The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 06, 1905, PART TWO, Page 19, Image 19

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Kebeth Murdered White Man
and Wife in Alaska.
President Roosevelt Will Be ABked
to Pardon 3Ian Who Confessed
After Conversion and Join
ing Salvation Army.
SEATTIiB, Aug. 5. (Special.) There
is being quietly circulated In Seattle
and Tacoma a petition to be presented
to President Roosevelt for the pardon
of Jim Hanson, or Kebeth, now serving
a life-sentence at McNeil's Island for j
murder. Already it nas many signers
from among those who know tho his
tory of the Indian and of his crime.
It is outljned in the present petition
that Kebeth committed the crime be
cause it was the law of his nation so
to do; that he was obliged, on the or
ders of his chief, to kill the man that he
thought had killed his tribesman; that
he believed he was committing no crime
but a religious deed when he shot a
white man and his wife, and that. If he
remains much longer at McNeil's IsJand,
he will follow the ranks of his fellow
Alaskan Indians, who are dying of con
sumption. Kebeth, or Jim Hansen, was. In 1S93,
a hunter In the country about Cook's
Inlet. People that have long lived In
that portion of Alaska state that he
was the best hunter there, fearless,
daring and tireless in the work. He
had no toch of the white man's habits
In him. He was an Indian, heart and
soul, and believed absolutely in the
traditions of his race. At one time the
man had the reputation of being the
most successful hunter of the brown
bear of any man In his section.
Skagway was the -market for the
hunters of his tribe, and Kebeth 'be
came well known there through the
selling of hides and game meat. "When
he was In town he entered freely into
the life there and, although not dissi
pated or bad in any way. he was known
as a "good fellow" in the rough fron
tier town.
Tribesman's Mysterious Death.
A companion in nearly all his hunt
ing trips was a tribesman and relative
named Artikoor. The two were Insepar
able. One day in the Fall of 1899 Arti
koor proposed a hunting trip up Lynn
Canal. The men were then In Skagway.
Kebeth did not at that time desire to
leave the town and, accompanied by
his wife. Artikoor set out in his kaiak.
That was the last ever seen of cither
Artikoor or his wife. Later on the
beach at Lynn Canal portions of his
broken kaiak were found, his amulet
and a bracelet of copper, the latter .the
property of his wife.
The tribe was certain that Artikoor
and his wife had not met death in any
natural manner. The Indian had con
siderable gold about him, and the tribe
believed that he had been murdered.
A council of war was held. Tho shaman
ordered that the murderers of Artikoor
should be brought lo Justice. Kebeth
and six others were appointed the exe
cutioners of the guilty ones as soon as
they could be found.
Jim Hanson journeyed to Lynn Canal.
The slaters of hfs friend would, he ar
gued, some day come back to the spot
where the crime was committed. So he
simply waited. He believed that his error
was a far nobler one than that of the
white man that legally executes con
demned murderers. It was the law of
his tribe and of his country that justice
should be meted out Had ho not obeyed
it he would be a greater renegade than
the men that killed his friend.
Bert Horton and his wife, Florence
Horton. were living in Skagway at tho
time. They decided to go on a camping
and hunting trip together. By some un
fortunate stroke they landed their boat
near the spot where Kebeth and his men
had established their hidden headquar
ters. To the simple-minded Indians this
looked suspicious, and they watched the
Idle Action Results In Death.
Mrs. Horton Idly took a stick and be
gan digging in the sand, it was on the
same spot where Artikoor and his wlfa
had been killed. To the Indian, tnls was
proof that the two were criminals. Ke- t
beth was certain the woman was digging
tor tho gold of Artikoor that she had
buried. He first shot Horton from am
bush and then killed Mrs. Horton.
The Indian felt no horror at his crime.
To him it was no crime. It was justice of
the most simple and primitive kind. Obey
ing the orders given by the shaman be
neath the tribal totem-pole, he and his
companions burled tho bodies of their
victims in the sand and went their way.
Reporting what he- had done to the sha
man, Kebeth received commendation and
praise. He went again to his fishing and
hunting, conscious that he had done a
good deed and had proved himself a true
follower of his faith.
Some time later Kebeth was again in
Skagway. On the street he heard some Sal
vation Army people singing and preach
ing. He listened to them. He had never
before heard Christianity explained in
Just that way, so simply that even he
could understand what was meant. He
attended the meetings In the Salvation
Army Hall. In two weeks he was convert
ed and had accepted the faith of the white
man that he had heretofore despised. He
preached in Skagway, and owing to his
standing among the Indians, ho was en
abled to bring many over to the faith.
Confesses to Salvationist.
Adjutant McGlll was in charge of tho.
Salvationists In Skagway. To him one
day went Kebeth.
"I have but now discovered that I have
sinned," he said. "What shall I dor
When the Indian had told of the crime
he had committed. Adjutant McGlll was
In rather fca quandary what to advise.
Taking all the facts into consideration, he
did not believe it would be justice to ask
Kebeth to give himself up. He thought It
would simply be death for the Indian.
However, he explained the situation to
Kebeth as well as he knew, and the
Aleut, of hlB own accord, went to a Unl
ted States Marshal, confessed and took
the officers to where the bodies were hid
Kebeth was tried, convicted of murder
In the first degree and sentenced to death.
