e1 fig WHEAT FOR JAPAN Heavy Tonnage . Is Going by " Steamers. NUMANTIA. IS NOW 'WAITING El pi j t Extra Steamers Chartered" to Help Carry tho .Orders to the drlcnt-lMbre 3Iay Be v Chartered. Fifty thousand tons of wheat and -flour liac been sbldfor shipment to Japan with the urospect of the orders being Increased to 1M:000 tons, depending: upon the extent qf the famine In Japan and the prices and grades here The Japanese require for npme uses a low grade of wheat, which must be supplied at a low.prlce. From the Indications now. the first part of the crop, of the Inland Empire will go to the Orient and the rest to Europe. For this Rurposo not only Is the blc liner Xuraantla waiting, at the docks, but many" others pre on the way or chartered. One Japanese Arm. Mitsui & Co.,. has chartered itx big' tramps to carry wheat or flour toJapon. The largest of these, the Knight Errant, is a steamer BOO feet over all, drawing 23 feet 5. Inches when loaded and capable of carrying close to 9009 tons. Besides 'theso it is understood Mitsui & Co. will charter two or four more. This will gLvo thpm tonnage to transport the greater part of the ,60.000 tons already ordered. The regular line of steamers, plying between here and the Orient, the Portland & Asiatic Steamship Company, will carry large quantities and have chartered two extra steamers to help tho four they now have, on the run. These six steamers will have an aggre gate carrying capacity almost as large as the number chartered by Mitsui & Co. But an -4hy will carry general cargo -as well as "wheat and flour it is safe to say they wltl carry 26,000 tons to the Orient, f which 12,600 tons -will go to Japan. Much concern has been felt among ship ping men as to whether these Immense shipments to the Orient, together with the large number of steamers left Idle In the Pacific On account of the cessation, of war. wewW not cause a break in the rate to Europe "established by the ship owners Union. Some have '-contended it would and Tia've waited results, while a few others have taken some ships at union rates. A few jshlps were reported token 'for Portland loading at 25s, which la 3s 6d under the union rates, but these have" been nonunion ships and will hardly affect the general situation. FIRST TlilP OP TELEPHONE Will Carry the lailcarrlcrs on Sep-. 'tcmber ID. The first excursion of the stoamer Tele phone will be to the Cascades and return on September.; 10. On -that date. she-, will take the visiting mailcarriers for artrlp up the Columbia and . r'etum. 'Arrange ments have been mode to make this run from the Oak-street dock. This one ex cursion, while an indication of what -may be her regular run'. Is by no" xnearts -conclusive p"roof. "No definite information1 coulA tJp obtained yesterday as to -where she would be run regularly. Notice Given to -Mariners. The following affects the list of lights and -fog signals. Pacific. Coast, 1904: Eidred Bock Light Station, page 52.. after JC6. 251 (ljst of lights, buoys and daymarks. Pacific Coast, .1903, page 95) Located on tho easterly , side of Eldred Bock, easterly -aide of Lynn Canal, and about 7H miles northwest . one quarter west from Point Sherman Light Station. About September 10, 1903. a temporary fixed white lcns-lantcrn light will be es tablished, suspended from an arm on a stake. The light will be 40 feet above the water,' rIx feet above the base of the structure from which It will be shown, and will Illuminate . 270 degrees of the horizon, the dark sector, lying" between north and", oast and covering Sullivan Island. Will -Repair Pilot Boat. ASTQBIA. (jr.. Sept 2. The state pilot schooner ,San Jose, which has been in. service off ihe mouth of the river for a few months, is not in proper, condition to remftln outside, and she will be replaced by the Joseph Pulltzor. which will leavo for her station as soon as she can be placed In readiness. The bar pilots who will accompany her are Captains Gunder son. Cann and "Wood. The San Jose will need some extensive repairs before she will be ready to .undertake the work again. Takes the Chester Off. On account of the extreme low water in the Cowlitz Blver, the Kellogg Transpor tation Company were compelled yesterday to take the Chester off the run from Kelso to Tlodo. This is the first time this has been " dona since the boat 'was built, six years ago. She draws nine inches, the shallowest draft steamer on the Coast-VShe will probably bo placed on the Upper Willamette-River run of the Orogsn Clfy Transportation Company, as a freight boat from here to Salom and above. Old-Timer Returns. SOUTH BEND, Wash.,' Sept. 2. (Spe cial.) Captain McAllop, of .the schooner Endeavor, whloh came Into port a few days ago for lumber. Is an old-tlmor here, having first sailed in over the Willapa Harbor bar 2S years ago, but he bos not been hero for 22 years. On the occasion of Captain aicAllep's trip here at this time, a family reunion was held at the home of Captain A. W. Beed. Captain McAllep and Captain Heed's father being broth ws-ln-law. Vessels Loading at Aberdeen. ABERDEEN. Wash., Sept 2. (Special.) The stoamer Grace Dollar is being loaded at Qxt Brydon & Leltch mill. Tho steamer Llndauer sailed Thursday for San Francisco with a passenger list of 24. The big barkentlne John C. Mnycr is at the Michigan mill. Tho schooners Mat thew Turner and William Olsen will tako away 1.S0Q.000 feet of lumber from the Hart-Wood mill early next week. Reports a Good Catch.