14 THE SUyDAl" OREGOXLy, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 3,19054 GANAD EAN FI IN THE AUTUMN Exposition at New Westmin ster Will Cover Period of Two Months; BUILDINGS. AND . EXHIBITS Dominion Government"!!? -.a Liberal Contributor and the Displays Promise to Exceed Great ly All Expectations. NEW WESTMINSTER, SopL 2. (Speaial.) Such marked changes in a ifew weeks in any city arc seldom seen . to the oxtont that It sproads Itself be , fore the people of British Columbia in the -wonderful example of energy and onterprlsc which has worked In a few weeks to the fore, the Canadian Na- tlonal Exposition to bo held In New - Westminster during the months of September and October. 1906. This ex hibition will without doubt be the largcnt event of Its kind ever held by a city the size of New Wostmlnster.' Ihv work of bringing this great fair to a climax has been in the hands of the people of British Columbia, al though the support of the entire Do minion ot Canada has beon unanimous "in the undertaking. "The Wost to the fore," said Sir Wil fred Laurlcr. premier qf Canada, when he oast his ballot In the Dominion Hour of Commons, from which came .$50,000 Xonus ? Twr jhe enterprise, and the West will ccrtalifly be brought to . tho fore more today than ever before by the successful manner In which all the arrangements are being carried out for the National Exhibition, and visitors from far Eastern points, who believe that on the Atlantic shore only exist the civilized population of Cana da, will marvel at the size and oxcel Jonce of the fair, when the limited pop ulation and newness of the country is takon Into consideration. Even rogular frequenters at the an nual provincial fair will be lost In the old grounds, where thousands of dol lars in improvements have boen spent In the past few weoks. Ground Improvements. The grounds on which the fair will be held this year will cover 14 acres of land. Five large buildings, besides many smaller ones, will be erected. Kcw buildings have beon erected, old . oiios have been moved into different position, the old race track, formerly quite unsuitable for good racing, on account of the heavy grade, has boon filled In and improved, until ft stands in line with all the good race tracks in Canada. Although the work is yet in a state of transition and confusion, a fair idea may yet be gathorcd as to tne oxtont of the groat exhibition which has been under way but about a month. An Arcir deception Gateway. At the Junction of really four dif ferent streets, a large arch gatoway Is being erected, which will be char acterized as the main entrance to the Exposition, while in its background will extend toward the fair buildings a beautiful peristyle of Ionic columns surmounted by an attractive balus trade, on which the watchword of 'the Western fair will be emblazoned. From this gorgeous entrance, sloping gently north and slightly upgrade, may be seen a full view of all the buildings fronting the oval for special attrac tions. These buildings, constructed and arranged without thought of cost, will prosont cither by day or night a beautiful picture, as In daytime their architectural bonuty will be plainly perceivable, while by night the mil lions of electric lights that will adorn the large buildings will be a pyrotech nioal display that few will forget. Xcw Industrial Building. Without doubt the new Industrial building, financed by the Dominion government, will present, when com pleted, the most finished appearance. It occupies the most easterly tip of the . orescent of buildings. The building Is a substantial edifice two stories high, 200 feet long and 100 feet wide, with a total floor space of 40,000 square feet. The .doors of this building are roachod only after cllnblngr a long flight of stairs, as the structure la raided considerably from the ground to permit of the storage of packing apparatus in the basement, but the majestic-looking pillars on either side of the door lend attactlveness to the edi fice and help the weary climber to for get that the stairs are long. This building will be utilized only by the Canadian manufacturers, who are ship ping from all over the Dominion to the National Exhibition. A large band stand is under construction on the ground floor of this building, -while the stairs leading from one floor o another are built winding around, to prevent a death-trap being formed in case of a fire panic. All through the buildings and grounds the city has es tablished hydrants, to prevent the dan gers of flre. The Machinery Hall. Although fashioned after no special de sign, the machinery hall reminds one of the old Moorish style, and gives a dis tinct appearance of Southern Spain or