20 THEgTCHJAJPpOV POBTXrAJOJ, AUGUST r..JL9Q5,. AMUSEMENTS. . NEW TODAY. NETT TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TO DAT. NEW TODAT. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS In'ow open. Take Portland Heights car and set oft atlHawthorne Terrace, one Mock from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator Most magnificent view In America. Be 'beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from top of tower. Open 0 A. M. to 9 P. 21. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS, i DANCING Every Evening: at the SHAMROCK PAVILION. S55 Upnhur St. Half block east of Main Entrance to The JSxponItlon. Good Music. Good Floor. ADMISSION FREE. No liquors sold. Under new management. NEW TODAY. "VERNON Betwixt Rolling Rivers" We -will sell you the earth, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong ing or in any wise appertaining: We have platted the northeast Vi of section 23, T. 1 N., E. 1 E.f contain ing 160 acres, and are selling lots from $90 to $400 on easy installments. We have 21,217 acres of wheat land in Eastern Oregon from $16 to 20 an acre; 1021 acres near Portland from $150 to $250 an acre. Houses and lots; also vacant lots close in. Several good business lots. Call and get our prices and terms. MOORE Investment Co. 15U Sixth St. Phone Main 16 A. J. FARMER 1VHOLESALE AND RETAIL (jROCER. You can save 20 per cent by dealing -with ub. Note some of our prices: One pound 85c M. and J. coffee, 25c; 2 cans Primrose cream, 13c; 10-pound box crackers. 50c; broken Java coffee. 3 pounds, '25c; S pounds good rice. 25c- 1 pound Schilling baking powder, 35c; 1 pound Royal bak ing powder. 40c: 1 pound Arm and Ham mer soda,. 5c; 18 bars Royal Savon, 25c; 10 pounds saeo or tapioca, 35c: 100 pounds best D. G. sugar. $5.25; IS pounds jgranu lated sugar, best, 51; 1 pound English breakfast tea, 15c; best Eastern hams, per pound, He; Picnic hams, per pound, 9c; 1 10c can of milk. 5c; 1 sack good hard-wheat Hour. $1: 5-pound pail best lard, 50c; 10-pound pall best lard, $1: 2 5c bars Tar soap. 5c; 1-pound can baked beans. 5c; 2-pound can baked beans, 10c; 1 pound shredded cocoanat. 15c; 1 sack best patent flour. $1.25; 1 package Scotch Oats. 10c; 1 sack best soft wheat flour, $1.00. e deliver on the East Side Tues days and Fridays. Remember the num ber, 281 3d St., corner Jefferson. Phone Main 403. WANT A FARM ? WANT A SUBURBAN HOME? WANT REALTY? We can supply your needs. Noth ing misrepresented. Good farm in Eastern Oregon, house, outbuildings, fencing, water right, shade trees, over 1000 fruit trees, 70 acres in cul tivation. You cannot beat this. $30 per acre, half down, balance 6 per cent. We have others. We have two fine timber propositions. Bank refer ences. COLLINS LAND CO. (Inc.) Stearns Bldg., 'Phone Main 2324. Butter! Butter! Our. Other Price. Prices. Beet creamery 50 -53c 00.05c Dairy butter 35 -40c Ranch eggs 22 -25c 30c Best sugar-cured hams.. 14c lCc Breakfast , bacon........ 15c ISc Best of tea, lb 30c 50-75c Lard, 5-Ib. pall.- 45 -55c, 55-C5c Remember, Chickens on Satur day 16c and 17c All goods retailed at wholesale prices. LA GRAND CREAMERY. 204 Yamhill Street. For Sale A most beautiful bungalow on Portland Heights, with quarter block; in very choicest location. This prop-, erty is now nearing completion and if bought at once purchaser may select interior finish, etc. This is a bargain and will be sold quickly. PORTLAND TRUST CO. 109 Third Street. Choice Quarter On Twenty-fourth street for sale to party contemplating erecting a good residence. Price $1000 under the market. No speculators. Phone Main 4489. . $7000.00 VALUE FOR S5400.00 L.ol 50x100, worth $5200.00; "-room, hard finished, comfortably furnished house. Another 4-room house in rear; income, '570 per month; parties compelled to selL on 7th fit. South, not far from the Port land HoteL Make appointment to see the property with Union 5545. $6000 Improved piece of property near Twentieth and Washington. Gold schmidt's Agency, 253 y2 Washington. Washington Street I have an excellent buy In good loca tion, am very anxious to sell. X. 46, Ore gonian. CORDWOOD 80 acres fine cordwood timber. 1"4 miles irom Bcanpoose nay -ana railroad switch. Wood will more than pay for the land. Owner. 