22 TILE SUXDAY OKEG OXIAX, rORTIAXD, AUGUST 2T, 1905. WANTED AGENTS. FOB RENT. TOR RENT. FOB RENT. FOB RENT. FOR RENT. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerk. POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER BY YOUNG man with several years' exerience an book keeper and stenographer; satisfactory city and other references. Phone East 2766. Al STENOGRAPH Bit, RAPID AT 1NVOIC Ing. well educated; now employed. A 78. care Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED SITUATION IN HOTEL, BY MAN and wife, as bartender and chambermaid; city or country; reference furnished. B SO. firegonlan. GOOD, RELIABLE. TRUSTWORTHY GEK. man wishes situation to do any kind of work, farm work' preferred. H So, Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnleh domestic tervanta. farmers also; tu: kinds of help. Clay CIS. 208 Erurctt st, WANTED TO DO HOUSE CLEANING BY the day, or wash porvhen and keep yard In shape. Phone Main 1070. J. .Schoger. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lege wants place to work for board and joom. D 72, Oregonian. W ANTED SITUATION AS BAKER IN Ho tel or bakery. W. W. Baker, Hotel North ern. Phone Main 1459. A GOOD JAPANESE "WANTS A POSITION housework In family. G Sayama, 40 let t. N. Phone Hood 302. "WANTED POSITION AS BARTENDER. 5 ears' hotel experience. Addrets room 4, 220 Grand are. MAN AND WIFE WOMAN Al COOK; MAN good anywhere; both healthy and able. VY 79. Oregonian. GOOD JAPANESE COOK WITH 38 YEARS' xpcrlenee, wishes position in family. Y 78, i 'regonian. MAN AND "WIFE WANT PLACE AS COOKS In camp for 1 year. Addrcs 10G N. 12th St. YOUNG MARRIED MAN WOULD LIKE Rood work of any kind. J 87. Oregonian. "WANTED BY YOUNG MAN OK 19. WORK of pome kind. C 78, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. STENOGRAPHER DESIRES POSITION WITH good, reliable firm; two yearn" experience; alary $40 to begin with; references. K 7a, Oregonian. LADY. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER AND cashier, wants partition, seven yearn -Xe-: ience; city reference. M 81, Oregonian. position wanted by a young lady wishing to do monographic and general of fice work. K 77. Oregonian. IF YOU NEED AN ACCOUNTANT. CALL A. H. Edlefsen, S Chamber of Commerce, Exchange 20. " EXPERIENCED DOUBLE-ENTRY BOOK-kt-eiior desires position or office work. L bO, Oregonian. Domestics. WANTED POSITION TO DO COOKING OR general housework. Call at 2 OS Third st,. room. No. 1. GIRL WANTS TO DO LIGHT HOUSEWORK; no washing-. J 77. Oregonian. Housekeepers. W ANTED POSITION AS MANAGING housekeeper In home of widower or malt family, by refined lady with child 4 years old. P 79. Oregonian. WANTED SITUATION AS WORKING housekeeper by cajtAble woman of 85 with girl of 14 In family of adultu. Address M !. care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY" REFINED, well-educated young widow, to act as housekeeper for widower or bachelor. F 77, Oregonian. GOOD. RELIABLE LADY WISHES Posi tion as housekeeper for gentleman with one r two children. 770 E. 29tfa st. Phone Scott 2701. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER by woman experienced in private home, ho tel or boarding-house. H 88. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED RESPECTABLE young woman as housekeeper widower's family. 20Vt Yamhill. Main 5413. GERMAN WOMAN WANTS HOUSHCLEAN lng work by the day; good references. Room 2, No. 82 Front and Ash ms. WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN. SIT uatlon as housekeeper: is fond of children. E 88. Oregonian. SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER OR TO DO sewing and second work. J 75. Oregonian. Dressmakers. MRS. L. KERLEY. 230 12TH HAVING HE reived advanced Myles in Zadlea talked skirts, witl make a specialty and reduction in price for one month. DRESSMAKING NEATLY DONE; SHIRT walet suit, children' drereet; )ricee reason able. Phone Main 3579. 2Cth and Lovejoy. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES tewing by the day; price $1.75. Mrs. Dun ford. .8S Fettygrove st. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WANTS day work, price J 2. Phone Main G10. Mrs. Manford, room K3. ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING NEATLY done; also children's fancy and plain dretes 428 13th et. SHIRTWAISTS. SHIRTWAIST SUITS MADE Lf order. ?2.f0 and up. Phone Main 5505. Miscellaneous. WANTED MILL. CAMP OR LOGGING camp, cooking by husband and wife; have had yearw of experience; can give best of references. . Call at room No. C, 182. Union ave. Phone Scott 14M. REFINED. MIDDLE-AGED LADY. PLEAS ant appearance, desires situation as com panion or nurse to semi-invalid. 20 Vfc Yamhill. Phone Main 5418. "WANTED BY Y'OUNG LADY OF GOOD appearance, position In photograph gallery with chance to learn retouching. K 00. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED MASSEUSE WOULD AT tend invalid; massage given at homes; buc ceesful chronic diseases. C 72. Oregonian. WANTED TO DO HOUSE CLEANING BY the day, or wash porches and keep yard in shape. Tel. Main 1070. J. Schoger. SITUATION AS GOVERNESS OR LADIES' companion by refined young woman. Ad drem Jessie Lee, Vancouver, Wash. BY" RELIABLE Y'OUNG LADY. FOR OF flcc work or clerking; can furnish refer ences. F 79, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WANTS HOUSE cleanlng or washing by the day. L 78. Oregonian. WANTED CHILD TO BOARD; LOVELY home;' terms reasonable. Phone Union OO.'ii. "YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS traveling companion. C 88. Oregonian. WANTED WASHING AND HOUSE-CLEAN-Ing. Phone Hood 143, room 12. "WOMAN WISHES LAUNDRY" WORK TO take home. Phone Main 0105. LADY COPYIST DESIRES POSITION. Y' 74 Oregonian. ' WANTED AGENTS. WANTED TWO SPECIAL AGENTS. SELL health and accident policies, appoint agents; $75 weekly and exponas easily made; unique proposition; experience unnecessary. Write Royal Fraternal Union. St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS MAKE $3 TO 510 A DAY FITTING glasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye book tells how; write today. Jacksonlan Optical College. College place. Jacksen. Michigan. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN FOR article used by every team owner; aells at sight; agent's profit 1(W per cent. Smith Spring Clevis. Monadnock bldg.. Chicago. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO INTRO duce and sell elf-llghting gas lamp; does away with matches and gas lighters; sells on sight. 