2fc TIIRj SUNDAY . QltEG OJ-LdL&1 JlORTBAtD, AUGUST ; iG, : .1905'. .. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. LADY WHO HAS HAD SEVERAL YEARS experience In drug business, would like pu liation In drug: sundry or other department. Y 41. Oregonlan. CURTAIN CLEANING; NEW PROCESS; work returned In one day; fancy work a specialty; prices right. 464 Glt-an. Phone Main 6106. First-class laundress wants day work or sweeping and dusting. Address 872 Park. Phone Main 2616. colored lady wishes situation. chambermaid, second girl or cook. In small family. 631 Hood st. "WANTED BY EXPERIENCED WOMAN, work by day or half day. X 34, Oregonlan. WANTED CHILD TO BOARD; LOVELY home; terms reasonable Phone Union 0084. YOUNG LADY WISHES WORK IN OFFICE or Ice creaem parlor. Q 45, Oregonlan. WANTED WASHING AND HOUSECLEAN Ing. Phono Hood 143. Room 12. COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN WILL DO day work. Phone Main 2603. WANTED AGENTS. GENERAL AGENT TO HANDLE PEER less envelope, stamp and labol molstener In Oregon. Quick seller; used In every of fice, mailing-room, etc.; can make good money; retails for $1. Send for sample and terms. Good enow for a live man. W. B. Curtis & Co.. 017 Mission st,. Sail Francisco, Cal. LADIES WANTED TO CANVASS FOR THE Edwards Skirt Supporter; 1 supporter .fas tens all vhirtwaists to skirt for 6 Inches across back, without teeth, points, or pin; agents guaranteed protection by our pat ents; free terms. Edwards Skirt Supporter Co., Strathy bldg., Toronto. Canada. SALESMEN WANTED: NEW PROPOSI tlon; commission and premium; outfit free; good territory open; cash advanced on orders each week; write quick and send reference with application. Address Washington Nurs ery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. AGENTS TO SELL SELF-LIGHTING GAS mantles; requires no match or bypass; fits any burner; big profit; sells Itself; unlim ited demand. Send 25c for sample, or stamp for particulars; no fake. Matchless Gas Mantle Co.. Detroit, Mich. WANTED AGENTS. WRITE LIFE, health and accident insurance. Top con tract, exclusive territory, salary and com mission; experience unnecessary; $75 week ly easily made. Oscar Ekman, 1706 Sum mit ave.. Seattle, Wash. WANTED AGENT, EITHER SEX, IN each town, to sell high-grade shirtwaist materials and ladies' suitings by yard. Our goods are novelties and quick sellers. Write us. Direct Cloth Co., 2023 Olive at., St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS CAN MAKE $10 PER DAY SELL lng our "Mendnrip" to farmers; It sews. It rivets. We have the "bull by the horns." We manufacture them. Send stamp for catalogue. B. Foote Co., Los Angeles, CaL AGENTS STOP CHASING RAINBOWS AND send 25c for the biggest money-maker of today; $50 positively made every week; write quick. Manhattan Advertising Co., Box 230. M. S. Branch, New York City. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR SUPE rler, high-grade nursery Eiock new and com plete outfit furnished free; each weekly: write today for choice of territory. Address Capital City Nursey Company, Salem. Or. AGENTS WANTEL TO SELL OUR HIGH grade nursery block. Choice territory In Or egon, Washington and Idaho. Cash ad vanced weekly; outfit free. Write at once for terms. Oilco Nursery Co.. Chlco, CaL AGENTS. EVERYWHERE. $10 MADE dally selling an article without opposition; every woman buys at sight; 1XL self wringing mop and wrub brush. Thomas, 2S8 Hudson St.. New York. PICTURE AGENTS LARGE 24X28-INCH framed wall pictures; cost 30c complete, sell for 9Sc easy; 1S5 subjects; credit giv en. Inclose stamp for catalogue. Picture Co., Wayne. 111. AGENTS MAKE $3 TO $10 A DAY FITTING glasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye book tells how; write today. Jacksonlan Optical Collect;. College place. Jackson. Michigan. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO INTRO duce and mil self-lighting gas lamps; doea away with matches and gas lighters; sells on sight. 60S Washington, cor. lOtli. WANTED SOLICITOR CAPABLE OF taking charge of agencies for large bond and real estate corporation. Index, 907 Kohl bldg.. San Francisco. 10 LADY OR GENTLEMEN AGENTS. PORT land and t-uburbs; article used in every fam ily; good seller, big profit. Apply room 308 Allsky bldg. AGENTS AND STREET MEN WE MAKE useful souvenir. 2c, sells for 10c; samples, tic. R S. Gieon &. Co., 375 Wells Chi cago, 111. AGENTS WANTED MALE OR FEMALE, TO sell high-grade flavoring extracts; $2 per day for two order) per hour. 314 6th st. WANTED ENERGETIC MAN TO ORGAN lze soap crew. $100 weekly easily earned. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Write any time. Metallic Sign Letter Co., 02 N. Clnrk st.. Chicago. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. $3 TO $10 dally. See Alien mornings, 107 Sherlock ldg. LADY AGENT SOMETHING .NEW. OOOD teller, big wages. 215 Commercial bile WANTED TO BENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO tl elr advantage to list their vacant houses or flats with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has become a recognized institution in Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed In suitable quarters. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service by calling at our rental department, filling in our informa tion blank; leave the rest to us; we will secure a desirable tenant; wo want houses in all parts of city and suburbs; if you have a vacant house, flat or apartment, phone the particulars. We won't allow it io remain long Idle. , H. E EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHER. Rental Department. 185 to 1U1 1st fit. WANTED TO RENT. BY EXPERIENCED hotel man, a first-class hotel In a good, growing country' town, or will accept posi tion as manager; best of references. Ad dreta George Ogden Miller, 340 6th St., Port land. Or. WANTED BY AUGUST 15, TWO OR THREE unfurnished rooms with privilege of bath and board for two; muet be. on West Side; state price and location to permanent ten ants. R 43, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT OR LEASH; LARGE house, 10-15 rooms, in secluded suburb, near car line; must have modern Improvements, West Side preferred. Phone East 2118. WANTED A NICE 5 OR 6-ROOM FUR nlshcd apartment, conveniently located. West Side; best of references given; give phone number. T 42, Oregonlan. "WANTED 2 YOUNG EASTERN LADIES would like board and room In private family, near Morrison bet. 6th and 14th sts.; tstate price. Address D 41. Oregonlan. ONE DOUBLE AND ONE SINGLE ROOM, private family, wanted for few days about August 15 to 24. Address W. H. H., 2613 Sutter St.. San Francisco. WANT TO RENT 25 TO TJ5 "ROOMS; "WEST Side preferred, by December or January 1; must be low rent. Kasson Smith, 291 E. Morrison. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, PERMANENT ly, first-class board and room; private fam ily preferred; give full particulars. G 42, Oregonlan. WANTED THREE OR FOUR HOUSEKEEF lng rooms, must be centrally located. Ad dress, stating price, G 27, care Oregonlan. WANTED A FURNISHED ROOM OR TWO fitted for light housekeeping; modern; West Side; state price. B 45, Oregonlan. WANTED SCHOOL BOY WISHES ROOM and board In private family, with home in fluences; close in. H 30, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT BY SEPTEMBER L suburban house with grounds, stable, etc., near car line. X 41. Oregonlan. WANTED FURNI SHED COTTAGE ATSEA side tor one month, after August 15. Address with price, 35 E. 11th No. WANTED TO RENT A FURNISHED HOUSE of 6 rooms or over; good location. D 43, Oregonlan. FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED FOR FAIR period. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. 165 3d st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED FOUR-BURNER GAS RANGE and water-heaten E 43, Oregonlan. WE PAY $30.00 FORMONARCH RANGES. H..E. Edwards. 165-191 1st st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BOYS all kinds of furniture, new or old, at 211 1st vu Phone Main 5655. WANTED PEOPLE TO RAISE MUSH rooms, good income, experience unneces sary. We buy them back on contract. English & French Mushroom Spawn Co., Dept. 7. 176 S. Water st-, Chicago. WANTED WELL-FURNISHED ROOMING house of 10 or 12 room. In residence port of city; must be bargain. Address, stating lowest prloe. C 44. Oregonlan. ABOUT 2-H.-P. GASOLINE ENGINE. VA ter pump-and tank; all or separate Address Woerndle-Custer Mercantile Co.. Frances, Wash. AT ONCE HORSE WITH BUGGY AND harness; must be bargain; monthly pay ments. Phone Main 4S1W after 1:30 P. M- WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the 'Fair Deal," 02 N. 3d. Phone Hood 317. iK 'iO WANTED ON RIVER BANKS at once. Write particulars and price; must be low. Kenyon. 388 let st., Portland. WANTED 2 BENCHES. 6 OR S FEET LONG .with backs; porch bench settees preferred. Phone Hansen. Main 1526. Monday. WANTED DOG OVER 6 MONTHS OLD AND 22-callber rifle; state price and full particu lars. Q 42, Oregonlan. 20 TEAMS WANTED FOR WORK IN CVTX'r wages $5 00 iV'r day. Apply SI East 11th St., or phone Union 78. WANTED LADY'S WHEEL IN OOOD CON dltlon. cheap for cash. Address Y 45, care Oregonlan. WILL PAY 35 CENTS PER SHARE CAS cadla stock. Hew much have you. H 41, Or egonlan. WANTED TO BU Y ROLL-TOP DESK. Room 12, 253 Washington, or phone. Main 6580. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 233. WANTED-CART FOR SHETLAND PONY; state price. J 30. Oregonlan. ARMY SADDLE. IN GOOD CONDITION. C J. Kennedy. 874 Thunman st. FOR KENT. Rooms. LARGE PARLOR WITH BALCONY. CLEAN and central; also back parlor. $1 per day; rates by month cheaper. Phone Main S04. HOTEL VAN NOY. 82 d AND PINE Brick building, modern, nicely furnished; rooms 25c, 50c. 75c end $1, with bath. FURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE RE5I dence, on car line; convenient and- reason able. 454 Columbia St., corner 19th. LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM. PRI vatc family; reasonable; board if desired. 66 Johnson st. Phone Pacific 22. BEFORE RENTING A ROOM JUST COME see the furnished rooms at $.59 per week, nice rooms. 401 Gflsan, cor. 14th. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR FAIR VISITORS, nlrely furnished room, central, modern; .S and .75. 168 Park, near Morriron. FOR RENT 4 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS en one floor; gentlemen preferred; fine loca tion. West Slae Phone West 48. THE ALDER, 435 ALDER NICELY FUR ntehed rooms, convenient and quiet; bain, fife phone; reasonable rates. LARGE AND SMALL ROOMS. REASONA hie. for Fair vlitore; three blocks south Hotel Portland. 241 6th sC FOR ROOMS JUG HT IN THE CENTRAL part of the city call at IKS and 105 7th, cor. Taylor. Phone Clay 1712. 215 11TH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT alcove suite, with private family. N. W. edr. 11th and Salmon. ONE BEDROOM AND PARLOR. ONE OR two beds, cool and pleasant, $31 per week. Near car. 428 18th. 4 FURNISHED BEDROOMS. NEAR M .CAR. 10 blocks from Fair ground. Phone West 872. 069 Northrup. RYAN HOUSE. 200 STH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, en fUe or single. Opposite City Hall; transient. COOL. WELL-VENTILATED ROOMS, clean, nicely furnished; J 1.5 and $2 week. 40S Hoyt ft.. S car. FURNISHED ROOM. GAS. X BLOCKS FROM Portland Hotel. In private family; reason able. 8SS Taylor. NEWLY FURNISHED DOUBLE PARLORS or one front room; nice and eloan; reason able. 321 13th st. PERMANENT. NICELY FURNISHED front room. lower floor; phone and bath. Call West 1742. LARGE. AIRY FRONT ROOM. STATION ary washstand, bath and phone. 067 Irv ing st., M car. 305 SALMON. CORNER 10TH FURNISHED rooms, transient or permanent; best part of city; reasonable. FURNISHED ROOMS. PERMANENT OR transient; very reasonable; bath and phone. 214 N. 16th st. 549 HOYT ST.. NEAR 16TH ST. SEVERAL furnished rooms, direct to Fair; everything new, modern. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR, suitable for one or two; gas, bath, etc; $10. 211 Sherman. NICELY" FURNISHED ROOMS BY THE DAY or week, reasonable. DB2 Salmon. Phone Main 3051. A NICE ALCOVE ROOM. WITH EVERY convenience, for gentleman; reasonable. 395 Taylor L w NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. $S per month; all conveniences. Call at 754 E. Main sU 2S2 PARK ST. FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, single or en suite; modern conve niences. WILLAMETTE. 144 6TH. HALF BLOCK from Hotel Portland Rooms, $2.50 to $5 ier week. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. GAS. BATH, on car line. Exposition. 3S8 3d sL Main 5549. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY OR week; prices reasonable. 1SS Park. Phone 404L TWO FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS: ALSO one single room for housekeeping. 75 N. 9th. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS: REASON able rates. 129 Grand ave.. nr. E. Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR rent by day, week or month. Call 2S1 Uth st. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR ONE OR two; $2 per week. 68 East 7th. near Stark NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. $3.00 WEEK. 75c day. The Newcastle. 3d and Harrison. 347 "MARKET ST.. BET. 7TH AND PARK Large, cool front room, quite reasonable. ROOMS SINGLE AND EN SUITE FOR rent cheap at 28S!i 3d st. cor. Columbia. DESIRABLE ROOMS. BATH. GAS AND phone, to permanent people. 785 Irving et. NEATLY FURNISHED OUTSIDE ROOMS AT $2.00 and up per week at 111 N. 7th ft. ROOM FOR MORE AT $&50 PER WEEK. 602 Clay, near 15th. Phone Main 5009. FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED ROOMS. $10 per month, permanent. SS Overton sc. 414 JEFFERSON ST. NEW HOUSE. NEW furnishings; modern, reasonable rates. ROOMS FOR 4 IN PRIVATE FAMILY; PER manent; bath, gas, etc. 254 lth. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT electric lights. 497 Columbia st. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 41 EAST 8th st. North, corner Couoh . NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, 33 BLOCKS from the Fair. 290 N. 20th. UPPER STORY OF 5 NICELY FURNISHED rooms. Inquire at 571 3th rt. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS Joy st. Phone 3759 Main. 78 "LOVE- VERY NICE ROOMS IN MODBRN HOUSE, reasonable. 804 Park st. ' A NICE FRONT ROOM. CHEAP RENT. 409 E. Washington st. FURNISHED ROOMS. PRICES REASONA- NICE FRONT ROOM FOR RENT REASON able. 228. 11th rt. S. rrojNISHED FRONT ROOM AND ALCOVE. 163 Park. FOB KENT. Rooms. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; strictly fireproof and mod ern; rates reasonable; electric lights and bells, steam heat and elevator, electric cars direct to Fair grounds pass the doer; ele gant cafe and bar in connection. Cor. 6th and Washington. Phone Main 3311. F. Lange Prop. Sam Baumann, Mgr. THE AUDITORIUM. 20S 3D. BET. TAYLOR and Salmon. 1 block south Baker Theater Elegant, newly furnished brick building, hot and eoW running water In rooms, free baths, rooms with private bath, electric light, ele vator; rooms suitable for two. $1 day, $( week up; tourists solicited. THE PHILADELPHIA. First-class in all Its appointments, hot and ootd water in rooms, baths free to guests; central location, facing Plaxa. Phono Mala 202S. J. E. Mlnard Black. Prop. COR. THIRD AND SALMON. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Large.beautlful outside rooms, elegantly furnished; will accommodate parties of 3 or 4 at 59 cents apiece; hot baths free. Call at the Cosy. 193 and-lflS 7th st.. one block from the Portland Hotel. VISITORS. Elegantly furnUhed front room for two gentlemen, or man and wife; very central; block from 2 car lines to Fair. 69 Couch, bet. ISth and 19th. Fbone Front 671. THE GARLAND, 621 Washington st-. between 19th and 20th; new. modern, all outside rooms: elec tric lights, phone, free bahi; 50c 73c. per day; restaurant in building. HOTEL OXFORD (EUROPEAN). 6TH AND Oak New brick building. , all modern con veniences, private bath suites, restaurant and bar In connection, bell service; rates reasonable. Phone Main SS. 212 TTH ST, COR. SALMON NICE LARGE airy rooms, beautiful trees, only 2 blocks from Portland Hotel. Postoffice and the aters: tourist trade solicited; prices reason able. Phone Main 2239 WANTED-PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT roomers at "The Roycrest 175 12th st.. cor. Yamhill New house, elegantly fur nished, hot and cold water In rooms, free baths; best of service. BEAUTIFULLY AiJRNISHBD ROOMS; phone, electric light and bath, $3 per week and up; transient rooms. 75c per day and up. Hotel New Belmont. 193 1st su Mro. L. Zlnsley. prop. DESIRABLE ROOMS. EN SUITE. SINGLE, -beautiful residence district; prices reason able; not "Fair prices;" modern conveniences. C31 Northrup st. Phone Main 223. THE HAMANN. Quiet, newly furnished rooms. 1 block from ear line; reasonable; special rate for parties. 135 N. 18th st. Phone Main 1400. UNITED STATES HOTEL. TH. ANKENY and Burnside sts.. fronting on 3 streets; most central location in city; all outside rooms; 50c, 75c and $1 per day. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN NEWLY completed flat; electric lights, bath, very central, and reasonable to desirable people. 26 N. lutn. near Washington. RKAUTIFUL ROOMS IN FINK PRIVATE " home; close in; convenient to all theaters and business section; references. 181 14th st. Phone Main 201 S. FOR RENT REASONABLE, A SUITE OF rooms, new house, new furniture, hot and com water in each room; bath and phone free 1W7 14tb st. TWO FINE LARGE ROOMS. UNFURNISH ed. with hot and coM water, phone and bath; walking distance. Call 5C9 Mill st. Phone Main 4449. FOR GENTLEMEN NEW HOUSE. MODERN conveniences, newly furnished, near two ear lines; private family; reasonable. 361 Erst lWh Ft. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. NEAR FAIR grounds. Mineral Spring Hotel. 34 N. 26th, cor. Sevier. M or S cam direct from De-tot, FAIR VISITORS WILL FIND ELEGANT rooms, with bath and use of parlors. 534 Morrison, cor. 17th. Take Morxtson-st. car. THE BELMONT ROOMING-HOUSE-204 '4th st., bet. Taylor and Salmon; new and modern; prices reasonable. Phone Hood 1783. VERY PLEASANT ROOMS FOR AUGUST and September. Ideal place on river bank; close in; cars at door. Phone Union S24. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT; VERY reasonable; fine location: two minutes' walk from center of city. 243 Ash st. Room 0. FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT BED r&ora on ground floor, with one or two beds. 13S E. 6th. bet. Morrison and Alder. LARGE. CLEAN. FURNISHED ROOM FOR Fair visitor; suitable for two or three; rea sonable. 445 5th st. Phone Main 4180. THE HEILER, 280 GRAND AVE. TRAN slent rooms and t-ultcs. at oM rates; no ad vance for Fair! Modern conveniences. VISITORS WILL FIND NICELY FUR nlehed roams at 534 Mill st.: private family; rates reasonable. Phone Main 1178. NEWLY FURNISHED BAY-WINDOW front room, first floor; use of phone and bath; rent reasonable. 3JW 0th st. FURNISHED ROOM. MODERN. WITH connecting bath; reasonable; near Belasco Theater. 54 N. 15th. cor. Davis. SMALL, NEAT BEDROOM. $S PER MONTH; with use of large kitchen, jfree gas and water. $18. 19S N. 15th st. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED 'front room; hot and cold water: first floor; $50c per day. 39 Hotladay. TWO ROOMS IN -A PRIVATE HOME. BATH, sas and phone. 432 Jefferson, between 11th and 12th. Phone Main 4739. FRONT SUITE. WELL FURNISHED. BATH, phone; 3 blocks Hotel Portland; transient or permanent. 