Northern Africa, which appearance is lent to greatly by the pure white paint which covers the exterior. This building has 18,000 square feet of floor space, which, except one small wing, will be devoted to the machinery exhibits from all over Canada; this wing has been, assigned to the Dominion Council of Women, who will bold their regular rest room and hospital quarters there during the Fair. Tho front of the Machinery hall presents a handsome appearance In its pure white coat of paint, backing up the large fountain in the plaza before it and lending background to the gorgeous tinted flower beds which adorn the sur rounding walks. A number of rustic benches make the plaxa an excellent resting place, and it will be on this plaza that the crowds will gather to watch the parades, to chat with their friends and to wait for those from whom they have become lost, as this spot commands a view of the entire grounds, besides having many cozy cor ners and nooks in which to rest. The Agricultural Building. From the balcony of this building the view Is unsurpassed, as the Old FatEer Fraser can be traced in its many wind ings for miles of Its course from this point. of view, while the entire grounds can also be commanded by the eye from this balcony. Moreover, this building overlooks the lacrosse oval, and counties people will take advantage of this view point to witness the sports on the green. Xbe Agricultural ball will 1m e$tei entirely to the products of the "country, and no fewer than 23 district of British Columbia, three of the Northwest terri tories, and three of Manitoba have been registered for entry. These exhibits are outside the usual individual showing, and will consist of grains, fruits and horti cultural exhibits from each district In oompetltlon, one against another. In this building will also be housed the Do minion Government's experimental farm display, which will consist of products from every experimental farm In the Do minion ot Canada. "' Foi the Stock and Poultry Owing to the extra large exhibit this year It became necessary that. the man agement of -the Fair expend more money on the erection of cattle sheds and warm comfortable barns for the stock than that expended on any other building, except the Industrial hail. The cattle barns are being orected to stand for years," and no exhibitor need fear the barns for the comfort of his stock. It has been the great aim of the management to bring to this country all the thor oughbred and prize stock It can, and six carloads of stock from Eastern Canada are being brought out for competition for the prizes offered, and later to be offered, for sale. Six carloads of the prize stock from tho Portland Fair will also be en tered at the National Exhibition, which goes to show the special attention which is being paid to the cattle exhibits. Poultry will also be given special atten tion, as It Is the aim of the Fair man agement to encourage poultry-raising on the sand loams of British Columbia Mineral Exhibit. No display in the whole Fair will be more interesting to the Eastern visitor than the mineral exhibit which has been given a hall of its own in which sam ples of the finest ore and quartz in Brit ish Columbia will be under glass, while In a trench in the rear of the building enterprising machinery men are putting in an up-to-date plant on modern mining which will bo kept in operation a few hours each day of the Fair. Below tho mineral hall. In a clump of bushes left on the grounds. Is the For estry building. This Is an important structure to the people of British Colum bia, and supplies much interest to visitors from Eastern cities who are now in the city and have viewed the parts of the large forest giants that have been cut down to adorn the Interior of the build ing, which itself Is built of the logs as they come from the forest. The "Sockeyc Run," on the oast side of the park, will boar strong resemblance to the "Pike" of SL Louis, and will con tain all the freaks of nature as well as the marks of Ingenuity put forth by man in an endeavor to create cheap amuse ment, and still profit by his brain b. On the grounds various modos of con veyance are bing put into shape, and even the Oriental 'riklsha will be In use. Sporting Attractions. Although not o elaborate as at first ex pected, the programme prepared for the fair is a splendid one, and presents many varied attractions. Lacrosse will be a big feature, as will be the great Pacific track meet, which will extend over three days. Baseball, balloon ascension, Scot tish and children's sports will be promi nent features of outside amusements. Tho lacrosse tournament between the Capital City lacrosse team of Ottawa and tho New