The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 03, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Many Residents in Roseburg
District Complain.
Jjctn Land Business in Southern Ore
gon Pile Up, Awaiting Appoint
ments, In Splto of Ful
ton's Ultimatum.
ington, Sept. 2 Many complaints are
reaching Washington because the Rose
burg Land Ofllcc remains closed, and all
public land business in Southwestern Ore
gon Is at a standstill. On January 9, 1905,
Register Bridges and Receiver Booth, of
Roseburg. were suspended, this action
olosing the ofllce. They have ever since
'boon under suspension, though it is known
that both are to be dismissed.
Secretary Hitchcock has not shown any
concern over the fact that land business
an the Roseburg district has been stopped
and has displayed little Interest in the
appointment ot a new Kegister ana ite
fcolver, especially since Senator Fulton
tflatty declared he would prevent the con
jflrmation of any men appointed by the
Secretary over his protest. Information
coming to the Interior Department in the
iSearotary's absence Indicates that a great
mass of land business has been accumu
lating at Roseburg, and there Is a general
clamor for the appointment of new offi
cers in order that the office may be rc
qpenod. However, no action Is being tak
on pn these requests.
Thej are set aside, to await the Sec
retary's return, some time in the latter
part of September.
.Reclamation Engineers Will Soon
Decide on Its Merits.
ington. Sept. 2. Investigations to deter
mine the feasibility of the Okanogan irri
gation project in Northern Washington
are nearlng completion. Supervising Enr
.gineerD. C. Heimey has asked for the ap
jKilntiTient of a board of reclamation en
gineers to meet at Conconully, in the lat
'tor part of September, linally to pass
Hpon and determine the fate of this proj
ect. It 'is believed that sufficient data is
new at hand to tell whether this project
Is feasible and whether or not the work
Ib of such a nature that It can be built at
a reasonable cost. Following the meeting
of the board yet to be selected, announce
ment will be made as to what disposition
"Will be made of the project.
Investigations on other projects in
Washington are not so far advanced as
on the Okanogan, and It will probably be
late in the season before a board will con
sider and pas upon the Yakima project,
'still under investigation.
i Continued From Page 1.)
ned. In fact, no steps -whatever have
yet b,ee-ii taken toward putting an end
te the regular work of shipping mon
and supplies to Manchuria or any other
business oonnocted with keeping the
Manchurian army on a war footing. It
1s explained that no orders will be
given until the final signing of the
peace treaty.
Xcutral Zone Being Arranged and
Peace Industries Revived.
GIJNSHU PASS, Manchuria, Sept 2.
The first intimation of an agreement be
tween the peace envoys has been printed
ia the army organ. From various sources
the news of the agreement percolated In
the communities of Kochlatien and Gun
shu Pass August 31. but comment was
withheld pending military sanction for its
publication and the news is yet too
vaguely known or realized to note Its ef
fect. Arrangements, however, have al
ready been instituted for the establish,
znent and maintenance of a neutral zone
between the armies pending their demobil
ization. The army lias had ample time to accus.
torn .Itself to the Idea of peace. The men
have followed the discussion as closely
as the delayed dispatches permitted, and
It Is evident that the idea of paying an
Indemnity was the most unwelcome of
the Japanese conditions.
The foreign military attaches are ex
pecting to bo recalled and are arranging
for formal leave-takings of the comman
ders. The industrial and manufacturing
Interests, disorganized by the war, are al
ready preparing to resume their enter
prises. The news of peace, as contained in Mr.
"WItte's message to Emporor Nicholas,
was communicated to the troops today
and produced a good impression. The
probability of soon returning home awak
ened sincere feelings of gratitude toward
Mr. Wltte. who has so well defended the
honor and dignity of Russia in the Far
East, saving at the same time tens of
thousands of Russian lives, particularly
valuable to the country at the moment of
the awakening to better things.
The hope was expressed that peace
would be lasting and satisfactory to both
combatants. The opinion here Is that the
ending of the lS-tnonths war, so unfortu
nate to Russia, was due to Mr. WItte's
energy and firmness.
Rejoices Russia Will Remain Great
Power in Par East.
VLADIVOSTOK, Sopt 1. (Delayed
in transmission.) The first news of
the- conclusion of peace at Portsmouth
was received here Thursday night and
printed bulletins containing the tele
grams of the Associated Press and Mr.
"WItte's dispatch to the Emperor were
distributed In the streets. The popu
lace and the troops, who had followed
with keon interest tho peace negotia
tions, recelvod with delight the state
ment in the bulletins that Russia would
remain in future the great power in
the Far East.
Peruvian View of Roosevelt.
LIMA, Peru, Sept 2. Tho leading
newspaper here, the Commerclo, In an
editorial attributes the peace between
Russia and Japan to the slngylar quail
lies of President Roosevelt's character.