107 Sherlock Block. - W. S. WARD. LAWYER The Alisky. General practice. Probate $15,000.00 to loan on easy terms. Hotel for Sale or Rent A 16-room hotel and restaurant at Ba ker City; will sell at a big bargain. MALL & VON BORSTEL 393 E. Bumside st. FOR SALE IN ONE OF THE BEST RESf dence districts on the Bast Side, house of six large rooms, modern In every respect; new carpet, shades, electrical and gas fix tures; gas range and water beater; rope por tieres, etc; easy payment. If desired. Ad dress R 35. care Oregonian, and give your telephone number. TO RENT-FINE, LARGE. NEW BRICK store, salmon St., oetween ik ana front. Apply to Bernstein & uonen, 31-34 wastung ton bldg.. 4th and Washington .; reason able rent. TOMORROW, MONDAY At Residence, No. 153 Tenth Street, Between Alder and Morrison Streets We are Instructed by Mrs. E. M- Ed wards (who has sold her residence and lot) to sell by auction the furnishings of said residence. Including fine quality Ax minster carpets, in double parlors; costly lace curtains and silk draperies; fine oak Morris chairs, with automatic construc tion; large library table, in Herman oak, highly polished; Roman chair, mahogany arm; easy chairs; Turkish divans and drapes; piano lamp; the pretty style gas fixtures and shades throughout the house; electric arc light in workroom: iuaiLii iitiiJJue. jybuui FEET HIGH.' SUITABLE FOR DRESS MAKER OR SHOWROOM; S-foot oak dining table; massive sideboard; set of chairs en suite; glass and china ware; beautiful pictures: hall mirror: stair car pets, Brussels bedroom carpets; iron beds; springs; best horsehair and felt mattresses; maple dressers; box couch; Acorn steel range; gas range; refriger ator; kltcncn safe; H. a. treasure; gran ite ware, etc Also In workroom at the rear, two dozen chairs, three serving ma- utifnso etv taKlfia flvtiimn Vitttln- af'nVA etc., all In first-class condition, and will be sold to highest bidder FOR CASH. SALE TOMORROW, AT 10 O'CLOCK SHARP. GEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers. Sale on Tuesday Next At -BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE. Alder and Park. Chattel mortgage sale of 9 room house. Including cabinet folding bed. four mantel beds, two Iron beds, two bed sets, ninq Brussels ana velvet carpets and bedding. ALSO, quite an assortment of new furniture, Brussels rugs, carpets, gas range, refrigerators. 14-foot tent and other effects. Qn view tomorrow. Sale at 10 o'clock on Tuesday next. GEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE . On Thursday Next For housekeepers, consignments and oth er . lots sent to BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE for disposal for cash. Sale. 10. A. M. GEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers. GILMAN Auction & Commission Co. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. EXTENSIVE AND PEREMPTORY SALE OF HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITUHE AT SALESROOMS, No. 413 Washington Street, at 10 o'CIock, Tuesday, Aug. 8 Including the fine fittings of residence. Bargains. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES Thursday and Friday, Each Day at 10 A. M. Of household furniture. Sales peremp tory. S. L. N. GILMAN. Auctioneer. SPECIAL Auction Sale At Residence, No. 10 E. Eighth Steet, North, Between An keny and Burnslde, Wednes day, August 9th, at 10 A. M. Including all the as-good-as-new fine fur niture of residence; drophead sewing-machine (Singer): rugs; parlor furniture; carpets: curtains; portieres; tables; fine dining-room suite, with buffet; refrigera tor; steel range; oak dressers; costly tint ed bedsteads, with springs, mattresses, etc. Sale 10 A. M.. Wednesday, at No. 10 East Eighth, North, Ankeny car and 3d. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Auction Sales BY J. T. WILSON AUCTIONEER. MONDAY August 7th, 10 A. M., at Auc tion Rooms, 180 First St. FURNITURE, CARPETS. , STOVES, ETC.. consisting .of upholstered parlor chairs: golden oak rockers; center tables; hall glass; combination bookcase; buffet; sideboards; extension tables; set Flemish oak dining chairs; large oak hall tree: steel folding couches; large black walnut bedroom suit;' golden oak bedroom set: mantel and twice-folding beds; wool and floss mattresses; springs; feather pillows; lace curtains; oak and maple dressers: Iron beds; toilet sets; Brussels and wool carpets; two steel ranges; one cook stove; kitchen safes, treasure, etc Sale at 10 A. M. No reserve. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Auction Sales WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY At 10 A. M., 180 First Street A F..-L LINE OF FURNITURE. CAR PETS. STOVES. BEDDING, etc. Come early as our auction-room is full of goods that must be sold. J. T. WTLSON. Auctioneer. WE BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, MERCHANDISE, ETC. TELEPHONE MAIN 1626. CALL AT AUCTION-ROOM. ISO FIRST STREET. J. T. WILSON. e 211 FIRST ST. AUCTION SALES EVERY- MONDAY AT 2 P. M. WEDNESDAY AT 2 P. M. FRIDAY AT 2 P. M. It's wonderful where all this fine furni ture comes from, but every day we have many calls from private dwellings, from various causes, to sell their FURNITURE WITHOUT RESERVE AT PUBLIC AUCTION, and many beautiful pieces of FURNITURE are sold at our sales. It Is in-possible for us to enumerate the Items at leach sale, as frequently the goods ar rive .t our salesrooms only a few hours prA.'ious to sale. This is one instance wher,'a E-cent car fare or a few minutes time may save you many