Westminster team, cham pions respectively of Eastern and Western Canada, will be a large drawing card, while tho baseball matches will be made International event, the teams represent ing Canada and the United States being picked from the best material of both countries. A splendid rogata. principally of Iiidfan events, will be given a the rirar during the Fair, and on tha whole exerythlng points to a succosMut exposition. Salvation Army Work. Brigadier and Mrs. Jenkins, leaders of the Salvation Army forces In this part of the country, will conduct special meet ings Sunday at the headquarters hall, at 190 Fourth street- The meetings will be at 11 A. M.. 3 and P. M. Adjutant Loney will conduct the Y. P. L. service at C P. M. Brigadier Jenkins has just re turned from Astoria, where a new corps was established, and officers left in charge. ! COMPOSED MUSiC OF IRRIGATION ODE B f JOILV J. 3TCLELLAX, SALT LAKE CITV, UTAH. Tho most remarkable musical selection recently sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Ogden, Utah, at Festival Hall. Lewis arid Clark Exposition,'' was tiie magnificent "Irrigation Ode,"- the music of which whs" composed by John J. McCiellan. organist of the Mormon Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Utah. Tho words are by Mrs. Gilbert McClurg. It is Interesting to note that this ode was writton a,nd composed for the 11th National Irrigation Congress, at OgJcn, ' Utah, whfch met In September.1903. It has twice been repeated by lihe Ogden choir at the Exposition, and on each occasion it was wel comed by a popular demonstration. When the singers came to tho lact pnge and sang the lines commencing: "Creator! in the morn, when starry worlds were born," the two audiences arose en masse as if moved by a common Impulse and applauded with hearty good will. A popular chord had been struck. The man who wedded the words to music. Professor McCiellan, the accompanist on the occa sions referred to. -waa born at Payson. Utah, graduated at Ann Ar bor University, Mich., in 1896, was professor of music at the Univer sity of Utah, perfected his musical education at Berlin. Germany, and for the last 'five years has been organist or one of the most famous pipe organs in the world, that of the tabernacle. Salt Lake City. He has brought additional musical renown to that tabernacla by his ripe scholarship, and by the marked artistic ability he has shown in his many organ recitals. He is emphatically one of the premier musicians of the West, and his path is marked by great and growing opportunities such as come to few men in the musical profession. His "Irrigation Ode," .critically considered, marks an epoch not only In 'Western but American music. Its mpods are many and its tunerul spirit strong and true. The writing is marked with originality and lofty conception, the wedding of the choral on the last page to -the anthem of tne Anglo-Saxon race, being a happy In spiration. Mr. McClellan's future writings will be worth watching.- TO BE REMODELED Municipal Courtroom Gets an Overhauling. LARSON; CASE IS CALLED Mendicants Arc Ordered Off the Streets and 3Inny Arc Forced to Xeavc the City by Judge Cameron. Remodeling of the Municipal Court room, in which about ,$1600 is to bo ex pended, will be commenced eoon. An architect Is drafting" plans, and as soon aH he completes his portion of the Job, work will begin. " Judge Cameron is desirous of Pac ing the Municipal ..Court on a much higher order than rt has" ever been eon ducted, and in ,pnsequonoe the-alterations will Include a complete chango of the rooms over whloh he ha super vision. , . Another door will be cut. so that en trance may be gained to what will be the offices of Clerk Hennessey and the prosecuting officers, through the halL way leading up from Oak street. A railing is to be put in so that the offi cers of the court will have protection from idlers and persons who . hang around out of curiosity or Just to pass time. Judge Cameron has placed the need for new furniture and the improve ments mentiond before the Mayor and the Board of Police Commissioners, and they have agreed that the courtroom needs the repairs and fixtures. A coat of new plaster will be added, and when the workmen get through, a neat and clean suite of rooms will be the rosult. Judge Cameron is going to demand far better order in future. People who have a habit of moving about and hold ing -conferences with friends during sessions will be called down and made either to comply with the regulations or remain outside. This will be done. If it requlros a squad of policemen at each session. . There will be no session of, the Mu nicipal Court tomorrow, as it is Labor day, and Judge Cameron. Clork