-' . Captain B. Olsen, of the tug North King, reports a very successful catch of salmon In Alaska waters, and says, the uhlp C. F. 8orgent is on the way down with 56.003 cases of salmon from the War ren canneries, on Bristol Bay. " The Berlin brought down 50,000 cases and the St Nicholas 30.000 cases. Marino Notes.- The steamer F. A. Kilburn - will arrive In from San Francisco tomorrow -night : The steame Eureka, of tho Taylor Houng line. Is expected in early this morning. The Plnmofe. finished loading 1,800,090 feet of.lumteec yesterday, for Port Ade laide. AufetralU- - The steamer ColuraWa, of .the Portland & San "Francisco Steamship- Company, leaves tonight at 8 o'clock for the Bay City." " - F. B. Jones' steamer Maria is out for general repaint on the ways of tho "Port land Shipbuilding Company. . . On account of Labor day, tho steamer Alliance- will not be able to sail until Tuesday night for Coos Bay and Eureka, The American bark Isaac Reedsdfopped' Into the stream yesterday,. where. she will finish loading ber lumber .cargo froax. barges. In order to handle the great quatfytleY of wheat that will come down fromthb Inland Empire this Fall, the Regulator Line has chartered the steamer Albany to. help in tlje work. The steamer Valencia, of the. Pacific Coast Steamship Company, arrived at 7 P. M. last night -from Seattle, and left at 4 A. M. this morning with a fulipas senger list for. San Francisco. Domestic and Foreign .Porta. ASTORIA, Sept 2. Condition of Ule'bar at C P. M., smooth; " wind, south;' jweitber, cloudy. Arrived at 8 and left ' up ai - 9;80 A. 1L-Steatner Valencia, from- Seattle.;,. Ar rived at 9 and left- up at 12 noonSteamer1 Eureka, from San- Franc toco. Arrived down at 11:15 A. it. and called at 12:25 P. 51. Steamer Sjtokane, for San Francisco. Sailed at & P. M. Steamer Elmore, for Tillamook. San Francisco, Sept 2. Sailed at 8 last night Steamer Despatch, for Portland. Sailed Steamer Whlttler. for Portland; barkentlne Archer, for Honolulu; steamer Qpwi. for Pucet Sonnd; bark Charmer, for -Port. Tonrns-i end; steamer Robert XKllar, for Seattle; steamer Amelia, fer Astoria. Arrived Schooner Charles It. Wilson, from . Gray' Har bor; schooner Jennie Wand, from Gray'it liar bor; octoooner Charles E. Falk, from Grar Harbor: bark B. P. Cheney, from Xaknek; bark Himalaya, from Xueharak; wmooner Prosper, from Xorrulnr. . Arrived Schooner Charlea R. Wilson,- ircm Sandberg, six daya from Graya Harbor; schooner Jennie ."Wand, from Chriatenecn. 6V4 day from Gray's Har bor; achooner Charles E. Falk. from.. Hen nlncs, 7 days ,from Gray's Harbor; bark -Himalaya fJobnean), 16Vj days from Nuah&rfaJt; schooner Ruby (Korth)r days from Coqullle River. Cleared Steamer Queen (Cousins), for Victoria, etc.. Pacific Coast B. B. Co.; bark Berate Alden CWedrlg), for Vancouver, S. W. Karodar steamer St Paul (Randall). .Port land, San Francisco g Pacific S.'fl. Cp. Saljed Steamer Qneen (Cousins), for Victoria, 'etc. Hongkong, Sept 2v Balled German -steamer Aragonia, for Portland, .via way porta. Marseilles, Aug. 30. Arrived Oanfa( from Seattle, etc., for Liverpool. New York, Sept. 2. Arrived Jfewv Tork, from Southampton; steamer La Lorraine from ;Havre. "'. Plymouth, Sept . 2. Arrived Philadelphia, from New Tork. . . DAILY CITY JTATISTIGS. 31 arrlage IJoenfres. ' ' ' ' ' SCHAFER-HI LiL Jacob Schaf er, 50. O. R. & N. shops; Stella Hill, 24. " HARRIS-MATTOON Robert Murray,, , Har ris, 38; Hattle .Matoon, 38." - BLAIR-CHAMBERtAIN G-orjte H. -lnalr. 25. Lansing. Mich.: Lucy' A. Chamberlain, 21." . G1L.MOUR-BENDER Joseph H. Glttnour, 2d, S20 East Pine; Laura J. .Bender, 22. CARSE-RUTHERFORD Ralph L. -Criw. 31. 74 East Ninth; ElUabeth J. Ruther ford. 22. ." RUTAN-HATTON Morton L. Rutin,' 20, North Yakima; Lulu H&tton. 27. 1 ZAHN-MALOUF William Q. Zahn..t 36V Falrmount Hotel; Waddeaa G. H. Malolif. 22 , SETT LEMIRE-G LEN fiVfiy A. Sr.tUeTOU'e. 30. 917 Belmqnt; Ualay L. llenn.28'.'. PALITZ-TALBERT William Pall'ti -47," 330 Taylor; Emma Talbcrt. 41. s VAN NORTHTVICK-PARSpNSRabVan Northwick, 20. 314 Madison; Pernlta .Par- sons. 18. ".. ... ' . LLlS-MEXlHarrjj ElUS Ql(. avenue; Mabel Mead 20. ' , V HUNT-KRAMER. Robert - H. -Hunt, 25, .flreboat Geo. H. WUUamsr-Clara E:..Krimer, 29. ... .;." . . , Birth. - L . HElTSMANrAt 433 East. IfarHson-.suret,. Augpst 2t. to-the-ife.ofArthur-'E. Helts1 man, a daughter. Deaths. LYLE At Nau's drug store. Portland Ho tel building, September 1, Alfred R, Lyle, a 'native of Dallas. Or., aged 52 years. 11 months and 8 days. Remains, removed to Dallas for Interment M'DANIEL At 12 East Ninth street, Sep tember I, Dempsey P. McDaniel, a native of Decatur, III., ng-d 70 years 11 months and 0 days. JONES At 320 Crosby street, August 31. Silas Jones, a native of Ohio, aged 78 years, 5 months and 20 days. Remains removed to Brooks. Or., for Interment SORENSON Burned to death in fire at State Room Inn. August 19. Thomas .So rea son, a nAtlvc of Michigan, aged 46 years. MONTO At 771 East Twenty-nrst street September 1. Earl Leonard. Infant sen of James Monto, a native of Portland, agod 1 .month and S days. Building; Permit. J. F. Kertohcm, dwelling, Sherrett avenue, between East Eleventh and East Thirteenth. 51200.. Keal Estate Transfers. M. J. Kast t A. Bryden. 3 -acres la Joshua E. Wltten and wife D. L. C..S . C00 Van B. DeLaehmutt and wife to A. Ury- . den. acres Joshua E. Witten and wife D. L. C i Margaret M. "Wiley, guardian, to M. J. Kast 3 acres J. E. and N". "Witten D. L. C J Title Guarantee & TruM. Company to J. R. Arlington, lot 1, block 68, Sunny side Third Ada j Jennie M. Barber and husband to D. E. Steel, lots 21, 23, block 13. Highland Park 7. 