12 THE SUNDAY OR E G O XI AN.' POBTEAND, AUGUST 27, 1905. Principal Portland Agents for Bntterick Patterns and Publications Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt and Careftd Attention Write for Anything Desired The Meier Frank Store Portland's Largest and Best Store Sole Portland Agents for Famous "Ostermoor" Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses, All Sizes Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order New Mouldings, Very Lowest Prices 2d Floor Women's Fall Suits, Coats Our cloak chief has been working very hard the past ten weeks gathering the largest and most comprehensive stock of new Fall and Winter ready-to-wear apparel for women, misses and chil dren ever seen on the Coast Early as the showing is made, nothing was done until we were absolutely certain that styles were correct according to the best ideas of designers at home and abroad The display is unusually interesting to women who are anxious to secure an .early change from their Summer ward robe and to those who are simply planning for the new season and want to get an advance view of coming styles The new Suits in Redingote, tight-fitting, Eton and jacket styles, medium and long lengths in broadcloth, tweeds, coverts and mannish mixtures; green, red, gray, Bordeaux, tan, plum, black and navy; beautifully tailored garments from the leading makers in the (j ff ff country; prices range from $16.50 to V wJ ww The new Coats in three-cfuarter lengths; coverts, tweeds, cheviots and broadcloths; tight-fitting, half-fitting and box styles; xczy handsome variety in plain tailored and trimmed effects; every SiA,1 (C garment unusually reasonably priced, $8.50 to fTjUU New Raincoats in the very latest styles ; all grades. New Walking Skirts. New Dress Skirts. New Coats for Misses and Children. New Waists, new Petticoats, etc. Second Floor. Vol. Lace Bargains Valenciennes Laces and Insertions, very best patterns. All grades low priced 45c values on sale at, dozen yards 20 90c values on sale at, dozen yards 39 6 $1.00 values on sale at, dozen yards 59 "White and cream figured all-over Laces, in Vals. and nets; very best patterns; regular gr $1.25 values for the low price of, yard. . . vC Cambric and Swiss Embroidery f and Insertions, 5 to 12 inches wide; splendid patterns; q values up to 40c a yard for, yard -7 G New Laces arriving by every express. 1000 New Axmmster Rugs $2.75 Values forf Each $1.87 $4.50 Valnes for, Each $3.47' 500 handsome Axmiuster Rugs, Oriental and floral patterns, in great assortment; size 27x60 inches; grandest Rug value of the g o f year, $2.75 value for this low price. .V Oc 500 Axminster Rugs, 36x72 inches; Oriental and floral designs in great variety; Af7 best $4.50 values on sale for q&O.Hrt New Fall designs in "Wilton Velvets and Brussels Carpets; latest patterns and colorings. The largest display in the city. Our prices always the lowest. Estimates cheerfully given. New Silks and Dress Goods This first showing J?f new Silks and Dress Goods is a forerun ner of what will be the g eatest silk and dress goods display The Meier & Frank Store ever madeWe have simply bought everything of merit and in all the shades and effectsthat will bedesirable Everything to please the tastes of oar patrons Immense display of Cravenettes and Rainproof Materials, in all the leading materials and styles for suits and skirts, yd.$1.50 to 53.00 New Sergey Prunellas. Crepe de Paris, Broadcloths, etc., in the latest shades; all grades; the yard 75, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Beautiful new plaid Silks att yard 75, 85, $1.00, $1.50 Two-toned and plain Messnline Silks, best quality, vard $1.00 New Chiffon Taffetas, $1.00 yard. Imperial Taffetas, yard. . .59 New high-grade Dress Fabrics for novelty costumes, etc. New black Dress Goods in popular weaves. Astoria Regatta August 29, 30 and 31. We are headquarters for Yacliting Ap parel "White Suits, Caps, Shoes for men and women. Our Monday Shoe Sale Women's $3.00 and .