dollars. We also buy furniture and all kinds of house hold goods for spot cash. Stocks of mer chandise handled on commission at the Portland Auction Rooms. A. SCHUBACH, Proprietor. G. L. FORD, Auctioneer. OLD GOLD. JBWELR1. BOUGHT. MADE ever, exchanged; dbusonfla, precious clone looe and mounted, tr&tefewi Jtwelrr rep.Ud. TJacU ytytn, U Jwlr, 143 3d, A14V. Port! Room IK -FOR SALE BY Hartman, Thompson & Powers Room 3, C of C C1C Cnn50xe"0-foot brick building on 4 1 0QUU business street on the West Side. Rents. J1S00 per annum. Pays SJ$ per cent net. C7flf1 2Cew modern house of 7 rooms J'fUU on Wasco st., Holladay Park. GAf( 50x100 feet, on corner of East dH-GUU 7th and Davis sta.. with three 6-room houses, renting for $33 per month. NTfin 8-room modern house on corner 4fu(JU of East 10th and Broadway; 50xl00-foot lot. CJCfin S-room house, furnace and raod vuOUU era plumbing, 50xlCO-foot lot. on corner of East 24u and Burnslde. "J Jinn 50x100-foot lot, with 6-room new 004-1111 modern house on, the corner of Schuyler. Ponnf) New 7-room house on Haw wuUUU thorne ave., near 31st st., easy payments. 97Kff -ah, for three new modern wiuU dwellings of 6 rooms each, on corner of 2lst and Vaughn sts., payments 1230 cash and $23 per month. 07fin 6"ro0m house, almost new, mod w&lUU ern plumbing, gas fixtures, 50x IW-foot lot, on corner of East 31st and Couch streets. OR Efl 8-room house, almost new. on O&UJU corner of 21st and Wilson sts,; terms $600 cash and $25 per month. Offin 6-room house, now under con--4-UU struction. -WxlOO-ft. lot, near the corner of Rodney ave. and Hancock st. COQKfl house, SOxlOO-foot lot, 0UJU near cornor vof 2Sth and Bast Salmon sts.; payments $30) cash and $30 per month. ClOfjn "-room on Morris st. near Mis wlUUU Elssippl ave., i.ew and modem, convenient to Albina cor! of E. 10th and Schuyler st.. Holladay Add. ClRnn 5-room cottage. SOxlOO-foot lot, wlUUU on corner of Rodney ave. and Tillamook st. Building Lots ClRnn 1(W feet square between 17th and ilOUU 19th sts.. on Schuyler sL, Im provements all made; most desirable por tion of Irvington. Ofinn 100 feet Bquaro, on corner of OlUUU Hth and Tillamook sts.. In Iri'lngton. $1000 froth t!01, n Brotulwa5 93Rfl lOOxlOO-foot lot, on corner of 9th VudU and Broadway. $ 275 For 10 lots ln Central Aib,na TQ near the Thompson School; $ 500 30M ca8h and 100! p01,111011111- South Sunnyside Sflcn For lots ln South Sunnyside; $50 full cash, $10 per month; each lot -j-n COxlOO; streets graded and grav eled and sidewalks. This prop- SRRfl ertv 13 situated on south side of UuU Hawthorne ave.. bet. 23d and 34th sts.; each lot two feet above grade. Eleventh Street SJx-room cottage, fraction lot, gas. bath, walking distance; cheap at $2250; $50J down. Main Street Six-room cottage and lot. fine part of city; will rent for $20 every day In year; Sixteenth Street Corner One of the few corners left. In walking distance; 2 houses bringing Income of 15 per cent and room for more improvements, J60X; terms. Pettygrove, Near 20th Fractional lot, good house, fine location, a good buy at $2300; $10W cash, balance terms. Second, Near Grant No better buy for the money In city. Good S-room house, well rented thrown in at less than value of lot. Price $3650. Watch the South End grow. Nineteenth, Near.Thurman Corner. 50x103. improved. Income $10 per month. Will be valuable some day. Our price for a short period, $3S0. Look this up. Nineteenth, Near Lovejov Elegant S-room modern house; nothing better: some little cash and balance monthly payments takes it. A genuine bargain at $5500. Thirteenth Street Property is advancing fast on this thor oughtare, as It -will soon be a prominent residence street. We have a double flat, brand new, few blocks from Morrison; income $125 a month. There are no bet ter flats in city. Price, $13,000. Improved business corner, buildings new. Income. $2S per month, over 14 per cent on the price, $24,0. Terms to suit Business Property We hae 2 quarters on 6th. north of Washington; 1 corner on Stark; a fine piece of wharf property; a quarter on Al der and others bringing in a fair revenue. East Side Specials Corner, 75x100: 6-room house, cement walk, facing Ladd track; walking distance, bridge near Hawthorne. Might divide; a bargain at $2250; small payment down takes It. Three 'fractional lots few blocks from steel bridge on Holladay. avenue, one a comer: cheapest thing in market. Do not delay to look these up. Another Holladay addition corner and -room house, one block from the avenue and Union. This price Is a crisp one, $2750. A beautiful modern house. lot 50x100, 7 rooms, bath, etc: East Hth st., near Tillamook; easy of access. The house cost about the price asked. $3OD0. Nice corner lot. with new 7-room mod em house, on Union ave., high and sight ly; $1S50. $500 down, balance terms to suit. The above are today's samples of an extended list of desirable properties han dled tfy us. F. 0. NORTHRUP & GO. Room 211 Commercial Block, 2d and Wash. King Street Desirable 10-room residence, all modem Improvements, within 100 feet of King st, fronting south. Is offered at a bargain by owner if taken now, $7000. An exceptional opportunity to acquire a come ln the best residence district A. H. BIRRELL 332 McKay Building. Third and Stark. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL. 23-3 McKay bMff- Third an4 8 Uric wtu ABSTRACTS OF TITLJK twtkk Abstracts proM;Ur. MORTGAGE LOANS crccHixr ahczkact tkcx ca. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Wercester Block General practice. IsrestlcatloB. Eitate work. Special asd periodical andlta. Those Clar 2C WASHINGTON-ST. CORNER $23,500 Washlngton-st comer - 9,pj E. J. DALY, 222 Falling Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Money at 6 per cent on good East or West Side residence property. MALL & YOB B0BSTE FIRLAND Very choice tract in ML Scott District noted as the place where rent rates buy homes. Lots $120, payable monthly at the rate of 10c a day. irland tract is surround ed by the thickly-settled ML Scott community. In the immediate tract of Firland are now seven pretty homes, five resi dences being built and a dozen more to be erected just as fast as men and material can be secured. Not a single one of these houses will cost less than $800 when completed. Every lot at least 50x100 feet Fast cars every fif teen minutes. Schools, churches, phones, water mains, graded streets, stores all conveniences of the best suburban dis tricts. Leading all other suburbs in rapid growth. To be convinced, come out and see. Take Mt. Scott car on First, 5c fare. City office open evenings. GEO. W. BROWN 203 Failing Bldg. Phone Main 2129 "P. A Taylor at Firland. Business Center A building boom is now in progress at "University Park. Houses are in: heavy demand. Prices are advancing; Employment of laborers and me-' cbanics is abundant. It is the borr ton residence portion of the whole peninsula. It has the Columbia Unw versity, Portland public schools, Bull Bun water, electric lights, electric street-cars, elegant homes, liquor pro-' hibition, mills, factories and shops, in short, every thing necessary to build a great city. There will be a great city between the rivers and: University Park will be its business and social center. Prices of lots $100 and upwards, on easy installments. Take the St. Johns car and stop off at University Park. Seeing will con- vince you. You have been reading advertisements of University Park and notice the advance from month to month.. How much higher will you let these prices go before you buy? PRANOIS L M'KENNA, Office .at University Park Station. FARMS Examine onr large Hat of farms before parchaslsg. We have mri of the best prop erties that are for sale, and a great num ber from which to make selection. As a rule we can sell lands cheaper than tho purchasers cast pojtlblr get them direct from owners, besides offering suggestions as to localities aad lands best adapted to the par ticular use required of them. Ask any Portland bank as to our stand ing and methods. Call or write for our list of farms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 243 STARK ST. The Free Lands of Promise "There Is a turn In the affairs of men. which taken at the tide leads on to for tune," -which means that now Is the time to secure free homesteads In the Canadian Northwest. AGENCY, KCOM: 2, CHAM. OF COMMERCE. PORTLAND. SPECIAL 9J "Acres at $1350 - 4 Acres at $ 600 2 Acres at $ 300 On O. AV. & P. electric 11a e, short distance east of Sellwood. 1V111 be sold oa easy terms. KNAPP & MACKEY Room 2, Chamber of Commerce. COAHA "We are offering for sale one .irStlil I of the fine homes ln Nob Hill uvuv ,111 -which will be ready for occupancy on or before September 1. The house has 9 rooms, is thoroughly modern, elegantly finished; has furnace, three fireplaces, porch oa two sides of house. This Is a corner lot on 21thHst. For tcrma see Portland Trust, Company OF OREGON 109 THIRD STREET For Sale Ten room house with corner quarter-block, 100x100; entire property in excellent repair; cement walks, full cement basement, fur nace. Improved streets, sewers, etc.; beau tiful lawn .and shrubbery, making desir able home; or room for six flats or three bouses without moving present house? good location for Income property. Im mediate possession given. Inquire '415 2d sL. N. TV. cor. Hall. CHEAP LOT Lot 4fixlO0L on East Ankeny st. Price, only $550, on easy monthly payments. MALL & VON BORSTEL 23 . BvrrtVb REAL ESTATE $750 Lots in Doscher Second Addition. North Portland: easy term. $80 Two lota. Hth and College. $I10O Corner lot S. W. cor. 17th and Madi son. $130025x100 and cottage. Front, near Grant. X180O -block. N. 24th at.; easy terms. 12000 Full lot, Northrop, near 22 d. $200034 acres. 