THE SUxNJDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTIAXD, SEPTEMBER 3, 1905. The STORE CLOSED ALL DAY TOMORROW STORE, CLOSED ALL DAY TOMORROW Grand Displays of New Fall Merchandise Now Being Made in All Departments The Newest and Best From the Fashion Centers, of the World Principal Portland Agents for Biitterick Patterns and Pnblications September Delineator Sole Portland Agents for the Famous "Willamette" Sewing Machines- 15.00 to $35.00 100 Women's New Raincoats Extraordinary Value at $ 1 0.00 Each The best Raincoat value ever offered for the imoney A special ar rangement with a well-known mannfacturer enables us to offer 100 new Fall Raincoats of extra qnality material Herringbone weave trimmmed with silk braid and buttons These coats have two box pleats and inverted pleat down the back Stole collar and belt Tan and Oxfords All sizes It will pay you to antici- 1 CC pate your winter needs now Your choice for P See the New Fall Suits Our Fall Suit display is reaching immense proportions Every new fashion, material and shade is represented Suits of exceptional style, and assortment so large that every individual fancy can be quickly L pleased Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store asks the pleasure of showing you the season's latest modes Prices from 12.50 to $ 1 OQ Ribbon Specials 5000 yards extra quality of all silk satin taffeta and taffeta Ribbons; 4 and 5 in. wide; all the newest shades; 35c t and 40c values, yard I C C Special lot of print warp and pom padour all-silk Ribbons in a big variety of colors; regu- Af lar 75c value for, 3'ard. . r2C The greatest display of Souvenirs in the city; every new, novel idea in silver, metal, wood, leather, etc. Yiew Books and Postal Cards in many styles. Single Madras Curtains Below Cost 400 single madras Curtains, manufacturers' sample line in light and dark grounds, with colored stripes; very best styles; size 40 inches wide by 3 yards long; greatest values ever ofiered: Values Worth up to $1.75 Pair on Sale for 38c Each Values Worth up to $2.75 Pair on Sale for . . 59c Each Values Worth up to $4.50 Pflir on Sale for 98c Each 200 Mantel Draperies, made of cross-stripe madras, fringed front and two ends; 27 inches wide by 3 yards long; values OQ up to $2.25 each, on sale at the very low price of 71 Blankets and Comforters at the lowest prices. Third Floor. Muslin Underwear Sale Continues We've planned another "week of unusual Bargains in Muslin Un- derwear Corset Covers, Gowns, Skirts and Drawers in ths best styles and grades at the lowest prices ?ou ever bought Under muslins of equal grade for Every woman is interested in these great special offerings Look to your underwear needs 5000 Corset Covers nainsooks, cambric, muslin, lace, embroidery, bead ing and ribbon trimmed.' All styles and sizes. You wanta few at 5c-$l.'oO vals., 59; $1.25-$1.50 vals., 89; $2.50-$4.00 vals., $1.98 Thousands of long white Petticoats, lace and embroidery trimmed styles, wide flounces, dust ruffles; no skimping of material or trimming; grand special values at these wonderfully low prices $1.25, $1.50 White Skirts, 9S; $2.50 White Skirts, each, S1.79 $3.00 to $4.00 White Skirts, $2.18; $5.00 to $7.50 White Skirts, $3.18 $8.50 to $12.00 fine White Petticoats for the low price of $6.98 Nainsook arid Cambric Gowns lace, cmbroidery,i ribbon, tucks and beading trimmed; immense variety; values never before known included 75c, 85c Gowns for 59 $1.00, $1.25 Gowns for 76 $1.50, $1.75 Gowns for ..93 $2.00, $2.50 Gowns for $1.39 $3, $3.50, $3.75 Gowns for. .$1.98 $5.00 to $7.50 Gowns for. . .$3.52 Cambric, nainsook, and muslin Drawers, lace and embroidery trimmed; very pretty styles: great values at these very low prices $1.50 to $2.00 values, pr. . .$1.18 $2.50 to $3.50 values, pr. . .