The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 13, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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The Meier Frank Store
Meier Frank Store Announces
Greatest Sale Muslin Underwear Ever Known in the Far West.
Just 35,000 Pieces, a Prominent Manufacturer's Entire Stock
Portland's Largest and Best Store
Principal Po rtland Agents for Bmterick Patterns and Pnbliotions; Delineator 15c
Custom Shade and Dra?ery Work Oar Specialty; Lowest Prices Are Guaranteed
Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order; New Moldings, Low Prices 2d Floor
Colored Shirtwaist Suits at Half-Price
White Organdy, Mull Dresses Half-Price
AH Colored Wash Skirts at Half-Price
Three great half-price saljes in Portland's leading cloak store tomorrow Summer
apparel of the best style to be cleaned up regard
4Sjy less of cost Money-saving opportunities that
JSmffif JV we expect will attract a great throng of buyers,
1 K) Here are values never before equaled
Valenciennes lace, embroidery and ruffle trimmed;
waists have fane' yokes and berthas; skirts flounced
and tucks; all desirable styles; big variety in all
sizes; regular values range from fj -f r)Ms
$9.00 up to $58.00 a dress Jiail-rriCe
6ur entire stock of "Women's Colored "Wash Skirts;
Ducks, Cotton Coverts, Galateas, Linens and Crashes;
this season's best styles in blue, brown, tan, black,
cadet blue, blue and white polka-dots, and black and
white polka-dots; very large assortment; regular
values range from $1.25 to $4.50 J, p
each; your choice now' at Flail"! IlCc
Entire stock of "Women's Colored Shirtwaist Suits,
Linens, Lawns, Batistes, Pongees. Crashes, Cham
brays and fancy mixtures; all this season's very best
styles; values ranging from $5 up U91f Dnio
to $14, you can buy for riall-rTlCc
All high-grade "White Linen Suits at low prices.
Bargains in Silk Shirtwaist Suits; all grades.
Special values in "Women's Tailored Suits.
Specials in picture Dept.
1000 Matted Pictures, square, oval and round
mats; many subjects; great spe- 1 A-.
ciai value at this price, each
14x17 Matted Pictures in colors with r
verses imprinted on the mat, each. . C
11x14 Posters of Indians and sport-
ive coons; red and green mats I'rC
Brass Toasts, 6x6 inches, special, ea. .12
New shipment of framed Pictures in all
sizes and subjects for dining-room, parlor,
den, library, etc. See them on Second Floor.
Women's Knit Underw'r
Women's white Cotton ribbed drop-stitch
Vests, low neck and no sleeves ; all q
sizes; best 25c values, for OC
Women's black ribbed lace-trimmed Um
brella Drawers, all sizes ;great A.f
special value for this sale at IOC
Women's Union Suits, low neck and no
sleeves, knee length, ecru only; -n'j.
greatest value ever offered at, suit. OC
Entire stock of "Women's Summer Under
wear on sale at greatly reduced prices.
3000 Lawn, Dotted Swiss Waists
Regular $ 1 .75 Values 98c Each
Another one of our famous Monday bargains in wo
men's Shirtwaists ready for 3000 buyersA great
purchase by the cloak chief from the best known
shirtwaist manufacturers In New York City They
were anxious to clean up Summer merchandise We
were anxious to clean up for them knowing the su
periority of their product over all others Lawns and
dotted Swiss materials, trimmed side pleats, French
knots or wide insertion, perfect fitting, very latest
cut and beautifully made up, all sizes Waists that we
sold 140 dozen of this Summer at $1.75 ea. There's
3000 of them, the grandest popular-priced
waist bargain of the Q ff ITI
year Your choice tomorrow at w AU
Clearance Sale of Dress Trimmings
White Brocaded Bands, embroidered in gold, -inch wide; narrow black spangled bands,
plain straight braids, fancy braids, black, blue, white, green, gray, pink, white and e
gold braids; great odd lots; marvelous values for this clean-up sale at, yard OC.
Wide Black Brands, suitable for suits, in patterns to separate black crochet r q
bands; two inches wide; great values at this low price, yard 0"C
Odds and ends of narrow Braids, all colors, on sale at the low price of, yard V. lc
Persian Medallions and Bands and Chiffon Appliques, reseda green, brown white, -
blue, black, also plain and fancy Black SilK Braids.; great special values at, yard.
Persian Bands on Silk, -inch wide, Dresden Braids, creaim3rilliant Silk Braids, 1 i
inch wide; plain and fancy Black Silk Trimmings, etc.; great value; yard 1 C
Women's 65c Hosiery 25c
rwA x -
pS-A 1500 pairs of Women's Plain Black, Tan and Fancy Hos-
,M-iery comprise a very important sale for Mondav and
ir Wrjr- . .