It say that the United States does not
desire a war to continue that is threat
ening Its peace and the free develop
ment of Its trade, and that tho experi
ment Just made by President Roosevelt
had a splendid outcome and undoubted
ly will be repeated wherever there is
an opportunity.
Wireless Message Gave Xcwrfi
NEW YORK, Sept 2. How the news of
the RuBsIan-Japanese peace, agreement
was flashed about tbfe Atlantic Ocean and
received by vessels still several daya out
of port and hundreds of miles beyond
direct communication with wireless tele
graph stations on land was reported by
the steamship La Lorraine, which arrived
here today. Last Thursday, while La
Lorraine was about S00 miles cast of New
York, the peace message was suddenly
caught on the wireless instruments and
the sender was learned to be tho Kron
Prinz Wllhelm, bound for Europe and al
ready about two days out of s'ew York.
A defect In one of La Lorraine's shafts
caused the steamer to make part of the
passage at reduced speed.
Japanese Enroys GoIn2 to New York.
NEW TORlC, Sept 2. Baron Komura
and Minister Takahlra, the Japanese
peace envoys, .are expected to arrive In
this city from Portsmouth on Tuesday
or Wednesday. Baron Komura and his
suite will take rooms at the Waldorf
Astoria, where they lived before they
departed for the scene of the' confer
ence. An Invitation has been given the
Baron to visit Canada, but he has not
yet decided -on the trip. Baron Komura
and Mr. Takahlra will be Invited to
attend a meeting of the Nippon Club.
There will be an open discussion for
and against the peace terms.
Decision Reached nt Conference With
Larryera. Magnate "Will Not
Appear la Person.
CHICAGO, Sept 2. (Special.) A
prayer for Injunction to restrain pros
ecution, motions to quash the beef
trust indictments, demurrers to the
bill and pleas In abatement are expect
ed to be entered by attorneys for tho
indicted packers in answer to the Gov
ernment mandate requiring them to
appear In court Tuesday and plead to
Indictments ngainst them.
These counter-attacks on the beef
trust prosecution are declared to have
been decided upon at a momentous se
cret conference between John 8. Miller,
general counsel for the packers, beef
trust's Individual attorneys and a num
ber of Indicted magnates themselves.
Besides laying out the lines of de
fense, the packers' attorneys, it is said,
also reached an agreement that they
would appear before the bar ot the
court unaccompanied, although tho 18
Individual beef barons were served
with notices ordering them to appear in
Fellow-Officers Rebut Charge of Al
coholism and Insanity.
WOOSTER, O., Sept 2. (Spoclal.)-Con-
trary to expectations, evidence In rebut
tal In the Taggart divorce onse was not
concluded today, and as it stands, it will
probably be finished before Tuesday, when
the arguments are to start. A numoer
of witnesses in Captain Taggarfs behalf
are to be called Monday, among them
Howard Taggart and .Major Newberry, of
Pittsburg. It Is said Newberry's evidence
will be of great Interest to the Captain.
Both sides say that they have some sur
prises to be made public after the evi
dence is all submitted.
The testimony this morning was all by
deposition, and all very favorable to Cap
tain Taggart Part of the session was
taken up In the reading of the deposition
of Major Charles G. Morton, who at Fort
Leavenworth was the Major of Captain
Taggarfs battalion. His testimony was
offered In rebuttal and to materially
strengthen the-charges ot tho plaintiff in
regard to the. alleged conspiracy on the
part of Colonel Miner and Mrs. Taggart
whereby Captain Taggart was confined In
the hospital at Fort Leavenworth on the
charge of acute alcoholism, wnlch was
placed ngainst him on the hospital rec
ords. When General Miner went on the stand
for the defense, he swore that this charge
was not true, but that he had been con
fined in order to obsorve his mental con
dition. Then Colonel Van Hoff, the sur
geon In charge of the hospital, in his
deposition. Bald that Taggart was not a
victim of acute alcoholism, and that there
was nothing wrong with his mental con
dition. Now comes Major Morton by dep
osition and swears that be was Intimately
associated with Captain Taggart during
most of his military career, and particu
larly so during the trouble at Fort Leav
enworth, and that he never knew or heard
of Taggarfs being Intoxicated, and that
there was absolutely nothing wjrong with
him, mentally or physically, when he was
confined at Fort Leavenworth.
Electric Cars Will Soon Run From
New York to Chicago.
CHICAGO, Sopt 2. The Record-Herald
today says: Continuous trolley
rides from Chicago to New York over
two routes, and between Chicago and
Cincinnati, are among tho transporta
tion probabilities of the near future.