Hennes sey and Deputy Prosecutors Fitzgerald and Haney will have a rost. A. Hamilton was arrested by Detec tives Carpenter and Hosing, charged with arson, and arraigned yesterday morning. He pleaded not guilty, and was placed under bonds of 516. He was unable to furnish the amount and was remanded to the County Jail. After several days of work, the dotoctives, with the assistance of Patrolman Stu art and Battalion Chief Holden, of the Fire Department, secured what they conBldor a good case against the ac cused. His allogod objoct In burning a barn, as .charged-, was to secure $389 Insurance oh, furniture. . .which, it Is claimed, was' nd"t Jn the destroyed building. ' ' . i - James Holley is under arrest for complicity in the recent theft of a trunk from the Union Depot. The trunk was the property of Mrs. A. Sellars, who vis ited the city recently from Iowa. De tectives Carpenter and Rosing took up the case, and soon connected the de fondant with It. In court yesterday morning Holley pleaded not guilty, and his case was set for hearing Wednes day of this week. Beggars who have been numerous In tho Ity of late, are now having their troubles, as the police have taken ac- Von against them and are under In structions from the Chief to round up all mendicants. Yesterday morning several lined up with other prisoners brought in over night, and all were or dered to leave the city. It is the inten tion of the police to clear the streets of persons who make' it a business to stand and ask alms, as it has come to bo a great nuisance. FOREST FIRE JS CHECKED Byniard Fighting Many Homes Are iohicu A'Tom xrcsirucuon. After six-hours of. desperate fighting by, nearly 100 persons, the forest fire that Sprung up between the Powell Valley, and the Foster roads, northeast qf Xehts, was checked at the open stubble field east of the Multnomah Ce'metcry. on-the farm of George Clark, which stood in the pathway of the lire. To reach this stubble field the fire traveled Friday afternoon a distance of over a mile from the eastward, where It started in some slashings, leaving several hundred acres" of blackened wastes, and destroying nearly 11J0 cords of wood stacked up in the tim ber. 3y .holding tne Are at the edge of Mr. Cia$ks 'field it was pxtvented from spreading thrbugh the dry' brush and .ferns west of Multnomah Cemetery toward tho Arleta. district with its .hundreds of defenseless homes, Be sides the Innumerable houses scattered, in the intervening dry brush. So alarmed" were the people of Ar leta and surroundings that thev ad journed the publlo' meeting and want out to help beat, back the approaching flames. At one. time i y0ijn)en. nd wom en wre stationed along the east aide of Mr. Clark's farm beating back the fire that was steaqlly eating -its vay around through the .Atrip -.of timber north. The object of the men was to prevent". Its getting- in .this .strip, and under direction of Mr.--Clark this waa finally accomplished. A large? force also fought the. .fire, from- approaching' the Lepts choofhouse and the cluster of dwellings In. that vicinity. ThefrjOrfB'on cor4wood Is. estimated at nearly $2500. Jeff; Wopd lost 300 cords. John Dennis, 400 cords, and L. R. Pierce about 300 cords. Also there were, about .200 cords' scattered- In the burnt .district" No houses were burned, although several were threatened. Jeff Wood and His sons, while getting a load of wood on a-wagon. .found them selves surrounded with fire, and had to make a run" to escape, -which they did. Goorgc Clark said that the fire was oheckcTl only when the wind" died down. Just before the wind subsided, he thought his new house and farm buildings were doomed. It is not tnought there Is further danger from this fire. Thre years ago fire swept through the Lents district, taking tho public school and several dwellings. SEATTLE WEEK AT THE FAIR MONDAY the ladies of Seattle began their week with a reception to the ladles of Portland and ' the Exposition. The affair was largely attended. The hostess. Mrs. Edmund Bowden. was as sisted In receiving by Mrs. Elisha P. Fer ry. Mrs. William E. Humphrey, Mrs. Georce W. Bragdon. Mra. Samuel Craw ford. 