The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 03, 1905, PART TWO, Page 15, Image 15

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A hallful of the choicest of Grand Pianos
351 Washington Street
City Engineer Taylor Will Have
to Do So.
Tells tlic Executive Board That He
Was In No Position to Verify
Account of Paving That
Had Been Done.
It Is expected that when Douglas W.
Tayior, the newly appointed City Engi
nr, ooles to consider claims for street
improvements before the next session of
the Executive Board, that he will be
placed in the awkward position of having1
to pass upon the merits of some of his
own make of bills against the city. On
the last day of his official connection with
the municipality. City Engineer Wanzer
addressed the following letter to the Ex
ucutlve Board:
To the Honorable Executive Board of
the City of Portland: The enclosed item
ized bills In favor of the Trinidad Asphalt
Paving Company for repairs to pavement
on Third, Sixth and Alder streets,
amounting to the total sum of 5782.86, I
heroby refor to you for your considera
tion. The fact Is that I, under permission
granted me by the Executive Board,
authorized the Asphalt Company to repair
Third street to the extent of 150 yards,
which, at the rate of 51.65. would amount
to the sum of 5247.50. I never did author
ize any more than th 150 yards allowed
me by the Executlvo Board, which, you
will see, la verified by communication
from the Asphalt Company attached, but
:hat company, presuming that necessary
repairs would be duly authorized, made
additional repairs on Third street, and
also unauthorized repairs on Sixth and
Alder streets, which repairs were made
without my knowledge, and consequently
1 am In no condition to verify them.
I have had the sketches furnished me by
the Asphalt Company duly checked, and
the areas agree with the Itemized state
ment herein.
Please .note attached correspondence,
and especially communication from Super
intendent of the Paving Company under
date of the 14th of this month.
It Is possible that the Jncomlng City
Engineer may satisfactorily demonstrate
to you the correctness of the bills ren
dered by himself as superintendent of the
Trinidad Asphalt Paving Company.
City Engineer.
In explanation. Captain "Wanzer gave
out. at the time he sent the foregoing
communication to the body, that it was
done to clear himself of what might seem
an attempt to exceed his authority.
City Engineer Taylor stated last night
that he did not care to make any expla
nation concerning the bill until called
upon by the Executive Board next Fri
day, at which time he thought that, he
would be able to give satisfactory rea
sons for everything. He seemed to con
sider it strange, however, that his prede
cessor should wait until the last minute
before bringing the matter up, and said
that the claims were presented to Captain
"Wanzer by the Asphalt Company early
in June. He contended that there was
nothing wrong about them, and thitt they
ought to have been disposed of long ago.
as the Executive Board had had several
sessions since they were rendered, and
wa even tiare aat eMwtuaJU: tec
their consideration by the old Executive
Ex-City Engineer Wanzer, when his at
tention was called to Mr. Taylor's con
tentions, denied that he had any Idea of
trying to create the Impression that there
was anything wrong with the Paving
Company's bills, only he said the work
had been performed without any author
ity from him, and he was consequently
In no position to say whether It had been
properly done, or even done at all in
short, there was nothing for him to con
sider In relation to the matter, he said,
excepting what came before him In an
official way. based upon proper authoriza
tion from his office.
Committee Named aad Co-Operation
A in our: the Org-nIrRtIo&s In Pro ra
ined Agalaiit the Meanure.
If the plan adopted yesterday after
noon by Evening- Star Grange. Patrons
of Husbandry, at the meeting- In the
hall on the Section Line road. Is ap
proved by other Granges in Multnomah
County the question of the farmers'
market and the pending license ordi
nance will go to a conference commit
tee appointed by the Granges and the
managemunt of the Peoples' Market
Association, which has leased the pub
lic block. The propbsed farmers' license
ordinance was the storm center of a
discussion, which lasted over two
hours. Inaugurated by a statement
made by F. M. Gill, of the Russellville
Grange. Mr. GUI said that there was a
remonstrance against the passage of
the ordinance signed by over 200 busi
ness men of Portland, and that even
Councilman Masters, who was sup
posed to have fathered the ordinance,
XaJ disowned it. Mayor Lane also said
if It should pusa he would certainly
veto it.