William S. Reed,' a builder of rail
roads, who has an office in tho First
National Bank, has organized a syn
dicate which has purchased the Chi
cago Electric Traction Company, and
ha organized two other companies
which will completo the gaps which
now bar a continuous ride on electric
roads betweon the cities named.
Mr. Reed asserts that these trans
portation feats will be made possible
by next June, and that the traveler
may go from Chicago to New York by
way of Buffalo, and then through New
York State, or may branch off at
Cleveland and take a long-distance
airing through Pennsylvania, and so
on to the metropolis.
The Chicago Electric Traction Com
pany, which is now In the hands of a
receiver In Judge Kohlsaafs court, Is
to be taken out of litigation, and will
then bo absorbed by the Chicago &
Southern Traction Company, n new In
diana corporation, which Is capitalized
for $2,000,000. This will be Increased
to $4,000,000. The latter company Is
to construct a line from Harvey to
Kankakee, a distance of 36 miles.
Other lines then will take up the
connection, completing the route be
tween Chicago and New Ycirk.
Storm Smashes St Louis Houses.
ST. LOUIS, Sept 2. A heavy rain
and electrical storm here-ioday caused
much damage. Lightning smashed the
front wall .of the home of Frederick
Brockshmltt, stunning the parents and
two children. Four new flat buildings
were demolished, a number of houses
were unroofed and xnuchother damage
was done.
Winners in Uintah Lottery.
VERNAL, Utah, 6ept 2. More than 60.
000 acres of land on the Uintah reserva
tion have been filed upon as homesteads
by persons who drew lticky numbers in
the recent drawing at Provo. So far, the
names of 55 persons entitled to make
filings have been culled at the land of
fice, and of these 381 have responded and
Purpose of New Anglo-Japan
ese Alliance.
Ameer of Afghanistan Changes Tune,
but " Kitchener Distrusts Him.
What Was Czar's Mes
sage to Kaiser?
LONDON. Sept ' 2. (Special.)-Great
Britain and Japan are in league for the
lordship of Asia. Two great facts stand
out conspicuously In the Asiatic policy of
Great Britain, now'. that the mists have
rolled away from the Portsmouth -conference.
One Is' the enlarged alliance with
Japan and thfe othor the new programme
on India. Perhaps the two should be con
sidered In solidarity, since each Is a fac
tor distinctively anti-Russian In origin
and tendency.
. No TruKr in Afghan Friendship.
By the alliance In Its new form the con
tracting powers guarantee the status quo
In Asia, each pledging to defend the other
If its Interests are attacked by any power
or combination of powers. Russia Is the
state whose aggressions they have most
to fear In that part of the world, for she
will take the earliest opportunity to re
coup herself for the loss of Manchuria.
With the collapse of the Russian mili
tary bubble, the Afghan ruler changed his
tune and sent flattering messages to Cal
cutta. But he could not deceive the grim
Kitchener. The latter has no contldence
In the Ameer, and the "buffer state" is
no longer regarded as likely to help check
the Cossacks, should they try to descend
upon the fertile plains of India.
May Give France Free Hand.
As illustrating the international effect
of the permanent settlement the Parts
press points complacently to the Morocco
Sultan's compliance, under German
prompting, with the demand of France
for the release of the Franco-Algerian cit
izen in whose behalf a military demon
stration was threatened. The Matin con
siders Von Buelow's course slgnlncant of
a change of heart. Other Journals would
not be surprised If the Kaiser, "Imitating
the magnanimity of the Japanese," was
to adopt the whole programme of Rou
vler and bid the French go ahead in Mo
rocco. This line of comment is irritating to
Berlin, but William and his chancellors
have profited by experience, and to con
ciliate France Is the order of the day.
"Nicholas sent an effusive message to
Mr. Roosevelt, and the world knows tho
text of It" says a week-end review.
"What the world would rather see Is the
text of tho communjention he sent Will
lam, thanking him for the advice that
stormy night off BJorke to refuse indem
nity. But that did not go by wire."
Kaiser Will Go Down in Lake's Pat
ent -Submarine ,Bont.
KIEL, Germany, Sept 2. (Special.) A
new submarine boat of 100 tons has Just
been launched at the Germania wharves.
It is intended to rush work on it as much
as possible, as the Kaiser has signified
his deMre to sink in it before the coming
of Winter. The Kaiser has taken a deep
interest In submarines ever since his In
terview with Simon Lake, and the present
boat Is declared to be of that type.
Two features mark the Lake typo of
submarine boats their ability to go to
great depthsvind to run along the bottom
on wheels ojrated with Interior machin
ery. On the bottom, the wheels steer the
boat In much the same way as the for
ward wheels of an automobile guide it
on a country road. The Kafser Is declared
to be desirous of studying the Lake boat
from the viewpoint of practical expe
rience. For hours he has pored over the
plans of the. boat and he has now Inves
tigated every detail of Its construction.