608 Washington, cor. 10th. $50 WEEKLY. TO MANAGE TERRITORY, on Allen's Fountain BruiOi; requires no ex perience; references required. Address Allen Mfg. Co.. Toledo) O. 1000 ADVERTISING STICKERS. 50 CENTS: write for catalogue: many catchy, original designs. Dopt. A, St. Loula Sticker Co., St. Louis, Mo. SOLICITOR. CAPABLE- TAKING CHARGE agencies for large bond & real estate corpora tion. Index. 007 Kohl bldg.. San Francisco. WANTED ENERGETIC MAN TO ORGAN ize soap crew; $50 weekly easily earned. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED: NEW PROPOSI tion : co mm Is ion and premium; outfit free; good territory open; cash advanced on ardors each week; write quick and vend reference with application. Address Washington Nurs ery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. $8 TO 510 daily. Sec Allen mornings. 207 Sherlock bid;. WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO t" elr advantage to list thlr vacant bouses or flats with our free reals I deaartmea. Our vacant hou.-e directory has become a recognized institution in Portland, bus dredd of tenants being .weekly placed ia suitable, guar i era. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage t this aervlce by calling at our rental department. Ailing la our Informa tion blank; leave the J&tC to u; we will Atcure a desirable tenant; we -want bosses in all parts of city and euburbs; if you have a vacant house, flat or apartment, phone the particulars. We won't allow it o remain long idle. H. E EDWARDS. HOUSKFURNISHEK. Rental Department. 1S5 to 101 1ft tt. BOARD WANTED MAN .AND WIFE AND boy of 6 want by September 1, la nice pri vate family, where there are no other board ere; am wilHng.to pay a good price for nice, modern ptaoe and good homo cooking. Room 126. Ablngten bMg. Intone Main 150. WANTED TO RENT A MODERN HOUSE, with gas and electric light fixture, having four room on fltat floor and at least four on pecend ad third floors besides bathroom. S. W. RoeMlcr. Cutitom-HoMfce, PortlaM. WANTED AT ONCE 8 OR 4 FURNISHED iMMtsekeeping rooms or a furnished S-raont cottage; mart, be strict! j- Srst-dairi and cen tral; do not reply unler you have some thing desirable. K 87, Oregonian. WANTED BY FAMILY' OF 3. NO CHIL dren. four or live nnfurniuhwl houuskeeping rooms, central. yo4arn and roaeonablc; purmanent; references fumiohed. V 80, Oregonian. WANTED-A MAN AND HIS WirE WITH ut children dslre to rent a furnished home of from seven to nine room on the West Side. Address 1 77. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT FAMILY OF TWO adult deetre modern furntobed bout, Wex Side, for six month or one year; hert of references. Apply Y M. Oregoalan. WANTED ROOM WITH BATH OR NEAR one, conveniently located; gentelman out of the city a great deal; if suitable will be permanent. O 78, OregoniaR. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE FOR THE Winter by a family of four adultx. modern, comfortable home. 0 room. West Side pre ferred. N St), Oregonian. WANTED BY FAMILY OF THREE, BOARD and room in renued family, within walking distance of Portland Academy; references. M 80. Oregonian. WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE COUPLE. 3 unfurnished rooms for Hght houMkcesmig: muet be modern and central; references. I 7. Oregonian. SMALL FAMILY. NO CHILDREN. WISHES to rent nice furnished house 7 or 8 rooms for few months; must be ctoea to town. K 88. OregoniaR. WANTED A 3 OR C-ROOM FURNISHED cottage; rnnt be centrally located and rea sonable. Address, stating rent. W 77. care Oregonian. 2 OR X ROOMS FURNISHED FOR LIGHT hounekeepiag, first floor, or wnall furnished flat; must be reasonable; permanent. J 7b, Oregonian. WANTED SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE keeping apartment, modern place, for couple with infant. West Side; permanent, F 81. Oregonian. YOUNG COUPLE WITH lOG. P SHIRK board and room for the Winter: desire to get located as soon aa possible. Y 74, Oregonian. MARRIED COUPLE. NO CHILDREN; 2 OR 3 furnished housekeeping room-, not over 415; walking distance; permanent. X 7. Ore gonian. WANTBO A FURNISHED FLAT OR COT tage for six months; West Side; best ref erences given. Address J 88. Oregonian. WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY. FUR niebed house on King's Heights for one or two years. Addrtaa E 77. Oregonian. WANTED ROOM AND HOARD. MODERN private home. West Side, for couple with in fant; permanent. H 81. Oregonian. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. BY 2 LADIES, room and board, with neat, renued family of adulta. Address C 80. Oregonian. WANTED ItOOM AND BOARD. NEAR DBS tai college, by young man. good habits, not exceeding $2U. hee Main e0. WANTED A MODERN UNFURNISHED C tr 7-rooBi houec; permanent tenant; West j Side. Address V 73. Oregonian. I PERSON DESIRING PLEASANT ROOM DUK j ing tdeknee, trained nurse in attendance; reasonable. D 88, Oregonian. WANTED THREE ROOMS FURNISHED light housekeeping; permanent: West Side; about $1G. P 76. Oregonian. WANTED MODERN FURNISH ISO 6-ROOM houee, permanent If satisfactory. West Std preferred, rbone East !'(. ROOM AND MORNING AND EVENING meal in private family; permanent if reas onable. H 86, Oregonian. WANTED 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING roentb for young couple. West .Side; stale price. Y 80, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY. EMPLOYED. WANTS ROOM and board or room, jtermanent. Addreso L SS, care Oregonian. WELL FURNISHED COTTAGE AT SEA jude September let. II. M. Hatter, ears Kelley-Ciark Co. OLD LADY WANTS ONE UNFURNISHED room; btet references; must be cheap. A 60, Oregonian. MODERN HOUSE 7 OR S ROOMS; EXCEP tional tenant; two adult. O 73. Oregonian. WANTED-SIX OR SEVEN-ROOM MODERN house on Wert Side. Adress P. O. box SS4. WANTED MiS CELLANEO US. WANTED A PARTY TO TAKE CONTRACT to pick prunes; trees Joaded. Apply la per son to S. M. Board, at the Commercial Bank, Vancouver, WaeJt. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at tho "Fair Deal." 02 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. A YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE WOULD like to make their home until Spring with some aged couple. O 88. care Oregonian. I WANT TO BORROW $1500. FIVE YEARS. 