246 7th. WANTED" KRMANBNT ROOMERS; ROOMS newly furn.?bed; rates reasonable. The Col orado. 244 Montgomery. FOR RENT FLEASANT FRONT ROOM IN private family; 6 blocks from Oregonlan bldg. Phone Main C062. PRIVATE FAMILY HAS FURNISHED room, bath, 787 Lovejoy; walking distance Fair; take 23d-st. cor. NICE NEWLY-FURNISHBD ROOMS 25C per night; one block from car. 10 minutes ride. 180 E. Silb ct. LARGE FRONT ROOM. VERY PLEASANT, nicely furnished; also smaller room; walking distance. 331 14 th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN A CON venlent district, for rent; rates reasonable. Apply 30S 10th st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN SUITES; use of phone, bath and gas; en car line; rea sonable. 213 13th. THE SANTA CLARA. 295 10TH-NICELY furnished rooms, transient or permanent. Phone Main 3662. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS TO FAIR VISITORS, walking distance. modern conveniences. Phone Main C54S. FURNISHED ROOMS. 50C. 75C. $1.00 PER day. 331 Gllsan t.. 3 Mocks from depot. Ptone Main 5SS2. IRV1NGTON 1 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM In private family; everything modem. 449 E. 12th st. N. FOR RENT LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, private family; near cor line. 208 10th. near Taylor st. TWO ROOMS TO RENT: SUITABLE FOR offices er lodging; over P. O. L McColI. Gresham, Or. 3 LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH bath. 569 Irving, between 17th and 18th; $3 jer week DOWNSTAIRS FRONT ROOM. NEWLY FUR nUhed. close In, private family, reasonable. 405 4th Ft. 3 MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS WITH piano eheap to adults. ZAU E. Pine. Phone E. 1000. LARGE FRONT ROOMS; BATH. GAS. phone; reasonable; board If dtelred. 393 12th st. MONASTES. COR. 1ST AND JEFFERSON Housekeeping. $3.50 and up; transient, 25c S0cj-$1. LARGE ALCOVE ROOM; PHONE BATH: will accommodate four; $2 a week 525 Clay. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. 4 BLOCKS from Fair; $3; bath, phone. 703 Wilson st. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS: reasonable. 635 Pettygrove st.. cor. 20th. ROOMS DAY OR WEEK. AT 701 DAVIS L, 1 block from 21st and Washington. TWO NICE ROOMS AT 509 MONTGOMERY St., on car line. Phone Main 210. FURNISHED ROOMS. $1 AND $2 WEEK bath; c!o?e in. 86 10th. near Stark.' ' 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. MODBRN $11 per month. 534 Columbia sL ' 328 PARK ST. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM3 day or week, very reasonable. ' FOR KENT. Rooms. ONE NICE. LARGE ROOM WITH TWO double beds for $1.25 per day, with free use of bath and phone; just the place for any one wanting a permanent room in fine lo cation, good surroundings. 240 Park, cor. Main. Phone Front 21L THE JULIAN. 267. TTH. NEAR JEFFER son Rooms for Exposition visitors. 50c a day "and up; breakfast served; 10 min utes ride to grounds: private home; free bath, phone. Phone 6639. CLEAN. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS; rated reasonable, transient to traveling pub lic Opp. Hotel Perkins, next door to flor ist's. 28S Washington. NICELY FURNISHED CLEAN ROOMS, suitable for Fair visitors; central location; within half block of all car lines; phone, bath. 389 Alder st. THE ANGELUS, COR. 6TH AND JEFFER jn Nicely furnished suites and single rooms." new, modern, free baths and phone; rates $1 per day and up. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WILL RENT transient or permanent to desirable party, reasonable. 24 N. 10th st., near Burnside. BEAUTIFUL FRONT PARLOR BEDROOM, j ony window, just wezi 01 rair, oiucr rooms cheaper. Phone Main 5S32. 1069 Vaughn st. LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR 2. strictly modern, walking distance; rent $12 per month; smaller room $10. Main 32S0. Rooms With Board MRS. L. M. COX HAS REOPENED HER house, very desirable, well-furnlshed rooms, board If desired. 2 blocks from Morrison car line. 2 from Washington line; con venient to Fair grounds. 057 Pettygrove St.. bet. 20th and 21st. THE WOODLAND. 265 6TH IN BEAUTI ful grounds, 4 blocks from Hotel Portland; has large, well-furnished rooms; rates by week or month: permanent; meals If de sired. Phone Main 5250. Rates reasonable. WILL GIVE BOARD AND ROOM. ELECTRIC lights, phone end bath, to two ladles em ployed during day for $12.50 each; block from car line, near Holladay Park. Inquire 650 Weldler. Phone East 3510. POHTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR; rooms with board; use of sewing-room; cm of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, Supt, 310 Flanders. rilE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market L. bet. 3d and 4th; steam heat, electric light, gas. porcelain baths; all out rid rooms; exceedingly low rates. NEW HOUSE. NEW BEDS. FIRST-CLASS board; large room, single beds; permanent or transient: short walk to Fair. 200 N. 23d st. 1 HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVE. Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; ele vator, bllllard-room; transients; both car lines. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. CORVALLIS. OR. Clean cooking and beds; rooms well ven tilated; splendid service: centrally located. FRONT OR BACK PARLOR. UNFURNISH cd, all modern conveniences; lower floor, brick flat; board it desired. 567 Irving st. ROOM OR BOARD $1 TO $5 PER WEEK; housekeeping allowed. 46) Dekum ave., ' Woodlawn. one minute's walk from car." THE GLENDORA" BEST AND MOST reasonable resident hotel In the city; fre phone; modern; all new furnishings. NICE FRONT ROOMS. WITH GOOD BOARD. In private family, reasonable; bath, phone. close in. 173 East 7th. cor. Yamhill. ROOM WITH BOARD FOR TWO GENTLE men in private family. $6 per week; phone and bath 32S 6th st. Main 3622. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with board. $8 per week, single, or $13 for two. 421 12th su, cor. Hall. LARGE. BRIGHT ROOM. IN BEST RESI dence part of city: with board. 275 22d at.. North. Phone Main 1091. PLEASANT ROOM OR ROOMS WITH GOOD board; home cooking; central location. 487 East Ankeny. 0th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH OR without board, private family. Phone- Main 4264. 272 HolL GO TO THE HARTMAN, 426 ALDER ST.. for nice clen rooms, good board; tran sients solicited. " THE ELLA ONE NICELY FURNI3HED room- for two. with board. 653 Washington st.. cor. Ella, ROOM FOR TWO GENTLEMAN OR MAN and wife: phone, bath, board; $1.50 a week. 525 Clay. FINE ROOMS BY DAY OR MONTH. HOD ern. with board. 