooks. $40 and $35; 39 housegtrls and cooks, for families. $20 to $35; hotel cook. $40; 4 more waltreraesv $9 a week: 7 walt-rwses- $3 and $7 a week. Many other good sltuatlone. Call early Monday. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 3133 Wash. St. cor. 7th. upstairs. WANTED 2 GOOD DRY GOODS 8ALE3 ladles who can do managing housekeeping as well as to sell; good salary, steady po sition; must be ready to leave on short notice If satisfactory; full particulars and photo; expenses returned. Address Slmson Bros.. Nome. Alaska. FIVE WAITRESSES AT ADMINISTRATION Restaurant Monday dinner and supper. $L23; 2 women for kitchen. $1 per day; free passes to Fair. Apply Sunday between 10 and 12. German Restaurant SoTH Thur man st WANTED LADY. BACH LOCALITY. AS assistant manager for wholesale house; sal ary $20 and expenses, paid weekly; expense money advanced; work pleasant; position permanent Manager, 132 Lake st, Chicago. WANTED ELDERLY WOMAN OF GOOD morals to take care of a small country house: must be good eook; steady employment and good home to right party. Address Box 10, Latourell Fall; Or. wanted 130 girls to make over- alls and shirts; instructions glvsn to In experienced. Apply Neustadter Bros Standard Factory No. 2, corner East Tay lor and Grand ava. ACTIVE LADY WANTED. EACH COUNTY, to demonstrate and display sample; salary 312 weekly; no capital er experience re quired. Silver Co.. 720 Chestuut at. Phlla., Pa. GIRLS WANTED EXPERIENCED FUR Jacket liners and operators: also apprentices; none but experienced hands seed apply. H. Llebes & Co.. 2SS Morrison st, Portland. Or. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL houeework. family of 4. no wanning; must be good eook: wages $30; to girl with good reference. Call after 1:30 P. M., 203 King. C WArTRESSES, $8 (TWENTY, RE3TAU rante, hotels, boarding); country hotel laun dress (child), daywork; cooks, waiters, farm hands, hopplckers. Drake. 205 Washington. LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT THEIR homes: we fumleh all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped en velope to Royal Co.. 34 E. Monroe. Chicago. YOUNG WOMAN. CAPABLE OF SHAMPOO Ing. office girl: also young lady to learn business. Call Monday. 9 to 12. Madam Hudon. 207 Macleny Mdg.. Washington st WOMAN COOK. PRIVATE FAMILY. $30 month; kitchen girl. $20; second girl. $25; 30 other places for girls. Call Monday. 270 Burnside. Phone Main 30SS. HOUSEKEEPER BY WIDOWER APPLI cant must name Portland business men as references or application will not be con eldered. V 86. care Oregonlan. DOMESTICS. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAM be rm a Ids. etc.; city. Coast. Fair and coun try: plenty of work. Canadian Parlors. 22AH Morrison. Main 1323. WAITRESSES. CITT. $11 WEEK; WAIT rees. Independence, Or., employer here to day: cooks: help of all kinds. Call today. National Office. 312 Pine et OFFICE IADY. WELL EDUCATED. REFER ences required; permanent position. Call this morning and Monday from 0 to 11 A. it, 0d Oregonlan bldg. LADIES EARN $20 PER 100 WRITING short letters from copy; send self-addressed envelope for particulars. Union Drug Co., Battle Creek. Mich. WANTED EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING solicitor, with references, for A 1 proposi tion. Apply 9 o'clock Monday. 616 Cham ber of Commerce. GIRL GENERAL HOUSEWORK: NEW hCBse. small family: pleasant room. Call mornings. 386 32d st. Willamette Heights. Phone Main 333. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WPTH CARE OF children and light housework; call forenoons. SIS Mel'nda ave.. head of Johnson st Phone Main 4133. BECOME AN ACTOR! DRAMATIC IN- st ruction, evenings; no Interference with business; other Inducements. L 9-1. Ore gonlan. WANTED LADY TO TRAVEL 4 WEEKS, county fairs, to manage lunch stand. Must be all busineetr, with small capital. T 2, Ore gonlan. WANTED a GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, plain cooking, and assist with children, small family; wages $30. 