18 " - -T 1 . ' . ' ' ' ' " x I THERE are many excellent mineral exhibits In the Mining building: at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. The States of Oregon, Washington, Mon tana and Wyoming: have done themselves proud. Other states have equally as creditable mineral displays Jn their own state buildings. But of all the exhibits Jn the Mining building, there is perhaps none that Is attracting as much attention, 7ot only from mining men, but from Fair visitors in gcneraT, as that o the Geiser Hendryx Investment Company. This ex hibit Is recognized as a feature of ths Mining building, and is doing much to spread Oregon's fame as a producer of precious metals. In the little cabinet here shown, there are ores carrying gold and other metals to the valuo of U0O0. -Ml of these ores came from the Eastern Ore gon mining district, which is credited by the "United States Geological Survey with & production of about $100,000,000 since the beginning of quartz operations-less than half a century ago. Nor does this recorcf Of production take into account the ear lier placer period during which the pro duction is estimated at from, $30,000,000 to $40,000,000. Notwithstanding -the heavy1 production the Eastern Oregon -'mineral belt is' Al ready credited with, qiiartz mining in this district may yet said to be in its Infancy. Deep mining has Just begun. Of the many operators in this district xthat have wrested tho precious metal irom the bowels of the earth and are spreading the fame of this section's vast mineral wealth, there is jnonc entitled to more credit than the Gclscr-Hendryx In vestment Company, which is today de veloping more properties and impending more money than any other half-dozen operators put together. Mr. H. T. Hen dryx. the president of this company, has been Identified with the mining develop ment of Eastern Oregon practically his entire life, and it is largely due to his familiarity with the ground and wide knowledge gained of experience, that his company has come Into possession of some of the best properties in the dis trict. The Gciser-Hendryx Investment Com pany Is at present developing six proper ties of its own and managing the devel opment of several others. XUc.-fllrect!' Mid way mines, 'Subc'r Fraction, Piatt's group, Victor mines, the Gold Pan and the Gem. Many of the rich gold specimens shown in the Gciscr-Hcndryx Investment Company cabinet at the Exposition, came from these properties. The Midway mine, consisting of 16 claims, is located on the Mother lode vein of the Cracker Creek district, which has given the world the wonderful producers known as the North Pole, Columbia, Gol conda and E. & Ei. mines. This property has beon opened up to a depth of 300 feet, 'showing up a body of high-grade ore that gives promise of making the mine an early producer. With the compressor plant now being installed, the develop ment work will be much more rapid. The Taber Fraction, lying between t!(o E. & E. and Columbia mines, with a length of 22S feet on the Mothor lode. Is, without doubt, one of the richest pieces of mineral ground of Its size in the world. With the vein 15 feet in width, tliero is approximately 4.000,000 cubic feet of ore within the proven ground. At a conser vative valuation of $15 a ton, this little piece of ground contains over $1,000,000 of milling ore. The Piatt's group, consisting of six MINERAL CABINET CONTAINING GOLD ORE VALUED AT S-1C00 FROM SOME OF EASTERN OREGON'S MOST NOTED QUARTZ PROFEXT2E8. claims. Is also located in the famous Cracker Creek district, extending down from the summit of tho divide where the . North Pole property terminates. At 'this property, in. which there, are two--weU-deflned lodes from the crest down. a. ver tical depth of over 3000 feet can be ob tained by drifting. Tho Victor is yet another Cracker Creek property of the- company that gives prom Mse of big results.