$3.50 patent colt and vici kid lace and Blucher Oxfords; heavy or light soles; all sizes and y er widths; all new, up-to-date goods, for, pair 1 "Women's $3.00 and $3.50 tan Russia ribbon lace Oxfords; tan, lace and Blucher Oxfords; brown vici kid Oxfords, o tT on sale for the wonderfully low price of, pair I J J. T. Cousins Shoes Reduced Russia Calf Lace Shoes, $4.00 values, pair $3.30 Champagne Blucher Kid Oxfords, $5.00 values, pair $4.00 Tan Vici Kid Oxfords, best styles, $4.00 values, pair $3.20 Patent Tan Kid Blucher Oxfords, $4.00 values, pair $3.20 Russia Calf Blucher Oxfords, $4.00 values, pair $3.20 Champagne Russet Blucher Oxfords, $4.00 values, pair... $3.20 Tan Russet Low Button Oxfords, $3.50 values, pair; $2.80 Tan Russet Blucher Oxfords, $3.50 values, pair $2.80 Chocolate Blucher Oxfords, $3.50 values, pair $2.80 Men's Low Shoes French, Shririer & Urner's famous make; entire stock at greatly reduced prices this week. Misses' and Children's Tan Oxfords at greatly reduced prices. New Flannels Ready New Persian Flannelettes ; very attractive designs and colorings; best value in town at r o the wonderfully low price of, yard. , ... OC New figured Alpaca "Waistings; very e pretty patterns, best colorings, yard VJC The very latest in French Plaid "Waistings; beauti ful color combinations and exceptional r c value at this very low price, yard .0JC 100 White Marseilles Bedspreads, hemmed', full size, extra quality; regular $2.50 0 grade on sale at this low. price Men's Fall Underwear We Start the Season With Special Values 200 dozen Men's superweight natural wool Un derwear; nice, soft "quality; splendidly made and finished; guaranteed not to shrink; all sizes shirts and drawers; anticipate your Winter needs. Best $1.00 values for this low price 83c A GARMENT Men's muslin and twilled cotton Night Shirts; plain, white or fancy trimmed, with or without collar; well made, full siz, extra long; a s great value at this very low price tOC Men's and Boys' Fall Clothing Is Now Ready Men's, young men's and boys' Fall and Winter Apparel now ready m surprising assort ment The very newest fashions and materials, in designs suitable for business, school and dress wear Every effort has beeq made to gather clothing of "quality," well made and perfect fitting Clothing that will 'give the purchaser thorough satisfaction in every particular As usual, our prices will be found ftilly 25 per cent below what equal grades cost you at the exclusive clothing store Second Floor "Hawes" famous $3.00 Hats for men Fall blocks are now ready THE MEIER & FRANK STORE Great Sale of French Lingerie Our entire stock of French hand made Lingerie on sale at very tempt ing prices. The best buyers in the city are vitally interested. French Gowns of the finest qual ity, hand made and hand embroid ered; high, round and square neck; long and short sleeves; pretty styles: 16.00 values.. 3.8S $7.00 values.. S4$S $7.50 values.. $5.83 J10.00 values.. 5748 J12.00 Gowns.. SS S13.50 Gowna. $10.15 $16.00 Gowns. $12.75 522.00 Gowns. $17.60 J9.00 values.. 96.48 J11.00 values.. 97J0S $12.50 Gowns. .$0.25 $14.00 Gowns. $10.75 $16.50 Gowns, $135 $25.00 Gowns 910.00 Unlaundered French Gowns, high or low neck ; regular $5.00 and $6.00 values on sale for $3.75 French hand made laundered Che mise ; beautiful pieces at low prices : $3.50 Chemise.. 92.75 $4.00 Chemise.. 93.00 $5.00 Chemise.. 93.73 $6.00 Chemise.. $4.43 French Hand-Made Drawers $1.75 Drawers. 913 $2f50 Drawers. $1.DS $3.00 Drawers. $2-33 $3.50. Drawers. $25 $4.00 Drawers. 93.0S $5.00 Drawers. $30 $6.00 Drawers. 94.35 $6.50 Drawers. $4.85 Hand-Made Skirts In magnificent styles. Great value: $6.00 Skirts... 94.3S $S.OO Skirts.. .90.00 $10.00 Skirts... $7.35 $18.00 Skirts.. $13.75 $25.00 Skirts.. 910.75 $45.00 Skirts.. $35.00 $12.00 Skirts... $0.00 $22.50 Skirts.. $1(US $35.00 Skirts.. $27.00 $50.00 Skirts.. $33.75 Sole Portland Agents for "La Grecque," a French Corset for American women. Models for every .figure. Expert fitters. Second floor. Linen Towels 19c 200 dozen.Linen Huck Towels, 19x38 in.; best ever offered at, ea.. .19 200 dozen bleached Turkish Bath Towels, hemmed; great special value at this low price 27 August Linen Sale Continues. Meier & Frank's Great Cloak Store Offer Shirtwaist Suits $2.45 400 New white lawn Shirtwaist Suits, a delayed shipment to be placed onsale tomorrow at a ridiculously low price. There's four weeks of wear