Here Is what the Attorney-General wrote
In his report of the trial:
"He frequently stated that he desired to
suffer death as an example to his people.
with the hope tnat it might tend to bet
ter their condition in the future, and to
prevent them from committing similar
Judge Melville C. Brown, of the United
States District Court, presided at the
trial. To President McKInley Judge
Brown wrote as follows:
"His entire conduct during the trials of
the several other indh'iduals six of his
tribesmen who were present when he com
mitted the crime, being also" convicted for
prison sentences of several years "as
well as his own. convinced me of the hon
wsty of his confession and the purity of
the motives that induced it.
3Iovcd hy Religious Fervor.
"That he was moved and controlled by
a high religious fervor there can be. no
doubt. "When asked tvhy the sentence of J
death should not bo passed upon him, 1
he said:
" My brother, .1 have done my duty.
Now do yours."
.President McKInley commuted Kebeth's
sentence from death to life Imprisonment,
The President was considering a pardon
when he was assassinated.
In stripes at McNeil's Island Kebeth Is
a model prisoner. Though he, has been
there for more than two years', his reli
gious enthusiasm has never abated. Night
and morning he prays, and at meals asks
a blessing. During his hours of liberty
in the corridors he elngs religious songs
Dads of Good Family Steal and Are
Prond of It.
NEW YORK, Aug. 4. Two - boys In
knickerbockers attempted yesterday to
loot a hous in WeBt BStrhty-fourth street.
They forced an entrance- with all the
care and skill of experienced burglars, but
were caught as they emerged through
tho front door, carrying a bag, in which
were jewelry, cigars, camera films, memo
books and thimbles. In the loot was a
valuable pearl necklace. The entire lot
is valued at $1000. Tho boys are both from
g0od fannies, and their parents were
thunderstruck when summoned to the Po
lice Station and told of their exploits.
One was 12 years old and the other 14.
Neither would say much about their ex
ploit, but took no pains to show they
were proud of it.
A passer-by who was made suspicious
by the action of the two boys was In
strumental In their capture. He called
three policemen, who, on . Investigation,
found that the boys had pried open a
trapdoor In the roof and broken through
a heavy wire screen beneatli. "With a
rope ladder they then descended and ran
sacked the house, whose owner was ab
sent to the country
Two detective who had been posted at
the front door captured the youthful bur
glars when they sallied out with arm
loads of spoils.
Heavy Postofficc Business.
Portland Postofflce records were broken
last month, the business of July having
exceeded that of December, by $500.
December Is usually the heaviest month
of the year in point of business, and the
comparison was made from it in order to
show the Increase.
The office receipts for July. 1S03, were
J40.920.2S, as against (28,735.34 for the cor
responding month of 1904, or an Increase
of $12,181.84. being 42.4 per cent.
This Increase Is due in large part to the
extra buness caused by the Fair, but it
Is also traceable in part to the natural
growth' of the cltv.
Who Smoke in Public After-Dinner Cigars of
Viennese Ladies Constant Puffing of Japanese
MRS. HUGH FRASER. the author, sis
ter of Marion Crawford and uiece of
Julia "Ward Howe, who sailed last week
for Japan, In a talk about her life abroad
told of the universality tf the custom of
smoking among upper-class women of all
"Strange as it may seem, though," she
raid, "among the Japanese women I have
never seen one of the nobility smoke. No
Japanese woman of the nobility, in fact, j
has ever admitted to me that she smoked, j
t nrommn th- An in th!r nvn iinmra.
They may not have spoken of it, feeling
that a Western woman would object, and
it would not be courteous to do so.
"But if the upper-claw women are not
seen smoking, the middle and lower-class
women smoke constantly. On long rail
road Journeys you will always ce the
women smoking. They smoko the three
whiffs of tobacco that the little pipe con
tains, and then fill and light it again.
They have told me that they smoke in
this way because it Is the first whiff of
the tobacco which Is agreeable. For my
part. I think their tobacco la very bad. I
believe It Is home-grown, and it Is not at
all agreeable.
"My little Japanese maids always
smoked, though never in my presonce.
They used to sit on the steps and smoke,
but that was in their own quarters. I
once raised the wages of my personal
maid, and the first thing she did was to
engage a maid for herself, and the duties
of this little girl were chiefly to prepare
her tea and make ready her pipe.
"All the upper-class women abroad
smoke English, French, German, Italians
and Russians. In many circles In Bag-
iana 11 18 peciea mat cigarettes -snail ne
passed to the women after dinner, and we
have a peculiar rule there about smoking
In public. At after-theater suppers one
always smokes. .
"All Russian women smoke, and smoke
great deal, and I presume that It Is
through them to a great extent that the
women of other countries have taken up
the practice. They have an excellent to
bacco, that they use. and which is diffi
cult to find, though it is to be had In Lon
don in some of the Russian shops.
Turkish women, of course, smoko con-
THE pig plays a part in many beliefs.