Mrs. M. E. Shafford, who for several
years ha3 worked for a market for
Portland, mado some remarks favor
able to a Portland market for sanitary
and civic reasons, and requested a hear
in? from E. C Xnoernschild, general
manager, "which being- granted, he was
escorted into the Grange and made an
extended explanation, in which he ce't
forth the advantage of a public mar
ket. Among- other things he said the
farmers could always know at the mar
ket place what price was paid for
everything he had for sale and in that
way It would pay him well. Mr.
Knoernschlld was subject to a ilre of
questions relative to the, ordinance,
some of the questions being- hard for
him to answer. In answer to a ques
tion from master of the Grange, J. J.
Johnson, Manager Knoernschlld said
he should be willing- to submit the
question of management to a general
committee of farmers. He favored that
plan of reaching an understanding-. He
said he wanted to stand with the farm
ers, and would he glad if this commit
tee, representing the farmers' Inter
ests, should be named. After Mr.
Knoernschlld, retired the Grange took
up the matter. It indorsed the position
taken by Russellville Grange, and de
clared itself opposed to the farmers'
ordinance that would compel farmers
to go to the market block and pay 25
cents, or pay a license of 515 a quarter.
After the discussion. In -which nearly
all took part and generally agreed
against the pending ordinance. It was
moved anil carried -that J. J. Johnson,
JL X. Xraery an L, D. 111 oil fee ap
pointed a conference committee from
Evening Star Grange. Master Robin
son, of Woodlawn Grange, announced
thnt that 'Grange would act with all
Grangers In Multnomah County. The
City Council will act to defer any fur
ther action on the pending ordinance
until these committees have held their
conference with the managers of the
Peoples Market Association. The
Grangers are not fighting the market,
but want to be free to act.
There was a large attendance at the
meeting during the day. Many Portland
business men v were present and mado
addresses. Including F. E. Beach. G.
A. Brodle. and others.
The chief objection to the farmers'
license ordinance was thnt it would
compel the farmers to cross the city
to the market, before selling his load,
and then he must return to the sub
urbs, after having traveled several
miles out of his way. Master Johnson
wanted to know if the territory of
the operation of the license could not
be limited to the business center, and
omit the. suburbs. There will be a full
consideration of the subject by all the
Grangers of tho county, and out of this
oonference It is "hoped the clouds of
opposition may bo dispelled, and har
monious relations established between
the farmers and the Market Associa
tion. That Is what is aimed at.
Xcw Plants Will Employ More Men
Than Those Burned.
It is announced that the sawmill plants
of the Oregon Fir Lumber Company and
the St. Johns Lumber Company, destroyed
by the fire Friday, will bo rebuilt at
once. Already some preliminary work of
clearing the debris Is being done. Next
week the smoldering fire In the ruins will
have died out so as to allow the prosecu
tion of the clearing work. These mills
are to bo rebuilt on much larger plans
than heretofore, and more modern ma
chinery will be Installed. Daniel Brecht's
plant, of the St. Johns Lumber Company,
recently purchased of A. S. Douglas, will
have double Its former capacity. -The
Oregon Fir Lumber 'Company also will
rebuild on a greatly enlarged scale, which
will . furnbih employment to many more
men than were employed in the plants
before the fire. While the destruction of
the two sawmills throws out about 200
raen.v the enlarged mills will give more
men employment.
Prominent among the numerous planus
sold yesterday was a beautiful Schumann
piano selected by Mrs. Olga Bartsch Lang.
The piano Is one of the exhibition Instru
ments displayed In the Eilers Piano
House downtown exhibit, and was chosen
by Mrs. Lang after careful comparison
and trial of other makes, carried by the
Eilers House, as possessing tone quality,
volume and elasticity and ease of action
best suited to the needs of a vocal
Having commenced her studies with
Mrs. E. J. Fink, a pupil ol Garcia Vlar
dot, and later having studied some years
with Mrs. Walter Reed, Mrs. Lang, en
dowed with a voice of exceptional, purity
and an artistic temperament, commences
her season's worktomorrow. at 715 First
street, under exceptionally favorable cir
cumstances, and her success in her chosen
work Is thoroughly assured.
Mr. Wood Discusses the Mal
heur Project.
If S. Leant Aketit the Very Lw O. K. X.