7 per cent, good improved Inside real estate security. F 89, Oregonian. WANTED FURNITURE 2 TO S ROOMS; must be modern; state quality and price. Address O 87, Oregonian. USE OF GENTLE HORSE FOR FEW weoks or months for board; very eauy work. Y 7S. Oregonian. WANTED TO BUT A SMALL RANCH close in by responsible party; state terms. S 78. Oregonian. WANTED DUCK LAKE FOR SEASON'S shooting; state price and location. Address A 80. Oregonian. 20 TEAMS WANTED ON 7TH AND MORR1 son excavation: wages $5. J. L. O'DenneU. Phone Union 78. WANTED ORGAN. GOOD CONDITION. FOR ratall Sunday school; state price. B 75, Ore gonian. 5500 TO $1500 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE oeeurity by private party. L 80. Oregonian. WANTED BABY CARRIAGE FOR TWIN.4; give price tn answer. Q 81, Oregonian. WANTED TICKETS TO IXS ANGELES for two young ladles. Phone Rod 3281. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie of all klnda. Phone East 2233. WANT TO CARE FOR A PIANO OR BUY ON easy payment. W 81. Oregonian. WANTED A GOOD. ACTIVE DRIVING horse. W 8S, care Oregonian. WE PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 185-101 1st st. WANTED A SECOND-HAND CARD PRESS. Address S SS. -care Oregonian. WANTED AT 2S0 2D ST.. FIRST-CLASS mandolin teacher. TOR RENT. Rooms. ONE OR TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS C27 East Morrison, cor. 30th. FURNISHED ROOMS. 602 HOYT ST., PRI rato family; reasonable. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 426 CTH ST Rooms. UNITED STATES HOTEL. Frosting on three streets. 0th. Ankeay and Burnside: mwt central location ia the city; cool, comfortable, clean quarters at econom ical priow--; rooms. 50e. 75c and $1 per day. All reoma have outside windows and front on eyeet. Flfth-kt. cars at depot to within one Mock of hotel. NEW LANGK HOTEL. EUROPEAN PLAN, cor. 0th and Washington; rates. Toe. f 1 and $1.50 pr day; electric lights, bells and ele vator; free bus to and from all trains; baths free; elegant cafe In connection. F. Laage. proprietor. Sam Beuman, manager, formerly of Omaha and Si. Louis. THE AUDITORIUM. 20SV4 3D. BET. TAYLOR and Salmon. 1 block uth Baker Theater Elegant, newly xursished brick building, hot and cold running water In rooms, free baths, rooms with private bath, electrie light, ele vator; rooms suitable for two. $1 day. H week up; tourists solicited. THE PHILADELPHIA. Flrat-clays in all Its appointments, hot and cold water la rooms, baths fne to guests; central location, facing Plasa. Phone Main 22S. J. E. Mlaard Black, Prop. COR. THIRD AND SALMON. THE GARLAND. 621 Washington su, between 10th and 20th; new. modem, al! outside room': electric lights, phone, free baths: Sue. 7Sc $1 per day; restaurant In building. Take "M" car at depot. Phone Red 051. FOR RENT A SUITE OF FURNISHBD rooms, modern convenience, imltabte for one or two gentlemen or man and wife. Call at room 53. Selltng-Hlrsch bldg., be tween X and 5:30 P. M., Sunday. LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH CLOSKT. bath, gas. phone; transient; $1 a day; per manent roomers. $15 per month; gcnUemoH preferred. S2 Marshall t., near ldth-st-car line. Phone Main S514. -12 7TH ST.. COR. SALMON-NICE LARGE airy rootpa. beautiful trees, only 2 blocks from Portland Hotel, Poitofflce and the aters: tourist trade solicited; prices reason able. Phone Main 2230 THE HAMANN. Quiet, newly furnlrhed rooms. 1 block from car Use; reasonable; special rates for parties. 185 N. 18th st. Phone Male 1400. LARGE NICELY" FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentleman; permanent or transient; rent reasonable; Sine location: walking distance. li)4 Lowntdale et.. cor. Taylor. CLEAN. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS, transient, traveling public, eppewite Per kins Hotel, next door to florist; rates reas onable. 8Sjfc Washington sc 867 WEIDLER ST. NICELY FURNISHED front room, private home, new, modem, near cam. $8 per month; gaa, bath and phone. Scott 8U81. FOR RENT 282 PARK ST.. 'NEAR JBF ferson 3 jdeaaant rooms, mod era eon eniences; permanent or transient; rea sonable. :il HALSBY ST. NEW FURNISHBD rooms In private family. Hngle er en suite; 8 Mocks from Steel bridge: gas, bath and phone. NICELY FURNISHED CLEAN ROOMS. SIN gte or en suite; central location; all conve niences. 389 AMer St.. next to Arlington Club. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS FOR TOURISTS WITH private family, on car line to Fair; reason able rates. 471 Jefferson, between 13th and 14th. FOR RENT-TWO FURNISHBD ROOMS AT reasonable rates: quiet neighborhood; near 8 car lines. 32s E. Oak. Phone Union 7. TWO NICE ROOMS. WITH BATH. SUIT able for two gentlemen; breakfast furnlrhed; no tranateats. Call 4B5 Halt Mala 387. NICE FRONT RiM IN PRIVATE FAMILY, on car line; reasonable; gentleman preferred; bath, phone. Eaat 1SS0. 141 East 12th. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for lady or man and wife; private family; $5 per month; bath. 800 Montana ave. 387 TAY'LOR. NEAR WEST PARK NEWLY furalnhcd room; special rates to parties or IKsrmanent people; take M car at depot. THE BELMONT. 301 4TH ST., BET. TAY ler and Salmon. 2 block." from Porftefflce; new; prices reasonable. Phone Hood 1783. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT BAT wlndow room, with all modern conveniences; rent reasonable. 320 7th st., cor. Clay. VISITORS AT FAIR WILL FIND ELEGANT rooms with bath and use of parlors. 534 Morrison; take Morrison car at depot. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. TWO in fa mil'; no other roomers; f5 per month. 488 E. Market t. Phone Hart 3231. LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO people, private family, modern flat; will give board If desired. Main 3280. WALKING DISTANCE. LARGE. NICELY furnished rooms, modern; special rates to men. 2K2 loth, near JcffrrHoa. FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT TO GENTLK an; toilet and hath next door; reaoaabt charge. 291 Williams avenue. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRI vate family; central; reasonable; references; sas. pnone. bath. 827 7th st. FURNISHED ROOM. ALL MODERN CON veniences; suitable for two or three gentle man; board. 704 Flanders St. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED front room; hot and cold water; flnt floor; 50c per day 300 Holiaday. FURNISHBD SLEEPING ROOMS. $I.W week; housekeeping suites. $8.50 week; bath; rktfe in. 8C Tenth, near Stark. PRIVATE FAMILY; LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gas, phone, reasonable; Fair vleitorn or ermanent. 