16 acres under plow, near Cedar Mills. $2000 Sightly U -block. S. E. cor. of Grover and Water ft. Grover street Improved, and cement walk. .$2100 Full jeuth front lot on Northrup. 100 feet west of 23d. All street Improvements made. $2300 Fractional lot, 7-room house. X..22d. rentlnjr for $25. $2300 Nice little modern home ln South Portland $2000 East front lot, 22d, near Kearney. $300030x100. S-room house, Qulmby St.; rentlnjr for $40. $3300 East front lot, 11th st.. near Harri son. $323073x100. Everett iU Nob HI1L $8300 Beautiful, new, modern home on Irv- Inir. near 24th: renting for 375. $30002 lots and modern 10-room home on Overton, near 23d st. $10.000 Property in North Portland, paying 10 per cent net. $17,00030x30, First st., corner; paying good revenue. $13,400 Property on Jf. 22d. renting for $151 per month. $18.000 Brick building, close- In, paying good returns. $20,000 Only lot for sale facing-Washington street. $31,00030x200, downtown, paying 9 per cent net. -bIock facing east on 23d and Irving, with a large modern lS-room dwelling, the house costing $18,000 to build. This property will be sold for a reasonable price and on favorable terms. NEW HOME We offer for sale the beautiful and sightly home of the late Dr. Herbert Cardwell. 23th and Johnson. There are about -Vi lots with new 11-room dwelling, built after design and Is now readyfor occupi the latest occupancy. ARDMORE The most desirable building site In Port land, surrounded by palatial homes with an unobstructed view of our famous mountains; the only exclusively high-class residence property supplied with bltullthlc streets, ce ment sidewalks. Bull Run water, sewer and gas laid to each lot. Take Washington street car to City Park and get off at Park ave. For plats and prices call on or address. OVER" THE RIVER $125 per acre, the best improved farm In Multnomah County. $130 and up Lots ln Feurer's Addition; low est priced lots on the market: easy terms. $150 each 3 lots, 10th and "Wygant, High land. $250 and op Lots In Larsens Addition. E. Stark and Larsen ave., Mt. Tabor car. $500 Two lots In Cook's Addition on the hill above the car shops. $700 Corner lot. Kern's Addition, near In- man & Poulsen mill; easy terms. $7300 lots in Edendale. near Sunnyside. $850 Corner lot. E. 11th and Hancock. $900 Lots near Steel bridge, on Benton. bet. Dixon and Dupont. $30050x100 and C-room house, Starr, near Hussell st.; easy terms. $1000 Full lot. 7th. near Vldler. $120050x200, E. Sth, near Brooklyn st. $130050x100 and new cottage. Midway. Sellwood car; move right in. $13008 lots near Lower Albina Station; will trade for Spokane property. $1550 Lot on Williams ave., near Broadway. $1600 Block 44, Waverly. one-thjrd former selling price. $1C00 5-room modern cottage In Sunnyside. renting for $17.50 per month. $1800 Corner. S. W. cor. E. 15th and Madi son. $2000 Two lots ln bearing fruit and 0-room house. Sandy Road, near E. 28th. $2300 New G-room house, Williams ave, $235050x120 and new 6-room house. Union ave.. near Ivy st. $230033x100 and two houses, 4G4 and 4 CO E. 0th; rent $25 per month. $25003 lots, southeast corner of 17th and Tillamook. $2630 2 lots, IGtb, bV- Belmont and Tay lor sts. $270030x100 and 0-room modern house. 40S Commercial St.. Upper Albina. $330010 acres, all Improved, orchard, house, just south of Multnomah Hall. Sec tion Line Road. $3500 Quarter-block. 2d and Wasco. $3300 Two lots and modern 8-room house. Williams ave. $3700 New and up-to-date house on E. Couch at.; move right in. $3600 U -block. E. 10th and Ankeny. $3250 Beautiful and sightly Westacott home on the Woodstock car-line at Howe's station, consisting of two lots, modern O-room house costing $3300; windmill, barn and plenty of fruit; completely fur nlshed; move right In. $4500 K -block. E. 2d and Holladay ave. $4500 Corner lot, close In, 3 cottages, rent ing for $53 ier month. $4C0O U -block. Grand ave. and Hassalo st. $500035 acres facing base line road; consid erable cordwood on the land. $50001 acre, E- 3d and Stephens, 500 feet railroad frontage: will trade for St. Paul or Minneapolis property. $525012 acres at Wlllsburg. highly im proved. 4 acres In orchard; house, barn and windmill. $5500 Two lots and 0-room modern house. E. Oak. near Oth: will trade for farm near Pendleton or Umatilla. $5700100x100 and 0-room modern house In McMUlen's Addition, near Steel bridge; room for two more houses. Bo you want to buy a sawmill? We have one at Estacada. 