The Lakes, it is said, have also been at
work on a searchlight In the effort to con
trol the rays under water. Heretofore,
the great difficulty In operating an elec
tric searchlight under the sea has been
the impossibility of centralizing the rays
on a given object The water refracts
the rays so that .they are lost a few
yards away, and the depths beyond are
as dark as ever. In one of his teats made
In Berlin, Mr. Lake says, he descended
to a depth of 137 feet and that he passed
under a battleship without being discov
ered. The Kaiser Is said to be deeply Inter
ested In this deep-water feature of the
boat a well as Its ability to roll along
the bottom, and It la declared that prob
ably, with characteristic braverj't he will
Insist on descending to the greatest depth
of which the craft is capable. It Is prob
able that Count von Waldersee will ac
company him, but It is not likely that the
submarine voyage will extend out of the
small bight that opens Into Kiel Bay at
Klcihavcn. 30 miles from Kiel.
Sultan Must Pay and Apologize for
Outrage on Bouzlan.
PARIS, Sept 2. The government has
addressed to tho Sultan of Mo
rocco another peremptory note,
amounting to an ultimatum. The note
says that the release of the imprisoned
Algerian citizen, Bouzlan, is nov suffi
cient, and demands. In addition, first
tho payment of an Indemnity; second,
the punishment of the Cadi who made
the arrest and, third, a public apology.
If all these demands are not granted
within a brief delay, the French Min
ister will be ordered to leave Fez pre
paratory to the adoption of coercive
Reception to Congressmen.
BERLIN. Sept 2. The American Asso
ciation of Commerce and Trade gave a re
ception tonight In honor of the members
of the Congressional delegation to .the
Intcr-Parllamentary Congress who came
over from Brussels. Those present were
Representatives Richard Bartholdt of
Missouri; Littlefield of Maine, Waldo of
New York. McNary of Massachusetts,
William Alden Smith, of Michigan; Nor
rls of Nebraska and Barchfeldt of Penn
sylvania, Discovered New Land in Arctic.
STOCKHOLM. Sweden. Sept 2. A let
ter from Relkjavlk, Iceland, written by
a member of the Duke of Orleans' Green
land party, says tho expedition discov
ered a new and unknown land which
was named Terre de France, and also dis
covered that Cape Bismarck is a part
of a -large island, and not on the main
land, as hitherto assumed.
French Consul to. Panama.
PARIS, Sept 1 Jules Boeufve, cx-Chan-cellor
of the French Embassy at Wash
ington, has been appointed Consul at
irWIIl Become Spanish Prince.
MADRID. Sut 2 gte& have been
taken for the Spanish naturalization
of Prince Ferdinand ot Bavaria, who
will receive appropriate Spanish rank
in connection with the project for his
marriage with the Infanta Maria Te
resa, youngest sister of King Alfonso.
Ambassador Meyer Will Rest.
LONDON, Sept 2. Spencer Eddy,
secretary of the American Embassy at
"St Petersburg, who Is now in London,"
will return to .St Petersburg Septem
ber 9, and act as charge d'affaires dur
ing the absence of Ambassador Meyer,
who will take a holiday.
Typhoon Floods Shanghai.
SHANGHAI. Sept 2. Shanghai was
visited by k typhoon last night and
this morning the entire city Is flooded,
the water rising to a height of three
feet This Is the first flood which haa
occurred here within the last 50 years.
Dispute About Macedonian Finance.
Porte has replied to the note of the
six Embassies, declining to accept the
proposed scheme for the financial control
of Macedonia. The powers, win Insist on
the acceptance of the scheme.
F. J, Blakely Tells of the Projected'
. Railway Backed by Kaat
era Capital.
, '
It hTv'ms altogether probable thatE.
'H. Harrlman will not be wlthbut oppo
sition when his projected line into the
Coos Bay country .becomes a. reality;
There are at present two others who
propose to build frpm Roseburg to
Coos Bay In spite of the announcement
that the Harrlman line will be extend
ed from Drain to Marshfleld.
F. J. Blakely, of Roseburg, president
of the Light Water & Tower Company
of that city, and owner of large prop
erty Interests at. Roseburg and Coos
Bay. was In Portland Inst evening and
stated that It was practically certain
that a line would be built connecting
Roseburg and Coos Bay. Mr. Blakely
Is associated with C F. Nilcs, president
of the Security,- Savings & Trust Com
pany, of Toledo. O., and other Eastern
men, representing heavy capital. They
have been considering the proposition
of building from Roseburg to Coos Bay
for some time nnd now stand ready to
construct the line. Walter J. Snoc
roa.i. formerly chief engineer for .the
Toledo, St Louis & Kansas City arid
other Eastern lines, has Just returned
from an Inspection of the proposed
route with most favorable reports.