526 Kearney. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gas, phone; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent. 33 12th st. TWO ROOMS IN A BR IV ATE HOME, BATH, gas and phone. 482 Jefferson, between 11th and 12th. Phone Main 4739. THE ALDER. 485 ALDER NICELY FUR . nlshed rooms, convenient and quiet; bath, free phone; reasonable rates. SAVE CAR FARE. Room at the Earl; use of bath; gentlemen preferred. 201 3d ot. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. BAY WINDOWS (1.50 per week; one block, car, lu minutes' ride. 180 Eaat 3Uh sr. FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY'. WEEK OR month: phone and bath free. 820 Nortbnfp st. Phone Main 5554. NICELY" FURNISHED ROOMS IN A NEW modern hem, bath and gas; $3.84 per week and up. 380 3d st. 0G 6TH ST . SOUTH CLEAN. NEWLY FUR nlshed rooms; bath. ga, phone; no objectles light housekeeping. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOM FOR A permanent roomer, everything Srst-das. 516 Hoyt, near luth. LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE for two er three. bW Washington st.. oppo site City Park. FURNISHED ROOMS ON TWO CAR LINES; free phone; reasonable. 451 Columbia sc. corner 13th. NICE SMALL ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, large one for two;, rent reasonable; bath. 254 12tb st. FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY; strictly modern; $10 per month. 235 Lar rabee rt. ROOM ON BAST SIDE. CLOSE IN. $3 PER month for one; $10 for two; modern. Phone East 3629. PLEASANT ROOM FOR TWO; NICE LOCAL ity; bath; $1 a day. U or L ear. 24S Cherry at. $2 WEEKLY NICE. CLEAN ROOM WITH closet, bath, gas. Phone Mala 2871. 4N Columbia. PARTIES WANTING FJJRNISHED ROOMS call up Red 19B2. 103 4th. Wllkiac Trans fer Co. . .vAKTKS. COR. 1ST AND JEFFERSON Housekeeping. $3.50 aad up; transient. 25c 50c. $1. I NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, near Ankeny car barn. Phone Eaat 2051. FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO gentlemen: reasonable. 451 Burnside. nar 12th. FURNISHED ROOMS. REASONABLE RATES. 129 Grand are., near E Morrison. Scott 3452. ONE LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM " suitable for two or three persons. 326 6th t'. The Gtlmaa Cheapest and best located rooms In Portland: $1 per week up. 1st and AMer. PLEASANT ROOMS FOR TRANSIENT PEO ple; rates 50c per day and up. 3C4 Taylor K- ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAMILY, 50C PER night. 314 Hoyt St., corner 15th st. HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE ROOMS. 502 Jefferson et, city. Rooms. TWO LARGE FINELY FURNISHED. FRONT rooms; gaa, bath and phone; one block from the Hobart-Curtu on 14th st. Price reason able. Phone West 192. NEWLY' FURNISHBD ROOM IN NEW FLAT, suitable for two gentlemen; use bath, phone, living-room etc.; lu minute walk from town. 100 17th sl ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITE OF room in new house, hot and cold running water, bath and telephone free Call 2U7 14th. A LARGE. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, all modern ccnvenlences. close in. perma nent; gentlemen preferred. 208 7th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. ONE DOU W room, suitable for two er three persona. Call 204 Clay st.. coraer 3th. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT ahte for lady or gentleman: gai and bath. 360 1st st.. cor. Montgomery. FURNISHED ROOM. STRICTLY MODERN. 10 minutes' walk from business center; come and see. 323 13th. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. 4 blocks from Fair. $3; housekeeping privi leges. 708 Wilson st. ONE NICE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, close In; reasonable rent; housekeeping or otherwise. 32 4 th st. TWO SINGLE AND ONE LARGE ROOM, bath and phone, half block to Washington t. 87 North 20th .. 483 ALDER ST. FRONT ROOM. FIRST floor, private house, modern eonvenlcnceo; central; reasonable. 258 13TH ST. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS in new houe; transient or permanent; gen tlemen preferred. FOlE RENT 2 OR 4 FURNISHED ROOMS. Phone Red 1002. Call 193 4th. Wllkta) Transfer Co. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. $2. $2.50. $ per week. 146V6 Front, between Morrioon and Alder. LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. $4 per week. Phone Union &163. 318 Sacra mento t. 300 MADISON. BETWEEN 5TH AND TH Several nice rooms, $2 to $3. 50c per night. Room With Board THE WOODLAND. 2C5 CTK IN BEAUTI ful giouads, 4 blocks from Hotel Portland; has large, weil-furnlshed rooms; rates by week or month; permanent; meals If de sired. Phone Main 5250. Rates reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TU YEAR; rooms with board; use of sewing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. B. 1J. Hamlin. Supt.. 510 Flanders. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board," two blocks from car line, wtth private family, no children; prices mod erate. Call at 205 N. 18th ft. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. CORVALLIS. OR. Clean cooking and beds; room well ven tilated: splendid serrice; centrally located. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. $3 AND Jd per month; room and board, $4.50 week. Mrs. M. Jaar. 328 Water, cor. Clay. WANTED A PERMANENT COUPLE FOR the Winter lc rwell private home. West Side, north of Morrison. T 70. Oregonian. "THE G LEN DORA" BEST AND MOST rcaabl resident hotel in the city; free phone; modern; all sew furnlfhisg. LARGE ALCOVE ROOM FOR TWO GEN 1 1 men in private family, with or without board; central. Phone Main 3084. A PLEASANT EAST ROOM IN PRIVATE family, with board. $4.50 a week; gentle men; phone, bath. 525 Clay st. THE TOURAINE" PRIVATE BOARDING house, elegantly furnlrhed rooms, next door Portland Hotel Annex. 1S8 7th. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gaa. phone; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent. 305 12th st. BLAKELY HALL. 270 8TH NEAT. PLEAS ant rooms with flrst-class board; line loca tion; t error reasonable. GOOD. AIRY ROOMS AND BOARD IN PRI vate family; very reasonable. Cali 310 Col lege, near 7th at. ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLEMEN. ga. bath, phone; eaty walking distance. X hS. Oregonian. THE HARTMAN. 