20 THE SUNDAY OR E G Oljfl A3T PORTLAND. SEPTE3IBEB 3, 1905. SEff TO DAT- WANT TO SAVE RENT? Hundred of Others Do. Come Out Today FIRLAND Choice tract in center of ML Scott district, 25 minutes from :lty Ml. Scott car 5c far, no transfer. Lots (120. payable $3 Sown and $2 a month. House built to suit you and sold at cost (with lots) at rent rates. High, pure air, all convenience, tnd outgrowing all other sub urbs. There's a reason.' Come out and see. Geo. W. Brown 205 Falling Building. Phone Main 2128. R. A. TAYLOR at FIrland. City office open evenings. ELLA STREET , IMPROVED 70x15 feet, with 10-room house in good condition. One of the choicest locations the city. Will sell very reasonable, and on easy terms. Rountree & Diamond 241 Stark, -Corner Second. Where the Sensible Settler Goes Where the Warm Chinook Winds Blow Where the Cool Mountain Water Flows Where Wheat, Oats and Barley. Grow Yes, where the buffalo In millions went to Winter In the old days and found the rich prairie grasses cured by the dry ripening suns of August and September in abundance in the days that are gono. Here now Is the home -of the cowboy and the dairy maid where are to be seen the finest beef steers of modern commerce that range throughout the year. In a country milder in climate than Iowa. The Canadian Northwest, the land of free homesteads, whore railway lands adjoining are sold at moderate prices. Pull Informa tion at . CANADIAN GOVERNMENT AGENCY Room 2. Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE Mo one can sell you small tracts of land so convenient to the city and on as favor able terms as we. We are selling acre tracts as low as 5150 per acre, on monthly payments. Soil Is pood. These acres are at Wichita, on O. W.JP. electric line. Just east of Sellwood. Take Estacada car &nd stop at Wichita. Knapp & Mackey Room. 2. Chamber of Commerce. G. T. PARRY. Resident Agent. SECURE A HOME IN EVELYN CHOICE LOTS FOR $100 AT 10 CENTS A DAY ($3.00 Down and $3.00 Per Month.) Don't fail to visit Erelyn before in vesting in real estate. The induce ments I offer will appeal strongly to you. Evelyn is on the Mt Scott electric railway, 25 minutes from city. E. ALFORDSON, Office Evelyn Station. WANT A SNAP? 50x100 with 3-story brick, centrally located on West Side. Income $1.75 a Month, S22,500 The Healy Investment Co. 210-214 Abinton 1063 Third SL $13,000 $12,000 $ 9,000 $42,500 Full lot; Park St.. adjoin ing new 6-story brick: 2 houses on lot. 100x100, Alder St., corner; cneapest lot on street; won't last long. Corner, over 2 full lots, Washington street; stores would readily rent. Brick, on Fifth st, near Washington: over 6 per cent, net income. EL J. DALY, 222 Falling Bldg. 927 ACRE Farm and stock ranch, la Valley; 175 acres cultivated land, good orchard, irood 7-room house. 5 barns and other buildings. 2 creeks through place; R.F. D. mall; 7 znues irora county seat; zau neaa Of STOCK: good farming Implements. Price. $15,080; terms. Mrs. H. F. Ball, owner, Corvallls, $2500 oooa &-room house, on anaver si. inA ran-. ner. 100x100. -wlffi Urv lnt of fruit- V.!-n rv. - Sm. WU" vement to two car unc can -make terms PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 109 Third Street. Nice new cottage on ML Scott car line. two lots, beautiful shade trees, -water in house: will be sold, at a sacrifice; MM cash, eai&nce mommy lnaxaiimetiu, KNAPP 3k -MACKEY, 6 Jtoom 2, Chamber of Commerce. S750 NEW TODAY. FOR SALE BY CHAftLES K. HENRY TO INVESTORS The undersigned has a nurebcr of In vestments for sale that are sure to make money for the purchasers. Washlngton-St. Corner 50x100, finely located, a very good buy and certain to grow in value. Morris on -St. Quarter Block 100-foot frontage on Morrison st. in the Judgment of the writer, it Is the best buy in the City of Portland at the price. Sixth-Street Lot ESfeiot In the best part of Cth st., commanding now a fair rate of Interest, and if built upon would make one of the best properties In the city. Fourth-Street Lot ffi,Bw attractive buy. Front-Street Property 25x100 feet, with good four-story brick building, elevator and good offices, only $13,500.00. Third-Street Quarter Block income property on Third at., well erected, good brick building, fine foun dation. Present Income pays fair rate of interest on price asked, and will surely increase in value. Fifth-Street Lot f- f gg st., next to where a fine corner build ing Is to be erected. This Is a de sirable purchase. Fifth-Street Corner Near Washington st., an exceptionally fine corner lot. Investors should look Into this. Washington-St. Property Finely improved quarter block, build ings well rented, paying good rate of interest on the price asked. Capital ists or estates having money to invest should insoect this. Stark-Street Property7 Full quarter block, very desirable lo cation on Stark St., ready to build upon. Burnslde-Street Property 200-root frontage on BurnBlde st.. very desirable location and sure to Increase in value. Eieventh-Street ?Jg2??& lot 50x100 feet, closo to fine improve ments. Very desirable and reasonable Jot to build on. Glisan-Street Property Quarter block close In; very doslrabla and a bargain. Eighteenth-Street bana Johnson streets, with four residoncos thereon and room for anothor at $15, 000. Present rental $1320 per month. Warehouse Property S& acres, fronting on railroad, suitable for large factory or warehouse, with ten cottages thereon, and real bargain la warehouse or factory site. Residences Parties wanting' good residences should call upon me, as I have a number of choice residences of which the follow ing are a few samples: Eleventh-Street Residence Full quarter block close In. House Is handsome, well built, very conveni ently arranged with fine quarter blook set with trees and shrubs. Any person wanting a fine home close In should In spect this, as It can be sold on easy terms and Is really a bargain. Johnson's Y Residence Fine modern, well built, handsome house on Johnson's Hill, modern In every particular, nice grounds. Any family wanting an elegant home In this choice location should Inspect this. Hoiladay's Addition 2? mint, two-story, nine-room residence. Quarter block In swell