The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 20, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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The Meier (& Frank Store
Women's Fancy Slippers and Low
Shoes, Our $1.50 to $5,00 Values,
Broken Lines at 98c a Pair, on Sale
Tomorrow from 8 to 12 A. M. Only
Tomorrow jnorning from
8 to 1 2 we will place on sale
500 pairs of women's fancy
Slippers and Low Shoes,
kid and patent leathers,
nearly all sizes, odds and
ends of different makes, val
ues ranging from $ 1 .50 to
$5 pair; choice at g Q
the low price of iOC
$3.50 Low Shoes
$2.22 Pajr
1000 pairs of women's Goodyear welt low Shoes, our best -$3.50
vajues in patent colt, lace Oxfords, patent kid Blucher Oxfords,
vici kid lace Oxfords, vici kid ribbon Oxfords, tan Blucher
Oxfords, tan ribbon Oxfords, all sizes and OO
widths; unequaled value at the low price of, pair.
Hair Top Couches $12.38 Each
50 of the best hair-top Couches, spring edge all around, 30 inches
wide by 6 feet long covered with muslin ; the very best plain
couch manufactured, and with every couch purchased we give a
handsome double-faced Oriental tapestry couch cover. New de
signs and colorings. The greatest bargain of its r l 5Q
kind we have ever offered; couch and cover for. . ."4 iwiJO
Elbow Length Silk Gloves 8?c Pr.
Special offering of 50 dozen wo
men's elbow length all pare silk
double-tipped Gloves in white,
champagne, reseda, pongee, car
dinal, and brownThe quality
and styles other stores ask $ 1 .25
pair for Choice Mon
day and Tuesday, pair
Mail Orders will be Filled
See the new Washable Glace Gloves, latest styles and shades;
every pair gauranteed perfecty satisfactory; pair $1.75
Women's Knit Underwear Bargains
"Women's fine ribbed lisle Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves,
ankle length, high neck and quarter sleeve, or low neck, no
sleeve, knee length, handfmished with silk, all sizes ; q e
regular $1.25 values for this sale at the low price of -73 C-
"Women's knee-length lisle Tights fine ribbed, pink, blue A
or black; great value at this special price C
Women's Richilieu ribbed lisle-thread Vests, low neck, no sleeve,
white, pink or blue: all sizes; reg. 35c values on sale for. .23
Q? 1 f&plf c Women's silk and leather Belts in all col-
q 1 GrJ OCA lb ors ana sjzeSj -with or without buckles;
me-K t every Belt in the lot regular
Z9C EetCil $1.25 value; your choice L VC
Women's Handbags, with coin purse and
card case; colors back, brown and tan; regular $1.25 and qj
$1.50 values, on sale for the low price of iC
Muslin Underwear
Maniifactiirers' Sale Still Continues
Women who have Lingerie needs to
supply will do well to investigate the
"V t t ft i t r. .
grano vaiues oiierea py me great
manufacturers' sale in progress here.
Corset Covers, Skirts, Gowns and
Drawers of the best styles and ma-
q glfiSggPB teriais marKeci at very tempting
i mrmtVV, I prices Second Floor
ijfnii LSi iMi a. -v r
i tMk corset trover oarsams
wezr ii?
Dainty Corset Covers, made of fine Cambric. Nainsonks and
Lawns, trimmed in fine Valenciennes laces, Torchon laces, clus
ters of fine tucks and insertions, headings and ribbons; blouse
fronts, plain and fancy backs; thousands of the prettiest styles at
saving prices. Mail orders promptly filled.
35c and 40c Corset Covers at the very low price of, each 27
50c, 60c 65c Corset Covers at the low price of, each 43
75c and 85c Corset Covers, wonderful values at, each S.'.xfo$
$1.00 Corset Covers reduced to $ .69
$ 1 .25 Corset Covers reduced to $ .89
$1.50, $1.75 Corset Covers reduced to. .$1718
$2.00, $2.25 Corset Covers reduced to $! .42
$2.50, $2.75 Corset Covers reduced to. $lT79
$3.00 Corset Covers reduced to $ H98
$5.00 Corset Covers reduced to $37! 2
White Petticoats Low Priced
Women's fine White Skirts, cambric and lawn body, separate
dust ruffle and fitted waistbands; full lengths and widths; made
with wide flounces, trimmed in very fine Valenciennes laces,
Torchon laces and fine embroideries ; clusters of tucks, insertions
and hemstitching; an, immense variety for your choosing. Some
of the big values. Mail orders promptly filled.