42 ALDER AND 7C WEST Park Nicely furnished rooms, transient, with good b.rd. SUITE OF ROOMS, WITH GRATE; ONE of beat residence districts. Phone Eaat 2700. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 32 N. 11th; a reduction to 3 permanent. Main 480. THE OZARK. 225 11TH SI-. ROOMS EN suite or sl'gle. board: hot and cold wajtsr. ROOMS AND BOARD. $5 WEEK; GAS. bath. Phone Union 1615. 651 E. Morrison. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD. $5 TO $0.50 per week. 502 Clay. Phone Main 5fi00. 3U5 MORRISON. COR. 10TH ROOMS. WITH or without board; transients; reasonable. ROOM AND BOARD. 084 MYRTLE ST.. Portland Heights. Phone Mala 3060. TUB HARTMAN. 426 ALDKR ST. GOOD TA- Me board. ii.Z9 per week. H AM) HOARD. 715 OVERTON. NEAR Fair grounds. Flat. FOR UBNT NEWLY AND BEAUTIFULLY furnished flat of 5 room, everything mod ern, large porch, beautiful yard; rent 25; no children. 761 Williams ave. FOR RENT MODERN tf-ROOM LOWER flat, all conveniences. 100, I7lh at,, near Yamhill. Inquire 180 16th at., near Taylor. FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM UNFURNISHED fiat, upper, at 6th and San Rafael. Apply 421 Hancock st. Phone East 1810. FLAT-MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT3, INCLUD- ing combination steel- range. Halsey and Larrabee. Inquire 2SS Larrabec. 4-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT. SUITABLE tor 3 or 4 adults; bath. gas. paone; a min utes walk P. O. 325 7th St. S. MODERN 5-ROOM FURNISHED UPPER flat; reasonable rent to permanent adults. 150 B. 33d st.. Sunnyside. VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED FRONT flat with bath. 103 H W. Park st., near Morrison. Inquire below. UNFURNISHED UPPER FLAT. 6 ROOMS bath, gas, fuel stub, renovated. Harrington. tut? ist. sear oax. ELEGANT MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. VERY central, rent rearanabie. Call M. S. Rrnt ery. Sherlock bide. MODERN FLATS. HEATED. JANITOR SER vice, hot water to bath asd kltehts. 22d and Johnson ets. SIX-ROOM FLAT. GROUND FLOOR, FINE location, rent $25. East 24th st. Phone East 1186. FURNISHED FLAT OF 4 ROOMS. 275 SAL mon at Call Monday or phone Main 6285. FOUR 5-ROOM MODERN FLATS FOR RENT, $35 per month. 408 Park, or Main 5050. 6 OR 8-ROOM MODERN FLAT FOR RENT September 1; close in. J 00, Oregonian. NEW 4-ROOM FLAT. GAS AND BATH. Inquire 412 2d et. Phone Pa elf! e SO. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED 7-ROOM UP per fiat. 135 N. 18th st. Houekerplij Rooms. "135 MAIN. COR. 12TH ONE LARGE FUR atshed housekeeping room and other rooms. FOUR OR MORE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; very reasonable. Call today. 187 Mill et. 3 EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD HOUSEKBEPECO rooms. 1 block from car. 420 E. Grant, TO RENT-TWO OR THREE ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. Phone Scott 2140. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; modern; $12 per month. 334 Columbia. 4 0 JEFFERSON ST. TWO NICELY FUR nlohed housekeeping rooms; rent, $25. 106 FLANDERS ST. -UNFURNISHED OR partly furnished housekeeping rooms. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN a private family, at 305 5th at. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS $3 per week. 155 N. 11th st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with phone. 1 N. 10th at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 232 N. ISth. Take leth-at, car. 2404 FIFTH ST. SUITE HOUSEKEEPING rooms gaa stove. Housekeeping; Rooms. FOR RENT TWO OR THREE UNFUR nbhed rooms for housekeeping, with kitchen, bath, range, gas. pantry, etc; every con venience, on ground floor; to desirable peo ple, cheap tent, 335 Vancouver ave; take U car to Broadway. THE ONEONTA. 1S7 17T.H SI.. NEAR. TAM hllt New house, elegantly furnished apart ments, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; tot and cold water; gaa range In each kltchea; tttara beat, baths; frco phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms In bee: brick block on Eaat Side; gas ranges, bath, etc., no transients; prices moderate. Logan blk.. 108: Union ave cor. E. Alder. Phone Union 3203. 429 SALMON ST. TWO OR MORE WELL furnished housekeeping rooms; gas. bath, gas range; every convenience; use of laun dry; fine location; price reasonable. TWO DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED FRONT room, running water, light housekeeping. gas range, bath; will furnish for permanent par tie?. 5" Mill st. Phone Main 4440. 4 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. flne location, between 2 car lines; use or bath. gas. phone; must be permanent; rent reasonable. Phone Main 3809. 314 MILL. CORNER CTH. 2 LIGHT. cheerful tooth . furnished for housekeep ing; water In kitchen; gas. bath, phone: select location; reasonable. FOR RENT THREE NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping roonu; phone, bath, steam heat, in exchange for board of young couple: choice location. Phone East 342U. ELEGANT HOUSEKEEPING SUITE. SUIT- aMe for four adult; also two housekeeping room. $15; baih. gas. phone Main 4409; cen tral. 20S Montgomery. THE ST. GEORGE. 301 1ST ST.. COR, Co lumbia Furnished housekeeping with gas stoves and single rooms for gentlemen; transients solicited. THREB LARGE GROUND FLOOR ROOMS. furnished for bouftekeeplng; steel range, grato. laundry In basement; $25 per month. 207 Grant st. THE HBILER; 2SO GRAND AVE.-SUITE of three elegant rumlsned rooms ror Jioune keeplng. gas range, phone, bath, rates rea sonable. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; PR1V- llege use dining-room and kitchen; no objec tion to child; come early. 409 Williams ave. NEWLY FURNISHED SUITES FOR HOUSE keeplng; gaa range, electricity; splendid neighborhood; after September 1. 561 Irving. TWO OR THREE LARGE. LIGHT FURNISH- cd housekeeping rooms, pantry, clco-ts. bath, phone; nice neighborhood; $15. 713 Hood St. 4 NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING roome. bath. gas. phone; 3 minutes walk to Post off Ice; no children. 325 7th st, S. 42H 0TH ST. THREE DESIRABLE UN- furnlshed rooms for rent; pantry, sink, bath, phone and basement; flrst floor. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. single or en suiie. $a anu .i.uu per wren. 14i Front, bet. Morrison and Alder. FOR RENT REASONABLE. 3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping: hot and cold wa ter; bath. 4S2 E. Washington st. FURNISHBD HOUSEKEEPING SUITES from $12 per month up; porcelain bath . and phone free. 127 Lown.idale. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING roms. walking distance city: bath, phone. 356 E. Everett. Phone East 3C04. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING. UPPER floor of residence: rent reasonable. 711 Wa ter St.. bet. Hooker and Meade. PARLOR SUITE WITH PIANO COMPLETE for housekeeping; also other rooms; rea sonable 440 Sth. cor. College. GROUND FLOOR FURNISHED SUITES housekeeping and sleeping rooms; close in; bath. 80 Tenth, near Stark. THREE NICELY" FURNISHED ROOMS, with piano, gan range, phone, bath, set tubs In basement, 482 Burnside st. NEAT AND CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING suites, two or three, phone and bath; rent reaoonable. 385 Yamhill st. SUITES OF TWO t'NFURNISUED ROOMS witn gas siotc; kiwi iocuwuu; vcr week. 3S2 E. Yamhill .it. $12 THRBK UPSTAIRS ROOMS. FURNISH ed for housekeeping, two beds; separate en trance. 103 North 12th. 413 MAIN ST.. COR. 11TH NICELY FUR nlshed housekeeping suite, with gas range; free phone; no children. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; modern, large yard, flowers; nice view. 020 4th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH HOUSE keeptns; privilege; for lady, at 310 College et. Call forenoon. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH AL cove ami kitchen, gas. bath and phone, at 200 Hall st. TWO FRONT ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED for light hou-wkeeping; $8 per month. luy7 E. Madteon. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOU3EKEBP Ing rooms. 2d floor; no children. 385 Clay, corner 7th. 3 UNFURNISHBD HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; bath. gas. telephone. 52 E. Pine. Phone East 1CO0. SUITE OF TWO NICE ROOMS COMPLETE ly furnished; no children: quiet house. 408 Hoyt st. TWO FRONT ROOMS. UNFURNISHED, for houeke4ng. 408 Irving st,, bet. 12th and 13U. TWO VERY DB5IRA11LR ROOMS FOR hourekeeplng; modern; $18 per month. 6C N. 14th st. TWO SUNNY ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplng; no children; bath, phone, gaa. 431 Main st. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single roonu-; everything new. 103 East 0th wt TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR houaekeeping. 4041 B. Burnside at., cor. Sth it. 3 OR 4 ROOMS. OR UPPER FLOOR. PART ly or unfurnished; central. 24U Grand ave. North. ROOMS. $2.30 PER WKEK; ALSO HOUSE keeping; bath. gas. hot. and cold water. VS-Vi First. BASEMENT FURNISHBD FOR HOUSE keeplng. light, clean and neat. Inquire 102 7th. BARGAIN 2 ROOMS with use of kitchen: private houe; $20; fine locatkfti. 467 East Pine. WITCH HA7.EL. Front and iladuwn House keeping rooms, transient; bath, electric light. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 340 E. Burnside. Phone East 1S07. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOM3 FOR LIGHT housekeplng; very reasonable. 430 Alder st. THREE CONVENIENT. LIGHT. AIRY housekeeping roomt. phone, bath, 454 Clay at. Houses. ' ACRES. WITH 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NEAR car line; ready to plow. Harrington. 60ij 1st, near Oak. NEW rt-ROOM HOUSE. FULL LOT. EAST side. 290 Eugene et. Call 455 Hall or phone Main 3375. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGB. 410 EAST Everett et.: $13 per month. Phone Union 1101. FOR RENT MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. S02 Cleveland aeve.; rent $13. Inquire next door. $10 FIVE ROOMS, LARGE BASEMENT. Key Onell's Grocery, ear. Hood and Grant. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE GROUNDS. $S- Apply McCoy. 364 N. 28th. cor. Savler. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE IN HIGH land. $10 per month. Phone East 2607. HOUSE OF 11 ROOMS. BIO YARD. 271 North 18th. Main 3473. or Main 3306. SMALL COTTAGE. 255 HANCOCK ST.; GAS and bath. Inquire at 260 Burnside st. A COTTAGE ON EAST 13TH AND COLE: rent $12 per month. Phone Front 805. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE, $20 per month. 270 E. lflth st. WE HAVE HOUSES TO RENT HATFIELD Jfc Smith. 305 Fourth st. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. IN quire ISO Sherman st. MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE. CALL 455 HALL or phone Main 3375. TWO 8-ROOM HOUSES. 14th st , near Mill INQUIRE 363 Houses. H. E. EDWARDS. Housefurnlaher. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Dwellings of all kinds and in all parts of the city are lifted with us. Wc have the meet complete directory, of vacant houses ia town, and If you contemplate moving it will pay you to visit our rental department. We are sure to have a place for you. Following fa a partial list: WEST SIDE. 3 rooms. Guild's ave $ 7.00 3 rooms. 26th at. S.0 5-room house. Patton Road.. 10.00 4 -room Bar, close lit .- 12.00 3- room flat. gas. bath...... 12.C0 4-room cottage. Macadam st,. modern.. 12.00 5- room cottage. Chapman at ? l-.r 3-room flat. bath, electricity, cas..-. 13. CO 4 room', gas. bath. Corbett st la.ou 3-room flat, bath, gas 17.0 5-rocm flat, new, bath, gas 1S.0O 3- room cottage, gas. bath, new 20.00 5-room fiat, modern, new. Jackson st. . 35.00 5-room flat, modern, Davis st 42.50 12-room boude. gai. bath 50.00 EAST SIDE. 4- room cottage, new. Montavllla 7.00 3-room cottage, new. Montavllla...... S.00 G-roora house. Tillamook st 8.0t 5- room flat. Stanton at 1.00 3-room flat, bath, gas. good location.. 12.V0 5- room houe, new 13.00 6- room house, good condition, ntco yd. 13.PO G-room cottage, new, Harrison at le.Ou 6- room house, basement, fair condition 10.00 S-room house, gas. Yamhill at 20.00 7- reom house, bath, good as new 20.k 6 rooms, new, gaa. bath, electricity. . 2U.PO G-room house, bath, electricity, new.. 22.00 8- roem house, good condition, bath, gas 2S.U0 7-room house, bath, gas 25. oo Note No Information regarding theea houses can be given over phone. H. E. EDWARDS Housefurnioher 1S5 to 191 First st. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST. 166 Ruasell st,. flat, 2 rooms $ 8.00 1310 E. Sth st, N.. 0 rooms 1M 785 4th ft.. 5 room 12.l 500 N. 24 1 St., 5 rooms 18.50 1205 E. Taylor st. 6 rooms 15.00 Commercial at., near Skldmorc, new. 7 rooms . 18.00 573 Savler st,. 7 rooms 20.&O 237 Stanton St.. 8 rooms 2u.Vt 284 E. Oth st. N.. 7 rooms 20.HJ 909 B. 10th st. N-. 