&r Tuesday Allover lace, lace boot, embroidered and fancy
liJKtY r j w.wj uiv! tywwu t ,n.i ii tuu colorings in
AlfltLmfy f "ulut:it, e variety itw m.u sizes Hosiery you are accus
ifflWim&k tomed to paying 50c and 65c a pair for Buy oil you want
low price ux m a
Great August Blanket Sale
10- 4 all-wool gray Oregon Blankets, full size and j y er C
weight, the best $3 values, for this sale, pair.. V
.10-4 all-wool gray Oregon Bankets, extra heavy, g
$4.25 value, for this remarkably low price. . . v
11- 4 all-wool gray Oregon Blankets, $5 value, pair. .$4.23
6-lb. all-wool Mottled Blankets, extra heavy, LT
$5.50 value, on" sale for this low price, pair. ..Hr.Oc
$5 white wool Blankets, 10-4 size, great value, pair. .$4.27
$6 white wool Blankets, 11-4 size, great value, pair. .$5.21
$7 white wool Blankets, 11-4, extra heavy, pair $6.03
1000 copies of the famous
White House Cook Book,
a household necessity; the
best published; special at,
each 79
500 copies of "4udrey," to
be played by the Belasco
Co. this week; $1.50 edi
tion, oh sale, copy. ..50
"Beautiful Joe" and "Dicky
Downey," copy 25
Standard American Speaker
and Entertainer 69
All Magazines, lowest prices. m
35,000 Pieces of fine Lingerie make up the greatest muslin underwear sale ever inaugurated any Portland store Entire
inventory stock and drummers' samples of Skirts, Corset Covers, Drawers, Nightgowns of one of the largest and best man
ufacturers in the land The scope of this underwear sale runs from the cheapest good pieces to the finest sorts that respond
only to the call of the long purse Muslin Underwear of quality and style, made under the most sanitary conditions There's
no skimping of material W trimmings Thousands of bargains await the shrewd buyer Sale commences at promptly 8 oclock
tomorrow morning and continues until every piece is sold Extra salespeople and increased service Prompt attention given all
Thousands of Corset Covers Reduced
Dainty Corset Covers made of fine Cambric, Nainsooks and Lawns
trimmed in fine Valenciennes laces, Torchon laces, clusters of fine
tucks and insertions, headings and ribbons; blouse fronts plain and
fancy backs; thousands of the prettiest styles at saving prices
35c and 40c Corset Covers at the very low price of, each 27c
50c, 60c, 65c Corset Covers at the low price of, each 43c
75c and 85c Corset Covers, wonderful values at, each 59c
$ 1 .00. Corset Covers reduced to, $ .69
$1.25 Corset Covers reduced to, $ .89
$ 1 .50, $ 1 .75 Corset Covers now $1.18
$2.00, $2.25 Corset Covers now $1.42
$2.50, $2.75 Corset Covers now $1.79
$3.00 Corset Covers reduced to $1.98 v .
$3.50, $4.00 Corset Covers now $2.63
.$5.00 Corset Covers reduced to $3.12
Women's Nightgowns Great Values
"Women's fine Gowns, made of Cambrics, Nainsooks and Muslins,
trimmed in fine Valenciennes laces, Torchon laces, Swiss and Nain
sook embroideries, blind and open-work effects ; clusters of tucks and
insertions, beading and ribbons with low, round and square necks,
high and V-shaped necks; yoke, Bishop and Empire styles; full
width and lengths. Here are some great special values at
75c-85c Gowns, each 59 $2.60-$2.75 Gowns, each. ..S1.69
$3.G0-$3.50 Gowns, each...S2.18
$3.75-$4.00 Gowns, each...S2.42
$4.50-$5.00 Gowns, each... $3.52
$6.00-$6.50 Gowns, each... $4.18
Mail orders will be carefully filled in every instance. An unusual
opportunity for our- out-of-town friends to share in wonderful values.
$1 Night Gowns, each 76 $
$1.25 Night Gowns, each... 87 i
?1.50-$1.75 Gowns, each. $1.19
$2.00-$2.25 Gowns, each. $1.39
Women's White Petticoat Bargains
"Women's fine White Skirts, Cambric and Lawn body, separate
dust ruffle and fitted waistbands ; full lengths and widths ; made with
wide flounces, trimmed in very fine Valenciennes laces, Torchon laoes
and fine embroideries; clusters of tucks, insertions and hemstitch
ing; an immense variety for your choosing. Few of the big values
All Our i $1.25 White Petticoats on sale for $ .89
$1.50, $1.75 White Petticoats on sale for $1.21
$2.00, -$2;25 White jfetticoats on sale for $ 1.42
$2.50, $2.75 White Petticoats on sale for $1.89
$3.00, $3: 2,5 White Petticoats on sale for $2.18
$3.50, $3.75 White Petticoats on sale for $2.33
$4.00, $4.50 White Petticoats on sale for $2.99
$5.50, $6.00 White Petticoats on sale for $3.59
$6.50, $7.5Q White Petticoats on sale for $4.69
$8.00 $8.50 White Petticoats on sale for $5.18
$.10 Petticoats $6.98 $12.50 Petticoats $7.22
Values up to $35.00 all at wonderfully low prices
"Women's fine Cambric, Nainsook and Muslin Drawers, Val. la?e
trimmed, Torchon lace trimmed, fine Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric
embroidery trimmed; blind and open-work effects, beading, ribbons.