All Our $1.25 White Petticoats on sale for $ .89
$ 1 .50 and $ 1 .75 White Petticoats on sale for $ 1 .2 1
$2.00 and $2.25 White Petticoats on sale for $1.42
$25and$2.75 White Petticoats on sale for $1789
$3.00 and $"3.25 White Petticoats on sale forSTia
$3.50 and $3775 White Petticoats on sale for S2I33
$4.00 and $4.50 White Petticoats on sale for $2799
$5.50 and $6.00 White Petticoats on sale for $3.59
$6.50 and $7.50 White Petticoats on sale for $4.69
$8.00 and $8.50 White Petticoats on salelfor . ..$5.18
$10.00 Petticoats.... $6.98 $12.50 Petticoats.... S7722
The Meier Frank Store
Portland's Largest and Best Store
Exposition visitors are invited to make this store their headquarters Waiting room,
phones, parcels checked, information bureau, etc., for you to use as often as you please
Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty Best Materials and Workmanship
$3.50 Shirtwaist Suits $1.68 Ea.
$9.00 34-Length Coat Wash Suits $ 1.98
$2 LOO Alpaca Shirtwaist Suits $14.25
Women's Summer Apparel being cleaned
up regardless of cost or former selling
prices, and you may rely upon the abso
lute correctness of every style offered
You do injustice to yourself if you fail to
investigate the matchless array of bar
gains tomorrow in Portland's Leading
Cloak and Suit Store Second Floor
Women's alpaca Shirtwaist Suits, tucked and
full sleeve, plaited skirts, blue, black, brown,
red and green; styles that are desirable for
. Fall and Winter wear ; all sizes ; fiA or
every suit in the lot $14: value P 'OJ
Women's alpaca Shirtwaist Suits, fancy tucked
waist, full plaited skirt, black, blue, brown,
. tan and green; very desirable l A y ff
styles; regular $24: values, at..H 1
$9 Wash Suits for $1.98
Women's linen and crash Jacket Suits, tight
and half fitting, three-quarter length coats,
colors are green, blue, and brown, also fancy
mixtures; skirts, kilt effect, all sizes; every
suit in the lot regular $9.00 val- C j qo
ue, your choice tomorrow at r 1 -'O
Women's Shirtwaist Suits, very best styles in madras, percale and galateas, tucks and plaited
trimmed; skirts kilt effect or full flare; cojors black and white, tans, grays, bkies,
checks and polka dots,. all sizes; $3.50 values for extraordinarily low price of.
Clean-Up Sale of Wash Goods
Six Great Lots of New Wash Materials at Wonderfully Low Prices
5000 yards of cbtton Batistes, Dimities and Swisses, immense variety of patterns, all this season's
styles, the greatest waslugoods value of the season at the 7's1 vj
wonderfully low price of.' : dl. OC 1
2500 yards of white striped Lawns and Dimities, prettiest styles for c ff "Vl
waists and suits; extraordinary bargains at this low price Lil lUi
3000 yards of white mercerized waistings; this season's very best pat- A f. T1 21"
terns in great assortment; unequaled bargain at this low price xVJl V dl fir I v
100 white novelty Waist Tatterns embroidered effect in very desirable patterns, only 100 remem
ber, so come early if you want one. Regular $1.50 values on sale for, each 59
Cotton Etamines and Voile Suitings, in the very best styles ; 25c value at this low price 16
Cotton Homespun Suiting in great variety; regular ISc value for the low price of, yard 11
Women's $1.00, $1.25 Hosiery 59c Pr.