'Mrs. W..B. JudahMrs. W. A. Fos-i ior. -u. noraiT .u. xiui, ana lunjier as- slstlng wore Miss Harrlet.'Ballance. Miss t Hazel Bragdon. Miss. Imogen Carraher, j Miss Margaret Lovojoy. Miss Ethel Moaea and Miss Sophie Skinner. The guests ; were presented by Mrs. Hartwell DePew. . Tuesday, being Alaska and Commercial Day, Invitations had been extended to the ; commercial bodies of Portland and Seat- j tie to be present from 3 to 3 o'clock. A i large delegation from the Commercial ' Club of Portland attended In a body, j Among the commercial men present from I Seattle were J. E. Chllberg. I. A. Nadeeu. Will H. Parry and G. O. Guy. The ladies ! assisting the hostess were: Mrs. J. E. J Chllberg. Mrs. J. J. Doheny. Mrs. William E. Humphrey. Mrs. George W. Bragdon. ' Mr. Hartwell DePew. Mrs. W. A. Foster, Mrs. Samuel Crawford and the Misses t Harriet Ballance. Haxe! Bragdon, Cath- ; arlne Potvln. Sophie Skinner, Olive Schram and Imogcne Carraher. ! Wednesday being school and college ! day, the reception hall was decorated j In the colors of the Universities of ; Oregon and Washington and pennants ' of various colleges were used. Dr. Thomas F. Kane, president of the Uni versity df Washington. welcomed members of the Educational Congress who were the guests of honor. Assist ing Mrs. Bowdon were Mrs. Thomas F. Kane, Mrs. E. P. Ferry. Mrs. J. J. Do heny, Mrs. John Schram, Mrs. Amos Brown. Mr?. Will E. Humphrey. Mrs. Xorval H. Latimer. Mrs. I. A. Nadeau. and the Misses Donna Phelps, Char lotte Carmlen, Gentldinc Doheny, So phie Skinner. Hazel Bragdon, Helen Brown and Lois FeursL Thursday was King County day. Mrs. Bowden was assisted in the reception and entertainment of the guests by the ladles, of King County outside of Seat- ; tie. These were Mrs. J. A. Pauley, of . Auburn; Mrs. L. S. Hawley, Mrs. Albert A. Schram. Mm. Park W. Stuart. Mrs. ; William Dixon. Mrs. William Lake. ; Mrs. W. W. Frledenberg; Mrs. Albert E. Miller, of Ballard; Mrs. D. W. Brown. of Columbia City; Mrs. Amos Brown, of J West Seattle, and the Misses Llnna , Pauley, of Auburn; May Young, Rosa j De Moss anJ Myrtle Park, of Ballard; ; Elinor Schancman and Ella Skene, of South Park. Friday was Club day and the reception hall was decorated in the Washington State Federation Club colors, white and green. Among the many prominent club women who called were the members ot the Water Color Club and the Teachers" Club, each of these organizations coming In -a. body, Mrs. Duniwny, Mrs. Mann. Mrs. McClurg. Mrs. Evans, of the Saca Jawea. and a large number of the Wom an's Club. Assisting in receiving were; Mrs. Homer Hill, Mrs. Hartwell DePew, Mrs. W. A. Foster, Mrs. Richard A. Ball Inger, Mrs. J. E. Chllberg. Mrs. W. B. Judah. Mrs. Thomas F. Kane. Mrs. Jhn Schram. Mra J. J. Doheny and the Misses Gertrude Hardenbergh. Charlotte Doheny, Olive Schram. Inga Thomson. Theresa Thomson, Alice Nevln. Mabel Chllberg and ,,MarJorle Carter. Saturday. Patriots' day. the halls were decorated with flags and the guests of honorwere the various patriotic societies. At the evening reception.- the building pre sented a most brilliant and attractive appearance, being lighted with myriads of electric lights at.d Japanese lanterns. Many beautiful gowns were worn by the ladles. At the evening reception the re ceiving line" consisted of Mrs. Bowden. Mayor and Mrs. R. A. Balllngcr, Mrs. Will E. Humphrey. Judge C H. Hanfordi Mrs. E. P. Ferry. Hon. John H. McGraw, Judge and Mra Thomas Burke. The guests were Introduced by Will A. Steel. . Prominent Seattle visitors- during the week wero Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bronson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Prosch, Dr. and MraS Churchill, Dr. Eaglcson. Mr. Everett Smith and sons. Mr. and Miss Kin near, Mrs. Hardenbergh, Mrs. Gove, Mr. and Mm. J. D. Farrell, Captain and Mrs. Glim ore, Mrs. John Leary. Mr. and Mrs. Plerre'Fenv. Mrs. J. B. Powles and Miss Powles. Mr. Emlle Lobe, Senator Harper. Hon. J. T. Ronald. Mr. and Mrs. C H. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. L. . Casady. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. T. Skinner. Mrs. Elizabeth-Richmond iMiller. Dr. Dean. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gule, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Stewart. Mr. R. B. Wark, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sutherland, Mrs. Kate Rlchvilie. Mr. and Mrs. M. Carraher, .Mr. and Mra. C. J. Smith, Mra Mary A. Bradley. Ms" and Mrs. John S. Bradley, Judge C. H. Hanford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert SL Wliion. Judge tad Mra, A . XixlUUu. Salpk Lap- To Start September Trading We're enlarging our Carpet Department on oiir second Floor and we want to get a quick start in the Fall trading. With that purpose in view we're making special prices for the next two weeks, If you want good, wbrthy floor fabrics at less than youVe been paying, if you want bright, new goods to select from, if you ' want genuine carpet satisfaction, then do your carpet-trading here in the next two weeks. WeVe made special inducements to you in all grades and patterns. For instance: A handsome, smoothly finished fabric that we "are veoy proud of. Has a soft, velvety pile, but wears for years. There are some- very attrac tive scroll, floral and Oriental designs on soft tans and greens. . WILTON' VELVETS . carpet especially sw Persian designs AXMINSTERS Medium-priced high-grade carpets that come in very "pleasing" flora! and Persian patterns for bedroom or sitting-room. . 