394 Columbia. Main 2210. THE OZARK. 223 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board: hot and cold water. 303 MORRISON. COR. 10TH ROOMS. WITH or without board; transients; reasonable LARGE FRONT ROOMS. BATH. GAS, phone; board reasonable 395 12th st. THE SOUTHERN 374-6 Yamhill. Rooms with er without board, single or en nulte. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. GOOD HOME cooking; gar, bath, phone. 388 7th. ROOM FOR A FEW MORE BOARDERS AT 31 E. 16th st. Phone Scott 2190. ROOM AND BOARD. 634 MYRTLE ST.. Portland Heights. Phone 3900. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS MEALS if desired. Phone 6495. ROOM AND BOARD. "13 OVERTON. NEAR Fair grounds. Flats. FOR RENT NEW. MOd3rN 6-ROOM flat. 29 East 8th. cor. Burnside; vacant Au gust 15: electric light anI gas; rent $25.00. Apply 120 Front st,. Page U Son. FURNISHED FLAT FOR RENT OR BOARD and room for two ladles- or man and wife;' reasonable. Inquire cor. 7th and Grant. 584. Phone Main 5743. TWO 6-ROOM FLATS. 21ST AND LOVEJOY. $25; Sroom new house. 22d and Johnson. $43.00. Phone Union 6221. A. S. Ellis. NEAT. MODERN 5-ROOM FLATS. INCLUD lng combination steel range Halsey and Larrabce. Inquire 2SS Larrabee. FURNISHED FLAT. 5 ROOMS. -$30; ALSO furnished rooms and housekeeping room;. Call at 705 Vaughn St.. cor. 22d. DESIRABLE CORNER FLAT. NECESSARY furniture for sale. Phone Main 2300, 9 to 12 A. M. L 46. Oregonlan. 7-ROOM MODERN FLAT. EAST UTH. BE tween Ash and Pine sts., open for Inspection Sunday afternoon. 2 to ft. FOR RENT LOWER FLAT. 4 ROOMS. COM plete for housekeeping; walking distance; reasonable 402 4th. 207 PARK. COR. TAYLOR-FLAT FUR nlshed complete for housekeeping; 2 blocks Hotel Portland. MODERN FLATS. HEATED. JANITOR SER vlce, hot water to bath and kitchen. 22d and Johnson sts. UPPER FLAT. FIVE ROOMS AND BATH. 39th and Belmont; rent $11. Strong, 163 W. Park st. VERY PLEASANT. NEW 3 AND, 4-ROOM flats, gas. bath. Inquire 412 2d st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN FLAT. IN qulre 466 Jefferson. Phone 5319. FIVE ROOMS AND BATH. NEWLY FUR nlshed. Phone Scott 1524. FIVE-ROOM FIiAT 176 SHERMAN ST. Phone Main 4529. Iloufrekceplng Rooms. 4 FURNISHED ROOMS: BATH. GAS. FUR nace, wood and gas range: two car lines; pleasant location; reasonable 317 Eugene. U car. 545 WASHINGTON ST. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, desirable; gas range, electric light, phone, brick block; sleeping rooms. TWO LOVELY ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR housekeeping. Includes water and sink and use of bath. Call 586 Pettygrove at. 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; every convenience; pleasant location. 914 Corbet t st. Phone Main 3780. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, running water. large yard; also tent suit able for sleeping. 229 Uth st. TWO ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR LIGHT housekeeping to couple without children: good location. 667 Irving st. 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; free water. lights, phone; fine location. 914 Corbett st. Phone Main 37S0. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with hath, gas and phone; price, $1500. 731 Union ave". cor Freemont. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; water In kitchen: $16 per month. Phone Main 4014. S4S Mill. FOR RENT. Ilonsekccnlns Rooms. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF HOUSE-kecplng- rooms in high-class building, center of best downtown district, near Hotel Port land and Marquam Theater, for rent to mar ried couple; steam beat, elevator, telephone, gas stove for cooking. Inquire room 6, Washington bldg. THE ONEONTA. 1ST 17TBT ST.. NEAR TAM hill New house, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen; team heat, baths; free phono on each .floor. 26S-270 MONTGOMERY 4 COMPLETELY furnished rooms; beautiful view of city; suit able for 2 couples: $15.50 each; central, bath, gas. phone. Main 4469. Also 4 unfurnished rooms, parlor floor, adults. WELLINGTON COURT, 15TH AND EVER ett Handsomely furnished 4 -room house keeping apartment, poswsstng modern con veniences; excellent location and surround ings ; no children. ' FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms In nicest brick block on East Side; gas range, bath, etc .Logan bile. 108 Union ave Phone Union 3263. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. In flne location, new furniture, hot and cold water, use of phone. 401 1st, corner Harrison; corner rooms. 3 NICELY FURNISHED CONNECTING housekeeping rooms; sink In kitchen: very convenient: $15 per month. 403 E. 27th st. Phone East 2S45. Mrs. William Walsh. FOR RENT 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, clean, ground floor, gas, phone; cheap; Sun nyslde. Apply McGregor Bros., barber shop, 249 Yamhill st. 2 LARGE ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEBP lng. bath gas range, $15 per month; new hous;. private family. 143 Grand ave. N. $3.50 THREE LARGE. CLEAN FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, pantry, bath. 2 bed ground floor, lawn, phone. 468 E. 0th South. NICE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, gan, sink and phone: also other rooms; very reasonable 440 5th. cor. College. 4 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; very reasonable to right party; wal'jflng dis tance on East Side. Phone East 3S14. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKBEP- lng rooms. 292 16th, near Jefferson; modern conveniences); also one sleeping-room. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also nice front room for gentlemen. 313 1st. Phone Hood 278. TWO PLEASANT UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, gas. bath, phone; no chil dren; central. 247 0th st. $6.00 LARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT room, ground floor, for boueekepelng; newly papered. 103 North 12th st. FOUR LARGE UNFURNISHED HOUSE kteplng rooms. $14 per month, including water. Call today. 187 Mill. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, modern, central. 551 Washington et.. flat C. Inquire Monday. TWO VERY NICE HOUSEKEEPING OR furnished rooms: gas, bath and phone. 573 Main. Phone Main 4660. TWO OR THREE LARGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely located. East Side; cam con venient. Phone Scott 116. 