Mr. Hickson, who traveled much In
the Celebes and adjacent Islands, eays tho
London Globe, found a tribe who be
lieved that the whole earth Is borne by
a pig belonging to tne goa juaic-a-wa-
long, who dwells in the under-world, and
that the frequent earthquakes In that re
gion are caused by the pig rubbing itself
against the trees.
Some of the Inhabitants, however, assert
that the world 'does not stand on the pig
Itself, but on a number of plies, and it Is
against these that the porker rubs itself.
with such terrible results. Another exam
ple of pig superstition Is found In the
mythology of tho East, from which one
learns that when the earth was hidden
away by the malice of a giant, the god
Vishnu took upon himself the form of a
great boar. This animal had fiery tusks,
with which It rooted the earth up from
the depths of Patalas, putting It once
more In its proper place. This circum
stance places the pig high in the estima
tion of a large portion of the people of
Asia by associating it with his third Ava
tar, In commemoration of which the god
Is sometimes represented In Hindu tem
ples with the head of a pig.
Animals generally, however, have not
Insignificant positions In the realms of
superstition. Thus, in Holland and Bel
glum, to kill a stork Is considered ono of
the greatest misfortunes that could hap
pen to a man. for 111 luck Is certain to
follow him through life. In the Ural
Mountains tho peasantry believe that If
a wolf sees a man before the man sees
the wolf the man will be struck dumb and.
remain so as long as the wolf lives. The
Eskimos consider that bad fortune will
fellow a huikor unless whenever he kills
Bipolar bear he cuts off the animal's nose
and throws it on the ice. The Lapps, too,
believe that the bear Is Invested with
supernatural powers, apd consequently
never mention his name, speaking of him
as "God's dog," or "the old man In the
fur cloak." The screeching or an owl or
the killing of one, as well as- the croaking
of a raven, -or the crowing of a Iven, are
Special Policeman Accused of
Drunkenness on Duty.
Intoxicated Soldier Is Said to Have
Been Dragged Many Blocks In,
the- Xorth End of tho
City by Officer.
Special Policeman Bush will probably
be suspended from duty today, pending
a rigid Investigation of a mysterious af
fair in which he played a leading part at
midnight last night. A long reports-will
bo submitted to Chief Grltzmacher this
morning by Captain Bailey, commanding
the second relief.
At 11 o'clock last night Captain Moore.
of the first relief, received a telephone call
from Twenty-fourth and Thurman streets,
reauestlnc that a aatrol wagon bo dis
patched to bring In a drunken soldier.
Udou making innulry as to who was at
the telephone, tho Captain was informed
It was Special Policeman Bush. The wag
on was sent, and in an hour it returned
with Jacob Hees. a soldier connected with
the Exposition Guards. The man was
limp and almost lifeless, and had to be
carried Into the Jail by policemen.
Although Hees had a strong pulse and
breathed pretty well. Captain Bailey
fared that something had happened to
him of an unusual nature, and he sent
the man to Good Samaritan Hospital,
where he was attended by Assistant City
Physician Slocum. The patient was sUU
unconscious at the hour of going to press.
and It will not be known until later what
Is his exact ailment.
The charge is made that. Special Police
man Bush was intoxicated while on duty.
and that he dragged the soldier from
saloon at Twenty-fourth and Thurman
streets to Seventeenth and Thurman,
where policemen In charge of the patrol
wagon finally -located Special Policeman
Bush and the soldier.
Special Policeman Bush was angry when
questioned as to how he happened to be
so far away from the place from which
, Captain Moore received the telephone
stantly, and they use a very good tobacco,
French women I know less about than
those of other nationalities, and they
vary. ?ome using tobacco and others ob
jecting to It. German women smoke, also
the Italians. A woman of the nipper class,
a Roman, would be surprised not to be
offered a cigarette after dinner.
"But in speaking of smoking, the women
who smoke most of all are the Austrian
women. They smoke cigars. I shall
never forget a dinner that was given to
the Prince of "Wales by the British Em
bassy In Vienna. Sir Henry Elliot was
the Ambassador, and my husband was
this dinner had been selected with great
care; they were distinguished people, and
all the most beautiful women hafl been
brought together. Tho "Viennese women'
are charming, arid they wear exquisite
gowns. The dinner passed oft as It should
and at its dose Sir 'Henry rose to conduct
the Prince to the smoking-room, when
to our surprise, every woman at that
table rose and trooped after them. Those
beautiful women lr their comely, low-cut
gowns and covered with diamonds, dlsap
peared Into the smoking-room to finish
their dinners with cigars.
"Lady Elliot and I said that thcro was
nothing for us to do but s!t down and
have a little friendly chat together, for we
could not possibly stand the smoko of
that 'room.
"I have seen fine, old. white-haired la
dies In Vienna sitting tired out In a ball
room, waiting to take home the daugh
ters they were chaperoning, each with a
great cigar in her mouth.
"An Austrian woman is never expected
to smoko until she Is married, though I
suppose the young girls do it in their own
apartments. There was one little Aus
trian Duchess, whose name' I have forgot
ten, who was burned to death while at
tempting to hide a cigarette in tho pocket
of a light frock when her governess came
unexpectedly Into the room when she was
"In America I have found that women
who have traveled often smoke, and oth
erwise there has been very little objec
tion, and no one minds It I open my cigar
ette case after dinner where they arc not
accustomed to using them. The most
rigid objections I have found in Maryland
and Virginia. There people are horrified
by the custom."
also sometimes regarded as Indications of
coming calamity.