251 North 21st st WANTED-OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking, small family, good wages. Call Monday or Tuesday, Phone Main 5016. EXPERIENCED HOUSE-TO-HOUSE DEM enstrator to direct crew of women and sell retail grocers. Apply D 93, Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLA 8 S LADY REPRE entatives In Portland and throughout state; good pas. Call or write 607 McKay bide WANTED LADY FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; thorough, experienced; small family and good wages. Apply 750 Multnomah et WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR A FAM ily of 3; must be reliable and experienced. Call at 664 E. Pine. Phone Scott 1745. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work to go out of city. Apply between 1 and 2 o'clock, room 621 Portland Hotel. GOOD COUNTY GIRL. OR MIDDLE-AGED woman, wanted for light housework and help with small child. 30-3 i Grant st GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework; good wagen; small family; sec ond girl employed. Apply 731 Savier. WANTED 10 GIRLS, EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers only. Aldon Candy Co.. 10th and Gllsan sts. Phone Main 1973. WANTED EXPERIENCED. REFERENCED coek. flrst-elass; private family; wages $40. 280H Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; call forenoon. 84S Mellnda ave.. head of Johnson st Phone Main 4136. WANTED OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, good w'ages. no washing. 67 N. Park st. between Davis and Everett. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking, family of .1 adults; good wages. Apply 87 North ICth nt. COMPETENT GIRL AS PLAIN COOK AND laundrr to go out of elty. Apply between 10 and 12 o'clock. 742 Overton st OIRL WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK IN small family. Call forenoon 29 East 13th st South; Ankeny or Plne-et cars. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S43H Wa.htngton st. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED OI RL FOR 'GENERAL HOUSE werk; small family; good wages. 533 Johnson. Phone Main 0138. WA NTS D G I RL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. family of 5; must understand cook ing. 300 North 24th st- WANTED IMMEDIATELY GIRL TO AS eist in housework: a Leo experienced nurse girl. Call 450 Montgomery. WANTED LADY PIANI3T TODAY; SAL ary $25 weekly; long engagement Call room 11. 35 1H Morrison. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED TAILOR ESS at once. H. Ore en berg. 223 1st st, be tween Main' and Salmon. WANTED GIRL AS COOK AND GENERAL housework in small family; wages $30. Call up Phone Main 2740. CITY WHOLESALE HOUSE DESIRES SERV ices of intelligent trustworthy woman over 30. Q 65. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work; no washing. Apply Sunday and Mon day. 344 10th st WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL IIOUSE work; no cooking, good placet nay $20. Call 6S1 Hoyt st GOOD WAGE3 FOR COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework, family of three. Apply 63 North 22d st YOUNO GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework: wages $15. 786 Corbett it Phone Main 6510. A LADIES' ORCHESTRA. 4 OR 3 PIECES, steady employment Apply .McNlffe, rodm 310, Allsky bldg. OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. CALL mornings. 658 Lovejoy. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Phone Main C278. WANTED CHAMBERMAID AT 53 NORTH 18th. cnr. DavU. VESTMAKER WANTED AT REFTLING. 331 Washington ot HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAN OFFER NICE SCHOOLGIRL, WISH Ing to work for room and board, a desir able home. Address E 93, Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR waitress in restaurant; plain work; good wages. 123 N. 0th st EXPERIENCED NURSE OR NURSERY rovernesX references. Mrs. Richard Nunn. 777 Flanders st 23 GIRLS AND WOMEN AT CANNERY OF Oregon Packing Co., East 8th and Yamhill. Apply at once. GIRL FOR CHAMBER WORK; LITTLE cooking; good wages; must be competent 2C84 14th et. WANTED COOK. DINING-ROOM GIRL and chambermaid. Call 42a Alder at two days. EXPERIENCED GIRL TO SEW ON PANTS. Apply room 9, Canterbury block, 3d and Washington. Oregonlan. WANTED SEWING GIRLS AND HELP ers at Mme. McClure's, office. 41S The Mar qua m bldg. WANTED A NURSEGIRL AND ASSIST DO Ing housework. 