Ten lines of women's fine Hosiery to be cleaned
up tomorrow at a ridiculously low price Every
good style in plain and fancies is represented
Black lisles with embroidered fronts Dots and
flower designs Wine colored lisles and Russian Z
greys with silk embroidered clocks Fancy em
broidered fronts, drop-stitch hose Embroidered
black lisles Changeable silk and lisles Fancy
lisles in purple, plum and cardinal Allover lace
stripes, etc. , etc. All sizes Immense assortment
for your choosing Regular 75c,
SI. 00 and $1.25 values for, pair
Better plan to be here early if you want the best
Fall Plaid. Silks $1.00 Yd.
We arc showing a very attractive line of new plnld.
silks for -Fall waists and .suits. Indications point'
to a great plaid season; new shades, excep- ,
tional value these at, yard vpl.UU
Xew Polar Bear Cloth for evening wraps, mioses and
children's coats, etc., white only. 50 Inches wide.
yard 4.00 and $5.00
Now Fall Dress Goods, plain and tailored effects in
new weaves, now ready. Let us show you.
New Polka Dot materials lor waists; ail shades and
grades. See them In the Dress Goods Section.
Art Department Specials
Lithograph Pillow Tops, two pretty designs. ,
Regular 50c values for, each &1C
Linen Dresser or Sideboard Scurfs. 1Sx45 inches
fringed odge Great special value at this low -n
price, each jVC
"Baby" Pillows of flne white linen, stamped In 0
dainty patterns for embroidering S3C
Satin Cushion Tops rich coloring. Regular n
1.00 values on sale for .CJC
Carlson & Currier's famous Art Embroidery Silks
Complete stock of all shades and kinds.
The Great "August Linen Sale
ii, .Mi
Fringed Marseilles pattern white
Bedspreads; great values, each.
Very best pattern superior quality.
Bleached Hemmed Turkish Bath Tow
els ; 35c grades for this sale, each
"Rubdry" Bath Towels only towel worth a
name made of long fiber Egyptian cotton,
no lint, absorbs the water quickly,
3 sizes; each 25 to $1.00
The event of thp spa son for the economical hnnsekeenpr
ing of one-third and more lts not a day too early to antici
pate your Thanksgiving needs Sale continues through the
month Take advantage before it is too late
All our 90c grade of Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, very ?Q
best patterns, m great variety; sale price, yard
A11 or $1.25 grades of Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, (Q
V full 72 inches wide, new patterns ; sale price, yard V VIO
&A11 our $LoO grades of Bleached Satin Damask Table
Linen, 2 yards wide, superior quality and patterns, yd. . .M
$2.50 grades of Beached Satin Damask Napkins at, doz S2.1S
$3.50 grades of Bleached Satin Damask Napkins at, doz $2.6S
7oc grades of Hemstitched Damask Traycloths, each 62?
85c grades of Hemstitched Damask Teacloths, each 52
High-grade sets Satin Damask, Table Cloth
and one dozen Napkins to matchall nicely hem
stitched. Great special values at
$10.00 Table Sets on sale for. . . .$ 7.15
$12.50 Table Sets on sale for.... $ 9.20
$15.00 Table Sets on sale for.... $10.95
$20.00 Table Sets on sale for . $ 1 4. 1 0
Linen Hemstitched Huck Towels; our
best 25c value on sale for
The Meier Frank Store
Silk Waists Up to $25.00
On Sale for $4.95 Each
120 high-grade .Silk Waists comprise an extraordinary
bargain in the waist section for Monday shoppers Crepe
dechines, peaii de soies and taffetas.
Fancy yokes trimmed with lace and
tucks and hand-made yokes Also
tailored effects Colors are light
blue, navyt black, white and tan
About all sizes included in the lot
Waists that sell regularly from
$12.50 to $25 Your choice at the
phenomenally low A dfl K
price of, each.