But some of the most Interesting super
stitions are connected with death. In
some country districts of England and
Germany there Is an idea that If the bees
swarm upon a rotton tree there will be a
death In the family owning or living on
the property within a year. In Greenland
when a child dies the natives bury a
live dog with it. to be used by tho child
as a guide to the other world, because,
they say, a dog can find its way any
where. A prettier custom prevails among the
Seneca Indians when a maiden dies. A
young bird is Imprisoned until It first be
gins, to sing, and thon they kiss It and
set It at liberty over the girl's graved be
lieving that it will not fold Its wings nor
close Its eyes until it has flown to the
spirit land and delivered Its burden of J
affection to the departed one. In this :
way It Is not uncommon for a scoro of
birds to be set loose over tne same
grave. The Mojaves say that all the dead
who are not cremated are turned, into
owls, and the screeching of one of these
birds at night they imagine to bo caused
by the spirit of some dead Mojave.
And In the Mohammedan creed animals
have a place. Among the beliefs .of the
followers of the Prophet Is one that 11
animals were admitted to Paradise. These
were the dog Khatlm, of the Seven Sleep
ers of Ephesus; Balaam's ass; Solomon's
ant, the particular one which reproved the
sluggard; Jonah's whale, Ishmael's ram,
the camel of Salcb, the cuckoo of Belkls,
the ox of Moses; AI Borak, the animal
which conveyed Mohammed to heaven;
the ass on which Christ rode into Jeru
salem, and the one on which the Queen
of Sheba rode when she paid her famous
visit to Solomon. This Is not, however,
by any means the only superstitious be
lief concerning Paradise. For instance,
many of the South Sea Islanders believe
that heaven can only be inherited by per
sons whose physical forms aro perfect.
Where this Idea prevails a man will die
rather than, submit to amputation. It
would seem that John Chinaman's pig
tall owes its existence to the belief that
It would form a convenient handle by
which one day he would hs lifted Into'
message, and refused to answer. He de
clared, however, tnat he never tciepnonea
for the wagon, but that some one else
The entire matter win be made tne sub
ject of careful investigation today Jy
Chler. Grttzmacner. it is too iuu oi mys
tery and too serious to pass without not
ice, according to the police.
Government to Offset Effect of Jap-
ncso Advertisement.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. The Adminis
tration will meet the action of tho Japa
nese officials who recently determined
that Pnrnimn -was not fit for Japanese
laborers,- by issuing advertisements for
laborers to work on tne canai. it u. tne
intention "to point out the advantage of
this work, the good wages, the Improved
sanitary conditions and tho care exercised
by the Government over tne men. in oraer
to attract laborers to the Isthmus.
. r
Wltte's Mission May Include Conces
sions on Russian ' Tariff.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 3. It Is said at
the State Department that, if M. WItte.
In addition to his duties as a. peace com
missioner, is charged with negotiations
directly with the Government here in re
gard to the readjustment of the tariff
relations between the United States and
Russia, he probably will be put In touch
with the Treasury ornciais wno nave in
spired all of ther diplomatic exchanges
on the subject from tne American siae.
Meantime It has been Intimated that.
with a view of giving the Russian sugar
importers another opportunity to dem
onstrate tho contention that the Russian
practice of aiding the sugar producers
of that country Is not a technical viola
tion of the anti-bounty provision ot tne
American tariff act. another casa Is in
preparation for submission to the Supreme
Court of the United states, cringing ior
ward an entirely new phase of the mat
Wilson Finds Cloud Hanging Over
Another of His Subordinates.
WASHINGTON. -Aug. 5. Secretary of
Agriculture Wilson today said that a rigid
investigation is being made Into the con
dition of affairs of the Bureau ot Aniraai
Industry as the result of the admission
of Dr. E. F. Salmon. Chief of tho Bu
reau, that for six years prior to 1S02, he
was a silent partner of George Howard,
now vice-president of George E. Howard
Printing Company, which has had con
tracts for printing labels.
Will Hasten Uintah Entries.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 5. Upon recom
mendation of Land Commissioner Rich
ards, the President, has amended his
proclamation providing for the opening
of the Uintah reservation in Utah, so
as to make 111 entries per day beginning
August 10 Instead of 50. as provided in
the first proclamation. This change is
made to expedite entries, so as to give
entrymen more time to prepare for Win
ter. nnnnrniitn j
bUTUUI I lb rt DUUfflCnHIMV.1 ;
Shanglmi Merchants Hurt by It and
Want It Ended.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. Consul-Gen-oral
Rodgers, at Shanghai, cabled the
State Department today that the Chi
nese Chamber of Commerce at that
place deprecates the continuance ot the
boycott in China against American
goods, which, the merchants say. Is at
tributable In large part to the students.
Business Is being seriously affacted.