- These-claims, '-'five; in number, paralleling the E. & E. and Co lumbia mines, show up three strong par allel veins, which Mr. Hendryx . believes will produce some of the- richest ore. found' in. the camp. This property "is equipped with a 00-horscpower gasoline engine, a compressor plant and all other equipments essential to rapid-development work. . The Gold Pan is located but two miles from Sumpter, and -though not on "the Mother Lode of the Cracker district, gives promise of largo results also. Jt.has. been opened to a depth-of 200 feet, ami -avoia. of nine feet of fine .ore has been opened up. So satisfactory . is the showing at . this property that arrangements are-belng vmadc for installing a milling plant so; that the" property will soon be able-to pay for Its own. development. The Gem mine. Is known to all Easter Oregon mining men. This famous prop erty, which has already produced upwards of 520.TO). Is located la the Sparta dis trict, near Baker City. It is opened up to a depth of 600 feet. It is equipped with ; a modern 10-stamp mill., six-drill com- ' pressor, and all other conveniences for economic mining. Qwlng to a shortage of water at the . mill, a pipe line is being constructed to a mountain stream a mile and a half distant, and when this is com pleted, great things are expected from the Gem. From this mine have been taken ipme of the . finest free-gold specimen. that have come out of Eastern Oregon. Through the conservative managements of Its own properties, the Gelser-Hendryx Investment Company has gained the con fidence of mining men and mining invest ors In all sections of ths country, so that it is today intrusted with the development of a number of other properties in, addi tion to its own extensive holdings. The officers of tho company are: H. T. Hendryx, president; W. P. La. Roche, vice-president; Ral0h W. Hoyt, treas-. urcr; C. S. Richmond, secretary. Direct ors: K. T. Hendryx. Sumpter, Or.; W. P. La Roche, Savannah. Ga.: C. S. Rich mond. Savannah. Ga.; W. 8. Phillips.. Brooklyn, N. Y.; N. C. Richards, Sump ter. Or. While the main office of tho company during the past few years has been .lo cated at Sumpter, tho company expects shortly to establish its headquarters, in this city, having leased: a large, room on the ground floor of the new Elks' build ing, corner of Seventh and Stark streets. The removal of tho company's headquar ters to this- city means much to Port land, as It will add greatly to this -city's, prestige as a mining center. In the hand-r. some suite of rooms to bo maintained by the company there will be installed the most complete mineral exhibit ever as sembled In tha state. The Mollis col lection of ores, which has won medals in every Exposition "of recent years, 'has been purchased for a nucleus, of this ex hibit, and to It there will be added speci ments from every mine In Oregon. Ia connection with its mining business the firm will -engage- In irrigation and coloni zation enterprises, -with experienced men. In charge of every department. Mr. Fred R. Mellts, formerly of this city, but for some time a resident of Eastern Oregon, will have charge of ne -of the depart ments and again become a fixture .in Portland. Mr. Mellls is, perhaps qneot. the best-posted men In mining matters in the state, and his residence in' this city will be the means of disseminating much valuable information in reference to Ore gon's mineral wealth. ART WORKS IN PLASTER AND BRONZE Illustrations on Page 32. TfcM ANY a time the question has been fI asked: "Why is It so many per- sons seem to find more pleasure in paintings than in sculpture?" This question 1b founded on what seems to be a fact at presonL It would be in teresting to know Just what proportion of the visitors to the Museum of Art on the Exposition grounds have given nz serious attention to the bronzes and inarbles arranged down the middle of each gallery as they have bestowed on tho paintings hung upon the walls. Without going Into reasons, ethical or psychological, it may be said in passing that the color sense is more generally developed in some degree than tho sense of form. It is so easy to. let thought dwell on the familiar and the . known. But the student mind reaches out for ever new impressions and -ideas. 