511 GLISAN NEWLY FURNISHED housekeeping and single rooms, with bath, gas. Phone Main 3714. ; 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ; rooms; nnes; location in city; central; mod- I . oain. gas. inn. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, bath, yard; 10 minutes' walk business cen ter. 134 N. Grand ave. ONE LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng room; very convenient: also single fur nished rooms. 392 4 th st. TWO FnONT ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR housekeeping; gas stove and electric light, 294 Jefferson, cor. 3d. ' FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, close In. lower floor, phone, bath. lawn, otoceto. 431 E. Ankenj. 264 TTH. NEAR MADISON FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms for three; bath, gas. Phone Pacific 106. LARGE KITCHEN. FURNISHED, HOT. cold water; small bedroom. $15 month; adults only. 202 10th. THE HEILER. 280 GRAND AVE SUITES of 2 and 3 rooms furnished for housekeeping, gas ranges, sink. bath. FRONT ROOM. GROUND FLOOR. FOR light housekeeping: new house; $2.50 per week. 331 Front sU 3 ROOMS. MODERN. CENTRAL. PRIVATE, adults. 240 Grand ave. North, near Haisalo. Phone Union 3930. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooma; also nice bedrooms. Call 101 10th. Phone Main 3331. 313 14TH ST. SUITE OF NEATLY FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; electric light, phone and bath. $6 TWO CONNECTED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP Ins rooms: modern, new and nrlvate home. 484 East Wash. 263 STH. OPPOSITE CITY HALL FOR RENT Rooms with housekeeping privileges. Call after 3 P. M. " 308 13TH ONE SMALL ROOM. 3D FLOOR. $S per month; light housekeeping allowed. Call Monday. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH FIRB place. gas. bath Included. Phone East 1929. 13 East 7th. A PLEASANT FRONT HOOM. WITH PRIVI leges. bath and piano; $12.00 per month. 695 Jefferson su FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms on first floor; rent reasonable. 303 6th st, FURNISHED ROOMS. COMPLETE FOR housekeeping; gas range, phone, bath. 163 N. 16th st. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, close In; bath, 86 10th. near Stark. 555 MORRISON FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, on car line to Fair. Phone Main 46CS. TWO LARGE CORNER ROOMS, WITH AL cove. furnished for housekeeping; two beds. 361 3d. 314 CTH BT.-PARLOR FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplng; also single room; close in: gas, phone . 327 3D ST. LARGE FRONT ROOM. NICELY furnished, for 3 persons or light housekeep ing. ONE OR MORE FURNISHED HOU5EKEEP lng rooms, gas, 40C 4th st. Phone Main 6788. 30S MAIN ST.. BET. STH AND CTH FUR nlshed sleeping and light housekeeping rooms. FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 263 N. 22d at. Phone Main 133S- PORTLAND HTS. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS near car. Inquire before 2 P. M. 567 Myrtle. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison Housekeeping- rooms, transient; bath, electric light. 6-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE. BATH, gas. Phone Main 3162; central. $37.50. NEWLY FURNISHED; 4 BLOCKS FROM Fair; $3; bath, phone. 763 Wilson st. FOR RENT A SUITE OF ROOMS. WITH light housekeeping. Phone Main 35C9. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. ALSO housekeeping rooms. 128 North 17th st. 3S6 E. BURNSIDE I OR 5 ROOMS. FUR nlshed for housekeeping; reasonable. $11 TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; car 2 blocks. 189 East 7th st. FOR RENT 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms. $10 month. 636 7th st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with phone. 164 N. 10th st. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent. 153 N. Uth st. 240 STH ST. SUITE OF FURNISHED houeekeeptng rooms. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. N. 13th at. Houses. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main I6S5. Office. 110 N. 3d st. SXi.D ti WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FOR RENT NEW S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, walls nicely tinted, at 17 Johnson. Inquire at 547 Johnson. Phone East 524. FOR RENT 7-ROOM NEW MODERN house. E 10th and Caruthers sts. See owner. 214 4tb st.. cor. Salmon. A FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE AT ARLETA. with water cheap, for rent. Phone Scott '15G5. FOR RENT. Bouses. H. E. EDWARDS. Housefurnlsher. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Dwellings of all kinds and in all parts of the city are listed with us. We have the most complete directory of vacant houses In town, and if you contemplate moving It will pay you to visit our rental department. We are sure to have a place for you. Fol lowing Is a partial list: WEST SIDE. 3 rooms $ 0.00 3 rooms ............ .................. 8.00 5 rooms .... 10.CO 3 rooms lo.OO 4-room cottages. Macadam st 13.W 4- room cottages, bath, gas 13.0U 2 rooms, gas, bath, central -.. 14.00 5- room cottage, good condition 14. BO 4 rooms 14.00 4- room cottage, bath, gas 15.B0 5- roon' cottage bath, nice yard 13.W0 4- rooi flat, 4th st. 1S.W) 5- room flat. Jefferson st, 20.W) 5-room cottage, bath, gas, flth st 25.00 7- room house, First street 23.W EAST SIDE. 4- room cottage. Mentavllla 8.00 5- room cottage jj.W 8- room house, bath 10.80 5-room house. Gantenbeln eve. ' lw.90 5-room cottage, good basement 12.0u 5-room cottage, bath 13.50 3- room flat, close In 14.60 4- room flat. Larrlbee at, 16.00 3-room flat, close In 17.0U 5- room cottage, bath. gaa. almost new IS.Ou a-room house, new. bath, electricity... 18.00 G-room flat. bath, gas 18.00 -room house, good location 25.00 S-room, house, new, etrletly modern... 25.0 13 rooms, close In tiO.60 Note No Information regarding these nouses can be given over phone. H. E. EDWARDS Housefurnfsher 183 to 101 First BU PARTIAL HOUSE LIST. 1310 E. 8th St.. North; 6 rooms $10.C0 310 N. 23th st: 5 rooms 11.00 601 Oregon st. . 8 rooma 12.00 735 4th st; 3 rooms 12.00 1002 Corbett st.; 3 rooms 15.00 373 N. 16th St.; 5 roome 17.00 391 Knott St.; 6 rooms 18.00 820 Water St.; 8 rooms 20.00 660 Borthwlck St.; 8 rooms 20.1X1 40 E. Uth at,, 6 rooms 22.30 111 E. 6th et. lower flat: 5 rooms 22.30 526 Marshall sU: 7 rooms; 25.00 305 7th st,.; 8 rooms 25.00 522 Marshall st,; new flat; 3 rooms.... 27.50 42 N. 21st st: 0 rooms 33. CO 113 N. 23d St.; 8 rooms 37.50 335 Market st,; flat; 0 rooma 40.00 781 Kearney st,. 