They propose to Incorporate and
build to Coo Bay and then extend the
lino through the Cascades at the Dia
mond Lake Pass and connect with some
other line in the Klamath region. This
done. It Is Intended to construct a line
Irom Roseburg to Portland, practi
cally paralleling the Southern Pacific
"There is an Intense feeling among the
people of Coos Bay that they ought to
have an Independent line running Into
that region." said Mr. Blakely. "They
consider that the line now being surveyed
by Mr. Harrlman from Drain to Marsh
fleld would simply make Coos Bay a way
point and furnish him with a water level
to San Francisco. The people of Rose
burg. too. are dissatisfied with the proj
ect They., realize that Roseburg Is the
rational terminus for n line .running out
of the Coos Bay region."
The route which the new road would
follow would be over the old survey made
by the Spreckels Interests some years
It Is also reported that a man named
Corksetter. at one time connr?ted with
the Denver & Rio Grande, is looking at
the same route. Mr. Blakely states that
he knows nothing of this proposition, but
If others are ready to build the road his
people will not Interfere.
"What we want." he said. "Is to see
the Coos Bay country opened up,. It. Is
a great region, and If others do not con
struct the road, we shall do so."
Stone Finds 3fark in Girl Singing to
Her Doll.
NEW YORK. Sept 2.HoldIng her
doll In her arms, Rosle Griffo, 14 years
old, was Instantly killed yesterday
near her homo In West Fifty-ninth
street, by a stone alleged to have been
hurled by Charles Giietto, an Italian
of IS years. The boy escaped. Still
clasping the doll, the bodv of the little
girl was taken to her home, and de
tectives were searching for the boy all
Giietto Is the lender of a band of
young Italians who 'nave given the po
lice much annoyance. For a long time
they have annoyed tho keeper of a
small store, who finally got a police
man to drive them off.
Giietto returned a few minutes af
ter and crept up near the store. RobIo
Griffo. who was a favorite In the
neighborhood, at on the steos of the
store singing to her doll. Muscarello,
the storekeeper, sat near her, armed
with a larce stone. Giietto. it ! snf,!.
crept stealthily clo'ng the opposite side
ot tne street. Ana wnen .Muscarello'a
head was turned, threw it with all hia
The missile struck the little girl
squarely In the temple and she fell to
the sidewalk, dvinr Instantlv. A. crowd
of several hundred ouleklv fathered
and gave chase, but Giietto evaded
them and is Hill at large.
Neighbors say Giietto was engaged
to marry tho dead child's sister.
Dying Lineman Suspended Thirty
Feet Above Street.
CHICAGO, Sept 2. Two accidental elec
trocutions occurred here today. Robert
Allen, an electrician. 30 years old, while
repairing telephone wires. In some man
ner grasped hold of a wire heavily
charged. He was held to the wire, 30
feet above the street for Jin Interval,
clinging convulsively. Then he fell to
the ground and was dead when picked up.
Nels Anderson, motor engineer for the
Illinois Steel Company, was electrocuted
by coming in contact with a Hvo wire
which fed tho motor connection with a
hoisting crane. Anderson was seated on
an arm of the crane, doing repair work,
when a sudden Jar of the heavy metal
piece caused him to lose his balance. He
was directly over a pot of naolten metal
and the only support within reach was the
heavily charged wire. He knew that
touching it meant instant jleatb, but It
looked as if he chose the easiest of two
Storm Wrecks Banana Crop.
SAN JOSE. Costa. Rica. Sept 2. Reports
reaching here today gave partial details
of the damage caused. in the .banana zone
by the hurricane of August 3L The fruit
ot many ot tne aest farms was nearly or
wholly blown down. About l,GQQ.tt0
bunches of banana were lot
He Will Not Be on the Jury
of Awards.
Letters in His Possession, However,
exonerate Him or All Charges
or Wrongdoing at
President H. W Goodo and Colonel
Henry E. Dosch will remain on the Su
perior Jury of Awards at the Lewis and
Clark Exposition, and another member
will be appointed In the place ot H. B.
Hardt assistant to Director Dosch. of the
Division of Exhibit. The matter of the
Superior Jury of Awards was definitely
settled yesterday afternoon, when a com
mittee from the Oregon State Commis
sion held a consultation with President
H. W. Goode. The members of the com
mittee were J. H. Alberts, R. Scott and
fVW. E. Thomas. The other two members
f the Superior Jury ot Awards aro ex-
avor George H. Williams, chairman.
and Theodore B. Wilcox.
Statement by Goode.