1 Gives - Sense of Rcstfulness. The absence of color in a piece of sculptured work, while explaining lack of interest in the many, gives a sense of reBtiulness to the comparatively few who ee beauty in .all its manifold pre sentations of Nature and art. Lt Us tako a walk together through the galleries and see what we And on the pedestals worthy of admiration. If you think bronze is somber and can only, adapt Itself to dignity and mas oullnity, ftudy the charming humor of these tricky elephants, this perform ing bear and tho- lucky apd the un lucky pig. Frederick George Richard Roth has executed his wonderful little studies so faithfully io Nature, as to form, action and textures that one l06es sight of them almost in contemplation of tho characteristics of the animals portrayed. They tell us a story. Nos. 6S4 to 640 inclusive, are In gallery D, while 641 "Polar Bear" and 642 "Wolf hound" are in gallery C The contrast between the latter two Is worthy .-of note. Tho clumsy bulk and short, smooth fur coat are just as faithful to Nature as the lank hound expressing agility and his shaggy hair, rendered In masses, but giving the impression of detail. We are glad to aee that Mr. Roth's fine work won him a silver medal at St Louis. Another masterly portrayer of animal form .and one whose work Instantly reminds one of that of Barye, tho French sculptor, is Eli Harvey, born in Ohio ln I860. This artist's "Texas Steer" (614) and "Amer ican Elk" (615) are full of suggestion of spirited action and of dignity, while the group 643 "Lioness and Cub." 644 "Lion and Skull." 645 "Rampant Ja guar" and 646 "Roaring Lion." all ln gallery C, are a delight in their case of treatment and subtle grace. At the lower end of gallery G, our fore most native-born sculptor, Daniel Chester French, is represented by a superb, life like bust of Ralph WTaldo Emerson. The look of the. seer, the firmness that never hid his jwcctness, are all there and are worthy of the great American the whole world delights to recognize as one of tho foremost philosophers of modern times. Apropos of this subject, it was Emerson who gave tis the ode containing- the -famous lines "Here once- the -embattled farmers stood. And fired the shot heard round the world," and Daniel Chester French, who embodied this sentiment in his iameus statue of "The Minute Man." wklcb sti at or ead oX oU CttUCaf Bridge In Massachusetts, whero that shot case this digression to wave the Stars and was fired. Strides, but "Loiur Bust Is Classic. In gallery F. Mr. French Is reproseatod by a mast- exquisite . bust of Cariotta'' (613), whioh is truly classic ln grace and finish, in dignity and in admlrabV: breadth of treatment. Tho treatment of the "ever-womanjy" s9 plainly portrayed horc, forms a fine contrast to' the virile treatment of the Emerson bast, which Is almost "skotchy" in some parts. In room G is the work of a somewhat younger man. whose name is well known in the art wqrld. Bela L. Pratt, a Con necticut man. His three subjects are "Youth. Morning and Reverie" (611). Three figures from his "Fountain of Youth" are the only marble figures In the collection, bronze seeming to be the favorite material for reproduction this year. The pure lines and tender grace of the posa are so suggestive of youth; there Is delicacy without attenuation, thus