location; -very convenient, and at a right price. Mount Tabor Residence Handsome, stylish residence, complete in every detail. A full acre of ground set to beautiful trees and shrubs. Par ties wanting a fine homo with lawn, fruits and flowers, Inspect this. CCfinn "VVI11 buy. 11 taken at once, an ODUUU elegant residence at 355 Halsey street, corner or East Third street, two story, modern, well-built, eight room house, good plumbing, fine base ment, full concrete floor, good furnace, everything new and clean and in first class shape. Nice cdrnor. Present owner leaving state for mining inter ests elsewhere, and will soil at a very low price, and on easv terms of pay xnont "Will seii furniture, carpets, and everything complete If wanted. Any family wanting a fine home with small payment down, this Is their op portunity. (40 Rfl "uys a n,ce corner residence on East Twenty-ninth and Taylor streets. House is modern in every respect, good furnace and basement, fireplace. Combination gas and elec tric light fixtures. Easy terms. Residences and building sites In dif ferent parts of the city. Be sure and call upon the undersigned before buy ing elsewhere, as It will be to your In terest. CHARLES K. HENRY. 273 Stark street. F. 0. NORTHRUP & CO. Quarter or half-block -warehouse proDerir on switch, North Portland. All solid ground and near main tra.uk. Sell this at last year prices. Beautiful modern home, 8 rooms, IBth st. best part Nob Hill. 55500; $1500 cash, bal ance monthly payments if, desired. Two rood buys on 10th for building pur poses. 50x50, near 10th, walking distance, cheap. 50x100, 2d. near Grant, with good S-room house, cheap at $3000. Three fine building sites . on Portland Height. 100x100 each, at barraln nricea. Also flne 8-roora house and 2 lots, ready for occupancy, on Heights, at tne low price of $6000. House cost $0500. Beautiful grounds. 0-roora cottage, ready for occupancy, near 11th and Montgomery; gas. bath, nice yard, etc.: for a few days at $2250. This house is finely furnished. Will sell same if de sired, $1000 cash, balance easy payments. Why pay rent? Double flats, brand new, very central. 10th st: rented for $100 per month; chess at $10,000. Two flat sites near Park School; very de sirable; prices right New 7-room house, big corner lot Union avenue. 10 minutes' ride; $2000; easy terms; modern Improvements. Beautiful 0-room modern home, Northrop st: large lot; $8500. Good buys in houses, both sides of river, and some inside business property paying good rents. Look us up 211 Commercial Gik, 2d and Wash. $1950 Very choice corner. 6Vr 100, In finest part of Portland Heights. This Is above street erode. Cement slflntmtv ana sewer, .a. loveiy ouuamg site. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 103 Third Street Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estcte City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H, B1RRELU Mt-S XeKar fcMc Third ul Stark s4. PARK STJREET otOClM FEET NEAR WASHINGTON ST. PRICE VERY LOW. F. V. ANDREWS & CO, HAMILTON 1UK) 111 THIRD ST. OLD GOLD, JEWELRY. BOUGHT. 3CADE 'ever, exchanged: dJamossk, prtcloua stosae, loeee astd mounted; watches, jewtlry- rtpnireS. uncle JCyetu, tie jewessr, it re, mt JU4r, NEW TODAY. A. J. FARMER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'GROCER. You can save 20 ocf cent by dealing with us. Note some of our prices; One pound 35c it. and J. coffee, 23c; 2 cans Primrose cream. 15c: 10-pound box crackers, boc; broken Java coffee. S pounds. 25c; S pounds good rice, 25c; 1 pound Schilling baking powder. 25c; 1 pound Royal baking pow der. 40c: 1 pound Arm and Hammer soda. 5c; 13 bars Royal Savon, 25c; 10 pounds sago- or tapioca, 35c; 100 pounds best D. G. sugar. a-2o; is pounas granuiatea sugar, best $1: 1 nound English breakfast tea. 15c; best Eastern hams, per pound, 14c; ficnie cams, per pouno, vc: i ioc can nf mllfc- 1 asV muwl ion1.liMlt flnnr jl; 5-pound pail best lard. foe; 10-pound pail best lard, 51; 2 5c bars Tar soap, 5c; l-pound can baked beans, 5c; z-pouna can baked beans. 10c r 1 nound shredded co- coanut 15c: 1 sack best patent flour. 51-23: 1 package Scotch Oati, 10c: 1 sack best soil wneat nour, ji. we deliver on tne East Side Tuesdays and Fridays. Remem ber the number, 2S1 3d st, corner Jeffer son. Phone .Main 403. A Snap Two to five-acre tracts on the O. W. P. car line, one mile and a half east from tho golf links; price from 5150 to $250 per acre. Inaulre of John H. Gibson. OWN ER, at Stanley. CITY address, room 109 uneriock biag. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. $250020 acres on Powell's Valley road. 1 mile from car; all In cultivation;. $1000; $1500 6 per cent 3 years. fSaOOO Wafer front suitable for doolc or warehouse : a snap. $10,500 East Side business property; pays SH per cent net; investigate. J 1 ICO Choice quarter block In Hawthorns First Addition: terms. $10,0001000 acres, of heavy timber In Jo sephine Con wilt cruise 40.000 to 50.000 to the acre flr, sugar pine and white cedar; no trouble to investigate. $4500 Fine double house, near Steel bridge; pays 11 Ter cent net J. P. SHARKEY, 701 Chamber f Conwaerce. TWO-STORY QUEEN ANNE FRAME house; 6 large rooms, all modern; fall brick barement; close In; price $2850; easy terms; will pay over 12 per cent on larestmeat Nlre O-room house at Portsmouth, over looking the river; bearing fruit trees on lot; price $1000. hair cash. , House f largfl rooms, besides ball, etes cir. tc; east front; lot POxlOO, In fruit and ornamental trees; in the bos-ton loeattos. 'Weot SMe; price $6700. with terra. 6-room house, full concrete basement lot 100x100. with nice lawn and fralt trees; price $1350. We have other snaps. COLLINS LAND COMPANY. 307 Sterna bldg. Pboe Mala 2324. INSIDE BUSINESS PROPERTY HERE ARE a few raans: $ 10.000 GO-room modern betel (leased 2 yca.iT), pays' 15 per cent $15.000 Corner near Washington st, pays 10 per ceat $25.000 Large building with wtore. pays 14H W" ent $28.000 Three-story brick, pays 12 per cent $fl0.00O Three-stary briek. 