This dispatch Is regarded here as
very significant. The boycott was first
instituted at Shanghai and. singularly
enough, by the Chamber of Commerce
which is now so anxious to terminate
it. According to reports to the State
Department, the agitation extended as
far south as 'the Straits Settlements,
where the import business is largely
controlled by Chinese merchants, and
Consul-General Wllber stated that the
Shanghai boycott, as proclaimed by the
Chamber of .Commerce. has been
adopted by the Chamber at Singapore.
From Mr. Rodgers' report, it is in
ferred that the merchants who started
the boycott havo found they suffered
heavy losses In trade and are desirous
of removing it.
The Department has also been in
formed that Minister Rockhill has se
cured the aid of the Chinese govern
ment in stopping the anti-American
American Hallrond in Clilnn.
NEW. YORK, Aug. 5. Stockholders
of the China-American Developing
Company, which owns the concession
to construct the Canton-Hankow Rail
road in China, held their annual meet
ing in Jersey City today. J. P. Morgan
and Temple Bowdoln. of J. P. Morgan
& Co., who ropnesent tho American in
terests which control the property and
certain French and Belgian interests,
which are" credited with a desire to ac
quire control, attended the meetlnfr.
The session wns brief and it was said
that the question of accepting or re
jecting any of the foreign bonds was
not discussed.
District Attorney Jerome Says For
get Name of Founder.
CHAUTAUQUA, N. T.. Aug 5. Wil
liam Travers Jerome. District Attor
ney of New York, addressed 6003 people
today at the assembly on "Tho Patriot
Ism of Peace."
Mr. Jerome "declared that conditions
of political and social unrest are fast
approaching a crisis in this country.
He attributed it to the prevalence of
i selfishness and dishonesty. Ho referred
to the Equitable Investigation.
"Ha anyone brought to light any
Intention to protect toe widow and the
orphan?' exclaimed Mr. Jerome. He re
ferred to the building ot uarnegia li
braries In New- York which aro not
used and never can be.
"Better forget the name of Carnegie."
he said, "and leave that money with
those who earned It and make thoso
people happy. I believe In law and
order, but If I lived In one of thoso
miserable hovels In the Iron and steel
district and needed money for a loved
one. I should, not view the founding of
these libraries with complacency."
Found Poison In Gulteau Bouquet.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. Dr. W. C.
Tllden at one tirne chief chemist In tho
Army 'Medical Museum, attached to the
Surgeon-General's office, Is dead In this
city. It was he w-ho discovered the poison
in the bouquet sent to Gulteau the day
before his execution.
1 "Woman "Will Dive; Man Is Dead.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 5. Louis Shea
lor. a saloonman, tonight fired three bul
lets Into the body of Annie Silver, a young
woman with whom he had been asso
ciating, and tfen shot himself. He soon
died, but" the woman has a chanco of
recovering. - .
Police 'Are in Trouble, for Over
Crowding Firetug in Chase
of "Wireless" Sports.
CHICAGO. Aug. 5. (BpeclaD-The
coterie of gamblers who are back of the
floating poolroom scheme on the steamer
City of Traverse liavo at least temporary
ily "thrown up the sponge." It Is a
mooted question whether vigorous action
by the new Chief of Police. Collins,
brought about the capitulation or threats
by another coterie of ramblers who were
unwilling to see their victims victimized
by the other fellows.
At anv rate, fear of havlne the City
of Traverse burned to the water's edgej
or Diowix up wun aynamue Dy opposition
gamblers, the owners of the boat say.
caused her transfer from Chicago to
Kenosha, Wis., last night. This explana
tion of changing tho temporary home of
the "wireless poolroom" was given today
by Attorney Hyman. who declared the
owners of the craft had received a warn
ing that the destruction of the City of
Traverse had been planned. Attorney
Edward H. Morris, who will defend the
men arrested on Thursday's raid said:
"The police have no more right to ar
rest a man who Is going to and from a
boat. If he Is doing nothing else, on a
charge of disorderly conduct, than they
have to arrest persons getting on or off
street cars or trains for the same rea
son." Tho use of fire tug Yosemite to sup
press lake gambling has resulted. It Is
charged. In the city violating Federal
marine laws. City officials were notified
today to appear before Collector of Cus
toms Nixon and show cause why they
should not be fined for allowing more
persons on board the flro tug than is per
mitted In their Government license.
Inspector Peck submitted a report to
Collector Nixon showing that from 30 to
40 persons were on board the tug when it
steamed after the Eagle Thursday, the
latter boat carrying passengers from the
floating poolroom -City ot Traverse.
Children and Grandchildren at Wed
ding in Garfield.
GARFIELD, Wash.. Aug. 5. Special.)
The social event of the season was the
wedding Monday of Mrs. Carry E. Davis
and J. R. Rogers., both of Garfield. The
ceremony took place at the home of the
bride; Rev. Mr. Jennings, of the Baptist
church, officiating. Many relatives of the
brido were present. Including children and
Mr. Rogers is a substantial business
man. He is 61 years old. the bride Is 63
years of age and is as spry as a girl of IS.
David C. Stewart.
FOREST GROVE. Or.. Aug. 5. (Spe
cial.) David C. Stewart, an old resi
dent and pioneer, son of Benjamin E.