54 acres with mill. Don't fall to see us about this proposition. IRVING'S HARBOR VIEW $900 and up for lots near Steel bridge oa Benton, .bet. Dixon and Dupont sts. SUBURBAN HOME The Larson home, near Hunter's Station (ML Tabor car). Is now for sale. The prop erty consists of 100x200. bouse, greenhouse and barn, with an abundance of bearing iruit; easy terms. For sale, eight room, modern house, large lawns and flowers, good as new; 15 minutes from city; furniture If wanted; good location; $3600; terms. GRINDSTAFF & SCHALK 264 Stark Street. TELEPHONE MAIN 392. Holiday's Addition For Sals A biw 5-room cottage, all coa Ttnlencss, full ctmsnt bxsemeat. streets fully Improved. A very desirable loeatloa. Convenient to two trollay lines. Terms will ba given. Lots told on advantageous terms to home bullders. The Oregon Real Estate Co S3K Third St.. Room 4, California-" Bliss Lands" Homesee'kers act promptly. Secure a 20 acre farm of Irrigated land at $50 to $70 per acre, price Including water rights one fourth cash. Heached by Southern Pacine or Santa F Overland Line, direct to Tulare City, two miles from Bliss Lands. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous fruits, vege tables, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from Bliss Lands (Inc.), 610 Parrott bldg.. San Francisco. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO. " ESTABLISHED 1S72. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE. RENTAL AND LOAN AGENTS. 250 ALDER STREET. tfJ"AAn" 7-room modern house and lot. MUUi) Sg-rS nth and 13th forini Cottage and lot on Hoyt, bet. MJuv 21st and 22d sts. riirA House and lot In "Woodlawn, ll&jy Dckum ave. 510,000 ssff.wK- houscs' F. V. ANDREWS & CO.. Agents, Hamilton Bldg., 131 Third st. A Snap Two to five-acre tracts on the O. W. P. car line, one mile and a half east from the golf links; price from $150 to $250 per acre, .inquire vl uwdi a. uiwuu j -ER. at Stanley. CITY address, room 10$ Sherlock bldg. HOLLADAY PARK See the lots we are selling in Holladay Park; inside lots. $sia; comer lots, Jiew. MALL & VON BORSTEL 333 E. Burnsid at, WIBERO A beautiful tract that has been cut up Into lots. The land is above street grade, has water piped to every lot, is convenient to good carline and sur rounded by many modern homes. LARGE LOTS (60125.) Containing a lot and ahalf each. "We are selling for same price as 50 foot lots in same location. To the first few buyers we offer liberal discount. Portland Trust Company OF OREGON 109 THIRD STREET Trustee for City and Suburban. Realty BARGAINS IN- Acre Tracts We have for sale some 5-acre: tracts at $65.00 per acre, $25.00 down balance small monthly payments. These tracts are well located. Lambert, Whitmer & Co. 404 East Alder Street. (Phone East 491) and 107-10S Sherlock Building. FOR SALE 50x50, with two cottages on Petti grove street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. Price 2100. Rents yield 16 per cent on above price. RUSSELL & BLYTH 82y2 Third, Corner Oak. FOR SALE The Waldorf Thirteenth and Alder. Apply to John Bain. 224 Stark st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DESIRABLE HOME. 7 ROOMS. MODERN, lot 63 feet frontage, ln good neighborhood on E. 26th st.. is offered for $2600; Install ments to suit any purchaser. K. 44, Orego nlan. SUBURBAN HOME OF NEARLY 12 ACRES In berriee and other fruit; beautiful location, near car line; good buildings; running stream of dear water. V 20, Orejronlan. NICE S-ROOM COTTAGE. FINE BRICK basement, SOxlOO-foot lot. $1000; $200 don. balance small monthly payments. Mrs. R. Downing. Phone East 2U07. $2000 TO $2750 NEW. MODE. IN C-ROOM houe. I of them, near 23d and York sts.; little cask down, balance Installments. L. AV. Whiting & Co., 403 Ablngton bldg. 10 ACRES. Sis ACRES IN CROP. FENCED, no bout, on good road. i mile from end Montavilla car lm; snap at $2120, half cash. B. S. Cook & Co., 251 Alder st. HOX100 FEET. GL1SAN. BET. 23D AND 24th. $70lO. provided residence will be built thereon casting at least $6000. Fraalc C Baker, owner. Hamilton bldg. LOT AND TEN-ROOM HOUSE. FRONTING east on 11th ft-. West Side, central, la of fered at a very reasonable price; must rea lize. Owner, J 44, Oregonian. $1400 FOR SALE BY OWNER. A NICE 4- room house, a good barn. lawn, fruit and flowers; good location; two ear lines; terms to suit, fcril Mississippi ave. FOR SALE THE CHOICEST HOMES IN Oregon at Beaverton. 8 miles west of Portland; 1 to 100 acres: fare 33 cents. Barnes &. Cad jr. FOR SALE A FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS. lots well Improved and cultivated; In center of Mllwaukle. on ilonroe st. Geo. Slegner. Mllwaukie. ur. BUY FROM THE OWNER: SAVE CO.MMIS lions; eeveral four and five-room cottagc for sale on installments; same as rent. H 33, Oregonian. $3000 20TH STREET. NEW TWO-STORY house, attic, gas ana eiecirtc nxture. rur nace heat: rents $35; terms. G 37. Ore gonian. FOR SALE CHOICE CORNER LOT. THREE house, Income of $S3 a month, en the West Side. 10th st. and 520 Everett; price $5500. LARGE HOUSE AND GROUND. EAST Side, close in, suitable for small sanitarium or lovely home; cheap. 1'hone East 45. 