602 Schuyler et. Take Irv ington car. GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE AND ASSIST with housework; no cooking. 393 Morrison, cor. 10th. WANTED NEAT. INTELLIGENT GIRL TO care for 'baby. Inside Fair grounds. Phone Fair 203. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUS2-wor- and care of children. 546 3d, near Lincoln. W ANTED S ECOND MAID: ALSO LAUN dVe. Apply 115 North 20th et. bet 9 and 12 A. M. MIDDLE-AGED GENTLEMAN WANTS housekeeper and chambermaid. T 97, Ore gonlan. GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN PAPER box factory. F. C Stettler. corner 10th and GUran. EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES WANTED In our different departments. The Silver field Co. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK. AP ply between 9 and 12 A. M. 143 North 20th at. GOOD GIRL, ABOUT 14. TAKE CARE baby; good home. Novelty Stand. 325 Wash ington. GOOD WAGES TO COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework, small family. 791 Over ton at WANTED EXPERIENCED WA1TRBS3. Llndell Hotel, Market st. between 3d and 4th. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP ing. Call at 106 East 33rd, or Phone Seott 331. RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work In email family. 303 Eleventh street WANTEDEXPERIENCED WAIST AND skirt hands. Davidson & Terry, 1-41 13th. BON-BON DIPPER AND GIRL TO PACK IN candy factory. Apply at 104 North 18th st. WANTED A GIRL TO HELP WITH COOK ing and housework. 101 North 16th at WANTED A GOOD PLAIN COOK; TWO IN family. Apply mornings. 812 Johnson st WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with general housework.. 60 1H Lovejoy. TEN GIRLS WANTED AT DRESSMAKING school. Call 271Vi Morrison at., room 6. WANTED 3 GIRLS FOR DINING-TtOOM and kitchen work, at 104-0 North 7th st WANTED STOCK GIRL AT H. B. LITTS. 4th and Washington. Apply Tuesday. FOR SALE HALF-INTEREST IN GOOD paying business. $200. Call 312 Pine st WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Call In the morning. 143 N. ISth. GIRYj TO ASSIST IN GENERAL JieUSE work. 333 Market st. Phone Main 4443. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking; good wages. 340 Hassalo st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; no washing. 361 Tenth street WANTED NEAT GIRL TO HELP IN dreesmaklng; good wages. 535 3th st. SEVERAL EXPERIENCED SALESGIRLS: must be competent Apply 171 3d st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU8E work. Apply 767 Qulmby st, near 23d. WANTED-GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work. small family. 186 N. ISth et. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Telephone Scott 1555. LAUNDRESS WANTED $7 PER WEEK, with board. 262 7th st South. WANTED FIRST-CLASS VE5TMAKJSRS. Nkroll. the Tailor. 108 Third st. GIRLS WANTED 205H 1ST ST. MONDAY morning. Pacific Regalia Co., GIRL OF ABOUT 10 TO TAKE CARE OF baby. Apply 307 Market nt. WANTED A LADY COMPOSITOR, dress Graphic. Newberg. Or. AD- WANTED COMPETENT COOK AT 691 Lovejoy. Phone Main 671. WANTED APPRENTICES AND SEWING girls at 420 Morrison st GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family. 666 Hoyt st. WANTED APPRENTICES. FOR DRBSS maklng. 143H 11th st WANTED GIRLS AT PAC. COAST BISCUIT Co.. 12th and Davis st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 700 PICKERS TO PICK 624 ACRES HOPS; all desired accommodations; grocery, bakery, restaurant, butcher shop; beautiful eamp grounds; dance hall: pure mountain water, etc.; reduced excursion rates, special train 15 cars. Apply Monday and Tuesday room. 441 Sherlock bldg.. 3d and Oak. Krebs Bros. WANTED ENERGETIC, TRUSTWORTHY man or woman to work In Oregon, repre senting large manufacturing company; sal ary $40 to $90 per month, paid weekly, ex penses advanced. Address, with stomp, J. H. Moore, Portland. Or. WANTED YOUNO PEOPLE TO FIT themselves for stenographers and book keepers; placed 207 In positions past year; can place you when competent Behnke Walker Business College, day and night Catalogue Call. HOPP1CKERS WANTED FOR EXCURSION tickets call at the St. Charles. September 3 and 4J ship Tuesday. September 5. J. M. Joncei or J. N. Maesey. ACTORS-OPPORTUNITY FOR AMATEURS or those desiring experience; instruction evenings; company organizing. L 92. Ore gonlan. TO GO ON MONDAY HOPPICKERS WANT ed. 862 Corbett Good hops; shacks fur nished. Call tomorrow. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANO PLATER. Address Mies Fannie Hall. 120 Bridge st. Baker City. Or. WANTED AT ONCE. MALE OR FEMALE waiter, and 1 good kitchen glrL 371 23th st North. TAILOR AND TAILORESS TO WORK QN coats. Call at Pallay't tailor shop, 170 VS 2d st PANTRY BOY OR- GIRL WANTED AT Hood Restaurant cor. tfth and Everett sts. WANTED EXPERIENCED HELP FOR tailor work. Inquire 267 Everett st. HOPPICKERS WANTED. APPLY 334 SHER lock bldg., cr phone Main S42. HOPPICKERS WANTED, st Shacks -furnished. 224 COLUMBIA SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG MAN. WITH EXPERIENCE IX grocery store, wishes position as clerk or bookkeeper; can give references. 867 Cor bett st YOUNG MAN. 23. DESIRES EMPLOYMENT mornings or afternoons; stenographer; ref erences. Address S 82. Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED BY COMPETENT stenographer; S years' experience. Address 647 3d st Phone Ha fn 5332. EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN DESIRES position; permanent preferred. J 94, Ore see W a. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers asd Clerks. A PRACTICAL GENERAL DRYGOODS MAN wants position In Interior town; can, da slgnwrltlng. advertising, decorating and buy ing; have had experience as manager; will take management of drygoods dept or en tire stock. Address at once, V 96, Oregonlan, WANTED PLACES FOR STUDENTS TO work, for board and room while attending) school. Apply Portland Business College, or phone Main 664. YOUNO MAN. BUSINESS COLLEGE GRAD-. uate. wants position; good penman; accu-' rate at figures; good references. D SO, Oregonlan. Misceliaaeoas. BY YOUNG MAN. AGE 33; THOROUGHLY: understands babbiting, balancing, adjusting; and care of high-speed machinery: 6 years experience running and care of Edleon gen-' eral motors; 5 years as shipping' clerk and; warehouse foreman; machine and Implement house preferred; best of city, reference. K 99. Oregonlan.- - WORK OF ANY KIND--m YEARS' BXPE rlence at .printing traae. If you want steadjc man In your employ, address Fred A. Hall.' 2304 Larrabee. or phone Scott 3809. City references given. WANTED POSITION AS COACHMAN BYt young man recently from the . East; hava. had several years' experience; best of ref-j erence given. Address Russell Hurst, Sa lem, Or. A FIRST-CLASS CHIEF COOK WISHES A position In hotel or restaurant. In town or out; 15 years' experience; can give best ref erence. Address T. Y., 34 3d st. Portland. AN ENERGETIC. INDUSTRIOUS BOY OP IB wishes work In machine shop where car work from beginning to good position. A 98. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER MAN WANTS connection live paper, with privilege of buy ing Interest; Oregon or Washington. P 83, Oregonlan. A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE BUSECES3 man desires position with a responsible boune. prefers to be outside, it 83. Ore gonlan. , TELEPHONE DRAKE. 2054 WASHINGTON, for white, black, yellow help; cooks, dish washers, family; laborers, farmhands; every body. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; aJJ kinds of help. Cray 513. 288 Everett st SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN OF 10 3'eors wishes position as Janitor; best of ref erences. R 95, Oregonlan. TOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COD lege wants place to work for board and room. D 72. Oregonlan. A YOUNG MAN DESIRES A POSITION AS delivery man: well acquainted with street, Q 94. Oregonlan: S GOOD JAPANESE COOK TJ TH 10 YEARS experience, wishes pdsltlo-a. in family. Vj 84. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED ELEVATOR OPERATOR wishes a position ; best of reference. R 94. Oregonlan. BARTENDER. 26. WISHES STEADY Posi tion In good place; best reference. G 93. Oregonlan. : FIRST-CLASS PANTSMAKER. MARRIED, wants steady place. Y 98. Oregoniaii. CARPENTER WANTS JOB. REPAIR OR, work by day. Phone Main 3993. JAPANESE COOK WANTS SITUATION IN email family. 