35c-40c Drawers, pair 22c $1.25 Drawers, pair 89c
60c-65c Drawers, pair 43c $1-50 Drawers, pair S1.18
75c-85c Drawers, pair 57 $1.7J5-$2.00 Drawers, pr ..$1.49
You can buy $2.60-$2.25 Drawers for $1.89 a pair.
Drawers worth up to $7.50 pair on sale at very low prices.
Included in the Muslin Underwear Sale will be found a great
number .of high-grade Petticoats with hand-embroidered flounce; mag
nificent styles ; pink and blue Silk Petticoats with Lawn and lace trim
med flounces; values up to $50.00 each, will be sold at about one-half
their real values. ,
High-grade Gowns and Corset Covers at very low prices.
I5-Cent Sale of
Sheet Music
Popular Music, for which the pub
lishers ask 50c a copy, you can
buyhere Monday at 15 copy.
A few of them are : "Lewis and
Clark Exposition March,'"
"Just for Fun," ""I'm Trying
So Hard to Forget You'
"Where Rolls the Oregon,"
"Pioneers' March," "Forestry
March," "In the Shade of the
Old Apple Tree," "Blue Bell"
and many others;
choice, per copy Uw
Mail orders promptly filled.
$1.25 Belts 79c
Silk and Leather Belts, with or
without buckles; colors are
"TSlack, blue, brown, tan and
green; Silk and Satm Girdles;
regular' $1.00-$1.2o
values, for
Furniture manufacturers ' " rem
nants of Tapestry, Velours and
Damasks; pieces 24 inches
square; beautiful patterns and
colorings; two great lots as fol
lows: Vals. to $2.50 Yd., 33c Piece
Vol, to $4.00 Yd., 68c Piece
Great special values in Lace,
Net andCross-Stripe Madras Cur
tains. Third Floor.
Custom Shade and Drapery
"Work our specialty; best mater
ials and workmanship; very low
est prices guaranteed; 3d floorx
Women's $2.50 to $5 Oxfords 99c Pr.
Special Values in
All Lines of
Children's Shoes
Great Summer clean-uple in the Shoe section Lot
one comprises 400 pairs of women's vici kid and pat
ent leather Oxfords heavy and light soles broken
lines of prominent makes not all sizes remember, bnt
those who are fortunate enough to find a pair to fit
get the greatest Shoe bargain ever known values
range from $2.50 to $5 pair they won't QQ
last long at this price; yonr choice -Fi
$3.00 Oxfords $1.72 per Pair
1000 pairs of Women's Low Shoes, patent colt Oxfords,
heavy sole, all sizes; patent colt Blucher Oxfords, light
soles, all sizes; vici kid Blucher Oxfords, light soles, all
sizes; brown vici kid Blucher Oxfords, all sizes; tan
Kussia calf Oxfords, heavy soles, all sizes ; fl?
best models; Johnson Bros.' 1905 product, pr. . r &
Women 's tan Lace Shoes in Kussia ea"lf and brown kid, welt
sole, all sizes; Shoes of equal grade cost you $3.50 pair
at other stores; your choice Monday, Tues- 1 O
day and "Wednesday at this low price, pair. .. P O
J. & T. Cousnis' Eussia calf Lace Shoes for "Women ; all new
goods; regular $3.50 and $4.00 values, for, pair. .$2.85
Bargains in the Basement
Silver-plated Fern Dishes, medium size, $3.00 value, for $2.43
Silver-plated Nut Bowls, regular $7.50 value, for this price. . .6.13
Silver-plated Butter Dishes, regular $4.00 values, for $3.24
Silver-plated Cake Baskets, regular $2.00 values, for 1.59
Silver-plated four-piece Tea Sets, regular $8.50 values 6.98
18-inch nickel-plated Towel Bars, for this low price, each 42
Metal Towel Racks, these are great value at this low price, each. .12$
Patent Toilet Paper Holders, grand special value at 12 J
Nickel-plated Tooth Brush Holders, each 12
The "Sternau" Goffee Machines, 2-pint size; great flf Cffc
special value for thissale Jv
Nickel-plated 5 o'clock Teas, on wrought-iron stand, (f
great special value at.... '. pUw
Salt and Pepper Shakers, sterling tops, each 25
8-qt. Tin Sprinklers, each.. 32
Patent Sink Strainers, each.l6
Paraffin "Wax, package. ... .12
Combination Sieve, each 12
Tin' Graters for, each 5
17-qt. Tin Dish Pans ,.32p.
Patent Eggbeaters, each 12
Fruit or Jelly Press 19
40c Handk'fs. 25c
"Women's fine Swiss embroidered
Handkerchiefs, hemstitched
and scalloped edges; big vari
ety of new patterns ; regular 35c
and 40c values, on sale C
for this low price. . . . .C
Tuxedo Mesh Veiling, plain and
dotted effects in gray and black,
regular 25c value, on sale Q
at this low price, yard
Ready-made Chiffon Yeils, l1
yard lengths, with striped bor
ders, 50c values, each 29?
Ready-made Lace Drapes, all
colors "and dotted borders, 75c
values, for T 29
Pouch Money-Bags, with Port
land, 1905, burnt on one side;
great special value at 29