carrying out the thought of life giving purity, of a fountain of crystal water. These figures cannot fall of ad miration if they are only seen. In gallery G Is a very "speaking" portrait bust of Major William H. Clark. It Is the work of Solon H. Borglum. a Utah man, who has a veo different subject Jn gallery B, "Bulls Fighting." a powerful study of intense action' In which one wonders which -Is the stronger spine line, the con vex one or the concave. ln gallery E we find a broad pedestal filled with the work of one of our -most interesting young artists, the sculptor. Bessie Potter -Vonnoh, whose portrait ln gallep' C. opposite the entrance, attracts much- attention.." One feels jure, not only of the great talent of the husband, who painted this likeness, but 'also that a most Interesting personality Is represent ed there. Mrs.. Vorinoh's favorite theme seems to bo motherhood, which ahe de picts in 616 a perfect natural grouping of a graceful woman holding a babe on her left arm. ana two little girls standing in front of "her, her right resting on the shoulder.-of, one. while the otiyjr little girl leans confidingly against her skirts. 690 is another "Mother and . Child." the pose of the head in this being' particularly fine, and her 659, "A Young Mother." and 660, "A Modern Madonna," ln 'gallery A, bearing out ail the characteristics -of long sweeping curves (that are not lines, but represent something, golds of a gown or the soft, contour of a neck or arm) of crispn ess. with softness, of textures nat urally portrayed, "as hair, ribbons, muslin gowns .or, silk polgnoir. The charm of "Girl Dancing" (651) in Gallery .B, Is one of tho daintiest figures, fun of quaint charm, while "Girl Reading" (61S) Is a fit companion to It. Repose, or action, both are dealt with by a sympathetic-interpreter, and a great thrill of satisfaction halls the result. oubtless only a few persons who admire the unusually attractive char acter of these "Mother" figures realize that the exquisitely graceful original is "not a hundred miles from Portland all the while." The dear little busts of "Nanette" (617) and "Hester" (622) are so original in stylo. we know- they must be portraits over which their friends re joice. 61S. "His First Journey," Is a clev er little study of the first independent venture of a '.chubby boy tm "all fours." and will be appreciated by every mother ho.sees It. 621, "A Study," completes the group, loaned by this a'4-ractlve artist. May one bo allowed to '.ask why our-visitors on these -"Exposition grounds hate to go away" from this fine ej'Iblt or na tive talent to .order VMedlfAJons,' "in spirations." "Purities," "Coynesses." ,and other -virtues in - some other spotcither Sculptor or Indians. In quite another vein is the work of John J. Boyle, a New Yorker (Mrs. Von noh is "claimed In Missouri by the brave St. Louis). Mr. 3oyIe has sent a splendid "Indian Hunter" (S2S) and "No komls and Hiawatha" (624), a subject we all Mve since Longfellow sang of them. Character portrayal is strong here. Then Mr. Boyle has In C. "Stone Age in North Amorlca" (64J). typified by a woman of the savage tribe of redtmen, carrying a panpoosc on one arm, holding a stone ax ln the other hand, while-a slain woma'n lies at her feet. This is realism and sym bolism well blended, and a most, forceful technique brought Into the rendering of. them. Aitha. Vaughn Hyatt is another lover, of animals and has made a 'close study , of J some iavonie3 or "ino zoo. Her "Tread ing at tho Pickets" (62S) represents tw elephants tugging at .their- chains, the wrath of one causing-him to throw -hi trunk over the back of the : other and' protest In a vigorous manner. - The other. subject by this artist. "Peanuts" (KS). snows us . three -elephants-thaUare evi dently enjoying- the attentions of the small boys and