9 rooms 2U.0 19 E. 11th St.. 7 rooms 22.50 C22t Marshall et.. new flat, 6 room:.. 27.50 283 N. 12th St., 0 rooms 30.00 028 Mississippi ave., 0 rooms r3.t'0 335 Market .it,, flat. 6 rooms 37.50 781 Kearney st,. 0 rooms tS.00 300 Everett st,. 11 rooms 7S 'JO 211Vi 1st st,. 30 room 12A.0O WAKEFIELD. FRIES &. CO., 229 Stark St. FOR RENT BY THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY. $22 Handsome 8-room residence, 356 San Rafael. $17 Nice corner, 3-room flat. Union ave. and E. Ankeny. $15 7-roora house, 104 K. 27th St., near Belmont, nice yard, choice fruit and shrub bery. $15 Swell g-room cottage, modern conveni ences. 328 Fremont. $13 Beautiful new 5-room cottage. 014 E. 10th. Apply at 140 First Street. HOUSES FOR RENT. 6 roomrj, 22d. near JohnsMt $10.00 room. SMC! East Sixth North 13.00 8 rooms. East Sixteenth and Stark sts. 35.m 7 rooms'. 34 S Ross st, 25. tm 22 room, 05 Eleventh st 126.00 6 rooms. I EL 12th st 3U.0 9 rooms, 301 17th t 2S.HO 0 rooms. 324 E. 1st st. N 3O.0U 5 rooms, cor. 1st and Holiaday ave... 22.50 These houses are all desirable and Ih good condition. PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO.. 250 Alder St. 5-ROOM COTTAGE IN SOUTH PORTLAND: $15 ier month. i.arge 0-robm house, full basement, and attic, small barn on place; 12th and Weldler et.. 50 per month." Moore Investment Co., 15Ui 6th st. Phone Main 16. COMFORTABLE 15-ROOM HOUSE NEAR cnr-llne: bath and basement; East Side, within walking distance of business dis trict; low rate. Owner, C 82, care Ore gonian. FOR RENT 10-ROOM. MODERN DVELI ing. 508 E Oak st,. $85; 9 -room house. 00 N. ISth St.. near Everett, strictly modern, 43: G-room new, modern flat. 778 Kearney, $37.50. Grlndstaff & Sehalk. 264 Stark st. FOR RENT NEW HOUSE. 6 ROOMS, porcelain bath, electric light, gas. all mod ern improvements, cor. E. 22d and Couch . : rent $30. Apply John F. Cord ray. 731 35. Burnside st. Phone East 211. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 306 17TH ST. RECENTLY renovated; new bathroom and modern plumb ing. Telephone Main 1857 between 12 and 1. or call 431 Mohawk bldg.. 3d and Morrison. FOR RENT C-ROOM, NEW. MODERN House; laundry, tubs, etc.: very reasonable rrnt to desirable tenant. 729 Roosevelt st.. near 22d st. A. H. Blrrell. 202 McKay bids;. S-ROOM HOUSE. 748 E. TAYLOR $23.iO if-room houw. 6S0 E. Taylor 20.tO 5-room. SunnyMde 16.00 F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock BMg. FOR RENT 0-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH. 17th and East Morrison sts.: reference. T. G. Thornton, room 2 Mulkey bldg.. or 4B3 Morrison. Phone Main 6261. FINE RESIDENCE. 100X1CO GROUND. COR. 11th and Ckiy. for sale or will rent to re sponsible parti's only. Call 321 11th. or 201 Morrlron ct. 9 large rooms. FOR RENT NEW. MODERN HOUSE. 0 rooms, attic and basement; gas ami elec tricity; cement walks; near Steel bridge. 270 Broadway, near Roes. MODERN 12-ROOM HOUSE. BEAUTIFUL grounds. In finest residence part; will be va cant Sept, 1st. Apply at 229 Washington st. Phone Front 1S2. HOUSE FOR RENT MODERN COTTAGE. 4 room., porch, cloeet. sink in kitchen, near car line. Inquire room 203 Falling bids;. Phone Main 2129. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. ELECTRIC lights, gas and etc.; large lot at Sunny elde $18.V Vanduyn & Walton. 270 Wash ington SI NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. NEAR B. 6th and Holiaday ave.; $40 per month. J. P. Sharkey. 701 C. of C Phone Main 180. K ADDER LY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable plaso and furniture mover-. Phone Main 1KS5. Offlce. 110 N. 3d st. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 210 STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES- FOR RENT NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM house. 281 E. 2d, Wasco. Inquire 313 Cherry st. PhOHe East 1806. FOR RENT d nOOMS, GROUND FLOOR, large grounds, fruit, hot and cold water, bath: $14. 1232 E. Yamhill . 34S MONTGOMERY ST. 2 NEW S-ROOM houses to rent on September 1; modern. Apply on premises Monday. FOR RENT MODERN 13-ROOM HOUSE, large grounds, on Johnson st. Wm, G. Beck. 307 the Falling bldg. FOR RENT OR SALE NICE 5-ROOM COT tage. close In. Call on Owner, 533 East Market, corner East 12th, 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE- 734 HOYT ST.. $42.50 month. The Healy Investmnet Co.. 214 Ablngton. 106 3d st. 7-ROOM FLAT COMPLETED SEPTEMBER I; every modern convenience; best loca tion. Phone i.ast 1&09. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE OF 11 rooms; well arranged for renting; very cen tral. TVakeneic-Fries. 6-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BATH. AT 6TH AND San Rafael. Apply 421 Hancock st. Phone East 1819. Rent SI4. FOR RENT HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS. WITH bath, well furnished. South Portland. Phone Main 4826. Monday. MODERN 7-ROOSL CEMENT-BASEMENT dwelling. 331 Williams ave. inquire G. 11 Thomas. 73H 3d st- NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGBL ISTH AND Nortbrup: modern, gas. Apply 571 Lovejoy. Phone West HOT. FOR RENT NEW 9-ROOM MODERN house, nicely tinted. Apply 347 Johnson. Phone East 524. BEAUTIFUL. MODERN. 10 ROOMS: LARGE yard, fruit, flowers; one year or three. M 80. Oregonian. close In; $25 per month. Portland Trust to., 1VJ JU. FOR RENT RESTAURANT. COMPLETE, $100 for season; can make $3C0; come quick. 847 Upshur st. LARGE S-ROOM HOUSE. WITH MODERN conveniences and flne lawn. 241 13th, cor ner Marshall. 7-ROOM HOUSE. 704 GLISAN; BATH. GAS. furnace; k"ey. 706 Gllsan. Apply 204 Mar- quam bldg. MODERN 10-ROOM RESIDENCE. CORNER East 15th and Schuyler. Apply lit Ab lngton mag. SEVEN-RQOM HOUSE. MODERN. IN qulre 301 10th. corner Mill. Telephone Main 492. t Rouses. SECOND-STORY HOUSE NEAR 2D AND Arthur. 4 rooms, water; rent $10. Inquire 081 2d. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE: GAS. BATH, yard, etc.; small family only; $17: 7M Wil liams ave. - THE FINE 8-ROOM CORNER HOUSE. 1ST and Meade, just newly renovated. Inquire 706 1st. Furnished Rouses. FOR RENT FINELY FURNISHED 7-ROOM boufrc at Montavllla; want family adults & will give lease for year or more; fine fruits and shrubs on place; piano with place. Rent very reasonable. X 78. Oregonian. FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED FUR ntehed house, full of roomers; will m1 fur niture on easy terms at a baivain, Ths Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. MODERN S-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE for rent for the Winter; choice locuti. n Phone Union 4123. 