100x109 tten years lease), -at $500 per month. We have ether property if any of the above do not suit L. W. WHITING & CO.. 408 Abincton bldg. FOR SALE $3000 Choice nttie O-room imngatow on Bast :sm pK, near to Hawthorne avenue oar line. A coraer lot extra large, awl bourse beauti fully finish and nicely 1oeate4. Sraali staMe or automobile house. Part cash and balance at 0 per cent PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. 109 THIRD STREET. $850 A GOOD FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE with easewent m suours; caw. Bal ance S15 per reoBth. Lot 0x100, ob Williams ave., near FatHng st; $709. . Corner lot near Madlnn-et TsrMge; $300. 200x120 feet en Mason st and Vancouver ave.. $1W0. $1100 Five-room cottage on Bast Side, dose in. ROOM -4, mV4 FIRST STREET. $2000 WILL BUT A NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. with H block at St Joins. $2000 will buy a new modern houee; ob 2Sth .st.. E. Portland. $1050 will buy a new meeera 6-reera house at Scitweod; electric light. $1000 will buy a 6-roora house at Fettwoed. $4XO will buy a swell sew meaers hou;e. ob Sellwood at. Eact Side: 6 rooms. LIND & CO.. 2S1 AWer t $10.000 LOT ON BURNSIDB ST; INCOME bearing. . $17.000 Three-etery brick, on 1st nt; In come, $109. $23,000 Fine property on Washlsgton st t 10.000 3-Ftory frame on -1st st 0.000 Fractional lot as Washington st $ 0,009 I houses. 17th st; Income. $54 mosth. SAHLSTROM & PATTERSON, 105Vi Fourth St PORTLAND HEIGHTS BLOCK AND HALF. on car line, very dose In, fine vlen. for less than coat of ordinary lot; great H.ap; Banters party must oolL See at oace F. A. lastey, 211 Commercial blk. $300 CASH. $20 PER MONTH. BUYS MOD- ern b-roora cottage; $200 cash, fi9 per meMR, buys a 4 -room cottage; $24 cash. $ per month, buys a fractional lot dose in; $250 cash. $1 per month, buys cottage sear Albina. car shops. See Myers, 229 Second t- Clay 042. $ll.O00-24-ROOM HOUSE, NEW. STRICTLY modem, hot and cold water la each room, poreelaln bath on each floor; will take lease for three years at reasonable rest; $0000, balance to eult; 14 th and Taylor. Empire Investment Co.. 227 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE-ROOM' COTTAGER NEW, STRICTLY modern, except basement; porcelain bats; comer lot 40x100 feet; why do you pay rent when you can buy a home for $1W0? $300 "At and $20 per month. Empire In vestment Co., 227 Chamber of Commerce. KNOB HILL O-ROOM HOUSE FULL BASE- ment porcelain bath, gas light full lot; lneeme $40 per month: the best buy on the West Side; $4500, $1000, balance 2 years. 0 per cent Empire Investment Co., 227 Chamber of Commerce. ON COMMERCIAL ST.. CENTRAL ALBINA Lot 100x100 feet with grocery, store with 7 llvlsg rooms; building 20x28; good barn; $2000. $1500 cash; this Is a good Bargain. Empire Investment Co., 227 Chamber of Commerce. 0-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, PORCELAIN bath, gas and electric lights, full basement small lot Sherman et. Weet Side; Income $30 per month; price $2000. part canh. Em pire Investment Co., 227 Chamber of Com merce. RARE BARGAIN LARGE HOUSE 100x100 feet Portland. East Sde. convenient, healthy, elghtly. most desirable, less than cost; terms, mutt be sold. Johnson & Van Zante. Attor neys; 505 Commercial bldg. Telephone Main 3052. 8-ROOM HOUSE. BATH AND TOILET, piped for furnace, lot 00x05 feet South Portland. West' Side; $3300, $1000, balance 2 to years at 0 per cent Empire Invest ment Co., 227 Chamber of Commerce. $400 PER ACRE 21 ACRES OF FINE, level land, near Irvlngton. on line of Bull Run pipe line, and mile from electric car Use. Terms easy. Owner, M OC, Ore gonlan. A VERT DESIRABLE QUARTER BLOCK, centrally located, on East 13th st; one-half down, balance on long time; price $3200. Address D 100, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 75X100. BARN, fruit trees. 2 blocks car-line; a great bar gain at $1250r terms; by owner. Ad dress 402 San Rafael st. city. A FINE 7-ROOM HOUSE AND TWO LOTS, 9th and Tillamook ts.. In West Irvlngton; $1500: part cash. Empire Investment Co., 227 Chamber of Commerce. SS0 ACRES GOOD LAND. NEAR SALEM. timber enough to nay for the land: acces sible to river: $27 per acre. Hatfield & Smith. 1C5H fourth st GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE. BATH AND HOT water, nice lot some fruit 2 stocks from car line: easy payments. $2000. Hatfield & smith, igzw ourm ax. SEE THIS TWO NEARLY NEW HOUSES. lot CAxino feet some shrubbery, near car line; $1500. Hatfield Jt Bmlth, lVj 4Ur st O-ROOM HOUSE: TOILET. BATH. tries, etc: within walking distance of Steel bridge; SIIOO. c so, uregcnian. GOOD INCOME STORE AND DWELLING. comer; snap; Investigate; $2100. Owner, 309 may. rnonc jutn kkm. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 5-ROOM COTTAGE for sale, conveniently situated; must be sold. call Peone Slain Kocees built on easy payments; lota furnlehed ii ecesreo. 12 wommsrciai otac -awn jnv. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE , BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. . O-room modern new bouse, fine location. - on Eac Taylor st; full cement basement nice fireplace and mantel, porcelain bath, ele gant chandeliers, shades and curtain poles; new gas range: price only $3350; $2(X) cash, balance monthly. O-room house. Highland district; modern In every way; $2100. Installment. 7-room new house, just completed and ready to move right Into, full cement basement and modern In every way; Hawthorne First Addltlcn; swell location: $2600. Installments. 5-room house. Tlbbctts' Addition: good lit tle place: only $1050. part cash. 7-room modem, up-to-date home; beautiful yard, fruit and flower In abundance; to see this place means BUY; $2700. S-room modem home. McMUlen'a Addition ; furnace, up to date In every respect; sew house; $iS50. 