girls who feed .the "pea nuts." In great delight at the curious manipulations, of the animals trunks. One Is calmly swallowing his morsel, one Is reaching for his. whHe the third Is Just preparing his curled proboscis-for. a sweet portion. The loose hide on these figures, the clumsy strength and the peculiar mo tions, so "familiar to us all, arc. finelr rendered. f In much contrast to these subjects 'are the "Parnassus" of Mr, -Boyle UO)). Th serpentine rppe of laurel leaves spring ing from beneath the feet and colling around the left arm of toe figure of a magnificent yjuth; well typlfing deep thought. Johannes Gclert Is the clever sculptor of."Evoe Bacchus,"- a wild dancing Bacchante with Inverted wine cup and- wand -tipped with a bunch of grapes. Great spirit and breadth are here shown In the handling. Coming far down in point of time there is the wild dash of the cowboy,-whose .spirits effervesce on the plains to some pur pose. - Solon H. Borglum (the Utah sculptor) does this kind of subject great justice in "Bucking Broncho" (654) and "Taming Wild Horse" (656) while his "Buffalo" (655) Is superb. The brawn and action of "Caestus" (65fi) by :CharIes H. Nelhaus 'and--R. Tatt -' Mclvonzle's . classic. " "Sprln'ter". (664) -and . "The Athletc"f (665) :are notable. figures. f .' Favorite Vlth' Figure Lovers. Caror Brooks MaeKell's little-u hpy; Giotto malting hts first, childish at tempts to express the. greatiart lnhm wnisn later anion inneo nis- countrymen arid- is- prized today -as a - dedrpieceof .work; The' little fcllo-jv .has left his" flbcTCs and herds -arid with a "piece : of slate .traces oo'aflal stone the' thougnts th'atcrdwd for expression; 662 VtGlotto ,Giova,n"eT should pe' a favorite "wl.th all -figure lovers. . Augustus . Lukeman gives", sl ; grand' 'flgure""of "Doda the Genoese" in .66", gallery. B. The proud bearing,; the. lofty -intellect, are masterly in por trayal, while the accessories - aro equally good In their special way. The charming- "Cupid's Sun- -Dial" 1 66b) well placed outside the museum, and the veoxk . of .Thqraas Shields Clarke, might be passed unnoticed were not. attention called to it and a charm- lag-- bit .of figure work- would be lost. Lastly, one speaks -with pleasure of symbolism of this Is appa,The.-wInd Uhc-fluisltc.'. fantastic.- otfginitl. . evf a "Pegasus ' Is In .magnificent acaph.-.sug-.! DOJR"y nsure worx xltb. rm croons . dm,.. - iuao4eu la. uuicago WDDWti uas: ein- fnrtr. ! bodied " In articles of utility isuch .as I'ficruilt) uisii. vnac ui liuity -11 inm, iur- .standr- tctlera,' cafeteria, saraoyar . and' tobacco set. " Tnese must-oe rscen ana gasting upward flight, while th,c fjrureoff Victory, a woman ln olaaslc form and garb, is holding aloft a torchJn her jiBt hand and a victor's' wreath.' of laurel -In her lofL Here are the triple. enitilem of ' ward, while again loadoth . us on. the "eveffwomanlr Excellent Bas-Rellef. encouragement, strong ambition an.dro-i'studied-'to?be.: app'rcclate'd, " for" they are jgem'sof 'benruty and- utility -of which .trV.wniiH Hif' t'n liav mt'ch Vu imar. fdrhMK. 'To her aid she -brings raer maids. ' dolphins,' .lions, jlelades and axi 'rennea df a To those who enlov-rarrmltnrA ln-vc. 4jwlncre.l creatures. relief the -lovely work of 'Herbert- Aotfms j?Aabefur' fancy' and mol'ded'to a capti In the . entrance (647) will appeal - vcrrvvatin'g sense .o 'the- quaint and fitting. scuipturesy whose, modest ''hue .does not clamor:, so", loudly for" recognition as. strorigly. A more graclousoxamole . qf tnis style or wont -could not be chosen. Abow thla hangs Herman A: MacXcU'a" splondid mezzo-relievo of' "The "Young Warrior." very-spirited and -dominatinr. In the entrance are the two very Impor tant symbolic groups by Charles Grafly, a Philadelphia!!. Mr. Adams Is a nativo or Vermont, and Mr. MacNeil a Massa chusetts man. No. 651. "Frpm Generation to Generation." shows Mr. Grafly's pow er ln, depicting the contrasts, bf youth and age In two male figures, showing him to be a master anatomist and & man of deop feeling, for Nature's significance, ln which assertion 652. "Tho "Symbol of Life," bcars uB out. The strong male fig ure" goes forth to till. the s$ll. bearing a. scythe; bis strong but supple- female com panion stops forth In, unison. 