President Goode stated to the commit
tee that Mr. Hardt was not a member of
the Superior Jury of Awards. Inasmuch
as he had not been confirmed by the Ore
gon State Commission when his name
was submitted for approval. President
Goode and Director Dosch were confirmed
by the State Commission several weeks
ago. Later the name of Mr. Hardt was
submitted, and then the State Commission
refused to confirm President Goode" and
Colonel Henry E. Dosch as members of
the Superior Jury of Awards. One of the
members of the committee that called on
President Goode stated that the Jury
would stand as It Is, with another Juror
lo be appointed.
A communication from E. Rosewater,
editor of the Omaha Bee, which charged
H. B. Hardt with irregularities while con
nected with the Division of Exhibits at
the Trans-MIsslssIppl Exposition, was be
fore the committee. It Is probable that
the matter will be dropped, as Hardt re
ceived the Indorsement of nearly all ot
the officials. Including President Wattles,
when the exposition was over.
Hardt Accuses Rosewater.
Mr. Hardt state that he aroused the
enmity of Mr. Rosewater, through re
fusing to b.e directed by the latter
when he was following tho Instruc
tions of President Wattels. Rosewater
was a member of the executive committee-
After that he says ho was the
object of many bitter attacks In the
Omaha Bee. The whole affair wad
threshed over In the Omaha papers In
1S9S and Mr. Hardt has documents to
prove that he was completely exoner
ated of all the charges that were pre
ferred against him. Charges of graft
were made against him by H. S. Coch
rane, ot the Schofleld-Schurmer Oil
Company and by H. A. Searle, of. the
Monarch Axle Grease Company, both
exhibitors at the Fair. Hardt has In
his possession autograph letters, from
Cochrane and Searle', which, he says,
completely exonerate him. The letters
state that they had never .known any
wrongdoing on the part of Mr. "Hardt
and the allegations wero made
through, unfortunate misinformation.
The letters were published in the
Omaha World-Herald.
Speaks Highly or Hurdt.
President Goode and Director of Ex
hibits Dosch stated yesterday that
they had the most Implicit contldence
In the absolute Integrity and honesty
of Mr. Hardt, and that his work with
the Lewis and Clark Exposition had
been characterized with unusual clean
ness and thoroughness. They said his
services were almost Invaluable to the
Exposition, not only on account of his
experience, but also because of his
trustworthiness. They stated that
President Wattles and E. E. Bruce,
manager of the division of exhibits at
the Fair, both recommended him in the
most glowing terms.
The State Commission at the meeting
yesterday afternoon withdrew their
aproval of the rules and regulations
under which the awards will be made,
which provide for the exhibitors fur
nishing the division of exhibits three
samples. It Is understood that the
committee of the State Commission
also discussed this matter with Presi
dent Goode and that the question will
be settled shortly. The Exposition
management hns no desire to oppose
the best Interests of the exhibitors and
the state and foreign commissioners
by the system of awarding the medals.
This question will be decided by the
committee on exhibits, which will hold
a meeting within a few days.
At the meeting of the Oregon State
Commission yesterday afternoon a Jury
was appointed to award the $2000 "In
cash prizes for the best Oregon County
exhibits. The Jury Is composed of
Commissioner Wilson H. Falrbank,
Massachusetts; Martin J. Wessels,
Idaho; Commissioner J. A. Fllcher, Cal
ifornia; Commissioner W. N. Steele,
North Dakota, and Carles Camp!
Wyoming; Tho J2000 will bo awarded
In four prizes, J1000, $500, $300 and
Law Persistently Violated by Broken
Savings Banks.
DENVER. Colo.. Sent L RerMror e
vick. of tho defunct Denver Savings Bank,
has reported to the District Court today
on the condltlomof the bank. He believes
that the assets of the bank will pay 73
ncr cent of depositors' claims nnri .
authority to declare a dividend of 10 per
cent at once. Tne report reads In part:
"X am convinced that during the past
few months the affairs of the hnnv h.v.
been conducted la gross and willful viola
tion of the banking laws ot this state.
Loans have been made to persons asso
ciated with and to companies officered by
the same persons who. made the loans as
officers of the Denver Savings Bank, and
such loans wero made without collateral
or upon collateral which was of a fl!mv
"On the books of the bank appear en
tries of loans to Kink
houses In Indian Territory and Texas."
DENVER. Sept 2.-Judge John L Mul
llnsi In tne District Court today ordered
Receiver Guy Leroy Stevlck, of the Den
ver Savings Bank, which closed Its doors
August 19. to pay depositors Immediately
a dividend of 10 per cent
Wild Man Is Hunted by YittsbHrg
PITTSBURG, Sept 2. Armed with
shotguns-and revolvers, the Misses Birdie
and. Jennie Walker, of Walker's Mill,
about ten miles southwest of Pittsburg,
are guarding against an expected attack
from an escaped maniac, against whom
they -.testified when he wa3 tried for mur
der in this- city February 6. Two hun
dred farmers and miners are aiding Coun
ty Detectives Joseph Kohen -and Robert
McMillen In their hunt for the fugitive.