1 Perry H. Birth and wife to Security Savings &. Trust Co., part tract block 6S. city ; J Sweden Evangelical Lutheran Tm. Con. of Portland, to Security Saving's Jt Trust Co.. 50x95 feet beginning 50 feet E. of N. 10th and Burnslde. In block 67. Couch Add 9.'000 Commercial Trust Co. to R. L. Gilles pie et aL. S. lot-77. block 254. elty 1 Autonla Meyer and "huitband to-L. B. Simons, lot 8. subdivision lot 1. Para dise Spring Farm 3.750 S. D. Smalley and -Rife to J. A. Stone, lots 12. 18. block 2. Evelyn Park . 200 Edward T. Cohman et al. to J. B. Me erve et at. lot 5. block 122. East Portland 4,500 John A. Beard and wife to F. A. Beard, lot 8. blook 1, North Ivanbo Add.... 100 Louis P. Beno et al. to R. Gulllaume. 50x67 feet beginning intersection S. C Couch and E. C. 17th 8.000 Mary Dunphy and husband to A. L." Dlmlck. lot 1. block 218. Holladay's Add fSOO Sycamore, Real Estate Co. to E. T. Kru ger. lota 3. 4. block 9. Kern Park,..... 200 A. O. Miller and wife to S. Mlnogglo. lot 11. block 318, Balshe's Add, 35 M. J. Pribble to B. Prlbble. lot 10, block 1. In "W. lot "L M. Patton tract i Frances M. Gates and husband to S. Grlmshaw, lot 140. Arleta Park 300 Elof Johnson and wife to P. Xurklnen, lot 6, block 1. Oak Knoll Annex Add.. 375 H. L. Holbrook and wife to "Weyerhau sn Timber Co.. 1 acre In north part of James Johns land claim 1,250 Chooses Between Two Aivful Deaths. CHICAGO. Sept 2. Nels Anderson, a motor Inspector for the Illinois Stel Com pany, chose death by electrocution In preference to a more horrible fate Jn one of the company's seething metal. pits to day at the South Chicago works. Anderson was doing repair work on the arm of a crane directly above one of the hot metal pits, when ho lost bis DOES YOUR BOY DRINK? Every Mpther or Father who has a drinking son can cure him of all desire for Whiskey or Beer, by giving " ORRINE Tho Cure lor the Drink Habit It de- stroys all .desire for liquor. He takes it quletl at home or it can be adminis tered "secretly. 51 per box. Mailed sealed. Write for booklet. Money refunded If It falls The ORRINE CO., Inc., WashlrJjrton. D.C V Q4MUUUL OUUHOC A CO- ytrUtmi, BALANCE TO GO TOMORROW FORENOON AND1UESDAY v . . : Brand Nevv, Specially Made . "Meycr Pianos to Go" for $142, $145fcmd $157 attllcrs Piano House. 0 .The remainder of tbe Hwo - carloads of rbrand-.nw pianos., oddly named. "Meyer," are going to b sold tomorrow -forenoon and Tuesday for J1.42 lor the plain stylo. M8 for the more elabanite ones, and 51S7 for the very fancy genuine walnut oalc and mahogany veneered cases. .T.erma.of Kile will be all cash or . down and 5 or Sa month, with ..simple Interest - These "Meyer" pianos were built ac cording to specifications of a middle West ern dealer, as Is frequently dorii now In a number 'of the medium and cheap-grade 'piinb factories. They came td us as a 'reirolt of the following letter received dur ing the early. Summer, when orders for islands and cash wero both scarce. around .New York piano factories: "idlers j'jono iiousc uentiemcn: we have a' large number of carefully made pianos, as line as have -ever been turned out of our jihop. which entire iot we are willing to sell at a substantial sacrifice in order to get the cash out of Jt at once. .-Thr I ti r ftr. Iqtva ci1f nil cjiVAtl .and one-third octaves, Rouble-veneered icases, oaks, walnuts and mahoganies, witn spruce sounaing troaras, sneuacKea. efclra heavy plates. Diliihed and nickeled tuning pins, standard high-grade action, Schmidt hammers. Poehlautn steel- wire, copper baas strings, good ivory keys; can also supply muffler podaiav T. ' . 5'If you are interested, please wire your buyer to aee us. and Inspect these pianos., we hope that you can arrange to. take all or a large part of them before tjie- 1st prox., for we are constrained to confess tha.t we can ue the money to great deal better advantage Just now than' to have so large a lot of special pianos awaiting shipping instructions from the dealers for " wnom tney were specially made. ''Very truly, . ''Manufacturers." - 'tVe promptly Instructed our KewTork. representative to Inspect carjetully these pianos, and, finding them .as, represented, ive secured the enuro lofat our price. This- is how we are in position to. offer pianos, of the grade and quality describe " an the above Tetter it the price -of 5142, HS and J1S7.- on terms-of payment Just habout equal torrent. , unstrumt-nts such as these are" frequent-'. ly. sold for ISO. and even yjo.. almost rouble tbe price we now, ask for them. "We .guarantee them to be as represented above, thoroughly well-jnade pianos, of pleasing tone quality, and also durable to quit& a degree. Our regular exchange agreement enabling a. buyer "to turn' these pianos back to us at the sale prices tless depreciation of-SI a month) toward pay merit of any now hlgh-grade"plano we may handle, accompanies the regular flve yearp manufacturers' warranty, thus making a purchaser doubly secure In his purchase. Note These pianos must not be con fused with the VMeyer" pianos enumer ated In the "1K6 Piano Quality" Purchas ers. Guide as an VX" stencil piano (mean ing a piano inr which "ho. one should pay more than $125 to J175 for such a piano"). The"Myer" pianos referred to In "Piano "Quality" arc mane for still anothwdeHr. .and emanate from onepr the very cheap .Eastern olano shops, while the "Meyer . pianos advertised by -us for sale at J1C $14? and 5157 possess, at tho'verv lowest Kestlmajer at least .80 per cent greater value .ana menu rtememoer toey. go tor mz. ;JU8: and. 5157, on terms of 58, down and 55 mommy. tuiututva rusu rtutbt. balapce and fell. The only support within .'reach 'was an uninsulated live . wire which connected the -crape with power. Anderson 1 gave one glance atslhe white 'hot metal below and caught the wire as he was fajltag. He was killed, and the body -hung over the wire, until the,cur ,rent cpuld be shut oL Death Is thought to' -have been instantaneous. Has TVur "VVIres "-Elvlrtg. CHICAGO, Sept. 2. A "Olspa'teh to the Tribune from Indianapolis, Ind., says: "Charles Tuller Is under arrest here on a charge of bigamy. The po lice claim to 'have secured evidence of his marrlagp to Ave women, four of whom are. living and none divorced. His first wife was Miss Bessie Davis, of Springfield, 111., who is dead. His second was Jane Reed, whom he mar ried at Monticcllo. III. His third. Mamie McOrath; his fourth, Elizabeth Brown, -whom he wedded at Areola,. 