$1.89 I5c Sale of Sheet Music On sale Tuesday, 1000 copies of popular Sheet Music; publish ers' price 50c copy; our price, 15J copy. Included will be found "Just for Fun." "Pio neers' March," "Teasing," Lewis and Clark Waltz, "Where Kolls the Oregon," "Coax Me," "Up and Down the Trail," "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree" and many others, copy 15 $ All Vocal and Instrumental Music sold here at the lowest prices. Write for catalogue it's free. Third Floor. Cut Glass and Silverware Bargains $2.00 Cut Glass Oil Bottles, on sale for, each $1.59 Cut Glass Jelly Dishes, $3.50 values for, each . . .$2.89 Cut Glass Olive Dishes, regular $4.25 values for, each $3.69 Rogers "1847" Pie Servers, fancy patterns, each $1.49 Rogers "1847" Berry Spoons, regular $1.15 value for 89 Rogers "1847" Cream Ladles, assorted patterns, each 79 The "Sterjiau" nickel-plated Coffee Machine, 3-pint q9 qq size; regular $10.00 value on sale for...- P 70 The "Sternau" nickel-plated Coffee Machine, 2-pint t e rr size; regular $7.50 value on sale for. '. p) ?0 Nickel-plated Chafing Dishes, plain cover and stand; &a regular $5.50 value on sale for this low price uItt.OV Nickel-plated 5 o'Clock Teas on wrought iron stand; oq best $3.50 value on sale at this very low price Nickel-plated Baking Dishes, fancy cover; regular CO CC $4.25 value, pn sale at this low price p0" Bargains in Dinner Sets and Fancv China. !l so Corsets at $2.98 $7.50 Special lot of 100 high-grade cor sets to be sold Tnesday at a very low price Bias cat, straight-front corsets of desirable model, and all sizes Women who want a fine corset for little money don't want to miss this opportunity $5 and $7.50 values Choice at $2.98 pr. New Laces, Trimmings, Etc. New Laces, Embroideries and Dress Trimmings. The very latest novelties in superb variety. Irish Crochet and Baby .Irish Real, and Imitation Laces in beautiful assortment. All prices. Point Bruges and Princess Laces; Gluny. edges and galloons, new round mesh, Vals. and Mechlin laces ; Batiste ''allovers and appliques. The grandest display in the city. Allover lace and spangled Robes; magnificent styles at prices ranging from $12.00 to $150.00. New Embroideries in matchless assortment. Baby Sets and medallions. Latest novelties. New Dress Trimmings; everything that's desirable for trim ming the new suit and costume. IN WOMEN'S HIGH-GRADE SILK HOSIERY New plain black gauze silk Hose, x reinforced sole, all e ( silk; spec, val., pr. . P OU Same grade with lisle tf C r thread sole, pair... V VJ Fine blac,k silk Hose in plain gauze, lace and embroidered ef fects', pair... $2.00 to $4.00 Finest all-silk Hosier", exclusive novelties, pair. ..$3.50 to $9 PLAID SILKS AND DRESS GOODS The largest showing of new plaid Silks and Dress Goods in the city; every attractive design and color combination in ail the leading materials for skirts, waists and costumes, 50 to $2.00 yard. New Fall Dress Fabrics, all the latest materials and shades; all grades. New Velvet Waistings, yd.$1.00 1905-06 Catalogue Ready The Fall and Winter Edition of our Mail Order Publica- tion is now ready for distri butionBy far the largest and most complete shopping guide ever published on the coast The camera has been used very extensively -in illustrating the many lines of merchandise so that the selections of our mail order patrons could be made as in telligently as though shop ping at our counters in person No exaggeration No fictitious values Every home in the northwest should have a copy It's free for the asking Write today and obtain a copy Custom Shade and Drapery Work our specialty Best Materials and Workmanship Artistic Picture Framing toybur order New mouldings Lowest prices 2nd floor Women's New Fall Coats Special Lot of 75 at $ 1 8.50 Each Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock we place on sale a great special lot of