Two bloodhounds are also on the trait
Thoma3 O. Russell, the fugitive, esoaped
from the Insane department at the Coun
ty Home, Woodvllle; lato Friday night,
and has been hunted ever since. He was
sighted for the first time about S o'clock
tonight within 200 yards of the Walker
farm. Several searchers started In pur
suit, but the fugitive escaped In the
.woods and Is thought to be either hiding
In the brush" or an abandoned coal mine.
The Cherry Hill mine Is being guarded,
as some of the searchers believe he has
taken refuge there.
Chicago Federation Rescinds Edict
About Labor Day Parade.
CHICAGO, Sept 2. The threatened dis
ruption of the Labor Day parade In this
city has been averted. Tho Chicago Fed
eration of Labor had issued an edict that
no musicians save those wearing a uni
form prescribed by the Federation should
be allowed In the march, and It had ap
pointed a committee to see that no mu
sician wearing another uniform appeared
In the parade. If one was found, his mu
sical Instrument was to be taken away
from him and he wag to be removed
from the parade.
The teamsters and freight handlers, who
had made contracts with bands which
did not wear the Uniform declared by the
Federation of Labor to be the only cor
rect thing, declared that there would bo
trouble If anybody attempted to take
their musical Instruments away. The
feeling grew bitter and for a tlmo threat
ened to ruin the parade.
The Federation this afternoon decided
to" recall Its edict and musicians in all
varieties of uniforms will be allowed In
the line of march.
Most of the largest organizations, such
as the carpenters and printers, will have
picnics on Monday. The teamsters will
attempt to muster every one of their
members to walk. Their purpose is to
show that they were not discouraged by
the recent strike.
Labor day will bring no Joy to Infants
of the poor, for milkmen will not make
deliveries Monday. Milk delivered Sun
day morning, 43 hours old at that time,
must serve until Tuesday morning.
All Will Preach on Labor.
CHICAGO, Sept 2. Practically every
Presbyterian minister In the United States
will preach on some, phase of the labor
question tomorrow, as the result of an
appeal from the department of church
and labor of that denomination, which
hns its offices In Chicago. Besides the
7000 Presbyterian ministers, thousands in
other denominations have taken up the
question, so that more labor, sermons will
be heard on Sunday than on any other
day in the history of the church.
Over lOOT requests for special literature
to be distributed after the sermons have
come to Superintendent Charles Stejzle,
so that millions of pages of printed mat
ter will be Issued presenting appeals to
both church and labor as to their re
spective duties- In relation to this prob
May Call Ofr Santa Fe Strike.
TOPEKA. Kan., Sept. 2,-After ap
pointing a committee of seven to hold
a conferenco with the management oX
the Santa Fe regarding the calling off of
tho strike at the varloua shops of that
company, the delegates- to the annual con
vention of District 41, International As
sociation ot Machinists, adjourned until
Monday morning. The action of the con
vention In appointing a conference com
mittee Is taken here as Indicating that
the union is willing to abandon the strike
It the strikers are taken back by the
company. The district represents local
unions at all shop points on the entire
Santa Fe system.
Railroads Sustain Firemen.
CLEVELAND, Sept. 2. (Special.) The
wages and hours of every locomotive en
gineer in tho United States, Canada and'
Mexico may be affected by a decision
reached by the Northern Pacific and Great
Northern Roads today In which the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen- won
a signal victory In the contest with the
engineers. W. S. Stone, grand chief en
gineer of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers, is authorltyfor the state
ment There has been differences be
tween the two orders and the railroads
mentioned sustained the firemen.
Will Not Yield to Blacksmiths.
TOPEKA. Kan.. Sept. 2,-Gcneral Man
ager J. Hurley, of the Santa Fe Railroad,
today stated that the company would not
withdraw the bonus system from Its black
smith shops before October 1 or at any
other time. If the blacksmiths adhere
to their ultimatum Issued yesterday, Mr.
Hurley's statement means that the men
will walk out on October 1.
Dock Laborers on Strike.
MONTREAL. Sept 2. Two hundred
dock Jaborers went on strike yesterday
for an Increase In wages. The strikers
were brought here two years ago to take
the places of members of the Longshore
men's Union who went on strike at that
time, demanding a similar Increase.
Pali or Smoke Over St. Lawrence
Makes Navigation Unsafe.
MONTREAL, Sept 2. Fog-stranded
vessels and smoke from forest fires
have practically brought shipping to
a standstill between Mon treat, and the
Gulf of St Lawrence. Latest reports
received here today from the stranded
Allan liner Victorian, at Capo Charles,
state that she has not moved and Is
not filling with water. The passengers
have remained on board.