September 7. S, 9 and 1C. the O. R. Jfc N.
places on sale vey low-rate long-time
tickets East, account L O. O. F. Grand
Lodge meeting. Philadelphia. Pa. Partic
ulars by asking at City Ticket Office.
Xhlc uA Wiarto atrtU. PertlaaA.
Difficulty Is That Government In
sists on Doing It, but the
Wngon-Rond People Will
Not Consent.
PORTLAND. Sept. 2. (To the Edi
torsReferring to the. Malheur Irrigation
project, I wrote rather a lengthy state
ment of what I believed to be the facts,
which was printed In The Orogonlan July
2S. As there have been several editorial
and other comments on tho matter, many
of them not wholly accurate, and as the
subject Is of .real public Importance. I
will, and I hope for the last time, present
my view of the' situation.
The land grant- has not delayed this
project one day, and the Reclamation
Service must so tell you. If the Land
Grant gave Its land outright to the Gov
ernment tomorrow, or If there was no
Land Grant In existence, the Reclama
tion Service is not ready to begin its
work, for the following reasons:
A necessary right of way for Its canals
Is through the Mainour Canyon. This is
at present occupied by the light of way
of what Is commonly known as the Ham
mond Railroad, and no adjustment of the
conflict has been made.
Further, the bed of the reservoir Is now
the Harper ranch and adjacent properties.
No arrangement for purchase or con
demnation of these properties has been
Further, the lien of J12.CO per acre la
based on an estimate of not less than one
hundred thousand acres being contributed
to the project. Of this the Land Grant
is expected to contribute only twenty-five
There is of Government land about 50.000
acres at tho outside, if I remember cor
rectly, and of the remaining 23,000 acres
In private bands no considerable portion
has yet been subscribed' at J2 per acre.
Of course, unless substantially the whole
100,000 acres Is subscribed, the Hen will
have to bo raised above W2 per acre, and
as I understand the Reclamation Service,
this will cause abandonment of the enter
prise. Further, there are existing private
dltchet and water rights, none' of which
has been definitely arranged with by
the Reclamation Service to the satisfac
tion of the Service.
Therefore, you see. the Reclamation
Service never has been, and Is not now,
ready to proceed. And whoever informs
you that the Land Grant has caused the
delay, states what is not true.
Now, as to the actual position of the
Land Grant: '
The owners, as reasonable men, cer
tainly ought to perceive the advantage -or
having their desert lands reclaimed. They
do. and are anxious to have It done.
They ought to see the benefit to the
state. In which they have large holdings.
They do; and are anxious to. help the
matter along.
They ought to be selfishly interested to
gel into this plan every available acre.
They arc and in good faith will put In
ever acre which will stand the lien.
But and here Is the a Inference between
tfcem aal Um JUcfcuM-tto ' Jkrvk-tfeey
will not allow the Reclamation Service to
arbitrarily list what land Is to be put 'In.
They reserve the right to decide that for
themselves, but will put In very acre they
How they can benefit by holding out any
land and leaving It dry. I do not sec; but
we will put In every acre we can-and
will hold out nothing which can stand the
lien and a very small profit. If we can
not be believed on this. I cannot help It.
I. for one. fatv to see what we cculd gain
by keeping out land from the benefits of
water. As I view It, we would be the
"Why do we insist on deciding what land
shall go Into the scheme? First, because
the Reclamation Service has never yet
shown roe either a map or a list or any
thing else Indicating what 'of our lands
the Service has Included. I do not know
today what acres they . have Included.
When I do know, and our experts have
passed on the land, possibly we may
If we should not agree (and If the serv
ice has included without discrimination
the entire area physically under their -system,
we shall not agree), then and In that
event we shall follow our own experts and
our own experience. Some of the offi
cials of the Reclamation Service have said
to me that all the land selected by them
will be readily taken long before the
works are completed. I bcllevo that the
Reclamation Service has a hopeful and
high estimate of quick sales and of land
values. They have talked of 20 acres
enough for a family, etc. I question If
the conditions In the West 'and the char
acter of our people are favorable to ex
tremely small farms. However, our te9t
Is going to be. can a settler hope to win
out successfully on a $42-per-acre-first-on-the-rawrland
Hen? If there Is no pros
pect of his doing so, we do not intend to
be the instrument of deluding him into
wasted effort and disappointment and
finally the foreclosure of a Hen on his
home: and on this point I am Inflexible.