1;. . . .-. , BODY BRUSSELS A thoroughly reliable floor covering made of fine-selected yarns with, bright, clean, colorings. Conventional designs that are new ROXBURY BRUSSELS These carpets are made on the same loom as the regular Body Brussels and give the same appearance. The fabric only is of a lower grade TAPESTRY BRUSSELS Everybody knows what a satisfactory carpet is when it's good. Ours -'" always satisfy they're the best made for the. money. INGRAIN CARPETS The new Ingraini are very attractive, in fact, the best low-priced carpets we've ever shown. The fabrics are extra heavy and the patterns are sharply outlined in clean, bright colors. The best effects for the least money. Floral, Oriental and "all-over" designs in tans, greens reds and blue3. v .... Three-ply all-wool Ingrains Two-ply all-wool Ingrains... Cotton chain Ingrains THESE PRICES INCLUDE SEWING, LINING AND LAYING WE'LL t Always bear in mind that our books . ITl tT7 . 1m ': CREDIT YOU First and Taylor Streets kins. Senator Samuel H. Plies. John -P. Fay. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Cottrell. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hicks. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas. F. Kane. Xcwspapcr Men Uio GucSts.' The Portland Commercial Club Is mak ing extensive arrangements for the -entertainment of the members of the Oregon-Washington Press Association at a reception to be given In the "parlors -of the clubrooms in the Chamber of Com merce building next Friday -evening from 8 to 11 o'clock. It Is expected that there will be 200 newspaper men In the city at that time, representing every section of he two states, and the business men will do their share towards giving them a royal good lime. Tom Richardson is go ing about the work of arranging for the. event in his usual enthusiastic way and expects to have a large proportion, of the club members and their wives out to wel come the visitors. The Washington delegates .will arrive the- morning of the 8th .on. tk Spokane, flyer. Some .of tkt Once, tfrfrtftiw vUl n - y Carpet Specials VELVET 9 adapted for librarv.or parlor. Some that are .welFwortfir seeing K .Sl.OS i.86 Half-wool Ingrains Union Ingrains Granite Ingrains . . 7 rr i? if ticuiu yy e want you to consult your own convenience as to payments. If you're needing household goods come and talk to us. We'll send also come at that time and others will get here the evening previous. A trolley ride about the city Is among the events planned for their entertainment. Xortlnrest Beats Europe. Br. J. Frederick Herbert; of Philadel phia, seems to voice tho common opinion of Easterners who have attended the Fair, in a letter just received by a Port land friend. He says: "I returned to my home- in Philadel phia, last month after- a. most delightful trip to Portland, the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. I never enjoyed a. trip .as much- as this one. I hava been in Europe fivd times, but thl3 beats 'cm all." St. Johns People Are Grateful, At a meeting of the citizens- of St. Johns last evening? at the Council chamber. Mayor W. H. King presiding, there wa3 a general expression of gratitude to Port land for the assistance given at the re cent Are, and In -the saving of much valu A&r property. In response to a call for SB -t - SPECIAL Per Yar-d' very striking I- A A ; ra J, $1.44 $1.67 $1.22 68 ....... 48 : 43 are open to you for you away contented First and Taylor Streets assistance. Chief Campbell promptly sent the flreboat to St Johns. vThe following resolutions were drawn up und . unani mously adopted: "Resolved, That the' citizens of St. Johns feel deeply, grateful for the, efficient services rendered by the flreboat, and that the thanks of citizens be extended to the City of Portland for. the applica tion of such valuable efforts - that saved the City of St. Johns from further loss; be it further "Resolved. That the thanks of the citi zens be extended to the Assistant Chief of the East Side Fire Department for the capable manner In which he directed the efforts of the citizens. in extinguishing the Are." A- copy of these resolutions was. ordered sent to-the Mayor of Portland. a3 an ex pression of the peoples of SL Johns. -: PCSPflBBS ITEMS. ' if Byr Cattljic Teeth -Be aad use that old and well-tried'rek. ed7. ilrx WtnIor Eoqthlnr Syrup, for chil dren teething. It soothes the ehUd aortefta the rum?; allays all pais, cures. wl4. eIla .aad 4!rrao.