111., and his fifth and last. Eliza Lane, whom he married at Sullivan. 111. All tho marriages took place between 1897 and 162. When arrested in this city he was living with number two. Two of his wives- are coming here to identify him. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAND. Bept. 2. Maximum tempera ture, OS degr.; minimum. CO. River reading at 8 A M-. S.S feet; change in past 24 hour, fall. 0.6 of a foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. nen; total lnce September 1. 1005. none; normal, 0.00 of an inch; de ficiency. 0.08 of an lnoh. Total Kunihlne September 1. 1005, 10 hours and 23 ntlnute; ponsfble, 13 hours and IB minute. Barom eter (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M., 30.14. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. "Wind. a fa r STATIONS. Baker pity Blamarok.. Boise Eureka.. ., t ..... . Helena.. ........ KamloopK. B. C. North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento. ..... San Francisco... Spokane. ..... Seattle Tatoosb Island. . S6J0.OO 62(0.00 RS'O.OO! fiQlO-OOl 121XW CXE 8:XW IClaar Cloudy PL CWr. 2SX Clear 720.0tf ,16'SE Clear Pt Cldv. 1 7210.00 6010.00, 6IS USE 4jW ICIoudy 1 8S10.00 . ftSIO.00 Clear Cloudr 1 0210.00 4S (Cloudy 010.001 fllXW Cloudi !P(l CMy. Clear ." S2!0.00 , 6410.00 43 121 W S4 0.00 6JX PL Cldv. !0.K; 14 SW 141SW PL Cldv. nsi t IRaln T traca. WEATHER COXDITIOXS. Alt&ough the weather is generally cloudy and threatening in Western Oregon and Western Waahlngton. no rain of consequence ha occurred. It la decidedly cooler In West ern Oregon and Western Washington and slightly warmer In Idaho and extreme Northeastern Whlngton. Tho Indications are for showers Sunday In Northwest Oregon and "Western and North ern Washington. It will bo cooler east of the Cascade Mountains. WEATHER FORECASTS.. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending at midnight. September 3: Portland and 'vicinity Possibly showers! Westerly winds. - Westrn Oregon Fair south, possibly show era north portion. Westerly winds. Western "Washington Cloudy with pos sibly showers. Westerly winds. Eastern Ore ton and Southern Idaho Fair and cooler. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Fair south, pofribly showers north portion. Cooler. AMUSEMENTS. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Crer Vaugha &b& Tweaty-feurUt. PORTLAND VS. OAKLAND ADMISSION. 35c. ' AUGUST 29, SB, SI; SepteeJier 1. 2, 3. GRANDSTAND. 25c CHILDREN. IBc Box tickets and reserved seats on sale at box' offlce. Lewis a Clark Observatory sAirrxoRNX terra ex POKXLAXD XXXGHTS Now epea. Tak Portias Heiffct ear aaa rt off tHawtborno TerracO aa block frsa car llaa. No cllsablag. Xlectrlo elevator Moat' maa;sicct View la Asaeriefc. t btlf ul" effect of iwwerful aearchllgbt tnm tas ft tower. 0m A. K tt I f , a , J.BUliOOK". M CJBfTf, CLASSIFIED AD. RATES: keeaJinr Rodms," "SUsatlesa Waat4 1J words or lc. IS ccattst 18 wor. 3 ceaU; 21 to 25 weras, 25 eaata, etc. N U connt for aa&lUoBal lastrtle. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, gaze. -"New TodT,,i24 craU for 15 wsris jir lej 18 to 29 words, 49 eeats; 21 to 25 wfrda, S ceaU, etc first iasectioB. Mack asUUoaal insertioa, oae-kalf ; m Xartker AlscAsat wi der ono EBCstk. "NEW TODATrjrsaxe Bseaaare aiate), IS cent per line, ftrst lkertieau It ests fec line for each adaYltiosal fataectiea. f ANSWERS- TO AD"XRT1S EMETXS, aj dressd care Tao Orrreikiu. ujiA. tyft at this efflce; ahoold' always be la closed; la selaled envelopes. No stasis- la reaairoi ea suca letters. ,' Tho Orezealas wili.aot be reipwwalble fer errors la adrertlsesaeaU tafcest tkraack the tclrphoaeC ' . . . jEETbfQ yOTICEg. . OltECON COUNCrU-. NO. 1M2L ItOTAI. Areanum. aeeta at Auditorium Hall on th WW 1IU A.UVJ V CKUii Q23CJ. & k o'clock. . "nsluag brothers .ara invited to attend.' T. C. HOECKEH. Rereai. PEOIIOE S. BARRETT, Secmary. -71S Dekura bICr. ! EUHEI5.V rxCIL. NO. 204. K. and L. OF S. , hereby sotlfr their Jne'ibera that there wMt be election' of oGfcen 'Monday erenlnr. September 4. at their ball, la tho Auditorium bid?--- " " M. u JOHXSbX. .Cor. .Stu. DECREE OF, HOXOR-Hall of Port Indua LodteXa 37,D. of. H. -Member Uke notlie that Ebrt InJua-wjll mef in Drew Hall. 12 Sfccondf t. and" will hojl bouseK-arxalnr' on rdJ5elj- evening, September C Rerreih meepL. ' OTT1L1E- OLESEX a of H. Xttil:.J. R. MANX." Recorder . ROVAL CIRCLE. "W.-O. W.. will glvo it Jrit-Brl2e Whltf anrf ittiulnr mrlo Cln. LMo.'nibec'.O,. in. United Artisan Hall. frtskcieat9.erved; admlBbloa 15 c-.jO f . ' .COMMITTEE DIED. " HAYirS This morslnrat the family reldence. a Lrerett" sL, Elbo'anna Hayes. Funeral notice lat-r. r- i . . . T?1.'. Wash.." September 2. .Mrs. aintoa-. L. Stone, a red' 23 Veirs. 3 'months ad2S days. . CAR6dx In this ..city. September 2. 