5-room modem new bouse on Mount Scott car; porcelain bath, hot and cold water; only $1350; small payment down. We have several small places with one or two lots that range In price from $300 oo $050 that we can sell on Installments. We have Iota very central, on East Side, with all street Improvements In. sewer and gas, right On car line, very finely located; prices of lot. $050 to $750 each; will build house after your own plans; small payment down, balance monthly; this Is an oppor tunity to own your own heme on rental baeis. VACANT LOTS. Choice lot on East 3d. Hoiladay's Addi tion; only $S50. A very fine lot Hoiladay's Addition; only $750. Another for $725. Cement walks, sew er and water all In and all strtet Improve ments; lots sold last week only two blocks away from this for $1250. Three lots. Albina Homestead, corner: street Improvements -all In; only SHOO. K block on Union ave.; beautiful corner and only $1150. This !e the best bargain oa this street ACREAGE have very fine acreage on car line, alt in cultivation and located fine; this la a snap for any one; good spring on place. We have tract of acreage near Mllwaukle that we can sell on a very small payment down and all time that Is wanted to pay bal ance. Price Is right Call for particulars. TAFT & CO.. 122-2-5-G AMngton Block. YOUR OWN HOME. Why limit yourself to an ordinary sized building lot? You can purchase lota any where and everywhere, but when you desire an acre tract you are at once on the hunt: they are hard to find, and when compared to lots are an one to a thousand. A great maay people want at least an acre; we know they do; that why we are In the business. That Is our specialty, to sell you an acre tract (equal to 0 or 8 lots) on terms that you practically meet on the purchase of one ordinary lot We plat these tracts with ful!-dzed streets with water piped to each acre: we plat .them so that in future It you deired to cut them Into lots yoa can do so. Wesell them at prices from U to H what the same amount of land eoeta yoa when bought In lots. We fell them on terms of $10 cash. If you like, aad $10 per month per acre. This gives you a chance to use your ready money to build and start a home. As an Investment or aa a starter for a home later on, your Judg ment is good If you purchase. You go to these acres on the same car and pay tho same 5c fare the lot man pays. The let roan Is your neighbor, but he la restricted In pos sibilities. You are a wholesaler, the lot maa Is a retailer. A. C. CHURCHILL &. CO.. lie Second St A LARGE FINANCIAL HOUSE. ESTAB llehed 1$40. which acts as general promoter 'of high-class enterprises of merit wants the service of gentlemen of good appearance and addre, busmesf: and soda! standing, to reprefsnt us In selling securities of eompas ten la which we are Interested. We do not want cheap men. We want only those who are capable or earning $5000 or more a year. CerapenFatlon based on eommlssloa until abil ity la proven, then salary and oommlraloB. At least three references required. Address Agency Dept. William Harney & Son. Grove asd York sts., Jersey City, N. J. $9000 A VERY FINE RESIDENCE PROP- erxy wntcn we mt ror mle. It l situated on 24th st.. surrounded by the most beauti ful homes in the city. There are 0 rooms, beautifully finished In redwood. The house Is thoroughly modern and la ready for oc cupancy. We oan make terms suitable. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON.. 100 THIRD STREET. 10 ACRES. 70 CLEAR, ALT. FINE LAND. H-miie ranroad; nae community; $4500. easy terms. Also 47 acres, nicely improved, at edge of city; sidewalk, electric light. $8700: half cash. Call 240 7th st. city, af ter i P. M. or before 0 A. M. FOR SALE-$1500- A very choice comer lot. with south and east frontage, only one Mook from Un4oa avenue car line, en Weldler et. Lays welt above street grade aad ban all Improvements made. Good location for a home, and would make a fine Investment If uted for flats. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. 100 THIRD STREET. $lC.e0O-QUARTBR BLOCK ON 14TH ST., with lb-room apartment house and 10-roem house leased now for $145 per month. You ean make this a 15 per cent net Investment, as there Is room left to build oa. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 40S Ablngtoa bldg. 1 ACRES. FENCED FOR POULTRY. MOD- em 7-room cottage, bam. chicken-nouses, dty water, good ear service, near school: high, beautiful location, sloping south. Q 97. Oregonlaa. THINK OF THIS-$3100 WILL PURCHASE a corner lot en. 2d st. 58x100, with new 0 room modem house, built by owner for his owa use. L. W. Whiting & Co., 408 Ablng ton bldg. FOR SALE NICE BUILDING LOT ON Willamette Boulevard, overlooking Willam ette River and city; size 80x130 feet In quire Willamette Station. HOUSE AND LOT OR FRACTIONAL LOT, West Side. $1000 cash, balance on or before 3 years: owners or real estate agents. A 87, Orfanlan. $2150 GREAT SACRIFICENEW 3-ROOM meaern collage, xu. inn il, near iiaw thorae ave., full lot Investigate, H 03, Oregonlan. 7-ROOM HOUSE: TOILET. PANTRIES. ETC: lot 55x100; E. 13th North; West Irvlngton; desirable location; $3000; terms. E 07, Ore gonlan. 5-ROOM. NEW COTTAGE 50XI00-FOOT lot: Ttbbett'e Add.. East Side; $1500. $500 cash, balance monthly. G 07, Oregonlan. LARGE HOUSE AND GROUNDS; EAST Side; close In; suitable for small sanitarium or lovely home; cheap. Phone East 475. NEW 3-ROOM BUNGALOW; BATH. CL05 ets. attic, fireplace, gas; fine shady corner; East Side, by owner, R 03. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TWO BEAUTIFUL NEW RRSI deaces; 8 and 10 rooms; finely located. East Side, close in. Owner, phone East 07. NEW O-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN EVERY way. easy terms. Owner, one block south 052 Union ave. North. East 24C0. SELLWOOD LOTS. $5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 a month; from $75.00 to $200.00. Sellwood Townslte Co. Phone Union 14bL $5750-FINE MODERN HOUSE. NEAR 23D and Johnson; $3000 cash, balance to ault at 0 per cent A 04. Oregonlan. FOR SALE NEW 0-ROOM HOUSE ALL modem ccavenlences: price reasonable. In quire owner. 731 E. Ash st $2850 WILL BUY NICE LOT ON 18TH ST.. near Nob Hill district suitable for residence or fiats. Phone East 1507. 0-ROOM HOUSE: TOILET. PANTRIES. ETC.; nearly new; Clay et. near 12th: West Side; $4000. F 87. Oregonlan. 