100x100. ON 15TH AND HANCOCK STS.. Holladay Add., Ift offered for $1700; a snap. Nonresident owner, L 44, Oregonian. LOT3 FOR SALE CASH OR INSTALL- maj, halt down, balance installments Mrs. Howe. Phono Union 173. SELLWOOD LOTS. $3.00 DOWN AND $3.00 a month; from $73.00 to juo.w. sen wow Townslte Co. Phone Union 1481. FOR SALE CHEAP LOT 0, BLOCK 3. HEN ry'a Add. to East Portland. Must sell at once. Phone owner. Main 4703. LARGE. MODERN RESIDENCE LARGE grounds, centrally located. West Side. Wax. G. Beck. 307 Foiling bldg FOR SALE NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. ALL modern conveniences;' price reasonable. In quire owner, 731 E. Ash st. FOR SALE TWO LOTS IN LAURELWOOD. 100x100. cleared. $250 cash or terms. Pearl Wymore. 284 i 1st st. $1675 LARGE. NEW, MODERN 8-ROOM house. Montavilla: cost $1800; easy terms. Box 561. Oregon City. $1706 BUYS A 7-ROOM COTTAGE; HALL, bath, stationary tubs; lot 30x106; large barn. Inquire 733 Corbett su i ACRE LOT FOR SALE. ON MOUNT Seott line, for $300. by H. Tlmm. 632 3d st. South Portland. MODERN SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, LOVEJOY ex., near 23d; a bargain. Geo. M. Strong, ICM W. Park at. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE, 6 MILES from Morrison U bridge. C K. Ballard. Milwaukee. Or. FOR SALE WEST SIDE 5-ROOM COT tage. 10 minutes walk Postofflce. H 46, Oregonian. $630 0-ROOM HOUSE. FINE CORNER LOT, barn. Sellwood; easy terms. Box 561, Ore gon City. FOR SALE CHEAP. GOOD 12-ROOM house, well located. Owner. L 43. Oregonian. FOR SALE 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, sir.oll lot. Inquire 313 Hancock. Take U car. NEW. MODERN T-ROOM HOUSE. 660 Clackamas st., Holladay Park. Key at 637. FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSE, ON CAR line. In Montavilla. Phone Main 1533. FOR SALE 6 AND 7-ROOM HOUSE ON asy terras. Owner. Phone East C75. TWO 5-ROOM HOUSES FOR SALE WEST Side. No agents. T 14, Oregonian. FOR SALE-COR. LOT 30x100. CLOSE IN ON East Side. 41 E. 26th, HOT NUMBERS. YOU BET. $0300 A grand. 103-acre. highly Im proved farm, only IVi miles from geed electric car service. 21 miles out; very ex cellent residence, barns and other Wild ings; place well fenced: rich soil; contains big crop. Stock arid Implements luchidwd; also all crops in the ground. $4300 Vry handsome, strictly modern 3 room reslder.ee, corner lot. roa and shrubbery to your bearts content; walking distance to business; East Side. $3000 For a grand river front 148-acro place; good buildings; 20 acres of baavr dam, worth the price of the wkoVe farm: situated - miles from AVoodland. Wak. $300012 Urge lots, containing ower 2 aeres of land, with very stylish T-rsam. strictly modern cottage, barns and poultry houses; a charming suburban bobm. ttmni lng on electric car line. $1500 Nice 10-acre place, fronting graveled street 3 blocks etectrle car?, m Oak Grove. $10002 large lots, very beautiful S-room residence. 6 blocks Woodlawn Station. 730 Cory 5-room cottage. 3 fH 24 fruit trees, alt kinds of borrtos. rosos. shrubbery, etc.; 4 blocks electric ears. Woodlawn. $30 3 "acres, with small shack of a house, at Clackamas, coavenlont to sta tion. $200 Corner lot, with small cot la so. I block electric cars. Oak Grove. For bargains in farms, city bw4nes and residence property, river front acreag. tm&r suburban himes npply to THE DUNN-LAW KBNCE COMPANW 140 1st st. $1.'H0 BUYS 22 LOTS. 30x1 W. WBST StBB. house, barn am! orchard; nlee home. $15,600 buys 42 acre, lfc miles irom Coort houoe; very easy term. $Jt0 buys fine 3-aere tractt Wet 9Me; ;ifo cash. $40tO buys 40 aerra near Lent: no graves, very sightly; $5K cash, balanc 1. 2 ami 3 years. 6 per eent. $1200 buys good 5-room ho.e. brick a.e ment. line yard, some trait, oa ear Hue. $20(X buys fine 6-room house. 2 goid tots, houso new. SHtO buys line cottage. SunnyeM. etectslc lights, modern; lot 5Q.10; cat?. CHARLESON & CO.. . 310 Alteky bldg. Phono West Ml. ON THE WEST SIDE. 160x100. well located on a prominent cor ner; 5 good houscs; yearly rental $lo$0. Price $10,800. 25xICX) Nice 5-room eottage: yearly rn $180; a nlco little home or for Income. $lSCO. 60x73 A corner, with 2 good 7-room houses; yearly rent $468. $4CS0. 50x732 good 7-room houses; yearly rent $420. $42CO. These properties are all rented at roasoa able figures and are worthy of mveetlgatiOB. DAVID S. STEARNS, 240 Washington St. 160 ACRES. NINE MILES FROM M'MINN vllle. 4 mlka from another good town, on the Willamette River; tine farm building, well fenced with good wire fencing, good water system, with windmill: 16 aeres bear ing hops, good drying plant; 12 acres bearing orchard; 70 acres grain land; balanee pas ture; public warehouse on place, whool and ohureh near by. This hopyarti produced 20,000 pounds of dried hops for five years; last year's crop worth $0000. This year's crop goes with sale, with Immediate pos sesion. Price $10,000. Write for particu lars. Warren & Stater, McMlnnvllle, Or. INVESTORS. NOTICE. $42,50010 tlat3 on 12th st-. eleee In. rents $350 month. $29.000 100x100. on 7th st.. rents $320 month. $18,00030x100. on 4th St.. close In. 1b come $170. $10,500 lOOxlCO, 3d and Montgomery. $15000 I houses on 17th St.. Income tS4 per month. SAHLSTROM & PATTERSON. 