to be had out of these suits before cool weather sets in; then they make a splendid house costumeVery best styles, waists tucked in squares with Val. lace insertion and medallions; also yoke effects in tucks and Val. lace insertion Skirts tucked and lace insertion trimmed Every suit in the lot A C regular $6.00 value, your choice at., T See Fifth-street Window Display Today More $ 1 .75 Waists 98c Ea. a . i m. 1 j r- c ? i . Anoioer great newioioz aniriwaisis onsmeio-r morrow at 98c each White lawns, white and black polka dots in lawns and ginghams, trimmed with lace, emhroid- ery and tucks White and colored waists in great assort- ment, all sizes, the best lot of all at the low price of 98c All White Suits and Dresses at Half Our Regular Prices All Our Colored Wash Suits and Skirts Way Below Cost Bargains in Silk Shirtwaist Suits, All Grades Great Bargains in Silk Waists, best styles and all grades Cleaning up Misses' and Children's Apparel at Low Prices 2WTV A V V Renaissance Lace Curtains $1.89 500 pairs of new Renaissance Lace Curtains ; narrow inserting and edges; white or Arabian color; very best patterns - 45 inches wide by 2y2 yards long; regular . . $2.50 values on sale for the low price of, pair V Figured Swiss Curtains, with plain ruffles; 3 yards long by 36 inches wide; best $1.00 values at, pair.. . Scotch Madras, dark blue, and green ground, floral and Oriental designs, 45 in. wide; best $1.00 value, yard. . 8-4 Tapestry Table Covers, two-tone red and green, fringed all around ; best patterns ; regular .1.85 value 1 1 c on sale for this exceptionally low price,. p I 1 J Custom Shade and Drapery work our specialty. ?9c 68c 500 PENDLETON INDIAN BLANKETS $3.19 EACH In the Blanket store, Third Floor, we place on sale an other great lot of Pendleton Indian Blankets, suitable for steamer rugs, couch covers, bath robes, etc.. 20 patterns, new colorings and designs; great special at only .$3.19 Genuine "Navajo" Rugs, mag nificent specimens in various sizes: our prices, about one half what you are asked to pay at curio stores. Sale of Trunks and Bass on 3d Floor Today's advertisement of Trunks and Bags is of great import ance to tourists and city friends who have traveling necessities to supply Styles the best, the offerings unusual Third Floor 32-inch canvas covered Trunk, covered top tray, heavy corners, two leather straps; a trunk that will stand hard service; regu- a lar $6.25 value on sale for this wonderfully low price 34-inch heavy canvas covered waterproof painted Trunk, gem corners, steel angle iron top and bottom, Excelsior lock, deep set-up and skeleton trays, full cloth lined ; regular $12.25 models on sale at A a saving you'll appreciate 9 36-incli leather-bound Trunk, waterproof painted, brass plated clamps, hardwood strips, best lock, full cloth lined skeleton tray a a aq and deen ton tray. 2 leather straps, regular $17 value P Hfm'vV 13-inch genuine alligator Club Bag, leather lined, Vienna handles, brass trimmings; regular $4.50 value at .u 16-inch cloth covered Suit Cases, $1.75 values for, each. . . Rattan Suit Cases, $1.75 vals. $1.25 ; $2.75 vals. $2.25 ; $3.75 vals. $3 Steamer Trunks, Skirt Trunks, Hat Trunks, etc. Third Floor. .$3.65 $1.25 New Fall Millinery Arriving by every express. The largest and best showing in the city. Every new, pretty effect in Turbans, Cowboy and Dress Felts. Natty styles for immediate wear. New peroxalinc braid turbans and hats in all colors. Keep your eye on our Millinery department for the latest in headgear. Our Fall and "Winter display will be second to none in the land. New Hats for Children. Art Dept. Specials, 3d Floor Lawn Bureau Scarfs with Doilies to match; regular 35e values on sale at this, exceptionally low price. 17c Mount Hood Pillow Tops of printed art ticking; regular 75c values to be closed out at this very low price, each. Special assortment of fancy Pillow Tops, front and back, plain stamped and tinted effects: regular 25cand 35c values.. 