1005. .J.ofcn S. Carron..aged 42 yar. Notice of fpnral vrili-bo-clven later; . . ' ' FUNERAL NOTICES.' WEXDEROTH-R..J. Wenderoth. ormerly of South Bend. Ind.. after a .Ilnctrtns . lllnejis. ed yesterday afternoon at Su Vincent's Hospital. Arrangtmtnts will t made to ship the body East to hlfi relative. G1.111- Mllwaukle. Or Aucust 31. 1K5. Leone Sarah Grlftln. aed 23 year. 1. month c"i wJo Funtr"1 w take place t-vlay. ffiTmb: 3',1 2 p- M.frem F S. Dun tI eiXp?X f0"" ot East Alder and Ea Sixth streets. FriendsTnvitetS. COMPSOX-In thU city. Au'inwt 31. 1003, Hartwell Benton 'Compson. agM-.C? years. 7vf.nj8 "n1 fcctiualntances'ar -respectfully invited- to attend the funerar service, which I b held at the fthapel of J. P. ny. at 2 p X- toffsy.' Inter- ment In O.vA. R. Cemetery. . prrXNCiG. M.'ENTEE ft OTLBAUnn i retsors to Doanlar Jt- Campion, undertaaers and -embeJmers. modra In every 'detail. 7t& and Pine. Pboao Mala 438. Lady aisbtaat. EDCRD-HOL3tAN CO., Undertakers issd embalmers. have) .ssoed to their new balld iiur. Third and SalsBoa. La4r asalstast. Telephone No. 407. : J. P. FINLET A SOX, Ptiaeral Directors. or. 3d asa"Madisot. Os3c of County Cox aoer. Lady" alo Imjh U Telcphoap "No.a. r, B.i rmiypa Undertaker.. .(14 . .East Alder. La dy easts tani. Tele9hos)e East 53,- 2XLLEK-BTRNES CO, UNDERTAKERS. Enibaimers. 273 Rut'lt.Kaft 1S5; Uay vt. NEW today; On Tuesday Next, at 2 P. M. We ar Insfnirtw! Vii- Tt- C c vens (leainp for Kansas) to sell by auc tion at residence, NO. 43 MARKET ST. (nuar 13th street-car line). FIRST-CLASS HALLETTT & DAVIS UPRIGHT PLANO: Singer sewing machine; C. S. rocJcers; parlor chair and table: portieres; Pro- Bru&9flH mirs StI- nrtnn.lnn tsMa- ins chairs; glassware and crockery ; good " wucii; nun dcus; springs ana mat trrsses; fashionable drewsers and wash stands; ingrain carpets: ECLIPSE STEEL RANGE, with W. B. (like new); cranlte ware and utensils; washing machine and laundry outfit; shades throushout the house. Sale Tuesday at 2 P. M. -GEORGE BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers. On Tuesday Next, at 10 A. M. At BAKER'S AUCTIOX HOJJSE. corner Alder and Park, tho following furniture from private residence at Highland; also furniture and carpets taken on mortgage, comprising: Parlor pieces; center table; screens; piano lamp; two complete dining suites In quartered oak; pictures! upright folding bed; quarter oak twice-folding bed; two oak bedroom sets; four Iron beds In blue, cream and white; best Eastern bed springs; elastic felt and wool mat tresses, pillows, blankets and quilts; four dressers; three washstands: chlffonieres in solid oak and white maple; hall tree; couches; lace curtains; 12 window shades; reliable gas range, in perfect order; gas waterjieater; Coras took 6-Tiole range, with reservoir; Roxon airtight heater (like newj; heating stoves; leaf table; kitchen cupboard; H. H- treasure, etc.; Brussels and Ingrain carpets; rugs, 9x12; three rooms of good matting, and other effects. Auction next TUESDAY, at 10 o'clock. THIS IS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR PARTIES FURNISHING. . GEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers. ON WEDNESDAY NEXT TO RESTAURANT-KEEPERS- AND DEALERS. Auction isale at the new restaurant, NO. 273 EVERETT. BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH STREETS. Sold-under powers contained in chattel-mortgage deed: Largo steel range, with hood; .all culinary uten sils; H. H. treasure; 24 saddle-stat chairs In weathered oak; 6 dining tables: 3 dozen sets of each of silverware; table linen: large assortment of crockery and glass ware; 7 hall mirrors; 2 hatracks. 3 costly folding screens; 6 pictures; 330 silver coffee urn; counters; high stool; desk; gas fix tures; awning and illuminated signs; about 50 yards linoleum. The above goods were supplied new, and only used 3 weeks. THE SALE AT 2 O'CLOCK ON WEDNESDAY NEXT. . GEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers. ON THURSDAY NEXT At BAKERS AUCTION HOUSE, several con8lgntncntsf household goods and fur niture, carpets, etc, from various house keepers and mortgagees. Auction at 10 o'clock. GEO. BAKER &. CO., Auctioneers. Butter! Butter! Our Other Prices Prices. Best creamery ......55 -Oc 05-70c Dairy butter............. " 40c Ranch egxs 22H-25c 30c Best sugar-cured hams... 14c lCc Breakfast bacon 15c 18a Beat of tea, lb 80c 50-73C Lard, 5-lb. pall ..45 -53c 55-65e Remember Chickens on . Saturday 1 6c and 1 7c All Goods Retailed at Wholesale Prices. La Grande Creamery 4 264 Yamhill Street FOR. SALE THE MISSOURI BUILD IX G ON the Exposition xroua. - Seett'.kM t the cretary,t Uw, U4. X.'. Garrar, rcrttarx. j ; , Auction Sales BY j. T. WILSON AUCTIONEER Tuesday, August 5th, at 91 N. Park Street, at 10 A. M. The Cecil Hotel REACHED BY S CARS NORTH. Having Instructions from C "W. Brant, proprietor of this house, we will sell at public auction the entire furnishings of the dining-room, kitchen'' and sleeping rooms, ' comprising dining-room tables and chairs, dishes, glassware and cutlery, wine' glasses, table linen. LARGE DOUBLE-DOOR REFRIGERATOR: In the kitchen will be sold POPULAR STEEL RANGE, kitchen treasure, gas plate, full Une of utensils, etc; carpets through tho halls and bedrooms; a variety of dressers, iron beds, springs and mattresses: com modes, toilet sets, wardrobe"; WHITE DROP CABINET SEWING MACHINE; bedding and bed linen; large bevel mir ror; laco curtains; Windsor, coal heating 'stove; couch; rockers; chairs; tables, etc . "WEDNESDAY'S SALE Two Days' Sale -In One at Salesroom, 180 First St, at 10 A.M. Monday being- Labor day, a holiday ..we postpone our usual sale to this, our mid