Women's New Fall Coats at an unusually low price Style and value considered 75 of them Very attractive three-fourths length English Coat in fancy tweed mixtures Fly Front and Double Breasted styles Full Back or Belt Effect - - A garment well made and perfect fitting an exceptionally serviceable coat To start the fall buying early we have marked them about four dollars each below value Your choice Tuesday at . . $18.50 All White Skirts One-half Price Choose from our entire remaining stock of White Linen Pique and Indian Head Wash Skirts at one-half regular prices Not a skirt in the lot is over three weeks old The latest and best styles Values ranging from $2.00 to $12.50 on sale at One-Half Price All White Suits and White Net and Mull Dresses at ridiculously low prices 2nd Floor Special Sale of Silk Gloves "Women's elbow-length, double tipped Silk Gloves, in mode, pongee, champagne, reseda, blue, white and red; Q3 best $1.00 values for.. OOKi Complete line of "Women's two elasp Silk Gloves, in red, green, tan, navy and black; best 50c values in all Aff sizes, pair rC Odd lot Women's Kid Gloves, P. K. and overseam; gray, mode, white, black; Pl great value, pair $3.50 Wash Skirts 98c Ea. 98c Better Plan to Come Early if You Want One On sale Tuesday, 300 Women's Colored "Wash Skirts in ducks, crashes and Galatea cloths; this season's very best styles; values up to $3.50 each; your choice at. ... .x. Children's and Misses' "Wash Suits and Dresses are being cleaned . up at prices less than the cost of the materials alone. 2d Floor. Remaining stock of this Summer's fine cotton "Waists on sale at greatly reduced prices. Best bargains of the season. Special lots of $1.75 white lawn Shirt "Waists; very best styles on sale at the wonderfully low price of 98c all sizes ."98 Towel Bargains 300 dozen union linen buck Tow els, 18x38 inches; best value in town at, each. M Hemstitched linen huck ITowels, best 25c values ; buy Q all you want at 1 Hemstitched linen huck Towels, best 40c grade on sale Lfs for a few days at. "Rubdry" Bath Towels, only towel worth a name, 3 sizes, each 50, 75& 1.00 Bed Spreads September Sale "White Marseilles pattern Bedspreads,- 2 yards wie, hem med; extra special " fLQn value at.-....- Vf "White Marseilles pattern Bed spreads ; extra large -size ; hemmed; great fl yCL special value at.i.K0 White fringed Marseilles pat tern Bedspreads, for metal beds; cxtraordi- tf a nary value at p tO "White Marseilles Bedspreads, hemmed, double bed size: handsome spread; reg. $2.50 grade. . . swU3 "White fringed Marseilles Bed spreads ; best $3 Ay grade, each New Carpets Are Ready Portland's Greatest darpet Store is prepared to show you the latest and best in Floor Coverings- of every description A matchless stock for your choosing, and our guarantee that all orders will be properly taken care of and that the carpets will give satisfactory service Every good make Prices the lowest in every instance Third Floor Royal "Wiltons, Orientals, florals, self -colorings, yard $3.33 Royal Plush Carpets, plain colors only, at this low price, yd.S2.50 ."Wiltons, in plain colors, with or without borders, yard $1.98 Extra Wiltons, Oriental and -small effects, yard $1.71 Bigelow Axminsters, two-toned, neat designs, yard $1.98 Scotch Heavy Pile Carpets, two-toned red and greens, small florals and artistic Orientals; great value, yard $1.67 Smith's Axminsters, florals and Orientals, at, yard.. $1.44 Pine Wool Velvets, florals and Orientals, yard $1.44 High Art Body Brussels, all styles for all rooms, yard $1.58 Windsor Brussels, 1.25 yard; Cordova Brussels, yard.. $1.15 10 Wire Tapestry Brussels, $1.08 yd.; Hotel Brussels, yard. .94 Smith Brussels, 81? yard; Ingrains, 48, 77, 86 yard. Toilet Articles at Special Prices All Toilet Articles Sold Here at the Lowest Prices Listerated Tooth