163Ji Fourth street. READ THIS. For $20 down and $10 a month thereafter you ean buy one of those sightly Waverly lots, each . 52x100 and only 45 minutes walk from First and Morrison sts. Spe cial price to those wishing to build., Sec owner. JOSEPH M. HEALEY. 214 Ablngton, 106 Third Street. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as & specialty, within city .limits or outside. Some acres with terms as low as $10 per month with water. A. C ChurcnUl A Co.. lac." 110 2d sC $42,50010 FLATS. CLOSE IN; RENTS $850. $20.600 IXOxlOO. 7th St.. rents $320. $18,00030x100. 4th St.. rents $170. $17.000 3-story brick. First St.. rents $160. $10,500100x100 3d St. $10.000 3-story frame. First st. rents $U. $6000 I houses. 17th, rent $S4. Sahlstrom & Patterson. 163H 4th st. 37 ACRES. TWO STREET-CAR LINKS. ONB station on land; all good poll: fenced; -acres orchard. 5-cent fare; over half cleared: no underbrush; 10 acres ln hay; this 1 a bargain; don't fall to Investigate this tract; $145 per acre, halt cash, balance to suit. Empire Inve.ntment Co.. 227 Chamber o Commerce. 20 ACRES' FINE LAND; GOOD HOUSE AND barn, 20 miles from Portland. 3 miles Irom station and boat landtag, nearly all wniler cultivation, smalt creek running through place; plenty of water for Irrigation onriioa es ; a snap for $3300; easy terms or win tratfcs for city property. V 41. OregonlaR. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Only 7 lots left. Beautifully situated car line. Cheapest offered. American In vestment Co.. 222 Falling bWg. Evening and Sundays. Phone Main 1311. on tste property. IRVINGTON. Lots $800. See F. J. Ralej. reiWent agent, corner E. 2Ut and Schuyler sts.. who wMl show you the property. Phone Kast 144. or a H. Prescott. Tr.. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 1208. BEAUTIFUL HOMES. 7 AND 8 ROOMS, with all modern conveniences; on B. 3d. between Wasco and Multnomah; conven ient to 3 carllncs; for sale on easy terms. Apply to owners. Parish 4 Gourlay. oa premises. Phone East 150. J. V. CREIGHTON & CO., 163K Third Street. 100x100. Waehtngton at $22,500 ICOxlOO. new S-room house 1.360 50x100. East 16th North. 7-r'm boos 3.30 100x100, 13th ft., near Marshall lMOO NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. WITH ALL 3IOD ern improvements, on one of the ehoicost lots on Willamette Heights, east of Ravin, with unobstructed view; can be had very reasonable. Owner. E 44. Oregonian. NICE 3-ROOM COTTAGE. NICELY PA pored. with pantry, woodehed. fruit trees, nice, "welt fenced: 2 blocks from cur-Mno; $475. Owner. George Andvrsen. 100 3d st. Phone Main 4136. Terms. $6000 INCOME $S4 PER MONTH FULL lot on West Side, splendid location, eloso in and well Improved, always rented, pays about 14 per cent net; win Increase .in value. Compton & Gibson. 100 Ablngton bldg. Phone Red 2S6. $1575-$350 CASH. BALANCE GOOD TERMS: two fine lots. Alblnu. ctace In: corner Fred erick, Eaut 12th. cheap: almost your terms. Owner. 240 Park St.. 10:30 forenoons; aro few days only. SEE JOE NASH IN THE BIG WHITE house at Nashville station, on the Mt. Scott car line. If you want to buy or rent a home In Nashville; $12 per month. 5-room modern cottage. 5-ROOM COTTAGD, FINE. SIGHTLY PLACBL near public school, excellent car nervlce; a snap. $1000; small cash payment, balance like rent. D 44. Oregonian. GET ONE OF THOSE NEW HOUSES JUST finished on 23d. bet. Irving and Johnson; everything modern and up to date. In quire on premises. $2400 MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. NEARLY new. 2 lots, fine lawn, denlrabl location. East Side; owner must leave city at once. V 44. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 ACRES ON JOHN son creek and Estacada car line: $1i0 per acre. Inquire 127 E. 16th. Phone Main 101P. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. FRONTING EAST ON Rodney ave.. can be bought for $1000 If taken now; half cosh. Owner. F 44, Oregonian. $1500 BEAKTIFUL QUARTER BLOCK. ON 12th st. West Irvington; streets Improved. D. Miller. 303 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 3 ACRES. IMPROVED. Lo cated on 28th and Fremont ets.. en easy terras. Inquire 873 E. Davis st. DESIRABLE SIX-ROOM RESIDENCE. COR ner lot. shade, fruit, price and terms reason able. Owner. R 45. Oregonian. FOR SALE 10 ACRES. CHEAP. INQUIRE 48th and Hawthorne ave. S. Mrs. W. S. Falling, Mount Tabor P. O. FOR SALE 5-ROOM HOUSE AND 25x143, RusieH st., bitween Rodney and Union ave. Owner. 361 Russell st. . PLEASANT HOME. FURNISHED: 3 LOTS In fruit; 2 blocks car. 450 Magnolia st.. Woodlawn. 816CO BUYS A 5-ROOM COTTAGE, HOLLA- day Addition district. If taken now. K 44. Oregonian. FOR SALE NEW HOUSE. COR B. 20TK an B. Everett eta. Owner on premise.