week salesday. This gives. us double the amount of furniture, etc. to sell. The salo Includes carpets; picture's; lace cur tains;. bed -linen; plllowB; quilts; blankets; sideboard; ' large FRENCH-PLATE mir ror; F, L. NBUMAN PIANO. In rosewood caao, with fruit cluster carvings (VERY ANTIQUE): oak." wardrobe; dressers; chairs: Iron beds: metal bed couches; mantel and twice-folding beds: mattings: COSTLY INLAID TABLE: artificial palm: 23 VOLUMES ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA;. showcases; glass punch "bowls;" glasses; 'dining-room tables; weath ered oak chairs; kitchen equipment; .MAGEE RANGE, cook and. heating stoves, etc THURSDAY'S SALE Large Roomlng-House, 170 Twelfth Street, Between Morrison and Yamhill THREE LARGE . FLOORS OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS TO BE SOLD EN BLOC OR OTHERWISE. TO SUIT INTEND ING PURCHASERS. SALE COM MENCES at 10 A. M. The furnishings comprise: Twice-folding and metal beds; dressers; toiletware; rockers; tables; chairs clocks: couches: cots: Singer SEWING MACHINE; GAS STOVE; oak extension tables; chiffonier; wardrobes; hair' mat tressed; Mace curtains; Smyrna and goat rug!; parlor screen; sofa pillows; box "couch: quantities of bed linen: blan kets: quljts; .pillows: large STEEL RANGE, good as new; dishes and glass ware; a very complete and extensive out fit. Note This spacious and centrally lo .cated house for rent to responsible par ties. For particulars Inquire ISO First st. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. . FRIDAY'S SALE -At Salesroom, 180FIrst Street atlOAM.. Furniture, carpets, steel range, cook arid heating stoves, bedding, dishes, glass ware and all other consignments will be Closed out this day, N. B. We are buying and paying cash 'for household effects, etc. Phone Main 1636. J, T. WILSQN, Auctioneer. Portland Auction Rooms $5000 DRY GOODS Auction Sale Store, 271 First Street Begins Tuesday at 10 A- M. The owner went bankrupt, the assignee took stock. The Portland Auction Rooms have orders to sell everything In the store to the high est bidder In the shortest possible time." Come and participate In the whirlwind of bargains, and let us show you how quick we can sell out this stock of staple and up-to-date dry goods. ladies' and gents' furnishings, small wares, fancy china ware, toys. etc.. otc. Don't mlsa It. as wc Intend to make this a record-breaking sale In selling out this Immense stock in the shortest possible time, and will ap preciate your assistance by being present at the sale, which begins Tuesday at 10 A. M.. at 271 First st. C. L. FORD. Auctioneer. Auction Sales FURNITURE, STOVES, Etc AT 211 FIRST ST. On account of tomorrow being Labor day, we are obllgod to cancel our regular Monday sale, and will sell furniture, etc. at 211 First sL on -WEDNESDAY, at 2 P. M., and Friday at 2 P. M.. this week only. At Wednesday's sale we must sell a FUMED OAK sectional bookcase; Welch folding bed. with lSx0 plate mir ror; three-compartment glass front book case, in polished oak; double-deck confec tionery showcase; counters; oak roll-top desks, otc. etc. as well as a full assort ment of general furniture, kitchen and laundry utensils, etc C. L. FORD. Auctioneer. A. SCHUBACH. Proprietor. GiLMAN'S Auction Salesrooms S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer GREAT AUCTION SALES OF HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE OPENING OF SEa-v.n' COMMENCING Tuesday, 10' A. M., at Sales tooms, No. 413 Washing ton Street AH the fittings and furniture. Including large plate-glass mirrors, oil paintings, piano, sitting-room and dining-room fur niture, tinted iron bedsteads, springs, etc. Great bargains for housekeepers. Chiffon iers, dressers, including all the furniture of residence. ' S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Thursday and Friday, Each Day at 10 A. JM. Household furniture from South Port land, etc. Buyers will do well to attend these sales, at rooms, 413 Washington st. Cash advanced. Sales held at residences. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Sleek GerBl practice. Xaveatlattau. Etate work. SyeeUI aa eri&&Ul twUto. k9 Clar & $17,000 aT.COO This three-story, solid brick building, centrally located, 50x100: will be a good income-bearer as long as Portland stands. Nothing to equal it. Easv terror. .F. FUCHS, 143 First. I D EG IRK TO INVEST IN PORTLAND RIAL tate 510.00. Let rat know irat yon REAL ESTATE $7W Lota la X7osc&ers Second AS<loa. North Portland; euy terms. Two lots. 14th and Collexa. 91100 Corner lot. 17th and Madison. SI8t8 Si -block. X. 24th bU; eaay terms. 2M4 Full lot. or thru p. near 22 d. 34 aerea. 16 acres under, plow, sear Cedar- alU. $2M Slzhtly U -block. S. K. cor. of.jGrover and "Water stu. Grover street Improved, .and cement walk. 23ie Full .south front lot on Northrup. 100 feet wet of 234. AH street, Improvements made. 12300 Fractional lot, 7-rooxa hopae. N. 22d, renUnp for J23. Nice little modern homo la South Portland 30x100. S-room house. Qulmby it. SS59 30x100. S-room modern house. Olay t. $4999 Corner and new modern 8-roora house, Vaughn and Factory, North Port land. $46a 23x100. store first floor, living-rooms above: X. 10th. near Davis. 830 14 -block. 24th and Pettygrove. &3W Sightly H -block. 22d and Johnson. f65M Beatitilul. new, modern home on Irv ine, near 2tth; move risht In. 30fl 2 lota and modern 10-rbom homo on Overton, near 23d at. $10, W Modern 18-room' home. Nob Hill. SlO.Oee Property In North- Portland, paying 10 per cent net. 51MW Property on N. 22d. rentinr for 131 per month. $14,04)0 Corner with 3 houses, renting for $130 per month. $17,&0 30x0, First st. corner; paying good revenue. fl8,0e Hrlck building, close n, paying good returns. $29.09 Only lot for sale' facing Washington street. 