'brarJdgT'a -jglowlng- canvases. s . ' ANNA VOK RYDINGSVARD. . Xorvcgl8n-DanIsIi Conference. Three. sesslpns of .the Norwegian-Danish Sr. EL- conference.; will be: hefdiodayat Thirteenth and "-Davis streets.' Blshbp H. F...McDowell will preach this mornlng'&t -31 o'clock, and. J." J. Peterson will speak at 3, o clock. -.The e-tening sermon will be delivered by N. L. Hanse. of Butte. Mont.' . Yesterday's 'jnceUngs were ' taken up .V.l. Vi -i .1 nanr' llV-.. A gTobe.rwhU typifies the' frultfulness me rewara oi nonesi 1011. iiany. thoughts 1 ,7. vi.. ' ' m Tcrf I- W,t L'uL 7' establishing a; permanent colony prDanea fully studies these ana's! figures. Look at the wild aban.don of-'Evoe Bacchus" (6o3). Could Were be -great imKrw;!SE i ?rid 6L??n! "vih ithVNbrth j -r west, ioe ouues or mis committee are ndorf- nr.-F-;.1 Py .to? investigate condltfonj, 'and' no further steps wjll ba taken this year. er contrast or mentality than thlskfiK-J'JJr - v-r t.lv--"" r:. on siB. X" ASf- i " r. . ctrII,BB,.-f-t ber 7. 8. . anaV47. "the Rotk island wisdom To the dignified class belirtigs XrA"n,;Afftm&F "In Much v-Rallwsrv will 11 rmind-trin tfrki.fi. n (657) In -galltry B. This; j, a Eastern, point at greatly reduced rates. rr."Z.,Jr".,Z'it'r -".yr"-"tc ret. -WrnUiJ mWiV vtS tmm z ils most able attendants. - ThereH the Walter Reed Optical Concession Company, came entirely without aollciUUoa. iUuttM adtoaLsr UtttatoOtaCX ZsJLsW iMa & -UPJWSsS!3 tR.chHe-Umonki.tthatlcarry wlfhtirfth tMiUtcWnt pofrlfe " BIBLESTyDENTS'CQNGRESS LECTCRE ON ESCHATOLOGr Bx' PASTOR RUSSELL. at, 10 A. M.. September 8 and closing Sunday evening.. Many Questions of Interest to Chris tians "Will Be Discussed at Conference. . " Lights Go OUt; Cars Tied Tip. - Street-car traffic .in all parts of the city, with 'the exception of the Fifth and Jeffer-son-jsireet Une,;was stopped laat night, be tween S and 9 o'clock, electric lights went out suddenly, and, business houses, depend ent on the electric company for light were In 'darkness. The cause of suspension of traffic and failure of lights was. the burn ing qut of the switchboards in the offices of the electric, company, at the end of Twenty-first street. The transformers are .supposed Jo. have caught fire from steam pipes connecting the plant with Oregon City. . On Third street cars were lined up from Burnslde-' street to Morrison street; on : Washington and Morrison streets, the cars were at a -standstill, and hundreds of pe'Qple'iwere compelled to. walk to their .-.V .A Of especial Interest to all Bible stu dents, irrespective, of their church af, fl'iIat!ons,..wiir.be the ;fliBlo Stud'ehta' jCanyentlon, which . will , open, inathjee: days' session- -next . Friday morning-.' September S, at. ttie Wobtfrh.en'a, Ha!li;- (.home's' The downtown portion of the city. East .Slxih .and East - Alder, .streets.- Quite a number of the delegates . are already in- the , cty," . ahd x by Fjl'day Lmornlng j-'several .hundred should' (bo- present, representing- nearly . 1 ever.y- sectlon of the'.IUnlted. States andiCan.