766 East Burnside. FOR RENT WELL-BUILT COMMODIOUS residence. 403 2d st.. 12 rooms: furafhed Phone Main 1340. Chas. H. Dodd. 0-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE Poctland Heights; select neighborhood and grand view. Telephone Main 6623. 7-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHBD COM plete. to family of adults; near 23d ana Hoyt. V 75. Oregonian. 9-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE FOR SALE Sue residence location. 195 lth t.. corner Taylor. FOR RENT. FURNISHED MODERN .r.-ROOM cottage; piano and gas. 001 1st. near Sher man. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED. IX qulre J. B. Neubauer. care F. Dreseer & C FOR RENT B-ROOM FURNISHED COT tage. 584 4th st. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sale. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICK FOR FUR niture; alno take mhb on eoneignment. Port land Auction Rooms. 211 First st. Phone Main 5055. ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS. MUST SELL immediately furniture of suite of 2 rooms in business block, suitable for dressmak ing parlors or light housekeeping for man and wife; rent cheap. B 78. Oregonian. HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS. FURNISHED COM- plete. central location, permau-nt roomers, rent $25; 3 rooms clears rent- thlt- is a bar gain at $160; see owner Sunday I'. M., at 30S 3d st. LODGING-HOUSE FOR RENT FURNITURE for Male; 9 rooms, good condition, gas, bath and phone; house full; a snap If taken this week: part cash. $600. 431 Everett. FURNITURE 7-ROOM COTTAGE CHEAP: new and clean; suitable for family or roomers; rent cheap; modern. S 87, Ore gonian. ALL OR PART OF FURNITURE 0-ROOM flat for sale; three large bay-windows; mod ern; close in; call forenoons. Phone 3251. 3i N. 10th st. TEN-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE TO rent, or furniture for sale cheap; full of boarders; flne location. 166 ISth St.. North. HOUSE WITH 9 ROOMS, NEATLY FUR- ntshed. modern conveniences, for $300 cash. Rent reasonable. 7 Union ave.. Nprth. WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN. FURNITURE of 8 rooms; rent $22.50; Income. $75 over expenses. 187 W. Park, cor. Yamhill. A SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE FURNITURE 7-room ho tine, one block from Hotel Port land; price $350. Phone Main 4041. HOUSE 8 ROOMS. FURNITURE FOR SALE cheap; roomers more than pay rent. Phone Front 704 or call 433 Everett st. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 11-ROOM houae. rented for $150. house rent $50. Nob Hill district. Phone Main 6021. FURNITURE OF 6 OR 15 ROOMS FOR sale, house for rent: very reasonable if taken at once. Inquire 192 7th tt. VERY MODERN 7-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. furniture for sale reafonable. Apply 309 11th st.. bet. Columbia ami Clay. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM HOUSE TO RENT. nne location, central; rent $li.50; must leave city; sell cheap. 42s Alder. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE; FINE RESIDENCE location; full permanent roomers. 590 Couch et Phone Front 671. , WANTED GOOD ROOMING-HOUSE; GIXVZ number of rooms, price and location. AI dtw. P 87. Oregonian. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM how, complete: owner going away; prii c $200. 408 Grand ave. 12 ROOMS COMPLETELY FURNISHED must sell; rent $30. with lease; reasonable Phone Pacific 10S. FURNITURE OF S-ROOM FLAT FOR SALE Axmlnster carpets, new furniture. Call phone Main 4173. FINE 10-ROOM vLODGING-HOUSE. . FULL of Kttady roomers; snap if taken at once K 82, Oregonian. FOR SALE 7-ROOM HOUSE. ALL GOOD furniture: rnt $20; price $175. 2S0 ?, cor. Jefferson. FOR RENT. $IS 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE furniture for sale very cheap. L S7. Ore gonian. FOR SALE $85. FURNITURE OF 4-ROOM house: must eteU. 2X3 K-th s:. Nonh. ' FIVE ROOMS FOR RENT. $0: FURNITURE of three for h. $lo. 306 let st. FOR SALE NEWLY FURNISHED COT- tage. Inquire Tull & Glbbs. Stores. FOR RENT THE TWO STORES. NO. 14." 1st and 228 Alder St.. formerly occupied by Baum Sc. Brandes restaurant. FOR LEASE. UPSTAIRS FLOOR. 70x100; modern: elevator: Morrtson. near Poitof flce. W 63. Oregenlan. GOOD STORE FOR RENT; REASONABLE terms. C. H. Farrlngton 311 Worcester blk. Offices. - NICELY FURNISHED SMALL LODGB rooM $10 per month; also large ball f r dancing parties. Inquire at office Western Academy of Music. Mulkey Mock, corner 2d and Morrison. FOR RENT FOR OFFICE OR LIGHT MAN ufaeturlng purposes, two floors In brick building, corner 5th and Flanders sts. Povey Bros. Glass Co. FOR LEASE LONG TERM. TOP FLOOR Stearns Block: growth of business compels us to move. Apply Behnke-Walker Business College. OFFICES FOR RENT LARGE. BRIGHT and centrally located. Inquire Trans-Con-tlnental Machine Co.. 334 Oak st. LARGE CONNECTING OFFICES. 309 AL der st,, over the Tavern Furnished, modern, convenient; can't be beat. TWO OFFICE ROOMS IN SELLING HI rseh bldg., and carpets for sale. Call Monday, room 70. FOR RENT VERY DESIRABLE PRIVATE office, partly furnished; use of phone. 402 Commercial blk. OFFICE ROOM OR DESK ROOM FOR rent; excellent location. Apply 411 Ablng ton bldg. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE OR DESK ROOM, phone included, flne location. 239 Alder st. OFFICE ROOMS. VERY REASONABLE. A. B. McAlpin. 129 7th st. Cummer Resorts. A SNAP THE ELEGANT SEASIDE HOME of Alex Gilbert. Seaside. Hermosa Park, be ginning Sept. 1st. for the balance of the sea son; alt the comforts of a city home; arx loue to rent. Phone H. M. Carlock. Ex. 50 NECANICUM INN. SEASIDE FIRST-CLASS home accommodations, flne ocean view, acd flowers, modern conveniences, noted for its excellent home-cooked meals. Get off Necaa leum Station. Emily Damans. Prop. FOR RENT SEASIDE. MONTH OF SEP tember. 6-room cottage overlooking ocean, near Locksley Hall. E 78. Oregonian. FOR RENT S3IALL BUNGALOW; SEA slde; enclosed on wooded lot. near Necanl eum Inn. Phone Main 3731. SEASIDE NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE FUR nlshod. city water, in grove. 333 Morrison st. Phone Main 2183. FOR RENT C-ROOM HOUSE AT SEA VIEW, on ridge, fer September. Addresu 103 12th. S-ROOM COTTAGE AT SEAVIEW, WASH., for September. T 0, Oregonian.