Stewart, who crossed the Dlalns In 1S47.
tiled at his farm home near this city
iast nignt atter long sunenng irom
cancer ui uie siumucu. xi c wu uui u in
Ohio, September S, 1S40. and came to
Qregon with his parents. They settled
In Yamhill County, which was the home
of the deceased until 1S79. when he
bought a farm near this city and has
been a resident here ever since. Besides
the widow, he left two sons, Horace D.
and Loring V. Stewart, both residents
of Grant County, and a daughter. Mrs.
Emma, wife of Professor C. E. Bradley
of Pacific University; also two broth-.
era and a sister living in Grant County.
The funeral will be held tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock, with burial in
tho Naylor Cemetery.
Dayton's Body Not Recovered.
SEASIDE, Or.. Aug. 5. (Specials
Searchers along the beach stimulated by
an offer of $50 from the father have not
yet found the body of MHn Dayton, who
was drowned while In swimming In the
surf yesterday noon.
Old residents say that the remains will
probably be cast up by the third or fourth
tide after the drowning. The body of
no one drowned off this beach has ever
been lost.
Jnckics Easy to Get in Seattle.
SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 5. (Special.)
Since the office was ooened here, SS men
have been enlisted for the United States
Navy, the only rejections being- on the
grounds ot weight and height. During
the same period, or since July 5. only
nine of the 4S applicants "at Spokane have
passed. The others were thrown out for
physical disabilities.
Held in Charge of Seduction.
EUGENE, Or.. Aug. 5. (Special.)
Walter Smith, aged 19, who resides
rour miles north of Coburg; was today
arraigned in the Justice Court on a
charge of seduction, and was held
under J1D0O bonds to appear for examination-
Clifford Mcllen.
SALEM. Or.. Aug. 5. (Special.) Clif
ford Mellen. aged 34. died at his home in
this city, today, after an Illness of sev
eral months. Ho leaves a wife, mother
and sister.
Dashed to Death on Rocks.
LOVE LAND, Colo., Aug. 6. R. liv
ings, a student at Armour Institute at
Chicago, has been killed as a result
of falling from the summit of Mount
Tpsllon. In Estes Park. The distance
which the unfortunate young man fall
to tho bottqm of, a narrow ravine,
where his body still lies, was about 400
feet. During the descent ho struck
projecting1 rocks several times, and
waa dead before tho bottom was reached.
According to a companion, Levings
stepped on a rock, and, thinking it se
cure, put all his weight on It, when
tho boulder gave way and he was
hurled to hla death. The body Is In such
a position that it will have to be pulled
out of the ravine with ropes, and this
.will take two days.
Clnims large Section of New York.
NEW YORK. Aug. 5. Joseph Cowan, of
Dallas. Texas, dropped In on New York
yesterday for the purpose of putting Into
motion a claim made some time ago by
several heirs of the late Andrew Harts
field for a large parcel of valuable real
estate. It Is declared by these persons
that Hartsfleld owned all that section of
Does Your Husband Drink
Whiskey or Beer to Excess? You can
cure him secretly by giving
Can be lven in tea, coffee, or milk.
He need never know It. for drrine is
tasteless.' odorless, and colorless. Ask
the Druggist Jor Orrlne No. 1, J1.00 per
box. Mailed sealed. Booklet free.
Money refunded If it falls.
The ORRINE CO.. Inc., Washington, D. C.
I WOODARD, CLARKE CO rsrttoii, Or,
the city lying west of Fifth avenue be
tween Seventy-fifth and One Hundred and
Thirty-fifth streets, part of which Is now
Central Park. This tract embraces 1G0
acres, and Is worth much more than
J-i00,0O).000, says Mr. Cowan, who- appraises
It at more than H.000.000.000, but is willing
to settle on a reasonable cash basts. It
Is said, -with the present reputed own
ers. The Hartsfleld or Hatfield, claim Is not
a new one. but the heirs have now got.
together and. according to Mr. Cowan,
propose to take active steps toward as
serting their rights.
"Willie Collier and Louise Allen Have
Split Company.
POINT JAMES. L. I.. Aug. 5. (Special.)
Local tradesmen have been shown the
following cablegram, sent to Thomas
Gorrlck. foreman of William Collier's
country placo here:
'London. Aug. 3. ISOo. I will pay no
debts contracted by my wife after this
date. Notify tradesmen.
It has been known for some time that
the relations between Collier and his wlf
were badly strained. Their domestic In
felicities run back many years and In
clude several sensational episodes.
Mrs. Collier, -whose stage name is
Louise Allen, resigned recently from her
husband's company, playing In London,
and came here. It Is reported that sh
has consulted a firm of attorneys In New
York regarding a divorce. Mrs. Collier.
when asked today If it was true that she
had taken steps looking to a suit for
divorce, replied: "It Is untrue; neither
Collier nor I contemplate such a step. I
left Collier a month ago In" London. He
and I are friendly. At least, we parted
Three Italian Children Burned.