270 Davis st JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO DO WORK IN city. B 1. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. TOUNG LADY FROM THE EAST WISHES position as stenographer or assistant book keeper; 3 -years' experience; referencea. Phone East 1942. WANTED-POSITION. RELIABLE YOUNG lady, as assistant bookkeeper, collector or cashier. G 96, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER. BOOK keeper. owning machine, desires position at once. H 96, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED LADY STENOGRAPHER wishes position; references. Address B 92. Oregonlan. Domestics. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED girl an cook or general housework. Call Monday. Phone East 3S39, or address 320 Larrabee st WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED LADY, work by day or week; housework or care of Invalid. Address K 1C0, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY STEADY GIRD to assist In general- housework or dining room. A 100, Oregonlan. YOUNG JAPANESE GIRL WANTS SITUA tlon as domestic servant N 96, care Ore gonlan. GIRL WANTS EITHER .COOKING OR, general housework. Apply 408 Market st Housekeepers. WANTED AT ONCE BY RESPECTABLE, middle-aged woman, position at housekeep er good roomlngrbouse; several- yearV ex perlehee. J 95, Oregonlan. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING WOMEN AND CHIL dren's plain and fancy garments made to order; jackets fellned and pklrti neatly al tered; prices reasonable. 268 3d st Phono Main 402S. MRS. L. KERLEY. 230 12TH HAVING RE celved advanced styles In ladlea tailored skirts, wilt make a specialty and reduction In price for one month. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING AND plain sewing; work guaranteed; prices rea sonable. Mrs. Morrison, 481 E. 17th st Phone East 1017. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WILL MAKE engagements In private families; city ref erences. Phono Front 1713. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER; ALSO FIT tlng and altering, desires engagements by the day. Phone Main 3363. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES eewing by the day. $1.75. Mrs. Dunford, 58S Pettygrove st EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WOULD like a few engagements by the day. Phone Main 6389. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING REASON able. Mrs. Miller, 435 Main st Phone Pa cific 141., DRESSMAKING SUITS, $3 UP; WORK guaranteed. Phone Main 3107. 413 Main at. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. $2.23 PER, day; city references. Phone Main 6732. Miscellaneous. REFINED. TRUSTWORTHY WOMAN DE sires position as useful companion to lady, or would assist with light housework and sewing in small family (no children), in re turn for pleasant home and small salary. West Side preferred. Good references. A 90. care Oregonlan. TWO COMPETENT LADY TEACHERS from the Eaet want positions; best refer ences; graded school preferred. M 94. Ore gonlan. RESPONSIBLE, MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN would like to nurse or care for Invalid or oversee and care for house. L 97, Orego nlan. EXPERIENCED MIDDLE-AGED COOK; also second girl In first-class private fam ily. Call all the week, 2304 latr room 3. LADY. SEVERAL YEARS' EXPERIENCE, saleslady In department or general merchan dise store, city or country. K 95, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS cashier or to do general office work. In quire Mrs. E. W. A. Phone Union 6061. ORDER ANY RACE HELP OF DRAKE, 205 Washington. Black 1933. Hotel, restaurant, family, camps, everybody. GOOD HOUSEKEEPER AND SEAMSTRESS wants position with elderly couple'' refer enced. Y 90, Oregonlan. PATIENT TO TAKE CARE OF AT SUBUR. ban home by trained nurse; terms reasonable D 84. care Oregonlan. TOUNG JAPANESE GIRL WANTS GEN. eral housework In small family; no child. W 100. Oregonlan. WANTED BY YOUNG LADY POSITION A3 companion or assistant with housework. T 93, Oregonlan. A RELIABLE LADY WISHES' EMPLOY ment evenings. Apply 343 Burnside at. in the evening. WANTED CHILD TO BOARD; LOVELY home; terms- reasonable. Phone Unlos tOM, vi