I shall go as far as possible. I shall re
solve every doubt In favor of reclama
tion, but where It seems clear to me ac
cording to all the light I can get on the
subject that a man cannot win out on
his (42-an-acre burden. I shall not be the
means of putting that land in to delude
him. no matter who recklessly asks ma
to do It. Knave no doubt in due time wo
could unload on some poor. Inexperienced
settler every acre oT-worthlcss grease
wood, hard-pan land, hut I do not intend
to lay the ground for such a moral fraud,
no matter what criticisms are made by
Irresponsible people. But this whole ques
tion Is premature. We may agree. I
have never had a chance to see what the
Government has claimed as available
land. The Reclamation Service has never,
so It seems, been ready to ask me to see
if I could agree with It on this point.
I never knew till I saw it In The Ore
gonlan that my position to them was not
satisfactory- I have nothing before me
now from them saying it Is not satisfac
tory; nothing charging us with being ob
structionists. This all comes to me from
the outside.
The other question I have fully dis
cussed In my former communication. Our
land will have to meet the competition
of thousands of acres of Government land,
and of land vrlth lower water Hens; and
It Is only right we should have a reason
able time after water Is actually avail
able In which td dispose of our land.
We givo the Secretary a right to auction
It off within one year after water Is avail
able, and that Is no great delay.
In conclusion. I wish to say the Recla
mation Service continually disavows fur
nishing the misinformation the, press Is
so liberal with: therefore I do not know
where It comes from. But I will say
now. it is not true the land grant has
delayed this matter one day. It is not
true the land-grant owners destre to play
any tricks or to hold out any land or In
dulge in any speculation other than to
sell their lands at a fair, reasonable profit.
Is that the speculation objected to? How
they can speculate, even If they wish to
do so. I do not understand, and would
like that made clear to me.
There la no one in Oregon more truly
anxious for the success of this enterpri8
tkaa I sjb for the benefit of my tUmid,
of the state and of my friends In the
Malheur Valley. It would, be better If
the facts were discussed rather than
Imaginary evils be used to inflame the
prejudice of people who have not now
and never expect to have a dollar's In
terest In the matter. C. E. S. WOOD.
Hood River Sawmill Bought.
F. E. Stanley and Robert Smith, of
Portland, have purchased the property of
the Davenport Lumber Company, of Hood
River, tosether with timber lands owned
by B. F. Laughlln, of The Dalles, and
others, containing about 200,000.000 feet of
standing timber.
Corporation papers will be filed for a
new company with a capital of J3OO.O0O. A
sawmill will be built at Hood River, which
will have a capacltw of 150.000 feet dally.
While there are many creditable exhibits In the Agricultural and Hor
ticultural building at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, there Is. perhaps,
none that Is attracting more attention than that of the Albera Bros. Milling
Company. For originality in design it occupies a position entirely by Itself.
As may be seen from the Illustration here shown, the feature of this ex
hibit Is an old Dutch gristmill, built of thl3 firm's famous "Violet Oats."
The mill, being In operation. Is a source of much amusement to the little
folks, while their elders' are Interested "by the demonstrations of the two
lady demonstrators constantly employed In showing Fair visitors the man
ner of preparing for the table the many dainty cereals produced by the
Albers Milling Company.
As Is known, the Albers Bros. Milling Company Is the largest manu
facturer of cereals and breakfast foods In the Pacific Northwest. At the
St. Louis Fair last year, this company, while In competition with cereal
manufacturers from all parts of the world, received the gold medal, the
highest award that the world can give, for the excellence of Its products.
Among the many products of this company's plant, all of which find a wel
come place at every breakfast table, may be mentioned Columbia oat flake?,
Columbia wheat flakes. Volet rolled oats, Violet pearls of wheat, Violet
flaked wheat. Cream rolled oats and self-raising buckwheat. All of these
products have gained an enviable reputation with all discriminating house
wives. Fair visitors not familiar with the. delicious cereals of the Albers Bros.
Milling Company are cordially Invited to visit the exhibit of this firm In
the Agricultural building, where courteous lady demonstrators will be pleased
to show them every attention.