10-ROOM HOUSE NEAR KINO ST.: BEST residence portion; West Side; fht&fii $7000; terms. H 87. t Oregonlan. Mount Scott car tine, $175; $S3 cash, bal- J ance at $3 a month. - I $2200 7-ROOM HOUSE AND QUARTER btock. near Wllllams-ave. car. Miller, 714 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE CHEAP 3 DESIRABLE LOTS near Highland School. Inquire 115 Sd st, Gerson and Hart $2350 MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE HARD finished, full basement, close in. Address 408 East 17th st ACREAGE NEAR CAK LINE. 0 MILKS from Morrison t bridge, C K. Ballard, MUwauklt. Or. FOR SALE CHEAP 200 ACRES LAND -ON Sauvle's Island. Inquire 578. Umatilla, ave.. Sellwood. Or. $C50-8-ROOM HOUSE BARN. FINE COR ner lot Sellwood; easy terms. Box 501. Or egon City. A FINE LOT NEAR BUSINESS CENTER for sale cheap. Address Owner, W 95, Oregonian. FOR 8 ALE 5-ACRE TRACTS. $50 EACH. Inquire of owner, 0 Spokane., ave., Sell wood. ' $4X FOR 2 ton IX ALSIXa: waltoxo distance. J?aclcT. ,.AI Co., 27 W. 1st at FOR SALE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS FOR THE WISE WHO COMB TO US FOR THE BEST BUYS. $6500 One of the best lCO-acre farms In Clackamas County; m miles from electric car service. . nearly all In cultivation, rich soil, big crops, fine 8-room residence, good barns, abundance bearing fruit Price in cludes teed, slock and Implements. $4500 Very swell, strictly modern, up-to-date S-room residence, furnace ant all mod em conveniences; comer lot landscaped and decorated In elegant style on E 11th st. walking distance to business center. $3000 Very fine river front 140-acre place, excellent buildings, choice fruit. 20 acres beaver dam. worth the price of the whole place; 2 miles railway station, -iO miles out $2500 20-acre place within 3Vi mlled of business center city; small house, rich s,oll, living water, convenient to electric cars. $2000 130-acre farm. 7 mllea from thrifty Valley town, good public highway. 60 acres in fine state of cultivation, balance In very fine grass pasture with some small oak groves; good 5-room cottage. 2 barns, living water piped to the buildings. Forced sale, best farm buy in the state. $073 Quarter block, beautiful 5-room cot tage, good barn. A very cozy place, one block Woodstock car. $0502. full lots with handsome S-room resi dence. Howe st, Wcodlawn. $$50 Elegant lot 50x125. fenced, bearing fruit on Sacramento. 100 feet east of Union ave. $750-3 full lou. neat 5-room cottage, 24 bearing fruit trees, abundance of berries, fine garden. Plymouth at. Woodlawn. $4&o-Over a full lot with neat cottage and outbuildings. Right in the best part of Woodlswn. $300 3-aere place In Clackamas. $20050x100 lot with small cottage, one block electric cars. Oak Grove. ' For the beat bargains you should not fall to see THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY. 14SH FIRST STREET. WILL EXCHANGE IN PART FOR A GOOD PAYING RESTAURANT. 20 acres, all fenced and la excellent state of cultivation, excepting 2H acres, which Is In pasture; 2 acres of genuine beaverdam land; 19 acres excellent swale Bmd. the very richest soil; chotce variety fruit; good 6-room cottage, barn and other buildings; ex-, cellent well; 3. cows, horse.' harness, wagon, pigs, poultry and farm implements: situated to railway station; school, church, store asd oa rural mall route; 15 miles from city; price $2250. Apply to THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, 1494 1st st FOR SALE $175 TO $225 EACH Our lots en Portland Height, only three blocks to car line, water mains laid. Over twn-thtrds of this entire tract Is already cold, and the lots remaining will be closed out at the above-named prices. Select your lot at once and see ua about term. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. 100 THIRD STREET. $1000 COZY 5-ROOM COTTAGE 2 BLOCKS, from car line; fins yard. $1000 O-room house, half block from car line. $1325 S-room house; fine finish. We have half a dozen other houses that we would like to show you. We can make easy terms on any of them- SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO.. Phone Union 1401. FORSALB-fSMO. Very fine Hawthorne ave. home. This' Is located la the beet party of the East Side, and Is surrounded by many very beautiful homes. If looking for a,n elegant property see this. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. 18 THIRD STREET. ACRE TRACTS WE . HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms aa low as $10 per menth with watsr. A. C Churchill tk Ox, "Inc." 110 21 ac SNAP FOR WIDOW OR AGED COUPLE f 8-room new modem house, Willamette boule vard; half block ear line; ground 175x100; gardes, fruit etc outbuildings; permanent but light employment goes with ownership of this property, paying $35 monthly. Price $3360. half cash. Elite & Gibson, room 21. 201 Morrison et ! HOUSE 10 ROOMS; NEW AND ABSOLUTE ; ly up to date, elegantly finished through out: situated oa two lets, in Dest portion oi Weft SMe. An one desiring an A 1 home wilt da well to investigate. Phone owner, ilaia 5S5. or call 100 Sherlock bldg. 1RVTNGTON". Lots $SC0. See F. J. Raley. resident agent comer B. 21t and Schuyler sts., who will shew you the property. Phone East 144, or C H. Prescott Tr.. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone "Main 1203. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY FOUR CEN trally located modem fiate. renting $1C50 an nually, will be sold thl month only for $12. 64)0: half oash. balance or mortgage If de sired; a splendid Income proposition. W 82, owner, care Oregoslon.t FOR SALE 5V, ACRES NEAR CITY. ALL under cultivation, good house, barn, orchard, running water, suitable for chicken or milk ranch, or wt;i exchange for city property. Pflueger & Tschudy, room 14. Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. BUY NOW BEFORE THE FALL- RAINS BE gtn; new. modem S-room house, Hawthorne ave. asd E. 31st st; ample grounds; at tractive neighborhood; splendid car service; price $3000. $250 down. $25 per month. X S2. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1000 FEET OF railroad frontage, facing two streets, of 11B3 feet; on 10-lach water main: fire hydrant on comer, and street car by property; If you want something good, address owner. B 78, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM COTTAGE; BATH, toilet; pantrlea; full basement; full lot; nice laws; flowers, fruit etc; East 13th. West Irvlngton: $2500; small cash payment bal ance small monthly payments. D 88. Ore gonlaa. FOR SALE TO SETTLE ESTATE; MOST desirable acreage; tracts to suit; near Lents asd car; good soil; terms. Johnson fc Van Zante. Attorneys. 