- aoa.. .Sev,eral' prominent- lecturers w'IU be present and "will ' speak during . Its sessions. . ,i . Pastor .CrT. Russell,- president- of . the Watch Tower; Bible and - Tract .1 Soci ety, of AUegbeny, Pa., but more'Vlde", ly known! as' the, author of "Millenlal- Dawn" series, and whose writing have now reached the enormous clrc,u- latlon. of over 3,000,000, will be pres ent and deliver several of the : princl-' pal discourses. Mr. Russell is ono of; the foremost authorities on eschat'pr- ogy, and will deliver two .public lec-. tures. At the convention hall Sunday morning. September iO. at 10;20, Kri' will, sneak . on. the Spiritual Lessons UFTQm'-thje Lewis and Clark Fair.' -All who aro una.qie to narmonuc .mopprn. advancement :in 'science, machinery, .and gqvlefnment over the" CenVuifJet. past.- with the Blhllcal deciaratloh'that .man's primitive condition v?as "orteof -Derfectlon.iwilI.be interested in-'hear- ing Mr; -RushoH's analysis . ofi-ftHls. jny.ch-jmpotcd. question. .r . ' Sanda-y-afternoon rat 3 o'clock Prs- tQr R'ussoll will. de,lfyer.ihli famous rc- ture on,"o-tjeii -ana-JjacK.- ivojtwvre There 'and Why? Hone for the-'Rc- .turp qf-Many.". The Plrst MejthQdlst .Church, Thirjl-and- Taylor strectsv-has been secured for this occas.fop' .C.tT.' Smith ("B.-ArD')..the associate -editor of -.the ,Atlapta Cpnstltutf?!!, said.jei--'" toriauy-: rrnere .'is nothing Jn .? te Bible that ho denies or doubts, but' there are many texts upon which:-he throws a flood of light that dispels, many dark and gloomy forebodings, x Hill e is iiiuui; a. xniuuy iu , iuuiiu that has not lost some loved one who died outside tho church, outsi.de-. the plan of salvation, andlf Oalvlnism be true; outside all. hope and inside eter nal torment and despair. We -smother our feelings and turn .away from.'.thjs horrible picture. We dare not denyNthe faith of our fathers, and yet can It be possible" that the g'ood.'mother aridyher .wandering child, are -forever ' .-sep-aratedr" Both these lectures ''wll' be . ehtlzejy.. free . to the public, all' provis ion havjng- been made by'the.c'onven-" tfon. Sunday nljrht Mr. Russell Me'avesk fp'C Seattle and Everett, returning: I?ast from tHere via Los Angeles and ;Te'xas. Maqy question or especial .-Interest where thousands of pebple were on the streots, were much darker than usual. The overhead lights' strung along the streets were out. and little light came from the shop windows. The Exposition grounds wero Jn darkness for 30 minutes. Lights were turned on and traffic was resumed after an hour's delay while the transformers were being replaced at-the power-house. ' File Incorporation Papers. The Charles F. Beek Company filed Tan attachment suit In the State Circuit Court yesterday against Robert and. L1I lle Loller to recover 5360 on a note ex ecuted April -5, 1S06. Incorporation articles of tho Oregon Manufacturing Company were filed-' in the County Clerk's office yesterday by W. H. Moore, H. A. Moore and R. J. Ginn, capital stock I3C00. The objects ' an nounced are to manufacture and. sell- I patent sacker. patent rights, etc NO. ARGUMENT NECESSARY - m - r mi "The jvriter bf this testimonial, ex-Gqvernor William C. Oates", of Alabama cam 'tqlPorfiah'd to have'hls eyea fitted by Prof. LIpner, who is. ono of tha able staff of the 'Walter Reed Optical Concession Company, operating at the Lewis and Clark to Christian people will-be .taken upi -Exnoiltlrtn.. -ProfBRsnr tinner's associates. - like himself, are eve snec!ilis of and. discussed dUTlng. tHe .sessiSns "of r aivimwWo-i, Vill ond established rpnutation- Their wort- at tha Fafr has" won this convention, - and . lit is hoped vt&Lt - nlr interested In' the 'defence' -gf-Vtti: to take advantage of this opportunity to hear trji-i doctrine discussed by some z. - Vj. v-.'r'.- - Their work at the Fair 'has woa I'fJpr. 'them. the conrtdenpe of all Fair visitors. Both lri- the' matter; of testing 'and .fittmyth'e.-eyesftfiey have-no -superiors, while the lenses they use are the -best V known to the op'tJbaV science. . .. . ' '.-'- The testTmonfai of-ex-Governor Oates, ol Alabama,. like many others recelvediby