Powder, best tooth preservative, bottle 19 Dr. Graves' famous Talcum Powder, sale price 7 Satin Skin Face Cream and Skin Food, sale price 19p Cameo Pure Olive Oil, Castile Soap, great value 4p Whisk Brooms, double sewed, best quality, 25c valne 18 Knickerbocker Toilet Paper, largest 10c roll for 7 35c mounted and plain back Combs, shell and amber, each. . .26 aTiraivxr Bcaut pins in immense "Variety, gold filled; great offered at this wonderfully low price 19p special value at the very low price of 19d sterling hilver Waist Sets; great vajues 38 New, pretty metal Coin Purses, host vnl HO PIW Burnt Leather Goods Reduced Burnt Leather Coin Purses, gilt frame, each 12 Burnt Leather Pen-Wipers and Blotters, Lewis and Clark burnt on one side, great value at the low price of, each 17 5 Burnt Leather Iland Bags, with strap handles.. 17? Burnt Leather Hand Bags, with strap handles 17 Burnt Leather Hand Bag's, with coin purse and gilt ' frame, best $1.00 values for the very low price of. 79 New white embroidered Wash Belts, 50c values 35c Japanese hand drawn work Handker chiefs, pure linen, best 50c val. .35d Women's hemstitched initial Handker chiefs, of fine Swiss lawn; all initials; great value at this low price 7d 35c and 40c hemstitched and embroidered Handkerchiefs for 23 Handkerchief Bargains New Silk, Chiffon and Lace Waist r The Meier &. Frank Store is showing the prettiest Waists in many seasons Beaiitifal new, exclusive styles in silk, chiffon cloths nd laces-Evening shades, Persian designs, Alice blue and black Magnificent Waists, trimmed in baby Irish crochet Iaces Mechlin laces, Point de Gaze, round mesh Valenciennes, etc., etc., with corded folds and shirred rosettes Short, elbow, three-quarter gndlMcngthsleeves. The handsome domestic and imported models A showing any store in the land might justly be proud 4 of Prices range from S9.Q0 up to $50.00 each-Second Floor New Lingerie Waists in grand assortment, and the Lingerie Waist promises to be the favorite for evening and theater wear the coming season Let us show Ihem to you f 1 I IT IV vJ WTi STATIONERY Rose City linen "Writing Paper, every sheet "and envelope im printed with a beauti- JA fulvrose; special O-f Q Souvenir Post Card' Albums, 30 styles; 10 up to $4.00 ea. Carter's Thoto Paste, can..4 Fancy Crepe Papers, roll. . .7 Souvenir Post Gards, great va riety on sale at this ittore. Complete stock of Waterman's Fountain Pens. All grades at lowest prices. Infants' $1.50 Dresses $1.19 Each Infants' Outfits our specialty. Everything tliajt's required, and at fine laces, tucks, insertions and;beadings j all: sizes; . 1 in regular $1.50 values on sale for. . :. . . . 1 1 Zr Infants' cambric Skirts, trimmed in fine, laces and em-. C 1 -'I O broideries, insertions and tucks; best $1.50 values for. .V Infants' Quilted Bibs, lace trimmed; regular 15c values on sale at the very low price of Infants' soft-soled Shoes, all colors and sizes ; regular 65c vals.. 39 Infants' Outfits our specialty. Everything that's required, and at the very lowest prices. 9c Art Department Linen colored Cushion Covers, front and back tinted violet designs ;. great special q value ; at, each. Special assortment of Dresser Scarfs, in 12 distinct patterns ; fine Swiss appliqued lf effects, 50c values for. Stamped Pillow Shams, hem med, borders, stamped for em broidery outlining, assorted patterns, 35c values Xf on sale for, each &OG VEILING SPECIALS Fine quality of Chiffon Circular Veils, with dotted and 'scal loped borders; blues and browns ; matchless Ar value at 03C Complete line of new Automo bile Veils, 4-yard lengths, in all the new and ZL( leading shades 3-yard lengths, same styles, as. above, at, each $1.25 New importation of Lace Drapes with dotted borders; new colors and combinations; handsomest showing in. the city; 25 up to $5.00 each.