9 rooms 45.00 WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 229 STARK st. FOR RENT BY THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY. $22.30 8-room house, modern conven iences. 356 San Rafael. $18 Beautiful ground-floor flat, hot and cold water, patent toilet, gas. 4 Union ave. Walking distance business center. $15 7-room house. 164 E. 27th, near Bel mont st.; nice yard, lots of fruit and shrubbery. $15 Swell 0-room cottage, modern con veniences. 328 Fremont. $11 Beautiful 5-room cottage. 1517 E. 0th st., Woodlawn. $15 Nicely furnished ,5-room cottage. E. 45th. near Stark at. Apply 149 1st at. HOUSES FOR RENT. $18 New 5-room modern cottage. East 20th, near Morrison rt. $10 7-room house. 'Tlbbett's homestead." East Side. Gideon st. $22.50 6-room modern cottage, Carruthers street. J. W. OGILBEB, room 11. 145 1st St. FOR RENT NEW HOUSE, 6 ROOMS, porcelain bath, electric light, gas. all mod ern Improvements, cor. E. 22d and Couoh sts.; rent $30. Apply John F. Cordray, T31 E. Burnside st. Phone East 21L WANTED TO LEASE ONE YEAR OR MORE. 6 or 7-room modern house or cottage, good, location. West Side preferred. See M. Tal bot, C. R. & N. Ry... or phone Main 202. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. 720 Roosevelt st. near 22d at. vicinity of Fair grounds; rent very reasonable A. H. Blr rell. 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE. HALL. PAN try and lath. 107 13th st. N., nice neigh borhood: possession given on the 10th; price $25- J. F. Jones 3S7 E. 20th. FOR RENT THE NICE S-ROOM HOUSE. S. E. cor. 1st and Meade. Just newly papered and painted Inside and out. Inquire 706 1st. NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. NEAR E. 8th and Holladay ave.: $40 per month. J. P. Sharkey. 701 C. of C. Phone Main ISO. MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE. 734 HOYT ST.. $30 month. The Ilealy Investment Co.. 210-214 Ablngton. 106 3d st. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. $12; 7-ROOM HOUSE. $13; corner E. 6th and Weldler su.. Holla day's Add. Phone Main 2707. FOR. RENT A SMALL COTTAGE WITH large yard $9 a month. Inquire of Mrs. Nendel. 009 E. 8th st.. North. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. COR. CORBETT and Lane sts.; take S car south; key next door, or phone Main 2160. MODBRN SIX-ROOM HOUSE, GAS AND electricity. Cor. Mississippi ave and Mon roe st. Phone Scott 6191. FOR RENT MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE. Eat ttth St.. between Couch and Burnside ets. Inquire next door. $!W-LOWER FLOOR. SIX. LARGE ROOMS, bath; three bedrooms, furnished for house keeping. 205 N. 18th. 336 E. BURNSIDE NEWLY FURNISHED '5-room cottage with gas; walking distance Postoffle; reasonable. FOR RENT NEW 9-ROOM MODERN house, walls tinted, at 17th and Johnson. Ap ply at 547 Johnson. $15 MODERN FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. NICE location, near car line. Eaet 25th and Nel son. Dr. Darling. FOR RENT A FINE MODERN HOUSE ON Portland Heights. Portland Trust Co. of Oregon. 109 3d st. SIX-ROOM FLAT ON 3D ST.. 11-ROOM modern house. Johnson st. Wm. G. Beck. 307 Falling bldg. SIX ROOMS. GROUND FLOOR; LARGE grounds: fruit, 1232 E. Yamhill st.; adults, S14; references. - FOR RENT A 5-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH bath: rent $20. Portland Trust Co. of Ore gon. 109 3d st. FOR RENT FINE NEW MODERN HOUSE: all Improvements; East Side. Inquire 701 East Burnside. FOR RENT COZY. LITTLE 6-ROOM COT tage; modem Improvements; $15. Inquire 520 Clay at. FOR RENT NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, ALL modern Improvements. 330 Tillamook. Phone East 1441. FOR RENT-COTTAGE ON EAST 13TH AND Cole; splendid yard. flHe car service. Phone Front 05. FOR RENT NEW 8-ROOM MODERN SUB urban home; beautiful view. Call 193 Mor rison st. SIX-ROOM SUBURBAN HOUSE. BEARING fruit. lot 50x100; sale or rent. 509 McKay bldg. SECOND STORY OF 4 ROOMS. NEAR 2D and Arthur sts.; water; rent $10. 681 2d. IF LOOKING FOR A HOUSE TO RENT, call on Hatfield & Smith. 165 4th st. 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT ON ARTHUR st. Call D96 Front, or phone Front 1562. CHEAP OLD MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, close In. Apply 95 East 8th North. HOUSE. 7 ROOMS AND BATH. GAS. BASE ment, 706 Gllfan. Inquire 704 Gllsan. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL LOT. REASON able rent. 664 Oregon, near 19th. 6-ROOM HOUSE. EAST 3ITH ST. CALL at 248 6th st. or phone Main UC0. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE- 605 E. 26TH and Tlbbetts. Call up East 1038. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. 306 17TH ST. PHONE Main 1937. or 434 Mohawk bldg. 8-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BATH AND GAS. 390 7th et. Inquire 363 14th. FOR RENT 4-ROOM HOUSE. $10. INQUIRE 635 4th. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5 room modern cottage In Sell wood; lOtr" feet from car line; city water, lawn, flowers and fruit tree. Inquire Madden. Printer. 1st and Alder sts., upstairs. A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN SDC-ROOM house, thoroughly modern, well furnished. block of ground, with bearing fruit, 5UU McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE OF FFVB large rooms; close In; everything modern; permanent tenants desired. Inquire room 502 McKay' bid?. NEWLY FURNISHED 9-ROOM HOUSE FOR rent to November 1. close In. nice yard, good view, only $40. Call for partleulars. 163 Morris st. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5-ROOM COT tage. including steel range and gas stove; will rent for $30. Call today. 447 E. Davis. FOB BENT. Furaliarf nooses. FOR RENT FOR ONE YEAR. A NEW SIX room house, well located; handy to two car lines; complete housekeeping, except bed ding and dishes; $40 per month to the rtgfcr parties. Address P 33. core Oregonlan. ai give your telephone number. FOR RENT 5-ROOM FURNISHED COT tage, 3 sleeping rooms; close to fair- re" low. possession Immediately. everyUtmr fi nished (Including linen. Bedding. dfeneV et Its's a snap; occupant leaving ctty 7S3 Savler st. FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATKD FUR nlshed house, full of roomers; will fj. nlture on tasy terms at a baivni. The Ames Mercantile Agency. AMngtoa Mdg MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE. COSIPLRTK ,t furnished, on Sellwood ear line at Mtdwa a good layout to the right parti. Call Mi . S6S2. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED 3-R M cottage, walking distance, for one mor beginning August 15. Phone Main 3t. FOR ItENT FURNISHED HOUSK 7 ROOM gas and bath. Inquire 42S 7th. after t ! Telephone Main 3435 or Union rtttl. FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED 3-RO. M cottage; beautiful view; clv to enr Ur Oregon City. Phone Main 3620. HOME FOR RENT FURNISHED. 0 ROOM modern, large yard; one or two months, l a 3S7 Yamhill st. FURNISHED 5-ROOM COTTAGE. XE " and clean, close In; East SMe; reasons r . Phone Main 0371. NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOCSK. $i month; also 2 rooms; light hoHsotteeumi;. tvvj Front- -FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT OR SAT1, iu (.omntrcmi jaie, 4M Wash!" ton st. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE OF 3. 6 Oil 7 rooms; $35 per month; modern. 334 Columbia FURNISHED HOUSES. ANY SIZE AND L' V cation. J. V. Crelghton . Co.. 163 3d st FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. ELE ' trie lights, bath, central. Inquire 273 7th. MODERN. NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROt'M cottage. 927 Williams ave. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sole NINE-ROOM HOUSE. 41 NORTH 21ST ST rents for $30; handsomely furnished wl Bruesels carpets, oak and maborany-nnished furniture; cost June 1st last $000; will se for $380. balance due from the late landlord. . Mr. Livingstone, who was suddenly cn'.'-1 away from Portland. This Is a snap. Ca"l for key at I. Gevurtx & Sons. 173 1st st. HOUSE OF U ROOMS FOR RENT AND furniture for sale or exchange for city 0 suburban property; full of good-paytnf. roomers and first-class location: never changed hands. 325 12th. Main 1113. FURNITURE OF A WELL-FURNISHED 8v room house for sale; cheap rent, centrailr located, doing flne business In furnished) rooms; will sell for $325 1 taken at once. 63 N. Park. cor. Davis. FURNITURE OF 4 ROOMS. GAS AND WOOD stoves for sale; reasonable if sold at once leaving city on account of Ill-health; wtn take part down, reat easy payments; rt. $10. O 46, Oregonlan. 10-ROOM HOUSB FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale Price of furniture. $300: rent c house, $30; good location, nice neighborhood, leaving state; a bargain. 495 Montgomery. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 12-ROOK house; cheap rent; flne location: first tune en market: bargain. Phono Main 402S. or call at 263 3d st. FOR RENT A FINE MODERN ROOMEO and boarding-house; close In. furniture fr sale. Apply Portland Trust Co. of Oregon. 109 3d st. RENT FREE. 14 ROOMS. BY BUYING FUR nlture, $125; building space, close In. $SO total. Beforo 1 and 7 to 8. 93 Union ave. FURNITURE OF 8 ROOM3. HOUSB RENT3 for $22.50. with lease through Fair; parties must go East; bargain. 187 West Park. FURNITURE 8-ROOM HOU8E. $300: RENT $35; 6 blocks from 3th and Morrison. In quire 1S0 4th st. over Wells-Fargo. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE FOR sale; flne residence location; full perma nent roomers. Phone Front STL FOR SALE ALMOST NEW FURNITURE CF 0-room house. Including piano and pianola, Apply 795 Irving, corner 24th. FURNITURE FOR SALE 4 ROOMS; ALMOST new. at half cost; going East. Call MonJar upstalrs. 292 19th st. North. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. REASONABLE rent; furniture, including good piano. eha. for cah. Y 44. Oregonlan. FURNITURE 9-ROOM HOUSE. RKAS'X able; walking distance: cheap rent; good cation. Phone Main 3142. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHKD O M plete; wood, coal; modern; central: rna $130. M 44. Oregonlan. 6-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE FOR SAT. cheap; fine central location; pys we Phone Main 5473. NINE - ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURR K sale; fine residence location. 103 14th s corner Taylor. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 13 RtMM cheap rent; reasonable term. CaM Ph Hood 1004. GREATEST BARGAIN IN CITY -RoM house for rent, furniture for sale - . 11th st. FURNITURE OF 0 ROOMS. CENTRALtA" located, welt paying. Call owner. 216 3d z FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE F sale; price $175; no agents. J 42. OregocU. Summer Resorts. HOOD RIVER SANITARIUM. HOOD RIVER, Or. Mary P. Johnson. M. D.. Supertntiti: ent. An Ideal health resort, situated In the heart of the Cascade Mountains, nspecla.ly equipped for the care and treatment of vallds. No Infectious or contagious coses will be received. NECANICUM INN. SEASIDE FIR3T-CLASS home accommodations, flne ocean view, and flowers, modern conveniences, noted for its excellent home-cooked meals. Get off Necan Icum Station. Emily Damann. Prop. A NEW COTTAGE AT GEARHART PARK, also a large tent with floor and porch; each well fnrntshed for hoanekeeplng; for rent for part or all of September. C. A. Lewij. window 7, First National Bank. TEAMS FOR ELK CREEK. Saddle horses and expressing. Goods shipped In our care will receive special attentions N. D. Bala & Co.. Seaside. Or. DELIGHTFULLY LOCATED 5-ROOM COT tage, ridge, fronting ocean. Long ficua, near depot, hotels. Scott 72. FOR RENT GRIMES' GROVE; DESIRABLE furnished cottage, September after August 15. Phone Union 264. Stores. FOR LEASE. UPSTAIRS FLOOR. 70x100: modern; elevator; Morrison, near Postot flee. W 85. Oregonlan. HALF UPPER FLOOR FOR RENT. 50x50; flne, light: best location. Apply Lovejoy Sc. Lincoln. 128 1st st. BASEMENT FOR RENT CHEAP. INQUIRE! at the Palm Cafe, 81 1st st.. cor. Oak. W. Bush. prop. HALF OF LARGE STORE FOR RENT. IX qulre S. E. cor. Park and Oak. Offices. FOR RENT NICE. LARGE OFFICES ON 6th. near Washington; suitable for light man ufacturing. Inquire S. Morton Cohn. 354 Oak st., corner Park. FOR RENT FOR OFFICE OR LIGHT MAX. ufacturlng purposes, two floors In brick building, corner 5th and Flanders sts. Povey Bros. Gloss Co. DESKROOM ON GROUND FLOOR Ft'R real estate man or broker. Gruber. 617 Commercial block. OFFICE ROOM OR DESK ROOM FOR rent; excellent location. Apply 411 Ablng ton bldg. FRONT OFFICE IN THE COMMERCIAL block. 2d and Washington sts. Apply at,, room 312. FCRNISHED OFFICE FOR SALE CHEAP Inquire at room 207. Fenton bldg. FOR RENT SUITE OFFICE ROOi:S. Ci trally located. Phone Main 5015. ROOMS AND LODGE HALLS, bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. PERSONAL. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder st. Phono Main 4832. EHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 30c AT HOLLA, baugh's. 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. DETECTIVE WORK. ANY CLASS: BOOKS experted. Box 311, Portland Postoffice