505 Commercial Sldg., Portland. Telephone Main 3022. FOR SALE-NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE WITH full basement and large attic; Eugene st. between Rodney and Union aves. AddreM A. Eason. 3CS Eugene st Phone East 80S. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE .FOR PORT Mand income property, farm of 310 acres; good buildings; plenty of good spring water; 40 miles from Portland. J 83. Oregonlan. FOR SALE GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE. WITH attic, two lots, eaeh 50x100. corner, plenty fruit shrubbery; Williams ave. Price $2700. part cash. 315 Abtngton bldg. GOOD 0-ROOM HOUSE. PRACTICALLY new; full cement basement; about 11 lots; very centrally located in Sunnyskie; a snap ii unn new. au, vrcWiian. IF YOU DESIRE THE BEST QUARTER block on Portland Heights, graded, ready to build on. see urn for $9500. L. W. Whiting tc Co., 40S Ablngton bldg. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. MONTA VILLA: SMALL fruit; concrete basement; $1000: $350 down, balance. $10 per month. A. J. Bundy, Lents, ur. it. . u. ;so, i. NOTICE THIS AD! For houaes. lots, acreage or farms, call on the old reliable real estate firm. SOS. Com mercial block. FOR SALE NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE ON Willamette Heights at a bargain; on easy Installment payments tf desired. X 81, Oregonlan. OWNER WILL SELL ATTRACTIVE MOD em six-room house. 703 York st; large lot: $2500: $250 down. $25 per month. Q 82, care Oregonian. TWO 5-ROOM COTTAGES NEW. MODERN. complete: attractive designs; good plumb ing; fireplace; cast sice, rto agents, s 83, Oregonian. NEW 0-ROOM HOUSE: MODERN; FULL cement uuruicui, ncn iwaini an oouiu i'sTtiana; very easy terms. i 6U, FOR SALE THE CHOICEST HOMES IN land; 1 to 100 acres; fare 35 cents. Homes & ceay. ivn cit v r.nnn KTnrr rnrpir.v car-Une. West Side. $1300. X 85. Oregc-' TWO FINE LOTS ADJOINING GOLF links, with magnificent view of Willamette; $500. Sellwood Townslte Co. Phone Union slSSC NEW. MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE. close In. East Side; easy terms. Owner. 035 East , Washington st- .rnone East 1820. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. THOROUGHLY modem: lot 50x1 CO feet; on 24tb st. West CM- IKVtTI-, tmni. W RCt Ornnlin rrwrvr Vftt' TTrtTtR-c- rrV-ATJ fit) trvn In Ivanhoe? small cash payment balance 10QX1 CO. ON 15TH AND HANCOCK STS.. Hoiladay's Add., fas offered for flMe; a aaap. coresident owner, u , urecofuaa. FOE SALE-REAL ESTATF $4330 MODERN NEW HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS complete In every detail; fine comer lot; streets all Improved; In choice location, E. 20th and Salmon; part cash, balance terms to suit; ready "for occupancy. $3300 -Very nice 0-room modern house; everything eomplete and right up to date; ready for occupancy; E; Salmon asd 20th; terms can be arranged. $2230 Nice 0-room house on Union ave. North, near Tillamook ft; easy terms. $1500 Nice modern 4-room new cottage; everything complete; ready for occupancy; $300 cash, balance $20 month; E. 20th, near Oregon. $3300 Chotce lot on Flanders, near 21st $2300 tine lot on North ru p. near 2lst $830 7-room house near Union ave. N. $830 I nice lots. Patton Traoh on new car-line. This Is a great snap and must be sold In the next few days. $830100x100. nice U -block with sewer, on E. 27th. near Oregon; a snap. $5303 nice 50x100 -foot lots on Ports mouth ave. This Is a great snap. 475030x80, nice tot street Improved, oa E. Taylor, near 20th; snap. $223 for equity In corner lot Grand ave. and Fremont st $300 per acre for 10 acres, all Improved, overlooking the city, near car-Une. $700 for lot near Steel bridge. $400 for 4 lots In Piedmont Park. Many other good bargains throughout the city. Call and see my list F. W. TORGLER. 100 SHERLOCK BLDG. WEST SIDE. 100x73. Washington st. near 17th. .$ 22.500 50x100, Wash. St.. 5-sjory bldg 200,000 30x100. Morrison. 5-story bldg 120.000 100x50. Wash, st-, 7-story bldg 260,000 EAST SIDE. 1 block in warehouse district 21,000 200x142 and 1 0-room house and fur nishings. Tabor Heights. . . 7,000 100x100 and S-Toom -house. Wood stock, 2H blocks from car-line. cash $200 1,350 J. A. CREIGHTON & CO., 103 H Third Street HERE'S A CHANCE TO GET RICH QUICK o acres, or 240 lots, for $55 each if taken in a buneh; on ear line, only 20 minutes from heart of city; lots adjoining now sell ing rapidly at from $100 to $250 each. L. W. Whiting & Co., 40S Ablngton bldg. $5500 FOR PROPERTY WORTH $7000 xcui lur 4w prr raonin; tin lew DIOCK!" south of Portland Hotel: full lot. 2 houses; absent owner, must sell: vacant lot .worth over 53000. See Mr. Payne, with WakefleW Frles, or phone Scott 5073. GOOD 12-ROOM HOUSE.' BATH. FURNACE. io i one ib. nae location, magnincent view of city, comer lot. West Side; will sell at a sacrifice if sold soon. Grundy-Meirath Co., 2I5& Morrison st 15 ACRES ALL IMPROVED. GOOD SOIL. 8 ppie orcnaru. tair nouse. large 'poul try house and yards; near Oregon City electric line at Oak Grove. Only $1500. V 100. Oregonlan. A MODERN RESIDENCE IN HOLLADAY jrar. eixni rooms, zuraace. gas fixture, electricity, cement walks awl floor. Will be sold by owner at a sacrifice. S 1. Ore gonlan. 7-ROOM HOUSEH TOILET. BATH. GAS. cemeni wains; comer. BOxlOO feet; or E. 1st st. close to Steel bridge; $3159; reason able terms. B 88. Oregonlan. 7-ROOM HOUSE ON E. 10TH .ST.. BARN; urce uwi; oeauuiui rose, nowern. ete.; Stephens Addition; $2350; about U eonh. bal ance long time as desired at 0 per cent. A 80. Oregonlan. , 50X100 AND 2 G-ROOM HOUSES: RENTS $3 month; price $1S00; this Michigan ave. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. 183 3d st COTTAGE. SIX ROOMS. HALF HOUR'S wai M- ashlngton corner, must sell. Owner, F 9S. Oregonlan. SIX-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. LARGE lot. walking distance, central. West Side; $4250. L OS, Oregonlan. 11-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN IMPROVB- raenis. carpets, oiinos. stoves; $4000; half lot. 504 GoWflnth st. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE WALKING Dis tance, tast swe, modem; $2400, part cash. X 1. Oregonlan. SIGHTLY CORNER LOT. UPPER ALBINA. or win ouiia ana toil on inatallmeMs. W 1. Oregonlan. SIGHTLY 54-BLOCK. 2 COMFORTABLE COT- lages. or pou one; three oar lines. 320 East Eleventh. $1600 FOR A 0-ROOM COTTAOE, CORNER uni inu uxiera, x bkxsk irom woodiawa car line. SNAP-COTTAGE; MUST BE SOLD THIS "'"P. easy terms. lir-'U ssast AMef st 4 LOTS IN ALBINA HOMESTEAD; 1 BLOCK oi cur une; ay owner. v w. Oregoamn. 7 AND 4-ROOM HOUSES. FRUIT. 2 BLOCKS cars. Apply 450 Magnolia at, WoodJawa. FOR SALE 2 CHOICE LOTS AT ARLETA i-aric. cneap. iv$ Jtorriaon st A VERY DESIRABLE LOT. 50x100, WEST bide, cheap, w 2, Oregonlan. B3H ACRES EN" HOOD RIVER APPLE BELT. J . UCKB, JSl St. LOTS 0 AND 7. BLOCK 80. COUCH. IN- quire ow Aioina ave. FOR SALE-WEST SIDE 5-ROOM COTTAGE -ts aiarxei si. TO EXCHANGE. RESTAURANT. RECEIPTS $50 DAILY. xor city, suouroon property or farm; about $1300. 25x400 and 5 -room cottage, fruit trees. Bacon ave.. for farm; about $1S00. 00x70 and 3-room octtage, Cleveland ave.. for Seattle real estate; about $1000. Timber claim.' 10O acres. 3.000.090 feet fir. for Portland residence; about $2009; will pay cash difference. J. V. CREIGHTON & CO.. 105 Third Street IDEAL 20-ACRE FARM, 'ALL HIGHLY IM proved. 12 mites east on Base Ltae. so gravel, good water; $4000. easy terms; would take part elty Improved property. See owner, 43 First fruit, at Montavllla. $1000; $100, balance $10 per jnonia; win taxe nrst payment is lum ber. Address -B 84, Oregonlan. NEW 10-ROOM HOUSE. CHEAP; SUITABLE xor-iwo lamines; iav aown : tlAA) time; bal ance In vacant lot. Address H. T. Palm. 419 jerence si., city. ROOMING-HOUSES TO TRADE FOR REAL estate; one $3200. another $4500. and others of less yaiue. Ellis & Gibson, room 21. 204 .Morrison st. TRACTION ENGINE, 18-HORSE. RETURN flue, straw burner with sawdust grates for .sawdust fuel, for sale. II 00. Oregonlan. BOARDING-HOUSE. 0 ROOMS, PIANO; clearing $05 month, exchange for good property. O 100. Oregonlan. BUSINESS MAN WOULD EXCHANGE DE- siraoio city reau estate xor gaou-paying business. V 2. Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 2 ACRES ON the st jonns line, suitable for platting. Owner, 300 Benton st 1VTT.T. TTYTTT A TTTRTT.rjR A TV. XrfS.-TV.TI biock tor quarter or can section oc timber ja.no. a. vo, uregonian. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR A GOOD paying rooming-bouse? Call 317 Fen ton bldr., 84 6tb st. FIRST-CLASS DAIRY RANCH AND MILK route, all cash custom, (or sale. Address X' vu, uregonian. COTTAGE ON EAST SIDE WHAT HAVE you? Give xuu particulars first letter. s ua, uregomas. TO EXCHANGE-FURNITURE WANTED in .exchange xor expert aentai work. C 01, uregcnian. v. EXCHANGE 120 ACRES FINE LAND FOR house. lots or -business. 202 Commercial blk. TO EXCHANGE A 7-ROOM HOUSE IN AL- blna for mining stock. J 80, Oregonlan. WILL EXCHANGE A SALOON WORTH $1650 for real estate. Call 24SH Stark st TO EXCHANGE-FINE LOT FOR. TEAM OF heavy horses. 134 3d st FOR RENTFARMS. FURNISHED FAEX OF 320 - ACRES: about 50 acres cultivated 12 cows. 4 brood sows, lot chickens, team, all farm Imple ments, etc: rent $360 per annum: terms. Also two other places for rent Call ilon day. 22tJfc Morrlsdh st 7 ACRES. ONE MILE FROM OREGON City, for rent free for term of years, pro vided tana, is cisarea up; iana easily culti vated. H. E. Noble. 312 Commercial st TO LEASE. FOR LEASE ONE BLOCK OF GARDEN land. Esse Side, on car line; stable and cabin. Bull Run water. Apply Goodnougb fe Reams, Washington bldg. FOK SALE FAXfaU. DO YOU WANT TO BUT A FARM OR A nice suburban 'home 7 Investigate Clark County, Wash.; only 0 miles from Portland; rich, land, good roads, prices cheap. Look over these bargains: Elegant 20-acre tract. 7 miles Vancouver, near school, R. R station, church, etc, R. F. D.; 11 acres beaverdam, cleared and ta crop, balance land slashed; all fenced, small house, good bam. 2 cows, horse, 2 pigs, wagon, buggy, farm Implements and all crop; very cheap, $20Q0. 200 acres 00 acres cleared asd well culti vated; 05 acres In light brush. 25 acres In good timber, 5 acres In orchard. 5 acres In potatoes, 13 acres In oats, several s;ood creeko running through place, 50 toss of hay la barn; a good 2-story 8-room house, a new bam 5CxS8. mllkhouse, chicken-house, hoghouse. woodshed, granary and other nec essary outbuildings 3 years old: 24 head of milch cows and considerable young stock, eheep. bogs, chickens, etc; 2 good, teams of. horses with harnesses. 1 farm wagon, 1 spring wagon and 1 buggy, harrows, plows, cultivators, mower, rake. $200 DeLavel sep arator, milk and . cream cans, 40-callon chum, boiler and engine, wodsaw, stump .puller with cable, and. In fact -everything necessary on an Ideal dairy and etockralslng farm; of a mile from school. 5. miles from good town and boatlandlng, oa the Colum bia River. Good terms, to purchaser. Snap; $6500. 40 acres rich land. 10 miles Vancouver, near P. O., store and school. 22 acres cleared, sufftelent timber for wood, etc; 400 bearing fralt trees, choice fruit new S-room house, with laundry, bam. apple-house, chicken houses, hoghouse. etc.; all farm Implements; price ,$2500; will trade $1500 equity for Im proved city property. Address J. H. Elwell. Williams block. Vancouver.- Wash. Send for booklet oa Clark County, free. CLARK COUNTY BARGAINS. A widow's Sacrifice. 80 acres level land, rich soil, no rocks; 30 acres cleared; 40 acres fenced; two houses; bam; atone dairy: fam ily orchard; dose to railroad, school and small town. Only $1750. Another Snap 10 acres level iland. excellent soil; 2 acres cleared; some slashing; orchard: good 0-room frame house, celled; barn; splendid well water: thickly settled nelgh tofkeod. Only $000. Title perfect A Magnificent Farm 100 acres, rich soil, almost level, no rocks; 00 acres cleared; 20 acres half cleared; 10 acre slashed; 140 acres fenced: 1000 fruit trees; 40 tons fine hay; 5 acres good wheat; 20 acres oats; 2 acres potatoes; 20 head cattle; young span mares and colt; Implements; sheep; hogs; poultry: large barn; large, elegent 0-room houf-o in very sightly location; fruit drier; excellent well water; living creek: close to school, small town, and 5h miles from rail road. Only $5500. SO acres level land, good soil; 12 cleared; bam; 150 fruit trees; 8 miles to Vancouver. $1C50. Very Desirable 5H acres, 3 In cultivation; 300 fruit trees, mixed; small fruits: nice 0 room frame house; bam; only 3 miles from Vancouver. Price. $1000: terms. 