OAKLAND! Cal.. Aug. 5. Three chil
dren were fatally, burned tonight as the (
result ot a lamp explosion in -n.aai. uax- (
land. They were the children of Antone ;
Felrelra. Antone. aged 6. Alfred, aged ;
and Talilno. aged 4. "When the ex- I
plosion occurred the mother wns outside
the house. She ran In and rescued ner i
Neighbors were attracted to the scene.
and when the mother attempted to re
turn Into the house for her other chll-
dhm, the neighbors misunderstanding her
object, restrained ner. rney aid noc learn
that there were children In the house un
til It was too late.
In 3Icmory of Ben Franklin.
NEW YORK. Aug. 5. A movement
having for its object an adequate com
memoration In this city ot tne soutn
anniversary of the birth of Benjamin
Franklin, next January, has been In
augurated among various societies of
New York.
Make Steel Street-Cars.
PITTSBURG. Aug. 5. Ground was
broken here today by the Pressed Steel
Car Company on two plants, each 640
feet long and 140 feet wide, which the
officials say they will use for the manu
facture of steel streetcars.
Must Die for Murder.
MOSCOW, Aug. 5. The former school
teacher. Kullkovsky. who. on July 11. shot
and killed Major-General Count Shuva
loff, prefect of police, was today sen
tenced to death by a court martial.
PORTLAND. Auk- 5. Mnxlmum tempera
ture. 80 deff.: minimum. 56. River reading
at 11 A. M.. 5.0 feet; change In past 24
hours, fall. 0.5 of a foot. TotM precipitation.
5 P. It. to 3 P. M.. none; total since Septem
ber 1. 1004. 31.08 Inches; normal. 4.S3
inches; deficiency, 12.25 Inches. Total sun
shine August 4. 1905. 10 hours and 50 min
utes; possible. 14 hours and 40 minutes. Bar
ometer (reduced to sea level) at 3 P. M-.
Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S
hours ending at midnight. August 8:
Portland and vtclnlty Fair and continued
warm. Northwest winds.
Oregon and Washington Fair and con
tinued warm. Northwest winds.
Idaho Fair and continued warm.
No rain has fallen In the Pacific States
Tko Lewis Phono-Metric Institute and School for
Btaramewrs of Detroit, MleWjsJU Established eleren
yeirs. Hits cured thousands. Oold Medal awarded
World's Fair. St. Louis. lU Recommended by phjic- .
Una. educators, c I nr7 m n. an djt rad u a 1 1 e " 7 " h - ,
This Institution has a Wetern Branch at Tortland with
TerrUrM claw ot pupils In atwndance-inen and
wemea.tirlandbojs-aira.tntolaty "y,a
bea cufsd la tarts weeksTbut Are to six weeks U th
UmeuVnally required. Wllldo.e la Portland on Octobe r
llth. Will accept pupils until September lit. A. (
poarnvit soLtrns cube dvmxsrzsp, '
Write at onwforprtleulars and terms If you mention
this paper and send cents In stamp, to co rjr t1"1'-""- '
I will iend you our cloth bound. a paje book. -The .
nrirtr, and Treatment ot Stammertnjr' free of charge. ,
addreis "WXLLX42C T. I.EWIB . . .
WesUmBaprosanUtiTe Associate Kinapai
w. Cor. lata ana a&iibix
Ifote-Ko pupils accepted at Tortlaad after Sept. lit
able Deal
ing. Posi
tive Cures
We treat and cure hundreds every
month who suffer from Pelvic and
other diseases of men, such as Hydro
cele. Varicocele, Stricture, Stomach.
Kidney and Bladder Affections, Vital
Weakness. nrons Decline. Impo
tency. Nocturnal Losses and all that
Ions train of symptoms and troubles
which arl.e from youthful errors or
other excesses.
We have a new specific treatment for
Gonorrhoea, which Is prempt. sure, safe
and painless.
Syphllla and all blood taints we cure
to stay cured, and do not resort to poi
sonous minerals.
Varicocele, Hydrocele. Piles. Rectal
Ulcers and Cancers we cure effectu
ally and without the use of the knife.
Consultation and examination free.
Write for symptom blank and book if
you cannot call. .
Office Hours: 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.:
Sunday. 10 to 12.
StLoDisSa"4 Dispensary
Cor. 2d and Yamhill Sts., Portland, Or.
CURIOS, Antiquities, Boagkt a&4 Sold.
IcdUn Stone Knives, Relics, Carving and Idols in
Ivory. Stone, Brenxe. etc War Clubs. Spesr. Bows.
Masks, Bulceti. Bobs, Mats, Skulls of all Nations.
HABS aaa M81NS ofAaiaals. War Medals.
Native Body Ornaments and Dress, Ancieat Flint
Guns and Pistols. Coins, Shields. Antique Silver and
Armor. Shells. Send for Photos. Wholesale Dealer
Nathai Joseph, 694 Merchant SL S. F- Qzi
Given Away Free
Them All
Our Beautiful
American Tatting MacMne
Fraa to Evarybody
Purchasing- our
Teas Coffees Spices
Crockery Glassware
Greatest Offer oi the Age
CMp this CMfOa oC Mmf
it to sy of oar &tor.
hs velue is
$5.00 worth of CoBf om
toward setting you th
Talking Machine Free
Btys, Girls, and You Ladles
tills is Your Chacct
Come and Sec U
mt Aoarlcaa Iiprliig Tea Cj.