19 New Mexican Hand Drawn Work; new ideas in Pillow Tops; new hemstitched Linens, new Scarfs, Center Pieces and Doilies. Second Floor. IMpflr RlTpfllTlcr ew ?ck Ruchings, in chiffon, mous- ncift. Ruuing seline- de soiGj crepe and ,ace effects All the new styles in big variety and full assortment of colors. Sir Walter Raleigh Ruching in new effects and at all prices. Jewelry Specials Fancy mounted Comh Sets, hack and side combs in shell, gold mountings, set $1.33 Nickel case stem-wind and stem-set Watches, guaranteed, special at 98 "Crosses," gold filled, with fancy stone settings. .$1.29 Gold filled Purses and Hand Bags j beautiful new things in all sizes and patterns, at these low prices.. 75 to $15.00 Cuff Links, silver and gold filled, best styles, special 19 Sterling silver Thimbles. .19p Enameled Souvenir Pins at these low prices 15?, 25 Souvenir Spoons 25c to $3.50 ea. 15c Music Sale Special sale of all Exposition Music at a very low price "Lewis and Clark March," "Up and Down the Trail," "Where Rolls the Oregon," "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree," "Pioneer's March," "Shame on You," . "When the Sunset Turns the Oceans Blue to Gold," "Just for Fun," And many others, 15p copy. All popular Yocal and In strumental Music sold here at half publishers' prices. Mail orders promptly filled. Third Floor Dinner Set and Cut Glass Bargains in the Basement The big Basement store advertises for the coming week very special values inhigh-grade Dinner Sets, Cut Glass, Silverware and Bric-a-brac, useful and ornamentararticleTat jj prices that mean a saving of a third or more Every housewife should read this carefully 4-piece silver plated Tea Sets, $12.o0 val .$9.96 iL nn cllvm. nlntorl rVfYAn 11 l'jfi oivi 1'itiiv.u. uuuii; mm Childs Mugs, assorted sli .I tf Silver plated Butter Dishes ( Silver pi d Nut Bowls, French gray finish S4.13 i Cut glass Bowls, 8-inch, nrettv cut. 5 val.S3 98 Siver plated Bread Trays, $5.50 values. . .$4.56 I Cut glass Water Bottles, $7.50 values S5.98 60-piece Haviland China Dinner Set, blue forget-me-nots, decorated with gold edge; very (CO 1 CC neat; $32.50 value for this low price. . I OU $4S.OO 100-piece Set, same as above $37.50 Extra special in a 100-piece Haviland China Dinner Set, pink decorations; extraordi- CO 1 if nary value at this low price pl3U 60-piece German China Dinner Set, pink morning glory decoration, gold on knobs and qf handles; regular $17.50 value for v 100-piece Set, same as above, for $18.65 Cut glass Nappies with or without handles SI. 42 Sets, $17.50 val.$14.17 Cut glass Jelly or Bon Bon Dishes, $3 va..$2.38 tapes and sizes, ea. .78d Cut "lass Olive or Pickle Dishes. $5 value.. , $3.50 vals., ea.S2.79 Cut glass Flower Vases. 8-inch. $3 values. Bronze Candle Sticks, 6 inches high, $1.00 vals...78d Nickel Chafing Dishes, best burner, $9.50 value..$7.87 CLOISONNE WEAR HALF PRICE Our entire stock of Cloisonne Ware on sale all this week at one-half regular prices. 60-piece Haviland China Dinner, Set, purple and green decoration, reguar $33.50 set on sale OR A 1 for the exceptionally low price of r 'D I $47.00 100-piece Set, 'same as above $39.42 100-piece German Dinner Set, $24.75 value. . .$17.95 100-piece German Dinner Set, 4 designs $11.95 Double -Tipped Silk Gloves 42c Pair 1000 pairs of all pure silk 2-clasp Gloves, in red, green, mode, tan, navy and black; this season's very best styles and make; Afr all sizes; extra value at 50c a pair; sale price is trC Women's Wash Belts in Dresden patterns, good styles; y regular 35c and 50c values on sale for this low price iSfC Alligator leather Hand Bags, with coin purses, brown, tan, gray, blue and green, with gilt or nickel frame-; regular 65c value now 43c KODAK ALBUMS AT SPECIAL PRICES Burnt Leather Kodak Albums, very best styles 6x8 inches; regular 85c values for, each 65 7x11 inches; regular $1.35 values on sale for, each $1.10 10x12 inches: regular $2.00 values on safe for, each: $1.79 TOY SPECIALS Brass Boiler, American made steam engine $1.00 value 79 50c value 39d Hand Cars, strong iron frame; regular $5.00 model for $3.35 All Parasols Now Half-Price Our entire stock of Parasols for your choosing at half regular prices Best display in the city. Silks, chiffons pongees and nov elties in all the most desirable styles, values range from $2.25 up to $20.00 Not one Parasol in reserve Unrestricted choice from the entire stock Sale con tinues all the week Main Floor