Women's Outing Shirts Half Price
Our entire stock of women's Golfing and Outing Shirts in per
cales, French ginghams, Madras and damasks, tan, brown, navy,
and white, plain and ligured all sizes; values J
- from $1.75 up to $3.50; your choice at riC
Women's real pongee silk Outing Shirts, in champagne r
and light blue; $2.50 values for this low price P 1 0 J
"Women's silk Outing Shirts in white and black, all A
sizes ; regular $3.75 values on sale for P02
Women's Oxfords, linens and lawn Outing Shirts, AO
plain and fancy styles, all sizes ; values to $1.75 for O
40c Ribbons 1 5c Yard
Greatest ribbon bargain of the year
is announced for tomorrow 3000
yards broken lines of French Faille
ribbons in red, green, royal and
changeable colors Satin moussel
ine ribbons in champagne, red,
navy, copper, emerald, brown,
nile and fancy plaids Plain satin
taffetas 4 and 5 inches wide in
light blue, yellow, old rose, laven
der, cardinal, ma is, brown, reseda,
and copper All silk ribbons worth
25c, 30c, 35 c and 40c the yard C "J ' ffA
On sale at this very low price 1 I ill l
$4,50 Couch Covers $338 Each
100 heavy, double-faced tapestry Couch Covers, Oriental designs
and colorings, 60 inches wide by three yards long, fi? 70
best patterns and big variety; $4.50 values, each. .P3-30
300 Bagdad stripe Couch Covers, double-faced, best patterns and
colorings, 60 inches wide by three yards long ; great a-j CT
special values at the low price of, each r
Best quality wide wale Corduroys, all colors, for furniture cover
ing, portieres, pillow topsr etc. ; 27 inches wide ; regular o
60c quality on sale for the very low price of, yard Ou
3-fold oak Screens, filed with silkoline, separate rods tf OA
for shirring on; $2.50. values for this low price y7
Nickleware and Woodware at Very
Special Prices m the Basement
$1.10 nickel-plated Tea Kettles for the low price of, each 87$
1.25 nickel-plated Tea Kettles for the low price of, each . . .99
.90 nickel-plated Coffee Pots ,on sale for, each 73 (J
1.00 nickel-plated Coffee Pots, on sale for each 79p
1.10 nickel-plated Coffee Pots on sale for, each 89d
.90 nickel-plated Tea'Pots, on sale for, each 73J
1.00 nickel-plated Tea Pots, on sale for, each 79 ?
1.75 "farion Harland" Coffee Pots, on sale for, each $1.37
.85 nickel-plated Crumb Pan and Brush, set hi J
10c wood Towel Roller 7$
15c Clothes Hack, 5-bar..l2
15c Potato Slicer, for 12$
25c Knife and Fork Box, 2l
40c Wood Salt Box, for.. 32
10c "Wooden Spoons, for...8?
40c Washboards, for 32
Bargains in Kitchen Fur-nishings-of
every description.
18c Chopping Bowls 14d
15c Hat-racks, 7 pins 12p
12c Rattraps for, each 9p
5c Mousetraps for, each 4c
15c Rolling Pins for, each.l2?
5c Potato Mashers, for 4
7c Towel Racks for, each..5
Bargains in Fancy China.
$2.25 Laces for 69c Yard
Great special sale of white, cream
and ecru Yenise bands, appli
ques, and net-top Laces, very
best patterns ; values up to $2.25
yard, for this low price. . .69
Swiss and Cambric Embroideries,
5 to 12 inches wide, splendid
patterns in big variety; values
up to 65c the yard, on sale for
this low price, yard 25 C
Swiss and Cambric Corset Cover
Embroidery, best patterns; val
ues up to 65c the yard, on sale
for the low price of, yard. 25 $
Great sale of our entire stock of
Embroideries, Edgings and In
sertions, all crrades at creatlv reduced prices. Grand values.
Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Allover Embroideries for Waists,
yokes, etc.; values up to $2.00 a yard; on sale ior,
tomorrow only at this exceptionally low price, yard. . .
"Osterraoor" patent elastic felt Mattresses cah be bought
in Portland only at the Meier & Frank Store. "We have sold in
Portland and vicinity over 5000 of them, and we have yet to
hear one complaint. Complete stock; all sizes. Beware of im
itations. The genuine has the name "Ostermoor" on the bind
ing. Every one guaranteed. Third Floor.
August Blanket Sale in progress. "We can save you money on
Blankets if you buy this month. All grades included.