The Ley land liner Virginian, whlgh,
went ashore yesterday at Crane Is
land, below Quebec, was completely
submerged at high water today. Her
agents here say that they still hope
to save the steamer.
Reports from points along the river,
tell of one of, the worst fogs and smoke
palls in many years. The forest fires
ranging for miles along either shore
Hair Vigor
Hair turning gray?
.Why not have all the
early, rich color re
stared? Ayer's Hair
Vigor will do this every
time. Not a single fail
ure. Stops falling hair.
Sold for 60 years
53 Cottage St, Melrose, Mass.
Jan. 11th, ISOt
Dear Sir ,
"Ev- since I was In the Army I had
more or less kidney trouble, and within
the past year ,lt became so severe and
complicated that I suffered everything
and was much alarmed my strength and
power was Xast leaving me. I saw. an
advertisement of Swamp-Root and wrote
asking for advice.' I began the use of
the medicine and noted a decided im
provement after taking Swamp-Root only
a 'short time.
I continued its .use and am thankful to
say that I am entirely cured and strong.
In order to be very sure about this,. I had
a doctor examine some of my water to
day 'and he pronounced it all right and
In splendid condition.
I know that your Swamp-Root Is purely
vegetable and does not contain any harm
ful drugs. Thanking you for my " com
plete recovery and recommending Swamp
Root to all sufferers, I am.
Very truly yours,
You may have a sample bottlo of this
wonderful remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root sent absolutely free by mall, also
a book telling all about Swamp-Root If
you are already convinced that Swamp
Root Is what yOu need, you can purchase
the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size
bottles at the drugstore everywhere.
Don't make any mistake, but remember
tho name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and vho address, Blngham
ton. - X. T.. on every bottle.
on the lower St. Lawrence have spread
a dense cloud of smoke over the coun
try which, added to the fog. makes
navigation difficult and dangerous.
"Word reached the pilot's office here to
day that all big liners were advised to
anchor at Battlscan, above the stranded
Allan liner, wnlle- vessels In the low
er river have been advised to move
very slowly. The fog and smoke still
hang over the river today, and three
Liverpool liners due here were de
tained Indefinitely. Steamers which
sailed from here today are at anchor
In the river above the stranded Victo
rian, awaiting the lifting- of the (og.
Deported Consumptive Secures De
luy Under Pathetic Circumstances.
NEWT YORK. Sept 2. The machinery
of the Immigration law at this port has
been stopped In the case of a young
Irishman, who had been ordered sent back
to his Island home, because he is, suffer
ing from tuberculosis. This unusual pro
cedure was taken so that the man's
brother, en route from Indianapolis, might
see him for the first and probably last
Patrick Kilroy. a well-to-do old Irish
man, who for nearly a quarter of a cen
tury has made his home In North Salem.
Ind., decided a few weeks ago that the
climate of Indiana was the thing to re
store the health of his son. Thomas,
whom he left In Ireland when he came to
the United States in the early '80. He
sent for the joung man and wrote that
Thomas would be met at the Indianapolis
station by his brothers and sisters, sev
eral ot whom he had never seen.
Young Kilroy arrived In New York last
Sunday morning on- the Celtic. The
Marine Hospital doctors who boarded tho
Celtic at quarantine, ordered his return
on the Celtic
Thursday afternoon Kilroy was ordered
to prepare for the voyage Friday morn
ing. A few moments later a telegram ar-"
rived from KHroy's brother, who said
that, although ho was coming East on the
fastest "train he could get, he would bo
unable to reach New York until 15 min
utes ;af ter the Celtic sailed.
Xa'a broken voice, Thomas pleaded with"
the Inspectors that he be allowed" to re
main until the next sailing. They were
much affected' by the unusual nrfture of
the case and telephoned the steamship
officials. The latter agreed to foot the
bill, and Kilroy was allowed to remain
behind a few days. His brother arrived at
Ellis Island Friday.
Forged Checks All Along Line.
CINCINNATI. Sept 2. Pay check for
geries on the Baltimore & Ohio South
western Railway are said to be turning
up along the entire distance of the road
from Washington, Ind.. td Baltimore. It
Is said also that a number of checks have
been floated along the line of the Chicago
division. The aggregate amount all over
the system may reach 510,000.
The only way to get rid
of pimples and other erup
tions is to cleanse the blood,
improve the digestion, stim
ulate the kidneys, liver and
skin. The medicine to take is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which has cured thousands.
Tooth Powder
No acid no grit no
waste no spilling no
scratched enamel no
tarnished gold work.
Fins, strenc, haaltky teetk
and (bs Aad a pure fere at h
arc tk reward af Soxcdant.