Ster5 Evtryirkcr
331 tfiiMnitsa il.. rsnim 223 fktt St.. ?k&m1
irtgsa Clly. Miia SI. istolt. Sit Ctstatrru
Eoztu. 30 E. !ti St
during the last -4 hours amd tk !?
tures have risen frra 2 t ! rtcr
The Indications r fr fair t
warm wsather In this dtsutet Stowter
Baker City
Bismarek .....
TTnmlAArw T C
North Head.' I K.(Wtl.W fu,.
Portland ! S' A'JTW ciar
Red Bluff ! .OI 'N Oea-
Sacramento i 9'ft.eC S'.S Oea-
Salt Lake City SSft.Wi it2irw cwi-
San Francisco ' TtitiMM 2'V clear
Spokane J M't). SW Clear
Seattle S).ttf ittNtV Ctoir
Tatoosh Island ... 1 safetM i;.vw n.,-
Distrlet Car-aiter
Rooms." "Rooms and Beard. "Iloa-vr-beeplnjr
Rooms." "Situation Wanted.- IS
words or lea. 15 cents; 18 to 20 worda. 20
cents; 21 to 25 words. 35 cents, etc No til.
count for additional liuertlotu.
"New Today," 30 cents for 15 words r !e.
10 to 2a words, 40 cents: 21 to 25 word. 24
cents, etc-arst Insertion. Each additional
Insertion, one-half; no further discount on
der oca month.
""EW TODAY" (fraure meuore acatr. 13
cents per line, first Insertion ; 13 cents per
line for each additional insertion.
dressed care Tho Oresoaian. and left at tal
office, should always be Inclosed in acaleU
envelopes. No stamp Is required ua such
Tho Orexonlan will not bo responsible to
errors In advertisements takru threcxh the
EASTEBN ST Alt are smvtted r
attend a reeeptlen xtves X h -r
of Mrs. Nettle Ransferd. P. M W
G. M.. at Maonlv Temple. Wr-lnr
day evening-. August 0.
erery Friday evening, third floer MaUcr
building, northeast corner Seeend and Merri
son. HELEN N- PACKARD. PreskUat
BUZZENE In this ctty. August 4. 1J. Pa.
Buzzene. aged 53 years.
CL.ELAND In this city. August 3. W
Sarah Cleland. widow of Jfen Oofeutd, f
Ennlshlllen. Ireland. Funeral Md V.
gust 7. at 2 P. M-. from the rW3-f
Hoyt street. Friends lavited. SrMc ,
the grave private,
M'GRAW The funeral of Mawl M- T T
McGraw will take place from th rtv.
dence of her parents. 23 Uala stree at
1:30 P. M. Sunday. August . ID ta
from St. Lawrence's Church. Third ail
Sherman streets. Friends are tavtted .
attend. Interment. Ml Calvary.
BURTON At the residence t his su M
Z. "Burton, on Peninsula. August 4.
William George Burton, aged 34 jers
month.', and 3 days. Fuaerat wUl tak
place Sunday. August S. at 12 M fr -i
F. S. Dunnlns'g chapel. erar f Eas:
Alder ajid East Sixth streets. Frten!
PALLANDRO In this city. August 4,
Domonlck Palktndre. aget 33 sear.
Friends are invited to attend tho fuavra.
today at 2:30 P. M.. from Dtialn.
Entee & Gllbaugh's chapel, Seve&ta aaJL
Pine streets; thenee t St. Mlcha.
Church. Fourth and Mill streets, a: 3
P. M. Interment, Mr. Calvary Cemeter?
USHERWOOD In this city, o August U
1003. George E. Usherwoed. age rex u
3 months IT days; private Cofupaay i
Seventh Regiment. New Jersey lfaa:r
Funerat today ( Sunday . August "V SVv .
at 10:30 A. M.. from Hoimaa's Ciar
ner 3d and Saimon sts. Friends rpec:ra -invited
to attend. Interment. G A It
to Dunn In Campion, undertaker
and embalmera. moCern In every detail, Tth
and Pine. Phono Main 430. Lady RMtstaat.
EDWARD 1IOLMAX CO.. Cndrtaker ao4
erobalmrrs. have moved to their new build
ing. Third and Salmon. Lady asalataac.
Telephone No. SOT.
J. X'. FINLEY SON. Funeral Director,
cor. 3d and Madlsoi . OCflce of County Car
oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No 3.
F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 41 E
Alder. Lady usslstaat. Telephone East AS.
Embalmera, 273 Rus'l: East 1033; Udy svs'l.
Valley; 1T3- acres cultivated la a good "
chard, good T-roora house. 3 bars ?l
other buildings. 2 creeks threugh tUe R
F. D. mall; 74 mllea frum county seat. 230
head of Mock; good farming tapiemer
Price. 313.000; terms. Mra. H- F BA
owner, Corvallls, Or. Rural Reute N. I
tlonal lot? Lootc at East 12th and AA
$7 SO for Inside: $1000 far eurner; UnprM e
ment all in. The Hart Land C.. 1 Sfcer
lock bldg.
3 J3L a
,, STATIONS. 5 -
4 if 5? I :