23,O0 Improved property leased for 53300 per year. . 131.00030x200, downtown, paying 0 per cent net. -bleck facing east on 23d and Irving, with a largo modem lS-room Availing, the houa costing $10,000 to build. This property will be sold" for a reasonable price and on favorable terms. NEVV HOME We- offer for Bale a beautiful and sightly home on 23th and Johnson. There are about 2?- .lota with new Il-room dwelling, built after the latest design- and is now ready for occupancy. ARDMDRE . The most desirable bulldlnr alts In Port land, surrounded, by palatial homes with an 'unobstructed View of our famous mountains; tno only exclusively high-ciaas residence property supplied with bttulltblc streets, ce ment sidewalks. Bull Bun water, sewer and .gas laid, to each lot. Take Washington street car to City Park and get off at Park tve. For" plats and prices call on or address. OVEp THE RIVER $158.kad up Lota In Feurers Addition. Sell wood car. near Brooklyn school; lowest priced lots on the market; easy terms. $130 eaeh 3. lotr, 10th and "Wygant, High land. 5223 Lots 0 and 7. block 2. Gay's Addition. $230 and up Lota In Larsens Addition, K. biirk.and Larsen ave., lit. Tabor car. $300 Two lots In Cook's Addition on the hill above the car shops. $700 Corner lot, Kern's Addition, near In- man fc Poulaen mill; easy terms. $300 Corner lot. E. 11th and Hancock. $800 Lots near Steel bridge, on Benton, bet. Dixon and DuponU $90030x100 and tf-'room house. Starr, near Itussell t.. Lower Alblna; easy terms. $1000 Two corner lots.. E. 26th. running rrom Weldler to Broadway. $100010 acre. O. TV. P. Railway, near Johnson Creek. $113000x100, K. Taylor, near 23d sU $126030x200. K. 8th. near Brooklyn st. $1330 Lot on Williams ave., near Broadway. $1COO Block -44, IVaverly, one-third former selling price. $1000 3-rooni modern cottage la. Sunnyalde. renting for $17.30 per month. $1700 Corner lot. 2 cottages, E. 13th and Ellsworth; rcnilnr for S2L $X80-Corner. E. 13th and Madison. $2000 Two lots In bearing fruit and S-room bouse. Sandy Road, near E. 2Sth. $230033x100 and two houses, 4&t and 460 E 0th; rent $23 per month. $2400 New and modern cottage, E. 38th and Madison. $2500 Modern cottage, S23. Kerbyst.; stone foundation and everything up-to-date. $2300 Corner and modera cottage, E. 12th and Tillamook sts. - $23003 lots, southeast corner cf 17th and Tillamook. $2630 30x100. Modern 7-room house. 124 E. 10th. near Qllsan. $20302 lots. loth. bet. Belmont and Tay lor sts. $270030x100 and 9-room modern house, 493 Commercial at.. Upper Alblna. $30005 acres facing Toodatock car. at Kelly ave. $3t30 Beautiful and nightly "Westaeott home on the "Woodstock car-line at Howe's station, consisting of two lota, modern 3-roora house costing $3300; barn and plenty of fruit; completely furnished; move right In. $330010 acres, all Improved, orchard, house. Just south of Multnomah Hall, Sec tion Line Road. ' $3300 Quarter-block. 2d and "Wasco. $3600 i -block. E. ICth and Ankeny. $3700 Corner and 0-room house and barn, E. Sth and Halsey. Holladay's Addition. $3300 2 new octtages. 34 th St., Sunnystde; will Dell separately. $400030x100 and modern home, E! Madison, near 13th. $4200100x100 and one of the most desirable homes In Piedmont: 11 rooms. $4300 -block. E. 2d and Holladay ave. $4600 H-block. Grand ave. and Hassalo st. $3000 3S acres iacing base line road; consid erable cordwood on the land. $325012 acres at "Wlltaburg, highly Im proved. 4 acres in orchard; house, barn and windmill. $5700100x100 and 0-room modern house In McMillen's Addition, near Steel bridge; room for two more houses. IRVING'S HARBOR VIEW $900 and up for lots near Steel bridge on Benton, bet. Dixon and Dupont sts. TO EXCHANGE $150O-S Iota near North Alblna Station. "Will trade for Spokane property. $4750 About one acre. E. 3d and Stephens sts.. 500 feet railroad frontage; will trade for St. Paul or Minneapolis property. $500 3 acres highly Improved, plenty of bearing fruit, modern new S-room house, new barn, windmill. Kelly ave.. near "Wood stock car. "Wilt exchange for house and lot on East or "West Side. IRRIGATED LAND For 'Sale-rSeveral contracts. 160 acres each, ot the Columbia Southern Irrigation Land Co. on the Deschutes River In Crook Coun ty. First selections made out of 27,000 acres. SUBURBAN HOME The Larson home, near Hunter's Station (Mt. Tabor car), is now for sale. The prop erty consists of 100x200, house, greenhouse and barn, with an abundance of bearing fruit: easr terms. For sale, eight room, modern house, large lawns and flowers, good as new; 15 minutes from city; furniture If wanted; good location; $2630; terms. FOR RENT tj-room, new, modern, flat, TXS& Kearney, $37.30. 5 rooms each, three new flats on'.-Jackson, near 7th. $30. 0-room house. CIS Qulmby. near 21st Ur modern; $35. 10-room modern house. 603' E. Oak, near 10th, $33. 7-room, new, modern house. E." 18th, ne'ar Clinton. $15. 4 6-room cottage, 405 E. ISth at., near, Clin ton. $12. . S rooms and large ball, new, modern house, 38th and E. Madison,. $10. " GRINDSTAFF & SCHALK 2t Stark Street. TELEPHONE XATN" 305. $1500 Good 7-room house -and lot. 73x150. at Mt. Tabor. Easy terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, 1C0 Third Street. For Sale House Ot ten rooms with corner auarter-bloet. LlGOslOO; entire property in excellent repair; cement waixs, zuu cement casement. lur nace. improved streets, sewers, etc.; beau tiful lawn and shrubbery, making desir able home: or room for sir flats or three houses without moving present house; good location for income yroserty. im mediate oMeealon given. Inquire 415 2d St., X.W. car. Hall, or & Dekum Bldr. -LOUIS H. BOLL MANO STUDIO Oir OPXK TOJt PUPILS. X jBufacs. t 4 It. M4sl.WMUa . FOR SALE BY Hartman, Thompson & Powers :? Room 3, C. of C.v . 