40 acres, good soil: 2 acres cleared; 25 acres level; living water; caacara bark: 3H miles from daily steamboats . to Portland. Only $350. Terms. Jas. J. O'Keane. Christ slock. Vancouver. Wash FARMS FOR SALE. 60 acres of good farm land; unimproved; west of Lourell. Wash; Co.. with a box house; a snap at $800. 40 acres of good farm land. 15 clear, with a 4-room house; some stock; In Clackamas Co.; $2500. 00 acres. 40 cleared. 14 mllea from Port land; some beaverdam. some Umber: balance In pasture: a 4 room house, bam. 10 cows. 1 bull. 7 calvee. 3 horses. 1 sow with pigs. 100 chickens. 40 ducks, farm Implements, a threshing machine and the crop of 50 tons of hay, potatoes, etc.; a snap at $0000; halt cash. 84. acres In Yamhill County, all clear, a 0 rooms house. 2 barns, big orchard; $55 per aere. 15 acres, raostlj; clear, some beaverdam, a 5-room house; a creek, and a snap at $2300; close In. FOR SALE OR TRADE.' 1000 acres of good bruh land, mostly all level, easy to clear, near Klamath. Wash., on county road. 320 acres of good dairy land In Tillamook County. 1 mile from cheese factory, $5 per acre for either one of these two. and will trade for Portland property. LInd & Co., 231 Aider st GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED NICELY equippea cntcken ranch within few rods of railway station and steamboat wharf, on Columbia River; 20 acres with 0 acres under plow, balance pasture; land lays nicely: soil very rich; large bearing orchard; good house and bam and chlcken-houaes with Incubators; live water; there go with place the crop, team, wagon, harness, buggy, fanning Im plements, two flRe cows. 300 chickens, pig and a rowboat; price $1500 with good, terms. Imus & Wllloughby. Klama, Wash. FARMS FOR SALE 162 acres. 100 acres In cultivation; this Is a good farm; 20 miles from Portland, and 3V& miles from O. W. P. electric road; $7000; terms to suit. 00 acrevj. 35 cultivated; 13 acres in hops; on good road; 10 miles to Portland: $3300. A number of desirable small farms; well located, for Mle cheap, on reasonable terms. A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. FOR SALE FINE 354 -ACRE VALLEY farm, about 200 acres bottom land, about 100 In cultivation, balance nearly level, part ly cleared and in grass; good buildings, fences and orchard; some beaverdam; about 1500 cords flr and ash timber; electric light asd telephone; olose to rail, churches and schools; 20 miles to Portland; $45 per acre, or will sell part; terms. B 75. Oregonlan. STOCK FARM. 020 ACRES. FOR SS500; 3 mues nortnwest from Worth Yamhill Or. All fenced and Improved. Not listed 'with agents. For particulars, address Charles F. Torrance. Forest Grove, Or. For free conveyance call at Johnson's stables. For est Grove, or Williams' stable. North Yam hill. EXCEPTIONALLY FINIj COMPLETE FARM 55 acres, level land. In cultivation. Too Winter apples, modem improvements, elec tric car, fine roads all year; 8 miles east of Portland; growing crop, chickens, stock and Implements; fine water and piped; more acreage adjoining If wanted. 227 Front st FOR SALE-CO ACRES. ALL LEVEL LAND; creek runs through place; 15 acres, of swalo and beaverdam: 12 miles from Portland, mile from new motor line, 2 miles from Reedville; 2500 cords of wood on slace In tree; easy terms. Mark L. Noble. Real Es .tate Ageat. Forest Grove. Or. 60 ACRES, RICH SOIL, ONLY ONE MILE asd half from town. 30 cultivated, balance pasture and wme timber, good house .and bam. two flne, full-bearing hopyards. dry house complete; orchard and garden. A money maker. Will give terms. Jamison, 508 Morquam building. SO ACRES OF FRUIT" LAND OPPOSITE Hood River, near Lyle, Wash.; all level, runal&g water; on county road: 10 acres cleared; sear school; $1200. E. J. Hufford. St Johns. Or. FOR SALE A 4-ACRE TRACT. HOUSE. OR chard in bearing: email fruits; good soil: convenient to school, street-cars; 3 mllew from Courthouse. Y 08. care Oregonian. 08 ACRES. OR PART. EXCELLENT SOIL, near olty; growing crop, orchard, living stream; good road, rural mall, school. Bar gain if sold soon. F 00, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP 430 ACRES ON ELOKI man Creek. 5 miles Cathlamet. Wash.; flne place for dairy or stock farm. Inquire 378 Umatilla ave.. Sellwood. Or. NOTHING LIKE THIS 1000 ACRES WELL Improved farm, near McMlnnvlUe; more than half In cultivation: for $25,000. with easy trems F. Fuchs. 148H 1st WANTED AT ONCE BUYER FOR 160 acres land In Stevens Co.. Wsah.; very cheap. See It ' A. B. Townsend, Orient Wash. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. SAWMILL FOR SALE NEAR DRAIN. OR. with 200 acrea of good land, with 2,000,000 feet of timber and- a 0-room house; 20 acres clear and 10 more ready for plow; 12,000.000 more timber available. This Is the biggest snap of the century; only ?5000. Llnd & Co., 281 Alder st FURNITURE OF 11 ROOMS. FINE HOME. Nob Hill district for vacant lots, house and lot or chicken ranch. Owner, MacP., 010 Marquam bldg., Portland. WILLAPA HARBOR TIMBER 3000 ACRES, spruce, cedar, flr, hemlock; $3 to $10; tracts to suit W. W. Cheadle. agent South Bend. Wash. $125 HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT ; near Forest Grove; $550; deeded timber claim ajolnlng. Box 501. Oregon City. FOR SALE FINE TIMBER CLAIM UP Co lumbia; entry O. "K.; chance for big return oa Investment W 88. Oregonlan. WANTED 3000 TO 6000 ACRES. GOOD TIM ber; I will pay $8 to $3; not over $10 acre. G 84. Oregonian. 160 ACRES YELLOW PINE AND FIR 3.000,000 feet; near railroad, river; $800. V 02. Oregonlan. 320 ACRES OF TIMBER AND MINERAL land for sale or trade. 504 Goldsmith, Lower Albina. 320 ACRES, FINE TIMBER. NEAR PORT land; $12.50 per acre. H. G. Sahlstrom, 1054 -th st DOUBLE YOUR MONEY ON 70,000.000 FT of flne timber in S years. 504. Goldsmith, Albina, CHEAP LANDS. TIMBER AND GRAZING. Call or addreoe B 510. Chamber CcmaMrce.