1C CnnSOxSO feet, brick building;. In d 1 0)0 UU wholesale district on West Side. Rents, "J1S00 per annum, pays about 9 per cent net. tOQKn Qne double brick house, with 7 vU&UU rooms in each department, and one 7-roora house in good location on West Side; brings in $75 per month. CvT7fin New modern 7-room house on tHrUU Wasco at., in Holladay Park. tRfin lCfcdOO, "with 9-room. house and ofUUU barn, on the corner of East Stark and 12th sts.; easy walking distance. CKfin 50xlOO-foot lot., with three slx w'rwUU room 'cottages, on 'corner of E. 7th and Davis sts. Income from rent, 53 per month. 5QCnn 50x100-foot lot. with good" 11- vuJUU room house on Corbett st., in good location, on West Side. tQKnn S-room house on Clay st.. bet. dOUUU 14th and l"th; rent $30 per mo. tQnn EOxlOO-foot lot on corner of E. dufUU 10th and Schuyler sts. modern 6-roora. house. 07 Cn Each for three new modernr VfuU dwellings of 6 rooms each, on corner of 21st and Vaughn sts.; payments. JZoO.CO cash. $25 per month. (07(1(1 Xew 7-room house, 50x100-foot vUU lat, with alley, near Thompson School, Central Alblna. 97fin 6-room modern house, on .the V I UU corner of E. 31st and Couch sts.. In Hawthorne First Addition. jQPCrt S-room house, almost new, on i)UuU corner of 21st and Wilson stsr $600 cash. $25 per month. N QQCn vroom house. 50xlOO-foot lot. vudU near corner 23th and E. Salmon sts. Payments JCO0.0O cash and 530 per month. . ! QOnflfl 6-room house, 23xS7-foot lot, I 3ZUUU on West Side, on Hall st., near Uth, renting for $23 per month. New 10-room house, all on O lOUU ground floor, 50x35-foot lot. near Highland School, one block from carllne. Sflftn 4-room house. 50xl00-foot corner 0UU lot, on E. 6th and Mason sts.; easy terms. South Sunnyside AK( 5or lots ln South Sunnyside: $80 cash, $10 nor month;, each lot TO exiw: streets graaea ana grav eled and sidewalks. This nroo- SKKH ert7 Is situated on south- side-rot U0U Hawthorne avc. bet. 33d and, 3Uh sts.; each lot two feet abo.e grade. FARMS 100-acre farm near 3arie- Creek Station, on O. W. P. Ity.; fine soiC; Be mute land; running water; orchard; good bulldiasa;. $4000. Finely Improved farm of 160 acres, oao mile south of Tualatin; $11,600. Will carry $6000, at 0 per cent. no-acre farm, 4 miles from Washoujral. oa Columbia; good buildings, including- $3000 frultdryer; fruit income about $3000 per year; full creamery outfit by waterpower; a most complete farm. $60 per acre. Including all stock and Implements.. A decided bar gain. 100 acres. 3 miles from Canby; 25 plowed, 3 more slashed, balance timber; fi-room -house, good barn, etc.: $4300. Send for list. We hare hundreds of prop ertied comprising some of the beat on the' market. City Properties Wt have a large list of city properties, bus iness, residence and vacant lots, and InVits an Inspection by intending purchasers. Spe cial terms can be made with thoe wishing to build on any of our vacant lots Rentals We hare opened & rental department and solicit charge of business and residence prop- -ertles. These will haTO special attention and. the interests of owners carefully guarded. Suburban Acreage Do not forget our two additions to Jen nings Lodge, on the Oregon City car-line and Willamette River, the choicest property of the kind about the city and at prices of single OOxlOO-foot lots elsewhere. Removals We are now located in our new offlce. two doors west of the old location, and are hi position to better -care for all business placed with us. Our facilities are much improved by tho change. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 245 STARK ST. Safe Investment Houses are in heavy demand at University Park. Prices are 'advanc ing. Employment for laborers and mechanics is abundant. It is the bon ton residence portion of the "whole peninsula. It has the Columbia Uni versity, Portland public schools, Bull Bun water, electric lights, electriri street-cars, elegant homes, liquor pro hibition, mills, factories and shops, in short, everything necessary to build a great city. There will be a great city between the rivers and University Park will be its business and social center. Prices of lots $100 and upwards, on easy installments. Take the St Johns car and stop off at University Park. Seeing will con vince you. You have been reading' advertisements of University Park and notice the advance Irom month to month. How much higher will, you let these prices go before you buy? Francis I. McKenna, 606 Commercial, Block. University Park Station. - Fine Dwelling 100x100 feet in choice West Side neighborhood, very sightly and hand somely improved, with, "inodern iouse in excellent condition. Cement base ment, hot-air furnace, modern bath room, four bedrooms and servant's" room in attic. For particulars apply to Rountree & Diamond 241 Stark Street, Corner Second. Holladay's Addition Tor sale A new "5--com cottage, all con veniences, full cement basement; streets -different and better than saytMs; la th city; fully Improved; a very desirable lo cation; convenient to two trolley lines. See the modern., complete unique, elrht-rooaa residence, ccrner- 15tb and Clackamas sts. Ready- Sept. 13th. Lots sola cn advanta. s-eous terms to hesaebuUders. Tbc Orefon Rci Estate Co. 'Xtlr. .t., -Room i.